11a Adv Router Config Ospf
11a Adv Router Config Ospf
11a Adv Router Config Ospf
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Lab Notes
The purpose of this module is to construct the workshop lab and serve as a reminder of the basic
principles of building a network, introducing an IGP, properly function iBGP, and the basics of eBGP:
After the physical design is established, the connections between the hardware should be built and
Next, the routers should have the base configuration installed, and basic but sufficient security
should be set up. Note that Router15 is the Workshop Instructor’s router and it will be used at
various instances throughout the workshop.
Next the basic IP connectivity be tested and proven. This means assigning IP addresses on all
links which are to be used, and testing the links to the neighbouring devices.
Only once one router can see its neighbour does it make sense to start configuring routing
protocols. And start with the IGP (OSPF is chosen for this workshop). There is no purpose to
building BGP while the chosen IGP (in this case OSPF) is not functioning properly. BGP relies on
OSPF to find its neighbours and next hops, and an improperly or non-functioning OSPF will result
in much time wasted attempting to debug routing problems.
Once the IGP is functioning properly, the BGP configuration can be started, first internal BGP,
then external BGP.
Lab Exercise
The following list is typical for what needs to be done to bring up the lab configuration:
1. Enable IPv6. Cisco routers with an IOS supporting IPv6 currently do not ship with IPv6 enabled
by default. This needs to be done before any of the following exercises can be completed. To do
this, use the following command:
ipv6 unicast-routing
2. Enable IPv6 CEF. Unlike IPv4, CEFv6 is not enabled by default. So we now need to enable IPv6
CEF also, using the following command:
ipv6 cef
3. Disable IPv6 Source Routing. Unless you really believe there is a need for it, source routing
should be disabled. This option, enabled by default, allows the router to process packets with
source routing header options. This feature is a well-known security risk as it allows remote sites
to send packets with different source address through the network (this was useful for
ISP Workshop Lab
troubleshooting networks from different locations on the Internet, but in recent years has been
widely abused for miscreant activities on the Internet).
no ipv6 source-route
4. Back to Back Serial Connections. Connect the serial connections as in Figure 1. The DCE side of
a back to back serial connection is configured with the clock rate command that drives the serial
5. Ethernet Connections. The Ethernet links between the routers will be made using cross-over RJ-
45 cables – these will directly connect the Ethernet ports on the two routers without the
requirement for an Ethernet switch.
6. IPv6 Addressing Plans. Addressing plans in IPv6 are somewhat different from what has been
considered the norm for IPv4. The IPv4 system is based around the RIRs allocating address space
to an LIR (an ISP who is a member of the RIR) based on the needs of the ISP; that allocation is
intended to be sufficient for a year of operation without returning to the RIR. The ISP is expected
to implement a similar process towards their customers – so assigning address space according to
the needs of the customer.
The system changes a little for IPv6. While the RIRs still allocate address space to their
membership according to their membership needs, the justification to receive an IPv6 allocation is
somewhat lighter than it is for IPv4. If the ISP can demonstrate a plan to connect at least 200
customers to the Internet using IPv6, they will receive an allocation. However, a bigger advantage
starts with the customer assignments made by the ISP – the ISP simply has to assign a /48 to each
of their customers. This is the minimum assignment for any site/customer – within this /48 there
are a possible 64k subnets, deemed sufficient for all but the largest networks around these days.
Within this /48, the smallest unit which can be assigned is a /64 – so every LAN and point to point
link receives a /64.
With this revised system, the address plan for IPv6 is hugely simplified. ISPs assign a single /48
for their network infrastructure, and the remainder of their /32 block is used for customer
assignments. This workshop assumes this principle, as will be seen in the following steps.
Decide among your team what the addressing plan for you AS should be.
Hint One: point-to-point links only require /64s and should be addressed as /127s.
Hint Two: loopbacks only require a /128 host address.
Hint Three: number your backbone sequentially, preferably from the start of the range, using the
first /48 for your infrastructure.
Sunday, November 20, 2011
2001:db8::/32 network block
Note: When the IPv6 addresses are assigned, they MUST be annotated on the WHITE-BOARD
at the front of the workshop room. A large network map will have been drawn on the white-board
– all the IP address assignments need to be annotated there so that other Router Teams can
document and understand the links and routing in this and future modules.
8. Ping Test #1. Ping all physically connected subnets of the neighbouring routers. If the physically
connected subnets are unreachable, consult with your neighbouring teams as to what might be
wrong. Don’t ignore the problem – it may not go away.
9. Create vty filters. Set up filters on the vty interfaces restricting vty access to your router to those
addresses you would like to permit. For the purpose of this lab, even though it is not connected to
the Internet, set up filters so that only the address space in the lab has access.
10. OSPF within the same AS. Each router Team should enable OSPF on their router. The OSPF
process identifier should be the same as your AS number. All the routers in one AS will be in
OSPF Area 0. Those interface over which we expect to form OSPF adjacencies should be marked
as active interfaces. Don’t forget to mark the loopback interface as a passive interface – for
Note that the loopback interface has no “network” attached to it, so there is no way it can be
connected to another device in such a way as to form an OSPF adjacency.
11. DMZ between AS10 and AS20. OSPF must NOT run on the demarcation links between AS10
and AS20. So Routers 6, 7, 8 and 9 must NOT configure the serial links between each other to be
non-passive. This is a very important point, and a mistake frequently made by many ISPs. Also, do
not put a network statement on external facing interfaces – again see iBGP discussion at step 15.
Router 6 should have two adjacencies only – with Router 4 and 5. Router 7 should have one
adjacency only – with Router 9. And so on.
ISP Workshop Lab
12. Intra Area Authentication. OSPF supports router authentication within areas. This is quite
important inside ISP networks to prevent the introduction of improperly configured or unintended
Each team will turn on authentication for area 0 using the area N authentication command. An
example configuration for Router6 might be:
Notice now that the OSPF adjacencies do not come up unless the neighbouring router has also
entered the same configuration and key. Notice also how the OSPF adjacencies timed out after the
configuration was entered – the adjacent router still had not set up OSPF neighbour authentication.
Once they also have done this, the adjacency is re-established.
Also, if we want to configure neighbour authentication per area but disable it on a per link basis,
we need to use the authentication null option. The following example shows how to disable
neighbour authentication on one specific interface, hssi 5/0.
Note: Wherever an OSPF session is configured from now on in the workshop, all Router
Teams MUST use passwords on these OSPF sessions.
13. Ping Test #2. Ping all loopback interfaces in your AS. They should all respond. This will ensure
the OSPF IGP is connected End-to-End. If there are problems, use the following commands to
help determine the problem:
show ipv6 route : see if there is a route for the intended destination
show ipv6 ospf : see general OSPF information
show ipv6 ospf interface : Check if OSPF is enabled on all intended interface
show ipv6 ospf neighbor : see a list of OSPF neighbours that the router sees
Checkpoint #2: call lab assistant to verify the connectivity. Save the configuration as it is on the
router either on the worksheet on the end of this hand out, or own your own laptop, or on the
classroom tftp server if it is available.
14. Passwords on BGP sessions. It is now considered very good practice to use passwords on the
BGP sessions on the router. When BGP is set up in the next step, don’t forget to include a
password on the BGP peering.
The password used for this module will be cisco – obviously on a real operational network
operators will use a password which follows their normal password rules, and not something
which is easily guessable. An example configuration might be:
router bgp 10
neighbor 2001:db8::2 password cisco
Sunday, November 20, 2011
Note: Passwords should be included in all future BGP configurations in this workshop.
15. Configuring next-hop-self on iBGP Neighbours. So that BGP has a valid next-hop for external
destinations, we introduce the next-hop-self BGP configuration. This changes the iBGP default
by replacing the next-hop address for external sites from that of the external neighbour address to
the loopback address of the local router. The local router knows how to get to the external
destinations because it is connected to the LAN that leads there – the rest of the network internal to
the AS is told simply to go via this router. Note that because we do this, we no longer need to
quote the external point to point link in our OSPF (or ISIS) configuration – see steps 9 & 11
earlier. For example:
router bgp 10
neighbor 2001:db8::2 next-hop-self
Note that the use of next-hop-self on all iBGP sessions is considered industry best practice, and its
use from now on in the workshop is strongly recommended.
16. Configuring iBGP Neighbours. Configure iBGP peers within each autonomous system. Use a
full iBGP mesh. Don’t forget that iBGP peering is configured to be between the loopback
interfaces on the routers. Also, it is good practice to use a peer-group – and because we are using
IPv6, put in a “v6” to differentiate it from the equivalent IPv4 peer-group. For example:
router bgp 10
no bgp default ipv4-unicast
address-family ipv6
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers peer-group
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers remote-as 10
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers description iBGP v6 peergroup for internal routers
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers update-source loopback 0
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers next-hop-self
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers password cisco
neighbor v6-ibgp-peers send-community
neighbor 2001:db8::2 peer-group v6-ibgp-peers
neighbor 2001:db8::3 peer-group v6-ibgp-peers
neighbor 2001:db8::4 peer-group v6-ibgp-peers
Use show bgp ipv6 unicast summary to check the status of the iBGP neighbour connections. If the
iBGP session is not up and/or no updates are being sent, work with the Router Team for that
neighbour connection to troubleshoot the problem. Note: get into the habit of using peer-groups
and configuring them fully, including the “send-community” directive. This workshop makes
extensive use of communities, and making them part of your configuration is good practice.
Note: Router6 should also include the network connecting to Router15 in the iBGP configuration.
This is so that the network connected to Router15 can be accessed – it has the DNS server and
NTP server located on it.
17. Add Prefixes to BGP. Each Router Team will advertise the CIDR block assigned to them via
BGP. AS10 would advertise 2001:db8::/32 and AS20 would advertise 2001:db9::/32:
router bgp 10
address-family ipv6
ISP Workshop Lab
no synchronization
bgp log-neighbor-changes
network 2001:db8::/32
ipv6 route 2001:db8::/32 null0
Don’t forget the static route to Null0. This ensures that the prefix has an entry in the routing table,
and therefore will appear in the BGP table. Synchronisation is disabled by default in IOS, but it's
still good practice to remember to include the command. (Note that a distance of 250 could be
applied to the static route to ensure that routing protocols announcing this exact prefix will
override the static (if this is required/desired).)
18. Configure eBGP peering. Now that iBGP is functioning, it is time to configure eBGP. External
BGP will be set up between AS10 and AS20, specifically between Routers 6 and 8, and Routers 7
and 9 only. The remaining lab teams should monitor the BGP table they see on their routers.
Firstly, agree on what IP addresses should be used for the point to point links between the ASes.
Put the /64 networks used for the DMZ links into OSPF (network statement and passive interface).
Then configure eBGP between the router pairs, for example:
router bgp 10
address-family ipv6
neighbor 2001:db9:0:1:: remote-as 20
neighbor 2001:db9:0:1:: password cisco
neighbor 2001:db9:0:1:: description eBGP with RouterXX
Use the BGP show commands to ensure that you are receiving prefixes from your neighbouring
19. Check the network paths and the routing table. Run traceroutes between your router and other
routers in the classroom. Ensure that all routers are reachable. If any are not, work with the other
router teams to establish what might be wrong. Make sure that you can see Router15. The lab
instructor will have written the addresses and network up on the whiteboard. (The network is
2001:dba::/64, the address of Router6 on that LAN is 2001:dba::254, and the address of Router15
is 2001:dba::1.)
20. Saving the configuration. For software releases from 12.0 onwards, the commands to save the
configuration are of the format copy <source> <destination> where the source and destinations
can be any of the following options: ftp, lex, null, nvram, rcp, running-config, startup-config,
system, tftp. To save the configuration to the TFTP server, use the “copy system:/running-config
tftp:” command sequence. If the TFTP server is unreachable, “.”s followed by an error message
will be displayed rather than “!”s. (Note that the “write net” command of earlier releases is still
supported but may be removed at a future release.)
Sunday, November 20, 2011
21. Summary. This module has covered most of the fundamental configuration topics required to add
IPv6 routing support to an existing ISP network. It has covered enabling IPv6, OSPF
configuration, iBGP configuration, and finally simple eBGP configuration. No routing policy has
been implemented. Each Router team is strongly recommended to make a copy of their
configuration as most of the configuration concepts will be required throughout the
remainder of the workshop.