Law On Negotiable Instruments
Law On Negotiable Instruments
Law On Negotiable Instruments
– the insertion of a wrong date does not General Rule: Where an incomplete instrument
avoid the instrument in the hands of a subsequent has not been delivered, it will not, if completed
holder in due course and negotiated without authority, be a valid
contract in the hands of any holder against any
– as to the holder in due course, the date person who signed before delivery. (Sec. 15 NIL)
inserted (even if it be the wrong date) is regarded
as the true date. Notes on Section 15
25. Subsequent Holder in Due Course not – it is a real defense. It can be interposed
affected by the following deficiencies: against a holder in due course.
b. complete but undelivered (Sec. 16 NIL) – defense of the maker is to prove non-
delivery of the incomplete instrument.
c. complete and delivered issued without
consideration or a consideration consisting of a 29. Complete but Undelivered:
promise which was not fulfilled (Sec 28 NIL)
General Rule: Every contract on a negotiable
26. Holder in Due Course Affected by instrument is incomplete and revocable until
Abnormality/Deficiency: delivery for the purpose of giving effect thereto.
2. Where only a signature on a blank paper was 3) an instrument signed but not completed by
delivered: the drawer or maker and retained by him is invalid
as to him for want of delivery even in the hands of – no liability attached to the infant or the
a holder in due course corporation
4) but there is prima facie presumption of – the instrument is still valid and the
delivery of an instrument signed but not indorsee acquires title
completed by the drawer or maker and retained
by him if it is in the hands of a holder in due
course. This may be rebutted by proof of non-
delivery. 34. General rule: a signature which is forged or
made without authority is wholly inoperative.
5) an instrument entrusted to another who
wrongfully completes it and negotiates it to a Effects:
holder in due course, delivery to the agent or
custodian is sufficient delivery to bind the maker 1. no right to retain
or drawer. 2. no right to give a discharge
3. no right to enforce payment can be
6) If an instrument is completed and is found in acquired. (Sec. 23 NIL)
the possession of another, there is prima facie
evidence of delivery and if it be a holder in due Exception:
course, there is conclusive presumption of
delivery. – the party against whom it is sought to be
enforced is precluded from setting up the forgery
7) delivery may be conditional or for a special or want of authority.
purpose but such do not affect the rights of a
holder in due course. Notes on Section 23
30. General rule: a person whose signature – Section 23 applies only to forged signatures
does not appear on the instrument in not liable. or signatures made without authority
32. Per Procuration – operates as notice that – drawee bank is conclusively presumed to
the agent has a limited authority to sign. know the signature of its drawer
– the drawer has no right to recover from – the defense of want of consideration is
the collecting bank ineffective against a holder in due course
– the drawee bank can recover from the – a drawee who accepts the bill cannot
collecting bank allege want of consideration against the drawer
– the payee can recover from the recipient 38. An accommodation party is one who signs the
of the payment, such as the collecting bank instrument as maker, drawer, acceptor, or
indorser without receiving value therefor and for
– the payee cannot collect from the drawee the purpose of lending his name to some other
bank person.
– if the drawee has not accepted the bill but – the accommodated party cannot recover
has paid it, the drawee cannot recover from the from the accommodation party
drawer or the recipient of the proceeds, absence
any act of negligence on their part. – want of consideration cannot be interposed
by the accommodation party
Notes on Section 40