Hydrological Cycle

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Andy Bullock

Hydrology andand MikeSystem

Earth Acreman
Sciences, 7(3), 358–389 (2003) © EGU

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

Andy Bullock 1 and Mike Acreman 2
Independent Consultant, Ledbury, Herefordshire, HR8 2DX, UK
Centre for Ecology and Hydrology, Wallingford, Oxon. OX10 8BB, UK.

Email for corresponding author: [email protected]

It is widely accepted that wetlands have a significant influence on the hydrological cycle. Wetlands have therefore become important elements
in water management policy at national, regional and international level. There are many examples where wetlands reduce floods, recharge
groundwater or augment low flows. Less recognised are the many examples where wetlands increase floods, act as a barrier to recharge, or
reduce low flows. This paper presents a database of 439 published statements on the water quantity functions of wetlands from 169 studies
worldwide. This establishes a benchmark of the aggregated knowledge of wetland influences upon downstream river flows and groundwater
aquifers. Emphasis is placed on hydrological functions relating to gross water balance, groundwater recharge, base flow and low flows, flood
response and river flow variability. The functional statements are structured according to wetland hydrological type and the manner in which
functional conclusions have been drawn. A synthesis of functional statements establishes the balance of scientific evidence for particular
hydrological measures. The evidence reveals strong concurrence for some hydrological measures for certain wetland types. For other
hydrological measures, there is diversity of functions for apparently similar wetlands. The balance of scientific evidence that emerges gives
only limited support to the generalised model of flood control, recharge promotion and flow maintenance by wetlands portrayed throughout
the 1990s as one component of the basis for wetland policy formulation. That support is confined largely to floodplain wetlands, while many
other wetland types perform alternate functions — partly or fully. This paper provides the first step towards a more scientifically defensible
functional assessment system.

Keywords: wetlands, hydrological functions, flood reduction, groundwater recharge, low flows, evaporation

Introduction Kusler and Riexinger (1985) reported that “the science base
Open any book on wetland conservation and it will and efforts to assimilate existing studies are still inadequate
encourage the maintenance of wetlands partly because of with regard to some functions, particularly hydrology”.
their role in the water cycle. Wetlands are said to perform The basic references on the hydrological functions of
“hydrological functions”; to “act like a sponge”, soaking- wetlands are summaries of studies collated in the USA in
up water during wet periods and releasing it during dry the 1980s (Adamus and Stockwell, 1983; Bardecki, 1984;
periods (eg. Bucher et al., 1993). As Maltby (1991) reports Carter, 1986). These summaries have been used by
“… the case for wetland conservation is made in terms of organisations, such as IUCN-The World Conservation Union
ecosystem functioning, which result in a wide range of (Dugan, 1990), Wetlands International (Davis and Claridge,
values including groundwater recharge and discharge, flood 1993) and the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands of
flow alteration, sediment stabilization, water quality …..”. International Importance (Davis, 1993). They have
Since wetlands cover around 6% of the land surface of the influenced international wetland policy (OECD, 1996) and
earth (OECD, 1996) and many exist in the upstream parts its uptake at the national (eg. Zimbabwe and Uganda), and
of river catchments, the total downstream area over which continental levels e.g. Europe (CEC, 1995) and Asia (Howe
a hydrological influence may be exerted is substantial. Yet et al., 1992).
the hydrological processes and behaviour of wetland Recent emphasis at the Second World Water Forum in
ecosystems has certainly lacked the scientific integration The Hague 2000 and the World Summit on Sustainable
received by other land surface systems, such as forests. Development 2002 in Johannesburg was placed on the need

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

to ensure the integrity of ecosystems as part of integrated l the review is restricted to freshwater wetlands,
water resources management. Also receiving high excluding lakes;
prominence was the use of water to meet basic human needs l conclusions of wetland function must be supported by
and economic development. Thus, it is essential to re- hydrological data and not based on the original author’s
examine, periodically, the conclusions of scientific studies opinion alone;
on wetland functions. This ensures that policy at all levels l double-accounting is avoided, whereby repetition of
is underpinned by a consensus of sound scientific opinion. conclusions for an individual wetland in successive
The scientific literature contains a range of studies that publications is not duplicated;
describe the water quantity functions of individual or groups l unsubstantiated generic statements, such as wetlands
of wetlands. They represent a substantial accumulation of reduce flooding, are not included.
hydrological knowledge. The majority of these papers
supports the notion that wetlands have a significant influence Consistency is ensured by extracting common elements from
on the hydrological cycle. However, many recognise that the diverse sources. Important information is maintained in
“it is difficult to make definitive statements regarding the the detail of the particular hydrological function, wetland
role of various types of wetlands in runoff production or type and the manner of conclusion. The approach adopted
storm water detention” (Carter, 1986). Furthermore, some was to complete the following general statement (where
studies have produced evidence that contradicts previous bracketed and underlined phrases relate to elements in
widely accepted knowledge. For example, the classic Annex 1) for each study:
hydrological studies of Hewlett and Hibbert (1967) “(Author(s)) undertook a study in a given location
identified headwater wetlands along river margins as flood (country, or US State/Canadian Province or Territories) of
generating areas. Burt (1995) concluded that “… most a particular hydrological type of wetland (wetland type),
wetlands make very poor aquifers; ... accordingly, they yield also referred to by a more general or locally-specific wetland
little base flow, but in contrast, generate large quantities of term (local term). Based on results from a particular type
flood runoff. Far from regulating river flow, wetlands usually of study (categorisation of wetland study) and drawing
provide a very flashy runoff regime”. inferences in a particular manner (basis of inference), the
This paper has three objectives: first, to present an ordered authors conclude (page number) that the wetland performs
database of published papers on hydrological functions of a particular function with respect to a specific hydrological
wetlands; second, to provide a collation of scientific measure (hydrological measure), as can be summarised
evidence among hydrological measures and wetland type; by a functional statement (summary functional statement)
third, to stimulate debate and further research. The focus of and a summary function (summary of wetland water
this paper is limited to water quantity functions, including quantity function)”.
impacts on water resource availability, groundwater There are, therefore, ten elements extracted from each
replenishment and flood control. It does not consider other publication, each entered into the database. Explanation of
aspects of wetlands, such as water quality or biodiversity, each of these elements is expanded upon below. Because
which are part of a wider case for wetland conservation. the format of the review is tabular, abbreviated codes are
adopted for some elements for purposes of brevity.

Creating a literature-based review of Author(s): Citation to original source.

water quantity functions
With the objective of creating a comprehensive and Country, or US State/Canadian Province or Territories:
consistent database of past studies, a literature review of Location of wetland study.
water quantity functions was undertaken by keyword
searches on the major databases of abstracts, and by tracking Wetland type: For the purpose of this study, wetlands are
citations to earlier and related studies. Consequently, the categorised into five types according to three broad
database is drawn from 169 publications that report the hydrological features (Table 1), based, with modification,
results of scientific study that quantify hydrological upon the scheme proposed by Novitski (1978) for Wisconsin
functions of wetlands. Papers that report other authors’ wetlands and subsequently applied by Adamus and
findings or give only qualitative descriptions of wetland Stockwell (1983). The three hydrological features are
process are not included. general catchment location, connectivity with the
Certain guidelines were followed, namely that: groundwater system and connectivity with the downstream
channel network. General catchment location distinguishes

Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Table 1. Categorisation of wetland type by hydrological features

Type Wetland type Code Features

HEADWATER Surface water depression SW/D No hydraulic connectivity with groundwater. Outlet
has no direct connectivity with river system
Surface water slope SW/S No hydraulic connectivity with groundwater. Outlet
has direct connectivity with river system
Groundwater depression GW/D Hydraulic connectivity (permanent or periodic) with
groundwater. Outlet has no direct connectivity with river
Groundwater slope GW/S Hydraulic connectivity (permanent or periodic) with
groundwater. Outlet has direct connectivity with river system
FLOODPLAIN Floodplain FP Inputs are dominantly upstream river flows
GENERAL Wetland type, or one element of the type, cannot be specified

between headwater and floodplain; the distinction is that added, and applied where the hydrological context of the
headwater wetlands are not fed by significant stream sources. wetland cannot be discerned.
Further subdivision applies only to headwater types. The
connectivity with the groundwater system distinguishes Local term: Many local terms are applied to wetlands,
‘groundwater’ types that are in hydraulic connectivity with including such general anglicised terms as ‘marsh’, ‘swamp’,
the groundwater system for all, or part of, the time, from ‘bog’ etc, and regionally specific terms such as dambo,
‘surface water’ types, which are not. Connectivity with the pakihi, pocosin. There is no known means of providing a
downstream channel network distinguishes ‘slope’ types, direct association between local terms and hydrological type
which are characterised by an outlet to the downstream river in a fully inclusive manner.
system, from ‘depression’ types, which are not. This
categorisation deviates from that of Novitski and Adamus Categorisation of wetland study: Wetland studies have
and Stockwell by including a floodplain type and in the adopted a number of experimental frameworks, ranging
‘surface–slope’type which, in that scheme, categorises from intensive long-term monitoring of the water balance
lakeshore wetlands. Therefore, the two schemes are similar of wetland and non-wetland at the most complex extreme,
but are not directly comparable. An unspecified category is to analyses based on single flood event hydrographs. Table 2

Table 2. Categorisation of methodological approach to wetland studies

Category of wetland study Code

Conceptual catchment model CCM Calibration and application of a conceptual catchment model
Water balance WB Quantification of the terms of the catchment and/or wetland water balance
Long-term hydrograph LTH Analysis of the characteristics of long time series of river flows
Single-event hydrograph SEH Analysis of the characteristics of a single river flow event
Trend analysis in time series TS Analysis of trends in hydrological time series (associated with detecting the
impacts of drainage)
Component process COMPa Investigation of an individual water balance component or hydrological
process. (See Table 4 for definitions of ‘a’)
Chemical balance CHEM Quantification of a chemical process or chemical balance

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

presents categories of methodological approach with dry season river flows. This kind of conclusion, when taken
abbreviated codes for brevity in the tabular review. out of context, leaves unanswered the basis for that
conclusion, notably that the wetland reduces (or increases)
Basis of inference: Many studies draw conclusions of the river flows — compared with what? Table 3 presents a set
kind that, for example, wetlands reduce floods or augment of the comparative scenarios used amongst the various

Table 3. Basis for inference of wetland function

Code Baseline for inference Methodology Limitations

With/out Comparison of the same This approach is restricted to catchment model One case is simulated only.
basin, with or without a simulations, in which the model is calibrated in Stability of model parameters.
wetland either the “with” or “without” wetland case, as Response of wetland replacement
occurs in the modelled catchment. Model runs with zone.
the wetland case reversed generate simulated
hydrological outputs. Differences between observed
and simulated outputs are attributed to the presence
of the wetland.
Drained Comparison of the same Hydrological outputs from a wetland are observed Response of replacement land-use
wetland basin before and prior to drainage. The wetland is drained, and in drained wetland. Initial short-
after drainage; or outputs are observed after drainage. Differences in term responses to drainage may
neighbouring drained and the pre- and post- drainage outputs are attributed differ from long-term responses.
undrained wetlands to the wetland. alternately, outputs from two adjacent
catchments, each with wetlands, are observed.
One of the catchments is drained, and differences
between the outputs between the two catchments are
attributed to the presence of the wetland.
Pair Comparison of paired Hydrological outputs are observed from two catch- If two catchments are otherwise
basins, one with wetland ments, similar in all respects except that one identical, why does only one have
the other without that one catchment contains a wetland while the a wetland?
second does not. Differences between the outputs
are attributed to the presence of the wetland.
Multiple Comparison of several Hydrological outputs are observed from several Variability in non-wetland
basins with varying catchments, each containing different proportions characteristics amongst several
proportions of wetland of wetland. Differences between the outputs are catchments
attributed to greater or lesser presence of wetland.
In-out Comparison of inflows and Hydrological inputs and outputs associated with
outflows of a wetland system a single wetland are measured. Differences
between inputs and outputs are attributed to the
presence of the wetland.
Same Comparison of wetland Hydrological outputs from a single wetland are
hydrological response with measured as well as outputs from other non-
response elsewhere in the wetland portions of the same catchment.
same basin Differences between the outputs are attributed
to the wetland.
Compa Conclusions relating to Individual component processes are observed and Extrapolation of a single process in
individual components of the understood within a single wetland. The isolation. Processes may not be
wetland through the develop- understanding of the processes is the basis for homogeneous across the entire
ment of an understanding of a inferring the influence of that process on the wetland.
component process hydrological output. (Substituting for a: T = topography,
V = vegetation, S = Soil, WC = water content,
GW = groundwater, ET = evaporation)

Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

publications as the basis for inferring wetland function. Each of past studies. Annex 1 presents the product of the
basis has some limitations, and these are summarised. Again, application of the global review. The database is composed
abbreviated codes are set out. of 169 different published studies with 440 functional
statements, representing the fullest sample of studies that
Page number: Page number in the original publication on could be traced, conforming to the principles adopted. It
which the conclusion is drawn. would not be claimed that the sample is exhaustive, but it is
considered to be comprehensive.
Hydrological measure: There are many different measures
in hydrology to describe and define aspects of the flow
regime. While non-hydrologists might refer generically to
floods, the hydrologist would be concerned with measures
such as the magnitude of the peak flow during the flood
event, the volume of runoff contained in the event, and the Table 5(a to e) collates the number of functional statements
time-to-peak. Published studies in wetland hydrology are for each wetland type for the five principal groups of water
not consistent in their attention to different measures; it is quantity measures. For example, interpreting Table 5a for
possible to find one study analysing the return period of floodplain-type wetlands, two studies conclude that an
flood peaks extracted from a 20 or 30 year flow record, and example of this wetland type increases mean annual flow,
another analysing the flood volume of a single event, with two studies concludes that no significant influence can be
both drawing conclusions on wetland influences on floods. detected and eight studies conclude that examples of this
wetland type reduce mean annual flow. Total numbers of
Table 4 presents and defines different hydrological measures functional statements are presented across all hydrological
within five broad groupings of hydrological response, measures and all wetland types.
namely; gross water balance, groundwater recharge, base Analysis of the “balance of scientific evidence” draws on
flow and low flows, flood response and river flow variability, comparison of the number of papers that conclude a
including some seasonal variations. particular function. This is seen to be an important step and
a precursor to more detailed exploration of the evidence for
Summary of wetland water quantity function: particular measures for specific wetland types. The results
Conclusions regarding water quantity functions extracted cannot yet be considered to reflect a “balance of scientific
directly, or in paraphrased form, from the original text are opinion”, because there has been no inter-comparison
presented. amongst the different studies.
There are some cautionary perspectives and some
Summary functional statement for hydrological limitations on the comparison that must be stated.
measure: Functional statements of the form ‘wetlands (1) The number of papers reporting a particular influence
increase low flows’ are expressed as the sign of the wetland on the water cycle does not necessarily indicate the total
influence upon the hydrological measure; thus ‘+’ indicates picture. Some hydrological functions have been studied
an increasing influence upon the hydrological measure, ‘-’ more than others.
indicates a reducing influence and ‘.’ represents a neutral (2) The number of functional statements cannot be
influence (i.e. no significant influence exists or can be interpreted as the number of wetlands performing a
detected). In the case of groundwater recharge and function; for example, a functional statement based on
groundwater discharge sites, there is interest in the multiple catchments commonly involves a large number
conservation-based literature whether either of these of individual wetlands.
functions is, or is not, present in a wetland. Therefore, ‘=’ (3) There is no certainty that the 169 publications represent
indicates that this function is present and ‘x’ indicates that all past studies of wetlands Although not exhaustive,
it is not. the sampling method has been applied independently
of any initial bias associated with policy interests.
However, it cannot be discounted that there is potential
Global data base of wetland water bias in the wetlands that were selected for study by the
quantity functions original authors.
The first objective of this paper is to redress the deficiency (4) The distribution of wetland types within the sample of
in availability of hydrological information on wetland reviewed studies does not represent the distribution of
functions by providing an accessible and consistent database wetland types worldwide; this is particularly true given

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

Table 4. Hydrological measures and their definition

CODE Hydrological measure Definition


MAF Mean annual flow Volume (or rate) of river flow during a year (on average)
MAAE Mean annual actual evaporation Volume (or rate) of evaporation during a year (on average)
WPF Wet period flow Volume (or rate) of river flow during, or in response to, periods of rainfall
WPAE Wet period actual evaporation Volume (or rate) of evaporation during, or in response to, periods of rainfall
DPAE Dry period actual evaporation Volume (or rate) of evaporation during periods without rainfall
Dry period flow See ‘DPFV’ - Dry period flow volume
AGR Annual groundwater recharge Volume of water moving vertically from the wetland into the underlying groundwater
system during a year
WPGR Wet period groundwater recharge Volume of water moving vertically from the wetland into the underlying groundwater
system during, or in response to, periods of rainfall
DPGR Dry period groundwater recharge Volume of water moving vertically from the wetland into the underlying groundwater
system during periods without rainfall
GDS Groundwater discharge site Movement of groundwater into surface water through the wetland
DPFV Dry period flow volume Volume of flow during dry periods
DPFD Dry period flow duration Duration for which flow is sustained during dry periods
DPRR Dry period recession rate Rate of flow recession during periods without rain; a high rate indicates a rapid decrease
in flow, a low rate indicates sustained low flows
FPLM Flood peak of low return period Peak flow during a flood event, where the flow is exceeded on average
(T <2 years) every two years or less
FPHM Flood peak of high return period Peak flow during a flood event, where the flow is exceeded on average
(T > 2 years) every two years or more
FEV Flood event volume Total volume of flow during an individual flood event
FTTP Flood time-to-peak Time between the onset and peak of a flood event
FRR Flood recession rate The recession rate of a flood event
FVa Flow variability Flow variability within the full flow regime
WPFVa Wet period flow variability Flow variability during, or in response to, periods with rainfall
DPFVa Dry period flow variability Flow variability during periods without rainfall

the focus of studies on North America. Consequently, to the science of wetland hydrology.
one cannot necessarily transfer the results of this study (6) No attempt has been made at cross-correlation of
to the general grouping of ‘worldwide wetlands’. hydrological measures within single studies. For
(5) Conclusions are presented as stated in the original paper; example, if a study has concluded that a particular
no attempt is made to evaluate or uphold the conclusions wetland increases evaporation, no conclusion is drawn
that are drawn. Further work in the critical evaluation that flow is reduced, unless that explicit statement is
of past studies would represent a valuable contribution made by the author.

Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Table 5

a Gross water balance

FP SW/D SW/S GW/D GW/S General Total
Mean annual flow MAF + 2 2 4
- 8 1 5 1 7 1 23
. 2 1 4 8 1 16
Mean annual actual evaporation MAAE + 12 1 4 1 6 1 25
- 1 2 3
. 1 1 1 3
Wet period flow WPF + 1 3 5 6 15
- 1 2 2 5
. 1 1 1 1 4
Wet period actual evaporation WPAE + 1 1
- 1 1 2
. 0
Dry period actual evaporation DPAE + 4 3 15 22
- 1 1
. 0
increased flow or reduced evaporation 3 0 4 1 11 6 25
reduced flow or increased evaporation 25 2 12 2 30 5 76
not increased or reduced 4 3 5 1 9 1 23

b. Groundwater recharge
FP SW/D SW/S GW/D GW/S General Total
Annual groundwater recharge AGR + 1 1 2 1 5
- 1 2 4 7
. 2 1 1 4
X 1 5 1 7 2 16
= 8 4 2 4 6 2 26
Wet period groundwater recharge WPGR + 1 1
- 0
. 0
X 1 1
= 1 1 1 1 4
Dry period groundwater recharge DPGR + 0
- 1 1 2
. 0
X 1 1
= 1 1 2
increased recharge 1 1 0 1 2 1 6
decreased recharge 1 1 3 0 0 4 9
not increased or decreased 0 0 2 1 1 0 4
recharge does not occur 1 2 5 1 7 2 18
recharge occurs 9 6 3 5 7 2 32

c. Base flow and low flow

FP SW/D SW/S GW/D GW/S General Total
Groundwater discharge site GDS = 2 4 3 18 27
X 2 2 1 5
Dry period flow volume DPFV + 3 1 1 6 3 14
- 5 11 1 22 8 47
. 1 4 1 2 2 10
Dry period flow duration DPFD + 0
- 1 1 2
8 . 0
Dry period recession rate DPRR + 1 1 2
- 0
. 0
low flows sustained 3 1 1 0 7 4 16
low flows diminished 5 0 12 1 23 8 49
not sustained or diminished 1 0 4 1 2 2 10
groundwater discharge does not occur 0 2 2 0 1 0 5
groundwater discharge occurs 2 4 0 3 18 0 27

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

d. Flood response
FP SW/D SW/S GW/D GW/S General Total
Floodpeak low magnitude (T>5 yrs) FPLM + 1 7 2 1 11
- 12 1 7 1 10 7 38
. 2 3 2 2 9
Floodpeak high magnitude (T<5 yrFPHM + 1 1
- 4 1 1 1 1 8
. 1 2 4 7
Flood event volume FEV + 1 3 6 1 11
- 4 1 3 1 9
. 0
Flood time to peak FTTP + 3 2 1 6
- 1 1
. 1 1
Flood recession rate FRR + 1 1
- 5 3 8
. 0
floods increased or advanced or recession reduced 3 0 15 0 12 2 32
floods reduced or delayed or recession increased 23 2 11 2 15 9 62
not increase, reduced, delayed or advanced 2 0 5 0 4 6 17

e. River flow variability

FP SW/D SW/S GW/D GW/S General Total
Flow variability FVa + 5 4 1 10
- 6 1 2 0 1 10
. 1 3 2 6
Wet period flow variability WPFVa + 1 1 2
- 0
. 0
Dry period flow variability DPFVa + 0
- 0
. 0
flow variability increased 0 0 6 0 5 1 12
flow variability decreased 6 1 2 0 0 1 10
not increased or decreased 1 0 3 0 2 0 6

The association between hydrological types and local terms from North America (including 23 different U.S. States and
is presented in Table 6. It is immediately evident that there six Canadian Provinces/Territories), with additionally 33
is no strong linkage between hydrological categorisation as studies from 14 countries in Europe, 27 studies from 10
applied in this paper and the use of local or ecological countries in Africa and 17 from elsewhere (including New
wetland terms; the terms peat, bog, marsh (and several Zealand (2), Australia, Brazil (3), India, Indonesia and
others) recur in different hydrological types. Thus, grouping Malaysia). This distribution reflects the substantial
by hydrological type is seen as more meaningful than investment in scientific enquiry in North America compared
grouping by local terms. For example, the term ‘bog’ can with other regions of the world and a relative dearth of
be found in all five hydrological types. accessible information relating to Asian and South American
From a hydrological perspective, the content of the wetland hydrology.
database may be perceived as limited due to its emphasis The term ‘wetland’ embraces a wide variety of land types,
on functions rather than hydrological processes — given from springs to large inland deltas. As a result, a lack of
that the concept of functions is not well-established within consistency in the impact of wetlands on the water cycle
the hydrological community. However, while more process was anticipated. Unique conclusions concerning any specific
information can be extracted from the set of publications, hydrological function cannot be drawn for all wetlands.
the target of this paper is the use of functional generalisations Taking flow variability as a single hydrological measure,
to represent wetland hydrology to the wetland management for example, there are 28 statements with good geographical
and policy arena. Clearly, there is a strong case for bringing coverage, of which 10 show that variability is increased by
hydrological processes and function closer together. wetlands, 11 that variability is reduced, and 6 that wetland
Geographically, the dataset is dominated by 92 studies influence is neutral. When wetlands are sub-divided into

Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Table 6. Wetland hydrological types and local terms

Type Code Local terms

Floodplain FP Sudd, river valley, swamp, floodplain, valley bog, marsh, cypress swamp, delta
(inland), dambo, marsh, inland valley swamps and bolis, pantanal
Surface water depression SW/D Bog, prairie pothole, slough, kettle-hole, shallow depressions
Surface water slope SW/S Perched bog, peat, peat bog, pond, raised bog, blanket peat, muck, pocosin,
saturated heath, palsa, aapa-mire, infilled lakes, constructed wetland
Groundwater depression GW/D Marsh, prairie pothole, fen, pond, bog
Groundwater slope GW/S Swamp, marsh, river valley, bog, dambo, fen bogs, peat bog, peat, wetland,
pocosin, macrophytes, cypress domes, peat fen, pakahi, fen, mire, blanket bog,
quaking fen, pond, domed bog and fen
General Swamp, bog, marsh, ‘basin storage’, ponds, hydromorphic gleys, forest wetland

hydrologically similar types, greater consistency of The main conclusions of the analysis are as follows.
conclusion emerges — six of seven conclusions from studies
of floodplains conclude that flow variability is reduced by 1. Wetlands are significant in altering the water cycle. The
wetlands (including the Sudd and Okavango in Africa and 169 scientific studies published during the period 1930–
Barito in Indonesia). But ambiguity still exists: amongst 19 2002 (as traced by this paper) provide 439 statements
studies of headwater wetlands (all from USA and Europe), on the hydrological significance of wetlands. Of the
10 studies conclude that flow variability is increased; 5 that 439 statements, only 83 (19%) conclude the wetland
the wetland influence is neutral; and 4 that variability is influence on the water cycle to be neutral or
reduced. Even apparently similar wetlands perform insignificant. The vast majority conclude that wetlands
functions that are seemingly in opposition (e.g. peat bogs either increase or decrease a particular component of
occur in each of the three categories; increasing, decreasing the water cycle. It is this evidence that has led to the
and not-affecting flow variability). But unanimity of notion that wetlands perform hydrological functions.
function is not anticipated — there is no prior assumption Since wetlands cover approximately 6% of the world’s
that all wetlands of a particular type perform the same land area, with many linked directly to rivers and
function. This study has not yet investigated the detailed aquifers, this is an issue of importance to water
climatology, catchment conditions and internal wetland management.
structure, any of which can mean a particular wetland will 2. There are some significant generalisations that emerge
perform differently from other wetlands that are otherwise from the published hydrological evidence. These are
similar. different from the long-standing generalisation that
Whether hydrological functions of wetlands are wetlands always reduce floods, promote groundwater
considered to be beneficial or not depends upon one’s point recharge and regulate river flows. Most, but not all,
of view. For example, ecologists may see evaporation from studies (23 of 28) show that floodplain wetlands reduce
wetlands as an essential process supporting plant growth, or delay floods, with examples from all regions of the
whilst water resource managers may see it as a loss of a world. This same influence on floods is also seen, but
vital downstream resource. Those living in flood-prone areas less conclusively (30 of 66) for wetlands in the
downstream of wetlands that generate floods may view them headwaters of river systems (e.g. bogs and river
negatively while those living downstream of wetlands that margins). A substantial number (27 of 66) of headwater
reduce floods may not view them in the same light. wetlands increases flood peaks. These studies were
Ecologists see floods as essential elements of the river flow mostly from Europe, but included work from West
regime maintaining channel structure through sediment Africa and Southern Africa. Around half of the
transport, and interactions between the river and its statements (11 of 20) for flood event volumes and 8 of
floodplain that drives nutrient exchange and breeding cycles 13 for wet period flows) show that headwater wetlands
(Junk et al., 1989, Poff et al., 1997). increase the immediate response of rivers to rainfall,

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

generating higher volumes of flood flow, even if the Implications of the results for wetland
flood peak is not increased. The coverage of these
studies is world-wide including Africa and South
research and policy formulation
America. This function occurs because headwater This paper confirms that wetlands exert a strong influence
wetlands tend to be saturated and convey rainfall rapidly on the hydrological cycle. It strengthens the view that
to the river; thus they are a principal mechanism for management of wetlands must be an important part of
generation of flood flows. integrated water resources and flood management of all river
3. There is strong evidence that wetlands evaporate more basins. Where wetlands reduce floods, recharge groundwater
water that other land types, such as forests, savannah and increase dry season flows, wetland hydrology is working
grassland or arable land. Two thirds of studies (48 of in sympathy with water resources managers and flood
74) conclude that wetlands increase average annual defence engineers. Where wetlands have high evaporation
evaporation or reduce average annual river flow. About demands or generate flood-runoff, they may create or
10% of studies (7) conclude the opposite; for example exacerbate water management problems. Whatever the
some woodlands in Zambia had greater evaporation than hydrological functions they perform, decisions on wetland
the adjacent wetlands. The remaining 25% are neutral. conservation will inevitably be taken in a wider context and
There is no obvious distinction amongst different will also depend on water scarcity and on other functions,
wetland sub-types or geographical regions of the world. such as human health, fisheries, navigation, recreation,
4. Two-thirds of studies (47 of 71) conclude that wetlands cultural heritage and biodiversity.
reduce the flow of water in downstream rivers during Successful water management requires knowledge of the
dry periods. Evidence is mainly from North America extent to which wetlands are performing different
and Europe, but includes floodplains in Sierra Leone hydrological functions. Since it is not feasible to study every
and wetlands in Southern Africa. This is backed by wetland in detail, rapid assessment methods are required to
overwhelming evidence (22 of 23 studies) that shows identify likely functions. Furthermore, a major objective of
evaporation from wetlands to be higher than from non- this work is to stimulate discussion on hydrological
wetland portions of the catchment during dry periods. functions. It is relatively easy to add to the database, either
There is no discernible difference for different wetland within additional previously published work or through new
sub-types. In 20% of cases, wetlands increase river research. It is harder to account for variations in functions.
flows during the dry season. For it is clear that there is no simple relationship between
5. Many wetlands exist because they overlie impermeable wetland types and the hydrological functions they perform.
soils or rocks and there is little interaction with Part of the problem steps from the lack of a simple
groundwater. The database contains 69 statements classification of wetlands that consistently relates hydrology,
referring to groundwater recharge; 32 conclude merely vegetation, substrate type and geomorphology. It is unlikely
that recharge takes place, and 18 conclude there is no that any sophisticated classification scheme would be able
recharge. There are similar numbers of studies that to explain the variation of function in evidence.
report wetlands either to recharge more (6) or less than Various methods have been developed in a number of
(9) other land types. Some wetlands, such as floodplains countries around the world to assess hydrological functions
in India and West Africa on sandy soils, recharge of wetlands. Some are merely classification systems that
groundwater when flooded. Many wetlands have group wetlands according to botanical, geomorphological
formed at springs and are fed by groundwater. The and/or water regime characteristics (e.g. Cowardine et al.,
direction of water movement between the wetland and 1979; Brinson, 1993; Gilvear and McInnes, 1994; Wheeler,
the ground may change in the same wetland, such as in 1984). Other methods give each wetland a grade for a
some peatlands in Madagascar, according to function, such as high medium or low (e.g. Adamus et al.,
hydrological conditions. 1987) or produce a quantitative estimate of performance of
6. Conclusions have been drawn above on flow variability. a given function (e.g. Amman and Stone, 1991; Hruby et
The over-riding picture appears to be a reduction in al., 1995). Maltby et al. (1996) have developed a framework
flood peaks by floodplains. In some cases, such as many of functional analysis through characterisation of distinct
headwater wetlands, increasing flood flows combines ecosystem/landscape units (termed hydrogeomorphic units).
with decreasing dry season flows to widen the overall The objective is to provide a simple and rapid procedure,
range of flows. but the system still needs to be operationalised. In addition,
guides have been produced for extending the functional
assessment to produce an economic value for the functions

Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

(Lipton et al., 1995, Barbier et al., 1995). Recent work in Balek, J., 1977. Chapter 7: Swamps. In: Hydrology and water
resources in tropical Africa, A. Millington (Ed) Elsevier,
the UK (Wheeler and Shaw, 2000) used data from over 80
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landscape situation, water supply mechanism, Ramsar Convention, Gland, Switzerland.
Bardecki, M., 1984. What value wetlands? J. Soil Water Conserv.,
hydrotopographical elements, acidity (base-richness) and 166–169.
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Financial support to Mike Acreman for this work was a groundwater discharge fen. J. Hydrol., 137, 149–163.
provided by IUCN — The World Conservation Union. Brandesten, C.O., 1988. Seasonal variation in streamflow
recessions in the mire complex Komosse, Southern Central
Comments on the draft of an earlier paper by unknown Sweden. Symposium on the Hydrology of wetlands in temperate
referees are acknowledged. Comments on the draft of this and cold regions: Vol 1. Academy of Finland, Helsinki. 84–91.
paper were provided by Dr Jean-Yves Pirot and other staff Brinson, M.M., 1993. A hydro-geomorphic classification for
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Annex 1

Author Country (state, Wetland Local term Basis of Category Summary of functional statement Function
province) type inference of study summary

Hurst (1933) Sudan FP Sudd In-Out LTH FVa: swamp discharge varies very little; fluctuations are rapidly damped FVa: -
out MAAE: +
MAAE: 14 milliards of flow is lost in the swamps (p.731-2)

Vecchioli et New Jersey, GW/S Swamp, marsh In-out LTH DPFV: baseflow is reduced to 75% of the input ... DPFV: -
al. (1962) USA DPAE: ... by high summer evapotranspiration DPAE: +
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

MAF : swamplands have little effect on the total flow MAF: .

FPLM: the swamp decreases the downstream floods FPLM: -
FEV: seasonal runoff is greater than that of the upland (p.699-700) FEV: +
Riggs (1964) N. Carolina, General Swamp Paired LTH DPRR: comparison of a flat recession for the swampy Haw, with a steep DPRR: +
Tennessee, recession of the non-wetland New River (p.359).
Meyboom Saskatchewan, GW/S River valley CompV SEH DPFV: 70% of flow depletion can be accounted for by phraetophytic DPFV: -
(1964) Canada vegetation (p.254)
FP River valley CompV SEH DPFV: phreatophytes in the valley diminished flow by at least 20% DPFV: -
FP River valley CompV SEH DPFV: phreatophytes depleted 100% of river flow (p.259) DPFV: -
Meyboom Saskatchewan, GW/D Prairie pothole CompGW Compgw AGR: “Groundwater was recharged during the period of study” (p.60) AGR+
(1966) Canada

Miller (1965) New Jersey, GW/S Swamp, marsh In-out WB DPFV/DPAE: summer evapotranspiration causes a significant reduction DPFV: -
USA in baseflow DPAE: +
GDS: the swamp is an area of discharge for the regional groundwater GDS: =
body (p. B179)
Ackroyd et al. Minnesota, General Swamp, bog, Multiple LTH DPFV: basins having lake or wetland areas in excess of 5% have more DPFV: +
(1967) USA marsh than twice as much annual groundwater runoff. (p.27)

Bay (1967) Minnesota, SW/S Perched bog CompGW CompGW GDS: the water table reacts quite independently from the regional GDS: X
USA groundwater system (p. 309)
GW/S Bog CompGW CompGW GDS: groundwater from surrounding mineral soil recharges the bog GDS: =

Burke (1968) Ireland SW/S Peat Drained WB MAF: outflow is the same from drained and undrained area MAF: .
DPFV: flow eventually becomes zero from both areas DPFV: .
FPLM: much higher peaks occur for the undrained area FPLM: +
FTTP: the undrained area flows sooner than the drained area FTTP: +
FRR: after flood peaks, the drained area is still discharging water at a FRR: +
faster rate WPFVa: +
WPFVa: sustained flows are more uniform in the drained area (p.814-6)
Romanov Former USSR SW/D Bogs Same WB MAAE/MAF: bog evaporation and runoff approaches that of unbogged MAAE: .
(1968) areas MAF: .
FVa: drainage of highmoor bogs causes the redistribution to become FVa: -
more marked. (p.232-3)
Shjeflo N. Dakota, USA SW/D Prairie pothole CompGW WB WPGR: it was assumed that no seepage took place during the winter WPGR: X
(1968) months when the potholes were frozen (p.B48)
Williams Illinois, USA GW/D Marsh CompGW CompGW GDS/AGR: some marshes behave as groundwater sinks, others as a GDS: =
(1968) groundwater mound (p.782) AGR: =

Bay (1969) Minnesota, SW/S Peat bog Same LTH DPFD: storage was not available to sustain summer flow DPFD: -
USA FVa: bogs were not effective as streamflow regulators FVa: .
FPLM/ FRR: low peak flows and long-drawn out recessions suggest that FPLM: -
the bogs do store short-term runoff (p.101) FRR: -

Freeze (1969) Saskatchewan, SW/D Slough CompGW Chem DPGR: among 76 sloughs 27 are classified as ’Fast Recharge’, 10 as DPGR: =
Canada ’Slow Recharge’ and 39 do not recharge DPGR: X
GDS: 14 are classified as ’Fast discharging sloughs’, 10 as ’Slow GDS: =
Discharging sloughs’, 50 do not discharge. (p. 12-14) GDS: X

Campbell & Wisconsin, General Basin storage Multiple LTH WPF/AGR/ DPFV: in basins with large lake and wetland area, more WPF: +
Drecher USA water runs off in spring and only a small amount recharges the aquifer; AGR: -
(1970) in thus base flow is reduced in summer, fall and winter (Novitski, p. 147) DPFV: -
Darmer New York, General Lakes and Multiple LTH FPHM: basin storage is statistically insignificant in explaining the FPHM: .
(1970) in USA ponds variability of flood peaks (T = 20 yrs) AGR: -
Novitski AGR/DPFV: large percentage of storage in basins results in reduced DPFV: -
(1985) recharge and consequently reduced baseflow (Novitski, p. 145-8)
Forest & Delaware, General Basin storage Multiple LTH FPHM: basin storage is statistically insignificant in explaining the FPHM: .
Walker Maryland, USA variability of flood peaks (T = 5-100 yrs) AGR: -
(1970) in AGR/WPF/DPFV: spring runoff is greater and recharge to groundwater WPF: +
Novitski (and baseflows) lower in basins with a larger percentage of lake and DPFV: -
(1985) wetland area (Novitski, p.145-9)

Nuckles Virginia, USA General Basin storage Multiple LTH FPHM: basin storage is statistically insignificant in explaining the FPHM: .
(1970) in variability of flood peaks (T = 5-100 yrs) WPF: +
Novitski WPF/DPFV: annual minimum series are lower for basins with large DPFV: -
(1985) percentages of lakes and wetlands (Novitski, p.149)

Wharton Georgia, USA FP Swamp Paired LTH FPLM: a comparison of Alcovy (swamp) and Yellow hydrographs FPLM: -
(1970) suggests a damping influence FTTP: -
FTTP: peaks of the Alcovy lag 24 hours behind the Yellow FVa: .
FVa: Alcovy flow durtion curves are smooth and many minor DPFV: +
fluctuations shown for the Yellow are missing. It is likely that the Alcovy
(alluvial) aquifer beneath the floodplain does strongly influence the
variability of base flow
DPFV: although the Yellow drains an area 36% larger, its low flows are
close to those of the Alcovy, suggesting some possible influence of the
swamp on base flow (p.15-18).

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Conger Wisconsin, General Basin storage Multiple LTH FPHM: basin storage is significant in explaining variability in flood FPHM: -

(1971) in USA peaks (T = 2-100 yrs); the higher the storage term, the lower the flood
Novitski peaks. (p.144-5)

Kloet (1971) N. Dakota, USA General General Drained LTH FPLM: peak flow is increased due to drainage in a comparative study of a FPLM: -
in Bardecki & Manitoba, wetland drained and undrained basin (Bardecki, p.126);
(1987) Canada

Millar (1971) Canada GW/S Prairie CompGW WB AGR: “Shoreline related water loss accounts, on average, for 60% or AGR+
pothole CompE more of total water loss in sloughs less than 1.0 acres in size and not DPAE: -
more than 30-35% in sloughs larger than 1 acre” (p.259)
DPAE: “Reduction in evaporation loss (is due to) the sheltering effect of
topography and marginal and emergent vegetation” (p279)
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Eisenlohr N. Dakota, USA GW/D Prairie CompGW CompGW GDS: ponds in prairie potholes, in effect, are "outcrops" of the water GDS: =
(1972) pothole table (p.A82)

Hall et al. New SW/S Pond CompV CompV DPFV: there is no evidence of the wetland sustaining baseflow (p.41) DPFV: .
(1972) Hampshire,
McComas et Illinois, USA GW/S Bog In-out WB DPFV: no groundwater left the basin as baseflow DPFV: -
al. (1972) FEV: materials are saturated in the spring and little further retention takes FEV: +
place. (p.17)

Stewart & N.Dakota, USA SW/D Prairie pothole CompGW Chem AGR: seepage accounted for some water loss in ponds at higher AGR: =
Kantrud elevations on glacial till. (p.D4-D5)

GW/S Prairie pothole CompGW Chem GDS: Ponds at lower elevations, on outwash, were subject to greater GDS: =
seepage inflow. (pD4 -D5)
Balek & Perry Zambia GW/S Dambo Same CCM MAF: total runoff is independent of the size of the dambos MAF: .
(1973) WPF: from a higher percentage of dambo area, a higher surface runoff WPF: +
volume occurs FRR: -
FRR: duration of surface runoff as compared with a non-swampy area is MAAE: -
delayed by dambo resistance DPFD: -
MAAE: evapotranspiration by woodland is three times higher than that DPRR: +
from dambos
DPFD: base flow from the dambo ceases earlier than from the transitive
DPRR: recessions are steeper from a catchment containing 10% dambo
compared with 5% dambo (239-248)

Wilson & S. Carolina, FP Floodplain In-out LTH DPFV/DPAE: not only does the lower (floodplain) zone fail to contribute DPFV: -
Wiser (1974) USA water but through it some of the potential baseflow is lost to DPAE: +
evapotranspiration (p.274)

Bavina European USSR SW/S Raised bogs Paired WB MAF: runoff from the swamp and from the (non-swamp) river basins was MAF: .
(1975) the same (p.301)
FP Valley bogs Paired WB MAF : runoff from the swamp is in general agreement with runoff from MAF: .
the swampy catchment (p.302)
Bulavko & USSR General Peat Drained LTH MAF/MAAE: initially after drainage annual runoff is increased due to a MAF: -
Drozd (1975) decrease in evapotranspiration MAAE: +
WPF: spring flows either increase or decrease WPF: +
DPFV: minimum and summer low flows increase considerably WPF: -
FVa: the proportion of the groundwater contribution to flow increases, DPFV: -
improving the distribution of river runoff (p.466) FVa: +
Burke (1975) Ireland SW/S Blanket peat Drained WB MAF/FVa/FEV: the drained area runoff was 60% greater than the MAF: -
undrained area. Flow was much more uniform and did not show the FVa: -
sharp peaks evident in the undrained area FEV: -
AGR: some seepage may occur, albeit small, but both peat and the AGR: .
subsoil have extremely low permeability FPLM: +
FPLM/DPFV: after drainage, floods will be reduced in frequency and DPFV: -
amount and summer flow of streams will be increased in the short-term
Eggelsmann Germany SW/S Peat Same WB MAAE/MAF: there is higher evaporation from peat and reduction of MAAE: +
(1975) runoff with respect to mineral soils MAF: -
FVa: there is no causal relations between the steady runoff and the water FVa: .
storage of peat (p.359)
Eisenlohr N. Dakota, USA GW/D Prairie CompGW CompGW AGR: although there is evidence that a very small portion of seepage AGR: .
(1975) Pothole moves vertically downward, most of the seepage outflow moves laterally
Glazacheva Latvia General Marsh Drained LTH FVa/FPLM/DPFV: river flow variability increased following drainage as FVa: -
(1975) the maximum discharges increased and the minimum decreased (p.514) FPLM: -
Hommik & Estonia GW/S Fen bogs Drained WB MAF: annual runoff from drained fen bogs increases by 92mm (p.489) MAF: -
Kiselev Byelarus GW/S Swamp CompGW CompGW AGR/GDS: swamps may be supplied by groundwater and may also serve AGR: =
(1975) as sources of groundwater recharge (p.38-40) GDS: =
Klueva Byelorussia SW/S Marsh Drained LTH DPFV: the minimum discharge increased by 30-150% DPFV: -
(1975) FPLM: maximum discharges decreased by 17-30% on 7 basins; in other FPLM: +
basins no significant change occurred FPLM: .
FTTP : no significant changes were observed in the timing of the FTTP: .
snowmelt flood, or in the date of the peak FVa: +
FVa: 6 basins were characterised by decrease of spring flow of 10 to MAF: -
30%; summer and autumn flow increased 20 to 60% MAF: .
MAF: MAF of 9 basins increased by 10 to 20%. On the other 7 basins
there was no significant change (p.424-6).
Moklyak et Ukraine FP Marsh Drained LTH MAF: runoff tends to decrease after drainage MAF: +
al. (1975) WPF: decrease in spring flows is generally found but cases are WPF: +
encountered where the flow is unchanged or tends to increase WPF: .
FPLM : drainage does not always affect the maximum discharge, WPF: -
although it may either decrease or increase (p.442) FPLM: +
Mikulski & N.E. Poland GW/S Peat bog Drained WB MAAE: evaporation decreased by about 15% as compared with the pre- MAAE: +
Lesniak reclamation period MAF: -
(1975) MAF/WPF/DPFV: results show a 20% increase in runoff, as compared to WPF: -
the pre-reclamation period... there were increases in the runoff, in DPFV: -
summer and autumn (p.59)

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Mustonen & Finland SW/S Peat Drained LTH MAAE/MAF: decrease in evapotranspiration led to an increase in total MAAE: +

Seuna (1975) runoff MAF: -
FPLM: an acceleration of flow caused by the drainage network led to an FPLM: -
increase in maximum runoff DPFV: -
DPFV: the minimum runoff for both winter and summer increased
markedly (p.523)
NERC (1975) UK FP Floodplain In-out SEH FPLM/FPHM: the most important change induced by a large floodplain FPLM: -
on the shape of a flood hydrograph is the attenuation of the peak FPHM: -
discharge (p.9)
Smith (1975) Florida, USA FP Cypress Same CompGW AGR: clays between the water table and the Floridan aquifer allow AGR: X
swamp virtually no vertical movement MAAE: +
MAAE: vegetation is acting as a pump, removing water from the water
table via transpiration (p.128-135)
Verry & Minnesota, GW/S Lake-filled bog Same LTH, FVa: the groundwater bog has no regulating effect FVa: .
Boelter USA SEH FPLM: the bog does reduce storm flow peaks FPLM: -
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

(1975) FPHM: maximum peaks are independent of the bog FPHM: .

FRR: the bog delays the release of storm flow (p.472) FRR: -
SW/S Lake-filled bog Same LTH, FVa: the perched bog has no regulating effect FVa: .
SEH FPLM: the bog does reduce individual storm peaks FPLM: -
FPHM: maximum peaks are independent of the bog FPHM: .
FRR: the bog delays the release of storm flow (p.472) FRR: -
Zivert et al. USSR GW/S Fen bog Same WB MAF/WPVa: in fen bogs drainage flow is 20 to 40% greater than MAF: +
(1975) mineral soils. The hydrograph of flood discharge is more uniform in peat WPVa: -
than in mineral soils (p.121)
Heikuranen Finland SW/S Peat Drained WB WPF: peak flow caused was considerably lower on the drained peatland WPF: +
(1976) FTTP: the flood from the drained peatland began earlier and lasted FTTP: +
longer FPLM: -
FPLM: peak flow of the former remained lower DPFV: -
DPFV: runoff from the drained peatland during the dry summer was FRR: -
FRR: flood from the drained peat began earlier and lasted longer (p.84-
Sander (1976) Minnesota, GW/S Bog In-out WB FVa: the bog’s chief role is to superimpose a significant seasonal FVa: +
USA /CCM fluctuation on discharge WPF: +
WPF: the bog releases excess water during wet periods DPFV: -
DPFV/DPAE: the bog depletes available supplies during dry periods DPAE: +
through evapotranspiration GDS: =
GDS: the wetland receives water from groundwater (p.35)
Wilson & Botswana FP Delta In-out WB MAAE/MAF: outflow in the Boteti amounts to only 2% of inflow due to MAAE: +
Dincer (1976) the evapotranspiration losses (p.36). MAF: -

Balek (1977) Zambia GW/S Dambo Same WB/ FRR: the duration of the surface runoff is prolonged until early June FRR: -
CCM (p.159)

Boelter & Northern Lake SW/S Perched peat CompGW WB DPFV/DPAE/AGR: late spring, summer and early fall evapotranspiration DPFV: -
Verry (1977) States, USA bog is at the expense of flow and deep seepage; peatland does not sustain DPAE: +
streamflow during dry summer months by slowly releasing stored water AGR: -
FRR: stormflows are modified by peatland. Storm hydrographs have FRR: -
long-drawn out recession curves FPLM: -
FPLM: peatland does reduce the peak rates of flow FVa: +
FVa: neither bogs nor fens maintain an even distribution of streamflow
GW/S Groundwater CompGW WB FVa/WPF/DPFV/DPAE: instead of regulating flow, the fen may do the FVa: +
peat fen opposite by releasing excess water more quickly than mineral aquifers WPF: +
during periods of high precipitation and losing more water by DPFV: -
evapotranspiration during dry periods (p. 15-16) DPAE: +
Flippo (1977) Pennsylvania, General Basin storage Multiple LTH FPHM: basin storage is statistically insignificant in explaining the FPHM: .
in Novitski USA variability of flood peaks (T = 5-100 yrs) (p.145)

Hickok et al. Minnesota, GW/S Wetland Same WB AGR/GDS: the wetland is a point of discharge for the local glacial till. AGR: X
(1977) USA Groundwater losses are considered zero GDS: =
DPFV: the wetland reduced minimum flow to less than the estimated DPFV: -
base flow (p.46)

Littlejohn Florida, USA FP Cypress Drained CCM FVa: retention of cypress swamps contribute to greater stability of water FVa: -
(1977) swamp regimes (p.472)
Mitsch et al. Illinois, USA FP Forest swamp Same WB FEV: water retained by the swamp is 7.8% of an individual event. No FEV: -
(1977) effect was seen on any other storm occurrences FEV: .
DPFV: flow maintenance can be very significant (p.77-8,90) DPFV: +

O’Brien Massachusetts, GW/S Peat Paired, WB, LTH WPAE: spring evapotranspiration is depressed relative to non-wetland WPAE: -
(1977) USA Same WPF: the wetland was responsible for high spring flows WPF: +
DPAE: fall rates are high relative to non-wetland areas DPAE: +
DPFV: baseflow during the low flow period was greatly depressed DPFV: -
GDS: the wetland receives water from the regional groundwater body GDS: =

SW/S Muck wetland Paired, WB, LTH WPAE: spring evapotranspiration is depressed relative to non-wetland WPAE: -
same WPF: the wetland was responsible for high spring flows WPF: +
DPAE: fall rates are high relative to non-wetland areas DPAE: +
DPFV: baseflow was greatly depressed DPFV: -
DPGR: during summer the swamp recharges groundwater (p.336-8) DPGR: =
Winner & N. Carolina, FP Floodplain Drained LTH FPLM/DPFV/MAF: higher flows (> 5 exceedance-percentile) increase; FPLM: -
Simmons USA swamp low flows increase. Total runoff would not change (p.53) DPFV: -
(1977) MAF: .

Novitski Wisconsin, General Wetland and Multiple LTH FPLM: flows may be 80% lower in basins with much wetland and lake FPLM: -
(1978) USA lake WPF: more spring runoff occurs in basins with much wetland and lake WPF: +
AGR/DPFV: less groundwater recharge (and baseflow) occurs in basins AGR: -
with much lake and wetland (p.384-6) DPFV: -
Verry & Minnesota, GW/S Fen Same WB AGR: the GW/S fen does not discharge through the peat (p.398) AGR: x
Boelter USA

SW/S Peat Same WB FVa: peats do not regulate flow from one season to another FVa: -
FPLM: peat does reduce the peak flow FPLM: -
DPFV/DPGR: peat summer evapotranspiration is at the expense of DPFV: -
streamflow or recharge (p.398) DPGR: -
McKay et al. Illinois, USA GW/S Swamp CompGW WB GDS: the volume of (ground-) water annually entering the swamp by GDS: =
(1979) discharge from the bedrock is quite large (p. 31).

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Drayton et al. Malawi FP Dambo Multiple LTH FPHM: dambo provides a lot of floodplain storage FPHM: -

(1980) DPFV: dambo catchments are not significantly distinguishable from DPFV: .
unaffected neighbours for Q75 MAAE: +
MAAE/MAF: presence of dambo increases evaporation with a MAF: -
corresponding decrease in average annual yield (p.58)
Hemond Massachusetts, SW/D Kettle hole In-out WB GDS: the bog is characterised by an absence of recharge (p.522) GDS: X
(1980) USA
Hill & Kidd Malawi GW/S Dambo Multiple LTH MAAE/MAF: average annual runoff volume is reduced by 6.4mm for MAAE: +
(1980) every 1% of dambo (p.16) MAF: -
O’Brien Massachusetts, GW/S Wetland CompGW LTH WPF: groundwater was the major component of all flood peaks (rather WPF: .
(1980) USA than originating from the wetlands) (p.359)

Bedinger Mississippi, FP Floodplain CompGW LTH FPLM: floodplains ameliorate downstream flooding FPLM: -
(1981) USA AGR: significant recharge occurs on floodplains (p.168,173) AGR: =
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Brun et al. N. Dakota, USA GW/D Sloughs Drained TS MAF/FPHM/DPFV: approximately 50% of the increase in flow, 36% of MAF: -
(1981) the increase in maximum flow, and 70% of the increase in spring flow is FPHM: -
due to increased drainage (p.13) DPFV: -

Daniel (1981) N. Carolina, GW/S Pocosin Drained WB FPLM: hydrographs from the Albemarle Canal show five floods while FPLM: -
USA the wetland Van Swamp show none DPFV: -
DPFV/DPAE: from raised wetlands there is usually little discharge after DPAE: +
June because of evapotranspiration MAF: .
MAF: runoff from the two catchments is nearly equal (p.90-3)
Gilliam & N. Carolina GW/S Pocosin Drained WB FPLM/FTTP: peaks are higher and earlier on developed sites FPLM: -
Skaggs USA MAF: there was little difference in total flow (p.115) FTTP: +
(1981) MAF: .
Newson Wales, UK GW/S Peat Same SEH DPFV: very low yields prevailed, excepting two headwater areas DPFV: +
(1981) characterised by periglacial deposits and peat (p.69).
Nortcliff & Brazil FP Floodplain CompWC WB FEV: the dominant and rapid hydrograph response comes essentially FEV: +
Thornes from saturation overland flow on the floodplain (p.54)
Sellars (1981) Nigeria FP Floodplain CompET CCM MAF/DPFV/AGR: losses in the Upper Yobe are 70% of MAF. Storage MAF: -
causes flooding to continue into the dry season. 10% of losses contribute DPFV: +
to regional groundwater (p. 267) AGR: =
Novitski Wisconsin, SW/D SW/D wetland Same WB A surface-water depression wetland has ... FPLM: -
(1982) USA FPLM: ... an effect in reducing flood peaks DPFV: +
DPFV: ... some effect on increasing base flows WPF: .
WPF: ... no effect on increasing spring time runoff MAAE: +
MAAE: ... some effect in increasing ET (p19-.20)
SW/S SW/S wetland Same WB A surface-water slope wetland has ... FPLM: -
FPLM: ... an effect in reducing flood peaks DPFV: +
DPFV: ... some effect on increasing base flows WPF: +
WPF: ... increases spring time runoff MAAE: .
MAAE: ... no effect on ET (p.19-20)
GW/D GW/D wetland Same WB A ground-water depression wetland has ... FPLM: -
FPLM: ... an effect in reducing flood peaks DPFV: .
DPFV: ... no effect on increasing base flows WPF: .
WPF: ... no effect on increasing spring time runoff MAAE: +
MAAE: ... an effect in increasing ET AGR: =
AGR: some recharge occurs (p.19-20)
GW/S GW/S wetland Same WB A groundwater slope wetland has ... FPLM: -
FPLM: an effect in reducing flood peaks DPFV: .
DPFV: no effect on increasing base flows WPF: +
WPF: an effect in increasing spring time runoff MAAE: +
MAAE: some effect in increasing ET (p.19-20)
General Wetland and Multiple LTH FPLM: flood peaks are 80% lower in a basin with 40% lake and wetland FPLM: -
lake area than in a basin with no lake or area (p.16)
Verry & Minnesota, SW/S Peat Same WB MAF: peat converts 36% of its precipitation to water yield, or nearly the MAF: .
Timmons USA same as the upland FEV: +
(1982) FEV: during high water table periods, the bog can transmit flow much AGR: .
quicker than the mineral soil
AGR: because hydraulic conductivities of well-decomposed peat and
glacial till are similar, seepage rates over long periods probably are
similar (p.1461)
Howard- New Zealand GW/S Macrophytes CompET LTH DPAE: distinct diurnal rhythms in hydrographs were caused by DPAE: +
Williams evaporative losses during the day, which could not be detected when the
(1983) macrophyte growth was minimal (p.57)
Ludden et al. N. Dakota, USA SW/D Shallow Multiple LTH MAF/FPHM: the depressions store 72% of 2-yr return period flow and MAF: -
(1983) depressions 41% of 100-year return period flow (p.45) FPHM: -

Seyhan et al. Natal, South FP Marsh Same LTH DPAE: recession hydrographs exhibit diurnal fluctuations with greater DPAE: +
(1983) Africa evapotranspirational losses in the riparian zone during the day (p. 88)
Siegel (1983) Minnesota, GW/S Raised bogs CompGW CCM AGR: recharge zones in the peats are the raised bogs, and the discharge AGR: =
USA Fens zones are the adjacent fens. Precipitation on the fens does not enter the GDS: =
groundwater system (p. 918) AGR: X
Smith- Malawi GW/S Dambo Same WB MAAE: actual annual evaporation losses from dambos is 640mm MAAE: -
Carrington compared with 692mm from shallow interfluve and 760mm from wooded FEV: -
(1983) interfluve DPFV: -
FEV: hydrographs show more flashy responses because there is less DPAE: +
dambo area for temporary retention of water.
DPFV/DPAE: high dambo evapotranspiration results in a decrease in
flow rate and cessation of river flow (p.36).
Heimburg Florida, USA GW/S Cypress domes CompGW WB AGR: usually Sewage Dome 2 recharges the groundwater. At Austin AGR: =
(1984) Cary there is little deep percolation as the underlying aquifer is artesian AGR: X
(p. 80).
Keough & S.W. Michigan, GW/D Peat bog In-out Chem WPGR: bog waters are moving locally into groundwater WPGR: =
Pippen (1984) USA DPFV: wetlands retain rain and incoming runoff and groundwater until it AGR: =
evaporates or percolates (p.839)
Sharma Zambia FP Floodplain Same CompET MAAE: evaporation from flooded areas on the Flats is considerably MAAE: +
(1984) higher than from non-flooded areas. (p.12-21)
Dubreuil W.Africa General Hydromorphic/ Same Comp FPLM: minimum rainfall required to produce runoff from FPLM: +
(1985) gley soil hydromorphic/gley soils is lower than from ferrallitic soils FEV: +
FEV: on freely drained forest soils, no runoff occurs under rainfall of WPAE: +
120mm hr-1, while runoff attained 80% of input under rainfall of 30mm WPF: -
AGR: +
h-1 on hydromorphic soils
WPAE/WPF: losses are far greater during severe floods where there are
floodplains. In Mauritania, this represents almost 30% of the total flood
AGR: when a stream disappears into its floodplain, the alluvial water
table may be replenished (p.244-257)

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Millington Sierra Leone FP Inland valley Same LTH DPFV: during the dry season, swamps retain surface water which is lost DPFV: -
(1985) swamps and by evaporation and seepage (p.19) AGR: =

bolis DPAE: +

Novitski Northern and General Wetland and Multiple LTH In basins with large percentages of lakes and wetlands... FPLM: -
(1985) Eastern States, lake FPLM : flood peaks are less WPF: +
USA WPF: spring runoff is greater DPFV: -
DPFV: baseflow is less (p.151)
Baden & Germany SW/S Raised bog Drained WB FVa: run-off of the predrained bog was more extreme FVa: +
Eggelsmann FPLM/DPFV: run-off in downstream areas are such that the risk of FPLM: +
(1986) highwater and dryness becomes smaller (p.206-8) DPFV: -
Gurnell & England, UK SW/S Saturated Same LTH FPLM: storm runoff volume can be related to the area of the catchment FPLM: +
Gregory heath that is saturated or has a near-surface water table prior to a storm (p.94)
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Ogawa & Massachusetts, FP Wetland With-out CCM FPLM: the worth of an upstream wetland for flood mitigation is FPLM: .
Male (1986) USA negligible. Downstream main-stem wetlands were more effective in FPLM: -
reducing downstream flooding (p.114)
Roulet & NW Territories, GW/S Peat CompWC WB DPFV/DPAE/FVa: post-spring water loss is mainly due to evaporation DPFV: -
Woo (1986) Canada and not lateral runoff. Wetlands do not play an important role in DPAE: +
streamflow regulation (p.89) FVa: .
Wilcox et al. Indiana, USA GW/S Peat fen CompGW CompGW AGR: a water table in the peat mound causes a pattern of shallow AGR: =
(1986) groundwater flow away from the peat mound GDS: =
GDS: seepage through marl into peat is deduced (p.1111-3)
Bardecki S.W. Ontario, General General Drained LTH MAF/ FPLM/DPFV: neither strong evidence nor clear suggestions of any MAF: .
(1987) Canada change in flow attributable to drainage was found (p.127) FPLM: .
Doyle (1987) Massachusetts, FP Floodplain Paired LTH FPHM: maximum floods in the Charles are extremely low compared to FPHM: -
USA the adjacent low wetland Blackstone river (p.111)
Ford & Alaska, USA General General In-out WB AGR: the contribution of Alaskan wetlands to groundwater is probably AGR: X
Bedford wetland negligible FPLM: .
(1987) FPLM: during snowmelt, wetland soils do not contribute significantly to
flood storage (p.209).

Jackson South Island, GW/S Pakihi wetland Drained WB FEV: natural undrained wetlands are highly responsive to rainfall. Over FEV: +
(1987) New Zealand 70% of total annual runoff is quickflow DPFV: -
DPFV: low flows increased after vegetation was removed, but decreased DPFV: +
after draining. FPHM: -
FPMH: increased frequency of large peak flows is probably the most
important impact of drainage works (p.471-3)

Robertson Alaska, USA General General Same LTH DPFV: wetlands contribute little to the mid-summer budget of tundra DPFV: .
(1987) streams (p.267)
Woo & Heron N. Ontario, GW/S Bogs and fens CompWC WB GDS: meltwater from open bogs and fens is supplied by the local snow GDS: =
(1987) Canada cover and from adjacent forested areas. Most of the runoff from the bog
occurred as groundwater flow (p.303-4)
Brandesten S.C. Sweden GW/S Mire Multiple LTH DPFV: the principal difference between raised bogs and till is DPFV: +
(1988) groundwater levels in the bogs are always sufficiently high to provide the
streams from these areas with runoff (p.90)
Konyha et al. North Carolina, GW/S Peat Drained CCM MAF/FPLM: peat mining alone increases the annual runoff and peak MAF: -
(1988) USA outflow rates (p.490) FPLM: -

Kovrigo & Byelorussia SW/S Bog Drained WB MAAE: evaporation decreases 7-10% following drainage reclamation MAAE: +
Yatsukhno (p.24)
Kowalik et al. Poland GW/S Peat Comp Comp GDS: upward seepage is about 30% of rainfall (p.178) GDS: =
(1988) GW GW

Lundin Sweden GW/S Peat Drained WB MAF: drainage changed MAF insignificantly MAF: .
(1988) DPFV: low discharges generally increased (p.204) DPFV: -

Moskvin West Siberia SW/S Palsa bogs Same LTH DPFV: flow ceases completely in some weeks or months of the warm DPFV: -
(1988) period due to low storage capacity AGR: X
AGR: there is a lack of losses by percolation into deep aquifers through
saturated frozen peat layers (p.20-1)

Nisula & Finnish SW/S Aapa-mire Same WB FEV: maximum runoff was caused by rapid runoff of the water from the FEV: +
Kuittinen Lappland mire (p.81)

Panu (1988) Newfoundland, GW/S Peat Drained LTH FPLM: peak flows are increased by two to five folds FPLM: -
Canada DPFV: flow regime in the disturbed sub-basin experienced substantial DPFV: +
changes such as decrease in low flows (p.295-6)
Serban et al. Romania GW/S Peat Paired LTH FEV: runoff in the peat basin is 30-35% lower than in the control (p.93- FEV: -
(1988) 94)

Sharma Africa, Zambia GW/S Dambos Same WB MAAE: a ratio of ET/PET (Penman) equal to 1.5 is not surprising for MAAE: +
(1988) tropical wetlands (p.38-39)
FP Swamps Same WB MAF: because of the swamps, the mean annual runoff is reduced to 5600 MAF: -
x 106 m3 (p.38-9)
Shiklimanov Russia GW/S Swamp Drained LTH MAF: drainage mainly increases MAF in the first years. There are some MAF: -
& Novikov cases when MAF is reduced MAF: +
(1988) FPLM: high spring maxima tend to fall FPLM: +
DPFV: minimum and summer runoff from swamps after drainage tends DPFV: -
to increase FVa: +
FVa: drainage is manifested as more uniform and even flow distribution
over seasons (p.69-71)
Siegel (1988) Alaska, USA GW/S Blanket bog Same CCM AGR/GDS/DPFV: wetland recharge and discharge are very small. AGR: X
Groundwater discharge from wetlands is too small to measure (p.427) GDS: X
Verry Minnesota, GW/S Mire Same SEH FPHM: during large storms, peat looks like a reservoir - overland flow FPHM: +
(1988) USA from the mineral soil was not observed (p.55)

Brooks & Minnesota, GW/S Fen peat and Drained CCM FEV: runoff is greater for mined peatlands than unmined FEV: -
Kreft (1989) USA bog DPFV: streamflow is generally reduced during summer months because DPFV: -
of high evapotranspiration MAF: -
MAF: peat extraction in both bogs and fens appears to increase water
yield over the short term (p.114-5)

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Koerselman Netherlands GW/S Quaking fen Same WB GDS: the fen is a focus for groundwater discharge (p.31) GDS: =

Stewart Zimbabwe GW/S Dambo Same CompET DPAE: the mean value of evaporation over all dambo regions over the DPAE: +
(1989) 200 km2 was estimated to be 3.5mm d-1 and 3.2mm d1 for the area
outside the dambos (p.48-59)
Sundeen et al. Colorado, USA SW/S Infilled lakes In-out LTH FPLM: wetlands do not have a substantial affect on the magnitude of FPLM: .
(1989) flood peaks. The wetlands may have a lesser ability to attenuate flood FPLM: +
peaks than would upland areas. AGR: X
AGR: wetlands have no significant role in groundwater recharge. (p.412)

Sutcliffe & Africa FP Floodplain Multiple CCM MAAE: losses in the Sudd and in the Niger are over half the annual MAAE: +
Parks (1989) inflow, in the lower Senegal are insignificant, and in the Okavango are a MAAE: +
very high proportion of the inflows MAAE: +
FVa: Okavango and Sudd outflows are even less variable after damping MAAE: .
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

(p.54-5). FVa: -
FVa: -

Brown (1990) North America, General Forest wetland CompGW WB AGR: the bog and pocosin wetlands have virtually no recharge, the AGR: X
USA cypress dome experiences losses through infiltration or seepage (p.172- AGR: =
Gehrels & S. Ontario, SW/S Wetland In-out WB AGR: recharge was found in the eastern portion of the wetland (p.225) AGR: =
Mulamoottil Canada
Hollis (1990) Nigeria FP Floodplain In-out WB AGR: the seasonally flooded floodplains provide 1400 x 106 m3 of AGR: =
recharge to the Chad formation (p.418)
Demissie et Illinois, USA General Wetland Multiple LTH FPLM: peakflows decrease with increasing wetland FPLM: -
al. (1991) FEV: flood volumes decrease with increasing wetland FEV: -
DPFV: wetlands consistently increased low flows (p.949) DPFV: +
Demissie & Illinois, USA General Wetland Drained LTH FPLM: in their pre-drained state, wetland reduced flooding. FPLM: -
Khan (1991) DPFV: in their pre-drained state, wetlands reduced low flows (p.1050) DPFV: -

Faulkner & Zimbabwe GW/S Dambo Same WB AGR: total amount of water lost from the dambo to groundwater is small AGR: X
Lambert DPAE: dry season evaporation was approximately 50% higher from the DPAE: +
(1991) dambo than from dryland (p.153-5)
Hensel & Illinois, USA GW/S Pond In-out Comp GW AGR/DPFV: seepage from the two ponds overlying impermeable till is AGR: .
Miller (1991) insignificant. Seepage from the two ponds overlying permeable sand and AGR: +
gravel is large enough to double groundwater discharge (p.313) DPFV: +
Nielsen et al. India FP Floodplain With-out CCM FPLM/WPGR: flood volumes decrease due to large retention and FPLM: -
(1991) infiltration losses on the wide sandy flood plains (p.274) WPGR: =
Robinson et Germany GW/S Peat Drained WB MAF/MAAE/FPLM/DPFV: drainage of wetlands increased flows and MAF: -
al. (1991) reduced evapotranspiration losses. Peak flows were greater and low flows MAAE: +
were higher (p.275) FPLM: -

Boeye & Belgium GW/D Fen CompET WB DPAE/DPFV: summer evapotranspiration is a major output - the water DPAE: +
Verheyen table drops and direct runoff disappears (p.161) DPFV: -
Bullock Zimbabwe GW/S Dambo Multiple LTH MAF: dambos are an indiscrimatory factor in determining the volume, MAF: .
(1992a) persistence and variability of annual runoff DPFV: .
DPFV: dambos do not maintain dry-season low flows and reduce low DPFV: -
flows where they occur in association with regolith with significant FPHM: .
baseflow components
FPHM: the impact of dambo on flood magnitude, variability and
frequency is insignificant (p.349)

Bullock Zimbabwe GW/S Dambo Same CompET DPAE: evaporation losses in August 1986 are 1 mm day-1 higher on the DPAE: +
(1992b) dambo margins than the central dambo and interfluve vegetation. (p.389)

Grillot & Madagascar GW/S Peat Same WB AGR/GDS: fluxes between aquifers vary between downward and upward AGR: =
Dussarrat directions during the year (p.321). GDS: =
Klepper Indonesia FP Floodplain With-out CCM FVa: the frequency distribution of river levels without swamps is FVa: -
(1992) considerably broader than the actual situation. MAF: +
MAF: without swamps, MAF decreases (p.322)
Price (1992) Newfoundland, SW/S Blanket bog Same WB AGR:6% of losses was to groundwater seepage AGR: =
Canada FVa: pipe-flow and high near-stream gradients coupled with the high FVa: +
transmissivity produce a flashy gradient (p.103)
Bucher et al. Paraguay R., S. FP Pantanal In-out LTH FVa/MAAE/MAF: modification of the Panatanal may lose its condition FVa: -
(1993) America of natural sponge responsible for exceptional stability of flow A faster MAAE: +
passage of water may also decrease evapotranspiration and increase the MAF: -
amount of outflow (p.36).

Eggelsmann Germany SW/S Mires Paired WB MAAE/MAF: mires are characterised by high evporation and MAAE: +
et al. (1993) correspondingly low runoff relative to mineral soils MAF: -
AGR: mires are not important in the regeneration of groundwater. AGR: -
Seepage rates from mires to deep groundwater is 80 to 50% lower in
mires than in sandy soils (p.234-6).
Gibson et al. NW Territories, SW/S Wetland CompWC Chem DPFV: wetland rivers commonly freeze by mid-October and negligible DPFV: .
(1993) Canada flows occur during winter (p.216)
Gilvear et al. England, U.K. GW/S Fen In-out WB GDS: groundwater inflow accounted for about 90% of water inputs GDS: =
(1993) FVa/DPAE/DPFV: seasonal pattern of wetland outflow mirrors that of FVa: +
groundwater inflow, though amplitude of change is greater because high DPAE: +
evapotranspiration depletes surface outflow during the summer (p.325-6) DPFV: -
John et al. West Africa FP Floodplain In-out LTH FPLM: the peak is flattened by vast areas of swamp vegetation FPLM: -
(1993) MAF/MAAE: the water budget of the Massenya floodplain has inflow of MAF: -
1.7 109 m3 and outflow is 0.8 109 m3; the water budget of the Yaere MAAE: +
floodplain is inflows 3.2 109 m3 and outflow is 1.1 109 m3 (p.52,67)
Phillips & Delaware, USA GW/D Ponds CompGW CompGW GDS: the hydrology of shallow seasonal ponds is strongly influenced by GDS: =
Shedlock the adjacent groundwater-flow system (p.176)
Shedlock et Indiana, USA GW/S Fen CompGW CCM AGR/GDS: the interior of Great Marsh are discharge zones, whereas the AGR: =
al. (1993) margins are recharge areas during wet periods. (p. 152) GDS: =

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Waddington Toronto, GW/S Swamp CompGW Chem FEV: saturated overland flow from permanently saturated areas created FEV: +
et al. (1993) Canada by discharging groundwater was the major storm runoff mechanism

Woo & Saskatchewan, GW/S Prairie slough In-out WB AGR: prairie depressions are likely more effective for groundwater AGR: +
Rowsell Canada recharge than the uplands (p.205)
Woo & Permafrost USA SW/S Wetland Same LTH FEV/FRR: the magnitude and duration of overland flow in wetland areas FEV: +
Winter (1993) are likely to be greater than in uplands because the higher degree of FRR: -
saturation... and gentler gradients (p.28)
Hey et al. Illinois, USA SW/S Constructed Same WB AGR: seepage was very low (0-6%) as a component of outflow (p.340) AGR: X
Iritz et al. Sweden GW/S Peat Drained CCM FPLM: Swedish rivers showed decreased peak flows after drainage FPLM: +
(1994) because of lowered groundwater. Peat in the Huhtisuo catchment had FPLM: .
different topography and special hydraulic characteristics which resulted FPLM: -
in an increase in peak flows. The effects of peat drainage on floods were
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

negligible in the Svartan basin.The effect of drainage depends on the

groundwater level (p.657-9)
Johansson & Sweden and GW/S Sweden: bogs Drained CCM Sweden: FPLM/MAF: neither peaks nor runoff differed FPLM: .
Seuna (1994) Finland Finland: fens DPFV: summer low flows were slightly higher FPLM: -
Finland: FPML: there was a slight increase in peaks MAF: .
DPFV: there was a slight increase in low flows MAF: -
MAF: total runoff volume increased by 3.5% (p.62-66) DPFV: -

Price & S.E. Labrador, GW/S Domed bog In-out CompGW FEV: storm flows flooded the fen and water was quickly discharged. FEV: +
Maloney Canada and fen DPAE: the large depression and detention storage of both systems DPAE: +
(1994) enhanced evapotranspiration losses (p.328)

Burt (1995) UK SW/S Peat Multiple LTH Flow duration curves from peat-covered basins comparatively DPFV: -
demonstrate FPLM: +
DPFV: minimal baseflow in summer because there is virtually no FVa: +
drainage from the peat (or clay)
FPLM: very high flood runoff given widespread production of surface
FVa: steep slope and therefore greater flow variability (p.25-26)
Doss (1995) Maine, USA GW/D Bog CompGW LTH AGR: the volume of water that discharges through the basal peat into the AGR: X
mineral sediments may be low (p.224)
Khan (1995) Malaysia FP Floodplain Same WB AGR: groundwater recharged from the swamp will be less than from AGR: -
surrounding areas (p.29)
Meigh (1995) Botswana FP Floodplain Same CCM MAF/MAAE: the wetland was a major cause of water loss from the MAF: -
Bokaa catchment losing about 12 Mm3 yr-1 MAAE: +
DPAE: the wetland is recharged by river flows and loses water by DPAE: +
evapotranspiration through the dry season (p.38)
Owen (1995) Wisconsin, SW/S Peat In-out WB AGR: wetland did not make substantial contributions to recharge AGR: X
USA FPLM: the wetland did not play an important role in attenuating flood FPLM: .
peaks DPFV: .
DPFV: the wetland did not make significant contributions to streamflow
under low river flow conditions (p.185)
Thompson & Nigeria FP Floodplain Same WB AGR: the wetlands play a vital role in aquifer recharge. The key is the AGR: =
Hollis (1995) annual wet season flooding (p.97)
Hollis (1996) Senegal FP Floodplain Same WB AGR: the surface aquifer is recharged by the vertical percolation of AGR: =
floodwater (p.172)
Gerla and North Dakota, SW/D Wetlands CompGW CCM WPGR/DPGR/GDS: Results show that groundwater flow into the Lake WPGR: +
Matheney USA around lakes ranged from –0.030m3/day during the late winter to +0.043m3day several DPGR: -
(1996) times during the summer (p 914) GDS: =
Gonthier Eastern FP Floodplain In-out CompGW AGR: During a significant percentage of the monthly water level AGR: =
(1996) Arkansas, USA measurements surface water inundating the wetland had sufficient
hydraulic head to flow through the confining unit and the upper part of
the alluvial aquifer to the lower part of the alluvial aquifer and away from
the Black Swamp (intermediate recharge).The greater the distance from
the river, the less likely the groundwater from the site will flow to the
river and the more likely it will flow to the lower part of the aquifer (p
Hunt et al. Southwestern FP Floodplain In-out WB GDS: Groundwater inflow rates range from 0.2-0.8 cm/day on the site GDS: =
(1996) Wisconsin with areas of higher inflows located closer to the river (p. 505).

Hodnett et al. Amazonia, FP Floodplain CompGW CompGW GDS: floodplain water levels are controlled primarily by discharge of GDS: =
(1997) Brazil groundwater which maintains dry season streamflow
Matheney and North Dakota, SW/D Wetlands CompGW CCM AGR/GDS: although hydraulic gradients are upward over most of the AGR: =
Gerla (1996) USA around lakes year, discharge of water from the Dakota aquifer contributes less than a GDS: =
few tenths of a percent to the wetland water budget… the recharge- WPGR: =
discharge function of Lunby and Stewart wetland is in a state of dynamic
equilibrium (p. 119)
WPGR: deep penetration may occur during repeated, relatively brief
periods of reversed hydraulic gradient corresponding to spring recharge
and periods of above normal rainfall (p. 118).

Walton et al. Eastern FP Floodplain In/out LTH FTTP: Hydrograph peaks downstream of the wetland occurred 4 to 8 FTTP: +
(1996) Arkansas, USA days later than at the upstream gauge (p.283) FPLM: -
FPLM: The mean reduction in peak discharge between the two gauges
was about 20% (p. 283)
Hooijer Shannon, FP Callow CompT CompT FEV: The floodplains “have a considerable flood control capacity; if the FEV: -
(1996) Ireland minimum 3500ha of callow land is flooded to an average depth of 1m,
this represents a storage equivalent to one day of Shannon peak discharge
(around 400m3s-1)” (p. 195)
Hamilton et Pantanal, Brazil FP Floodplain WB In-out MAAE: discharges of inflowing rivers is approximately equal; to the MAAE: +
al. (1997) outflow from the Pantanal on an annual basis…water lost by evaporation
is roughly balance by direct precipitation (p. 258)

Logan and La Plata, SW/D Marshes CompGW CHEM AGR: vertical gradients in the marsh are generally downward throughout AGR: =
Rudolph Argentina the year, suggesting that the Marsh is a predominantly groundwater
(1997) recharge area, especially the lower lying, wetter areas (p. 229).

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle
Hayashi et al. Saskatchewan, GW/D Slough In-out CHEM/ AGR: The vertical hydraulic gradient was downward throughout the AGR: =

(1998a and Canada WB year…leading to a total of loss of the system to groundwater of 480mm MAAE: -
1998b) although only 2mm of groundwater flux becomes net groundwater
recharge to the aquifer; the rest is transferred to the surrounding vegetated
areas where it is evaporated
MAAE: evapotranspiration in the upland planted with wheat is greater
than in the wetland (380mm versus 300mm) (p. 53).

Hillman Alberta, Canada FP Floodplain In/out SEH FPHM: Flow downstream of the wetland was 6% of the peak flow FPLM: -
(1998) upstream (0.953 m3s-1 downstream compared with 15 m3s-1 upstream of FEV: -
the wetland area). (p.53). FTTP: +
FEV/FTTP: the wetland greatly attenuated the flood wave in terms of
volume and timing (p. 53).
Ferrari et al. Aral Sea, FP Deltaic In-out WB MAF/FPLM: The addition of wetlands in model grid boxes reduced both MAF: -
(1999) Uzbekistan floodplain mean and summer peak flows (p. 1874). FPLM: -
Andy Bullock and Mike Acreman

Genereux and Everglades, General Canal In-Out WB AGR: between 50-90% of water entering the canal each month was AGR: =
Slater (1999) USA seepage from the target wetland (p. 166)

Gerla (1999) Central GW/S Headwater CompGW CompGW GDS: On the Shingobee river, wetlands around the river provide 46.3l/s GDS: =
Minnesota, wetlands on average to a stream where flow is about 200 l/s. (p. 400).
Hardy et al. Devon, England FP Floodplain In-Out SEH FPLM: floodplain reduced flood peak by 7% (p.212) FPLM: -
(2000) FPHM: floodplain reduced flood peak by 19% (p. 212) FPHM: -
FTTP: For two events, floodplain increased lag by 35 and 4 hours FTTP: +
respectively (p.212).

Raisin et al. North-east GW/S Reed swamp In-Out WB DPFV: although flow into the wetland was negligible over extended DPFV: +
(1999) Victoria, periods…a baseline discharge from the wetland of around 0.65 ML day GDS: =
Australia was usually measured (p. 139)
GDS: During the relatively dry detailed study period the groundwater
flow component comprised an estimated 97% of the surface flow leaving
the wetland (p. 139)
Spieksma Lower Saxony, SW/S Bog Drained/ LTH DPFV: The previous data show that most water yield is produced during DPFV: -
(1999) Germany Pair winter and that perennial storage is not available to sustain flow during DPAE: +
dry periods… rewetted raised bogs are not very effective as long term GDS: x
storage areas and regulators of stream flow AGR: x
DPAE: Water yields during summer were usually zero or very low, since
most of the summer rainfall was lost through evaporation and
GDS/AGR: groundwater flow is not a typical feature of raised peat bogs

Taylor and Uganda GW/S Swamp-filled Pair LTH WPGR: Between 1988-1993, recharge occurred only in one year and was WPGR: =
Howard drainage dependant upon years of exceptionally heavy rainfall (p. 46). MAF: -
(1999) channels MAF: Surface runoff in the Aroca catchment (with wetlands) is 3mm MAAE: +
compared to 34mm in the Nyabesheki catchment (without) (p. 67).
MAAE: Isotopic data show that river waters have been subjected to
significantly less evaporation than wetland waters…surface water have a
prolonged residency, which leads to greater exposure to evaporation (p.
Choi and Everglades, SW/D Drainage In/out CHEM, AGR/GDS: Estimated net groundwater fluxes were almost entirely AGR: =
Harvey USA channel WB negative values indicating that ground-water recharge commonly GDS: =
(2000) exceeded ground-water discharge…approximately 31% of the water
supplied provides recharge to the underlying aquifer system.
Groundwater discharge was negligible in comparison (2.8%) (p. 510)

McCartney Zimbabwe GW/S Dambo In/out WB FEV: “… saturation overland flow, arising within the area of the dambo, FEV: +
(2000) is the principal mechanism of storm runoff generation”

Riekirk and Florida, USA FP Pond cypress In/out WB AGR: Annual deep seepage into the underlying aquifer was 17cm yr-1for AGR: =
Korhnak wetlands two wetlands, but in wetland N, underlain by a thick layer of blue clay
(2000) this was only one cm yr-1 (p. 452).

Wolski Okavango, FP Swamp CompGW CompGW AGR: “…shallow groundwater is recharged by infiltration and lateral AGR: +
(2002) Botswana flow from the floodplain. A difference in flood level of 0.6m was
accompanied by a difference in groundwater storage, expressed in terms
of groundwater level of at least 3m.”

The role of wetlands in the hydrological cycle

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