Y1-6 Curriculum Key Essentials

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entials in the National Curriculum

two purposes:

national curriculum in a succinct and user friendly way

essentials’ for each year group
have been identified through work with a large number of teachers. The purpose of identifying these is to help tea
judgement on the end of year expectations; the idea being that pupils cannot be deemed to have met the yea
they have met all of the key essentials alongside the vast majority of the other objectives.

e provided in an editable format to allow individual schools to amend to suit their context and own systems.

is available from Focus Education:


uld be used within the purchasing organisation only.

edge and skills as the route to decode words. Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary a
understanding by:
h the correct sound to graphemes (letters or groups of
onemes, including, where applicable, alternative sounds o listening to and discussing a wide range of poems, stories a
a level beyond that at which they can read independently

blending sounds in unfamiliar words containing GPCs that o being encouraged to link what they read or hear read to t

ption words, noting unusual correspondences between o becoming very familiar with key stories, fairy stories and trad
nd where these occur in the word. retelling them and considering their particular characteristi

ng taught GPCs and -s, -es, -ing, -ed, -er and -est endings. o recognising and joining in with predictable phrases

more than one syllable that contain taught GPCs. o learning to appreciate rhymes and poems, and to recite so

ntractions [for example, I’m, I’ll, we’ll], and understand that o discussing word meanings, linking new meanings to those a
esents the omitted letter(s).
Understand both the books they can already read accurately
ely books that are consistent with their developing phonic those they listen to by:
do not require them to use other strategies to work out
o drawing on what they already know or on background info
vocabulary provided by the teacher
to build up their fluency and confidence in word reading.
o checking that the text makes sense to them as they read a
inaccurate reading

o discussing the significance of the title and events

o making inferences on the basis of what is being said and d

o predicting what might happen on the basis of what has be

Participate in discussion about what is read to them, taking tur

to what others say.
Explain clearly their understanding of what is read to them.


nic knowledge and skills as the route to decode words until Develop pleasure in reading, motivation to read, vocabulary and und
as become embedded and reading is fluent
o listening to, discussing and expressing views about a wide range o
ending the sounds in words that contain the graphemes taught and classic poetry, stories and non-fiction at a level beyond that a
nising alternative sounds for graphemes read independently

of two or more syllables that contain the same graphemes as o discussing the sequence of events in books and how items of infor

common suffixes o becoming increasingly familiar with and retelling a wider range of
stories and traditional tales
exception words, noting unusual correspondences between
where these occur in the word
o being introduced to non-fiction books that are structured in differe
ly and accurately, without overt sounding and blending, when
ntly encountered o recognising simple recurring literary language in stories and poetry

ely matched to their improving phonic knowledge, sounding out o discussing and clarifying the meanings of words, linking new mean
ately, automatically and without undue hesitation vocabulary

build up their fluency and confidence in word reading. o discussing their favourite words and phrases

o continuing to build up a repertoire of poems learnt by heart, appre

and reciting some, with appropriate intonation to make the mean

Understand both the books that they can already read accurately an
those that they listen to by:
o drawing on what they already know or on background informatio
vocabulary provided by the teacher

o checking that the text makes sense to them as they read and corr
inaccurate reading

o making inferences on the basis of what is being said and done

o answering and asking questions

o predicting what might happen on the basis of what has been read

Participate in discussion about books, poems and other works that are
and those that they can read for themselves, taking turns and listening

Explain and discuss their understanding of books, poems and other ma

that they listen to and those that they read for themselves.


Comprehension continued
knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes (etymology
listed in Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum, both to Understand what they read, in books they can read independe
nderstand the meaning of new words they meet.
o checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their
on words, noting the unusual correspondences between understanding and explaining the meaning of words in cont
and where these occur in the word.
o asking questions to improve their understanding of a text

o drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, tho

motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evid
tudes to reading and understanding of what they read
o predicting what might happen from details stated and impli

iscussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non- o identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragrap
nce books or textbooks summarising these

at are structured in different ways and reading for a o identifying how language, structure, and presentation contr
s meaning

to check the meaning of words that they have read Retrieve and record information from non-fiction.

amiliarity with a wide range of books, including fairy Participate in discussion about both books that are read to them
d legends, and retelling some of these orally they can read for themselves, taking turns and listening to what

es and conventions in a wide range of books

and play scripts to read aloud and to perform, showing

rough intonation, tone, volume and action
and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and

e different forms of poetry [for example, free verse,


Comprehension continued
knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes (etymology
listed in Appendix 1 of the National Curriculum, both to Understand what they read, in books they can read independe
nderstand the meaning of new words they meet.
o checking that the text makes sense to them, discussing their
on words, noting the unusual correspondences between understanding and explaining the meaning of words in cont
and where these occur in the word.
o asking questions to improve their understanding of a text

o drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, tho

motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evid
tudes to reading and understanding of what they read
o predicting what might happen from details stated and impli

iscussing a wide range of fiction, poetry, plays, non- o identifying main ideas drawn from more than one paragrap
nce books or textbooks summarising these

at are structured in different ways and reading for a o identifying how language, structure, and presentation contr
s meaning

to check the meaning of words that they have read Retrieve and record information from non-fiction.

amiliarity with a wide range of books, including fairy Participate in discussion about both books that are read to them
d legends, and retelling some of these orally they can read for themselves, taking turns and listening to what

es and conventions in a wide range of books

and play scripts to read aloud and to perform, showing
rough intonation, tone, volume and action

and phrases that capture the reader’s interest and

e different forms of poetry [for example, free verse,

Comprehension continued
knowledge of root words, prefixes and suffixes
ymology), as listed in Appendix 1 of the National Understand what they read by:
ead aloud and to understand the meaning of new words o checking that the book makes sense to them, discussing the
understanding and exploring the meaning of words in conte
o asking questions to improve their understanding
o drawing inferences such as inferring characters’ feelings, tho
motives from their actions, and justifying inferences with evid
o predicting what might happen from details stated and impli
o summarising the main ideas drawn from more than one para
tudes to reading and understanding of what they read identifying key details that support the main ideas
o identifying how language, structure and presentation contrib
d and discuss an increasingly wide range of fiction, meaning
n-fiction and reference books or textbooks
at are structured in different ways and reading for a Discuss and evaluate how authors use language, including figur
s language, considering the impact on the reader.
amiliarity with a wide range of books, including myths,
itional stories, modern fiction, fiction from our literary Distinguish between statements of fact and opinion.
oks from other cultures and traditions
books that they have read to their peers, giving reasons Retrieve, record and present information from non-fiction.

iscussing themes and conventions in and across a wide Participate in discussions about books that are read to them and
can read for themselves, building on their own and others’ idea
ons within and across books challenging views courteously.
range of poetry by heart
and plays to read aloud and to perform, showing Explain and discuss their understanding of what they have read,
rough intonation, tone and volume so that the meaning through formal presentations and debates, maintaining a focus
dience and using notes where necessary.

Provide reasoned justifications for their views.

Handwriting Vocabulary, grammar and punctu

o sit correctly at a table, holding a pencil Word

g each of the 40+ phonemes comfortably and correctly Use regular plural noun suffixes -s o
o begin to form lower-case letters in the correct dogs; wish, wishes], understanding
tion words direction, starting and finishing in the right these suffixes on the meaning of t
week place
o form capital letters Add suffixes to verbs where no ch
the alphabet: o form digits 0-9 in the spelling of root words [e.g. h
o understand which letters belong to which helper].
es to distinguish between handwriting ‘families’ (i.e. letters that are
ngs of the same sound formed in similar ways) and to practise these. Know how the prefix un- changes
verbs and adjectives [e.g. unkind,
g rule for adding -s or -es as
r for nouns and the third Sentence
marker for verbs Composition Combine words to make sentenc
un- Write sentences by:
er and -est where no change o saying out loud what they are going to write Join words and joining clauses usin
spelling of root words [for about
g, helped, helper, quicker, o composing a sentence orally before writing it Text
o sequencing sentences to form short narratives Sequence sentences to form shor
o re-reading what they have written to check
g rules and guidance, as that it makes sense Punctuation
of the National Curriculum Separate words with spaces.
Discuss what they have written with the teacher
simple sentences dictated by or other pupils. Begin to punctuate using capital
clude words using the GPCs question marks and exclamation m
ption words taught so far. Read aloud their writing clearly enough to be demarcate sentences.
heard by their peers and the teacher.
Use capital letters for names and
pronoun I [e.g. of people, places,

Terminology for pupils

Letter, capital letter, word, singula
sentence, punctuation, full stop, q
exclamation mark.


Composition Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
words into phonemes and Develop positive attitudes towards and stamina for writing Form nouns using suffixes such as -ness, -e
by graphemes, spelling many by: compounding [e.g. whiteboard, superma
o writing narratives about personal experiences and those
of spelling phonemes for which one of others (real and fictional) Form adjectives using suffixes such as -ful,
e already known, and learn some o writing about real events
elling, including a few common o writing poetry Use the suffixes -er, -est in adjectives and
o writing for different purposes English to turn adjectives into adverbs.
mmon exception words
e words with contracted forms Consider what they are going to write before beginning by: Sentence
ve apostrophe (singular) [for o planning or saying out loud what they are going to write Use subordination (when, if, that, because
ook] about ordination (or, and, but).
en homophones and near- o writing down ideas and/or key words, including new
vocabulary Use expanded noun phrases for descriptio
o encapsulating what they want to say, sentence by specification [e.g. the man on the moon]
er words, including -ment, -ness, -ful, - sentence
Know how the grammatical patterns in a
Make simple additions, revisions and corrections to their own its function as a statement, question, excl
guidance, as listed in Appendix 1 of writing by: command.
o evaluating their writing with the teacher and other pupils
o re-reading to check that their writing makes sense and Text
e sentences dictated by the teacher that verbs to indicate time are used correctly and Choose the correct tense (present and pa
the GPCs, common exception consistently, including verbs in the continuous form throughout writing.
aught so far. o proof-reading to check for errors in spelling, grammar
and punctuation [for example, ends of sentences Use the progressive form of verbs in the pr
punctuated correctly] tense to mark actions in progress [e.g. she
ers of the correct size relative to one was shouting].
Read aloud what they have written with appropriate
he diagonal and horizontal strokes intonation to make the meaning clear. Learn how to use some features of written
rs and understand which letters,
ne another, are best left unjoined Punctuation
and digits of the correct size, Use capital letters, full stops, question mar
tionship to one another and to lower marks to demarcate sentences.

n words that reflects the size of the Use commas to separate items in a list.

Use apostrophes to mark where letters are

Use apostrophes to mark singular possessi
the girl’s name].

Terminology for pupils

Noun, noun phrase, statement, question,
command, compound, suffix, adjective, a
(past, present), apostrophe, comma.
Composition Vocabulary, grammar and punctuati
and suffixes and understand Plan their writing by: Word
National Curriculum English o discussing writing similar to that which they are Form nouns using a range of prefixes
planning to write in order to understand and
learn from its structure, vocabulary and Use a or an according to whether the
grammar begins with a consonant or vowel.
o discussing and recording ideas
Identify and use word families based
often misspelt (National words, showing how words are relate
Draft and write by:
ix 1). meaning, [e.g. solve, solution, solver,
o composing and rehearsing sentences orally
(including dialogue), progressively building a
e apostrophe accurately in
varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing Sentence
plurals [for example, girls’,
range of sentence structures – see Appendix 2 Express time, place and cause using
with irregular plurals [for of the National Curriculum when, before, after, while, so, becau
]. o organising paragraphs around a theme then, next, soon, therefore]; or prepo
o in narratives, creating settings, characters and before, after, during, in, because of]
hree letters of a word to plot
a dictionary. o in non-narrative material, using simple Extend sentences with more than one
organisational devices [for example, headings a wider range of conjunctions, includ
simple sentences, dictated by and sub-headings] because, although
clude words and punctuation
Evaluate and edit by: Text
o assessing the effectiveness of their own and Start to use paragraphs to group rela
others’ writing and suggesting improvements
o proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary Use headings and sub-headings to ai
nd horizontal strokes that are
rs and understand which to improve consistency, including the accurate
Use the present perfect form of verbs
ent to one another, are best use of pronouns in sentences
simple past [e.g. He has gone out to
out to play].
Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.
y, consistency and quality of Punctuation
Read aloud their own writing, to a group or the
r example, by ensuring that whole class, using appropriate intonation and Begin to use inverted commas to pun
etters are parallel and controlling the tone and volume so that the speech.
es of writing are spaced meaning is clear.
he ascenders and descenders Terminology for pupils
Preposition, conjunction, word family
subordinate clause, direct speech, co
consonant letter vowel, vowel letter,
commas/speech marks.


Composition Vocabulary, grammar and punctua
and suffixes and understand Plan their writing by: Word
nglish Appendix 1). o discussing writing similar to that which they are Recognise the grammatical differe
planning to write in order to understand and plural and possessive -s.
hones. learn from its structure, vocabulary and
grammar Use Standard English forms for verb
often misspelt (National o discussing and recording ideas instead of local spoken form [e.g. w
ix 1). of we was]
Draft and write by:
o composing and rehearsing sentences orally Sentence
e apostrophe accurately in
(including dialogue), progressively building a Expand noun phrases by the additio
plurals [for example, girls’,
varied and rich vocabulary and an increasing adjectives, nouns and preposition p
with irregular plurals [for
range of sentence structures – see Appendix 2 teacher expanded to the strict mat
]. of the National Curriculum curly hair]
o organising paragraphs around a theme
hree letters of a word to o in narratives, creating settings, characters and Use fronted adverbials [e.g. Later th
a dictionary. plot the bad news.]
o in non-narrative material, using simple
simple sentences, dictated by organisational devices [for example, headings Text
clude words and punctuation and sub-headings] Use paragraphs to organise ideas a

Evaluate and edit by: Use appropriate pronoun and noun

o assessing the effectiveness of their own and across sentences to aid cohesion a
nd horizontal strokes that are others’ writing and suggesting improvements repetition.
rs and understand which o proposing changes to grammar and vocabulary
ent to one another, are best to improve consistency, including the accurate Punctuation
use of pronouns in sentences Use inverted commas and other pu
indicate direct speech.
y, consistency and quality of Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.
r example, by ensuring that Use apostrophe to mark plural poss
etters are parallel and Read aloud their own writing, to a group or the
es of writing are spaced whole class, using appropriate intonation and Use commas after fronted adverbia
he ascenders and descenders controlling the tone and volume so that the
ch]. meaning is clear. Terminology for pupils
Determiner, pronoun, possessive pro
Composition Vocabulary, grammar and punctuati
d suffixes and understand the Plan their writing by: Word
hem. o identifying the audience for and purpose of the Convert nouns or adjectives into verb
writing, selecting the appropriate form and using [e.g. -ate, -ise, -ify]
‘silent’ letters [for example, other similar writing as models for their own
. o noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on Use verb prefixes [e.g. dis-, de-, mis-, o
reading and research where necessary
h between homophones and o in writing narratives, considering how authors have Sentence
e often confused. developed characters and settings in what pupils Use relative clauses beginning with w
have read, listened to or seen performed when, whose, that or an omitted rela
rphology and etymology in
nd that the spelling of some Draft and write by: Indicate degrees of possibility using a
arnt specifically, as listed in o selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, perhaps, surely] or modal verbs [e.g.
ppendix 1. understanding how such choices can change and will, must].
enhance meaning
eck the spelling and meaning of o in narratives, describing settings, characters and Text
atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey Use devices to build cohesion within a
character and advance the action then, after, that, this, firstly].
ur letters of a word to check o précising longer passages
oth of these in a dictionary. o using a wide range of devices to build cohesion Link ideas across paragraphs using ad
within and across paragraphs [e.g. later], place [e.g. nearby] and n
o using further organisational and presentational secondly] or tense choice [e.g. he ha
devices to structure text and to guide the reader before].
[for example, headings, bullet points, underlining]
and with increasing speed by: Evaluate and edit by: Use brackets, dashes and commas to
hape of a letter to use when o assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ parenthesis.
d deciding whether or not to join writing
o proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and Use commas to clarify meaning and
ng implement that is best suited punctuation to enhance effects and clarify
meaning Terminology for pupils
o ensuring the consistent and correct use of tense Modal verb, relative pronoun, relative
throughout a piece of writing parenthesis, bracket, dash, cohesion,
o ensuring correct subject and verb agreement
when using singular and plural, distinguishing
between the language of speech and writing and
choosing the appropriate register

Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors.

Perform their own compositions, using appropriate
intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is


Composition Vocabulary, grammar and punctuation
suffixes and understand the Plan their writing by: Word
hem. o identifying the audience for and purpose of the Recognise the difference between vocabul
speech and that appropriate for formal spe
writing, selecting the appropriate form and using
silent’ letters [for example, knight, other similar writing as models for their own
o noting and developing initial ideas, drawing on Explore how words are related by meaning
reading and research where necessary antonyms.
between homophones and other o in writing narratives, considering how authors have
confused. developed characters and settings in what pupils Sentence
have read, listened to or seen performed Use passive voice to affect presentation in a
phology and etymology in spelling broke the window in the greenhouse vs The
house was broken (by me).
e spelling of some words needs to Draft and write by:
s listed in National Curriculum o selecting appropriate grammar and vocabulary, Recognise and use structures typical of infor
understanding how such choices can change and structures appropriate for formal speech and
enhance meaning question tags: He’s your friend, isn’t he?, or u
ck the spelling and meaning of o in narratives, describing settings, characters and forms such as If I were or Were they].
atmosphere and integrating dialogue to convey
character and advance the action Use expanded noun phrases to convey com
r letters of a word to check o précising longer passages concisely.
oth of these in a dictionary. o using a wide range of devices to build cohesion
Use the perfect form of verbs to mark relatio
within and across paragraphs cause.
o using further organisational and presentational
devices to structure text and to guide the reader [for Text
example, headings, bullet points, underlining] Link ideas across paragraphs using a wider r
devices, including repetition of a word or ph
Evaluate and edit by: connections [e.g. adverbials such as on the
nd with increasing speed by: o assessing the effectiveness of their own and others’ contrast, or as a consequence], and ellipsis.
ape of a letter to use when given writing
Use layout devices to structure texts [e.g. he
ing whether or not to join specific o proposing changes to vocabulary, grammar and headings, columns, bullets, or tables].
punctuation to enhance effects and clarify meaning
g implement that is best suited for o ensuring the consistent and correct use of tense Punctuation
throughout a piece of writing Use semi-colon, colon and dash to mark the
o ensuring correct subject and verb agreement when independent clauses [e.g. It’s raining; I’m fe
using singular and plural, distinguishing between the
language of speech and writing and choosing the Use colon to introduce a list and semi-colon
appropriate register
Punctuate bullet points correctly.
Proof-read for spelling and punctuation errors. Use hyphens to avoid ambiguity [e.g. man e
eating shark].
Perform their own compositions, using appropriate
Terminology for pupils
intonation, volume, and movement so that meaning is
Subject, object, active, passive, synonym, p
clear. antonym, ellipsis, hyphen, colon, semi-colon


value Number – multiplication and division Measurement continued
ss 100, forwards and Solve one-step problems involving Measure and begin to record th
ning with 0 or 1, or from any multiplication and division, by calculating the o lengths and heights
answer using concrete objects, pictorial o mass/weight
representations and arrays with the support of o capacity and volume
rite numbers to 100 in the teacher. o time (hours, minutes, second
multiples of twos, fives and
Number fractions Recognise and know the value o
Recognise, find and name a half as one of two denominations of coins and not
dentify one more and one equal parts of an object, shape or quantity.
Sequence events in chronologic
Recognise, find and name a quarter as one of language [for example, before a
ent numbers using objects four equal parts of an object, shape or first, today, yesterday, tomorrow
sentations including the quantity. afternoon and evening].
se the language of: equal
than (fewer), most, least. Measurement Recognise and use language re
Compare, describe and solve practical including days of the week, wee
mbers from 1 to 20 in problems for: years.
ds. o lengths and heights [for example,
long/short, longer/shorter, tall/short, Tell the time to the hour and hal
and subtraction double/half] and draw the hands on a clock
erpret mathematical o mass/weight [for example, heavy/light, these times.
g addition (+), subtraction heavier than, lighter than]
igns. o capacity and volume [for example, Geometry – properties of shapes
full/empty, more than, less than, half, half Recognise and name common
number bonds and related full, quarter] shapes, including:
ithin 20. o time [for example, quicker, slower, earlier, o 2-D shapes [for example, rec
later] (including squares), circles an
one-digit and two-digit o 3-D shapes [for example, cub
uding zero. cubes), pyramids and sphere

blems that involve addition Geometry – position and directio

ing concrete objects and Describe position, direction and
ations, and missing number including whole, half, quarter an
ue Number – multiplication and division Measurement continued
nd 5 from 0, and in tens from any Recall and use multiplication and division facts for the 2, 5 Compare and sequence intervals of tim
ackward. and 10 multiplication tables, including recognising odd
and even numbers. Tell and write the time to five minutes, in
alue of each digit in a two-digit past/to the hour and draw the hands o
Calculate mathematical statements for multiplication show these times.
and division within the multiplication tables and write
estimate numbers using different them using the multiplication (×), division (÷) and equals Know the number of minutes in an hour
ng the number line. (=) signs. of hours in a day.

umbers from 0 up to 100; use <, > Show that multiplication of two numbers can be done in Geometry – properties of shapes
any order (commutative) and division of one number by Identify and describe the properties of
another cannot. including the number of sides and line s
rs to at least 100 in numerals and in vertical line.
Solve problems involving multiplication and division, using
materials, arrays, repeated addition, mental methods, Identify and describe the properties of
umber facts to solve problems. and multiplication and division facts, including problems including the number of edges, vertice
in contexts. Identify 2-D shapes on the surface of 3-
subtraction example, a circle on a cylinder and a t
dition and subtraction: Fractions pyramid].
ects and pictorial representations, Recognise, find, name and write fractions 1/3, 1/4, 2/4
olving numbers, quantities and and 3/4 of a length, shape, set of objects or quantity. Compare and sort common 2-D and 3-
everyday objects.
asing knowledge of mental and Write simple fractions for example, ½ of 6 = 3 and
recognise the equivalence of 2/4 and ½ Geometry – position and direction
Order and arrange combinations of ma
n and subtraction facts to 20 Measurement objects in patterns and sequences.
d use related facts up to 100. Choose and use appropriate standard units to estimate
and measure length/height in any direction (m/cm); mass Use mathematical vocabulary to descr
bers using concrete objects, (kg/g); temperature (°C); capacity (litres/ml) to the direction and movement, including mo
s, and mentally, including: nearest appropriate unit, using rulers, scales, straight line and distinguishing between
and ones thermometers and measuring vessels. and in terms of right angles for quarter,
and tens quarter turns (clockwise and anti-clock
bers Compare and order lengths, mass, volume/capacity and
digit numbers record the results using >, < and =. Statistics
Interpret and construct simple pictogra
wo numbers can be done in any Recognise and use symbols for pounds (£) and pence (p); block diagrams and simple tables.
nd subtraction of one number from combine amounts to make a particular value.
Ask and answer simple questions by co
Find different combinations of coins that equal the same of objects in each category and sorting
inverse relationship between amounts of money. quantity.
on and use this to check
missing number problems. Solve simple problems in a practical context involving Ask and answer questions about totallin
addition and subtraction of money of the same unit, categorical data.
including giving change.
e Fractions Geometry – properties of shapes
of 4, 8, 50 and 100; find 10 or 100 Count up and down in tenths; recognise that tenths arise Draw 2-D shapes and make 3-D shapes u
n number. from dividing an object into 10 equal parts and in dividing materials; recognise 3-D shapes in differen
one-digit numbers or quantities by 10. describe them.
ue of each digit in a three-digit
ones). Recognise, find and write fractions of a discrete set of Recognise angles as a property of shape
objects: unit fractions and non-unit fractions with small turn.
mbers up to 1000. denominators.
Identify right angles, recognise that two ri
stimate numbers using different Recognise and use fractions as numbers: unit fractions and half-turn, three make three quarters of a t
non-unit fractions with small denominators. complete turn; identify whether angles ar
less than a right angle.
up to 1000 in numerals and in words. Recognise and show, using diagrams, equivalent fractions
with small denominators. Identify horizontal and vertical lines and p
and practical problems involving perpendicular and parallel lines.
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator within
one whole [for example, 75 + 71 = 76]. Statistics
ubtraction Interpret and present data using bar char
ers mentally, including: Compare and order unit fractions, and fractions with the tables.
r and ones same denominators.
r and tens Solve one-step and two-step questions [fo
r and hundreds Solve problems that involve all of the above. many more?’ and ‘How many fewer?’] us
presented in scaled bar charts and pictog
ers with up to three digits, using Measurement
of columnar addition and Measure, compare, add and subtract: lengths (m/cm/mm);
mass (kg/g); volume/capacity (l/ml).

calculation and use inverse Measure the perimeter of simple 2-D shapes.
Add and subtract amounts of money to give change, using
g missing number problems, using both £ and p in practical contexts.
ue, and more complex addition and
Tell and write the time from an analogue clock, including
using Roman numerals from I to XII, and 12-hour and 24-hour
and division clocks.
ation and division facts for the 3, 4
es. Estimate and read time with increasing accuracy to the
nearest minute; record and compare time in terms of
hematical statements for seconds, minutes and hours; use vocabulary such as o’clock,
n using the multiplication tables that a.m./p.m., morning, afternoon, noon and midnight.
2-digit numbers times 1-digit
nd progressing to formal written Know the number of seconds in a minute and the number of
days in each month, year and leap year.

g missing number problems, involving Compare durations of events [for example to calculate the
n, including positive integer scaling time taken by particular events or tasks].
dence problems in which n objects
e Number – multiplication and division continued Measurement continued
, 9, 25 and 1000. Multiply two-digit and three-digit numbers by a one-digit Find the area of rectilinear shapes by cou
number using formal written layout.
an a given number. Estimate, compare and calculate differen
Solve problems involving multiplying and adding, including including money in pounds and pence.
gh zero to include negative numbers. using the distributive law to multiply two digit numbers by one
digit, integer scaling problems and harder correspondence Read, write and convert time between an
ue of each digit in a four-digit problems such as n objects are connected to m objects. 12- and 24-hour clocks.
dreds, tens, and ones).
Fractions, including decimals Solve problems involving converting from
mbers beyond 1000. Recognise and show, using diagrams, families of common minutes to seconds; years to months; wee
equivalent fractions.
stimate numbers using different
Count up and down in hundredths; recognise that Geometry – properties of shapes
hundredths arise when dividing an object by one hundred Compare and classify geometric shapes,
e nearest 10, 100 or 1000. and dividing tenths by ten. quadrilaterals and triangles, based on the
ical problems that involve all of the Solve problems involving increasingly harder fractions to
ngly large positive numbers. calculate quantities, and fractions to divide quantities, Identify acute and obtuse angles and co
including non-unit fractions where the answer is a whole angles up to two right angles by size.
o 100 (I to C) and know that over number.
m changed to include the concept of Identify lines of symmetry in 2-D shapes pr
Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator. orientations.

ubtraction Recognise and write decimal equivalents of any number of Complete a simple symmetric figure with
ers with up to 4 digits using the formal tenths or hundredths. line of symmetry.
mnar addition and subtraction where
Recognise and write decimal equivalents to ¼, ½, ¾. Geometry – position and direction
Describe positions on a 2-D grid as coordi
operations to check answers to a Find the effect of dividing a one- or two-digit number by 10 quadrant.
and 100, identifying the value of the digits in the answer as
ones, tenths and hundredths. Describe movements between positions a
action two-step problems in given unit to the left/right and up/down.
h operations and methods to use Round decimals with one decimal place to the nearest
whole number. Plot specified points and draw sides to co
and division Compare numbers with the same number of decimal places
d division facts for multiplication up to two decimal places. Statistics
Solve simple measure and money problems involving Interpret and present discrete and contin
fractions and decimals to two decimal places. appropriate graphical methods, including
and derived facts to multiply and time graphs.
g: multiplying by 0 and 1; dividing by Measurement
hree numbers. Convert between different units of measure [for example, Solve comparison, sum and difference pr
kilometre to metre; hour to minute]. information presented in bar charts, picto
or pairs and commutativity in mental Measure and calculate the perimeter of a rectilinear figure other graphs.
(including squares) in centimetres and metres.
Number – multiplication and division continued Measurement
pare numbers to at least 1,000,000 and Recognise and use square numbers and cube numbers, and the Convert between different units of metric meas
h digit. notation for squared (2) and cubed (3). kilometre and metre; centimetre and metre; ce
millimetre; gram and kilogram; litre and millilitre
ds in steps of powers of 10 for any given Solve problems involving multiplication and division including using
their knowledge of factors and multiples, squares and cubes. Understand and use approximate equivalence
and common imperial units such as inches, pou
in context, count forwards and Solve problems involving addition, subtraction, multiplication and
d negative whole numbers, including division and a combination of these, including understanding the Measure and calculate the perimeter of comp
meaning of the equals sign. in centimetres and metres.

000,000 to the nearest 10; 100; 1,000; Solve problems involving multiplication and division, including scaling Calculate and compare the area of rectangle
by simple fractions and problems involving simple rates. and including using standard units, square cen
square metres (m2) and estimate the area of irr
d practical problems that involve all of the
Fractions, including decimals and percentages Estimate volume [for example, using 1 cm3 bloc
Compare and order fractions whose denominators are all multiples of (including cubes)] and capacity [for example,
000 (M) and recognise years written in the same number.
Solve problems involving converting between u
Identify, name and write equivalent fractions of a given fraction,
raction represented visually, including tenths and hundredths. Use all four operations to solve problems involvi
mbers with more than 4 digits, including example, length, mass, volume, money] using d
s (columnar addition and subtraction). Recognise mixed numbers and improper fractions and convert from including scaling.
one form to the other and write mathematical statements > 1 as a
mentally with increasingly large numbers. mixed number. Geometry – properties of shapes
Identify 3-D shapes, including cubes and other
wers to calculations and determine, in the Add and subtract fractions with the same denominator and representations.
of accuracy. denominators that are multiples of the same number.
Know angles are measured in degrees: estimat
ion multi-step problems in contexts, Multiply proper fractions and mixed numbers by whole numbers, obtuse and reflex angles.
and methods to use and why. supported by materials and diagrams.
Draw given angles, and measure them in degre
d division Read and write decimal numbers as fractions [for example, 0.71 =
s, including finding all factor pairs of a 71/100]. Identify:
ors of two numbers. o angles at a point and one whole turn (tota
Recognise and use thousandths and relate them to tenths, o angles at a point on a straight line and ½ t
ary of prime numbers, prime factors and hundredths and decimal equivalents. o other multiples of 90o
bers. o use the properties of rectangles to deduce
Round decimals with two decimal places to the nearest whole find missing lengths and angles
up to 100 is prime and recall prime number and to one decimal place. o distinguish between regular and irregular p
reasoning about equal sides and angles.
Read, write, order and compare numbers with up to three decimal
gits by a one- or two-digit number using a places. Geometry – position and direction
uding long multiplication for two-digit Identify, describe and represent the position of
Solve problems involving number up to three decimal places. reflection or translation, using the appropriate l
that the shape has not changed.
s mentally drawing upon known facts. Recognise the per cent symbol (%) and understand that per cent
relates to ‘number of parts per hundred’, and write percentages as a Statistics
s by a one-digit number using the formal fraction with denominator 100, and as a decimal. Solve comparison, sum and difference problem
ion and interpret remainders presented in a line graph.
xt. Solve problems which require knowing percentage and decimal
equivalents of 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 2/5, 4/5 and those fractions with a Complete, read and interpret information in ta
umbers and those involving decimals by denominator of a multiple of 10 or 25. timetables.


Fractions, including decimals and percentages continued Measurement
pare numbers up to 10,000,000 and Divide proper fractions by whole numbers. Solve problems involving the calculation and c
h digit. measure, using decimal notation up to three de
Associate a fraction with division and calculate decimal fraction appropriate.
o a required degree of accuracy. equivalents for a simple fraction.
Use, read, write and convert between standard
ntext, and calculate intervals across zero. Identify the value of each digit in numbers given to three decimal measurements of length, mass, volume and tim
places and multiply and divide numbers by 10, 100 and 1000 giving measure to a larger unit, and vice versa, using
problems that involve all of the above. answers up to three decimal places. to three decimal places.

ion, multiplication and division Multiply one-digit numbers with up to two decimal places by whole Convert between miles and kilometres.
up to 4 digits by a two-digit whole numbers.
tten method of long multiplication. Recognise that shapes with the same areas ca
Use written division methods in cases where the answer has up to two perimeters and vice versa.
s by a two-digit whole number using the decimal places.
ng division, and interpret remainders as Recognise when it is possible to use formulae fo
ractions, or by rounding, as appropriate Solve problems which require answers to be rounded to specified shapes.
degrees of accuracy.
Calculate the area of parallelograms and trian
s by a two-digit number using the formal Recall and use equivalences between simple fractions, decimals and calculate, estimate and compare volume of c
ion where appropriate, interpreting percentages, including in different contexts. using standard units, including cubic centimetr
e context. metres (m3), and extending to other units [for e
Ratio and proportion km3].
, including with mixed operations and Solve problems involving the relative sizes of two quantities where
missing values can be found by using integer multiplication and Geometry – properties of shapes
division facts. Draw 2-D shapes using given dimensions and a
ommon multiples and prime numbers.
Solve problems involving the calculation of percentages [for Recognise, describe and build simple 3-D shap
order of operations to carry out example, of measures, and such as 15% of 360] and the use of nets.
ur operations. percentages for comparison.
Compare and classify geometric shapes based
ion multi-step problems in contexts, Solve problems involving similar shapes where the scale factor is and sizes and find unknown angles in any triang
and methods to use and why. known or can be found. and regular polygons.

dition, subtraction, multiplication and Solve problems involving unequal sharing and grouping using Illustrate and name parts of circles, including ra
knowledge of fractions and multiples. circumference and know that the diameter is t

wers to calculations and determine, in Algebra Recognise angles where they meet at a point,
n appropriate degree of accuracy. Use simple formulae. or are vertically opposite, and find missing angl

ls and percentages Generate and describe linear number sequences. Geometry – position and direction
plify fractions; use common multiples to Describe positions on the full coordinate grid (a
e denomination. Express missing number problems algebraically.
ns, including fractions > 1. Draw and translate simple shapes on the coord
Find pairs of numbers that satisfy an equation with two unknowns. reflect them in the axes.
with different denominators and mixed
of equivalent fractions. Enumerate possibilities of combinations of two variables. Statistics
Interpret and construct pie charts and line grap
er fractions, writing the answer in its solve problems.

Calculate and interpret the mean as an averag

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