Restoration of The Gnosis Decree of The Synod: Deacon Referendum
Restoration of The Gnosis Decree of The Synod: Deacon Referendum
Restoration of The Gnosis Decree of The Synod: Deacon Referendum
The re-establishment of the hierarchy permits the restoration of Gnostic symbolism.
Assembly are re-established.
Bishops and their coadjutors, alone, can confer the CONSOLAMENTUM.
All Pneumatics, Perfecti or S∴I∴ can perform the BREAKING OF BREAD.
The APPAREILLAMENTUM is the exclusive privilege of the Patriarchal throne.
L’Initiation will publish these three rituals incessantly.
The Martinist Order is declared to be Gnostic in essence. All S∴I∴ take rank in the class of the Perfecti.
The Gospel according to John is the only Gnostic Gospel.
Given in Paris under the seal of the V.H. Gnostic Synod, this 28th day of the seventh month of year IV of the
Restoration of the Gnosis.
aThe Gnostic Patriarch, Primate of the Albigeois, Bishop of Montségur.
aThe Bishop of Toulouse.
aThe Bishop of Béziers.
aThe Sophia of Warsaw.
aThe coadjutor of His Grace the Patriarch, Bishop of Milan.
aThe coadjutor of Toulouse, Bishop of Concorezzo.
aThe Bishop Elect of Avignon.
By mandate of His Grace and the V.H. Synod.
Deacon Referendum
The Very H. Pleroma invoked, we order this Decree of the Very Holy Gnostic Synod executed in all Assemblies.
Gnostic Patriarch,
Primate of the Albigeois, Bishop of Montségur.
Decree of the Very High Gnostic Synod for the publication of the Catechism:
“The Very High Gnostic Synod, reunited in Paris, the 10th day of the 7th month of the Vth year of the Restoration of
the Gnosis, enacts:
“The Gnostic Catechism, containing three parts and preceded by a mandate of His Grace the Patriarch, will be
published unceasingly and throughouth the Darkness of the Kenoma. So Will the Holy Eons.
“By decree of the Very High Synod,
The Great Referendum of the Seal,
Bishop of Concorezzo and Coadjutor of
the Bishop of Toulouse, Commander of
the Order of the Dove of the Paraclete: Imprimateur:
aPaul. Ü Valentin.
* To answer the various questions put by our readers, let us say that the Catechism we publish today was recovered in the papers that Valentin II (Jules Doinel) left us. It is
a fragmentary work that could not constitute a complete body of doctrine and on which has place to make some reserves. [Note from the Writing of the journal ‘La
Gnose’, as are, it seems, all the following].
1. It can be active while not acting, because its activity is potential, or non-manifest.
D. – Who is the second doctor of the Gnosis?
R. – It is the Syrian Basilides, who, around the year 130, taught in Alexandria.
D. – Condense his doctrine.
R. – His first principle is that of the pure Being, identical with himself, the indeterminate Essence, Spirit and Matter at the same time,
absolute potentiality.
D. – What does he call it?
R. – The Ineffable Father. He is comprised of three filiations: the Ogdoade, the Hebdomade, the Hylic or Matter.
D. – What is the Ogdoade?
R. – It is the divine world, governed by the supreme Archon.
D. – What is the Hebdomade?
R. – It is the intermediate World, governed by the second Archon.
D. – What is the Hylic?
R. – It is the dark region wherein chaos reigns.
D. – What do we call the combination of these three worlds?
R. – Abraxas. It is a successive series of 365 worlds or heavens.1
D– Explain evolution and involution?
R. – God, having spread out throughout the multiplicity, finally recovers himself and brings everything back with Him into the Unity.
Man is the breakpoint between the two movements.
D. – How is Redemption achieved in the three worlds?
R. – In the divine world, Protos Christos, son of the superior Archon, saves the Eons. In the intermediate world, Deuteros Christos
saves Spirits. In the Hylic, the terrestrial Christos, son of the Eon Myriam, saves Men.
D. – Of what nature is Jesus composed?
R. – Of an astral body taken from the Hylic, of a psyche taken from the intermediate world, of a νους or Spirit received from the
World of the divine.
D. – Recall for us the great words of Basilides.
R. – “Jesus was the first fruits of the distinction of Essences; He is the model of a true Gnostic, because he saves us by illuminating
1. One gets precisely the number 365 by adding the numeric Greek letter values that form the word Abraxas or Abrasax.
D. – Who is Valentinus?
R. – The third and greatest doctor of the Gnosis, Simon Magus’s successor on the Patriarchal Throne, the Father and the ancestor of
our Assembly, the most harmonious and most eloquent of the Masters.
D. – What have you to say about him?
R. – His doctrine, which is ours, will be developed later on. We will speak solely of the man and his influence.
D. – Tell us of the man.
R. – Valentinus, we are told by his adversary Saint Epiphany, was born in Egypt in the Nome of Phténotite, and frequented the
schools of Alexendria, where he learned Platonic metaphysics.
D. – What testimonies of him are there by the Fathers of the church?
R. – Saint Jerome calls him “the very scholarly”; the author of the Dialogue against the Marcionites sees him as a superior mind1; Tertullien
praises his profound knowledge of the theories of the great Plato; Clement of Alexandria fights him like a dangerous and almighty
D. – In what time period did Valentinus live?
R. – The scholar Amélineau, whose learning has provided much service to the Gnosis, established that our famous doctor and Father
came to Rome between the year 135 and 141 of the Christian era. He would have been about forty years old then; and he died
around the age of 70 years, full of grace, virtue and wisdom.
D. – Where did Valentinus die?
R. – On the island of Cyprus, between the years 160 and 170.
D. – Where did Valentinus teach?
R. – He taught in Alexandria, Rome, and in all of Egypt.
D. – What did Valentinus say?
R. – He said that he was a disciple of Theodas, himself a disciple of the apostle Paul, and that he took his doctrine from the esoteric
teachings bequeathed by Jesus to his apostles.
D. – What works did Valentin leave?
R. – The Letters to Agathopodus, of which we possess a fragment, homilies, a Speech on Friendship, psalms, and a dissertation on the
origin of evil, of which Origen preserved an eloquent passage. His capital work was titled: Sophia.
D. – What authors spoke of Valentinus?
R. – Saint Irenaeus, Clement of Alexandria, Origen, Tertullien, Philastrius, Theodoret, the book ‘Philosophumena’ and Saint Epiphany.
D. – Cite some passages from our Master.
R. – “God was love; but love without a beloved [aimless love] is no longer love. This is why he emanated the object to be loved.” This
magnificent passage contains the germ of the gnostic doctrine par excellence: emanation.
D. – Continue.
R. – “In the Uncreated, all things co-exist. In what is generated, ‘it is the feminine that provides the substance; it is the masculine that
‘gives shape to the substance.’”
D. – Go on.
R. – “The Psychic man is in part a fool, because he is under ‘the power of the Demiurge.’”
D. – Give us the magnificent passage reproduced by Clement of Alexandria in his Stromateis [Miscellanies]?
R. – “There is only one good Being, whose power is manifest through His only son. The heart, indeed, is the palace of a great number
of impure spirits. The heart is a desecrated inn, soiled by foul travelers. These are demons. But, when the Father, who is Good,
deigns to visit, the heart is sanctified; it is illuminated by the clarity of the Pleroma; it shines like a star. Happy is he that possesses
such a heart! He will see God.”
D. – Continue.
R. – “After Man's creation, the Logos placed an angelic seed in its soul. This spiritual seed, put in the soul by Jesus, the Flower of the
Pleroma, stops it from being annihilated.”
D. – What can you conclude from this?
R. – That Hylics will utterly perish: it is conditional Immortality.
D. – Recite for us a passage of a homily from Valentinus to his disciples?
R. – You are immortal from the beginning (απ′αβχης ).
“–You are the children of Eternal Life. If you wanted death to spread its empire upon you, it would be to destroy and abolish it,
making it die in you and by you. You dissolve the world and are not dissolved by it. You dominate all creatures and corruption.”
D. – To whom does this passage apply?
R. – It applies to Pneumatics and to the Elect.
D. – What did Valentinus call Gnosis?
R. – The mystery hidden for centuries. To rend the veil and to reveal this mystery, Jesus was born of the Virgin Miriam.
We must recall here that this Catechism is only a piecemeal work, and that we are only publishing it as the document is titled. The second part,
containing the exposition of the Doctrine, which had been begun by S. G. Paul, Bishop of Concorezzo, remains incomplete; the publications henceforth are the few
chapters that have been written. As for the third part, which had to be about the Church, had never even been started. We thought that it would be preferable to
leave this Catechism in the state we found it, rather than to complete it ourselves, because our thought could not have been the exact continuation of those of its first
authors. [(Note from the journal ‘La Gnose’). The chapters that follow are the work of Paul Sédir (Yvon Le Loup). (N.D.E.)]
1. It seems that there is an inversion here: Bythos, the Abyss, is masculine, and Sigè, Silence, is feminine; but it depends on the viewpoint considerd.
2. It is necessary to note that there are some differences of opinion about this order.
D. – The Eons that you named, are they the only ones that exist?
R. – No; they form, in the Very Holy Pleroma, only the Ogdoade, the first diathesis of the absolute.
D. – How does the hierarchy of the Eons continue?
R. – By the Decade and the Dodecade.
D. – What is the Decade?
R. – The Decade is the reunion of five Syzygieses emanated by the Word and Life in thanksgiving to the Propator.
D. – What are the Eons of which the Decade is composed?
R. – They are: Bythos (the Deep), and Mixis (the Mixture); Agératos (That which does not age), and Hénôsis (Union); Autophyès (That
which exists by itself), and Hêdonè (Pleasure); Akinêtos (That which is immovable), and Synkrasis (the Mixture); Monogénès (the Only
Son), and Makaria (Bliss).
D. – What do these names represent?
R. – These names represent the collective intiates, the souls of life and the rays of the Abyss. They signify the powers of Logos and Zôé
manifest; they are an indication the abilities of Sigèe. You will see, henceforth, their radiance to propagate itself unto the confines
of the Void. They fill the three Worlds with their splendors; in them and by them live all visible and invisible creatures.
D. – Then what are qualities of the Word?
R. – The Word is the Only Son of the Father. It was the first in the Abss. “It was in God”, which is why it doesn't age; “it is God”,
which is why it exists by itself; finally, “all creatures are generated by him, and nothing that was made has been made without
him”, which is why is immovable.
D. – Explain the Powers of Life.
R. – Since the Word does not move, it manifests itself by mouvment; which is why Zôé is Mixis and Synkrasis. In the course of her
immense period, she reunites opposites while producing, according to the law of divine harmony, Pleasure and Bliss.
D. – What do terms like Pleasure and Bliss symbolize?
R. – They signigy the blossoming, expansion and fullness of life that results from all harmonious and reciprocal actions of two powers.
The love of a man and a woman, when it is pure, results in the Invisible by the melody that is sung from the battle of their souls.
It is the same in every degree of life… because “that which is above is like that which is below, and that which is below is like that
which is above” (but in an inverse sense).
1. This is not to be confounded with the Ogdoade that was addressed in chapter VIII.
1. These seven worlds are governed by the seven Elohim, of which the Demiurge (Adonaï Tsabaoth or Lord of the Septenary) is the chief. One
can also see the Demiurge as the synthesis of the Elohim (natural Forces), considered to be a collective entity. Again, it is necessary to note that
the seven worlds of the Hebdomade are symbolized by the ‘spheres’ of the seven planets, but it would be absurd to want to identify them with
the material planets of the solar system, because it is only a simple analogy. Each of these seven worlds is actually a different mode of existence
within the domain of the Demiurge.
[This Catechism was published in numbers 1 (Nov. 1909), 2, 4, 6, 7, 8 (June 1910) of the journal ‘La Gnose’. (N.D.E.)]