Typical Adjective Endings 1bac
Typical Adjective Endings 1bac
Typical Adjective Endings 1bac
Nature Natural
-al If ending with an ‘e‘, drop it
Function Functional
Ice Icy
-y If ending with an ‘e‘, drop it
Oil Oily
Beauty Beautiful
-ful If ending with a ‘y‘, replace with an ‘i‘
Peace Peaceful
Mystery Mysterious
-ous/-ious If ending with a ‘y‘, drop it
Danger Dangerous
History Historic
-ic If ending with a ‘y‘, drop it
Rust Rustic
Forming adjectives from nouns and verbs
Adjectives can be formed from different words. They can be formed from nouns:
Noun Adjective
accident accidental
danger dangerous
length long
star starry
wind windy
From verbs:
Verb Adjective
enjoy enjoyable
help helpful
obey obedient
play playful
Verb Adjective
talk talkative
Adjective Adjective
comic comical
correct corrective
elder elderly
red reddish
sick sickly
A. smell
B. chill
C. width
Answers 2: A – smelly B – chilly C – wide
A. interested
B. amazed
C. annoyed
Answers 3: A – interesting B – amazing C – annoying
4. Form adjectives from the following verbs. Some words may be formed into more than
one adjective:
A. escape
B. improve
C. damage
Answers 4: A – escaped, escaping B – improved, improving C – damaged,
5. Form longer adjectives from the following adjectives. Some words may be formed into
more than one adjective:
A. funny
B. incorrect
C. blue
Answers 5: A – funnier, funniest B – incorrectly C – bluest, bluer, blueish
6. Form adjectives from the following nouns:
A. magic
B. fool
C. lady
Answers 6: A – magical B – foolish C – ladylike
A. life
B. power
C. friend
Answers 7: A – lifelike, lifeless B – powerful, powerless C – friendly,
A. cost
B. war
C. month
Answers 8: A – costly B – warlike C – monthly
A. poison
B. courtesy
C. mystery
Answers 9: A – poisonous B – courteous C – mysterious
A. athlete
B. photograph
C. science
Answers 10: A – athletic B – photographic C – scientific