Floating Pontoon Bridges

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The passage discusses different types of floating bridges that use barges as foundations, including the components, design aspects, and operation procedures.

Flat-bottomed and round or semi-round barges are discussed. European/American barges typically hold 80-600 tons while Asian barges have less capacity, usually 73-546 metric tons.

Floating bays, end-floating bays, and landing bays (variable-slope and fixed-slope) are described.

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The panel bridge on barges consists of a

standard panel bridge supported on floating
piers made from river or coastal barges of
suitable type and capacity. Special spans or
parts are used to provide hinged joints
between floating bays (Figure 20-1).
Piers consist of barges or vessels suitably
prepared to support the panel-bridge super-
structure. The several kinds of piers are—
Floating-bay piers, which support the
floating bays in the interior of the bridge.
Landing-bay piers, which support the
shore end of the floating bay and the
riverward end of either the fixed-slope
landing bay or the variable-slope landing
Intermediate landing-bay piers, which
support the shore end of the fixed-slope
landing bay and the riverward end of the
variable-slope landing bay. The inter-
mediate landing-bay pier is not used
without the fixed-slope landing bay.

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The span between two articulating points Landing bays, which form the connection changes in slope between the floating bays.
supported by two floating piers or between between the end floating bay and the Lift spans (Figure 20-3) connect two adjacent
the shore and a floating pier is called a bay bank. There are two types of landing floating bays. They can be lifted vertically by
(Figure 20-2). The several-kinds of bays are- bays: the variable-slope landing bay, use of block and tackle or chain hoists to
which spans the gap between the bank- allow passage of water traffic through the
Floating bays, which are the interior of seat and the landing-bay pier (or the bridge. Draw spans provide a wider gap
the bridge from the end floating bay on intermediate landing-bay pier if a fixed between adjacent floating bays for passage
the near shore to the end floating bay on slope landing bay is used); and the fixed- of river traffic. They can be split in the middle
the far shore. They are supported near slope landing bay, which, spans the gap and each half pivoted up.
each end by floating-bay piers. between, the intermediate landing-bay
pier and the landing-bay pier. DESIGN AND
End-floating bays, which form the con- CAPACITIES OF BARGES
tinuation of the bridge between the SPECIAL SPANS Coastal and river barges differ widely in
floating bays and the landing bays. They Special spans include connecting spans, lift construction and capacity throughout the
are supported by a landing-bay pier and a spans; and draw spans. Connecting spans world. In Europe and the Americas, barges
floating-bay pier. connect two adjacent floating bays where are generally flatbottomed. Barges with
barges are grounded. They each provide two round or semiround keels are also found on
articulating points to compensate for the European canals and rivers (Figure 20-4).

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double, or triple-double assembly of standard

panel-bridge equipment. Normally, a
floating-bay superstructure is a single-story
assembly and a landing-bay superstructure
is a double-story assembly.
Decking for a superstructure of normal bays
consists of standard chess with 3-inch (7.6
centimeters) wear treads laid diagonally over
the chess. Add angle irons to deck on landing
bay to increase traction. When connecting
posts are used to connect floating bays,
transoms and junction chess cannot be used
to fill gap between bays. Place cut stringers
on the two transoms at the end of each bay,
and place two thicknesses of 3- by 12-inch (7.6
by 30.5 centimeters) planks spiked together
on top of the cut stringers (Figure 20-5, page
Asiatic barges have less capacity than will support approximately 5 tons (4.6 metric 260). Wire planks in place to prevent shifting.
European or American barges. Generally, tons). When span junction posts are used to connect
European and American barges have a bays, fill gap between bays in normal manner,
capacity of from 80 to 600 tons (73 to 546 Decks using transoms and junction chess. Where
metric tons). The general condition of the Barge decks are designed for distributed maximum road width is desired, ribbands
barge has a direct effect on its use in a bridge. loads. A wide variation of deck design exists can be eliminated by a 2- by 24-inch (5.1 by
and care must be taken in estimating their 61.1 centimeters) hub guard installed 6 inches
Ribs capacity. European flat-bottomed barges (15.2 centimeters) above deck to protect
Structural ribs of barges are designed for normally use transverse beams of Z section, 6 panels.
bending stresses induced by water pressure to 7 inches (15.3 to 17.8 centimeters) deep,
on the outside of the hull. They are normally carrying light channels or I-beams fore and Use special connecting posts to connect bays
bulb-angled steel sections 5½ to 7 inches (14 aft to support a timber deck. A deck of this and provide articulation (Figure 20-6, page
to 17.8 centimeters) deep, closely spaced, and type can carry a bearing pressure of 0.5 ton 260). These special connecting posts provide
curved rather than straight. Ribs should not (.45 metric ton) per square foot. ample strength and allow development of full
be loaded as struts unless they are braced and capacity of superstructure. Equal articulation
load is distributed. To distribute the load, DESIGN OF SUPERSTRUCTURE above and below connecting pin provides
timber cribbing can be used along the gun- The superstructure of a bridge on barges may unrestricted space for movement in the
wale directly over the ribs. If the rib is not be assembled either by normal or by special connection. Such connectors do not require
curved and the length of rib from deck to keel means. Superstructures of normal bays con- restrictive linkages, guides, or maintenance.
does not exceed 10 feet (3.1 meters), each rib sist of double-single, triple-single, double- Combination special connecting posts can be
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used in place of normal posts and also to

connect two male or two female ends of
Use special spans when barges are grounded
or when passage of water traffic through the
bridge is necessary. The capacities of the
special spans are the same as the normal
spans. However, their full capacity cannot be
developed unless the suspending connection
at each end is made strong enough. In addi-
tion, the weight of the lift span and draw
span is limited by the lifting power and
strength of the hoists, thus affecting the type
of construction that can be used in these

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assembly 20 or 30 feet (6.1 or 9.4 meters) meters) from the centerline of the barge.
long. It is raised horizontally by block However, a single barge can be used if it has
and tackle attached to span and to panel ample width and capacity and the bay is
towers in adjacent bays. stable under the load.
Use and restrictions of the draw span are The type of assembly used in landing bays
the same as for the lift span. The draw depends on length of span and on loads to be
span is a single-single or double-single carried. A triple-double assembly is the
assembly, usually 20 feet (6.1 meters) long heaviest type used. Maximum slope of the
(Figure 20-8, page 262). Hinge and sus- bay is 1 to 10 with adequate traction devices
pend it to adjacent bays by span junction provided; without traction devices, slope is 1
posts. Raise it at one end by block and to 21. Length of landing bay depends on
tackle attached to span and a panel tower conditions near shore. Use double landing
in one of the adjacent bays. If resulting bays where considerable change in water
gap is insufficient, use span of 40 feet level is expected or when high banks are
(12.2 meters) and make cut at center of encountered. Assemble landing bays the
span. Then use towers with block and same as normal panel bridges and use the
tackle at both ends and lift each half same type of end support.
spans. The three types of special spans used ADVANTAGES AND
are connecting spans, lift spans, and draw DESIGN OF BAYS DISADVANTAGES
spans. They are used as follows: The barges and the superstructure together The panel bridge on barges has the following
form sections called bays. These are designed advantages:
Use the connecting span when barges are as either floating or landing bays.
grounded or when special connecting It does not use standard floats and
posts are not used. It is a short span of Floating bays are normally double-single pontons which may be needed at other
single-single or double-single assembly assembly. However, for loads of 100 tons (9.1 sites.
suspended between two floating bays by metric tons) or more, unsupported span
span junction posts (Figure 20-7). lengths are limited to 60 feet (18.3 meters) and It allows long landing floating bays for
assembly must be triple-single. The class is use in tidal estuaries or rivers with high
Use the lift span only in short bridges limited by type of assembly, by the span banks.
where current is slow and there are no between centers of barges, and by the method
longitudinal forces in the bridge. When used to support the superstructure on the It has large capacity barges which allow
current is swift, pier heights can be barges. The class of floating bays is given in greater bridge capacity than standard
increased to arch the bridge enough to Table 20-1 (page 263). Normally, a barge near military floating supports.
pass water traffic under one of the center each end of a bay supports the superstructure.
spans without use of a lift span. The lift The superstructure must not overhang the It provides a stable bridge in swift cur-
span is single-single or double-single barge at each end more than 15 feet (4.6 rents.

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It minimizes hazards of floating debris

and ice.
The bridge has the following disadvantages:
It uses barges which may be hard to
It can be used only in navigable streams
or waterways used by barges or vessels of
the type and size necessary for use in the
It is not adaptable in combat areas
because of equipment, material, labor,
and time requirements.

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Normal spans use fixed-span panel-bridge
parts (Chapter 1). Connections between spans
are made with special connecting posts that
must be fabricated in the field (Figure 20-6) or
by connecting spans using span junction
posts supplied in the panel crib pier set
(Chapter 17).
Special fittings to guide both the lift span and
the draw span during raising and lowering
must be made in the field. Block and tackle
required are supplied in the freed-panel bridge
set. Counterweights to aid in raising and
lowering the span can be improvised. The lift
span or the draw span, and the floating bays,
are connected by span junction posts from
the panel crib pier set.
The normal erection equipment supplied in
the fixed-panel bridge set is sufficient to
assemble the superstructure. Truck cranes
aid the erection of the superstructure and the
preparation of the barges. Acetylene torches,
arc welders, chain falls, power and hand
winches, diving equipment, and sea mules or
power tugs with enough power to move
floating bays into position should be avail-
BARGE EQUIPMENT After determining the type of barge loading. able at the site.
Barges must be processed and their required prepare a material estimate and an an equip-
. .
equipment determined. Procure barges locally ment requirement list for each barge. Nor- SITE SELECTION
and then examine and rate them for capacity; mally, steel beams, timber, blocking, wire Tactical requirements determine the general
determine the best point for use in the bridge; rope, and miscellaneous bolts and fittings are area within which a site must be selected. The
establish the type of barge loading (described needed. See Chapter 17 for equipment re- following factors should be carefully con-
later in this chapter) to be used; and sketch quired if panel crib piers are used as supports sidered in choosing the site:
the construction needed to bring the bearings on the barges.
to exactly the elevation established for super- There should be a road net close to the site
structure bearings. over which equipment can be moved.

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Roads and approaches should require as After the general area has been determined, Location of adjacent quarries and aggre-
little preparation and construction as make a study of aerial and terrain maps to gate supplies.
possible and should be straight and level determine possible bridge sites along the
for at least 150 feet (45.7 meters) before stream within the specified area. Ground reconnaissance gives the following
reaching the stream bank. data:
Direct aerial reconnaissance generally gives
Near-shore area should afford suitable the following information on these bridge Width of river from bank to bank.
sites along the shore for barge preparation sites:
and bay assembly. Profile of approaches and streambed.
Site relation to existing road net, with
Banks should be reasonably steep and estimate of road construction required. Character of soil in approaches, banks,
firm so that water gap will not change and streambed.
materially with water level. Banks high Alignment of river at site and channel
enough to allow launching of superstruc- obstruction in the vicinity. Profiles of possible routes of approach
ture to barge piers are desirable. and linking roads to existing road nets.
Approximate height of banks to decide
The site should be on a straight reach of suitability for approaches and landing Current velocity.
the stream or estuary and free from cross bays.
currents that would exert a longitudinal High and low water data indicated on
force on the bridge. Water at bridge site Approximate width, shore to shore, of profile and rate of flood and ebb of tide, if
should be deep enough to float barges at river, and length of bridge required. possible.
low water if no barges are to be grounded.
Water at assembly sites should be deep Location, relative to bridge site, of Sketch showing location and description
enough to allow preparation of barges material storage, equipment, and work of suitable material storage and work
close to shore and launching of super- areas, and of barge site next to near shore areas, downstream assembly area with
structure directly to barges. If barges can for floating-bay assembly. profiles at possible shore barge prepara-
be grounded at low water, the stream tion sites, and floating-span erection sites.
bottom should be reasonably smooth and Location of barges large enough to be
level. The stream should be free of examined later in detail by ground recon- Sketch of barges located in aerial recon-
obstruction at the assembly sites and naissance. naissance.
bridge site.
Nature of open water route from barges to Routing on open water from assembly
bridge site, noting and locating obstruc- sites to bridge site, with description and
tions to navigation. location of obstacles and estimate of work
necessary to clear passage.
Routes over existing road nets for trans-
portation of bridge materials from dump Information on location, quality, and
or other sources to bridge site. quantity of nearest aggregate source.

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Before actual construction, alignment and An example of how to distribute work parties One battalion to construct:
grade of roads and approaches must be is— One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double-
determined. Plan and locate storage and double landing bay.
assembly areas so as to ensure uninterrupted Assume bridge will consist of the following One 90-foot (27.4 meters) triple-single
progression of work and avoid unnecessary bays, proceeding from near to far bank: end floating bay.
handling. After determining location and One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double-double 0ne 40-foot (12.2 meters) double-single
layout of site, complete road work and variable-slope landing bay. draw span.
approaches to expedite delivery of bridge One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double-double Two 100-foot (30.4 meters) triple-single
material. At the same time, prepare landing- fixed-slope landing bay. floating bays.
bay and floating-bay assembly areas. One 80-foot (24.4 meters) triple-single
end floating bay. One battalion to:
WORKING PARTIES One 40-foot (12.2 meters) double-single Prepare approach roads.
To build bridges of 500 feet (152.4 meters) or draw span. Unload equipment.
more, assign an engineer combat or construc- Three 100-foot (30.4 meters) triple-single Prepare anchorages.
tion group of three battalions, two panel floating bays.
bridge companies, one light equipment One 90-foot (27.4 meters) triple-single Two panel bridge companies to:
company, and one harbor craft company. For end floating bay. Haul bridge equipment.
shorter bridges, reductions in personnel can One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double-double
be made. Table 20-2 presents a suggested landing bay. One harbor craft company to:
breakdown of tasks and troops required for Assist in maneuvering barges and
constructing an 810-foot (246.9 meters) class Assume an engineer group of: bays.
70 bridge in a moderate current. Approach 3 battalions.
road construction will need five company 2 panel bridge companies. One light equipment company to:
days. 1 light equipment company. Supply construction equipment with
1 harbor craft company. operators.
One possible assignment of units to con- Time required for completion is approxi-
struct this bridge is as follows: mately 6 days of daylight construction.
One battalion to construct: BARGE SELECTION
One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double- Before starting to build the bridge, barges
double variable-slope landing bay. must be chosen and positioned with care. In
One 100-foot (30.4 meters) double- selecting barges, structural condition, capac-
double fixed-slope landing bay. ity, shape, freeboard, type, and location of
One 80-foot (24.4 meters) triple-single barge must all be considered. Examine and
end floating bay. rate barges located on the reconnaissance.
One 100-foot (30.4 meters) triple-single Barges which meet the requirements should
floating bay. be assigned a position in the bridge. Working
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sketches and a plan of preparation for each

barge are necessary to adapt it for use as a
floating pier. Clear nonusable, easily un-
loaded material from the selected barges to
help towing to barge preparation sites.
Barges are adapted for use as piers by three
methods. The method employed depends on
the type of barge, flat-bottomed or keeled, and
grounding conditions. The three methods of
loading are gunwale loading, crib loading,
and grillage loading.
Gunwale loading
As few barges are designed for gunwale
loading, determine the strength of the barge
ribs before using this method. Barges are
normally built with a narrow deck running
full length along each side of the hold. This
deck space can be used for gunwale loading if
the ribs and the deck are strong enough and
the load is applied as nearly as possible over
the ribs. Gunwale loading must not be applied
to barges that will ground at low water unless
the barge and the bay will remain level. If
keel-type barges are used, the site of
grounding should be in soft mud. Flat-
bottomed barges should ground on flat sandy
bed free from obstructions.
Use packing between the gunwale and the
superstructure to distribute the load. The
deck is normally cantilevered from the ribs
and considerable load is placed on the ribs
when the deck is loaded. The deck will
probably have to be supported by struts from
the barge floor to the edge of the deck or by

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recting misalignment of superstructurs. Se-

cure anchorage of cribs prevents most of this
There are two types of cribs: fixed, and
rocking. Fixed cribs are used in both flat-
bottomed and keeled barges that do not
ground during low water. Use them also in
keeled barges that ground during low water
to prevent the barge from tipping. Connect
fixed cribs rigidly to both the superstructure
and the barge floor and guy both laterally
and longitudinally to the gunwale. Details of
assembly and methods of attaching the cribs
to the superstructure and the barge floor are
similar to those given in Chapter 17. Rocking
cribs are used in flat-bottomed barges when
uneven grounding occurs. Details of assembly
and methods of making the rocking connec-
tions are given in Chapter 17. Clearance
between the crib and the gunwale must be
enough to permit the full articulation re-
quired. Determine the required clearance from
packing the gunwales. The load on the gun- Barge floors are designed to carry distributed the slope of the stream bottom where the
wale can also be reduced by using a rein- loads, and grillage must be used under the grounding occurs. Guy rocking cribs fore and
forcing bent built up from the floor in the cribs to ensure adequate distribution of the aft on the centerline of the barge as an added
center of the barge. Barges with curved ribs load. Crib loading requires more time for safeguard against movement. An expedient
must be braced by rods between the gunwales construction than gunwale loading but crib rocking crib is shown in Figures 20-11 and
or by struts from the reinforcing bent (Figures loading distributes the load to the floor of the 20-12 (page 268). The crib is made to rock by
20-9 and 20-10). If ribs are not curved and the barge, which is able to carry more load than removing one of the panel pins in the crib
length of rib from deck to keel does not exceed the gunwales. Take special care to observe bearing before the barge has grounded.
10 feet, reinforcing of ribs is unnecessary. the behavior of cribs when the bridge is first
loaded and during tidal changes. Mark the Grillage loading
Crib loading position of bearings so that movements can Use grillage loading when the barge is
Cribs made of panel-crib parts (Chapter 17) be determined. If careful observations are unsuitable for gunwale loading and the panel
can be used to support the superstructure on made, adjustments can be made in time to crib pier parts are unavailable. Build up
the barge if the barge is unsuitable for gun- prevent serious movements and avoid the grillages from the floor of the barge with steel
wale loading or uneven grounding occurs difficulty of repositioning barges and cor- or timber beams (Figure 20-13). When using

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grillage loading, take care in bracing and

typing of grillage and in ensuring adequate
distribution of the load on the floor of the
Both types of landing-bay pier are prepared
in a similar manner (Figures 20-14 and 20-
15). Since the intermediate landing-bay pier
acts as a compensator in ramping, it always
has a higher elevation than the landing-bay
pier. Build up piers to the required elevation
using I-beams, bolted down or welded to
prevent sliding. When special connecting
posts are not used to connect landing bays,
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weld base plates to the piers, and standard Where double landing bays are required, instead of on the bank. Then launch the
bearings to the plates, to support end posts. launch them as a continuous span, sepa- variable-slope bay.
rately, or by use of construction barges, as
Floating-bay piers are prepared similar to the follows: The fixed-slope bay can be assembled off
landing-bay piers. Pair barges so those used site and launched to position on the
in any pier have about the same freeboard. Assemble the two bays as a continuous intermediate floating-bay pier and a
When the barges in the floating-bay piers span on the centerline of the bridge construction barge. Float the bay thus
have different freeboards, crib up the super- abutment. Launch this span over rollers formed into position and connect to the
structure seats to the elevation of the super- placed on intermediate landing-bay pier end floating bay. Remove the construction
structure seat on the barge with the greatest onto cribbing on the landing-bay pier. barge. Then launch the variable-slope
freeboard. Break the top chord over the intermediate bay.
pier by removing pins, and then jack the
LANDING-BAY ASSEMBLY river end into final position. Remove FLOATING-BAY ASSEMBLY
AND LAUNCHING bottom pins and pull back the variable- AND LAUNCHING
Use normal assembly methods given in slope bay to permit installation of end Use methods given in Chapter 6 for assem-
Chapter 6 for assembling landing bays. Long fittings on the intermediate pier for both bling floating bays. Several methods of
spans are normally launched undecked. bays. Place abutment fittings in usual launching floating bays are as follows:
Where the piers can be moved close to the Where barges can be placed close to the
bank, launch landing bays over rollers on the When launching separately, launch the bank, launch the span over rollers on the
bank to the pier. Use the skeleton tail method fixed-slope bay as described earlier, but bank to the off-bank barge. Then push out
(Chapter 18) where bank conditions prevent place rollers on the intermediate pier barge, permitting in-bank barge to be
moving barges in close.

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positioned, and jack down the span into welded to the bottom. The posts are seated loaded for adjusting freeboard of the bay.
place on the in-bank barge. A construction on bearings welded to base plates which A vehicle on the bay to be connected can
barge can be placed adjacent to shore to are welded to the intermediate landing- be moved to aid in aligning connecting
use jacks on. This should have a lower bay pier grillage. pinholes.
freeboard than other barges.
Fix the shore end of the variable-slope Considerable tug power is required to
Where bank conditions permit, moor both landing bay with standard end posts move and handle bays into connecting
barges side by side and launch the span mounted on bearings welded to base position. Use both towing and pusher
over rollers on the in-bank barge to a plates. The base plates rest on rollers set tugs to provide adequate control of the
position on the off-bank barge. Then jack in an expedient box plate (Figure 20-16). bays and prevent damage. Floating bays
down the span into position on the in- This provides for lengthening and con- over 100 feet (30.5 meters) long are hard to
bank barge. traction of the bridge during changes in tow and control.
water level. The river and shore ends of
When barges have wide beams, assemble the fixed-slope landing bay are suspended In connecting bays fitted with special
sections of the bridge on each barge and by treadway pins in the special connecting connecting posts, it may be necessary to
then join to form bays; for long bays, post. jack truss into place to get enough pin-
partly flood surplus barges and float from hole alignment for treadway pin.
under the superstructure. Where special connecting posts are not
available for connecting landing bays, Carefully estimate maximum articulation
Cranes can place bridge equipment on the bays can be seated on standard end and movement of junctions between bays
barges, where it can be assembled on posts on bearings. Rest the end posts on during grounding. Too much articulation
rollers. Spread barges to obtain proper adjacent ends of variable-slope and fixed- will cause undesirable changes of slope in
bay length as superstructure is assembled. slope landing bays on bearings welded to the decking and may cause tilting or
base plates mounted on the intermediate lifting of stringers or chess. If such a
CONNECTING BRIDGE SECTIONS landing-bay pier grillage. Seat the river condition develops at grounding, mini-
Bridge sections are linked by landing and end of the fixed-slope landing bay on mize junction articulation by use of a
floating bays. Landing bays have either standard end-post bearings resting on connecting span between bays.
special connecting posts or standard end base plates welded to the end floating-bay
posts, as follows: pier. Mount the shore end of the variable- CONNECTING SPANS
slope landing bay as described for special Connecting spans are normally 20 to 30 feet
Special connecting posts are desirable for connection posts. (6.1 to 9.1 meters) long. Assemble each con-
connecting all bays. The articulation necting span directly on a single construction
provided is normally ample under all Details of floating bay connection are as barge at a correct elevation for connection in
conditions. When both a fixed-slope follows: the bridge. Install proper male and female
landing bay and variable-slope landing connecting posts at span ends to connect and
bay are required, the special connecting Connection of floating bays is made easier suspend the span to girders of the adjacent
post on the river end of the variable- by carefully constructing each bay to the bays in the bridge.
slope landing bays have bearing blocks same elevation. A ballast of water can be
FM 5-277

LIFT SPANS porting the lift span must be designed to One-half the draw span can be added to
The lift span (Figures 20-3 and 20-17, pages ensure a level bridge. each adjacent floating bay after tower
258 and 272) is normally assembled on a erection at the bay-assembly site. The two
construction barge at a correct elevation for DRAW SPANS floating bays can then be connected into
connection in the bridge. Determine length The length of the span is determined by the the bridge, and the draw-span halves can
and lift of span by the beam and clearance of beam of the vessels to be passed. Build towers then be connected.
vessels to be passed through the bridge. To on adjacent floating bays similar to lift span
lift the span, build panel towers on the ends of towers. Methods of building draw spans are Draw spans can be built by assembly of
adjacent floating bays. Install suitable con- as follows: single girders on the deck of adjacent
nectors, guides, and lifting and counter- spans. These girders can be launched by
balancing devices on the towers for control Draw spans can be assembled on a using tackle from towers to support free
and lifting of the lift span; install girders of construction barge to the correct eleva- ends. Pin girders to bays and then deck
adjacent floating bays for connection when tion, and then moved and connected into them.
span is lowered and in position to receive the bridge.
vehicular bridge traffic. Floating bays sup-

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span to ensure proper pinhole alignment for

reinsertion of connecting pins upon lowering
(Figure 20-18).
Use the following procedure to connect a
CONNECTING SPECIAL SPANS Connect a lift span to supporting adjacent draw span:
When used to connect grounded bridge bays bays by special connecting posts or span
with special connecting posts, no special junction posts when positioned and pinned 1 Connect draw span to its adjacent floating
devices or maintenance is required after a for vehicular bridge traffic. Provide a vertical girders with a suspension link or hinge
connecting span is connected and suspended guide system on the tower to control longi- mechanism. The link consists of span
from girders of adjacent bay ends. tudinal movement of span during lifting of junction posts.

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The bridge is secured by anchors and guy
lines (Figures 20-19 through 20-21, page 274)
against the effects of wind and current.
To determine needed types of anchors, exa-
mine the stream bottom and compute the
expected pull on anchor lines due to these
conditions. Barges loaded with stone or metal
can be sunk upstream of bridge to serve as
Anchor line pull equals the sum of pull due to
effect of current on submerged portion of
barge and effect of wind on exposed portion
of barge and superstructure. The following
formulas may be used to determine this pull:
Pull due to current:

Pull due to wind:

On barge:
2 Arrange the decking to allow for move- The pins are readily removed when the
ment across junctions. Cut stringers as weight of the draw span is taken on the
shown in Figure 20-8, with one end lashed tower tackles. In lifting draw span halves,
down to the end transom of draw span. raise one side until jaws are clear. Then
lever panels sideways, if required, to allow
3 Install a pair of span junction posts at the simultaneous raising of the span halves
center of the draw span to ease procedure. without fouling.
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Winches should be placed on barges to adjust

tension in anchor lines.

On superstructure:

The pull due to current and wind is computed

based on maximum expected conditions.
Anchor lines should pull parallel to current.

FM 5-277

Grounding barges may slide downhill, which A duty officer should be at the bridge 24 hours
can cause the landing bay to slide and dis- a day. The officer must ensure that the
lodge the base plate and its bearings. Such following regulations are in force at all times:
slides can be avoided as follows:
Communication is maintained between
A barge which tends to slide down the the ends of the bridge.
bank when grounded must be suitably
anchored to shore. Cables fastened to the A wrecker is on call to remove disabled
bank can be passed under the barge to a vehicles from the bridge.
connection on the off-bank gunwale of the
barge. Use packings to prevent damage to Guides having thorough knowledge of
the barge chines by the cables. standard hand signals are available to
guide minimum-clearance vehicles across
When a barge slides on grounding, the the bridge.
resulting shift in the superstructure may
cause the landing bay to slide beyond the Alignment of the bridge is constantly
limits allowed for bearings in the base maintained.
GUY LINES plates. Rig tackle to prevent further
Use guy lines to anchor landing-bay piers to movement until the bearings and base Tension in all anchor cables is kept uni-
the riverbank. Place these lines at about a plates are reinstalled and secured in form.
45-degree angle to the bridge centerline. proper position.
Longitudinal tie cables from stern to stern Buffers are maintained between all
and bow to bow of each barge help to keep MAINTENANCE DETAIL anchor and guy cables that rub against
bridge aligned and to prevent longitudinal Bridges on barges require round-the-clock metal.
movement of parts of the bridge. maintenance arrangements. A detail of about
one engineer combat company is needed to All cable connections are inspected every
Special spans need modification of the anchor maintain an 800-foot (243.8 meters) panel 12 hours.
and guy system, as shown in Figures 20-20 bridge on a 24-hour-a-day basis. Normally,
and 20-21. In the lift span and draw span, the two squads each shift are enough to tighten All pins, bolts, and clamps are inspected
longitudinal tie cables must be broken to bolts, check anchor cables, repair decking, every 24 hours.
allow passage of river traffic. In lift spans, and maintain adequate bridge signs. This
extra cables can be strung over the top of the leaves three squads to maintain approach All barges are inspected and bailed at
towers to tie the bridge together over the gap. roads, perform any major repairs, and man least once every 24 hours.
In draw spans, extra anchor barges may be fireboat and standby tugs.
sunk at each side of the gap to prevent the All base plates are inspected once every
bridge from shifting when the span is open. 24 hours.

FM 5-277

A source of electrical power is available A typical barge raft used successfully is Use quays or docks to facilitate assembly and
for operation of trouble lights and tools. shown in Figure 20-22. This raft has a three- operation of a raft. It is preferable to operate
carriageway superstructure of four double- between quays or docks of proper height for
Immediate approach roads are main- single girders 90 feet (27.4 meters) long on convenience in loading and unloading the
tained. two 100-ton (91 metric tons) capacity Thames- raft. Where such site conditions exist, the
type barges. This raft accommodates 12 height of the raft deck can be adjusted, within
All signs in the vicinity of the bridge are vehicles having a combined weight of 120 limits, by packing the superstructure girders
maintained. tons (109.2 metric tons). up on cribs or by building a deck-type rather
than a through-type raft. If quays or docks
Traction strips and decking are main- Inset position of barges in the raft as shown are unavailable, build ramps.
tained. All nailheads must be kept flush in Figure 20-22 is necessary, except in cases
with surface. where the raft will be used in smooth water; Operation
otherwise, if the barges are placed near the For continuous use of the raft as a ferry,
Tugs are stationed upstream and down- ends of the raft in rough water, there is install an upstream cable. Run bridle lines to
stream at the bridge. excessive stress in the connections between winches mounted on the barges, allowing the
the barges and superstructure. raft to be swung at suitable angles to the
A fireboat is available. current, and operate as a trail ferry.
When the raft is towed in heavy seas, the
USE OF RAFTS decks may become awash, causing complete When the raft is being grounded, the barges
Multiple-lane rafts can be assembled from bays of decking to lift off the barges. To may assume different angles of slope. To
panel-bridge equipment supported on barges. prevent this, use stringer clamps. relieve the superstructure of stresses, remove
Because of their ample freeboard and sta- either all top or all bottom pins at the center-
bility, such rafts can be used either as trail or The superstructure must be secured to the panel connections of the raft. This allows the
as free ferries in swift currents and rough barges to prevent fore-and-aft movement. two halves of the raft to articulate and
water. Sway braces can be used for this purpose by conform to the lay of each barge. Close
fixing one end of the brace to a barge deck observation is required as the tide falls to
Assembly bollard or cleat and attaching the other end determine whether the top or bottom pins are
Normally, the raft superstructure is double- to a deck transom by means of two tie plates. to be removed, and also the proper time to
single or triple-single assembly. Details of The brace can then be tightened in the normal remove them.
assembly and launching, and of barge prepa- manner.
ration, are given elsewhere in this chapter.

FM 5-277


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