The Managerial Grid Analysis

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The Managerial Grid Analysis

Below is a list of statements about leadership behavior. Read each one carefully, then,
using the following scale, decide the extent to which it actually applies to you. For best
results, answer as truthfully as possible.

never sometimes always

0 1 2 3 4 5


___4____ I encourage my team to participate when it comes decision making time and I
try to implement their ideas and suggestions.

____3___ Nothing is more important than accomplishing a goal or task.

____4__ I closely monitor the schedule to ensure a task or project will be completed in

____4___ I enjoy coaching people on new tasks and procedures.

_____4__ The more challenging a task is, the more I enjoy it.

____4___ I encourage my employees to be creative about their job.

___4____ When seeing a complex task through to completion, I ensure that every detail
is accounted for.

____4___ I find it easy to carry out several complicated tasks at the same time.
___4____ I enjoy reading articles, books, and journals about training, leadership, and
psychology; and then putting what I have read into action.

____4___ When correcting mistakes, I do not worry about jeopardizing relationships.

_____4__ I manage my time very efficiently.

___4____ I enjoy explaining the intricacies and details of a complex task or project to
my employees.

____4___ Breaking large projects into small manageable tasks is second nature to me.

___4____ Nothing is more important than building a great team.

___4____ I enjoy analyzing problems.

____4___ I honor other people's boundaries.

_____4__ Counseling my employees to improve their performance or behavior is

second nature to me.

____4___ I enjoy reading articles, books, and trade journals about my profession; and
then implementing the new procedures I have learned.
2. Path-Goal Theory Analysis

Path-Goal Leadership Questionnaireiii

INSTRUCTIONS: This questionnaire contains questions about different styles of path-

goal leadership. Indicate how often each statement is true of your own behavior.

Key: 1 = Never 5 = Often

2 = Hardly ever 6 = Usually

3 = Seldom 7 = Always

4 = Occasionally


_____1. I let subordinates know what is expected of them. - 5

_____2. I maintain a friendly working relationship with subordinates. - 5

_____3. I consult with subordinates when facing a problem. - 3

_____4. I listen receptively to subordinates' ideas and suggestions. - 6

_____5. I inform subordinates about what needs to be done and how it needs to be
done. - 5

_____6. I let subordinates know that I expect them to perform at their highest level.

_____7. I act without consulting my subordinates. - 4

_____8. I do little things to make it pleasant to be a member of the group. - 4

_____9. I ask subordinates to follow standard rules and regulations. - 5

_____10. I set goals for subordinates' performance that are quite challenging. - 3

_____11. I say things that hurt subordinates' personal feelings. - 1

_____12. I ask for suggestions from subordinates concerning how to carry out
assignments. - 3
_____13. I encourage continual improvement in subordinates' performance. - 6

_____14. I explain the level of performance that is expected of subordinates. - 6

_____15. I help subordinates overcome problems that stop them from carrying out
their tasks. - 5

_____16. I show that I have doubts about their ability to meet most objectives. – 3

_____17. I ask subordinates for suggestions on what assignments should be made.


_____18. I give vague explanations of what is expected of subordinates on the job. -


_____19. I consistently set challenging goals for subordinates to attain. - 4

_____20. I behave in a manner that is thoughtful of subordinates' personal needs. -3

3. Leadership Style – Democratic Leadership style analysis


Instructions - Think of a group or organization in which you are a member. Visualize
yourself in charge of a group discussion. As you lead the group, the following six
problems arise. Read the first problem and possible solutions. Choose the best of the
possible solutions and circle the letter, which matches that solution. Keep in mind that
you are in charge of group discussion for a particular group.


1. Your group is having trouble getting started. You have tried to make
everyone feel comfortable. You have allowed time to get acquainted.
Everyone seems interested and cooperative, but reluctant to speak up.

a. Wait until they're ready to speak up.

b. Suggest that the group vote on what to do next.

c. Make some specific assignments to different people and help them complete their

2. The group is operating extremely well. Members get along well with each
other. Discussion is lively. Everyone is contributing to the group. You want
to insure that this continues.

a. Reduce your leadership. Let group members lead the group as much as possible.

b. Be sure agreement is reached on each point before proceeding.

c. Keep the group firmly under your control or the group will lose its momentum.
3. The group has been very productive. Two or three members have done most
of the talking and all of the work. Everyone seems happy, but you would like
to make some changes so that more members will get involved.

a. Tell it like it is. Outline the changes and see that they are made.

b. Propose the changes. Explain why they are needed, then let the group decide what will
be done.

c. Don't do anything that might threaten group productivity.

4. The group is working well and relations among members are very positive.
You feel somewhat unsure about your lack of direction of the group.

a. Leave the group alone.

b. Slowly assert yourself to give the group more direction.

c. Ask the group if you should provide more direction, then comply with their wishes.

5. The group was going great, but now it is falling apart. Members are beginning
to bicker. It is hard to stay on the subject. Someone has just suggested that
maybe the group should take a recess for two or three months.

a. Let everyone have their say. Don't get involved.

b. Take a vote on the suggested recess.

c. Propose a new course of action for the group. If no one strongly disagrees, make
assignments and see that they are carried out.

6. Your group has completed an excellent discussion of a topic they chose, but
no one wants to take any action although several activities would be
appropriate and each activity has been discussed.

a. Suggest that the group move on to another topic. If no one disagrees, list possible
b. Choose an activity for the group and make assignments.

c. Just keep quiet until the group arrives at a decision.



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