Pianodj16 J PDF
Pianodj16 J PDF
Pianodj16 J PDF
davorin jenko
JAN 30 ⁄ FEB 04 2016
com p et i ti o n . ms d j e nk o . e du . r s
Daniel Rivera (Argentina/Italy) / Susanna
Spaemann (Austria) / Jokut Mihailović
( S e r b i a ) . /. L i u d m i l a . S y n a g o v s k a y a
(Russia) / Martin Kasík (Czech Republic)
/ Lidija Malahotky Has (Slovenia) / Ivanka
Kordić (Croatia) / Arjana Kuriu Grubi
(Macedonia) / Helena Davidović (Srbia) /
Srdjan Dalagija (Serbia)
Daniel Rivera was born in 1952 in Rosario performed in the most important theaters Martha Argerich, Rivera comes in piano
(Argentina), in a family strictly connected to in Italy and abroad. His natural talent and duo (two pianos and piano 4 hands) in the
the music world. He came to Italy in 1973 virtuosity allowed him to face broad range Teatro Ponchielli of Cremona, Teatro Lirico
with a scholarship obtained by winning of the pianistic repertoire, from classics to in Cagliari, Catanzaro’s Politeama Theatre,
the competition organized by the National contemporary music. His repertoire con- Teatro Nuovo Giovanni di Udine, Piano Festi-
Fund for Arts and the Mozarteum Argentino. sists of more than 50 concerts for piano val of Pietrasanta and Ascoli Piceno up the
After achieving the Italian Diploma with and orchestra, performed in tours with Ital- memorable concert on 19 and 20 October
cum laude at the Cherubini conservatory ian and foreign orchestras. His memorable 2012, at the Teatro El Circulo of Rosario
in Florence, he completed his studies with recordings include Beethoven’s Hammerk- (Argentina) which will be released four CDs
Alessandro Specchi in Florence and with lavier Sonate, Aroldo in Italia together with with live recordings. Currently, he teaches
Ludwig Hoffman in Munich. In September Aldo Bennici (Ricordi,) as well as his live at the Istituto di Alta Cultura Musicale P.
2006 he received the title of Artista distin- recording of Boulez’s Premiere Sonate. In Mascagni in Livorno, where he holds a pi-
guido e Ambasciatore della Musica from the 2002, at the Festival di Musica dall’Europa ano faculty chair. More over, he is actually
Municipal Council of the city of Rosario, to in Volpedo, he presented, in a world pre- General Director since september 2014 of
honour his artistic career on a national level miere performance, the transcription of the Harmonia Piano Accademy in Vecchiano
as well as abroad. In 2005 he celebrated 30 the Sagra della Primavera by Stravinsky, a (Pisa, Italy). In 2010 he played with Martha
years of career in pianism and was awarded transcription made by Sam Raphling that Argerich in his home town and live concerts
the Tasto d’argento prize, instituted by the he personally revised and completed. The have come out on four CD’s live. In the last
International Pianistic Festival Echos, and Argentinian pianist Martha Argerich invited December (2015) played again with Martha
reserved for pianists that distinguish them- him personally for play this transcription at Argerich for the reopening of the Teatro
selves in the international concert scene. the prestigious Progetto Martha Argerich Petrarca of Arezzo in tribute to the twenty
He was awarded three first absolute prize in Lugano in 2009. Since that time, the link years of the death of the great Arturo Bene-
in several international competitions. He with the legendary Argentine pianist, turns detti Michelangeli.
is a highly esteemed pianist and he has into an intense artistic collaboration. With
Daniel Rivera je rođen 1952. u Ovi rezultati su mu otvorili put ka za promociju i razvoj mladih tal-
muzičkoj porodici. Godine 1973. vrlo uspešnoj koncertnoj karijeri. enata. Rivera je profesor klavira
osvojio je nagradu Vincenzo Nastupa na velikim scenama u na Visokom institutu za umet-
Scaramuzza u organizaciji Na- Italiji i inostranstvu: Teatro Colón nost i muziku Pietro Mascagni u
cionalne zadužbine za umet- u Buenos Airesu, Philharmonic Livornu (Italija). Pored nastave
nost Argentine, kao i nagradu Hall u Kijevu, Queen Elizabeth i koncertne karijere, često je
Mozarteum. Stipendija koju Hall u Londonu, Park Music Hall prisutan i u žiriju nacionalnih i
je tada dobio omogućava mu u Dalasu, Musikverein u Beču. međunarodnih takmičenja. Do-
studije u Firenci, gde je 1975. Zapažena je njegova prirodna bitnik je nagrade Srebrni ključ
diplomirao na Konzervatori- virtuoznost, posebno u interpre- 2005. godine na Međunarodnom
jumu Luigi Cherubini sa najvišim tacijama Listovih dela. U 2002. pijanističkom festivalu Echos
ocenama. Učestvovao je na ne- godini, na Evropskom festivalu za 30 godina koncertne kari-
koliko međunarodnih takmičenja muzike u Volpedu, izveo je svet- jere. Naziv Ambasador muzike i
i osvojio visoke nagrade: prve sku premijeru Sem Raphlingove izuzetni umetnik dodijeljen mu je
na Konkursu Rina Sala Gallo transkripcije Posvećenja proleća od strane Opštinskog veća rod-
(Monza 1974), Ettore Pozzoli Igora Stravinskog. Na poziv velike nog grada Rosario (Argentina)
(Milano, 1975) i Cata Monti (Trst, argentinske pijanistkinje Marthe u junu 2006. Pored brojnih CD
1977); druge nagrade na Konkur- Argerich, izvodi isto delo u okviru izdanja, snimao je za RAI, RTSI i
sima Busoni (Bolzano 1976) i prestižnog Progetto Martha Ar- Cologne Radio.
Dino Ciani (Milano, 1977); treću gerich u Luganu. Nedavno je, u
nagradu na Beethovenovom okviru projekta velike pijanistkin-
takmičenju u Beču 1981, i druge. je, pokrenuo umetničku saradnju
Martin Kasík studied with Monika Tugendliebová at the Janáček conservatory in Ostrava, and subse-
quently with Ivan Klánský at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Prague. He widened his
musical prospect by attending masterclass of Lazar Berman, Garrick Ohlson, Christian Zacharias, Paul
Badura - Skoda and others. The winner of several domestic and international contests, and the recipi-
ent of a number of prestigious awards, he has to his credit laureateships from the 1998 Prague Spring
International Music Competition, the 1999 Young Concert Artists Competition, the 2000 Davidoff Prix,
the 2002 Harmonie Magazine Award, and other distinctions. Martin Kasík has appeared in major con-
cert venues, such as the Berlin Philharmonic Hall, Wigmore Hall, Tonhalle Zurich, Gewandhaus Leipzig,
the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Rotterdam’s De Doelen, Finlandia Hall in Helsinki, the Auditorio de
Barcelona, Carnegie Hall’s Weill Recital Hall, Alice Tully Hall and Avery Fisher Hall, the Kennedy Center
in Washington, Tokyo’s Suntory Hall or Victoria Concert Hall in Singapore. As a soloist, he has appeared
with, among other orchestras, the Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Minneapolis Symphony Orchestra,
Deutsches Symphonie Orchester Berlin, Tonhalle-Orchester Zurich, Stuttgarter Philharmoniker, Rot-
terdam Philharmonic Orchestra, or Helsinki Philharmonic Orchestra, performing under the baton of
Pinchas Zukerman, Marin Alsop, Yakov Kreizberg, Ingo Meztmacher, Ken - Ichiro Kobayashi, Libor
Pešek, Jakub Hrůša and others. He has worked regularly with the Czech Philharmonic Orchestra and
the Prague Symphony Orchestra, which he accompanied on their tours of the United States and Japan.
In 2008, Martin Kasík was appointed an artistic director of the Chopin Festival in Mariánské Lázně. Since
2009, he has taught piano at the Academy of Music in Prague. His discography comprises 15 CDs for
Supraphon and Arco Diva labels.
Mr. Kasik plays with a resourceful technique, fluidity, a keen sense of colour
and intelligence.
— The New York Times
Martin Kasik spada među najznačajnije češke pijaniste u ovom trenutku. Posvetio se klaviru od svoje četvrte godine.
Studirao je u klasi Monike Tugendliebove na Konzervatorijumu Janaček u Ostravi, a potom Ivane Klanski na Aka-
demiji za muziku i izvođačke umetnosti u Pragu. Usavršavao se kod Lazara Bermana, Garricka Ohlsona, Christiana
Zachariasa, Paula Badure - Škode i drugih. Pobednik je nekoliko domaćih i međunarodnih takmičenja, a svakako
najznačajnija je pobeda na Međunarodnom takmičenju Praško proleće 1998. Martin Kasik je svirao u najprestižnijim
koncertnim dvoranama i nastupao sa velikim svetskim orkestrima. Redovno sarađuje sa Češkom filharmonijom i Sim-
fonijskim orkestrom u Pragu sa kojima je nastupao na njihovim turnejama u SAD i Japanu. U 2008. godini Martin Kasik
je imenovan za umetničkog direktora festivala Šopen Marianske Lazne. Od 2009. godine predaje klavir na Muzičkoj
akademiji u Pragu. Njegova diskografija obuhvata 15 CD izdanja za Supraphon i Arko Diva diskografske kuće.
Jokut Mihailović je rođena u Uzbekistanu. Muzičke studije jokut Mihailović was Born in Uzbekistan.
je završila na Moskovskom konzervatorijumu Čajkovski Finished her studies at the Moscow Con-
(klasa Ljudmile Roščine, magistrirala u klasi Leonida servatory Tchaikovsky (Lyudmila Roschi-
Brumberga). Nastupala je kao solista sa brojnim simfoni- na, master degree in the class of Leonid
Brumberg). She has performed as a soloist
jskim i kamernim orkestrima, a ostvarila je i veliki broj
with numerous symphonic and chamber
samostalnih solističkih koncerata. Pedagošku karijeru orchestras and she has also held a num-
je započela na Akademiji umetnosti u Novom Sadu (re- ber of solo concerts. Started her peda-
dovni profesor i šef katedre za klavir), a potom i na FMU u gogical career at the Academy of arts in
Beogradu (šef katedre za klavir od 2002.). Radila je i kao Novi Sad (full professor and the head of
gostujući profesor na muzičkim akademijama u Sarajevu the piano department), and at the Facul-
i Skoplju. Kao pedagog, dovela je do akademskog zvanja ty of music arts in Belgrade (the head of
veliki broj studenata, afirmišući ih pritom na renomiranim the piano department since 2000). She has
Međunarodnim takmičenjima pijanista i javnim nastupima also worked as a visiting professor at the
academies of music in Sarajevo and Skopje.
u zemlji i inostranstvu (Kemal Gekić, Aleksandar Serdar,
She has held a number of master classes in
Biljana Gorunović, Nataša Dukan, Nataša Šarčević, Ma- Serbia and abroad, and was often invited
rina Milić i mnogi drugi). Održala je veliki broj majstorskih to be a member of the juries in internation-
kurseva u zemlji i inostranstvu, a često učestvuje u radu al pianists competitions. She is the winner
žirija na međunarodnim takmičenjima pijanista. Dobitnik of the medal of the Republic of Poland
je Ordena Republike Poljske za zasluge u oblasti kulture, for her accomplishments in the field of
Zlatne plakete Univerziteta umetnosti u Beogradu, kao i culture, Golden Plaquetteof the Univer-
plakete Univerziteta u Novom Sadu. sity of arts Belgrade and the Plaquette of
Honor of the University of Novi Sad.
liudmila synagovskaya is a Representative of the St. Petersburg piano school. She gradu-
ated from the piano department of the N. A. Rimsky-Korsakov St. Petersburg State Con-
servatory with the G. L. Sokolov. She has performed at concerts in St. Petersburg and oth-
er towns in Russia and abroad (Norway, Sweden, Finland, Poland, and Estonia) as soloist,
chamber musician and concertmistress. Besides Russia and the above listed countries,
she has regularly organized masterclasses in Ukraine and Australia, as well as seminar-
ies for pedagogues and students in the USA and with the International Association of
piano pedagogues. She is a regular jury member at regional and international competi-
tions. Her pedagogical and concert activity was expanded in 1984, when she became the
deputy headmistress of the Mussorgsky Music College in St. Petersburg. She has partici-
pated at numerous international seminaries and conferences on music education, per-
formance and pedagogy and in People to people citizen ambassador programme under
the auspices of UNESCO. She is a member of the Association of concert performers of Rus-
Helena Davidović graduated from Music Academy in Novi Sad with Rita Kinka.
Actively participates in musical life in Sabac (Serbia) where she is working, ad-
dressing not only educational but also the cultural, artistic and concert
activities. She founded Baroque trio which worked under the mentorship of
Miodrag Azanjac, and after successful performances trio continued their
studies with Olivera Djurdjevic at FMU Belgrade. Her students are prize winners
of many completions in the country and abroad. As a president of the organiz-
ing committee of the Competition for young pianists in Sabac she was awarded a
special prize. She successfully conducted master classes of many eminent piano
teachers. She often participated in the work of the piano competitions jury. For
many years of comprehensive activity in the education of young talents and
knowledge invested in the growing generation of artists she was awarded the
annual prize of AMBS in 2012.
Helena Davidović je rođena u Subotici. Visoko obrazovanje stiče na AU u Novom Sadu u klasi
Rite Kinke. Aktivno učestvuje u muzičkom životu Šapca baveći se ne samo pedagoškim, već
i kulturno umetničkim i koncertnim delatnostima. Suosnivač je šabačkog Baroknog tria koji je
radio pod mentorstvom Miodraga Azanjca, a posle uspešnih nastupa, članovi tria su se dalje
usavršavali u klasi Olivere Đurđević. Sa svojim učenicima postiže veoma zapažene rezultate
na najznačajnijim takmičenjima u zemlji i inostranstvu. Kao predsednik organizacionog odbora
priprema i realizuje Takmičenje mladih pijanista u Šapcu. Organizuje i realizuje majstorske kur-
seve mnogih eminentnih klavirskih pedagoga. Učestvuje u radu žirija na mnogim takmičenjima
(na Republičkom takmičenju 2003, na 51. Festivalu muzičkih i baletskih škola Srbije u Vršcu
2007, na klavirskim takmičenjima u Beogradu, Novom Sadu, Sremskoj Mitrovici, Zrenjaninu.
Za višegodišnje svestrano delovanje u obrazovanju dodeljena joj je Godišnja nagrada ZMBŠS
2012. godine.
Ariana Kuriu Grubi was born in Tetovo (Macedonia), she graduated from Music
Academy in Pristina with Lejla Haxhiu Pula in 1994. After finishing Master degree
in Skopje in 2011 with Todor Svetiev, she was engaged at the Music Academy in
Tetovo, teaching the Methodology for piano, and from 2003 as a piano teacher
at the high music school Ilija Nikolovski Luj in Skopje. Several of her students
are prize winners of national and international completions. She was engaged
also as a piano accompanist in several violin and flaute competitions, as well
as on the conserts with Blerim Grubi (violist), both in Maceodonia and abroad
(2012 in New York, organized by Macedonian Ciltural Center).
Arjana Kuriu Grubi je rođena u Tetovu. Diplomirala je 1994. na Muzičkoj akademiji u Prištini u
klasi Lejla Hadžiu Pula. Magistrirala je metodiku klavira na Muzičkoj akademiji u Skoplju kod
Todora Svetieva. Na Muzičkoj akademiji u Tetovu predaje klavir i metodiku klavira u zvanju do-
centa. Od 2003. predaje klavir u muzičkoj školi Ilija Nikolovski Luj u Skoplju. Njeni učenici su do-
bitnici visokih nagrada na takmičanjima zemlji i van nje. Kao korepetitior, prati učenike violine i
flaute na takmičenjima, a profesionalno nastupa sa suprugom, violistom Blerimom Grubiem na
koncertima u zemlji i inostranstvu (Nju Jork, Makedonski kulturni centar 2013).
Srdjan Dalagija graduated in 1985 from the Sarajevo Music Academy, with
Milica Šnajder. During his studies and after graduation Srdjan had an
intense performing activity in the country and abroad. As significant
performances during that period, numerous solo concerts and six ap-
pearances with the Sarajevo Philharmonic Orchestra stand out. He
participated in numerous competitions and achieved remarkable re-
sults. For the last twenty-three years Srdjan has been working as a pi-
ano teacher in the music school Isidor Bajic, Novi Sad. In his pedagogical
work so far his students won over sixty awards at national and inter-
national competitions. Among international competitions the follow-
ing should be mentioned: Paris, France, the Ninth international contest
of Nikolai Rubinstein in 2008, Usti nad Labem, Czech Republic, 44th compe-
tition Virtuosi per musica di pianoforte in 2011, Barletta, Italy, 23rd con-
test, Concorso Internazionale per Giovani Musicisti Citta di Barletta,
2013, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, 2015, Eighth International Competition of
Young Pianists. He is the president of piano department of Vojvodina from
2015. Apart from pedagogical activities, the CD collection of piano com-
positions Balkando, released in 2000 by Studio M and Radio Novi Sad, spe-
cifically should be abstracted.