Leisure Painter April 2017 FreeMags - CC
Leisure Painter April 2017 FreeMags - CC
Leisure Painter April 2017 FreeMags - CC
Paint lively
FEBRUARY 2017 £4.20 watercolour!
10 TOP TIPS on
how to become
more creative
Try mixed-media
ideas for street
scenes and figures
for cool red earths Be inspired by the
Create two
paintings from
one photograph
objects around you
* Except photography
Open all Media exhibition 2017
Sponsored by Fresh: Art Fair
at the RBSA Gallery
Open to artists working in all media*.
Deadline to enter Weds 1 February, by 4pm
Delivery of digitally pre-selected work
Sun 12 March, 10.30am-1pm
Exhibition on show Thurs 16 March - Sat 8 April
+ Download the interactive application pack at
rbsa.org.uk or send us a SAE marked ‘Open all Media’.
Royal Birmingham Society of Artists
RBSA Gallery, 4 Brook Street, St Paul’s, Birmingham, B3 1SA
T 0121 236 4353 W www.rbsa.org.uk
Registered charity no 528894. Registered company no 122616.
Pro Arte's
www.artsupplies.co.uk all round
Tel: 01204 690 114 | Email: [email protected] best seller
Stocked by
all good
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on orders over
£40 to UK
Call today for your FREE catalogue!
Or visit our website for a fantastic selection of art materials
Ingrid Lyon
W elcome to the February issue of
Leisure Painter, which is packed full
of demonstrations, advice, tips and
Contributing Editor
Jane Stroud
Editorial Consultants
techniques for drawing and painting through mid-winter. I hope
Diana Armfield, RA, NEAC (Hon), RWS
David Bellamy
you enjoy taking part in this month’s projects and competitions,
Tony Paul STP
whether you’re emailing our online editor – [email protected] – to
Advertising Sales
Anna-Marie Brown (Tel: 01778 392048) submit your finished paintings from this month’s painting projects
([email protected])
Advertising Copy (pages 16 to 20) or Fiona Peart’s ‘Shapes, not details’ challenge
Sue Woodgates (Tel: 01778 392062)
([email protected]) (pages 21 to 23). All the finished work is shown on a dedicated LP
[email protected]
Painting Project area of our website at www.painters-online.co.uk.
Events Manager There’s also the 50th anniversary competition to enter, based this
Caroline Griffiths
Subscriptions & Marketing Manager month on Arthur Begg’s still-life feature (pages 27 to 31). We’re
Wendy Gregory
looking for drawings and paintings in any medium of any still-life
Nicci Salmon & Liza Kitney
(Tel: 01580 763315/763673)
subject. With £50 worth of art materials vouchers from Great Art
Online Editor to win each month, we would love to see everyone’s work in our
Dawn Farley
Designers anniversary competitions, including beginners to painting.
Alison Renno
Sarah Poole This is a good time to think about the work you will enter for our
Leisure Painter is published annual Open Competition/Exhibition (held at Patchings Art Centre
every four weeks by:
The Artists’ Publishing Company over the summer, submission deadline 31 March, see pages 54 and
Limited (TAPC), Caxton House,
63-65 High Street, Tenterden, 55). There are £17,500 worth of prizes to be won for the exhibited
Kent TN30 6BD
(Tel: 01580 763315) work and an opportunity to see your drawings and paintings
Publisher displayed in the magazine, on our website and on social media.
Dr Sally Bulgin, Hon VPRBSA
The recipient of the Leisure Painter Award this year will see a
Publication of an article or inclusion of
an advertisement does not necessarily showcase feature on his or her work in the magazine. The
imply that TAPC is in agreement with
the views expressed, or represents competition is a terrific opportunity to highlight the talents of
endorsement of products, materials
or techniques. TAPC does not accept amateur painters – let’s make it the best year yet.
responsibility for errors, omissions
or images received in good faith If you are a beginner or new to Leisure Painter, please don’t
Annual subscription rates:
UK £39.99 (includes Northern Ireland); hesitate to enter these competitions and challenges. Beginners
USA $80; Canada $92; EC member
countries €67; all other countries often produce better results than they think and it’s all good
(sterling rate) £50
practice in entering art competitions and having your work shown.
Foreign currency prices include
bank charges. Payments made Wishing you a happy and creative year ahead,
by credit card are taken in sterling
at the rate of £50
Printed by Warners Midlands plc,
The Maltings, Manor Lane, Bourne,
Lincolnshire PE10 9PH
18 46
21 Shapes, not details
IN EVERY ISSUE Part 2 Gather your own water-soluble media
and paint a street scene with figures from
7 Diary 57 Books a photograph, by Fiona Peart
Things to do this month Some of the best practical art
books are reviewed 24 Drawing matters
8 Exhibitions Part 1 Pick up a pencil and begin to draw
Some of the best shows 59 Art clubs with Anne Kerr. This month, create texture,
around the country News, profiles, exhibition listings light and shade using four graphite pencils
and ‘best in show’ gallery
10 Letters 27 Simple beauty
Your tips, suggestions, 66 Online gallery Find simple objects to compose and paint in
ideas and questions Jane Stroud chooses two Arthur Begg’s guide to painting still life in oils
paintings from PaintersOnline
33 Coming in to land
Make the most of watercolour’s transparent and
lively properties with a wet-in-wet watercolour
painting of a puffin, by Rachel McNaughton
12 Your painting life 36 Understanding colour
Steve Strode offers ten top tips for leading Part 15 How to use the cool red earths in your
a creative and productive painting life palette, by Tony Paul
next month
Learn to draw and paint successfully with
Leisure Painter. Here are just some of the
highlights to be found in the March issue
n How to paint delicate
snowdrops step by
step in watercolour
n Tips and techniques
for drawing with
graphite pencils
n Paint realistic three-
dimensional skies
using acrylics
n How to paint
foliage and buildings
in the landscape
n Transfer a sketch
46 Fairy light
Draw a delicate rendition of a fairy, with Trudy Friend
in association with Great Art
To celebrate LP’s 50th and PaintersOnline’s 10th anniversaries
we continue a year of painting competitions for Leisure Painter readers
(25.5x30.5cm). oil, 10x12in.
by the horizontal Recession is achieved
composition. The triangular
are lost and the top edges of the pot
are only loosely details of the secateurs
main interest onindicated, leaving the
of the blade in the trowel. The curve
is a critical partrelation to the handle
By not includin Balanced compositio
subject close If theyInhad n 1 Using in
brought the
size. the painting of objects No. 4 short flat
painted life the detail,grinder such the coffee pot ,
and not varying the tone brush, rough
could be smaller, of the (page 48) I was interestedand
been painted round the edge the copper forgetting the and hue in the
to contrast between the polished in jug. At reflecti to indicat two
as the beading have been
difficult metal
I also wood.
work and the
had matt finish of
2 Then
this stage, on of the e the form
tray, wouldthe tray had feet, the the When it came adjustm over it, strengt roughly colour bottle in the
ents as
depict. As that the space beneath the coffee pot to painting found edges necessa hening the darksthe background.
passed ing the
s quite complic through hts: dark The
up becomefeeling of three- the the bottle the green one upper
a portraying and the where
Creating space and should be orange
dimensional of the objects
your aim. Step 4 Refin
1 I added e the
10x12in. and rim the two small painting
Boot, oil, the copper of the bottle, white highlig
tint in the t
the leather, that there is hardly the top FEBRUARY 2017
You will see painting: one by and one 47
Search Press Competition
PaintersOnline, the online
home of Leisure Painter and ENTER NOW
The Artist, has teamed up with
Search Press to offer you the To win one of 10 copies of
chance to win one of ten copies From Sketch to Watercolour Painting
of From Sketch to Watercolour by Wendy Jelbert from
Painting by Wendy Jelbert. Search Press please visit
Wendy Jelbert begins her book by
asking the question ‘why sketch?’ the home of
Her answer is that it is the best way and
to record inspirational scenes and to magazines, and click on the links
capture special moments. Through a to competitions. Closing date
series of step-by-step projects,
Wendy demonstrates how to
for entries is April 1, 2017.
develop your sketching skills and to Winners will be selected at
transform a sketch into a finished random from all online entries.
painting. Everything is covered from
When completing your details please
capturing detail, composition and make sure you opt in to receive our
texture to making the most of your Search Press is the leading art and craft great regular email newsletters so that
sketchbooks. Many of Wendy’s publisher in the UK, specialising in fine art, we can keep you up to date with what’s
finished paintings and the sketches textiles, general crafts and children’s new at PaintersOnline, including the
that inspired them are included crafts. For more information visit latest features, images in the galleries,
throughout the book. www.searchpress.com new competitions and other great offers.
Public vote
The New Art Gallery Walsall is inviting visitors to vote
for their favourite artworks in the collection in
celebration of its 125th anniversary. From Victorian
genre paintings to contemporary installations, there
are over 3,000 works to choose from in a collection
dating from the foundation of the original art gallery
in Walsall in 1892. The most popular works will go on
display in the gallery next year. Vote for your favourite
via the People’s Choice page on the gallery website
Voting closes at the end of January 2017.
n Works on Paper Fair
The long-established Works on Paper Fair will return to the
Royal Geographical Society, Exhibition Road, South
Kensington between 9 and 12 February, offering work for
sale at a wide range of prices. Each year the fair hosts a
loan exhibition of paintings not normally on display to the
public, and this year features the collection from Eton
College, which includes works by Gainsborough, Cotman,
Girtin, Turner, Rowlandson and Samuel Palmer as well as
One of the A5 paintings on sale in the Secret Postcard Sale,
major 20th century works. Full details can be found at
on 9 February at The Bankside Gallery, London
www.worksonpaperfair.com; telephone 01798 215 007.
n Oxford International Art Fair
Secret Postcard Sale Between 24 and 26 February, Oxford Town Hall will host
On 9 February, the Bankside Gallery in London will be the Oxford International Art Fair, bringing together
providing a unique opportunity to purchase original works contemporary art from around the world, including
by members of the Royal Watercolour Society and painting, sculpture, photography, illustration, jewellery and
distinguished guest artists for a fraction of their usual price. bespoke crafts. For more information go to
All the participating artists have created special A5 postcard- www.oxfordinternationalartfair.com
size paintings, each of which is priced at £60 and offered for
sale without divulging who has painted it.
During the evening there will also be a raffle and silent Call for entries
auction of RWS paintings. All proceeds go towards prizes The deadline for the annual Royal Watercolour Society
awarded in the RWS Contemporary Watercolour Competition. Contemporary Watercolour Competition is fast approaching.
See right for details. For more information contact the All entries must be in by Monday 16 January. To download
Bankside Gallery, 48 Hopton Street, London SE1; an application pack and for full details go to
020 7928 7521 or visit www.royalwatercoloursociety.co.uk www.royalwatercoloursociety.co.uk/competition
n Gallagher & Turner
30 St Mary’s Place, Newcastle upon Tyne. 0191 2761
4465, ‘Cornish on Tyneside’: celebrating Norman
Cornish’s relationship with the city of Newcastle,
until 4 February.
n Harbour House
The Promenade, Kingsbridge, Devon. 01548
854708. ‘Dave Roper: Artist in Residence’, 17 to 28
n Ilminster Arts Centre
East Street, Ilminster, Somerset. 011460 55783. ‘It’s
a Wonderful World’: celebrating the beauty of the
world around us, through photography, painting,
Jean-Paul Tibbles Jean, 2015, oil on canvas, 42x30in. (106.5x76cm) textiles and 3D work, 23 January to 11 February.
n Russell-Cotes Art Gallery
BP Portrait Award 2016 and Museum
Anyone who failed to catch the annual BP Portrait Award at the National East Cliff Promenade, Bournemouth. 01202 451858.
Portrait Gallery in London will have a second chance as it travels to the ‘Meeting Modernism’: 20th century art in the
Russell-Cotes collection, including work by
Scottish National Portrait Gallery in Edinburgh this spring. The exhibition Rothenstein, John Minton, Laura Knight and
features 53 stand-out works from this year’s competition, selected from a Graham Sutherland, amongst many others,
total of 2,557 entries. First prize was awarded to Clara Drummond for her until 24 April.
painting, Girl in a Liberty Dress. The portrait pictured above by Jean-Paul n Sarah Wiseman Gallery
Tibbles is of the artist’s son, Jean, painted in 2015 when he was 14. This is 40-41 South Parade, Oxford. 01865 515123. ‘On
Meadow and River’: textured landscapes by Peter
the fourth time that the artist has had work accepted for the award. Kettle, 14 to 28 January.
The BP Portrait Award continues at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery, n Victoria Art Gallery
1 Queen Street, Edinburgh until 26 March. For more information telephone Bridge Street, Bath. 01225 477233. ‘A Bath Painter’s
0131 624 6200. Travels:’ new paintings and drawings of Bath and
beyond by Peter Brown, until 19 February.
Home Alone
This playful exhibition by
Northumberland artist, Gavin Watson,
explores the world of man’s best friend
once the door is closed and he’s left to
his own devices. There’s mischief,
mayhem and melancholy featuring
dogs of all kinds – from Dalmatians to
Jack Russells.
Home Alone can be seen at the
Jonathan Cooper Park Walk Gallery,
20 Park Walk, London from 2 to 25
February. Telephone 020 7351 0410.
Good advice
Well over 20 years ago, I attended a
good art college at evening school,
where I enrolled for courses in basic
drawing, and painting in various media
and pastel, the latter – along with chalk
YOUR COMMENTS, IDEAS, and charcoal – became my favourite.
TIPS AND QUESTIONS Watercolour always scared me, but
thanks to excellent teachers and their
technical advice, I managed to produce
one or two acceptable paintings.
if necessary, to modify the light and Unfortunately, due to job relocation,
dark tones within them. I wasn’t able to continue with the
Franco Barbieri courses and, as with a lot of people I’m
sure, my art along with other hobbies
Lowering expectations were put on ice.
Having discovered the joy of painting As time passed so did artistic
some years ago, I also discovered a confidence and, although I was aware
growing frustration with not being able that the art materials I had collected
to produce the kind of finished painting were gathering dust, I had no idea what
I was hoping for. In my mind, I knew to paint or how to start again.
(more or less) what it was that I had to Years later, we moved to Lincolnshire,
achieve, but my efforts would all too a county of big skies, and whilst out
often fall well short, leaving me feeling walking, I would look at the colours and
disillusioned, almost to the point where the formations, and think about how
I considered giving up painting and they worked with the colours in the rest
consigning my art materials to the bin. of the countryside. I then remembered
My interest was kept alive by regular two important pieces of advice that my
copies of Leisure Painter dropping course teacher gave me all those years
through my door with step-by-step ago, when I was daunted by a sheet of
guides to painting by artists I have come blank paper. First, just daub on colour
to know and love. Regular visits to and allow the paint to take you ‘for a
galleries and exhibitions also helped. ride’. The second piece of advice: paint
However, what helped me most was the what you see and not what you think
Franco Barbieri Spring is Here, watercolour,
11x8in. (28x21cm). Using computer software
realisation that I needed to lower my you see.
programs to simplify and blur the photographs expectations and not focus on the Last year I won first prize in a small art
you are copying will help you see contrast and finished artwork, but to enjoy the process
tone, not detail. competition and, although it was a tiny
of creation. entry, it gave me the push to undo my
Simplify your photographs I view every painting now as a practice boxes of art materials and get cracking
For many years I painted with oil colours, piece rather than a masterpiece and I again! I have managed to find local art
but my house is small and my family expect to throw away a painting rather classes and have attended a few day
found the smell of turpentine than my materials. One of the great courses, including a Chinese Brush
unbearable. I then tried with benefits of lowering expectations has painting course, which was wonderful.
watercolour, copying fast-and-loose been a freeing up of my style and Leisure Painter has given me a huge
watercolour artists, such as Steve Hall, brushstrokes, resulting in looser and push as well. Monthly information on
but when I reverted back to painting livelier work. Mistakes are made, local courses and exhibitions, and
from my photos, I always committed the accepted and learnt from. I believe I contributions from other amateur
same errors: too much precision and too learn little or nothing from painting artists on the letters’ page, really help
many brushstrokes. perfection. Due to this, my enjoyment to boost confidence.
I then hit on the idea of modifying my of my hobby has increased, along with Gwyneth Roper
original photos using a free and easy-to- the quality of my paintings.
use computer program, called Paul Howes
FotoSketcher. I crop my photographs to Send your letters to
follow the rule of thirds then apply a Mount a finished oil painting Leisure Painter, 63-65 High Street,
variety of filters and changes until the I found Tony Paul’s reply to Ivor Tucker’s Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BD.
image appears with less detail and question on how to mount a finished oil Alternatively, email the editor at
colour, and with fewer sharp edges. I painting (LP, January) interesting. The [email protected].
then print it out. response included the advice to ‘borrow All letters published here win art
I find that it’s much easier to paint a rolling pin’. May I suggest buying a materials, courtesy of Daler-
from an image that has already been wallpaper roller? It is rubber and has a Rowney. For details of all
simplified, showing softer edges and decent handle. I have used it for many Daler-Rowney products visit
subdued colours. It’s also easier to years so I know it works. www.daler-rowney.com
distinguish large areas of foliage and, Derek Gowers
Mr Mrs Miss Ms £5 OFF when you spend £20
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Try ways to boost your creativity
Focus on your drawing and
W hether you’re just starting out
or looking to reinvigorate your
practice, embracing a few small
changes will make a big difference to
your painting this year, no matter when
own practice, which helps me to
maintain creativity and gather new
momentum whenever my creativity
becomes stale. So, over the coming year,
why not give some of these a try?
you begin.
n Keep inspired throughout 2017 The following ten tips contribute to my
1Carry a sketchbook
I carry a sketchbook and draw in
it most days, if only for a couple of
minutes. Developing our perception
of light, shadow, edges and spaces
improves the way we see. Try to use
different media like graphite, ink,
carbon or charcoal. Not just for drawing,
my sketchbook is a repository for all
things arty, including notes or ideas that
may be useful in the future.
Buy a hardback pad that fits in your
pocket or your bag. Inspiration can
strike at any time, and having a pad
at the ready will become a habit you
won’t want to break.
Pick up an A5 sketchbook then try different pens, pencils and even paint 2 Visit a museum
Visiting a museum or gallery is a
Working in the garden is a good step into plein air painting, as you can
just step inside again for anything you need. I use the painting box a lot
Sketch inspired by The Mower 1895 bronze by William outdoors and, as the work is rarely larger than the lid, it encourages the
Hamo Thornycroft in an A5 sketchbook quicker, looser studies I like so much.
River Llugwy, acrylic on canvas, 512⁄ x8in. (14x21cm). This is a quick study of a riverbank in Betws-y-Coed. Working in fast-drying acrylics
on a hot day allowed me to layer thin glazes for the water.
4 Make studies
The word ‘painting’ often implies
a finished product; remove that pressure
and make studies instead. Some of the
best advice I had when starting was from
the artist, Kevin McPherson. He believes,
‘the more you paint, the more you learn.’ t
Blue Pot and Nectarines, oil on canvas, 7x8in. (18x23cm). Keep it simple to begin,
You’ll achieve more from a thousand but gradually add more items to explore composition and colour.
Penwith Coast, mixed media, 8x8in. (20x20cm). Painted without brushes, I could also see the benefits of following Tip 6 (below left).
The more abstract elements creeping into my work come from sessions just playing with paint and seeing what develops.
the library if you’re still dipping into will feed into your usual painting results you’d like to see in your own
them year after year, but every so often practice. work so what are they doing that you’re
have a cull. Experience will see you not? Find the tools to help you model
outgrow some resources so pass on
what you don’t use to another painter
who’ll value it.
7 Try something different
Try something different and set
yourself a challenge. Ask yourself, for
their behaviour. Do you need a book to
brush up on your colour theory or find a
DVD of that artist at work? Do you need
instance: How would Picasso paint this? a course to focus on your weak areas?
10 Step outside
Painting can be a solitary business
so make time for networking and
become more involved in your local art
scene. Subscribe to other artists’ websites,
or what’s on art sites. I visit other artists
in their studios and attend private views
and gallery shows whenever I can. This
would have been quite alien to me when
I first started, but I’ve learnt so much and
had great support along the way from
other painters.
As you become more experienced, look
at what galleries and other venues, such
as libraries or coffee shops are showing,
and recognise the standard of work
you’ll have to produce as you progress.
We are where we are right now,
because of what we know, the hours
we’ve put in and the habits we’ve
developed. It’s easy to become
comfortable with our skills and think
we’re the finished article, but that’s rarely
the case. Develop a growth mind-set.
Make small changes, cultivate new habits
and keep moving forward, and next New
Year shake things up again, because the
joy is in the journey. LP
Basel, Light Effects on Minster and Rhine, after Ken Howard,
oil on canvas, 10x10in. (25.5x25.5cm). Learn from the masters.
This was inspired by a book I own, Ken Howard’s Switzerland:
In the footsteps of Turner.
When I started painting figuratively I invested in two books.
The excellent Betty Edwards’ Drawing on the Right Side of
the Brain has yet to be surpassed for the beginner, and
Richard Schmid’s book on painting (below) is still serving me
well years later. However, other painting books in my library
are just as informative. Basic information won’t change,
only the way it’s packaged. Here’s a selection of painting
books I still dip into:
l Alla Prima: Everything I know about Painting
by Richard Schmid
l Fill Your Oil Paintings with Light and Color
by Kevin Macpherson
l Landscape Painting Inside and Out by Kevin Macpherson
l Catching Light in Your Paintings by Charles Sovek
l Daily Painting: Paint Small and Often to Become a More
Creative, Productive and Successful Artist by Carol Marine
And drawing titles include:
l Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain by Betty Edwards
l Keys to Drawing by Bert Dodson
l The Natural Way to Draw by Kimon Nicolaides
Steve Strode
Find out more about Steve, his work and classes
at www.stevestrode.blogspot.com and on our
One of the iron sculptures from Anthony Gormley’s Another Place website at www.painters-online.co.uk
at Crosby on the Mersey shore. Immerse yourself in a project and
work from life whenever you can.
Painting project
Part 1 How to change a photograph taken in spring into
a painting of melting snow on a winter lane, by Jem Bowden
Our main photographic reference: a spring lane, which we will be changing into a winter painting in this project
n How to paint successfully
from photographs
n Turn a spring scene into
a snow-laden landscape
n Add extra elements to the
main reference
Compositional sketches
This all sounds fine in theory, but putting
it together in a way that works can be
a challenge. Making simple 4in. tonal
sketches is often the best way to test out
your ideas. I always use a 8B pencil for
such sketches, as they achieve a full tonal
range from very pale to very dark. If you
sketch with lines, but omit tone, you t
This compositional sketch shows the general layout and tonal aspects of the winter
won’t gain a good idea of whether the painting I’ll show you how to paint next month
Painting project
Part 2 Add drama and colour to your watercolour paintings
with limited colours and a little know-how, by Colin Steed
How to paint successfully
from photographs
Focus on colour and contrast
I n last month’s issue I introduced you
to this lovely old barge (below) that
had been left high by the falling tide.
The image’s sheer simplicity appealed
to me. I then discussed how we could
and more contrast. We looked at
two of my paintings, which offered
suggestions that could work.
I finally decided to produce two
paintings: Low Sun, Blakeney, Norfolk
separately either produce a scene with plenty of with plenty of strong colour and Storm
colour and strong sunlight or a more Clouds, Blakeney, Norfolk (page 20),
n Become familiar with using atmospheric painting with less colour which has lots of atmosphere. LP
different brushes
n Brushes
l Pointed squirrel mop No. 4
l Sable Rigger No. 4
l Pro Arte Series 100 Rounds,
Nos. 6, 8 and 12
n 4B drawing pencil
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
1 Paint the mast and rigging with mixes of alizarin
crimson, ultramarine and burnt umber using the No.
4 Rigger. Don’t be tempted to paint all the rigging lines
and rope detail; less is more when painting a loose
interpretation. Suggest the cabin windows and edging
around the top of the cabin.
2 Using the side of the No. 6 Round and a dry dark mix
of new gamboge, French ultramarine and burnt umber
paint the green saltings on the left. Add a dark mix
where the green meets the beach.
3 When water meets sand or mud it tends to look dark
so to give that impression paint along the water’s edge,
dragging the brush up the beach to give a textured,
sandy effect. Use burnt umber, alizarin crimson and
ultramarine for this mix.
Step 4
Low Sun, Blakeney, Norfolk, watercolour, 11x15in. (28x38cm
Storm Clouds, Blakeney, Norfolk
Step 1
You will need 1 Begin by producing a drawing
using the 4B pencil; include three
n Surface gulls in the sky. Dampen the sky
l Canson Moulin du Roy down as far as the horizon with
300gsm Rough texture the No. 4 mop brush and water,
watercolour paper picking around the flag, masts,
11x15in. (28x38cm) distant boats and gulls.
n Artists’ watercolour 2 Add a weak light red on parts of
l Light red the sky then a strong mix of cobalt
l Lemon yellow blue and light red to the top left-
l Cobalt blue hand clouds, which should be
l Burnt umber dark. Add depth with weaker and smaller cloud 4 The water should reflect the sky colour. Paint
shapes on the lower part of the sky. the water in the distance first, working forward
n Brushes 3 Paint the beach areas using the No. 12 Round with a weak cobalt blue then adding light red
l Pointed squirrel mop No. 4 brush and a mix of light red, a hint of lemon as you go. Drag the side of a semi-dry brush
l Sable Rigger No. 4 yellow and cobalt blue. Use more lemon yellow across the foreground surface. This will give the
l Pro Arte Series 100 Rounds, and cobalt blue to paint the light green patches. impression of light glistening on the water.
No. 6, 8 and 12
n 4B drawing pencil
Step 2
1 Add the dark shadow sides of the barge next using the
No. 6 Round brush and mixes of cobalt blue and light red,
leaving white edges around the top of the hull and sides
of windows.
2 Add cobalt blue with lemon yellow mix to the top of
the cabin before changing to the No. 4 Rigger and light
red to paint the flag, masts and rigging. Always remember
to leave plenty of white edges.
3 Define the water line where the beach meets the water
with burnt umber using the dry-brush technique. The
dark green area can now be painted with lemon
yellow, cobalt blue and light red.
Step 3
Colin Steed
Essex-based tutor, Colin runs
watercolour workshops, demonstrations
and holidays. Visit Colin’s website at
www.colinsteedart.magix.net and view
his portfolio on www.painters-
Storm Clouds, Blakeney, Norfolk, watercolour, 11x15in. (28x38cm)
Mixed media
n Develop strong compositional
n How to edit the information you
see in a photograph
n Follow Fiona while using your
own colours and media
would have gone into the making of across the two media I selected
it and I may as well frame the photo. colours that work well
Why not work alongside me using together, react together and
your own media and ideas, and my have the right tonal values.
Mixed media
1 Draw simple shapes onto
the paper using a pencil
then place masking tape
around the painting. Block
in the colours, not worrying
about being too accurate as
the shapes are only there to
guide you, not to ‘colour in’.
Some of the colours you
see here may not be on
the photo.
2 Once you have applied
the colour you can remove it
with a craft knife or alter it
by adding colour on top, but
once you add the water, the
colours will mix and blend.
Step 2
Step 3
Detail of the bottom of the painting in Step 3 after the water
has been added.
Step 4
Step 5
Fiona Peart
If you have not yet tried this challenge, why not
complete it now and email it to [email protected]
who will place it on LP’s website at www.painters-
online.co.uk? Fiona will choose a number of the
finished painting to critique in a future issue of
Leisure Painter.
Buy Fiona’s book, Drawing and Painting
with Water Soluble Media, from our bookshop
at www.painters-online.co.uk/store. See page 56
for details. See more of Fiona’s paintings and find
out about her workshops and classes by visiting
www.fionapeart.com t
The finished painting Street Scene, mixed media on NOT watercolour paper,
12x9in. (30.5x23cm)
Drawing matters
Part 1 If you can hold a pencil, you can draw, says Anne Kerr. In part one
of her new drawing series, you are invited to pick up a pencil and make your mark
LEARNING OBJECTIVES depict the entire vista, while indoors, This series of articles on drawing will
they often try to draw a room with all introduce you to a variety of materials
n How to depict trees and foliage its contents. These would be truly and techniques. I will show you how
without drawing every leaf daunting tasks for any artist. The answer to shade and build your picture using
n Create texture, light and shade is straightforward: keep it simple. Keep simple progressive steps. The final
using four graphite pencils away from figure drawing, portraits and article will include a project for you
over-complicated architecture. There to tackle using some of the materials
n Mark making with graphite will be plenty of time for these later. and techniques covered in the series.
Look around and you will see a host Different drawing media give
The higher the reference number on the pencil, t
Use simple drawing materials while you
the softer and darker the line it can produce build your confidence and skills
1 Where to begin
1 Begin drawing with fairly light lines using a HB pencil; try not
to use a rubber. It will give you confidence and stop you fiddling.
2 Give your work movement and interest by keeping your lines
uneven and broken in places. You only need to suggest the
texture of a surface or an object for the viewer to know what it is.
3 Look for overall shapes within your subject. Draw the largest
shape first then the next largest and work inwards from there.
This is called ‘drawing from the outside in’.
Hatching and cross-hatching are classic techniques for shading your drawing, but there are many more marks you can make
3 Mark making
These different marks can be used
to depict various textures and surfaces.
I have left the final square blank.
Perhaps you can work up a shading
technique of your own?
Stones, rocks and bricks can be E F G H
shaded using E (dot stipple); this suggests
their rough texture. Grass and other
short foliage can be drawn using J (short
and long strokes). The thick and thin line
pattern in B can be used for the fur
patterns on animals, horizontal ripples
in water or rough tree bark.
The possibilities are endless. Use I J K
your imagination, but try to follow the
contours of the object you are shading.
and surfaces
Eye level
A shading method that follows the contours of either
the textured surface (left) or the overall shape (right),
will give a more realistic effect
4 Contours
Look at this tree stump and metal post. I followed the
texture of the bark when drawing the tree stump. In the post
I followed the object’s rounded contour. You will notice that
the shaded lines on the post bend in different directions
above and below eye level. This all helps to show shape and
form. The tree is obviously rough and the post is smooth.
Draw bushes using the ‘dot, dash and scribble’ technique
5 Bushes
One of the most useful and effective shading techniques for depicting trees
and bushes is the one I call ‘dot, dash and scribble’. To do this, simply hold
a sharp 2B pencil loosely and make a series of squiggles, swirls, dots and
dashes. The more you go over your work, the darker and more shaded it
will look. Make sure you leave some white areas showing for interest and
highlights. You can also use this technique for curly fur and hair.
6 Simple
When showing
light catching
tree foliage,
use the shading
technique you
see in Technique
3, image D.
This suggests
the shapes of
the leaves
(rounded or
spiky), which
will help us
Rooted to the Spot, graphite on 200gsm cartridge recognise
paper, 1112⁄ x814⁄ in. (29x21cm). Using an HB pencil, I lightly immediately
outlined the tree and areas of foliage. The fence position
that the entire
and top of the distant hills were suggested to give me my
overall composition. I then drew the branch outlines and area is in
a few detailed leaves that I wanted to remain as white sunshine.
paper. I shaded the branches with a 2B pencil, which
followed the contours of the tree and showed the Here’s a way
direction of the light source. The ‘dot, dash, scribble’ to draw a tree
technique was used on all other leaves and foliage. without the
The darkest shadows were shaded with a 6B pencil. need to include
every leaf
This photograph shows a Maori house in New Zealand.
I chose this as a subject for your first exercise, as there
is scope to use many of the drawing and shading
techniques I have covered in this article. Remember
to start your drawing with an outline of the largest
shapes and work inwards. Next month I will show
you my finished drawing and explain the sketching
and shading techniques I chose.
Your reference photograph: a Maori house
in New Zealand
Anne Kerr
Anne teaches on painting holidays in the UK,
Italy and Spain. She also runs watercolour, pastel
and picture-framing classes at her home studio
in Spain. Full details can be found on her website
Still life
Simple beauty
Painting successfully is all about careful observation, says Arthur Begg.
If you look hard enough, even simple objects become perfect still-life subjects
n Practise close observation
n How to set up a successful
still life
n Discover contrast in your
mundane again. t
Beetroot, oil, 8x12in. (20.5x30.5cm)
Balanced composition
In the painting of the coffee pot and
grinder (below) I was interested in
the contrast between the polished
metal work and the matt finish of
the wood. When it came to painting
the coffee pot it was more about
painting the reflections in it than the
pot itself. The subtle tonal change
between the white cloth and its
reflection in the body of the coffee Coffee Pot and Grinder, oil, 10x12in. (25.5x30.5cm)
pot and that in the spout intrigued alizarin and viridian while the painting, allowing yourself two or
me, along with the reflected light in backcloth is vermilion and brown three painting sessions with time
the rim and knob, which gave the madder alizarin. Other colours used for the paint to dry between times.
pot its form. While the tonal were titanium white, ultramarine The subject could be set up on a
differences between the backcloth blue, raw umber, light red, yellow board so it can be moved to one
and the corners of the grinder helped ochre and a touch of mineral violet. side if it is inconvenient to leave it
to create depth, the crumpled white Of course the best reason to paint in place between painting sessions.
cloth rising above the base of the still-life subjects is that they stay still. A large cardboard box with two
grinder in the foreground gave the So all you have to worry about is a sides and the top cut off makes a
objects stability. constant light source. If you begin useful mobile corner on which to
Notice how the knob on the grinder, painting in daylight from a window, place your still-life arrangements.
painted light from one side, helps don’t be tempted to carry on in Let’s now try an exercise in
to give the feeling of space. The dark artificial light because of course you painting a still life, using just two
for the recesses in the grinder top can’t guarantee it will be the same objects, a glass bottle and a copper
was mixed with brown madder tomorrow. Take time over the jug. LP
Bottle and Copper Jug
Step 2 Block in
Step 3 Add the highlights
Now begin building the highlights. The following is the
sequence I used for this step. I lightened the central area
at the base of the jug and strengthened some of the darks.
Following this I painted the highlight on the rim of the
spout then on the handle and its reflection in the body.
The rim of the base was worked on, indicating the dark
upper edge. I then added the highlights: the green one
where the light passed through the bottle and the
orange one.
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LP02 33-35 McNaughton_final_Layout 1 13/12/2016 15:56 Page 33
Coming in to land
Make the most of watercolour’s transparent and lively properties with this
wet-in-wet rendition of one of the UK’s most beloved birds, by Rachel McNaughton
You will need
n Surface blue
l Saunders Waterford High
White Rough 140lb paper
15x11in. (38x28cm)
n Artists’watercolour
See colours, right Daniel Smith
pyrrol orange
The finished
painting Puffin,
Step 2
markings around the eye. Suggest rocks and waves. a clean, damp brush.
Step 3
1 Mix a greyish blue with ultramarine and a little neutral tint
and a separate wash of cerulean blue. Using both these washes,
add choppy waves using upward strokes of the side of the brush
and a small amount of paint. Allowing the paint to break up on
the rough texture of the paper gives an impression of sea spray
and foam.
2 Mix a small amount of burnt umber and ultramarine to make
a brown-grey and paint a wash over the rocks. Vary the colour
by dropping in other suitable colours.
t Step 4
Now mix up a large, colourful wash of neutral tint or a mix of
burnt umber and ultramarine. Make sure the shadows on the
puffin are dry and paint this colour over the dark areas around
the head and over the far wing. With the side of a clean damp
brush, drag the dark colour diagonally away from the head,
allowing the paint to break up on the surface of the paper.
Step 5
1 Add more water to the neutral tint wash and paint the underside
of the near wing. Don’t attempt to paint separate feathers. Allow
the ends of the feathers to disappear by fading out with a clean
damp brush as before. Where the dark is alongside the white
breast feathers use a few short, irregular strokes to indicate
where the white plumage comes over the dark feathers.
2 Splatter neutral tint from your brush, using it to give a feeling
of movement. If the marks look too well defined, a quick squirt
of a water spray will soften them.
3 Once the dark feathers are dry, darken areas with another
layer of neutral tint to give shape and form, especially on the
head area. With a more dilute version of the wash, add a few
details to the underside of the wing, allowing the edge to
disappear by fading with a damp brush.
Step 6 Step 7
t t
1 Paint the top of the feet with Daniel Smith transparent 1 Paint the yellow area on the beak and the eye with aureolin.
pyrrol orange and allow the paint to mix on the paper with a little You can take this colour under where the orange will be on his
aureolin. Try not to finish off the bottom of the feet; just allow beak but not under the blue or it will result in a green beak.
a few drips and splatters of orange to break up the lower outline. 2 Add a third layer to the shaded surfaces on the rocks to
Add a small dot or two of neutral tint for the claws. make them feel three-dimensional.
2 Mix a darker blue-grey from ultramarine and burnt umber and
add more strokes to the choppy sea. Allow some of the first layer
of paint to show through.
3 With a slightly stronger mix of the rock colour, add another
layer on the shaded part of the rocks, leaving the tops, where the
light hits, unpainted. Drop in stronger paint for extra texture
using neutral tint or burnt umber with ultramarine.
Step 8
1 Ensure the yellow on the beak is dry then paint over with
orange to make the appropriate markings. Leave some of the
yellow showing.
2 Then paint the middle section of the background with a ragged
shape of cerulean blue. Again try to use the side of the brush
rather than the point. This ragged blue helps to define some of
the white plumage, but don’t fall into the trap of painting all
around the bird. Leave something for the imagination to do.
3 Check the beak is dry and add the blue section.
4 With a fine brush, add a dark eye, leaving a small white
highlight to give your puffin a bit of life.
5 Finally, use a toothbrush and white gouache to splatter
white spray against the rocks and choppy sea.
Rachel McNaughton
Find out about Rachel’s classes and
workshops at www.artbyrachel.co.uk
The finished painting Puffin, watercolour, 15x11in. (38x28cm)
Back to basics
Understanding colour
Part 15 How to use the cool red earths in your palette, by Tony Paul
n Colour history and development
n Build colour and mixing
n How to use cool red earth colours
in your paintings
Back to basics
Venetian red Indian red
Visually, equal blends of ultramarine and Venetian red will give a fairly Ultramarine and Indian red make a great shadow colour
neutral off-black. This can be substituted for black – it has more character and a purplish near black, which in dilution makes great
and makes a better paint film than the soot-based lamp and ivory blacks. shaded flesh tones.
+ = + =
+ = + =
Tony Paul
Tony is the author of four popular
practical art books, still available on t
See how closely the transparent red brown resembles the tints made with Venetian
Amazon. Find out about Tony and his red. This is the perfect substitute for Venetian red for those watercolourists, myself
work at www.courtenaysfineart.com included, who like to use a transparent watercolour palette.
www.painters-online.co.uk FEBRUARY 2017 39
LP02 41-43 Parashko_final_Layout 1 15/12/2016 09:43 Page 40
Oils or acrylics
n Grid up an image for accurate
n How to change your focus point
half way through a painting
n Understanding colour choices
After trying unsuccessfully to
photograph ulysses butterflies in flight,
I found this specimen in a display case in a
nature reserve. However, I changed my mind
during the painting (see over the page).
Oils or acrylics
Demonstration Flutter By
After experiencing the beauty of lush vegetation swarming with brightly coloured
butterflies, I was inspired to capture their magic in a painting. It was not possible
to take a single photograph of the perfect butterfly in the perfect position on just
the right leaves so I used my imagination and the help of several photographs
to create the composition.
Step 2 Paint sky and ocean t
Step 3 Add the leaves
1 Using a charcoal pencil, draw the colour closer to the horizon. 1 Paint the leaves with a range of greens
horizon line, the outline of a ulysses 3 Using a medium flat brush, paint the from dark to light using a mixture of
butterfly and a few holes in the leaves. ocean with differing ratios of phthalo blue ultramarine blue, cadmium yellow medium,
2 Paint the sky with a mixture of and titanium white. For variation, add cadmium yellow light and titanium white
ultramarine blue and titanium white. a small amount of phthalo green to the (below). To paint the underside of leaves, add
Add more titanium white to lighten the central band of dark water. a small amount of phthalo to these colours.
2 Using small to large flat brushes, blend
dark, medium and light greens to indicate
the contours of each leaf depending on
areas of sunlight and shadow. Careful
observation of the photograph will give
you all the information you need.
Step 6 Finish
the butterfly
1 When the
underpainting is
dry, use a fine liner
brush to stipple
small dots of the
same butterfly
colours on the wings
to indicate their
powdery texture.
Add short vertical
strokes of light brown to the body to indicate fine fur. A steady hand
is needed to paint the antenna and a dot of white reflection in the eyes.
2 Add a cast shadow of the butterfly on the leaf around its lower left
side with a thin glaze of dark green leaf colour diluted with lean
Step 5 Change the butterfly and underpainting medium (for oil paint). If you are using acrylic paint, use a clear
It was at this point that I decided to change butterflies, as painting medium to make the cast shadow.
I realised there would be too much blue in the composition
with the ocean and a blue butterfly. I needed a contrasting colour
that would have more impact on the background. I found the Elena Parashko
tawny rajah, which is a similar shape to the ulysses. I did not find
a photo that depicted this butterfly in the exact position I needed, Elena is the author of the empowering book Survival Guide for
but several photos provided me with enough information to Artists: How to Thrive in the Creative Arts, available via Amazon.
complete the painting. I made slight alterations to the leaf She also runs painting retreats in Fiji and Tuscany. For more
background then underpainted the whole butterfly with burnt information about her work visit www.elena parashko.com or
sienna, burnt umber, titanium white and a range of light to email [email protected]. Her blog www.survivalguide
dark oranges, made by mixing cadmium yellow medium forartists.com has a wealth of information for practising artists.
with cadmium red.
The finished painting Flutter By, oil on canvas, 30x40in. (75x100cm). When the painting was completely dry, I applied two coats
of gloss varnish.
Step 1
Step 2
Step 3
1 Working with the tip of No. 8 nylon brush, model the next
tree with a dark mix made by adding Chinese orange into a mix
of ultramarine blue and primary yellow. Feed this colour into
areas near the building to create more contrast with the edges.
2 To the left paint trees with wetter paint then feed darker
colours into the wet paint to give the trees more form.
3 Paint the shapes of the background trees with a light wash
of yellow ochre and ultramarine blue then add glimpses of the
trunk with slightly darker paint. In between, add a copper
beech using diluted Venetian red.
4 Define the form of the building by adding light washes of
ultramarine blue and French vermilion over a light yellow
ochre wash. Allow to dry then add darks to the windows using
a mix of Venetian red and ultramarine blue.
t Step 4
1 Select a Round No. 14 synthetic brush for the large trees on
the left and make a strong mix of ultramarine blue and primary Finishing touches
yellow. After filling the brush with paint, touch it onto a paper 1 Paint a flagpole with white FW
towel to take out excess moisture then, using the side of the acrylic ink and waterfowl on the Tim Fisher
brush, drag it over the rough surface to create the tree shapes. left with a light mix of ultramarine
Find out more about Tim
2 After wetting the paper, add yellow ochre where the building blue and Venetian red, dragging the
and his work by visiting
reflection will be. Whilst this is still wet, add dark green mixed reflection downwards with the brush.
from yellow ochre and ultramarine and paint downward strokes 2 Add a hint of structure into the
His latest book Drawing
with a ¾in. flat brush. Touch the area where the lighter tree is trees on the left using a stronger
Masterclass: Perspective is
reflected with a damp tissue then feed in diluted primary yellow. mix of ultramarine and Venetian red.
available from Leisure Painter’s
3 When the surface is dry, rub off the masking fluid with dry Use the same dark under the trees
bookshop at www.painters-
kitchen roll and reapply more dots of masking fluid to represent to define the top of the grasses.
online.co.uk/store and follow
the lily flowers. Once dry, add a wash mixed from primary 3 Remove the masking fluid and
the links to books.
yellow and ultramarine blue. Add a dark edge where the add spots of primary yellow to
lily pads meet the water. represent the lilies.
The finished painting Fort Henry, Sennelier watercolour on Arches Aquarelle 140lb Rough watercolour paper, 10 x14in. (25.5x35.5cm)
Mixed media
Preliminary soft graphite pencil sketch on ordinary copier paper to compose the study, 8 14⁄ x814⁄ in. (21x21cm)
Fairy light
Combining techniques for liquid pencil and watercolour pencil
ensures a delicate and loose rendition of a fairy, by Trudy Friend
LEARNING OBJECTIVES 90lb – encourages the textural effects of permanent liquid pencil.
dry-brush work for the underpainting of The completed study in the form of
n Mix liquid pencil with the pots in liquid pencil while allowing the vignette (above right) demonstrates
watercolour pencils smooth brushwork in other areas. how detailed work and loose painting
n Learn techniques using both I used the tip of a fine brush for can be combined using these two
brushes and pencils intricate drawing while the same brush, media. Mixing media is always exciting,
when applied on its side, also produced and monochrome work in its own right
n Develop your drawing skills sweeping strokes of tonal washes. as well as a base for painting offers
Rewettable liquid pencil is ideal for this many possibilities, encouraging
work, as it can be lifted easily with a experimentation and the development
Trudy Friend
demonstrating the contrasts between a translucent washes from four Inktense Trudy teaches drawing and watercolour
detailed approach for the monochrome pencils. Although the pencil strips lessons through the post. Call her on
figure (above) and loose underpainting contain strong, vibrant colours, when 01291 689641 to find out more. Details
for the supporting background impression diluted and applied loosely, they produce of Trudy’s books and DVDs are on her
(above right). Notice how the choice of a soft impression that does not disturb website at www.trudyfriend.co.uk
paper – Saunders Waterford CP (NOT) the monochrome underpainting of the
Mixed media
Fairy Study, rewettable liquid pencil and Inktense pencil, 912⁄ x1112⁄ in. (24x29cm)
Loose underpainting
for massed foliage
comprises a Tints
variety of washed
strokes, different loosely
t Combinations
lengths, widths over the
of these four and directions underpainting
colours produce
a varied selection
of subtle hues t Stones at the base of the image
Wider strokes
suggest shadow
sides of
the stones.
These are
Light olive Peacock blue Burnt orange Sun yellow loosely applied.
n Splash and dribble oil paint
on canvas
n Keep the energy of on-site
sketches in your finished
Lively brushmarks
In Misty Cunnery (left) I turned a simple
scene into something more interesting
Misty Cunnery, oil on canvas, 18x24in. (45.5x61cm) through painting the road with erratic
Edale, Hollins Cross Farm, oil on canvas, 12x24in. (30.5x61cm)
vertical and horizontal brushmarks, some trees and the building in shadow. This
blended, some not, using colours that style of painting helped me to define the
worked with the surroundings. A misty foreground without too much detail and
haze that inherited some of the the ramshackle house, partly in shade and
underpainting also gave little clarity to the lit from the left.
distance, and the use of dribbling and A clear area between the grasses gave
splashing for the foreground tree, walls me a lead into the focal point of the
and fern bank gave the painting more building, drawing the viewer into the
interest without a great deal of detail. central part of the painting.
I tried to capture the scene from Edale
in Derbyshire (above) several times in my Lively brushmarks
sketchbook, but this time everything fell Finally,Waterfalls (below) is a scene
into place, especially the light on the hills, of Lumsdale Waterfalls in Derbyshire.
I have painted this
many times before
and have many
sketches and
On-site sketch for Edale, Hollins Cross Farm
made in situ from
which to work
(including the
sketch, right). The
texture and
dribbles I
inherited from my
allowed me
to achieve
something very
different for the
standing and
moving water,
as well as the
texture in the
cliffs and rocks
that sat with
this water. An
altogether livelier
feel was
Splashing also
helped me to
On-site sketch for Waterfalls
defuse a few
of the hard edges,
which in turn gave
it an enclosed
Richard Holland
Visit Richard’s website at
feeling, lit from www.richardhollandlandscape
the left. LP artist.co.uk for details of his
workshops, exhibitions and
other events.
Waterfalls, oil on canvas, 18x24in. (45.5x61cm)
Antibes Hoi An a Mare
Painting Holidays
with well-known artists
Every year we offer a different selection of hand-picked Private garden in Belgium
en plein air painting holidays with well-known artists
for eight to 14 students. Destinations are chosen for their
variety of subject matter and hotels for their location
and character. Each holiday is accompanied by a travel
director who takes care of all the arrangements and
makes sure that everyone is well looked after.
The finished painting Bodmin Moor in Winter, acrylics, 16x20in. (40.5x51cm)
standing stones and the remains of old snow springs to mind, but the white painting began (see over the page). LP
I covered a pre-
stretched canvas
You will need with indigo blue.
I then returned
n Surface n Atelier Interactive Acrylics to the moor, set
l Pre-stretched and primed l Blue/black (indigo) up my canvas in
medium texture canvas l Dioxin purple bone-chilling winds
16x20in. (40.5x51cm) l Cobalt blue (hue) and used a thin mix
l Raw sienna
n Brushes of tinting white to
l Yellow ochre
l Rosemary & Co Ivory draw the main shapes of the landscape. Going to the location to make
l Tinting (pearling) white the first marks was important, as it helped me to capture the energy of
long flat
l Titanium white
l Rosemary & Co small the landscape. The sky threatened the day with heavy-laden clouds that
l Quinacridone red violet combined in varying colours of purples, blue greys and ochres. Having
Round brushes
l Madder brown captured the drama with photographs and mental notes I returned quickly
to my studio to continue working while the vision was still fresh in my mind.
Step 2 t
Step 3 t
Step 4
For this stage my selection of colours I settled in to several hours of painting As is often the case I reach a point when painting a
were dioxin purple, tinting (pearling) white, and repainting the sky as I worked at sky when I need to begin developing the landmass
cobalt blue and indigo blue. I began to capturing the movement of the scudding to establish a relationship between the two areas.
paint the main shapes using a fairly clouds. To achieve this I added raw I added yellow ochre to my palette and loosely
undiluted form of the tinting white across sienna, madder brown and cerulean blue blocked in areas of the distant whites and slightly
the sky area before blending other colours touches. The greys in the painting are warmer middle distance. This now made the initial
into it. This method creates tones and a mixture of indigo blue, dioxan purple, sky appear overworked and so necessitating a
colours much more exciting than achieved raw sienna and the tinting white. I often repaint. Upon completion I began work on the
mixing them on a palette. Once the form, take these four colours directly on to my moors, establishing further the distant soft whites
structure and initial colour references were brush from the palette and allow them with the tinting (pearling) white and touches of
blocked in, it was time for a coffee break. to mix on the canvas. the same colour in the middle and foreground.
Step 5 Step 6
More time was then spent balancing the Using raw sienna I made the first marks for They are a significant feature of Cornwall
snow-covered areas with tinting white the gorse bushes to locate all the positions and in particular in this landscape. I painted
and the use of titanium white to create and follow in with the darker shades (indigo these using titanium white and cast their
the brighter areas. Hints of cerulean blue and purple on the lower areas). Where the shadow area using the indigo blue pushed
hue (a cold blue), yellow ochre and snow sits on top of the gorse I used light in while the area was still wet. As the paint
dioxin purple were painted across the touches of titanium white. I also established dried a little and still using indigo, I added
snow to reflect the sky colours. the location of the old tin mine workings. the darks of the missing windows.
Step 7 t
Step 8
1 Using the colours already on the palette, I blocked in the I applied more white to the area behind the foreground and added
near foreground to differentiate the snow-covered landmass further titanium white to give the snow a shimmering finish. I then
and the area flooded with rain. I now needed to create enough developed the rain-flooded area by using colours reflected from
countercharge between the highlights and the dark areas to create the overcast sky. Using a small Round brush, the rushes in the water
the drama I wanted. This was a balancing act between painting, were painted with indigo blue and dioxin purple. I followed this
looking and overpainting until the right effect was achieved. quickly with raw sienna to allow random blending and mixed
2 The larger of the gorse hedges were developed with the corner ochre with tinting white for the highlights.
of the brush and varying degrees of the colours tinting white,
yellow ochre, raw sienna, dioxin purple and indigo blue.
3 I then painted the small trees and gorse bushes, fencing posts
and the larger tree trunks in the middle distance to the right of the
work. I was constantly reviewing the entire picture and observing
the need for a hint of warmth in the bank behind the water, which
I introduced with just a hint of quinacridone red violet.
4 I also added further touches to the gorse bushes. This is the
beauty of working with acrylics; areas can often be readdressed
up to the final brushstroke.
Step 9
Step 10
Tony Hogan
Tony runs painting holidays and courses
from his studio in Wadebridge, Cornwall.
He will also be offering selected courses in
Scarborough, Yorkshire, Spain and Venice
this year. Visit www.hoganart.co.uk or
telephone 01208 895088. t
The finished painting Bodmin Moor in Winter, acrylics, 16x20in. (40.5x51cm)
open Art Competition 2017
in partnership with patchings Art Centre
CALL for eNtrIeS
£17,500 WortH of prIzeS
JuDgeS David Curtis ROI, RSMA Ingrid Lyon, editor Liz Wood, artist and
Sally Bulgin, editor Guest Judge: Leisure Painter co-owner of Patchings
The Artist Ken Howard OBE, RA John Sprakes ROI, RBA, MAFA Art Centre
(All art materials prizes are quoted at the rrp)
opeN Art CoMpetItIoN 2017
eNtry forM for poStAL eNtrIeS
(Online entries: please see point 3 in entry details, below left)
DEADLINE: March 31, 2017
Please accept my work for consideration for the 2017 competition.
I confirm that my entry is original. I have read and understand the rules
and agree to allow The Artist and/or Leisure Painter to publish,
republish and repurpose my work in print and digital formats
including but not limited to magazines, promotion materials, websites,
databases and as part of downloadable digital products.
Affix to envelope holding entry/ies and send with stamped
addressed envelope and payment of £16, (make cheques payable to
Leisure Painter Highly Commended Award 2016 Celia Brookes TAPC), to TA&LP Patchings 2017, 63/65 High Street, Tenterden, Kent
Just Picked, watercolour, 15x1712⁄ in. (38x45) TN30 6BD by the closing date of March 31, 2017. Or, please charge my
Day phone/
mobile no
Email address
Please tick one box to indicate which category you are entering:
n category (by entering n category
this category I confirm that apart
from participation in amateur art
club shows or events, I do not
promote my work professionally)
Please indicate all sizes, when framed, in cms, vertical side first
Winston Oh Title of work 1
Title of work 2
£8.99 £9.99 £9.99
£6.99 £7.99 £7.99
Available from
and follow the link to books
closing date 2nd February 2017
LP_FullPage_FEB2017.indd 1 06/12/2016 11:37:35
LP Feb 2017 Books p57 _News 1st 12/12/2016 09:54 Page 6
in association with Patchings Art Centre & Jackson’s Art Supplies
We are delighted to announce
exclusive sponsorship by
Jackson’s Art Supplies
l FIRST PRIZE £500 worth of
Jackson’s art materials vouchers,
£100 towards the cost of a
workshop or demonstration t
Art Club of the Year judge, the artist
to club members and a profile and tutor, Hazel Soan in her studio
about the club published in our
magazines, on PaintersOnline
and through our social media Janet Singer Poppies & Scuttle,
Art clubs
Brighouse Art Circle
Artist, John Thornton, will demonstrate
painting figures in the landscape in
mixed media to the Brighouse Art Circle
on 12 January at 7.30pm at the Waring
Green Community Centre, Brighouse.
Visit [email protected]
EXHIBITIONS AND ACTIVITIES Hipperholme & Lightcliffe
Art Society
CLUB EXHIBITIONS Matthew Thompson will give an acrylic
n Brierley Hill and District
Demonstrations & classes demonstration to the Hipperholme &
Bedford Art Society Lightcliffe Art Society on Tuesday 17
Society of Artists January at Brighouse Rest Centre, Park
James Green will give an airbrush
Exhibition at The Red House Glass Cone, Row, Brighouse, 7.30pm. Visitors
Wordsley, West Midlands from 14 January to demonstration to the Bedford Art
12 March. Open weekdays, 10am to 3pm; Society on 3 February, 7.15 for a 7.30pm welcome. For more information visit
and from 11am until 4pm at weekends. start. James will cover all the equipment www.handlas.co.uk
n Keswick Society of Art and techniques involved in creating a Virginia Water Art Society
Exhibition at the Theatre By the Lake, painting from start to finish. The Artist, Jonathan Newey, will
Lakeside, Keswick CA12 5DJ until 20 demonstration will take place at Putnoe demonstrate painting buildings,
January. Enquiries to Ted McCardle 01768 Heights Church, Bedford MK41 8EB. landscapes and abstracts in watercolour
744855. Entry is free for members; £5 for at 7.30pm on Wednesday 1 February at
n Salisbury Group of Artists visitors. For more information contact Jean the Community Centre, Beechmont
Exhibition at Salisbury District Hospital, Paterson on 01234 307210 or visit Avenue, Virginia Water, Surrey GU24 4EY.
Odstock Road, Salisbury until 6 January. www.bedsartsociety.co.uk Visit www.virginiawater.org.uk/artsociety
Karen Akroyd The Brown Hare, pastel, 16x12in. Visitors’ ‘add-a-bit’ painting at the Redcatch
(40.5x30.5cm), winner of the public vote at the Art Club’s annual exhibition
annual exhibition of the Redcatch Art Club
News The Redcatch Art Club meets on can be made on a weekly basis at
Redcatch Art Club Monday mornings between 9.30am and £1.50 or £30 per annum. For more
Last autumn the Redcatch Art Club 12noon at the Community Centre, information contact Penny Docker on
held the second of its annual Redcatch Road, Bristol BS4 2EP. 0117 971 3629; email
exhibitions. To get visitors involved Presently there are over 30 members, [email protected]
they not only asked the public to vote some of whom are experienced artists, North Lincs Art Society
for their favourite painting (above), whilst others are much less Work by members of the North Lincs Art
but also try painting themselves – experienced, but enjoy painting and Society will go on show at the Caistor
adding their own marks to an acrylic drawing, and learning new techniques. Arts & Heritage Centre, 28 Plough Hill,
painting of the sea and sky. The final There is no regular instructor, although Caistor, Lincolnshire LN7 6LZ from 5 to
result is shown above right. Chairman, visiting artists provide demonstrations 29 January. There will be a Meet the
Penny Docker, commented: “Our and workshops from time to time. If Artists session on Saturday 7 January,
visitors thought it was a great idea, you are interested in finding out more, from 11.30am until 1.30pm. Telephone
although not all wanted to have a go!” the first session is always free. Payment 01472 851605 for details.
Thringstone Art Group Rita Bloor Memories of Archie,
watercolour, 16x20in. (40.5x51cm). The Thringstone Art Society
meets on Friday afternoons, between 1 and 3.30pm for painting,
tea and cakes. The summer exhibition, at which Rita’s painting
was chosen as the public’s favourite, ran for 10 days in August. A
record-breaking 90 paintings were sold. For more information
contact Catherine Waldram on 01530 813812.
Darlington Society of Arts Gina Morton Judgement Time at
Masham Sheep Fair, watercolour, 11x15in. (28x38cm). The
Darlington Society of Arts, which began life in 1922, is a friendly
group of amateur and professional artists, ranging in ages from t Sutton Coldfield Society of Artists Brian Garbett Puffer
10 upwards. The group meets at Hummersknott Academy on on the Clyde, Glasgow, watercolour, 19x28in. (48x71cm).
Wednesday evenings between 7 and 9pm. For full details on all For more information about the Sutton Coldfield Society of
the society’s events and how to get involved, visit Artists and how to join, telephone Wing Lien on 0212 323
www.darlingtonsoa.weebly.com 3826 or visit www.suttoncoldfieldsocietyofartists.co.uk
Alton Art Society Robin Lees Oak Trees, Highmead House, meet weekly for indoor painting on Thursday afternoons at the
acrylics, 18x20in. (46x51cm). Formed in 1923, the Alton Art Alton Maltings. A programme of winter talks and demonstrations
Society now has a large and active membership of almost 300. is arranged throughout the year, with outdoor painting during
The society is open to anyone, whatever their ability. Members the summer months. Visit www.altonart.org.uk for more details.
Altrincham Society of Artists Mike Harrison Winter Evening, How you can join in
Bollington, pastel, 11x14in. (28x35.5cm). The Altrincham Society To participate in our best in show feature, arrange for
of Artists was first established in 1937. Members have their own the voting to take place at your next club exhibition,
studio at Sylvan Grove, Altrincham, which they can use at any then send Leisure Painter a photograph, transparency or
time. There are regular painting sessions on three days and three jpeg of the chosen painting. We can only accept sharp,
evenings a week, as well as outdoor painting sessions at various high-resolution (300dpi) images for reproduction
locations in the area during the summer months. Regular purposes. Attach details of the artist, title, medium and
workshops and demonstrations, two major exhibitions a year, dimensions, along with details of the club itself. LP also
and a painting holiday at a country or coastal location complete welcomes art exhibition listings, profiles, events, letters
the busy schedule. Last year the holiday was held in the Lake and news. Send to Jane Stroud, 63/65 High Street,
District in stunning weather. For full details of all these and other Tenterden, Kent TN30 6BD; or email [email protected]
social events visit www.altrinchamsocietyofartists.org.uk
Drop-in-and-Paint Club
every Monday, Thursday & Friday
View/download our 2017 brochure
Email: [email protected]
Or call Val Pettifer: 01223 833064 www.painters-online.co.uk
Chateau de Pourpry, 81220 Damiatte, special offers and customers' comments www.staithesgallery.co.uk
contact [email protected] Haidee-Jo Summers tutoring at Staithes Art School
Tarn, France. Tel: 0033 563 707 176 visit www.watercolourspain.com 01947 841840 or 07972 012464 (photo courtesy of Rachel Ward)
Email: [email protected] Tel: 020 3239 6786 or 0034 637 458679
Phil Hobbs CM
Jane Blundell CY
Judi Whitton K
YARN MARKET HOTEL France, Norfolk, Sicily Cornwall Small friendly painting holidays in
DUNSTER, EXMOOR, TA24 6SF Kalkan, Turkey and Andalucia Spain
. and more Scarborough, Venice
Tel: 01643 821425 and Spain. Small Group Painting Holidays based in
Kalkan, Turquoise coast, Turkey
[email protected]
www.yarnmarkethotel.co.uk Inspirational painting locations for
you with professional artist/tutor
All abilities/beginners welcome : April – December
!! Tony Hogan
wildlife, flowers, ancient ruins, pretty fishing villages,
local markets
tutored holidays!
New locations each day under the guidance of
professional artist Anna Martin
Non-Painting partners welcome - only £700/week
Fun, friendly,
with non-residential be inspired create relax
[email protected]
call + (44) (0) 7931 742450
be inspired create relax
[email protected]
16th to 21st
Linda H Matthews! and residential
• New painting locations each day under the
July 2017 courses from 4
Small Group Painting Holidays based in
guidance of professional artist Anna Martin
“If everyone produces the
Kalkan, Turquoise coast, Turkey
• Unspoilt beaches, ancient ruins,
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experienced same painting I have failed” See website: • With over 320 days of sunshine
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Tel: 07961813885!
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Appleby Email: [email protected] call + (44) (0) 7931 742450 New locations each day under the guidance of
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professional artist Anna Martin
paintncanvasholidays.co.uk T: 01208 895088 M: 07888 852503 Non-Painting partners welcome - only £700/week
(www.lyndaappleby.co.uk) www.creative-getaways.com
www.creative-getaways.com call + (44) (0) 7931 742450 www.creative-getaways.com
[email protected] be inspired create relax [email protected]
Sue Ford’s
David Webb, professional artist, author
Watershed Studio
and contributor to Leisure Painter.
2-Day watercolour workshops in
Painting Holidays Celebrating our 15th year South Devon in 2017.
Mixed Media Courses
Cober Hill and Red Lea Hotels • Proven reputation for quality courses
both in Scarborough, • Warm welcome & home-cooked food
various dates • Rural studio in its own grounds
• Excellent local accommodation
Glenthorne, Grasmere, • High profile, popular tutors
Higham Hill, Bassenhwaite, Jamel Akib, Tessa Pearson,
various dates • Demonstrations/one-to-one tuition
Carole Baker, Sara Johnson, • All materials included
The Algarve May 10-17 Robert Dutton and many more…
• Lunch included, plus tea & coffee
The Watermill in Tuscany Call Allison Bond for details: • Maximum 12 students
July 15-22 01255 820466 • Studio based in large, well-lit room
www.sueford.co.uk Email: [email protected]
Details at: www.davidwebbart.co.uk
[email protected] www.watershedstudio.co.uk Email: [email protected]
St Clere’s Hall Lane, St Osyth,
Tel: 01642 712926 Clacton on Sea, Essex, CO16 8RX 01803 846321
Award Winning Art
2017 New Painting Holidays! painting holidays
Higham Hall, Lake District
Rydal Hall, Lake District DEVON COAST
Where better to develop your painting skills than in beautiful Pembrokeshire
Cober Hill, Scarborough ART COURSES
HF Holidays - Malham, Whitby Top tutors including Glyn Macey,
Dalvaro Art, Spain Roger Dellar, Chris Forsey, Paul Weaver, Professional tuition for all levels
Paint Andalucia, Spain David Bellamy, Soraya French,
Sandpiper Studio, South Wirral Jake Winkle and many more.
3 and 5-day full board residential courses
Watershed Studio, Essex Superb home cooked cuisine
Norfolk creative Arts, Norfolk Spectacular location 3 minutes
Various dates,different media. from the coast. 4 Star en-suite accommodation
Visit www.rdcreative.co.uk 01395 516284 S mall groups, large studio space
for further details
[email protected]
...be inspired painting partners welcome
Top quality workshops and www.eastdevonart.co.uk
demos for you all nationally!
Call 0113 2252481or East Devon Art Academy, t: 01348 840 177 Andrew and Maggie Brown
email [email protected] Old Fore Street, Sidmouth EX10 8LS e: [email protected] w: www.indigobrown.co.uk
r breaks
rt bre
r aks
re k in Exmoor
ks E
Exmoor The Sandpiper Studio
f rm.co.uk Art Classes, Demonstrations and
Workshops in Cheshire
Large, bright studio in rural location and friendly
expert tuition suitable for all abilities
f l locat
a ion
at Visiting artists for 2017 include: Hashim Akib,
Good fo
od Robert Brindley, Billy Showell, Fabio Cembranelli
David Bellamy, Soraya French,
Friendly at
mosphere Robert Dutton, and more...
Courses fofforr all abilities
Non-painting part
r ners welcome
Ready-made groups also welcome
- Save money on framing
Creative Holidays at COOMBE FARM STUDIOS - Complete or self-assembly
Serious tuition Excellent food 3 or 5 day courses - Plain wood or painted
Call Anna-Marie
to discover
the opportunities
available to you.
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Shop online
Online gallery
Jane Stroud’s selection of work from our PaintersOnline gallery
A s the deep winter settles around us, I
wanted to draw your attention to
two paintings I’ve selected from our
create his beautifully atmospheric
landscape from the warmth of his
studio, while Rodney Kingston thrives
frame. So there’s no excuse – there are
painting subjects everywhere! If you
would like to see more work by these
online gallery this month as examples of on painting the everyday. He has artists, post a comment or have a go
where you might try to look for managed to turn a very humble subject yourself and upload your own images
inspiration. John Jarratt has used into a vibrant painting, setting himself on our free online gallery visit
photographs of a scene he knows well to the task of finishing it in a limited time www.painters-online.co.uk
Everyday subjects
Rodney Kingston is a full-time graphic
designer on a weekly magazine, but
finds time in the evenings and weekends
to paint. He uses oils, trying to work
from life as much as possible. “I like to
paint portraits, still life and plein air
landscapes,” he says. “I have always
painted for fun but have taken it more
seriously for the past three or four years,
with the hope of one day turning
professional. Golden Syrup was part of
a still-life series of food products that
included ketchup, coke bottles,
Campbell’s soup, Oxo cubes and
Marmite. I painted it from life in two
one-hour sessions.” Take a look at some
of the paintings from this series on our
online gallery at www.painters-online.
is available Watercolour
Inspired by nature
Here’s an easy-to-follow watercolour demonstration to practise applying light,
fluid washes while reserving the white, by Rachel McNaughton
M Colours used
Yo u w i l l n e e d
I Surface
G Saunders Waterford High
White 200lb Rough paper Cobalt Neutral Quinacridone Burnt Burnt Payne’s Aureolin Daniel
15x22in. (38x56cm) turquoise tint gold umber sienna grey Smith
light (or light red) moonglow
I Winsor & Newton
Professinal Water Colour
See colours, right
I Miscellaneous
G Daniel Smith moonglow
G White gouache
G White gel pen
G White pastel (not oil pastel)
G Old toothbrush
Step 1
1 Use a plate or saucer to draw around for
the dandelion clocks. I used a 6in. plate.
Use a ruler to find the centres of each then
place the stem and centre of both heads.
Try to avoid ramrod straight stems; give
them a bit of movement.
Step 3
1 Now to paint the centres. Mix green
from quinacridone gold and Payne’s
grey and a couple of browns using
and ProColour Competition
PaintersOnline, the website for
Leisure Painter and The Artist ENTER NOW
magazines, has teamed up with
ProColour to offer you the To win one of eight sets
chance to win one of eight sets of ProColour Acrylics from
of four 59ml bottles of ProColour ProColour please visit
Acrylics. Each set includes three
primaries and a white with a www.painters-online.co.uk
total value of £33(rrp) per set.
the home of
ProColour is made to a unique formula styles of painting where purity, depth
and offers the artist a professional of colour and permanence are essential. magazines, and click on the links
quality pigment-rich paint with a matte The pigments are chosen for their high to competitions. Closing date
finish, which is waterproof when dry, lightfastness. for entries is April 1, 2017.
allowing colours to be overpainted With its high pigment concentration Winners will be selected at
without re-activating or smudging. All ProColour provides opacity when used random from all online entries.
84 colours in the range are non-toxic, straight from the bottle as an acrylic or
water-based and gouache, but allows for When completing your details please
fully intermixable. massive dilution to create make sure you opt in to receive our
All colours are the translucency or great regular email newsletters so that
available in 59ml transparency required we can keep you up to date with what’s
bottles. by the watercolour artist. new at PaintersOnline, including the
ProColour is For more information latest features, images in the galleries,
suitable for all visit www.procolour.net new competitions and other great offers.
For addional informaon and stockists please contact: JAKAR INTERNATIONAL LIMITED
Jakar Internaonal Limited, 410 Centennial Park, Elsee, WD6 3TJ • Tel: 020 8381 7000 email: [email protected]
art courses
& holidays
of the leading
art holidays and
courses in the UK
and abroad Across the Lagoon, Venice by Paul Alcock
Le Perchoirs de Paons Paul Alcock Art in the Algarve Tony Hogan Learn to Paint in France
What to pack for outdoor oils • Cycling and painting trips • Why book a painting holiday?
Val Cansick Art
Whether you are a complete beginner, or picking up pencil or brush after a long
absence from doing any artwork, come and have fun on one of Val's courses.
Prices start from £95 for a day or up to £495 for a week in Hertfordshire or Cornwall.
In between we have 2 and 3 day courses to help you with your chosen medium.
All materials included.
‘Can’t imagine life without art since I began painting at Churchgate Gallery’
Inside this
With Mike Hall Des RCA.
Inside this
Join popular artist and supplement
experienced tutor Mike for a long
weekend or a week’s all inclusive
painting holiday in France.
www.painters-online.co.uk 12
In conjunction with Arte Umbria (www.arteumbria.com), the and at the same time allow the atmosphere of these fantastic
leading painting holiday destination, Painting in Europe invites locations to pervade your soul. With many new and exciting
you to dip into some spectacular new painting courses for 2017. destinations to choose from in 2017, these courses also offer a
luxury holiday for both painters and any non-painting partners.
At Painting in Europe we believe in providing the best
experience imaginable, which means we meticulously plan If you enjoy painting at any level these courses, combined with
and research every holiday destination to ensure your painting the locations and the painting skills you will acquire, are once
holiday is both enjoyable and relaxing and one that will live in a lifetime opportunities, so go on indulge yourself and book
in your memory forever. It also helps if you have access to the today. We guarantee you won’t be disappointed. To book and
most talented and creative tutors around and they will help for full details of destinations and prices please visit our website
you to explore your painting passion, elevate your techniques www.paintingineurope.com
VENICE with INDIA with
MARRAKESH with Tim Wilmot Grahame Booth
2017 Paul Alcock Grahame Booth
Kelly Medford
and abroad
1 Gorgiano Studios
Everything you could want from
a painting holiday in Italy – beautiful
3 Bettina Schroeder:
Morocco - Algarve - Italy - UK
In a variety of stunning locations, artist
5 Staithes Art School 2017
Painting weekends in a beautiful
fishing village on the Yorkshire coast.
scenery, expert tuition, good company, Bettina Schroeder shares a wealth of Walk in the footsteps of Laura Knight
icecream and sunshine – just bring knowledge as she offers tips and and the famous Staithes Group of
enthusiasm and your favourite hat. professional secrets. Whether in the Artists. It’s hardly changed at all!
‘Happy days, painting, singing, dunes of the Moroccan desert, the Superb tutors, stunning location,
laughing, laughing, laughing,’ Val UK coastal landscapes of Sicily, Portugal fabulous food and great company.
E [email protected] and Devon, or the breathtaking E [email protected]
T 00 39 328 9680796 mountains of Tuscany and Scotland, the T 01947 841840 or 07972 012464
www.paintingholidaysitaly.com courses offer much more than just a www.staithesgallery.co.uk
beautiful landscape.
2 Creative Getaways
‘I help you to capture the moment
so your paintings are created with a
E [email protected]
T 020 7609 0843
M 07960 086104
6 Open College of the Arts
The Open College of the Arts
(OCA) offers a real alternative to local
vibrancy, immediacy and looseness,’ www.art-holidays.com classes and university courses, whether
says Anna Martin. We run small, you want to develop your artistic voice
friendly, en plein air painting holidays
in Andalucía Spain and Kalkan Turkey.
With over 300 days of sunshine, we
4 AJ (Tony) Hogan: HoganArt
Cornwall, Scarborough, Venice and
Spain, magical and inspirational art
or study for a certificate, diploma or
honours degree. Our courses are online
so you can start studying when it suits
run all year round, visiting deserted holidays just for you. Enjoy personal you. Choose from degree pathways in
beaches, ancient ruins, spectacular attention, expert tuition and a pinch of painting, drawing, fine art and
mountain scenery and pretty fishing humour with renowned artist, Tony illustration, and Foundations Drawing,
villages. Delicious Mediterranean Hogan. All abilities and all media are enrolling on one course at a time. Meet
cuisine, luxury accommodation and welcome. Guided en plein air and studio other students on our programme of
small groups where friendships are painting, capturing magical landscapes, study visits to galleries, exhibitions and
made. No single supplement. seascapes and more. arts festivals across the UK.
E [email protected] E [email protected] T 0800 731 2116
T 07931 742450 T 01208 895088 or 07888 852503 www.oca.ac.uk
www.creative-getaways.com www.hoganart.co.uk www.weareoca.com
7 Painting in Italy
For over 12 years Painting in Italy
has organised holidays in Tuscany,
10 Inspired Painting Holidays
From spring to autumn, enjoy
residential painting holidays with
13 Terry Harrison:
one-day workshops
Enjoy an entertaining and informative
Umbria, Sicily, Florence, Lake Garda Catherine Stott in wonderful Devon and day painting watercolour step by step
and Venice. The holiday is a balance Exmoor locations, a spacious studio and with Terry. All materials are provided,
between improving painting skills and four-star accommodation. Small groups including the prepared drawings on
a relaxing, interesting holiday. Includes and individual attention for all levels and watercolour paper. Friendly help is at
airport transfers, high-standard hotels, most media offered. ‘Fabulous painting hand to guide you throughout the day,
quality food and wine and interesting experience. The whole set up – painting, helping you to succeed. All you need to
excursions. A perfect holiday for solo rooms, food, atmosphere – is brilliant,’ bring with you is your packed lunch and
travellers and partners/friends as VD, Carshalton a sense of fun.
cooking tuition is available on some E [email protected] E [email protected]
destinations. T 01398 332094 or 07763 882955 T 01451 820014
E [email protected] www.inspiredpaintingholidays.co.uk www.terryharrisonart.com
T free phone 0808 118 5729
11 Arnold Lowrey: Spanish
watercolour holiday 14 Callington School of Art
Callington School of Art offers
17 Sue Ford
Sue has just updated her
website with full details of holidays for 20 Shorland Old Farm
All-inclusive art breaks led by
E [email protected]
T 00 34 645 767 403
2017. She will be leading three long professional artists in a wide range of
weekends and has planned return trips
to Algarve, Tuscany, Menorca and the UK.
E [email protected]
media for all abilities. Non-painting
partners are always welcome.
Accommodation in a 17th century
23 London Art College:
study art at home
A wide range of courses for beginners to
T 01642 712926 farmhouse in an idyllic Exmoor location. experienced artists. Courses include pet
www.sueford.co.uk Shorland also offers accommodation for portraits, digital illustration, botanical
art clubs and other groups, looking to art, illustrating children’s books, oils,
18 Art Safari
Discover wildlife havens,
wilderness locations, beautiful cities and
tailor their own breaks.
E [email protected]
T 01598 763505
watercolour and illustration. Our tutors
are here to help you develop your art.
T 0800 3280 465
local culture with the Art Safari team of www.shorlandoldfarm.co.uk www.londonartcollege.co.uk
dedicated tutors. Art Safari takes
adventurous artists on inspirational
painting holidays worldwide. Long-haul
and short-haul destinations, UK art
21 Dedham Hall
Dedham Hall has been hosting
residential art courses for nearly 30
24 HF Holidays
A variety of tutors cover all
media and subjects that include
breaks and workshops. Paint in New years. Constable country offers the portraits, landscapes, life, natural world,
York, Venice, Norway, Namibia, Zambia, perfect setting to relax and let your sketching, Chinese brush painting and
Sri Lanka, Galapagos, Spain and creative juices flow. Visit the website to art appreciation. All abilities are
Slovenia in 2017. ATOL 9916 see an impressive list of 2017 tutors. welcome.
E [email protected] E [email protected] E [email protected]
T 01394 382235 T 01206 323027 T 020 3424 6396
www.artsafari.co.uk www.dedhamhall.co.uk www.hfholidays.co.uk/art
27 Jan Blanch:
cottage flowers
With courses in Norwich and Corfu, Jan 32 Field Studies Council
Be inspired by the natural
the best views the area has to offer
the creative painter. Individual tuition
in small groups. Local wines and some
teaches painting flowers, gardens and world. Over 150 day and short of the best food you will have ever
landscapes in watercolour and mixed residential art and craft courses in tasted and all-inclusive, too. Our
media to all abilities from the absolute stunning locations across the UK. Expert guests return year on year for the best
beginner to more experienced painters. tuition at all levels with comfortable sole value painting holiday under the sun!
Jan’s watercolours have sold in the form occupancy accommodation. Seven and ten-day holidays available.
of giclée prints, greetings cards and T 01743 852100 E [email protected]
stationery in Harrods, Fortnum & www.field-studies-council.org/arts T 07971 082605 or 020 8883 8545 u
Masons, Liberty’s of London and in
Kobe, Japan.
E [email protected]
T 01493 393639 or 07702 069300
29 Rachel Clark:
life drawing and painting
All abilities are welcome on Rachel
Clark’s life drawing and painting courses
in her large East London studio.
Students derive maximum benefit from
their time with her. She gives supportive
individual tuition in small groups. See
testimonials on her website.
E [email protected]
T 07528 674 389
www.rachelclark.com Surrounded by colour at Yalikavak market, with Aegean Painting Holidays
36 Fiona Mcafee
(Le Logis de Luxe)
www.therealsicily.com wildlife pastel workshops at her home
studio, set in six acres of
Offering two week-long art course
holidays at the stunning Le Logis de
Luxe in the heart of the beautiful
39 Indigo Brown
Creative Holidays
Three, five and seven-day high-quality,
Buckinghamshire countryside. You’ll
meet her donkeys, goats, hens and
ponies, which are often used as the
Cognac region in France, during May full-board, residential painting holidays subjects of the day! Small, unhurried
and September. Your tutor is Anne in some of the most beautiful and and relaxing workshops enable you
Bosset, a well-known local artist with stunning landscapes Wales has to offer. to develop your own style, using a
many years of watercolour and For beginners and experienced artists, variety of pastels and papers.
teaching experience. who wish to explore drawing and E [email protected]
T 0033 546 915303 painting, seascapes and landscapes. T 07702 060113
www.lelogisdeluxe.com Maggie’s inspiring, enthusiastic and www.wildandtame.co.uk
sensitive tuition along with Andrew’s
54 Artsmartuk
Tutors include Varvara Neiman,
Ali Cockrean, Barry Herniman and
Jonathan Newey teaching landscapes,
Enjoy a week of painting in seascapes and portraiture in oils,
beautiful surroundings with watercolour and acrylics. Locations:
Dalvaro Art Holidays (page 7) Buckinghamshire, Oxfordshire, Italy,
Spain and France. Weekly and weekend
51 David Webb
Popular contributor to Leisure
Painter, David, runs adult watercolour
innovative and informative learning
programmes for adults. Drawing on the
specialist knowledge of its staff,
courses together with painting holidays
in perfect locations for beginners and
art classes, workshops and holidays. practitioners and historians, and E [email protected]
Learn useful painting and drawing utilising the museum’s incredible T 01494 670372
techniques and choose from venues collections and exhibitions, the V&A www.artsmartuk.com
in Dorset, Cornwall, south Wales and delivers lively and engaging sessions
Essex. Groups have a maximum of 12
students to allow one-to-one tuition.
T 01803 846321
for a wide range of interests.
T 020 7942 2000
55 Tuscany in the Frame
Italian painting holiday
specialists in stunning locations:
www.davidwebbart.co.uk Tuscany, Amalfi, Venice/Lake Como,
Visit: www.field-studies-council.org/arts
Call: 01743 852100
www.painters-online.co.uk Inspirational art courses and holidays 2017 11
Holiday n
p Montegabbione, Early Morning,
oil on board, 113⁄4x153⁄4in. (30x40cm).
This was the view across the valley at
Arte Umbria and was painted in a few
short bursts before breakfast over a
couple of days. I was attracted to the
early morning light as it caught the sides
of the buildings and tops of the trees.
working alongside other artists, and a
ast year I was fortunate enough it, both as an artist and a teacher. confident, experienced tutor to call when
to tutor a painting holiday for Going on a painting holiday can be a painting in unfamiliar surroundings.
Arte Umbria, which I then truly magical experience, as it offers you Established holiday providers have a
followed with a week of the chance to relax, learn new skills and proven track record of delivering
travelling and painting in Italy on my paint in beautiful surroundings in the painting holidays and employing
own. It was my first real experience of company of like-minded people. By experienced tutors, who know how to
painting in Italy and I learned a lot from painting regularly over several days, inspire the best from their students. They
For more information and booking, please email [email protected] or call Bill or Lois on +39 366 488 2587
www.painters-online.co.uk Inspirational
2016/17 13
On my trip to Italy I took a medium- the essentials before you go. For a week’s
sized rucksack, which converted into a painting in Italy last year I took a dozen
case on wheels and gave me the best of thin MDF boards, maximum size of
both worlds. I could carry my painting kit 16x12in. (40.5x30.5cm), a small
over rough ground and was able to pull it pochade-type paintbox, which I attached
along on smoother surfaces. to a lightweight camera tripod and about
a dozen brushes. I stuck matchsticks to
Pack smart the back edges of my boards and stacked
Some holiday providers supply all the them then stuck them together with
paints and equipment you’ll need for masking tape to prevent them from
your trip whilst others will loan you the sticking together when transporting
bulkier items such as easels, boards and them.
chairs; the rest you’ll need to either take If you’re flying with oils, place them in
or purchase there. It’s always worth a plastic container and pack them in a
packing a few of your favourite brushes. suitcase in the hold. Labelling them as
If you are taking paints, be aware of Artists’ colours and including the
p A Hilly Street in Spello, oil on
how much you can carry comfortably. manufacturer’s product sheets with them
board, 113⁄4x93⁄4in. (30x25cm).
Watercolour paints are reasonably light, are useful precautions. Solvents need to
This was one of the quicker paintings I
but if you’re working in oils, cut down to be purchased when you arrive. b
made on my travels, which I painted one
afternoon, partly from under an umbrella
as I dodged the showers. I loved the
Paul will be leading a painting holiday to
steepness of the streets with just enough
Barcelona in June; for further details visit
room for ancient Fiat 500s to climb.
www.paintingineurope.com. Paul is based
in Southend-on-Sea, Essex, where he
providers will drop you off at locations, teaches and finds inspiration for many of
but check first to find out if assistance is his paintings. He also runs workshops for
available. A small luggage trolley or Watershed Studio, Old Bank Studios,
suitcase on wheels may prove a handy Old School Studio, Art and Craft Days,
addition when moving equipment demonstrates painting techniques throughout
around. Many holiday providers are also the south east of England, and writes for
experienced in accommodating students’ Leisure Painter. Visit www.paulalcock.co.uk
differing dietary needs. for further details
with oils
espite the initial shock from would be pushing your luck.
Lightweight, with telescopic legs and
black carrying bag (1.62kg inc. bag).
Adjustable watercolour easel for vertical
and horizontal use. Folded size 66cm
inc. bag. Maximum canvas height
120cm. £47.99rrp.
For additional information and
stockists please contact
Easy to use, lightweight and durable, ArtCase prevents damage
Tel: 020 8445 6376
Email: [email protected] to wet or dry artwork during transit. Adapts to take any size of
artwork up to either A2 or A3 and 40mm (1 1/2in) in depth.
Up to 25% off ArtCase sets when ordered from the CarriArt
website during January 2017.
www.carriart.co.uk [email protected]
Art weeks in the summer with tuition.
Set on the banks
A structured of beginners,
course for the riverinBanwy
to the old
see with
89 or greater
county ofawareness, plus techniques
Montgomeryshire, wein provide
drawing &tuition
05 Brochure can be sent by post.
all levels, studio space, Landscape/Still Life/Life
0 890411 Drawing. Food from the garden.
Directed when
Available by resident
i.co.uk David
Fishing, Wynn Millward
Bird-watching, walking.and Jenny
Sleeps 5. OilNimmo
CH £250pw.
adoo.es www.HenllanMill.co.uk
On themove
full day of painting. The only restriction
on what you take is determined by the
trailer’s size. A 70cm long trailer is more
than adequate for the majority of canvas
sizes required for outside work and, if
placed corner wise, full Imperial
watercolour paper with a suitable board
will fit. However, when you’re having an
on-the-move painting day, a block pad
for watercolour sketching is
advantageous and saves carrying an
additional board. The trailer also allows
for the luxury of carrying extra water,
additional painting materials, seating
and essential food and drink.
Pack your kit and join Tony Hogan as he cycles,
sketches and paints in Cornwall Be prepared
A mobile phone with a camera and
often a small digital camera for back up
n one of my daily cycle rides are always with me when I’m painting
along the Camel Trail Pack your trailer outside. The mobile phone is essential in
between Wadebridge and What to take with you when painting on case of an emergency and allows for the
Padstow in Cornwall the move depends on what you hope to download of two very handy apps:
recently, I realised how many great achieve, the time available and whether 1 Compass app: this enables the location
painting views are simply inaccessible by you are planning on painting in one or of east to west of the sun thus allowing
car. The carrying of all the equipment more locations. When my time is you to work out the expected changing
that you need for a day of en plein air limited I take off on my bike with just shadow positions during the day.
painting becomes a challenge in itself. If essential equipment in my pocket: a 2 Weather app: choose one that gives an
you have strength and a desire for a long hard-backed, ring-bound sketchbook, hourly radar position of impending
walk, you can, of course, set off in your pens, graphite pencils and possibly a few showers which will allow you time to
hiking boots or you can as I do and cycle. Inktense pencils to add colour. protect your work and find shelter if
With a little initiative, such as fastening With the luxury of time I pick up my needed.
your easel to the crossbars and carrying a sketching case with a more varied choice Suitable clothing for the time of year is
rucksack on your back, you now have of equipment including graphite pencils, paramount. Sun cream is advisable any
access to a host of wonderful locations different grades of water-soluble pencils, time of year, but essential in the summer
that were previously out of reach. If you coloured charcoal pencils and various ink months. A wide-brimmed hat not only
feel unsafe carrying your equipment in pens with different nib shapes and protects from the sun’s rays, but shields
this way, take a look at my bike trailer changeable colour options. There are also the eyes thus enabling an accurate
(above). If you are part of a group, this is a few pastel pencils, Inktense blocks and appreciation of the view and colours. If
an excellent idea and trailers can be hired pencils, coloured line painters and two or at all possible avoid wearing tinted
as, of course, can bikes. three water brushes. Finally, sharpeners, glasses, as they will affect the true
Now to paint p Tony and his granddaughter, Alexandra, stop for a sketching session
Nearly always I begin by taking time to
look, study and select what I want to notations, such as sun direction and more comprehensive study before
achieve from the many options available. weather conditions, to allow you to beginning your painting.
I work to the mantra ‘think slow and complete the work later if the weather Painting on the move is an exceptionally
paint fast’, in other words take lots of or other outside influences stop the rewarding experience, allowing you to
time thinking about and reviewing your work. You can then move on to visit remote areas and, hopefully,
options before you put brush to paper. developing the sketch you like best to a stumbling on an exciting new one. b
When you have decided on the view,
make a series of thumbnail sketches – Tony Hogan runs art holidays and courses in Cornwall,
not full drawings – to help create the Scarborough, Venice and Spain. New for this year is his
correct composition. ‘cycle, paint and draw’ holiday from his studio and home
It is vital at this stage to collect enough in Wadebridge, Cornwall. Details are available on
information with your sketches and www.hoganart.co.uk or email [email protected]
A Fairy Tale Castle and perfect painting location: Hotel Castello di Petroia - 4 stars
• Sublime Italian locations such as Tuscany, • Fully organised holiday including airport • This is the perfect holiday for solo travellers and
Umbria, Lake Garda, Sicily, Florence and Venice transfers, 4 star accommodation, dinners/ friends/partners coming together as cooking
• Top class tutors: Fiona Graham-Mackay, John lunches including wine and excursions to lessons available on some destinations.
Booth, Chris Forsey, Jennifer Johnson, Charles historical Italian towns with professional guide.
Mitchell, Sarah Miatt and Soraya French.
The Times “Top 50 Holidays for 2016” and The Telegraph “Best Special Interest Holidays 2016”
“I’ve had a truly, wonderful holiday and made so many delightful new friends. It was difficult going on holiday on my own for the first time but I shouldn’t have worried” – Anne B.
“I thought the whole of the holiday excellent and I know it sounds boring but really did rate every experience with 5 stars”. Charles B.
Freephone: 08081185729 • Email: [email protected]
• Email:Inspirational
HandG.indd 1 20/08/2015 16:14:33
Freephone: 08081185729 art courses and holidays 2017
[email protected] 21
Painting in watercolours, oils, pastels, acrylics Painting in watercolours, oils, pastels, acrylics
Expressive Pastels
ndividual attention, from the moment you ndividual attention, from the moment you
arrive, warm welcome, delicious home
arrive, warm welcome, delicious home
Main image: Murray Ince
cooked meals, relaxing by the pool, cooked meals, relaxing by the pool,
save uplyt
superbly landscaped gardens all created superbly
Image: Robert Dutton
Life Drawlandscaped
ing gardens all created
just for the artist within you just for the artist within you
Painting Flowers
Viktoria Prischedko, Igor Sava, Ekaterina Ziuzina,
Pablo Ruben, Joe Dowden, Francesco Fontana, Anna
Ivanova, Olga Litvinenko, Eugen Chisnicean, Direk
Pablo Ruben, Joe Dowden, Francesco Fontana,
Ivanova, Olga Litvinenko,
£75 pp
Viktoria Prischedko, Igor Sava, Ekaterina Ziuzina,
* Anna
Image: CatherineEugen Chisnicean, Direk
Kingnok, Michal Jasievicz, Antonio Giacomin, Joanne Kingnok, MichalMacD
Image: Claire Warner
Antonio Giacomin, Joanne
Thomas, Anne Kerr, Claire Warner, Les Darlow, Sue Thomas, Anne Kerr, Claire Warner, Les Darlow, Sue
Bradley, Arnold Lowrey, Tony Hogan, Robert Dutton
request a brochure quote EP05
Book now orwww.dalvaro.co.uk Bradley, Arnold Lowrey, Tony Hogan, Robert Dutton
studio based
Herman Pekel 11-14 Jul Sketchbooks - Where to Draw the Line?!
15-18 Jul Rocks, Waves, Sea and Sky - Acrylics
19-22 Jul Riverside Views and Bridges
Come to Dedham Hall where we offer tutored courses run by an ever-increasing number 23-26 Jul South Cost Scenes with Acrylics and
of tutors that include Alvaro Castagnet, Soraya French, Paul Banning, Roger Dellar,
Palette Knife
1-4 Aug Sketching is an Art in Itself!
Jane Evans, Liz Seward, Chris Forsey, David Howell, Carole Massey, EU
5-8 Aug Cliff Top Painting - Look East and West
Herman Pekel and many more. 12-15 Aug Sketching Buildings with Pen and Wash
DEAL S studio based
Dedham Hall is situated in the beautiful vale of Dedham within easy reach of many
charming coastal locations where you will find everything from wonderful Thames
£169 21-24 Aug Loosening up with Watercolour
6-11 Sep The Four Stages of Watercolour studio based
15-20 Sep Seascapes and Harbours
barges to creeks and grand river views. Dedham Hall is renowned for its lovely studio, 26-29 Sep Painting Dorset Skies
20-23 Oct Watercolour - the Basics and Beyond
great accommodation and excellent food. studio based
And much, much more!!
For more information please contact Jim or Wendy Sarton on 01206 323027
or [email protected] www.dedhamhall.co.uk DOU L SAVE Art Holidays in Dorset, The Studio, Boscombe Spa Hotel, 4 Glen Road,
Boscombe Manor, Nr Bournemouth BH5 1HR
Antibes Hoi An a Mare
Painting Holidays
with well-known artists
Every year we offer a different selection of hand-picked Private garden in Belgium
en plein air painting holidays with well-known artists
for eight to 14 students. Destinations are chosen for their
variety of subject matter and hotels for their location
and character. Each holiday is accompanied by a travel
director who takes care of all the arrangements and
makes sure that everyone is well looked after.