Bloodsucker Rampage

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The document discusses many different types of vampires and vampire-like creatures from folklore around the world.

The document discusses standard vampires, bestial vampires, and vampires from other lands including Asanbosam, Baobhan Sith, Chiang-shih, Langsuir, Loango, Penanggalan, Sundal Bolong, Upyr, and Vrykolakas.

A standard vrykolakas has superhuman strength (STR 30), tough resilient flesh, nightvision, and the power to kill with a glance out to 30 meters. It can also create more vrykolakoi.


Vampires in the HERO System

A Hero Plus Supplement For the

Vampires in the HERO System

30 A Hero Plus Supplement For the


Steven S. Long THE STANDARD VAMPIRE...................................... 4
VARIANT VAMPIRES............................................... 9
BESTIAL VAMPIRE................................................ 9
ASANBOSAM..................................................... 12
Steven S. Long BAOBHAN SITH.................................................. 14
CHIANG-SHIH.................................................... 16
LANGSUIR......................................................... 18
LAYOUT AND GRAPHIC DESIGN LOANGO........................................................... 20
PENANGGALAN................................................. 22
Bill “SparkleBunny” Keyes SUNDAL BOLONG ............................................. 22
UPIR................................................................. 24
VRYKOLAKAS.................................................... 27
BIBLIOGRAPHY.................................................... 28

HERO System™® is DOJ, Inc.’s trademark for its roleplaying system. No part of this book may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
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Pulp Hero Copyright © 2005 by DOJ, Inc. d/b/a Hero Games. All rights reserved. DOJ, Inc., 226 E. 54th Street, #605, New York, NY 10022-48541.
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Bloodsucker Rampage 3

n fiction and folklore, few monsters are
as popular as the vampire. No matter
what the time and place, it seems you HERO PLUS
can find a legend or story of a blood-
drinking monster that preys upon mortal
men by night. Bloodsucker Rampage is a Bloodsucker Rampage
review of some of the different types of is one of Hero Games’s
vampires and vampire-like monsters found Hero Plus Adventures, a
around the world. series of short, no-frills,
inexpensive adventures
in PDF format. Hero Plus
Adventures are designed
to provide roughly one
game session’s worth of
entertainment, though
some of them (such as
“One thing about this one) are a gaming
living in Santa resource more than a
specific adventure per
Carla I never could se.
stomach, all the
damn vampires.”
- Grandpa (Bernard
Hughes), The Lost Boys The general state-
ment on the credits
page notwithstanding,
DOJ, Inc. grants each
purchaser of Blood-
sucker Rampage
permission to make one
(1) printed copy of this
4 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Powers/Tactics: Vampires possess a plethora

OPTIONS THE STANDARD VAMPIRE of powers and abilities, making them the ideal
predator. Most obvious are their fangs and claws,
The typical European vampire, the one well- backed by their immense strength, but they
Cost Power known to nearly everyone from Dracula and possess many other weapons as well. For one, they
+5 Bestial Fangs: countless movies, can be found in nearly every have hypnotic gazes, which they use to render
Increase gaming genre in some form or other. prey helpless so they can feed. For another, they
Fangs to Ecology: Vampires are a powerful form of can assume three forms — bat, wolf, and mist —
HKA 1d6 undead. Necromancers create some with spells, and use them to approach by stealth or escape
but most are “born” when an existing vampire a dangerous foe. Third, they can summon and
drains a victim’s blood and then forces the victim control wolves, bats, and rats to aid them. Fourth,
to drink some of the vampire’s own blood. That they can only be slain if run through the heart
creates a “lesser vampire,” without the ability to with a wooden stake, or if their bodies are utterly
sire progeny of its own. Lesser vampires become destroyed; otherwise they soon return from the
greater vampires by acquiring power and experi- dead again. (In some regions vampires are said to
ence on their own, or sometimes upon the death have other powers as well, such as the ability to
of their sire. become invisible or to control the weather.)
Vampires survive by drinking the blood of But traditional vampires have a number of
the living. Typically they need at least one adult severe weaknesses. First, they suffer horrendous
human’s worth of blood per week (more when burns if they touch, or are touched by, holy objects
they’re younger, less when they’re older), though or places. Second, sunlight burns and destroys
they can substitute less tasty animal blood if they them; each day they must sleep in a coffin filled
must. with earth from their grave (or, in the case of
more powerful vampires, anywhere out of the
Personality/Motivation: Vampires are thoroughly sunlight). Third, they cannot cross running water
wicked. They exist only to satisfy their perverse (except via a bridge), and take extra damage from
and deadly appetites, and gladly toy with humans water-based attacks. Fourth, they cannot enter
and meddle in human affairs purely for the joy a dwelling unless invited in by someone inside.
of causing misery, despair, and havoc. But each Fifth, garlic repels them. On the other hand, some
vampire is an individual, with his own approach types of vampires, including many depicted in
to evil; a few are even said to be kindhearted and modern Urban Fantasy stories, don’t suffer from
gentle instead. these weaknesses (or possess less severe versions
of them).
Bloodsucker Rampage 5

Val Char Cost Roll Notes 47 Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 8d6 0
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH damage [2] Telepathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
16 DEX 12 12- Eye Contact Required (-½)
15 CON 5 12- 60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- Resistant, 50% 0
14 EGO 4 12- 2 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 3 PD/1 ED 0
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day), Resurrec-
6 OCV 15 tion (others can stop resurrection by burning the
6 DCV 15 body, driving a stake through the vampire’s heart,
5 OMCV 6 or cutting off its head and filling its mouth with holy
5 DMCV 6 wafers) 0
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 [m]Resurrection Only (-½)
8 PD 6 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD) 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (1 rED) Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
8 REC 4 2 Swift: Running +2m (14m total) 1
30 END 2 5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
12 BODY 2 27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by wind, heat, or
32 STUN 6 Total Characteristics Cost: 128 cold) 4
Movement: Running: 14m Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½)
30 Wolf And Bat Forms: Multiform (assume wolf or bat form
Cost Powers END built on up to 125 Total Points) 0
10 Fangs: HKA ½d6 1
Penetrating (+½); No STR Bonus (-½) Skills
30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0 8 +1 HTH
NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin 20 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life)
or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does 3 Climbing 13-
BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
5 Stealth 13-
END; +½); No Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY First
(-½) Total Powers & Skills Cost: 320
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (2d6+1 with STR) 1 Total Cost: 448

175 Matching Complications (50)

5 Dependence: must sleep each night in a coffin
containing earth from its gravesite (or any cemetery, if
Campaign Use: These vampires represent the inapplicable) or suffer Weakness (Uncommon, Difficult
stereotypical European vampire as depicted in to obtain)
countless movies, novels, television shows, and
15 Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not Concealable;
comic books. However, vampires and vampire-
Causes Major Reaction)
like monsters exist all over the world, with a
bewildering variety of powers, weaknesses, and 20 Enraged: at the sight or smell of blood (Common), go
customs. In Europe alone, dozens of variations 11-, recover 11-
exist! With a little research, you can find ways to 0 Physical Complication: Human Size
customize or adapt these character sheets to create 20 Psychological Complication: Cannot Enter A Dwelling
many different types of monsters. And if that’s Without Invitation (Common, Total)
not enough to whet your appetite for the blood- 20 Psychological Complication: Aversion To Garlic
suckers, there are dozens of roleplaying games, (Common, Total)
novels, movies, and television shows with their 15 Psychological Complication: Must Obey Sire’s Orders
own take on vampires that you can draw upon (Common, Strong)
for inspiration (typically these are Urban Fantasy
stories set in the modern world). 15 Psychological Complication: Will Only Cross Running
Water Via Bridges (Uncommon, Total)
Appearance: Vampires look like normal human 10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
beings, with pale skin and dark hair. Some dress at (Common, Moderate)
the height of fashion; others favor a punk or goth 25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
look. Only when they allow their fangs and claws Phase is in contact with them (Common)
to grow is it obvious they’re not human. Some,
mostly lesser vampires, have a bestial or quasi- 35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per Segment
bestial look at all times. (Very Common)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 273
6 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 HTH damage [3]
3 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 4 PD/2 ED 0
20 DEX 20 13-
20 CON 10 13- 24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day), Resurrec-
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- tion (others can stop resurrection by burning the
20 EGO 10 13- body, driving a stake through the vampire’s heart,
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 or cutting off its head and filling its mouth with holy
wafers) 0
7 OCV 20 Resurrection Only (-½)
7 DCV 20 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
7 OMCV 12 Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
7 DMCV 12
6 Swift: Running +6m (18m total) 1
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
6 Vampire’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
12 PD 10 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD) 5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
6 ED 4 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by wind, heat, or
10 REC 6
cold) 4
40 END 4
18 BODY 8 Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½)
50 STUN 15 Total Characteristics Cost: 216 35 Wolf And Bat Forms: Multiform (assume a wolf or bat
form built on up to 150 Total Points) 0
Movement: Running: 18m 57 Call Dark Creatures: Summon up to 16 wolves, rats,
Cost Powers END or bats built on up to 110 Total Points 0
10 Fangs: HKA ½d6 1 Expanded Class (+¼), Slavishly Devoted (+1),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Arrive Under Own
Penetrating (+½); No STR Bonus (-½)
Power (-½), Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale
30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0 (-½)
NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin
or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does Skills
BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 24 +3 HTH
END; +½); No Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY First
(-½) 40 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life, or learned
47 Create Vampire: Severe Transform 10d6 (humans into since undeath)
lesser vampires, heals back through special exorc- 3 Charm 14-
isms and holy rituals) 0 7 Climbing 16-
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Extra Time 7 Stealth 15-
(minimum of 1 Turn, and often longer; -1¼), No Total Powers & Skills Cost: 490
Range (-½), Must Drain All But 1 BODY Of Victim’s Total Cost: 706
Blood With Drink Blood, Then Have Him Drink ½d6
BODY’s Worth Of Vampire’s Blood (-1), All Or Nothing 175 Matching Complications (50)
(-½), Limited Target (humans; -½) 15 Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not Concealable;
10 Claws: HKA ½d6 (2½d6 with STR) 1 Causes Major Reaction)
52 Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 12d6 0 0 Physical Complication: Human Size
Telepathic (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); 20 Psychological Complication: Cannot Enter A Dwelling
Eye Contact Required (-½) Without Invitation (Common, Total)
60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction, 20 Psychological Complication: Aversion To Garlic
Resistant, 50% 0 (Common, Total)
15 Psychological Complication: Will Only Cross Running
Water Via Bridges (Uncommon, Total)
10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
(Common, Moderate)
25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
Phase is in contact with them (Common)
35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per Segment
(Very Common)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 531
Bloodsucker Rampage 7


According to the folklore of certain European
peoples, including the Slavonic Gypsies, vampires Cost Power
can sire children on human women (or sometimes,
var Remove, or reduce the effect of, one or more
only with his widow). The resulting offspring,
usually male, is known as a dhampir (or some-
times a vampir, vampijerovic, or lampijerovic, or if 60 Control The Weather: Change Environment
female a dhampiresa or vampuiera). (+/-10 Temperature Levels; see Cham-
pions Powers, pages 364-65, for more
Dhampirs possess special powers that make information), Varying Combat Effects,
them particularly effective vampire hunters. Area Of Effect (16m Radius; +¾), Varying
First, they’re very strong, swift, and agile (in Effect (+1), MegaArea (1m = 1 km broad
HERO System terms, a Dhampir Template would and wide; +1); Can Only Alter Existing
have +10 STR, +8 DEX, +5 CON, +2 OCV, +2 Weather, Not Create Weather (-¼), Extra
DCV, +2 SPD, +2 PD, and +2 ED). Second, they Time (time required depends on the
can perceive vampires for what they are, even severity of the change in the weather
those that can become invisible (Detect Vampire the character wants to create, but
(INT Roll +3) (no Sense Group), Discriminatory, minimum of 1 Minute; -1½), No Range
Range, Sense, Targeting). In some cases it’s said (-½), Requires A Weather Control Roll (-1
that a dhampir can permanently kill vampires per 20 Active Points; -¼) plus Power:
in ways that normal humans cannot (such as by Weather Control 20-
shooting them with bullets). To simulate this, add 20 Become Invisible: Invisibility to Sight Group
Limitations to the vampire’s Damage Reduction
that it doesn’t work against dhampir-caused
damage (-¼), and add “or takes any damage
from a dhampir” to the conditions that prevent
Dhampirs always have dark black hair. According
to some legends they do not cast a shadow (a
Distinctive Feature). Sometimes his nose, eyes,
ears, and/or teeth are larger than normal, or he’s
simply very ugly (perhaps with a snub nose like a
bat). According to some legend, his body is soft,
even jellylike (you can represent this by buying
Contortionist on a 14- or better roll). Some stories
even claim that dhampirs must drink blood, but try
to limit themselves to animals so that they don’t
become evil and monstrous like their fathers.
8 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Val Char Cost Roll Notes
35 STR 25 16- Lift 3,200 kg; 7d6 HTH damage [3]
20 DEX 20 13- Cost Powers END
23 CON 13 14- 10 Fangs: HKA ½d6 (3d6 with STR) 1
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12- 15 Claws: HKA 1d6 (3d6+1 with STR) 1
20 EGO 10 13- 60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 Resistant, 50% 0
8 OCV 25 3 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 4 PD/2 ED 0
7 DCV 20 24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day),
3 OMCV 0 Resurrection (others can stop resurrection by
7 DMCV 12 burning the body, driving a stake through the
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 vampire’s heart, or cutting off its head and filling
its mouth with holy wafers) 0
12 PD 10 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD)
Resurrection Only (-½)
6 ED 4 Total: 6 ED (2 rED)
10 REC 6 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
40 END 4 Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
20 BODY 10 6 Swift: Running +6m (18m total) 1
50 STUN 15 Total Characteristics Cost: 224 4 Strong Leaper: Leaping +8m (12m forward, 6m
upward) 1
Movement: Running: 18m
12 Vampire’s Senses: +4 PER with all Sense Groups 0
Leaping: 12m
5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0

24 +3 HTH
15 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life, or learned
since undeath)
7 Climbing 16-
7 Stealth 15-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 229
Total Cost: 453

175 Matching Complications (50)

15 Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not Concealable;
Causes Major Reaction)
35 Enraged: Berserk in combat (Very Common), go 11-,
recover 11-
0 Physical Complication: Human Size
20 Psychological Complication: Bloodlust (Very Common,
20 Psychological Complication: Cannot Enter A Dwelling
Without Invitation (Common, Total)
20 Psychological Complication: Aversion To Garlic
(Common, Total)
15 Psychological Complication: Will Only Cross Running
Water Via Bridges (Uncommon, Total)
25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
Phase is in contact with them (Common)
35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per Segment
(Very Common)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
10 Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Water Attacks (Uncommon)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 278
Bloodsucker Rampage 9


The two character sheets above represent the
“typical” vampire, but there are plenty of ways Cost Power
you can customize them to create other types of 8 Batwings: Flight 12m; Restrainable (-½)
vampires. Two common examples are the bestial
vampire and the realistic vampire. 27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by
wind, heat, or cold)
Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½)
Bestial Vampire 35 Wolf And Bat Forms: Multiform (assume
150-point wolf or bat form)
Description: The Bestial Vampire is most often 57 Call Dark Creatures: Summon up to 16
found in modern horror movies and comics. 110-point wolves, rats, or bats
Unlike the traditional vampire, who’s usually
Expanded Class (+¼), Slavishly Devoted
handsome, debonair, and even charming, the
(+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
Bestial Vampire is an ugly, vicious killer whose
+½); Arrive Under Own Power (-½),
monstrous appearance mirrors the evil in its
Summoned Being Must Inhabit Locale
heart. Although the Bestial Vampire may look
like a normal human being when it’s in control
of itself, when its bloodlust takes over it becomes
a horrible creature. Its jaw distends, becoming
prognathous and filled with sharp fangs. Its fingers
and fingernails lengthen, becoming cruel claws. Its
back hunches; sometimes it sprouts batlike wings
from its shoulderblades or under its arms. Its eyes
bulge, often changing to a horrid color (such as
blood red or an evil green). Its hair becomes wild
and shaggy, like a beast’s.
The Bestial Vampire’s abilities are also different
from a traditional vampire’s. It is even stronger
than a regular vampire, and its claws and teeth
are powerful HKAs that it uses to rip its victims
to pieces, instead of simply biting their necks
and sipping their blood (because of this, a Bestial
Vampire’s attacks may at first be mistaken for
those of a werewolf or serial killer). Since its
victims never remain whole once it’s done with
them, they can’t return to “life” as lesser vampires;
there simply isn’t enough of them left.
In some depictions, the Bestial Vampire retains
the traditional vampire’s shapechanging abili-
ties, but usually not its control over animals or
weather; it normally has the traditional vampire’s
defenses, weaknesses, and Susceptibilities. It
has some additional Complications of its own:
Psychological Complication: Bloodlust and
Berserk in combat.
Not all Bestial Vampires are a separate
“species.” Some traditional vampires have a
“bestial vampire” Multiform. When they’re
confronted with holy items or sunlight, when
they’ve been badly injured, or when they become
Berserk or Enraged, these vampires revert from
their “civilized” form to a bestial form. To reflect
this, give the vampire a Multiform, an Accidental
Change Complication, and an appropriate Berserk
or Enraged.
10 n  Hero System 6th Edition


A variant form of the Realistic Vampire is the
Description: The Realistic Vampire is a staple of Technovampire, a creature of modern science
much modern vampire fiction. Unlike Dracula, and technology. His vampirism has been created
with his fantastic powers, the Realistic Vampire in a lab with genetic alterations, special surgery
is a lot more down-to-earth, both in his abilities and serums, implanted technology, and the like.
and his limitations. A Realistic Vampire doesn’t Sometimes the traditional vampire’s exotic abilities
possess most of the traditional vampire’s powers are simulated with high-tech gadgets. Depending
(for example, shapechanging, control of animals upon how he was created, the Technovampire
and weather, and the ability to command lesser may have some traditional vampire weaknesses
vampires). The Realistic Vampire usually retains (such as aversion to sunlight), but will lack many
the vampire’s incredible strength and functional of them.
immortality, and sometimes his ability to create Although the Technovampire has a lot in
other vampires and his hypnotic powers as well. common with the Realistic Vampire, the two are
On the other hand, the Realistic Vampire also also very different. For one thing, science can
lacks many of the traditional vampire’s Complica- supply the Technovampire with abilities the Real-
tions: the fear of fire and holy items; the need istic Vampire lacks. For another, their attitudes
to sleep on earth from its grave; the aversion to and actions are often completely opposite: many
garlic and running water; the inability to enter a Realistic Vampires are careful, cautious predators
dwelling unless invited; the lack of a reflection; the who are completely accustomed to their “lifestyle”
Susceptibility to running water and holy objects. and act accordingly; the Technovampire is more
The Realistic Vampire still has to drink blood; a likely to be a rampaging monster created to serve
few of them are averse to sunlight and/or holy the whims of its “father.”
Psychologically, Realistic Vampires usually fall
into one of two camps. The first, usually encoun-
tered in the role of villain, shares the traditional
vampire’s attitude towards humanity: it considers
them its cattle, to be preyed upon as it sees fit.
The other, often found taking the part of hero or
anti-hero, is a tortured soul who tries to retain
as much of his humanity as possible. A tortured “You will, I trust, excuse
soul, he does his best to refrain from drinking me if I do not join you.
blood (either giving in only when his hunger
becomes undeniable, or only feeding when he has
But I have already dined,
a “deserving” victim to sink his fangs into). He and I never drink... wine.“
often tries to maintain relationships with ordinary - Bram Stoker’s Dracula
humans, though inevitably his condition makes
this difficult.
The big advantage to being a Realistic Vampire
(especially for a PC vampire) is the ability to
act like a normal human — a Realistic Vampire
can have a job, eat normal food if necessary, and
interact with human beings socially. As long as the
Realistic Vampire protects his secret and ensures
a regular supply of blood, he can do whatever he
The origins of Realistic Vampires differ greatly
from those of traditional vampires. Realistic
vampirism may be the result of a virus of some
sort or a disease of the blood; Realistic Vampires
may even be an entirely separate species (aliens?
demons?) which views mankind as food.
Bloodsucker Rampage 11

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Cost Powers END
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH damage [2] 7 Fangs: HKA ½d6 1
18 DEX 16 13- No STR Bonus (-½)
20 CON 10 13- 30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin
18 EGO 8 13- or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
6 OCV 15 END; +½); No Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY First
6 DCV 15 (-½)
3 OMCV 0 60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,
7 DMCV 12 Resistant, 50% 0
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 2 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 2 PD/2 ED 0
10 PD 8 Total: 10 PD (2 rPD) 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
6 ED 4 Total: 6 ED (2 rED) Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
10 REC 6 4 Swift: Running +4m (16m total) 1
40 END 4 6 Vampire’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
15 BODY 5 5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
50 STUN 15 Total Characteristics Cost: 188
Movement: Running: 16m
24 +3 HTH
40 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life, or learned
since undeath)

Charm 14-
Climbing 16-
Cost Power 7 Stealth 15-
47 Create Vampire: Severe Transform 10d6 (humans Total Powers & Skills Cost: 232
into lesser vampires, heals back through special Total Cost: 420
exorcisms and holy rituals), Reduced Endurance
(0 END; +½); Extra Time (minimum of 1 Turn, and 175 Matching Complications (50)
often longer; -1¼), No Range (-½), Must Drain All 0 Physical Complication: Human Size
But 1 BODY Of Victim’s Blood With Drink Blood, 10 Hunted: enemy werewolf clans, or vampire hunters, or
Then Have Him Drink ½d6 BODY’s Worth Of someone else who takes this guy seriously (Infre-
Vampire’s Blood (-1), All Or Nothing (-½), Limited quently, As Pow)
Target (humans; -½) 15 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
52 Hypnotic Gaze: Mind Control 12d6, Telepathic (+¼), or Tortured By His Condition And Tries To Retain His
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Eye Contact Humanity (Common, Strong)
Required (-½) Total Complications Points: 25
24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day), Resur- Experience Points: 245
rection (others can stop resurrection by burning
the body, driving a stake through the vampire’s
heart, or cutting off its head and filling its mouth
with holy wafers); Resurrection Only (-½) “Now you know
(15) Distinctive Features: No Reflection (Not Conceal- what we are, now
able; Causes Major Reaction)
(35) Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per
you know what you
Segment (Very Common) are. You'll never
(25) Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 grow old, Michael,
per Phase is in contact with them (Common) and you'll never die.
But you must feed!”
- David (Kiefer Sutherland),
The Lost Boys
12 n  Hero System 6th Edition

OTHER LANDS Origin: Africa (mainly among the Ashanti in West
The following are a few examples of vampires
and vampire-like monsters from around the Other Names: Asanbonsam
world. These particular creatures were selected Ecology: The asanbosam is a vampire known to
from the great number of vampire-like monsters the Ashanti and other people of West Africa in the
in world legend mainly on the basis of their simi- Ghana, Ivory Coast, and Togo region. It lives in
larity to Transylvanian vampires (for example, the the trees of jungle and forest, and in place of feet it
fact that they suck blood, cannot abide sunlight, has iron hooks. It hunts in two ways, though only
and so forth) and their “playability.” at night because sunlight causes it great pain. First,
it dangles head-down from its hooks, waiting
to snatch up anyone foolish enough to be in the
jungle after dark, haul them into the treetops,
and devour them. Second, it can sink its hooks
into someone and use them to drain his blood.
(According to some legends, when doing this
the asanbosam targets the victim’s thumb, which
entails a -10 OCV penalty that it’s skilled enough
to avoid.)
Victims of asanbosam attacks report that
But first, on earth as unlike most species of vampire, the asanbosam
breeds normally: there are female and child
Vampire sent, asanbosam as well as adult males, though they’re
Thy corpse shall from its proportionately weaker.
tomb be rent: Personality/Motivation: Typical vampiric
Then ghastly haunt thy motivations.
native place, Powers/Tactics: The asanbosam has the great
And suck the blood of all strength and toughness typical of vampires
thy race; (though it’s not as powerful as a traditional
European vampire). It attacks with its iron teeth or
There from thy daughter, hook-feet (the latter prevent it from running very
sister, wife, quickly, though it will sometimes pursue a victim
At midnight drain the stream on the ground if it thinks the victim can’t outrun
of life; it). Killing an asanbosam is difficult because it
heals rapidly; the only way to permanently slay it
Yet loathe the banquet which is for an attacker (most effectively, a priest or holy
perforce man) to injure it with spells or objects that do
Must feed thy livid living Holy damage.
corpse. Some legends claim that the asanbosam has a
snake for a tail. If so this gives it yet another way
Thy victims are they yet to grab its victims; possibly the snake’s bite could
expire be venomous as well. Another “power” sometimes
Shall know the demon for attributed to the asanbosam is that if anyone even
mentions its name, he and everyone around him
their sire, suffers bad luck.
As cursing thee, thou cursing
Campaign Use: A related type of monster is the
them, sasanbonsam, which is basically similar to the
Thy flowers withered on the asanbosam but looks more bat-like and has enor-
stem. mous bat-wings sprouting from its shoulderblades
that allow it to fly.
- Lord Byron, Giaour
Appearance: An asanbosam looks more or less
like an ordinary person... except for its iron teeth,
hook feet, and obvious malevolence.
Bloodsucker Rampage 13

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Cost Powers END
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH damage [2] 15 Hook Feet: HKA 1d6 (2½6 with STR) 1
18 DEX 16 13- 10 Iron Teeth: HKA ½d6 (2d6+1 with STR) 1
20 CON 10 13- 30 Drink Blood Through Its Hooks: RKA 1d6 0
15 INT 5 12- PER Roll 12-
NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin
15 EGO 5 12-
or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
6 OCV 15 END; +½); No Range (-½), Hook Feet Must Do BODY
6 DCV 15 First (-½)
3 OMCV 0 3 Asanbosam Toughness: Resistant (+½) for 3 PD/3 ED 0
5 DMCV 6 29 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (1 BODY per Turn), Resur-
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 rection (others can stop resurrection by doing Holy
damage to the body or putting holy objects on it) 0
8 PD 6 Total: 8 PD (3 rPD)
8 ED 6 Total: 8 ED (3 rED) Does Not Work On Holy Damage (see text; -¼)
8 REC 4 -8 Hooks For Feet: Running -8m (4m total)
40 END 4 2 Hooks For Feet: Swinging 4m 1
15 BODY 5 5 Asanbosam’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
36 STUN 8 Total Characteristics Cost: 155
Movement: Running: 4m
Swinging: 4m 8 +1 HTH
5 Stealth 14-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 99
Total Cost: 254
OPTIONS 175 Matching Complications (50)
Cost Power 0 Physical Limitation: Human Size
12 Snake For A Tail: Extra Limb (1), Inherent (+¼); 10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
Limited Manipulation (-¼) plus HKA ½d6 (fangs); (Common, Moderate)
No STR Bonus (-½) 25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
20 Targeting The Thumb: Targeting Skill Levels: +10 Phase is in contact with them (Common)
OCV to hit the victim’s Thumb with Hook Feet and 35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per Segment
Drink Blood Through Its Hooks (Very Common)
10 Sasanbonsam: Flight 15m; Restrainable (-½) Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 79

Sic Gorgiamus Allos Subjectatos Nunc.

“We gladly feast on those who would subdue us.”
- Addams Family Credo
14 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Origin: Scotland A baobhan sith can assume the form of a raven,
and often uses this power to escape pursuit, hide,
Other Names: Baoban Sith, Bavanshee, Boabhan or follow potential prey.
Campaign Use: A baobhan sith makes an ideal
Ecology: An evil faerie akin both to vampires and adversary for a game with a lot of social aspects.
succubi, the baobhan sith (baa-van shee) subsists Just move the baobhan sith out of the wilderness
on human blood, preferably taken from a hand- and into the king’s court — or, say, a coffee shop
some young man. They typically live in the wilds in an Urban Fantasy setting — and let her wreak
and attack young shepherds and huntsmen out on her havoc.
the moors.
Appearance: The baobhan sith usually resembles
Personality/Motivation: Baobhan sith are thor- a beautiful maiden, and though she has deer’s
oughly evil and cruel. They prey on humans the hooves for feet she hides them beneath her long
way humans prey on wild game. white or green dress.
Powers/Tactics: The baobhan sith has the power
to leech the blood from a man by touch (she has
to be able to touch her skin with his). She prefers
to do this with a kiss, but other touches, such as
through dancing, work perfectly well. With her
beauty she tempts men to dance with her and
kiss her... and as he does, she drinks his blood!
An observant onlooker may be able to see tiny
drops of blood fall to the ground around her, thus
revealing her for what she is.
Bloodsucker Rampage 15

Val Char Cost Roll Notes Cost Powers END
5 STR -5 10- Lift 50 kg; 1d6 HTH damage [1] 8 Blood-Drinking Touch: RKA 1 point 0
15 DEX 15 12- NND (defense is not having blood; +1), Does BODY
10 CON 0 11- (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- +½); No Range (-½), Skin-To-Skin Contact Required
15 EGO 10 12- (-1)
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 5 Faerie Form: Resistant (+½) for 5 PD/5 ED 0
5 OCV 10 7 Faerie Form: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25%
5 DCV 10 0
3 OMCV 0 Does Not Work Against Iron Attacks (-1)
5 DMCV 6 15 Faerie Form: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 25% 0
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 10 Faerie Mind: Mental Defense (10 points) 0
5 PD 3 Total: 5 PD (5 rPD) 10 Faerie Form: Power Defense (10 points) 0
5 ED 3 Total: 5 ED (5 rED) 40 Faerie Nature: Life Support (Total, including Longevity:
4 REC 0 Immortality) 0
20 END 0 10 Raven Form: Multiform (assume 50-point raven form; see
10 BODY 0 HSB 430) 0
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 80
Movement: Running: 12m
6 Striking Appearance +2/+2d6

5 Charm 14-
3 Concealment 13-
3 Conversation 13-
3 High Society 14-
5 AK: local area where the faerie lives 15-
3 KS: Legends And Lore 13-
Owen: Are you a vampire? 3 Stealth 13-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 136
Abby: I need blood to live. Total Cost: 216

175 Matching Complications (50)

Owen: But how old are 10 Distinctive Feature: deer’s hooves for feet (Easily
you, really? Concealed; Causes Major Reaction)
20 Psychological Complication: Malicious Faerie Nature
Abby: Twelve. But... I’ve been (Very Common, Strong)
20 Susceptibility: takes 2d6 per Turn from iron (Common)
twelve for a very long 20 Susceptibility: takes 2d6 per Turn from salt (Common)
time. Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 41
- Let Me In
16 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Campaign Use: The chiang-shih is an interesting

HOPPING CHIANG-SHIH vampire that can quite easily throw a party of
unsuspecting PCs for a loop. Unlike the stereo-
VAMPIRES Origin: China
typical cinematic Western vampire, the chiang-
China is the land of Other Names: Ch’ing-Shih, His-hsue-k’uei, Jiang- shih isn’t harmed by being staked through the
hopping vampires. Why shi, Kiang-shi, Kyonshi, Kyuketsuki (in Japan), heart and normally isn’t troubled by exposure to
they hop is unknown, Qing-shi sunlight. It can go where it pleases, not requiring
although some theories an invitation to enter a dwelling. It doesn’t even
Ecology: A chiang-shih is created when a corpse need to remain in its coffin, although burying a
say it might be due to is animated by its p’oh, or inferior soul. The p’oh
the custom of burying Chinese vampire in a proper grave can keep it
remains in the body of the deceased while the han from rising.
the dead in a standing (or superior soul) continues to the afterlife, and as
position, or because the This characte sheet represents only a basic
a result the corpse becomes a vampire and preys chiang-shih. For campaign use, you may want to
burial clothing would on the living. A chiang-shih can be created when
effectively bind the legs. increase the chiang-shih’s DEX, BODY, INT, and
a person dies by drowning, hanging, suicide, or SPD, add some Martial Arts, and perhaps give it
Others claim it’s because suffocation. The p’oh can also possess someone
of the onset of rigor more relevant Skills and abilities retained from
who dies unexpectedly, or who hasn’t been buried its former life (such as Weapon Familiarities). To
mortis (which keeps the yet. Finally, allowing an animal (such as a cat)
leg joints from working) further confuse the PCs, consider using some of
to leap over a corpse can also cause it to rise as a the optional powers and Complications, especially
or due to the vampire chiang-shih.
being rejected by the if they’ve encountered more than one chiang-shih
Earth. Personality/Motivation: The chiang-shih is and feel they have a good understanding of the
typically compelled by strong homicidal urges, vampire’s habits.
The chiang-shih causing it to attack any living people it encounters.
presented here doesn’t Appearance: A chiang-shih can have many forms,
Certain chiang-shih also demonstrate a powerful depending upon how long it’s existed as a vampire.
hop, as the sources sex drive, leading the vampire to assault and rape
referenced never Normally a chiang-shih appears exactly as it
women (or men) before drinking their blood. If looked when it died and is not instantly recog-
mentioned hopping as the chiang-shih was created due to being improp-
part of Chinese vampire nizable for what it is. The chiang-shih can also
erly buried (or not buried at all) then it most likely assume a more horrific form, with a green glowing
lore. However, hopping directs its anger at close relatives and other family
vampires are extremely body, serrated teeth, and long claws. Older, more
members. powerful, chiang-shih develop a thick covering of
common in Hong Kong
horror/martial arts Powers/Tactics: A corpse risen as a chiang-shih long white hair. Depending on how long it’s been
cinema. Anyone running has a number of powers. It’s mostly invulner- dead, a chiang-shih may wear rich robes, simple
Ninja Hero or Pulp Hero able, although fire or bullets can kill it. Many funeral clothing, or nothing at all.
adventures set in China chiang-shih demonstrate the ability to fly and to
might want to use a transform into wolves. They dislike loud noises;
hopping vampire instead a loud crash of thunder can kill one. The chiang-
shih is only active at night, and can’t cross running
of the more agile version
presented here. To trans- water. Iron filings, red peas, and rice can be used
Cost Power
form a chiang-shih into to create effective barriers the vampire can’t cross,
while garlic automatically causes a chiang-shih to 37 Assume Human Form: Shape Shift (Sight,
a hopping vampire, make
flee. Salt dissolves a chiang-shih. Touch, Hearing, and Smell/Taste Groups),
these changes: increase
Chiang-shih prefer to attack by surprise and Makeover, Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½)
the STR to 35 or 40 and
CON to 30, decrease DEX ambush, especially since if they have no powers 5 Can Smell Your Breath: Targeting for Normal
to around 12, and raise other then their great strength and long claws. A Smell
the vampire’s defenses chiang-shih tends to be very violent in combat, 40 Glowing Ball Of Blue Light: Desolidification
(both PD, ED, and Resis- often ripping its victims limb from limb. But their (affected by fire, light, and sonic attacks)
tant (+½)). Remove its viciousness can be used against them, as shown 6 Leap Great Distances: Leaping +12m (or
Flight and Running and in the folktale “The Resuscitated Corpse,” where a more)
reduce its Leaping to 2m. charging chiang-shih is tricked into impaling its 42 Poisonous Breath: RKA 1d6, NND (defense is
claws into a willow tree, trapping it until dawn. Life Support [Self-Contained Breathing or
A hopping vampire It’s said some chiang-shih have more powers
usually wears clothing appropriate Immunity]; +1), Does BODY
than those listed. Some are believed to have a (+1), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
of the Ching Dynasty and poisonous (or icy) breath capable of killing anyone
has greenish skin, red Limited Range (4m; -¼)
they breathe on. Other chiang-shih can become
eyes, yellowed fangs, and (15) Physical Complication: Poor Eyesight, suffers
insubstantial, appearing as a glowing blue ball
long claws. -3 to all Sight PER Rolls except in dim light
surrounded by a chill mist. Finally, it’s said rice
or at night (Infrequently, Greatly Impairing
(and other grains or seeds) not only can be used to
create an impassible barrier to a Chinese vampire, (15) Psychological Complication: Compelled To
but some chiang-shih must stop and count each Count Rice/Seed Grains Found In Its Path
and every grain thrown into its path, possibly (Uncommon, Total)
“trapping” it there until the sun rises and kills it. (25) Susceptibility: to sunlight, 1d6 BODY per
Phase (Very Common)
(20) Vulnerability: 2 x BODY from Fire (Common)
(20) Vulnerability: 2 x STUN from Fire (Common)
Bloodsucker Rampage 17

Val CHA Cost Roll Notes Cost Powers END
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 HTH damage [3] 25 Claws: HKA 1½d6 (3½d6 with STR) 2
15 DEX 10 12- 15 Bite: HKA 1d6 0
25 CON 15 13- Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); No STR Bonus
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- (-½)
20 EGO 10 11-
30 Blood Drain: RKA 1d6 0
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6
NND (defense is not having blood or protective skin or
6 OCV 15 equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does BODY
5 DCV 10 (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
3 OMCV 0 +½); No Range (-½), Bite Must Do BODY First (-½)
6 DMCV 9 24 Fly On The Winds: Flight 24m 2
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 6 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 6 PD/6 ED 0
12 PD 6 Total: 12 PD (6 rPD) 40 Undead Body: Physical Damage Reduction, Resistant,
12 ED 7 Total: 12 ED (6 rED) 75% 0
12 REC 2 Not Versus Bullets (-½)
50 END 6 40 Undead Body: Energy Damage Reduction, Resistant, 75%
10 BODY 0 0
40 STUN 10 Total Characteristics Cost: 140
Does Not Work Against Fire (-½)
Movement: Running: 12m 15 Undead Body: Does Not Bleed 0
Flight: 24m 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
Eating, but including Longevity: Immortality) 0
30 Shape Shifting: Multiform (assume 150-point wolf form) 0
5 Chiang-Shih Eyes: Nightvision 0

16 +2 HTH
3 Climbing 12-
5 Shadowing 12-
3 Stealth 12-
3 Tracking 11-
20 Various Skills representing the chiang-shih’s abilities and
interests when alive
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 317
Total Cost: 457

175 Matching Complications (50)

30 Enraged: in combat (Very Common), go 11-, recover 8-
15 Physical Complication: cannot cross a line of iron
filings, red peas, rice, or running water (Infrequently,
Fully Impairing)
0 Physical Complication: Human Size
20 Physical Complication: repulsed by the presence of
garlic (Frequently, Fully Impairing)
15 Psychological Complication: Strong Sexual Desires And
Urges (Common, Strong)
15 Psychological Complication: Vicious And Bloodthirsty
(Common, Strong)
25 Susceptibility: to salt, 1d6 per Segment (Common)
15 Susceptibility: to thunder and similar loud noises, 3d6
BODY Instantly (Uncommon)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 282
18 n  Hero System 6th Edition

A woman can be prevented from rising as a

WHAT’S IN LANGSUIR langsuir by nailing her hair to the floor of her
coffin. A more extreme method calls for placing
A NAME? Origin: Malaysia
glass beads in the corpse’s mouth (to prevent
In Java and Sumatra, Ecology: A langsuir (or langsuyar) is the ghost screaming), placing eggs under the arms, and
the langsuir is called of a woman who has either died a virgin, died pushing pins through the palms of the hands. A
a pontianak, while in during childbirth, or died within 40 days of giving man who encounters an active langsuir can save
certain parts of Malaysia birth. Having a stillborn child can also create a himself and cure the woman of her condition by
the woman is called a langsuir; the child’s ghost becomes a pontianak. cutting off the woman’s hair and fingernails and
pontianak and the child is Rising from the grave, the langsuir flies among the stuffing them in the hole (or mouth) found in the
known as a langsuir. trees, drinking the blood of infants and children, back of the woman’s neck (used by the langsuir to
stealing fish from fishermen, and seducing men to drink blood). If this is done, the langsuir becomes
emasculate them. a normal woman; she can marry and have
children. However, care must be taken at village
dances, lest the langsuir join in, revert to her
undead form, and fly off into the jungle. Women
sacrifice chickens at the riverside to langsuir to
appease the fiends and keep themselves (and their
children) safe.
Personality/Motivation: A langsuir is driven by
two strong emotions — a lust for blood (taken
from the children denied to her) and a hatred for
Powers/Tactics: A langsuir often lurks in the
forests, and when men enter the woods she
seduces them with their unearthly beauty. Once
she has a man in her embrace, she uses her sharp,
claw-like nails to rip his genitals from his body.
(Some langsuirs also have the power to imitate
the cry of a lost child, the better to lure victims
to them.) Langsuirs also drink the blood of small
children and can cause any woman they see to
suffer a miscarriage with just a glance.
Campaign Use: The original langsuir was a
woman driven mad by the knowledge her child
had been stillborn. Later, the langsuir become
a more general blood-drinker and eater of flesh
(with a fondness for fish). You can use the langsuir
as a classic vampire, a form of ghoul, or as a ghost
in need of being put to rest.
Appearance: A langsuir is a woman of unearthly
beauty. She has long black hair that falls to her
ankles (hiding a hole in the back of her neck that
she uses to drink blood) and long fingernails.
Traditionally, the langsuir wears a green robe, but
sometimes she appears naked, with wild black hair
and blood flowing from her open womb.
Bloodsucker Rampage 19

Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 HTH damage [1] 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
16 DEX 12 12- 8 Claws: HKA ½d6 (1d6 with STR) 1
13 CON 3 12- Reduced Penetration (-¼)
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- 30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
15 EGO 5 12-
NND (defense is not having blood or protective skin
15 PRE 5 12- PRE Attack: 3d6
or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does
6 OCV 15 BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
5 DCV 10 END; +½); No Range (-½), Bite Must Do BODY First
3 OMCV 0 (-½)
5 DMCV 6 40 Cause Miscarriage: Minor Transform 10d6 (pregnant
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 female to non-pregnant female, heals back through
restorative magics) 0
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (0 rPD)
Line Of Sight (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (0 rED)
+½); Limited Target (pregnant human females; -1),
5 REC 1
All-Or-Nothing (-½)
25 END 1
10 BODY 0 4 Ngilai: +10 PRE 0
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 60 Only For Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1), Incanta-
tions (must wail; -¼)
Movement: Running: 12m
24 Taking To The Air: Flight 24m 2
Flight: 24m
37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except for Diminished
Eating, but including Longevity: Immortality) 0

9 Striking Appearance +3/+3d6
Cost Power 6 +1 with Agility Skills
17 Imitate The Cry Of A Lost Child: Hearing Group
3 Charm 12-
Images, -4 to PER Rolls, Line Of Sight (+½),
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Set Effect 3 Climbing 12-
(sounds like a baby’s cry; -1) 3 Shadowing 11-
3 Stealth 12-
1 Survival (Tropical Forests) 11-
3 Tracking 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 179
Total Cost: 239

175 Matching Complications (50)

15 Physical Complication: can be “cured” by cutting her
hair and nails and stuffing them in the hole in the
langsuir’s neck (Infrequently, Fully Impairing)
0 Physical Complication: Human Size
15 Psychological Complication: Lust For Blood (Common,
15 Psychological Complication: Hates Men (Common,
Total Complications Points: 45
Experience Points: 69
20 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
25 STR 15 14- Lift 800 kg; 5d6 HTH damage [2] 3 Strength Of The Moon: +5 STR 1
20 DEX 20 13- Only Applies At Half, Gibbous, Or Full Moon (-½)
20 CON 10 13- 2 Strength Of The Moon: +5 STR 1
18 INT 8 13- PER Roll 13- Only Applies At Gibbous Or Full Moon (-1)
16 EGO 6 12-
2 Strength Of The Moon: +5 STR 1
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6
Only Applies At Full Moon (-2)
7 OCV 20 10 Fangs: HKA ½d6 1
7 DCV 20 Penetrating (+½); No STR Bonus (-½)
3 OMCV 0
30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
5 DMCV 6
4 SPD 20 Phases: 3, 6, 9, 12 NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin
or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does
10 PD 8 Total: 12 PD (3 rPD) BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
8 ED 6 Total: 6 ED (3 rED) END; +½); No Range (-½), Fangs Must Do BODY First
10 REC 6 (-½)
40 END 4 30 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,
15 BODY 5 Resistant, 25% 0
44 STUN 12 Total Characteristics Cost: 181
3 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 3 PD/3 ED 0
Movement: Running: 18m 24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day), Resurrec-
tion (others can stop resurrection by burning the body
at night when there’s no moon, or by nailing it to the
ground with an iron nail) 0
LOANGO Resurrection Only (-½)
37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
Origin: Africa Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
Ecology: A loango is a type of African 6 Swift: Running +6m (18m total) 1
vampire, a sorcerer who arises from 6 Loango’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups 0
the grave after death and drinks the 5 Loango’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
blood of the living. Like the traditional 24 Bat Form: Multiform (assume a bat form built on up to
European vampire it can only be active 120 Total Points) 0
at night, for sunlight kills it.
Personality/Motivation: Typical Skills
vampire motivations. 24 +3 HTH
Powers/Tactics: The loango’s STR 40 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life, or learned
varies with the phase of the moon. since undeath)
It has just 25 STR during a crescent 3 Charm 14-
moon or new moon. At half moon 7 Climbing 16-
that increases to 30 STR, at gibbous
7 Stealth 15-
moon to 35 STR, and to a full 40 STR
at full moon. It also has the power to Total Powers & Skills Cost: 263
transform itself into a bat. Total Cost: 444
Appearance: The loango looks like an 175 Matching Complications (50)
ordinary, if emaciated, person... until 0 Physical Complication: Human Size
one gets close enough to notice its
10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
fangs and the slightly bat-like cast to
(Common, Moderate)
its features.
35 Susceptibility: to direct sunlight, takes 2d6 per Segment
(Very Common)
Total Complications Points: 45
Experience Points: 274
Bloodsucker Rampage 21

Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
1 STR -9 9- Lift 8 kg; 0d6 HTH damage [1] 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (1 point with STR) 1
14 DEX 8 12- 30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
13 CON 3 12- NND (defense is not having blood or protective skin or
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does BODY
15 EGO 5 12- (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 +½); No Range (-½), Bite Must Do BODY First (-½)
5 OCV 10 13 Dripping Blood Causes Disease And Sores: Drain CON
9 DCV 30 1d6 0
3 OMCV 0 Delayed Return Rate (points return at a rate of 5 per
5 DMCV 6 Week; +2½), NND (defense is Life Support [appro-
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 priate Immunity]; +1), Area Of Effect (Trail Nonselec-
tive, see APG 135; +¾), Personal Immunity (+¼),
4 PD 2 Total: 5 PD (0 rPD) Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Damage Over
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (0 rED) Time (5 damage increments, one per day for 5 days,
6 REC 2 defense only applies once, cannot be used again on
25 END 1 same victim until all increments accrue; -3), Can Only
3 BODY -7 Affect Targets Actually Flown Over (-½), Linked (to
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 76 Flight; -0)
Movement: Running: 0m 10 Horrific Appearance PRE +20 0
Flight: 24m Only For Fear-Based Presence Attacks (-1)
Swimming: 0m 24 Taking To The Air: Flight 24m 0
Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Restrainable (-½)
-12 Only Flies: Running -12m (0m total)
-2 Only Flies: Swimming -4m
5 Can See In The Dark: Nightvision 0

2 KS: Arcane And Occult Lore 11-
3 Stealth 12-
1 Survival (Tropical Forests) 12-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 79
Total Cost: 155

175 Matching Complications (50)

15 Physical Complication: Diminutive (.5 m, +12m KB)
(Frequently, Slightly Impairing)
20 Physical Complication: Very Limited Manipulation
(Frequently, Greatly Impairing)
15 Psychological Complication: Lusts After The Blood Of
Children And Pregnant Women (Common, Strong)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 0
22 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Campaign Use: A flying penanggalan has

BECOMING A to be one of the most disgusting creatures a
OPTIONS party of adventurers could ever encounter.
PENANGGALAN The mere sight of a flying head is bad
The character sheet listed Cost Power enough, but the mass of trailing innards
here is just for the flying 7 Indonesian Penanggalan’s Animal Forms: Multiform dripping blood and fluids should make even
head and not for the (assume 35-point bird or mouse form; Costs the hardiest heroes pause. Malaysian myth
penanggalan’s combined Endurance (to change form; -½) isn’t clear on what, if any, additional powers
body. Add the following the head might have. You could extrapolate
(5) Distinctive Features: faint smell of vinegar (Easily
power to any character additional powers if you wish, such as drip-
Concealed; Causes Major Reaction [suspicion
to represent the ability to ping caustic stomach acid (1 point RKA,
and fear])
become a penanggalan. Linked to the Cause Disease power) or wrap-
ping the entrails around a foe (an Entangle
or strangulation HKA). If the human form has
Head Separation:
penanggalan learned to separate her head through the use of
Projection (see APG magic, then perhaps she knows additional spells
Origin: Malaysia (in which case you should buy the penanggalan
92; +0), Merging
(+0), Reduced Endur- Ecology: A penanggalan (“the one who pulls out”) “form” as a type of Projection; see sidebar).
ance (0 END; +½) is a form of witch who goes forth at night to drink Appearance: During the day, a penanggalan looks
(60 Active Points); the blood of young children or of women who’ve like a normal human woman. At night, when it
Can Only Project At just given birth. She hunts by laying down on the shows its true self, the penanggalan is a woman’s
Night (-¼), Cannot ground, separating her head and viscera from her head trailing her digestive tract, intestines, and
Pass Through Solid body, and sending the head-and-viscera flying off other internal organs, all of which drip blood and
Objects (-½), Does into the night in search of a victim. (This character other fluids.
Not Protect Against sheet is for the head alone, which is the true part
Damage (-1), Feed- of the monster; most of the listed abilities aren’t
back From Host Body usable when the monster’s head’s attached to her SUNDAL BOLONG
(-1), Must Return To body.)
Physical Body (both A penanggalan may have to soak her blood- Origin: Malaysia
die if haven’t recom- swollen innards in a vat of vinegar before she’s
able to rejoin her head to her body. In this case Ecology: The sundal bolong (literally, “hollowed
bined by sunrise; -½).
the presence of large quantities of vinegar in her bitch” or “prostitute with a hole in her”) is a form
Total cost: 14 points.
home, or a faint smell of vinegar to her (possibly a of Javanese vampire. She’s created when a woman
Distinctive Feature) may give her away. commits suicide after being raped. Rising from
the dead, the sundal bolong preys on young men,
Personality/Motivation: For the most part, a luring them into the forest where she drinks their
penanggalan acts like any normal woman, at least blood and/or castrates them.
during the day (though she may be a malicious,
spiteful person, or a sorceress). When night falls Personality/Motivation: The sundal bolong is
her hunger for blood takes over, and she quickly primarily driven by a desire to drink the blood of
hides her body before sending her head off to find men in an effort to get revenge for being raped.
prey. A few sundal bolong revel in causing pain and
suffering, and torture their victims before killing
Powers/Tactics: A penanggalan gains her ability them
to separate her head from her body either through
the use of magic or by promising herself to a Powers/Tactics: A sundal bolong lurks near
demon of the underworld. In her normal human the edge of the forest trying to catch the eye of
form she typically has no special powers or abili- any young man who passes. She lures her victim
ties. Her head, once separated, can fly, deliver a deeper into the woods, promising him sexual
painful bite, and drink blood. In addition, the favors or just a better glimpse of her nude body.
head of a penanggalan drips blood and other Once she has the man in her embrace she turns
fluids constantly, and anyone hit by one of these on him, drinking his blood until he dies. Some
drops falls gravely ill or suffers from appalling men she simply frightens into running away, and
sores. some she castrates instead of killing. A particularly
Since the penanggalan’s intestines and other cruel sundal bolong may inflict a terrible wasting
internal organs hang from her head as she flies, disease on strong warriors to weaken them, or
she must take care to not entangle the dangling slash her victim with her claws, and leave them
viscera while flying. To defend themselves from stranded alone in the jungle.
attacks by penanggalan, villagers hang branches Campaign Use: Unlike some similar Asian
of thorny jeruju (thistle) over their doors and monsters, the sundal bolong cannot be cured of
windows to catch and entangle the entrails of a her condition. You can use the sundal bolong as
penanggalan so they can kill her when the sun a form of vampire, or possibly as the basis for an
rises. The Indonesian penanggalan, who flies using extended adventure in which the PCs look for the
either her ears or lungs, can change into a bird or a man (or men) responsible for raping her in the
mouse to enter a home. first place.
Bloodsucker Rampage 23

Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
8 STR -2 11- Lift 75 kg; 1½d6 HTH damage [1] 5 Bite: HKA 1 point (½d6 with STR) 1
15 DEX 10 12- 30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
13 CON 3 12- NND (defense is not having blood or protective skin or
10 INT 0 11- PER Roll 11- equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does BODY
15 EGO 5 12- (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0 END;
20 PRE 10 13- PRE Attack: 4d6 +½); No Range (-½), Bite Must Do BODY First (-½)
5 OCV 10 4 Undead Vitality: Resistant (+½) for 4 PD/4 ED 0
5 DCV 10 37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except for Diminished
3 OMCV 0 Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
5 DMCV 6
3 SPD 10 Phases: 4, 8, 12 Skills
8 +2 HTH
4 PD 2 Total: 4 PD (4 rPD) 3 +1 with Shadowing, Stealth, Tracking
4 ED 2 Total: 4 ED (4 rED)
5 REC 1 5 Charm 14-
25 END 1 3 Climbing 12-
10 BODY 0 3 Shadowing 11-
20 STUN 0 Total Characteristics Cost: 68
3 Stealth 12-
Movement: Running: 12m 1 Survival (Tropical Forests) 11-
3 Tracking 11-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 105
Appearance: A sundal bolong looks like a woman
of incredible beauty... with a hideous hole in her Total Cost: 173
back. She may dress all in white, or go about 175 Matching Complications (50)
completely nude, but in either case her black hair
falls well past her waist, hiding the hole in her 15 Distinctive Features: Ravishing Beauty (Concealable
back. With Difficulty; Causes Major Reaction [lust])
0 Physical Complication: Human Size
15 Psychological Complication: Hates Men (Common,
Total Complications Points: 30
Experience Points: 18

Cost Power
5 Terrifying Appearance: PRE +10; Only For Fear-Based
Presence Attacks (-1)
12 Claws: HKA 1d6 (1d6+1 with STR); Reduced Penetration
8 Curse Of Wasting: Drain STR and CON 1d6, Expanded
Effect (two Characteristics simultaneously; +½),
Delayed Recovery Rate (points return at the rate of 5
per Year; +3); Extra Time (Full Phase; -½), Damage
Over Time (3 damage increments, one per day for 3
days, defense only applies once, cannot be used again
on same victim until all increments accrue; -4), Limited
Range (10m; -¼)
24 n  Hero System 6th Edition

10 Teeth Like Steel: HKA ½d6 (2½d6 with STR) 1
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 HTH damage [3] 5 Barbed Tongue: HKA 1 point 1
20 DEX 20 13- Penetrating (+½); No STR Bonus (-½)
20 CON 10 13- 30 Drink Blood: RKA 1d6 0
20 INT 10 13- PER Roll 13- NND (defense is not having blood, or protective skin
20 EGO 10 13- or equipment too thick to bite through; +1), Does
25 PRE 15 14- PRE Attack: 5d6 BODY (+1), Constant (+½), Reduced Endurance (0
7 OCV 20 END; +½); No Range (-½), Barbed Tongue Must Do
7 DCV 20 BODY First (-½)
7 OMCV 12 27 Failing To Kill It Can Be Deadly: RKA 3d6, Trigger (when
7 DMCV 12 someone tries to stake the upir through the heart and
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12 fails to do so with a single blow, activating Trigger
takes no time; +½); Can Only Target Failed Killer (-1),
12 PD 10 Total: 12 PD (4 rPD) No Range (-½)
6 ED 4 Total: 6 ED (2 rED) 60 Undead Body: Physical and Energy Damage Reduction,
10 REC 6 Resistant, 50% 0
40 END 4
3 Undead Body: Resistant (+½) for 4 PD/2 ED 0
18 BODY 8
50 STUN 15 Total Characteristics Cost: 226 24 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (3 BODY per Day), Resurrec-
tion (others can stop resurrection by burning the body,
Movement: Running: 18m beheading the upir with a gravedigger’s shovel, or
staking the upir through the heart with a single blow) 0
Cost Powers END
Resurrection Only (-½)
20 Claws Like Steel: HKA 1d6+1 (3d6+1 with STR) 2
37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
Eating; including Longevity: Immortality) 0
Upir 6
Swift: Running +6m (18m total)
Vampire’s Senses: +2 PER with all Sense Groups
Origin: Slavic lands/Russia 5 Vampire’s Eyes: Nightvision 0
27 Mist Form: Desolidification (affected by wind, heat, or
Other Names: Opir, Upier, Upior, cold) 4
Cannot Pass Through Solid Objects (-½)
Ecology: The upir, a Slavic/Russian 30 Upir Forms: Multiform (assume the shape of a cat, dog,
vampire, is similar in most respects to toad, or bloodsucking insect built on up to 100 Total
the Transylvanian vampire. Instead of Points) 0
having fangs, it drinks blood through
its sharp, barbed tongue. It often starts Skills
by drinking the blood of the youngest 24 +3 HTH
children in a family, then proceeding
to older children and finally the 40 Skills and Talents (abilities and interests in life, or learned
parents. Some types of upir also like to since undeath)
eat fish. 3 Charm 14-
An upir must sleep in its coffin, 7 Climbing 16-
which according to some stories is 7 Stealth 15-
filled with blood. It may only be active
from noon until midnight. It can only Total Powers & Skills Cost: 371
be destroyed if it is burned, beheaded Total Cost: 597
with a gravedigger’s shovel, or staked
through the heart with a single blow 175 Matching Complications (50)
(if the first blow fails to slay it, the upir 0 Physical Complication: Human Size
awakens and the impaler suffers 3d6 25 Physical Complication: can only be active from noon
Killing Damage... and of course is then to midnight, must sleep in its coffin at other times
attacked by the upir). Some reports (Frequently, Fully Impairing)
claim that when an upir is properly 20 Psychological Complication: Cannot Enter A Dwelling
staked, the vast quantities of blood Without Invitation (Common, Total)
inside him literally explode outward, 10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
showering anyone nearby. (Common, Moderate)
To prevent someone from
25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
becoming an upir, bury him face-
Phase is in contact with them (Common)
down with a cross made of willow
placed beneath his chest, chin, or Total Complications Points: 50
armpits. Experience Points: 422
Bloodsucker Rampage 25

Personality/Motivation: Traditional vampiric The vrykolakas goes through an unusual

motivations. “maturation” period. When it first rises from the
dead, its acts are mainly mischievous. However,
Powers/Tactics: An upir’s claws and teeth are like
the longer it’s allowed to exist, the more vicious
steel. Sometimes its hands are numb from the cold
and horrifying it becomes. By eighty days after
of the grave, so it uses its teeth to gnaw through
its death, it’s extremely powerful and evil. This
doors, walls, and other obstacles. It can take the
character sheet represents an “average” vrykolakas;
shape of a cat, dog, toad, or bloodsucking insect.
for one more than eighty days old the GM should
One possible way of fighting an upir is to
increase the Active Points in its Characteristics
scatter salt on the floor. The upir then tracks the
and Powers by 10-50% each.
salt back to its grave, where the living can find and
The vrykolakas is not disturbed by sunlight
destroy it.
the way traditional European vampires are. It
Campaign Use: According to some legends, a prefers the nighttime, but it can go abroad by day,
character can become immune to an upir’s attacks becoming more and more likely to do so the older
by consuming blood bread — bread made by and more powerful it becomes.
mixing flour with a vampire’s blood. There are two ways to destroy a vrykolakas: its
body can be burned; or a special exorcism can be
Appearance: An upir resembles a traditional performed over its grave or body. According to
European vampire, though it lacks fangs. some legends the best day to destroy it is Saturday,
since on that day it must rest in its grave.
Personality/Motivation: Like most other
vrykolakas vampires, the vrykolakas is evil and horror
personified. It exists to plague and feed upon the
Origin: Greece living, and yearns to spread as much fear and
Other Names: Brucolocas, Katakhanas (Crete), despair as possible.
Vroukalakas, Vurvulakas Powers/Tactics: The vrykolakas relies on its supe-
Ecology: The vrykolakas is the vampire of Greece. rior STR and SPD in combat. Unlike a traditional
One is created when a demonic spirit possesses a European vampire it doesn’t usually require blood
human corpse. Not just any body will do, though. to survive, so it has no compunctions about
Certain types of people are more likely to become using its great muscles to tear a human in two. If
a vrykolakas: those who’ve been excommunicated confronted, it fights to the death.
or were not given proper funeral rites; those who According to some legends, some vrykolakoi
die unbaptised; those who’ve led immoral and have the power to raise the dead from their graves
evil lives or used black magic; and murder victims and send them to feast on the living. Vrykolakoi
whose death has gone unavenged. Some legends from the island of Santorini, which is said to be
also claim that eating the meat of a sheep slain by rife with them, have this power. (However, the
a wolf can cause a person to become a vrykolakas. inhabitants of Santorini are experts at dealing with
A vrykolakas lives off of the fear it creates in vrykolakoi, due to long and extensive experience.)
its victims. Its mere presence, or just seeing it, Characters will rarely, if ever, encounter more
is enough to make some people die of fright. A than one vrykolakas at once. The creature seems to
vrykolakas often selects its victims by going from dislike the company of others of its kind as much
door to door in its old village and knocking once as it hates the living.
— it kills anyone who answers its knock by the Campaign Use: According to some legends there’s
next night (thus, people in an area haunted by a an even fiercer type of vrykolakas called the
vrykolakas usually wait for a second knock before vrykolatios; is has ghoul-like habits and abilities in
answering the door, since vrykolakoi are impatient addition to those of a standard vrykolakas.
and won’t wait to knock again). The vrykolakas
kills these victims by suffocating them with its Appearance: The vrykolakas is a human corpse
great weight and terrible presence while they which is extremely large and heavy. Its flesh looks
sleep; the victim becomes a vrykolakas himself. swollen, taut, and hard, sometimes so much so
However, killing a vrykolakas causes any vryko- that it would seem impossible for the vrykolakas
lakoi it’s created to die as well. to flex its arms and legs. Some people report that
Some vrykolakoi have the more mundane its skin gives off a sound like a drum when struck.
thirst for blood found in the traditional vampire. Sometimes its skin has a ruddy look, especially
They go abroad at night, using their claws and if the vrykolakas is the sort that likes to consume
fangs to bite and rend anyone they find. blood and has recently done so.
26 n  Hero System 6th Edition

Cost Powers END
Val Char Cost Roll Notes
30 STR 20 15- Lift 1,600 kg; 6d6 HTH damage [3] 10 Fangs And Claws: HKA 1 point (2d6+1 with STR), Alter-
20 DEX 20 13- able Origin Point (HKA can be either fangs or claws) 1
25 CON 15 14- 270 Just To Look At Him Brings Death: RKA 6d6 0
13 INT 3 12- PER Roll 12- [m]Area Of Effect (“Sight Range” Radius, see text; +1), NND
14 EGO 4 12- (defense is having been blessed by a priest within the
30 PRE 20 15- PRE Attack: 6d6 past hour; +1), Does BODY (+1), Line Of Sight (+½),
Personal Immunity (+¼), Constant (+½), Persistent
7 OCV 20 (+¼), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); Always On
7 DCV 20 (-½), No Range (-½)
3 OMCV 0
10 Death By Suffocation: Change Environment (suffoca-
6 DMCV 9
tion; see APG 83), Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½);
5 SPD 30 Phases: 3, 5, 8, 10, 12
Gestures (must sit on victim throughout; -½), No
12 PD 10 Total: 20 PD (8 rPD) Range (-½), Only Works On Sleeping Victims (-1)
10 ED 8 Total: 18 ED (8 rED) 47 Create Vrykolakas: Severe Transform 10d6 (humans into
12 REC 8 vrykolakoi, heals back through special exorcisms and
50 END 6 holy rituals) 0
20 BODY 10 [m]Reduced Endurance (0 END; +½); All Or Nothing (-½), Extra
50 STUN 15 Total Characteristics Cost: 218 Time (minimum of 1 Turn, and often longer; -1¼),
Movement: Running: 24m Limited Target (humans; -½), No Range (-½), Only
Works On Victims Killed By Suffocation (-1)
24 Undead Body: Resistant Protection (8 PD/8 ED) 0
37 Undead Vitality: Life Support: Total (except Diminished
OPTIONS Eating; including Longevity: Immortality)
32 Hard To Slay: Regeneration (2 BODY per Turn)
Cost Power 12 Swift: Running +12m (24m total) 1
44 Raise Undead Servants: Summon up to 16 zombies 5 Vrykolakas Eyes: Nightvision 0
built on 176 Total Points (see HSB 296), Slavishly
Loyal (+1); Extra Time (1 Minute; -1½)
2 AK: the local area 11-
(20) Physical Complication: must rest in its grave on
Saturday (Infrequently, Fully Impairing) 3 Stealth 13-
Total Powers & Skills Cost: 452
Total Cost: 670

175 Matching Complications (50)

10 Hunted: vampire hunters (Frequently, Less Pow, Kill)
0 Physical Complication: Human Size
15 Psychological Complication: Impatient; Won’t Keep
Pursuing Victims Who Don’t Fall For Its Initial Tricks/
Attack (Common, Strong)
10 Psychological Complication: Considers Humanity Cattle
(Common, Moderate)
25 Susceptibility: to holy objects and places, takes 2d6 per
Phase is in contact with them (Common)
Total Complications Points: 50
Experience Points: 495
Bloodsucker Rampage 27

Bunson, Matthew. The Vampire Encyclopedia
"I never knew what life
Masters, Anthony. A Natural History Of The
was until it ran out in a
red gush over my lips, my
McNally, Raymond. A Clutch Of Vampires. hands!"
McNally, Raymond, and Radu Florescu. In Search
Of Dracula. -Anne Rice, Interview with the Vampire
Summers, Montague. The Vampire In Lore And
Legend (also published under the title The Vampire
In Europe)
Wright, Dudley. The Book Of Vampires

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