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Appendix B

Summative Report Form for

Experienced Teachers (Approved Form)
This form must be used for each performance appraisal. The duties of the principal may be
delegated to a vice-principal in the same school, or an appropriate supervisory officer.
Teacher's Last Name Teacher's First Name

MacDonell Heather

Principal's Last Name Principal's First Name

Oake Jennifer

School Name of Board

Trinity H.S. Ottawa Catholic School Board

Description of Teacher's Assignment (Grade(s), Subject(s), Full-time/Part-time,

Elementary/Secondary, etc.)

Secondary , Full-time

Full-time, Secondary
Department Head of English

Instructions to the Principal

1. This report is to be completed during the performance appraisal process.

2. A copy signed by the principal must be provided to the teacher within 20 school days after the
classroom observation (or 15 school days if the appraisal has resulted in a performance rating
that is unsatisfactory).

3. The teacher can add comments and must sign this report to acknowledge receipt of the report.
At the request of either the teacher or the principal, the teacher and the principal must meet
to discuss the performance appraisal after the teacher receives a copy of this report.

4. A copy of this report signed by both the principal and the teacher must be sent to the board.

5. In preparing the summative report, the principal must:

consider all 16 competencies in assessing the teacher's performance;
provide comments regarding the competencies identified in discussions with the teacher
as the focus of the performance appraisal;1
provide an overall rating of the teacher's performance in accordance with the rating scale;
recommend professional growth goals and strategies for the teacher's development.

Meeting and Classroom Observation Dates (yyy/mm/dd)

Pre-Observation: Classroom Observation: Post-Observation:

Summative Report Form for Experienced Teacher (Rev. 2007/04/01) Appendix B (continued)

2015/10/08 2014-10-15 2014/10/27

Focus of the Classroom Observation1

Other Appraisal Input (Please Specify.)

Additional input attached

Instructions to the Principal: Comment on competencies identified in discussions with

the teacher as the focus of the teacher's performance appraisal (the principal may also
comment on other competencies that were assessed through the performance appraisal).

Domain: Commitment to Pupils and Pupil Learning

sees the student and everyhuman being as created in the image and likeness of God and affirms this
personal dignity in the commitment to enhance student learning and personal development

The teacher demonstrates commitment to the well-being and development of all pupils.
The teacher is dedicated in his or her efforts to teach and support pupil learning and
The teacher treats all pupils equitably and with respect.
The teacher provides an environment for learning that encourages pupils to be problem
solvers, decision makers, lifelong learners, and contributing members of a changing society.

Heather applies knowledge effectively about how students develop and learn physically, socially, and cognitively.
She shapes instruction appropriately so that it is helpful to students who learn in a variety of ways. She seeks and
effectively applies approaches for helping student's cognitive, affective and social development. She models and
promotes the joy of learning. She demonstrates a positive rapport with students.

Heather assists learners in practising new skills by providing opportunities for guided practice. She provides for
active student participation in the learning process. She employs appropriate balance of student and teacher
directed discussion/learning. She establishes an environment that maximizes learning. She encourages students to
excel to the best of their ability.

Heather promotes polite and respectful student interactions. She differentiates curriculum expectations and
teaching strategies to meet the needs of all students.

Heather employs effective questioning techniques that encourage higher level thinking skills. She provides guidance
and appropriate feedback to learners on attainment of new concepts/skills.

1. Notwithstanding the discussions held between the teacher and the principal, the principal is required to assess teacher performance in relation to all Page 2
16 competencies set out in Schedule 1 of O. reg. 99/02, as amended, and may comment on competencies other than those discussed.
Summative Report Form for Experienced Teacher (Rev. 2007/04/01) Appendix B (continued)

Domain: Professional Knowledge

knows and understands Catholic Beliefs, the history and mission
of Catholic education, and the Ontario Catholic Curriculum

The teacher knows his or her subject matter, the Ontario curriculum, and education-related
The teacher knows a variety of effective teaching and assessment strategies.
The teacher knows a variety of effective classroom management strategies.
The teacher knows how pupils learn and factors that influence pupil learning and

Heather teaches the Ontario curriculum by exhibiting an understanding and ability to explain subject areas. She
demonstrates mastery of subject knowledge and related skills. She uses a variety of effective resources to enhance

Heather aligns assessment strategies with learning objectives. She employs formative and summative assessments
to check for understanding. She uses a variety of appropriate teaching techniques to engage students.

Heather teaches scheduled class/subject for allocated time periods with effective student engagement. She
displays student work appropriately for a variety of teaching/learning experiences. She seeks and uses various
resources to achieve and reinforce expectations. She provides opportunities for students to share their interests and
demonstrate their involvement in learning. She differentiates instruction to meet diverse needs.

Heather uses different motivational strategies to encourage students in developing competence in all areas. She
takes into account various learning styles with the selection of materials/media.

Domain: Teaching Practice

instructs students within a faith-based context that promotes the integration of gospel values across the curriculum,
and fosters the realization of the Ontario Catholic School Graduate Expectations for all students

The teacher uses his or her professional knowledge and understanding of pupils, curriculum,
legislation, teaching practices, and classroom management strategies to promote the learning
and achievement of his or her pupils.
The teacher communicates effectively with pupils, parents, and colleagues.
The teacher conducts ongoing assessment of his or her pupils' progress, evaluates their
achievement, and reports results to pupils and parents regularly.
The teacher adapts and refines his or her teaching practices through continuous learning
and reflection, using a variety of sources and resources.
The teacher uses appropriate technology in his or her teaching practices and related
professional responsibilities.

Heather makes effective links between daily lesson plans and long range plans. She uses practices which
successfully promote the development of higher order thinking skills. She develops clear and achievable classroom
expectations with the students. She models and promotes effective communication skills. She incorporates
appropriate curricular guidelines meaningfully into lessons. She uses instructional time in a focussed, purposeful
way. She organizes subject matter into meaningful lessons. She encourages students to know about, reflect on,
and monitor their own learning.

Heather demonstrates a positive, professional attitude when communicating with parents, students and colleagues.

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Summative Report Form for Experienced Teacher (Rev. 2007/04/01) Appendix B (continued)

Heather uses a variety of appropriate assessment and evaluation techniques. She engages in meaningful dialogue
with students to provide feedback during the teaching/learning process.

Heather integrates curriclum expectations effectively into teaching practice. She effectively demonstrates
knowledge of trends, techniques and research relevant to their teaching.

Heather uses technology appropriately to improve efficiency and effectiveness in planning, instructional delivery,
reporting procedures and decision-making. She models and promotes effective use of technology to promote
student learning.

Domain: Leadership in Learning Communities

promotes collaboration within the catholic learning community
in the realization of the vision of catholic education

The teacher collaborates with other teachers and school colleagues to create and sustain
learning communities in his or her classroom and school.
The teacher works with other professionals, parents, and members of the community to
to enhance pupil learning, pupil achievement, and school programs.

Heather shares instructional strategies that have worked successfully with colleagues. She learns with and from
colleagues and others in the community of learners. She pursues and effectively shares knowledge about current
thinking, trends, and practices in education with colleagues. She participates as an effective team member and
shares expertise with others, for example, by acting as mentor, peer coach, or associate teacher. She participates
effectively by contributing to grade, division and/or subject teams. She participates effectively on committees by
organising school-based activities, for example, school/parish initiatives, graduation, theme days. She serves as a
resource to colleagues, for example, in the effective use of technology, assessment strategies, and classroom
management. She shares learning acquired through participation on system-wide or provincial initiatives with

Heather acknowledges and celebrates the efforts and success of others. She participates, presents and effectively
organizes conferences, workshops and/or institutes to enhance student achievement.

Domain: Ongoing Professional Learning

demonstrates a commitment to ongoing professional learning, including
participation in faith activities provided within the school or Board

The teacher engages in ongoing professional learning and applies it to improve his or her
teaching practices.

Heather reads professional journals, books, internet sites, or any articles related to the educational contexts and
effectively shares with peers. She participates in workshops, seminars, courses, in-service programs or reads
books, articles, journals, and internet sites, and practices or reflects with others to better understand human nature
and to be a model for students. She taps into websites that describe best practices, acquires successful teaching
strategies and applies to teaching practices. She seeks input from colleague, consultants, and/or other appropriate
support staff and effectively applies it to enhance teaching practices. She identifies areas for professional growth,

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Summative Report Form for Experienced Teacher (Rev. 2007/04/01) Appendix B (continued)

attends workshops, appropriate seminars or courses to respond to changes in education/policies and practices and
effectively applies information to enhance teaching practices. She participates willingly and effectively in
professional learning, study groups and in-service programs to enhance skill development and broaden knowledge.

Additional Competencies

Additional Competencies

Overall rating of the Teacher's Performance

For a description of the ratings, refer to Appendix C.

(Check the appropriate box.)

Satisfactory Unsatisfactory (If the teacher received an Unsatisfactory rating, an

Improvement Plan will also be developed.)

Comments on the Overall Rating of the Teacher's Performance

If the teacher received a Satisfactory rating, the principal is encouraged to provide further feedback
on strengths and possible areas of growth for the teacher.

Heather is an extremely dedicated teacher who has a passion for her subject area. She is highly committed to
student success and strives to provide her students with relevant learning opportunities that support critical thinking
and a love of learning. I was fortunate to observe Heather's Grade 12 University English class during their "Fishbowl

Heather's classroom is an engaging learning environment. She posts learning goals to support student
self-assessment, as well as, anchor charts, samples of student work and encouraging and motivating sayings. The
room is full of visual cues that help students be successful in their work. It was evident during the lesson that the
visuals are not just decorations, as both she and her students, referenced the "Word Wall" a number of times. The
lesson was well organized and clearly promoted effective communication. From the beginning, the students were
engaged in the activity. The students directly involved in the debate were considerate and respectful of each other,
and students in the audience could participate by moving to the "open seat". She repeatedly activated the students'
prior learning by probing connections between the topic of debate, the current text and other previously read literary
works. The lesson was also well supported by the effective and thoughtful use of technology. Students in the
audience could share their thoughts and questions by posting a comment on "Today's Meet", a chat platform that
encouraged conversation alongside the primary activity (debate).

Throughout the lesson, her students had a clear understanding of her expectations and she facilitated the debates
by maintaining the focus and by providing constructive feedback. Heather has a good rapport with her students and
she has established a positive learning environment where students feel comfortable asking questions and sharing

In addition to promoting student success, Heather is also highly committed to her own professional learning. She is
currently registered in the Board's Leadership Journey program (Leadership Parts 2 and 3) and as the Department
Head of English she will be participating in a number of assessment and evaluation initiatives. Heather seeks out
effective resources and strategies and she routinely shares them with the members of her department.

Over and above her work in the classroom and as the English Department Head, Heather has made a concerted

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Summative Report Form for Experienced Teacher (Rev. 2007/04/01) Appendix B (continued)

effort to participate in the wider school community. She regularly attends our staff prayer sessions, she is the
teacher advisor for the Ontario Students Against Impaired Driving (OSAID) group and she has joined the school's
literacy, social and technology committees. Heather is a committed professional and a wonderful teacher.

Professional Growth Goals and Strategies for the Teacher (required, if rating is Satisfactory)
The following professional growth goals and strategies are recommended for the teacher to take
into account in developing his or her Annual Learning Plan (ALP).

Heather is encouraged to continue pursuing her own professional learning as she settles into her role as
department head. She is encouraged to continue developing relationships with the members of her department as
they move forward together. Her current practice of posting learning goals can be extended to include success
criteria, which will provide more explicit support for student self-assessment.

Principal's Additional Comments on the Appraisal (Optional)

Teacher's Comments on the Appraisal (Optional)

Principal's Signature
My signature indicates that this performance appraisal was conducted in accordance with Part X.2
of the education Act and Ontario Regulation 99/02 and ontario Regulation 98/02 as ammended.

date (yyyy/mm/dd)
Teachers's Signature
My signature indicates the receipt of this summative report

date (yyyy/mm/dd)

Prepared by:

Superintendent's signature
cc. Teacher's file

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