Manual Guidelines Mine Haul Road Design Haul Trucks Roads Planning Alignment Sections Surface Construction Economics
Manual Guidelines Mine Haul Road Design Haul Trucks Roads Planning Alignment Sections Surface Construction Economics
Manual Guidelines Mine Haul Road Design Haul Trucks Roads Planning Alignment Sections Surface Construction Economics
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1 author:
Hassan Z. Harraz
Tanta University
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All content following this page was uploaded by Hassan Z. Harraz on 04 May 2016.
Hassan Z. Harraz
[email protected]
2015- 2016
At one mine, it may be desirable to plan for blending variations in the ore so as to maintain, as nearly as possible, a uniform
feed to the mill.
At another operation it may be desirable to completely separate two kinds of ore, as for example, a low- grade deposit where
one kind of "oxide" ore must be treated by acid leach, but a second kind of "sulfide" ore must be treated by different
The grade and tonnage of material available will determine how much waste rock can be stripped, and there is often an
ultimate limit to the pit that is determined more by the economics of removing overburden than a sudden change in the ore
deposit from mineral to non-mineral bearing material.
The ultimate pit limit and the slope of the pit walls are therefore determined as much by economics and engineering as by
geological structure. Material that is relatively high grade may be left unmined in some awkward spot extending back too
deeply beneath waste
The typical large open pit mining operation that has been in production for 10 years and more is operating under conditions
that could not possibly have been foreseen by the original planners of the mine.
Metal prices, machinery, and milling methods are constantly changing so that the larger operations must be periodically
reevaluated, and several have been completely redeveloped from time to time as entirely different kinds of mining and milling
A Dragline Shovel
Drilling in pit
Width of
Benching Detail
Bench level intervals are to a large measure determined by the type of shovel or loader
used, and these are selected on the basis of the character of the ore and the manner in
which it breaks upon blasting and supports itself on the working face.
Final Pits Slopes allow
Catch Bench Benches to be wide enough to
Catch rocks and accommodate
A berm. (This is often less than
Berm Than 10 m).
Toe to
Crest Slope Note: that the toe to Crest slope
is much Steeper than the over-all
Pit Slope
Localized single bench failures from a steep toe to crest slope are much more
Tolerable than an over-all pit slope failure over the entire side of a pit.
Fig.1: Bench cross sections
The bench height should be set as high as possible within the limits of the size and
type of equipment selected for the desired production.
The bench should not be so high that it will present safety problems of towering
banks of blasted or un-blasted material.
The bench height in open pit mines will normally range from 15m in large copper
mines to as little as 1 m in uranium mines.
Shovel Truck
Truck Width
A bench big enough
To accommodate
Equipment working is
Shovel Much wider than one
Berm width Only intended to catch
Rolling rocks.
Impact of a Working Bench
February 2, 2016
Prof. Dr. H.Z. Harraz Presentation
i) Pit Slopes
The slope of the pit wall is one of the major elements affecting the size and
shape of the pit.
The pit slope helps determine the amount of waste that must be moved to
mine ore.
The pit wall needs to remain stable as long as mining activity is in that area.
The stability of the pit walls should be analyzed as carefully as possible.
Rock strength, faults, joints, presence of water, and other geologic
information are key factors in the evaluation of the proper slope angle.
The physical characteristics of the deposit cause the pit slope to change
with rock type, sector location, elevation, or orientation within the pit.
Pit slopes are cut into benches to aid stability and contain any slope
Rock most be stronger than sand so the angle of repose can be larger.
45° is usually the maximum slope.
Pit slopes are benched.
• The revenue from ore must pay for the cost of excavating waste from the
pushback and for excavating the ore.
• The slope cannot exceed 45° and remain stable, so at some point it
becomes impossible and/or uneconomic to continue mining.
Slope angle
between roads
• Quarries in strong rock can sustain about 80
to 85 degree toe to crest slopes.
Average pit slope angle • Geology determines limits but about 58 to
72 degrees is a common range for toe to
Fig.6: Vertical section through a pit wall crest in open pit metal.
• Over-all slopes often more conservative
Frequently less than 45 degrees
Cannanea Mexico is nearly 60
Limiting Slopes
• One limit is geologic – having the pit slide in on you is bad for
investment (and possibly your health if you are at the bottom)
• One exercise commonly taught in rock mechanics courses is
plotting fractures on stereo net
Illustrates how many fractures are opened up by benches
Daylighted fracture
Offers an opportunity Non-Daylighted fracture offers little
To slide off. Risk
Probability of Failure
• Not all daylighted fractures will slip
• Not every non-daylighted fracture will hold
• More major extensive daylighted fractures more likely a major failure is
One New Mexico mine lost entire pit as slide slipped in over several months
Significance of Failure
• Some small failures will take a few hours to clean up – can risk these to save money
• Larger regional failures are fatal, probably cannot endure much risk
Bigger shovels allow bigger bench
Height – but require bigger trucks
Fault planes dipping towards the pit (as shown in the figure) present a greater risk than
faults dipping away from the pit.
Faults planes often provide passage-ways for water movement, and these waters,
through the process of weathering and chemical alteration of minerals, may reduce the
strength of the rocks on either side of the fault plane, and reduce the “coefficient of
friction” along it.
The coefficient of friction (the “traction” or “grip”) along the fault will determine whether
failure and slippage of rock down the fault plane is likely.
Figure 2 Figure 3
Figures shows: In order to keep the pit dry, There are 40 dewatering pumps around
the Cortez pit pumping water out of the ground at a total rate of 30,000 gallons per
Reporting System
Loading of blasted
Stockpiled ore loaded into primary crusher
Waste material tipped onto dump
Blast hole drilling
Access ramps
Locality: Región de Antofagasta, Chile.
Pit dimensions: 4.3 km long x 3 km wide x 850 m deep. Slope failure
Mining dates: 1915 -present
Total production: 29 million tons of copper to the end of 2007 (excluding Radomiro Tomić production). For
many years it was the mine with the largest annual production in the world, but was recently overtaken by
Minera Escondida (Chile). It remains the mine with the largest total cumulative production.
Production 2007: 896,308 fine metric tons of copper (Codelco, 2007).
Mining cost in 2007: 48.5 US¢ per kg (2006), 73.0 US¢ per kg (2007) (Codelco, 2007).
Employees: 8,420 as of 31st 2007 (Codelco, 2007).
Pre-tax profits: US$ 9.215 billion (2006), US$ 8,451 billion (2007) (Codelco, 2007).