Role of HR in Bpo

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Chapter 1

Human Resource Management (HRM) is a relatively new approach to managing people in any
organisation. People are considered the key resource in this approach. it is concerned with the people
dimension in management of an organisation. Since an organisation is a body of people, their
acquisition, development of skills, motivation for higher levels of attainments, as well as ensuring
maintenance of their level of commitment are all significant activities. These activities fall in the domain
of HRM. Human Resource Management is a process, which consists of four main activities, namely,
acquisition, development, motivation, as well as maintenance of human resources. Scott, Clothier and
Spriegel have defined Human Resource Management as that branch of management which is
responsible on a staff basis for concentrating on those aspects of operations which are primarily
concerned with the relationship of management to employees and employees to employees and with
the development of the individual and the group. Human Resource Management is responsible for
maintaining good human relations in the organization. It is also concerned with development of
individuals and achieving integration of goals of the organization and those of the individuals. North cott
considers human resource management as an extension of general management, that of prompting and
stimulating every employee to make his fullest contribution to the purpose of a business. Human
resource management is not something that could be separated from the basic managerial function. It is
a major component of the broader managerial function. French Well dell, defines ―Human resource
management as the recruitment, selection, development, utilization, compensation and motivation of
human resources by the organization‖. According to Edwin B. Fllipo, ―Human resource management is
the planning, organizing, directing and controlling of the procurement, development, resources to the
end that individual and societal objectives are accomplished‖. This definition reveals that human
resource (HR) management is that aspect of management, which deals with the planning, organizing,
directing and controlling the personnel functions of the enterprise.

Human resource planning is a double-edged weapon. If used properly, it leads to the maximum
utilisation of human resources, reduces excessive labour turnover and high absenteeism; improves
productivity and aids in achieving the objectives of an organisation. Faultily used, it leads to disruption in
the flow of work, lower production, less job satisfaction, high cost of production and constant
headaches for the management personnel. Therefore, for the success of an enterprise, human resource
planning is a very important function, which can be neglected only at its own peril.

Need for providing a refreshing environment.

Greater responsibilty for the human resource department.

Scope of their duties widened


Human Resource Management has a place of great importance. According to Peter F. Drucker,
―The proper or improper use of the different factors of production depend on the wishes of the
human resources. Hence, besides other resources human resources need more development.
Human resources can increase cooperation but it needs proper and efficient management to guide
1. It helps management in the preparation adoption and continuing evolution of personnel
programmes and policies. 8
2. It supplies skilled workers through scientific selection process.
3. It ensures maximum benefit out of the expenditure on training and development and appreciates
the human assets.
4. It prepares workers according to the changing needs of industry and environment.
5. It motivates workers and upgrades them so as to enable them to accomplish the organisation
6. Through innovation and experimentation in the fields of personnel, it helps in reducing casts and
helps in increasing productivity.
7. It contributes a lot in restoring the industrial harmony and healthy employer-employee relations.
8. It establishes mechanism for the administration of personnel services that are delegated to the
personnel department.

Human Resource Management is concerned with the managing people as an organizational

resources rather than as factors of production. It involves a system to be followed in business firm to
recruit, select, hire, train and develop human assets. It is concerned with the people dimension of an
organization. The attainment of organizational objectives depends, to a great extent, on the way in
which people are recruited, developed and utilized by the management. Therefore, proper
coordination of human efforts and effective utilisation of human and others material resources is
According to Scott, Clothier and Spriegal, ―The objectives of Human Resource Management, in an
organisation, is to obtain maximum individual development, desirable working relationships between
employers and employees and employees and employees, and to affect the moulding of human
resources as contrasted with physical resources‖.

The basic objective of human resource management is to contribute to the realisation of the
organisational goals. However, the specific objectives of human resource management are as follows :

To ensure effective utilisation of human resources, all other organisational resources will be efficiently
utilised by the human resources.

(i) To ensure effective utilisation of human resources, all other organisational resources will be
efficiently utilised by the human resources.
(ii) To establish and maintain an adequate organisational structure of relationship among all the
members of an organisation by dividing of organisation tasks into functions, positions and
jobs, and by defining clearly the responsibility, accountability, authority for each job and its
relation with other jobs in the organisation.
(iii) To generate maximum development of human resources within the organisation by offering
opportunities for advancement to employees through training and education
(iv) To ensure respect for human beings by providing various services and welfare facilities to
the personnel.
(v) To ensure reconciliation of individual/group goals with those of the organisation in such a
manner that the personnel feel a sense of commitment and loyalty towards it
(vi) To identify and satisfy the needs of individuals by offering various monetary and non-
monetary rewards.


The emergence of human resource management can be attributed to the writings of the human
relationists who attached great significance to the human factor. Lawrence Appley remarked,
―Management is personnel administration‖. This view is partially true as management is concerned
with the efficient and effective use of both human as well as non-human resources. Thus human
resource management is only a part of the management process. At the same time, it must be
recognised that human resource management is inherent in the process of management. This function
is performed by all the managers. A manager to get the best of his people, must undertake the basic
responsibility of selecting people who will work under him and to help develop, motivate and guide
them. However, he can take the help of the specialised services of the personnel department in
discharging this responsibility.
The nature of the human resource management has been highlighted in its following features :

1. Inherent Part of Management : Human resource management is inherent in the process of

management. This function is performed by all the managers throughout the organisation rather
that by the personnel department only. If a manager is to get the best of his people, he must
undertake the basic responsibility of selecting people who will work under him.
2. Pervasive Function : Human Resource Management is a pervasive function of management. It is
performed by all managers at various levels in the organisation. It is not a responsibility that a
manager can leave completely to someone else. However, he may secure advice and help in
managing people from experts who have special competence in personnel management and
industrial relations.
3. Basic to all Functional Areas : Human Resource Management permeates all the functional area
of management such as production management, financial management, and marketing
management. That is every manager from top to bottom, working in any department has to
perform the personnel functions.
4. People Centered : Human Resource Management is people centered and is relevant in all types
of organisations. It is concerned with all categories of personnel from top to the bottom of the
organisation. The broad classification of personnel in an industrial enterprise may be as follows :
(i) Blue-collar workers (i.e. those working on machines and engaged in loading, unloading etc.)
and white-collar workers (i.e. clerical employees), (ii) Managerial and non-managerial personnel,
(iii) Professionals (such as Chartered Accountant, Company Secretary, Lawyer, etc.) and
nonprofessional personnel.
5. Continuous Process : Human Resource Management is not a ‗one shot‘ function. It must be
performed continuously if the organisational objectives are to be achieved smoothly.

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