Ason and Gmpls - The Battle of The Optical Control Plane
Ason and Gmpls - The Battle of The Optical Control Plane
Ason and Gmpls - The Battle of The Optical Control Plane
August 2002
Nic Larkin
MPLS Architect at Data Connection Ltd.
[email protected]
• They will specify a minimum set of features that all conforming devices will
need to support.
These benefits will reduce the cost of deploying and operating optical networks for the
consumers of optical switches: the operators and service providers. At least, that’s the
At the time of writing, multi-vendor automated optical networks have not been deployed.
However, single-vendor optical networks have been deployed, whether controlled by
centralized management systems, or partially distributed. Distribution is achieved either
using proprietary signaling and routing protocols or, in some cases, early versions of the
standards. The timing and completeness of standards has a crucial impact on the
industry, because they will impact an operator’s business case for upgrading their
existing networks and deploying next-generation switching technology.
The work to define the standards for the optical control plane is being done independently
by two standards bodies
• the Internet Engineering Task Force (or IETF), which is developing Generalized
Multi-Protocol Label Switching (or GMPLS).
This paper discusses their interactions, and the challenges that these groups will need to
overcome in order for the industry to end up with an effective and implementable set of
The third group discussed in this paper is the Optical Internetworking Forum, or OIF,
which blends together some of the work of both the IETF and ITU.
This paper is aimed at those who are unfamiliar with this standards work, or who are
strongly affiliated to one body and are interested in an overview of the others.
The websites of the IETF, ITU and OIF can be found at, and respectively.
Thus ASON and GMPLS should not be competitors, but instead should be
complementary pieces of work. The desired outcome for both standards bodies is for
ASON simply to reference the various protocol specifications in the GMPLS suite. Not
only that, but processes have been created to ensure that the two bodies work well
together. Liaisons are in place between the two, and each recognizes and values the work
of the other. Plenty of individuals and companies are committed to ensuring that the two
organizations are in sync.
The problem is that the devil is in the details. Although, in the ideal world, the
relationship would be smooth, there are in fact a number of significant challenges for the
two standards bodies to overcome, arising from a mixture of technical, cultural and
“political” differences.
The next few sections describe these areas of conflict, comparing and contrasting the
approaches of the two standards bodies. In each case, the intention is not to advocate one
side or the other, but rather to present a balanced discussion of each.
Within the IETF, the MPLS protocol development was carried out by the MPLS Working
Group. As GMPLS appeared on the scene, the CCAMP Working Group (for “Common
Control and Management Plane”) was created to provide it with a home.
3.1.2 Philosophy
CCAMP’s charter is to define a set of protocols that will allow implementation of a wide
range of interoperable electrical and optical switches. As well as the protocols
themselves, the group provides informational architecture documents describing how the
tools in this protocol “kitbag" are used together, and this architecture is described in such
a way as to provide a large amount of flexibility to implementers.
The IETF is, in general, fast on its feet with respect to getting new ideas “out there” as
protocols. GMPLS is no exception, and as a result has already been implemented on a
number of different vendors’ devices. Reflecting the priorities of its supporters, GMPLS
is strongly focused on delivering features that are needed now.
The term “GMPLS” is colloquially used to refer to a set of protocols that, when
complete, will work together to provide interoperable end-to-end provisioning of optical
(as well as other) networks.
The protocols are as follows, although they do not all have the same level of take-up.
• LMP and LMP-WDM for assorted link management and discovery functions.
RSVP-TE and CR-LDP are alternative protocols that effectively do the same thing.
These rivals were inherited from MPLS-TE, where due to conflicting business interests
of their employers, IETF members failed to agree on a single signaling protocol, to the
dismay of much of the industry. (For a politically-neutral technical comparison between
the two protocols, see our white paper “MPLS Traffic Engineering: A Choice of
Signaling Protocols”.)
As of July 2002, the MPLS Working Group, which originally developed CR-LDP, began
to discuss whether work on that protocol should be suspended, due to the fact that a far
larger number of companies were interested in implementing RSVP-TE. Whatever
consensus is reached here is likely to ripple through to generalized CR-LDP too.
The ISIS and OSPF TE extensions are also functionally equivalent. Here, however, there
are strong historical (as opposed to political) reasons for keeping both protocols, namely
that the non-TE versions are both already widely deployed in data networks.
Inter-area optical routing has not been defined in detail at the time of writing, and the
IETF is considering a number of options.
ASON was developed by Study Group 15 of the ITU-T, the ITU’s telecoms
standardization sector.
The work was initiated in response to a demand from ITU members to create a complete
definition of the operation of automatically switched transport networks, management,
control, data plane and all.
As with most ITU projects, ASON was (and continues to be) developed in a top-down
fashion, starting with a full and explicit list of requirements, moving on to high-level
architecture and then individual component architecture. Only when component
architecture is defined in detail are protocols held up to the architecture to see if they fit.
Any protocol that fits the requirements of the component architecture can potentially get
the ASON “stamp of approval”.
3.2.2 Philosophy
Unlike in the IETF, where the optical control plane standards evolved out of a set of
existing protocols, the ITU sat down to design the architecture from scratch. And
whereas GMPLS was developed in a community strongly associated with IP-based data
networks, ITU members primarily come from a telecoms background. Thus, while
GMPLS inherits IP concepts and protocols, ASON draws on concepts from protocols
used heavily in telecoms transport networks, such as SONET/SDH, SS7 and ATM.
Various protocols have been held up to the ASON architecture to see how well they fit,
and alongside the core ASON specifications, ITU is also working on defining protocol
profiles that will be ASON-compliant.
So, when it comes to selecting ASON-compliant protocols, the ITU currently suffers
from the same curse as the IETF, except on a greater scale—too many signaling protocols
all meant to do the same thing. As with the IETF, this is for perfectly healthy
commercial reasons. Members have vested interests and loyalties to particular
technologies, and it is a fact of life that a company with a significant investment or belief
in one technology is not going to withdraw their support for that technology. At least, not
without a fight.
The mission of the OIF is to accelerate the uptake of optical networking technology, and
therefore the two key outputs of its work are published implementation agreements, and
interoperability demonstrations showing those agreements in action.
On the one hand, the OIF is in a unique position to stage the debate between the ASON
and GMPLS protagonists, as it provides a forum where they are forced to explain their
terminology and arguments to the other side. On the other, there are strong forces pulling
it in different directions, and not all participants end up happy with the outcome.
The main output of the OIF’s control plane work so far is the “User Network Interface
1.0 Signaling Specification” (OIF implementation agreement OIF-UNI-01.0), a fusion of
high priority ASON requirements with a profile of various GMPLS protocols (RSVP-TE,
CR-LDP and LMP). The OIF conducted a successful interoperability demonstration of
an interim version of this specification based on RSVP-TE at SuperComm 2001.
The full 1.0 version, which is fairly close to the interim version (but not as close as
anticipated), has not yet been publicly interop tested, though such testing is happening in
private. The specification is still in early stages of deployment, partly because vendors
have only recently begun to add UNI 1.0 capability to their devices and partly because of
differing views over its priority.
The OIF is also working on a second version of the UNI specification that adds new
features requested by its carrier members, and an E-NNI implementation agreement.
(The UNI and E-NNI concepts are both discussed later in the paper.)
This process can result in temporary windows where there are duplicate protocol features,
features that are inconsistent in design, or features being used in ways that they weren’t
designed for. The IETF tackles this by creating architecture and framework documents
that look at the big picture. The process of natural selection combined with review is
effective at paring down the number of features and improving the specifications.
Few GMPLS drafts contain full FSM (finite state machine) descriptions for their
protocols, rigid descriptions of all the possible types of errors and how they are handled,
or abstract models showing information flows between components in the network. Any
important omissions are expected to be found in review or in interoperability testing, and
corrected. Again, a Darwinistic approach ensures that specifications evolve in such a
way that they will serve the community well. (Consistent with evolution, connoisseurs of
GMPLS RSVP-TE will recognize that the RSVP protocol certainly comes with its fair
share of vestigial tails and appendices.)
For a purist ITU-er, the whole process can appear as over-hasty—how does the IETF
know that the protocols will work if there is nowhere that defines the function of the
network? And what hope do implementers have, if a protocol specification doesn’t have
a complete explanation of what it means for an implementation to conform to it?
Others would argue that without this fast-moving pragmatic approach, the Internet itself
might not have been so successful.
A key difference between the ITU and the IETF is that the ITU avoids the iterative, “suck
it and see” approach of implementing and deploying a feature before standardizing it.
Instead, they perfect the standard so as to minimize problems during deployment.
Unlike in the IETF, there is no natural selection to act as a brake to feature creep, just the
judgment of the people creating the specification. However, this holistic (if you like,
Creationist) approach means that the ITU specs convey a clear and consistent vision
earlier in their development cycles than the IETF.
To a hardline IETF-er, the ITU may appear to operate in an ivory tower, creating a
perfect architecture that could never get implemented. One thing that particularly
inflames the CCAMP mailing list is when ITU-ers criticize an Internet Draft for missing
a requirement that is perceived as not fully defined or low priority in the IETF, and as a
result, delay its progress along the path to standardization. This has been resolved for the
signaling protocols by starting a “GMPLS for ASON” Internet Draft (currently known as
draft-lin-ccamp-gmpls-ason-rsvpte-00) that resides alongside but independently of the
main GMPLS drafts. However, at the time of writing, similar struggles (and very heated
ones) are underway related to LMP and its discovery function.
Large incumbent network operators are likely to view ASON favorably, as in times of
economic slowdown, there is little to be gained, and much to be lost, from spending
money on building new networks, so why not invest in research that will make those
networks better when the climate is right? ASON’s strong focus on maintaining
compatibility with existing transport network protocols and providing a smooth upgrade
path is also essential reassurance for operators with large centralized or proprietary
optical networks.
Similarly, equipment vendors who did not get caught up in the GMPLS “gold rush” at the
turn of the millennium and whose target market is the large operators are also likely to
support ASON.
Both types of companies provided the drive in the IETF for rapid development of
signaling and routing protocols suitable for optical switching. Many of the GMPLS
protocol features were proposed to address specific needs of vendors or operators and
those requirements were often identified during deployment.
The customers of both types of vendor are interested in standards as they provide the
promise of future interoperability. This is an important safety net because it means that
operators are not “locked into” a particular supplier and can shop around when expanding
their network.
The common mantra is "keep it simple". They believe in an incremental solution rather
than trying to build a Ferrari before building a Ford Model T. Or that is the way they
would like to see it anyway.
It is news to no-one that many start-ups fell by the wayside in the recent economic
slowdown, but that does not change the fundamental rationale behind this business
model, namely to get new technology deployed as soon as possible, and to keep at the
front of the standardization game.
All the nodes and links that constitute the GMPLS network share the same IP address
space and information is shared freely between nodes. In other words, GMPLS implies a
trusted environment.
When full data plane interoperability is achieved, any of the network elements in the
cloud may be swapped for a different vendor’s network element. Until then, GMPLS can
be used to interface between groups of network elements from different vendors.
ASON views the network as composed of domains which interact with other domains in
a standardized way, but whose internal operation is protocol-independent and not subject
to standardization. The interface between such domains is known as the exterior node-to-
node interface, or E-NNI. E-NNIs can also be usefully classified into “intra-operator”
and “inter-operator”.
The I-NNI (interior NNI) is the vendor-specific, proprietary interface used within a
single-vendor domain.
The conception of the network is also extended more widely than in GMPLS, to allow
users to participate in the automated control plane. Here, the “user” is an endpoint device
that requests the services of the transport network rather than provides them. In ASON,
users can request connection services dynamically over a user-network interface, or UNI.
In GMPLS, the closest thing to an ASON user is simply a GMPLS edge node, but this is
not an exact mapping of the ASON concept.
The ASON way of looking at the network is not all that different from the GMPLS
picture, once you
• relax the definition of a GMPLS “node” so that it does not always correspond to
a single network element, but can instead be a group of network elements, or a
proxy operating on their behalf
• redraw the boundaries of the network clouds to illustrate UNI, I-NNI and E-NNI
Inter-operator Operator 2
E-NNI Network
ATM Operator
1 Network
Intra-operator Inter-operator
ASON Interface
Figure 2 – simple ASON network showing UNI and E-NNI reference points
The UNI, E-NNI and I-NNI are known as “reference points”, and the UNI and E-NNI
indicate the locations in the network where standardized protocols will need to be used.
Each reference point has different requirements on the degree of information hiding that
occurs at that reference point.
• The UNI is an untrusted reference point, and hides all routing and addressing
information pertaining to the interior of the network from the user. ASON is
very clear on the fact that users should belong to a different address space from
internal network nodes, and this means that when GMPLS is mapped onto the
ASON UNI reference point, the usual IP address cannot represent a user.
• The I-NNI is a trusted reference point. Full routing information can be flooded.
First, new addresses need to be assigned to users of the network in order to maintain
complete separation of the user and the network addressing spaces. This is a security
requirement of the operators who are supporting ASON. Next, because no routing
information is allowed to flow across the UNI, the user cannot calculate suitable routes
itself. Instead, it must pass its requirements across to its neighbor in the network.
Finally, the user needs to have an expectation of what requirements the network can
actually satisfy in advance, which creates the need for a start-of-day service discovery
The initial work to define the UNI profile of GMPLS has been done by the OIF in the
UNI 1.0 specification mentioned earlier. This involves creating a profile of the two
GMPLS signaling protocols that satisfies the signaling requirements above, and also
enhancing the LMP protocol to include service discovery. The ITU has both influenced
and drawn heavily on the OIF work in this area.
Another gap between the ASON architecture and the current GMPLS protocol definition
is the ASON requirement to allow call setup signaling, as distinct from connection setup.
An ASON “call” is an association between two user endpoints. The concept of a call,
which is inherited from telephony protocols, is problematic to map onto GMPLS because
• GMPLS does not have “users” in the ASON sense of the term
There are proposals on the table to extend GMPLS signaling to include ASON call setup,
which will give the ITU-ers the support they need, but are likely to meet resistance from
pure GMPLS vendors who perceive them as unnecessary.
Moving onto routing, it is clear from the above that an ASON network will have a
requirement to flood user address reachability that will not be supported by unmodified
GMPLS routing protocols. Apart from that, to a casual observer, it might look as if
trusted E-NNI routing requirements can be met by intra-area protocols such as OSPF-TE,
and semi-trusted E-NNI routing requirements can be met by an inter-area protocol such
as BGP.
This would certainly be a fairytale ending for the IETF, as it would prove that they were
right all along, and ASON was finally getting around to concluding the same thing.
However, this is to miss the most fundamental technical differences between the two
groups, which relate to
• hierarchical routing.
This is best understood with a diagram (where the “MUX” depicts the adaptation and
termination functions that allow traffic from a higher layer to be multiplexed over a lower
layer n links
logical layer n links
layer n -1 links
layer n -1 switch
Figure 3 – layering
Thus, connection setup and teardown operations at layer n-1 are used to modify the
network topology at layer n.
This allows and requires each layer of the network to be treated separately. “Treated
separately” means that for each layer, there is a layer-specific instance of the signaling,
routing and discovery protocols running.
(Note that with hierarchical routing, there are actually several instances of the routing
protocol operating within a single layer: one instance for each routing hierarchy level.
Routing controllers may maintain and advertise a separate topology for each switching
layer in the network. Then, at a given layer, they may also structure that topology
information into more or less abstract levels prior to distributing it. Hierarchical routing
is discussed in more detail in the next section.)
The differences between the ITU and IETF here can be partly attributed to the fact that
IETF routing protocols have only traditionally been required to deal with a single layer—
the IP layer, whereas the ITU has defined a number of layered transport plane
technologies and the terminology to go with them.
The ITU see this strict requirement on routing layering as crucial to allowing scalable
administration of large networks, as it allows each layer to operate independently of any
other layer. Adding more layers does not increase the complexity of route calculations or
information flooding within a particular layer, only the entity that arbitrates between the
layers at each node. ITU-ers see the IETF solution as a “munge” of layers, forcing the
inter-layer complexity to be resolved either by human operators or by route computation
algorithms, neither of which come cheap in their different ways.
By contrast, many in the IETF see this requirement as over-engineered and actually
unscalable. Each new layer adds many logical adjacencies and links compared to the
“munge” solution (for want of a better word), creating the specter of bloated memory
requirements for network elements and greatly increased traffic in the control network.
Furthermore, each link and node at each layer requires its own unique identifier, so there
is a need for a large address space capable of accommodating multiple layers.
While there is a significant conceptual mismatch here, there are ways that the GMPLS
routing protocols can be used in a strictly layered application like ASON. There are two
broad options.
• Find a way to multiplex information about multiple switching layers over a single
instance of the routing protocol using the existing support for multiple switching
types, and then separate it out again prior to constructing the routing database at
each routing controller entity.
As indicated above, finding an addressing scheme that allows clean isolation of layers
could be the biggest sticking point here.
It should also be noted that the functions fulfilled by LMP do not map exactly onto the
ITU conception of discovery as described in G.7714, and there is a heated debate
currently underway in CCAMP about whether LMP should be enhanced to include
technology-specific fully automated discovery. Some in the ITU also feel that control
channel management does not belong in the same protocol as LMP’s other functions of
fault localization and link property correlation.
The outcome of this debate could either be that additional extensions are included in the
IETF LMP draft, or (probably more likely) that the required extensions will be
progressed independently, whether in the IETF, OIF or ITU. The OIF has already
developed SONET/SDH neighbor discovery extensions to LMP as part of UNI 1.0.
In order to scale networks that use distributed routing beyond a certain size, it is
necessary to reduce the amount of information being flooded. First, the network is
administratively partitioned into routing areas. Then, routing databases are populated
with more detailed information about the local routing area, and less detailed information
about remote routing areas. Routing areas can themselves be partitioned recursively,
creating a hierarchy of routing information that varies in its level of summarization. A
routing protocol instance runs at each level of this hierarchy.
• BGP floods path vector information rather than link state information. In order
words, it advertises routes to destinations, not network topology. Where multiple
destinations are reachable via the same route, they are aggregated, so that only
one route is advertised. When a single destination is reachable via multiple
routes, the least costly route is retained and the others are discarded. A link state
protocol such as OSPF or ISIS runs below BGP, creating a typically two- or
three-level routing hierarchy.
It goes without saying that BGP is pretty well field-hardened (if you downloaded
this white paper from our website, then you just used it).
PNNI is a proven, mature and highly scalable protocol, but its multi-hierarchy
routing features have not been widely deployed, especially in multi-vendor
The crucial difference between these two methods of routing abstraction is that it is not
possible to calculate routes using path vector information. This is for the simple reason
that the path vector information already is a pre-calculated route.
Here we come to the core of the problem with using path vector information for optical
networks. Whereas in IP routing it does not particularly matter which links a particular
packet traverses to get to its destination, in circuit-switched networks, an attempt to set up
a connection over the “wrong” set of links will either simply fail, or worse, could be an
extremely costly mistake for the network operator. For example, if the operator is going
to be penalized for any service interruptions, it had better be sure that its connections use
protected links.
Path vector protocols advertise pre-calculated routes. How can the initiator of an optical
connection be guaranteed to find a pre-calculated route satisfies the constraints of a
particular connection? The number of potential combinations of constraints is large,
meaning that it is highly complex to create a strategy for publishing several routes to the
same destination, each calculated using a different set of constraints.
The conclusion in the ITU is that path vector information will not be sufficient for large-
scale end-to-end optical network routing and that a fully hierarchical link state protocol is
required. The IETF seems divided on the subject, although consensus may be further off
because CCAMP’s multi-area research has up till now received much less attention than
the higher priority single-area work.
While it is a lot clearer how constrained path computation will work in a fully
hierarchical routing scheme, the complexity here lies in the process of abstracting and
summarizing a lower level in the hierarchy to present a meaningful and useful topology at
a higher level—there is skepticism from some in the IP community about whether this is
practicable at all and also about whether more than three levels of hierarchy are actually
Subsequently, the DDRP work was broken up into two strands: a protocol-independent
description of requirements and architecture; and two protocol-specific documents, one
based on OSPF and the other based on ISIS. When this work is complete, the OIF will
make a decision about which of the two DDRP flavors to adopt for its E-NNI
implementation agreement.
The protocol changes in each case are fairly minor. However, the decision to use a
DDRP is of major consequence, as any body that adopts DDRP is effectively giving up
on the IP routing model for optical network provisioning, and moving to a fully
hierarchical model.
OSPF-based DDRP was shot down in flames when it appeared in the OIF in early 2002.
People believed that it was too drastic, too soon and written without sufficient consensus
from the rest of the body. However, as of the July 2002 OIF meeting, the DDRP concept
returned with a vengeance, and the OIF agreed to hold a public interoperability
demonstration of an “interim” intra-operator E-NNI, including a limited form of OSPF-
based DDRP at OFC 2003. This is an important milestone, as it will show optical
vendors and operators beginning to get to grips with hierarchical optical routing, albeit in
a simplified network topology.
Following the precedent of the other OIF work, it seems likely that the ITU will adopt the
OIF’s DDRP work as the basis for ASON-compliant routing protocols (as specified in
G.7715). It is not nearly so clear whether or not the IETF will be dislodged from the
view that a three-level hierarchy is all that is required in the near future.
If you would like more details of the software function required for the OIF OFC demo,
please contact Data Connection ([email protected]).
Although this paper has depicted the ITU and IETF as warring parties by way of
illustrating their very different approaches and priorities, the real battle to be won is not
for control over the standardization process, but the battle for compromise and consensus
amid these pitfalls.
This process naturally gives rise to controversy and the occasional skirmish, but such a
lively debate is a healthy sign for the industry, provided it can, so to speak, balance the
yin of ASON with the yang of GMPLS. It is crucially important to the success of the
optical control plane that these debates result in constructive compromise between the
Our routing protocols are designed from the ground up to address next generation
networking issues such as massive Internet scalability, optical routing at multiple layers,
virtual routing, MPLS and TE/CSPF, and VPNs.
DC-PNNI is a scalable, best-of-breed signaling and routing protocol that can be easily
extended to support optical requirements.
All of the Data Connection protocol implementations are built with scalability,
distribution across multiple processors and fault tolerance architected in from the
beginning. We have developed extremely consistent development processes that result in
on-time delivery of highly robust and efficient software. This is backed up by an
exceptionally responsive and expert support service, staffed by engineers with direct
experience in developing the protocol solutions.
Nic Larkin was the senior architect for Data Connection’s UNI implementation. He has
contributed to several IETF, ITU and OIF documents, and plays a key role in product
architecture and standards-based development in Data Connection’s Network Protocols