Firewalld PDF
Firewalld PDF
Firewalld PDF
Firewalld HowTo
Patrick Ladd
Technical Account Manager,
Red Hat
[email protected]
What Is firewalld?
• Dynamic, modern control of system firewall functions
• Still iptables underneath
• Major features;
– Real time rule changes without interruption
– Zones to simplify and segregate configuration
– Separate network traffic & rules by interface and zone
– GUI that works
– System configs in /usr/lib/firewalld/*
– Custom configs in /etc/firewalld/*
– Daemon runs in user space
– Protocol independent: IPv4 & IPv6
Manages groups of rules
Dictate what traffic should be allowed
– Based on level of trust in connected network(s)
– Based on origin of packet
Network interfaces are assigned a zone
Default Pre-Defined Zones
● drop
Drop all incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic (do
not even respond with ICMP errors).
● block
Reject all incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic.
● dmz
Reject incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic or
matching the ssh pre-defined service.
● external
Reject incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic or
matching the ssh pre-defined service. Outgoing IPv4 traffic
forwarded through this zone is masqueraded to look like it
originated from the IPv4 address of the outgoing network
Default Pre-Defined Zones
● public
Reject incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic
or matching the ssh, or dhcpv6-client pre-defined
services. The default zone for newly-added network
● work
Reject incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic
or matching the ssh, ipp-client, ordhcpv6-client pre-
defined services.
Default Pre-Defined Zones
● internal
Reject incoming traffic unless related to outgoing traffic
or matching the ssh, mdns, ipp-client, samba-client, or
dhcpv6-client pre-defined services.
● home
Same as internal
● trusted
Allow all incoming traffic.
Turning on firewalld
$ sudo systemctl start firewalld.service
$ firewallcmd state
This indicates that our firewall is up and running with the default configuration.
Exploring Zones
We can see which zone is currently selected as the default by typing:
$ firewallcmd getdefaultzone
Since we haven't given firewalld any commands to deviate from the default zone, and none of our interfaces
are configured to bind to another zone, that zone will also be the only "active" zone (the zone that is
controlling the traffic for our interfaces). We can verify that by typing:
$ firewallcmd getactivezones
interfaces: eth0 eth1
Here, we can see that we have two network interfaces being controlled by the firewall (eth0 and eth1). They
are both currently being managed according to the rules defined for the public zone.
Examining Alternate Zones
Now we have a good idea about the configuration for the
default and active zone. We can find out information about
other zones as well.
$ firewallcmd getzones
block dmz drop external home internal
public trusted work
Examining Alternate Zones
We can see the specific configuration associated with a zone by including the --zone= parameter in our --list-all
$ firewallcmd zone=home listall
services: dhcpv6client ippclient mdns sambaclient ssh
masquerade: no
rich rules:
You can output all of the zone definitions by using the --list-all-zones option. You will probably want to pipe the output
into a pager for easier viewing:
$ firewallcmd listallzones | less
Changing Zones
You can transition an interface between zones during a session by
using the --zone= parameter in combination with the --change-
interface= parameter. As with all commands that modify the firewall,
you will need to use sudo.
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=home changeinterface=eth0
Checking Zones
$ firewallcmd getactivezones
interfaces: eth0
interfaces: eth1
If the firewall is completely restarted, the interface will revert to the default zone:
$ sudo systemctl restart firewalld.service
$ firewallcmd getactivezones
interfaces: eth0 eth1
Setting the Default Zone
If all of your interfaces can best be handled by a single zone, it's
probably easier to just select the best default zone and then use that for
your configuration.
$ sudo firewallcmd setdefaultzone=home
interfaces: eth0 eth1
Making Permanent Zone Changes
Modify the zone for the connection in network
– nmcli conn modify <iface> <zone>
Modify zone for the connection in firewalld
– firewall-cmd --zone=home --change-interface=eth0
Optional - restart the network and firewalld
– systemctl restart network.service
Making Changes Permanent
Any zone or rule change can be designated as either
permanent or immediate.
If a parameter is added or modified, by default, the
behavior of the currently running firewall is modified.
At the next boot, the old rules will be reverted.
Most firewall-cmd operations can take the permanent
flag to indicate that the non-ephemeral firewall should be
This will affect the rule set that is reloaded upon boot.
This separation means that you can test rules in your
active firewall instance and then reload if there are
Firewall Services
Services are sets of firewall rules to open ports associated with a particular
application or system service.
The easiest method is to add the services or ports you need to the zones you are
using. Again, you can get a list of the available services with the --get-services option:
$ firewallcmd getservices
RHSatellite6 amandaclient bacula baculaclient dhcp
dhcpv6 dhcpv6client dns ftp highavailability http https
imaps ipp ippclient ipsec kerberos kpasswd ldap ldaps
libvirt libvirttls mdns mountd mswbt mysql nfs ntp openvpn
pmcd pmproxy pmwebapi pmwebapis pop3s postgresql proxydhcp
radius rpcbind samba sambaclient smtp ssh telnet tftp
tftpclient transmissionclient vncserver wbemhttps
Firewall Service Definitions
Each service is defined by it's associated .xml file within the
/usr/lib/firewalld/services directory. For instance, the SSH service is defined like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf8"?>
<description>Secure Shell (SSH) is a protocol for logging into and
executing commands on remote machines. It provides secure encrypted
communications. If you plan on accessing your machine remotely via
SSH over a firewalled interface, enable this option. You need the
opensshserver package installed for this option to be
<port protocol="tcp" port="22"/>
You can create your own service definitions. The easiest way is to copy & edit an existing service
definition. The service you create will takdefinitioine the name of the .xml definition file.
Activating Services
You can enable a service for a zone using the addservice= parameter. The
operation will target the default zone or whatever zone is specified by the --zone=
For instance, if we are running a web server serving conventional HTTP traffic, we can
allow this traffic for interfaces in our "public" zone for this session by typing:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public addservice=http
You can leave out the --zone= if you wish to modify the default zone. We can verify the
operation was successful by using the --list-all or --list-services operations:
$ firewallcmd zone=public listservices
dhcpv6client http ssh
Activating Services... Permanently
Once you have tested that everything is working as it should, you will probably want
to modify the permanent firewall rules so that your service will still be available
after a reboot. We can make our "public" zone change permanent by typing:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public permanent add
You can verify that this was successful by adding the --permanent flag to the --list-
services operation. You need to be root for any permanent operations:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public permanent list
dhcpv6client http ssh
Individual Firewall Rules
If you do not wish to create a new service or modify an exisitng one, you can open up
individual ports in your firewall on an individual basis.
For instance, if our application runs on port 5000 and uses TCP, we could add this to
the "public" zone for this session using the addport= parameter. Protocols can
be either tcp or udp:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public addport=5000/tcp
We can verify that this was successful using the listports operation:
$ firewallcmd listports
Individual Firewall Rules cont'd.
It is also possible to specify a sequential range of ports by separating the beginning and ending port
in the range with a dash. For instance, if our application uses UDP ports 4990 to 4999, we could open
these up on "public" by typing:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public addport=49904999/udp
After testing, we would likely want to add these to the permanent firewall. You can do that by typing:
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public permanent addport=5000/tcp
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public permanent addport=4990
$ sudo firewallcmd zone=public permanent listports
49904999/udp 5000/tcp
Firewalld GUI
$ firewallcmd zone=public –querymasquerade
$ firewallcmd zone=public –addmasquerade
$ firewallcmd –zone=public –addforwardport=port=22:proto=tcp:toport=3753
Or address forwarding
$ firewallcmd zone=external –addforward
$ firewallcmd zone=external /