Srs On Online Pizza Delivery
Srs On Online Pizza Delivery
Srs On Online Pizza Delivery
The System features/ functional requirements have been divided into three main
Outlet user
ange password
Add, edit, delete Admin can add users, agents and outlet into the system & can
users, outlets edit their information & locations plus delete them from the
system as well.
View order Admin can view orders of any outlet in form of report.
View & action Admin can also view and take the actions against the agents/
complaints outlet about which the complaints lodge.
Sales report Admin can also view the sales of any or all outlets.
3. Non- functional requirements
The System Non-functional requirements have been divided into three main module:
Security and control
Software quality attributes
4. DFD diagrams
Order management
Pizza management
System user
Pizza cart management
Login management
System user
management Generate pizza report
Manage pizza details
Login to Check
Admin system roles of
Manage pizza coupon
Manage system admins Manage roles of users Manage user permission Manage report
1. Introduction:-
Domino’s Pizza delivery system is a web-based application which enables
customers to order their pizzas online for home delivery or pick up from the pizzeria.
There are a variety of food items available on this planet. Each country has its own kind
of dishes to offer. But if we pick a food item which is loved by all the people on this
planet, then pizza will be a clear winner in it. This SRS is made to briefly describe the
requirements of the project of online pizza ordering using speaking agents. It will tell us
about all the requirements for making this project. The project will be based on Web
Publishing System.
1.1 purpose :-
1.2 scope :-
The Order booking system is an online web application that permits new users to
place their orders online. Also the outlets agent had done the same job when a user
calls to them to place an order; the agents can also view complaints & edit orders.
The administration of the can add agents & outlets in system & can view sales
reports of an outlet.
1.3 Definition :-
SRS: Software Requirement Specifications
1.4 Objectives of Online Pizza Ordering System:-
The main objectives of this ordering system are:
1.4.1 Build your own pizza – This system will help customers in ordering custom
pizzas. So the customer will pick exactly the things which he/she wants in their
pizza. This will surely enhance the image of the pizzeria and customer satisfaction
will be more.
1.4.2 Online Payment- This system will give the option to the customer for online
payment. This will make pizza buying experience cash free.
1.4.3 Better Knowledge- This system will provide customer all the details of his
order before making the order. This confirmation will help customers to check the
items ordered with their prices.
1.4.4 Know Delivery Time- This system will show the time by which the order
will be delivered to the customer. For pick-ups, customers can fix the time by
which they will pick their order.
1.4.5 Reduce Paper Work- As most of the things will be performed online, it will
reduce the usage of paper for the pizzeria.
1.4.6 Improves Efficiency- This system will make things easier for staff as whole
ordering process is done by the customer only.
These were the objectives of the online pizza ordering System. Let us now get into
the details of the working of this ordering system.
-: Table of contents :-
1. Introduction …………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.1 Purpose ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..1
1.3 Definition…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….1
2. Functional Requirements………………………………………………………………………………..3
2.1 Agent module ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………3
3. Non-Functional Requirements………………………………………………………………………..4
3.1 Performance requirements ………………………………………………………………………………………..4
4. DFD diagram………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….5
4.3Second-level DFD……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..7