Selection Criteria NEW
Selection Criteria NEW
Selection Criteria NEW
Responding to selection criteria
Often when you are applying for a position in the My high quality written communication skills have
public sector or in education you will be expected been developed through:
to address a number of nominated selection
• Preparing research summaries, updates and
criteria. This method of assessing your application
reports for both technical and non-technical
is also being increasingly used in private sector
readers throughout my degree.
organisations and may be specifically requested
by any employer. • Drafting letters and promotional material
during my work as a volunteer for ______.
Application instructions do not always make clear
what is required or how you should present and • Editing and revising articles sent in to the
format your responses. If you are unsure, contact University magazine prior to publication.
the employer to clarify what their expectations are.
If no format is specified, it is usual to attach a Interpersonal skills have been developed to a high
separate document to your application, usually level through:
entitled ‘Responses to Selection Criteria’ or • Cooperating with and supervising my
‘Selection Criteria Addressed’. colleagues in part-time employment.
Depending on the number of selection criteria and • Approaching and talking to people about the
the length of your answers, this document may be voluntary cause I support and imparting
three pages or more. While there is no strict guide information to people with different levels of
to length, perhaps consider a third to half a page understanding.
for each response. This can be in full sentence
format or point form, with a combination of
methods often used. The examples below indicate Example 2 – Paragraph format response
some appropriate responses and what criteria
may look like. Criteria – Ability to work under pressure, meet
deadlines and work as part of a team in a
Example 1 – Point form response dynamic environment with limited supervision.
Criteria – Demonstrated high quality oral and “ My ability in these areas has been demonstrated
written communication and interpersonal by working in a fast food restaurant over the
skills. past two years and was rewarded with
My high quality oral communication skills have promotion to team leader. In this role there is
been demonstrated by: constant pressure to work quickly and efficiently
with a focus on satisfying customer demands.
• Consulting with members of my team at Food must be served to high hygiene standards
CSIRO, representing them at managers within a time-frame to both drive-through and in-
meetings and presenting their concerns and restaurant customers. In doing so, I oversaw
new ideas. and worked within a team of eight staff providing
• Presenting weekly talks on progress and support and encouragement and solving roster
challenges within my Honours project to problems. While there was a duty manager
audiences of between two and twenty peers present at all times, I worked autonomously,
and academic staff. requiring little supervision in my role. ”