Computer Application To Business-II

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Model Paper “Computer Application To Business-II”

For DBA-(Part-II)
Annual Examinations 2013 & Onward
Part-A Roll No. _______

Time: 30 Minutes Marks: 20

Note: This part is compulsory. It should be attempted on the question paper & returned to the
supervisory staff after prescribed time. Cutting, overwriting and use of lead pencil is not allowed.
Supervisory staff is requested to attach it with the answer book.

Q. No. 1 Choose the correct and encircle it. (20x1) = 20

1- There are ________ sheets in a workbook in MS-EXCEL.
a. 110 b. 223 c. 256 d. 265
2- There are __________ rows in a worksheet in MS-EXCEL.
a. 12 b. 65536 c. 256 d. 75000
3- To save a worksheet in MS-EXCEL.
a. click on file and then b. click save button c. Ctrl + S d. All
click on save
4- The address of a cell appears on:
a. Title Bar b. Cell Reference c. Workbook d. Status Bar
5- Operator used to insert formula in MS-EXCEL:
a. = b. @ c. $ d. %
6- Which is included in IF Function?
a. ( ) b. = IF c. Condition d. All
7- Command Sort is in the menu:
a. Insert b. Edit c. Data d. View
8- Which one is type for numbers?
a. Currency b. Border c. Shading d. Bold
9- Writing the data showing at angle of 90 degree is:
a. Mailing b. Orientation c. Protection d. Preview
10- Which is a type of chart?
a. Pie b. Column c. Line d. All of above
11- Which is not a Database Management System?
a. FoxPro b. Google c. Oracle d. MS-ACCESS
12- Most common type of database available is:
13- Each entity in database must have unique key field known as:
a. Candidate key b. Index c. Primary key d. Secondary key
14- Which data field type is not available in MS-ACCESS.
a. Memo b. Name c. Currency d. Text
15- Which one is created in database MS-ACCESS?
a. Films b. Documents c. Tables d. Worksheets
16- More than one table are connected through:
a. Reference b. Relationship c. Post script d. Membership
17- Which of the following object is used to present data.
a. Report b. Form c. Query d. Table
18- Mathematical and conditional functions in a query is:
a. Show b. Sort c. Picture d. Criteria
19- Database in MS-ACCESS appears on compute as
a. Hardware b. Hardcopy c. Softcopy d. Tool Bar
20- Not important in database:
a. Table b. Chair c. Form d. Report
Model Paper “Computer Application To Business-II”
Annual Examinations 2013 & Onward

Time: 02:30 Hours Marks: 80
Q. No 2

Write the short answers to any TWENTY FIVE (25) from the following questions. (25x2)=50

1- Define Worksheet.
2- How to open and close MS-EXCEL
3- What is a workbook?
4- Write short cuts for cut, copy and paste in MS-EXCEL.
5- Explain redo and undo in MS-EXCEL.
6- How to use autofill in MS-EXCEL?
7- What is cell reference?
8- How to merge cells in excel?
9- Describe = Now () function.
10- Describe = Concatenate ( ) function.
11- Explain the use of =sum function.
12- Exemplify the =IF function.
13- What is the sorting of data in MS-EXCEL.
14- Describe alignment of text in MS-EXCEL.
15- What is series in MS EXCEL.
16- What is Auto Filter?
17- Write the procedure to set the print area in MS-EXCEL.
18- Entity, giving example.
19- Write down types of data.
20- Define relationship.
21- Explain wild card
22- Define table in MS-ACCESS?
23- Define key field.
24- What is SQL?
25- Write about parts of Database System.
26- Define Query.
27- Write uses of report in database
28- What are different types of reports in MS Access?
29- What operators are used in query?
30- Define form.
31- Define electronic database.
32- Define relational database management system.
33- Define report.
34- Write the names of controls of form object.
35- Define DBA and its responsibilities.
36- Define Indexes why they are used.
37- What are macros?

Note: Attempt any THREE (3) questions. (3x10) = 30

Q. No 3: (a) Write a note on how to create a worksheet in MS-EXCEL.

(b) Write a note or charts in MS Excel also write the procedure to create and save a Pie

Q. No 4: (a) Write a detailed note on printing in MS-EXCEL.

(b) Explain what is formatting in MS-EXCEL.

Q. No 5: (a) Write a note on formula in MS-EXCEL.

(b) What is a function? Explain with examples.

Q. No 6: (a) Electronic Databases are more useful than Physical Databases. Explain.
(b) What are different data types used in MS-ACCESS? Give examples.

Q. No 7: (a) Differentiate between Forms and Reports.

(b) Describe different types of queries.


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