Computer Application To Business-II
Computer Application To Business-II
Computer Application To Business-II
For DBA-(Part-II)
Annual Examinations 2013 & Onward
Part-A Roll No. _______
Time: 30 Minutes Marks: 20
Note: This part is compulsory. It should be attempted on the question paper & returned to the
supervisory staff after prescribed time. Cutting, overwriting and use of lead pencil is not allowed.
Supervisory staff is requested to attach it with the answer book.
Time: 02:30 Hours Marks: 80
Q. No 2
Write the short answers to any TWENTY FIVE (25) from the following questions. (25x2)=50
1- Define Worksheet.
2- How to open and close MS-EXCEL
3- What is a workbook?
4- Write short cuts for cut, copy and paste in MS-EXCEL.
5- Explain redo and undo in MS-EXCEL.
6- How to use autofill in MS-EXCEL?
7- What is cell reference?
8- How to merge cells in excel?
9- Describe = Now () function.
10- Describe = Concatenate ( ) function.
11- Explain the use of =sum function.
12- Exemplify the =IF function.
13- What is the sorting of data in MS-EXCEL.
14- Describe alignment of text in MS-EXCEL.
15- What is series in MS EXCEL.
16- What is Auto Filter?
17- Write the procedure to set the print area in MS-EXCEL.
18- Entity, giving example.
19- Write down types of data.
20- Define relationship.
21- Explain wild card
22- Define table in MS-ACCESS?
23- Define key field.
24- What is SQL?
25- Write about parts of Database System.
26- Define Query.
27- Write uses of report in database
28- What are different types of reports in MS Access?
29- What operators are used in query?
30- Define form.
31- Define electronic database.
32- Define relational database management system.
33- Define report.
34- Write the names of controls of form object.
35- Define DBA and its responsibilities.
36- Define Indexes why they are used.
37- What are macros?
Q. No 6: (a) Electronic Databases are more useful than Physical Databases. Explain.
(b) What are different data types used in MS-ACCESS? Give examples.