2015 Shurjoint General Catalog v3
2015 Shurjoint General Catalog v3
2015 Shurjoint General Catalog v3
// APAC, Singapore
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Singapore 554911
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// APAC, India
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Tel: +91 22 6628 6628
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E-mail: [email protected]
Section 2
Cast & Wrought Grooved Fittings
Section 3
Stainless Steel Series
Section 4
Valves & Flow Control Components
Section 5
Threaded Fittings & Welding Outlets
Section 6
Ring Joint, Shouldered & Plain-End Couplings
Section 7
HDPE Series
Section 8
Copper Series
Section 9
AWWA Ductile Iron Series
Section 10
Technical Information
Mechanical Products
General Information
Foreword................................................................................................. 3
Ductile Iron - Housing Material ...................................................... 4
Bolts and Nuts ...................................................................................... 5
Rubber Gasket Compounds ............................................................ 6
Data Chart Notes ................................................................................. 8
Global Pipe Size Designations ....................................................... 9
Specifications, Standards, Codes and Organizations ........ 10
General Notes
1. Always read and understand all Shurjoint installation instructions before installing any
Shurjoint product.
2. Always depressurize and drain the piping system before attempting disassembly,
adjustment or removal of any piping components.
3. Designers must know and understand all relevant building and or piping standards, codes
and specifications. It is the responsibility of the designer to select and or specify the
appropriate product for the intended use and service.
4. Always refer to the maximum pressure rating and service temperature range allowed for
Shurjoint products and ensure that they are used within these parameters.
5. Special attention is required for selection of suitable gasket grades for the intended service
6. All information and data contained herein supersede all previous published data. Shurjoint
reserves the right to change product designs and or specifications without notice and or
obligation. Please refer to the Shurjoint web site for the latest information.
65-45-12 and or ASTM A395 Gr. 65-45-15. *Reference only as chemical requirements are not specified in ASTM A536.
Ductile iron was first invented in the U.S.A. and U.K. in the late 1940's. ASTM A395, Grade 65-45-15 (UNS F33100)
Superior strength was achieved by crystallizing graphite in the shape Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum
Carbon, % 3.0
of nodules. The result was ductile iron that had tensile and yield Silicon, % 2.5
strength properties that were equal to or greater than some steel Manganese, % Not specified
Phosphorus, % 0.08
castings. This superior strength combined with ductile irons excellent Sulfur, % Not specified
castability helped to reduce the weight and cost of many components. Magnesium, % Not specified
Chromium, % Not specified
Because of these advantages and benefits, many components have Physical Properties
been converted from gray iron, malleable iron and steel castings to Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 65,000 (448) ---
Yield strength, psi (MPa) 45,000 (310) ---
ductile iron over the past 60 years. Please visit the Ductile Iron Society Elongation, % 15 ---
website; www.ductile.org, for further information.
Sand supply unit
Disamatic Molding Line
Max. 360 molds per hour
Pattern plate
change unit
Automatic core
Disamatic mold-
ing operation
Microstructure check
Molten metal
International ductile iron specifications equivalent to pour
ASTM A536 Gr. 65-45-12 and or ASTM A395 Gr. 65-45-15 are;
ASTM A449, Quenched and Tempered Steel Bolts* ASTM A193, Grade B8M (Type 316) Stainless Steel Bolts
Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum
Carbon, % 0.28 0.55 Carbon, % 0.08
Manganese, % 0.60 Manganese, % 2.00
Phosphorus, % 0.040 Phosphorus, % 0.045
Sulfur, % 0.050 Sulfur, % 0.030
Physical Properties Silicon 1.00
Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 120,000 (825) - Chromium, % 16.00 18.00
Nickel, % 10.00 14.00
Yield strength, psi (MPa) 92,000 (635) -
Molybdenum 2.00 3.00
Elongation, % 14 -
Physical Properties
*Equivalent to property class 8.8 bolts per ISO 898. Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 75,000 (515) -
Yield strength, psi (MPa) 30,000 (205) -
Elongation, % 30 -
ASTM A183, Grade 2 Carbon Steel Track Bolts
Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum
Carbon, % 0.30 Silicon Bronze Nuts
Phosphorus, % 0.05 ASTM B98 Alloy B Copper-Silicon Alloy (UNS No. C65100)
Sulfur, % 0.06
Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum
Physical Properties
Copper, % 96.0
Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 110,000 (760) ---
Lead, % 0.05
Yield strength, psi (MPa) 80,000 (550) ---
Iron, % 0.8
Elongation, % 12 ---
Zinc, % 1.5
Magnesium, % 0.7
Silicon, % 0.8 2.0
ASTM A563, Grade B Carbon and Alloy Steel Heavy Hex Nuts
Physical Properties
Chemical Requirements (bolts) Minimum Maximum Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 55,000 (380)
Carbon, % 0.55 Yield strength, psi (MPa) 20,000 (140)
Phosphorus, % 0.12 Elongation, % 11 12
Sulfur, % 0.15
Physical Properties
Hardness, Rockwell B69 C32
Recommended Bolt Torque Range
Always use factory supplied bolts and nuts for assembly of
Stainless steel bolts and nuts Shurjoint couplings. Shown below are the general recommended
Stainless steel track bolts and nuts, type 304 or type 316, are torque ranges for common sizes of carbon steel bolts. Never exceed
supplied with Shurjoint stainless steel couplings. Track bolts and the recommended torque range by more than 25% as excessive
nuts are molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) coated to inhibit galling. As torque can lead to joint failure, personal injury and or property
an option, silicon bronze nuts are also available to further reduce the damage. Always depressurize and drain the piping system before
chance of galling. attempting disassembly, adjustment or removal of any piping
component. Follow installation instructions for proper assembly of all
ASTM A193, Grade B8 (Type 304) Stainless Steel Bolts
Shurjoint components. For questions contact Shurjoint.
Chemical Requirements Minimum Maximum
Carbon, % 0.08
Bolt Size Proper Torque Range
Manganese, % 2.00
mm in Nm Lbs-Ft
Phosphorus, % 0.045
M10 ⅜” 40-50 30-40
Sulfur, % 0.030
M12 ½” 120-150 90-110
Silicon 1.00
M16 ⅝” 140-180 100-130
Chromium, % 18.00 20.00
M20 ¾” 200-270 150-200
Nickel, % 8.00 10.50
M22 ⅞” 240-300 180-220
Physical Properties
M24 1” 270-340 200-250
Tensile strength, psi (MPa) 75,000 (515) --- - 1⅛” - 225-275
Yield strength, psi (MPa) 30,000 (205) ---
For stainless steel bolts, reduce by 20%
Elongation, % 30 ---
Note: EPDM materials used in domestic water applications with high levels of chlorine
and or chloramines should be subjected to resistance testing, as not all materials will be
suitable. EPDM materials with higher saturated ethylene content and lower carbon black
content are recommended for chloramine and chlorine resistance. Contact Shurjoint for
further information.
lower elastic characteristics and compression set. NBR displays poor services.
resistance to hot water and steam.
Shurjoint grade “T” NBR rubber is compounded based on ASTM Fluorocarbon (FKM) FKM is a
D2000 designation 5BG615A14B24Z and exceeds the requirements highly fluorinated carbon backboned compound
of AWWA C606. Grade “T” is a general purpose compound with and offers excellent resistance to harsh chemical
a medium ACN level. For fuels, especially those with a low aniline and ozone attack with a thermal stability to 300°F
point, such as premium or unleaded gasoline, ASTM referenced fuels (149°C). Shurjoint Grade "O" fluorocarbon gasket
Blue Stripe
B & C and naphtha, use Shurjoint grade “M2” Epichloro-Hydrin or is recommended for use with oils, gasoline,
grade “O” Flurocarbon. hydraulic fluids, hydrocarbon solvents and extended fuels that fall
outside the service parameters of grade T / NBR compounds. Not
recommended for steam services.
AWWA C606 Shurjoint
5BG615A14B24Z Standard
Basic Requirements Epichloro-Hydrin (ECO)
Hardness, Durometer A, point 60±7 60±5
Tensile strength, psi, min. 1500 psi (10.34 MPa) 1500 psi (10.34 MPa)
Shurjoint Grade "M2" compound offers good to
Elongation, %, min. 300 % 300 % excellent resistance to aliphatic hydrocarbon and
When heat aged at 212°F (100°C)
for 70 hours aromatic hydrocarbon fuels at low temperatures,
Change in Durometer hardness, max. +10 point ±10 points LP gases & fuels, mineral oils and many solvents.
Change in tensile strength, max. -25% -20%
Change in ultimate elongation, max. -30% -30% ECO offers limited resistance to many organic White Stripe
Compression Set, Method B, max. 25% 25% chemicals.
Use Shurjoint Grade "A" white Nitrile gaskets for Halogenated Butyl (CIIR)
oily and greasy food products and processing, Shurjoint Grade "M" CIIR is specially compounded
as well as pharmaceutical and cosmetics for use with AWWA ductile iron pipe for water
manufacturing. The Grade "A" is compounded services, mild dilute acids, oil-free air and many
from FDA approved ingredients (CFR Title 21 Part chemicals. The compound is UL classified for
White Gasket
177.2600). potable water use per NSF/ANSI 61 and NSF/ANSI Brown Stripe
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Angular Movement Dimensions Bolt Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displacement Degree Per Size Torque Weight
Pressure (CWP) Load (CWP) Coupling A B C
in in PSI Lbs in ft / in in in in Lbs-Ft Lbs
(°) in
mm mm Bar kN in / mm mm / m mm mm mm Nm Kgs
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
1. Nominal Size: Shurjoint couplings and fittings are identified by 5. Axial Displacement: Designed range of the gap between pipe
the nominal IPS pipe size in inches or nominal diameter of pipe ends based on roll grooved pipe.
(DN) in millimeters. Refer to the chart on the next page which
shows a comparison between typical metric and IPS pipe sizes 6. Angular Movement (Deflection): Allowable Axial Displacement
and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved
2. Pipe O.D.: Actual outside diameter of pipe in inches and standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double
millimeters. that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for design
and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by:
3. Maximum Working Pressure (CWP): Maximum working 50% for ¾”/DN20 – 3½”/DN90; 25% for 4”/DN100 and larger to
pressures listed are CWP (cold water pressure) or maximum compensate for jobsite conditions.
allowed working pressure within the service temperature range of
the gasket used in the coupling, based on standard wall or sch. 40 Maximum allowable deflection of pipe from centerline when the
steel pipe, cut or roll-grooved to ANSI/AWWA C606 (latest edition) joint is used with cut or roll-grooved steel pipe under no internal
specifications and tested to ASTM F1476. Burst test pressures pressure.
are minimum 3 times the maximum working pressures unless
otherwise specified. 7. Dimensions: "A", "B", "C" and so on are external dimensions for
These ratings may occasionally differ from maximum working reference purpose only in inches and millimeters.
pressures listed and/or approved by UL, ULC, and/or FM as testing
conditions and test pipes differ. For performance data on other 8. Bolt Size: UNC bolt size and length in inches and ISO metric
pipe schedules contact Shurjoint. bolt size and length in millimeters with numbers of bolts where
Note: For one time field test only the maximum joint working
pressure may be increased 1½ times the figures shown. 9. Bolt Torque: Recommended bolt fastening torque in Nm and Lbs-Ft.
4. Maximum End Load: Maximum end loads listed are total of 10. Weight: Weight of a coupling complete with gasket, bolts and
internal and external forces to which the joint can be subjected, nuts or of a fitting in kilograms and pounds.
based on standard wall or sch. 40 steel pipe, cut or roll-grooved to
ANSI/AWWA C606 (latest edition) specifications.
Shurjoint product data & technical data are identified by the The following chart shows a comparison between typical IPS size
nominal IPS pipe size in inches or nominal diameter of pipe (DN) in and metric (DIN) sizes.
Important Note:
Nominal designations are used where the actual O.D. of the pipe matches the ANSI size.
Otherwise both the nominal and actual O.D. are listed.
China sizes are listed as actual O.D. in mm.
** China sizes are tubing sizes.
American Water Works Association C606 FESC NYPA
(latest edition) Japan Fire Equipment Safety Center New York Power Authority
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
Power Piping, B31.1
Building Services Piping, B31.9 IAPMO R&T
Pressure Equipment Directory 97/23/EC
IAPMO Research and Testing, Inc.
American Society of Testing and Materials
Lloyd's Register Quality Assurance Underwriter's Laboratories, Inc. - UL213
F 1476-01 Couplings
ISO 9001:2008
F 1548-01 Fittings
F 1155 Shipbuilding
LPCB Underwriter's Laboratories of Canada
Loss Prevention Certification Board
CNBOP-PIB ISO 9001:2008
Scientific and Research Centre for Fire LPS-1219
Protection - National Research Institute
Technický a Skúýobný Ústav Stavebný, n. o.
CSA National Fire Protection Association NFPA 13
Canadian Standards Association B-242
VdS Schadenverhütung
DLEG NSF/ANSI 61 Drinking Water System
State of Michigan Board of Mechanical Rules Components - Health Effects
NSF/ANSI 372 Drinking Water System
Components - Lead Content
The Shurjoint grooved piping system is one of the Helpful Information to Ensure Proper
most advanced, versatile, economical and reliable
systems available today. After the pipe ends are
grooved a gasket is mounted over the pipe ends.
The coupling segments are then placed over the Some couplings and components require the housing bolt pads
gasket and the bolts and nuts are fastened resulting to make metal-to-metal contact for proper assembly, while others
in a secure and leak free joint. require a specific bolt torque while maintaining equal bolt pad gaps.
The icons and information below will help to identify those items to
A coupling can be installed 3 – 4 times faster than a comparable ensure proper assembly. Read and follow all installation instructions
welded or brazed joint and there is no need for a flame or welding for the component being installed.
torch on the job site. A grooved mechanical coupling can be installed
by fastening a pair of bolts and nuts while using only a wrench or
spanner, whereas a comparable flanged joint requires the fastening Metal-to-metal contact: Tighten bolts and nuts until bolt
of many bolts and nuts with a pair of wrenches. The grooved pads make metal-to-metal contact. After metal-to-metal contact
system allows for easy material take-offs and unlike a threaded is achieved, tighten nuts by another one quarter or one half turn
system, there is no need to allow for added pipe length for thread to make sure the bolts and nuts are snug and secure. No torque
engagement. With removal of just a few bolts one can easily access wrench is required. Excessive torque may lead to bolt or joint failure.
the system for cleaning, maintenance, changes and or system
No Gap
The Shurjoint Model Z05 is an angle-pad resists so-called ‘snaking’ of a long straight
design rigid coupling for moderate pressure run. Support and hanging requirements
piping services including fire mains, long correspond to ANSI B31.1, B31.9 and NFPA
straight runs and valve connections. The 13. The angle pad design allows for fast
angle-pad design allows the coupling With the removal of only one bolt you and easy swing-over installation with
housings to slide along the bolt pads when can make a fast and easy ‘swing-over’ the removal of a single bolt.
tightened. The result is an offset clamping installation.
action which provides a rigid joint which
The Shurjoint Model K-9 is a T&G (tongue straight runs. The built-in teeth and T&G
& groove) design rigid coupling for moderate mechanism firmly grasp the pipe ends No need to worry
about bolt pad
pressure applications where rigidity is to eliminate undesired flex. Support and
interference as the
required including valve connections, hanging requirements correspond to ANSI Model K-9 works
mechanical rooms, fire mains and long B31.1, B31.9 and NFPA 13. well with both
regular and short-
No radius elbows and
interference tees.
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displacement † Weight
Pressure (CWP)* Load (CWP) A B C No. Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
1¼ 1.660 750 1620 0 ~ 0.05 2.68 4.13 1.85 ⅜ x 2⅛ 1.6
32 42.2 52 7.27 0~1.2 68 105 47 M10 x 55 0.7
1½ 1.900 750 2120 0 ~ 0.05 2.91 4.53 1.85 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.0
40 48.3 52 9.52 0~1.2 74 115 47 M10 x 55 0.9
2 2.375 750 3320 0 ~ 0.07 3.39 4.69 1.88 ⅜ x 2¾ 2.4
50 60.3 52 14.84 0~1.7 86 119 48 M10 x 70 1.1
2½ 2.875 750 4860 0 ~ 0.07 3.94 5.50 1.88 ⅜ x 2¾ 2.4
65 73.0 52 21.75 0~1.7 100 140 48 M10 x 70 1.1
3.000 750 5290 0 ~ 0.07 4.00 5.75 1.88 ⅜ x 2¾ 2.4
76.1 mm 2
76.1 52 23.64 0~1.7 102 146 48 M10 x 70 1.1
3 3.500 750 7210 0 ~ 0.07 4.53 6.54 1.88 ½x3 3.1
80 88.9 52 32.26 0~1.7 115 166 48 M12 x 75 1.4
4 4.500 750 11920 0 ~ 0.16 5.78 8.11 2.13 ½x3 4.4
100 114.3 52 53.33 0~4.1 147 206 54 M12 x 75 2.0
5.500 750 17810 0 ~ 0.16 6.88 9.37 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 6.6
139.7 mm 2
139.7 52 79.66 0~4.1 175 238 53 M16 x 90 3.0
5 5.563 750 18220 0 ~ 0.16 6.97 9.45 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 6.6
125 141.3 52 81.50 0~4.1 177 240 53 M16 x 90 3.0
6.500 700 23210 0 ~ 0.16 7.87 10.47 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 7.5
165.1 mm 2
165.1 48 102.71 0~4.1 200 266 53 M16 x 90 3.4
6 6.625 700 24110 0 ~ 0.16 8.00 10.67 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 7.1
150 168.3 48 106.73 0~4.1 203 271 53 M16 x 90 3.2
8 8.625 600 35030 0 ~ 0.19 10.55 13.46 2.52 ¾ x 4¾ 15.7
200 219.1 42 158.27 0~4.8 268 342 64 M20 x 120 7.1
10 10.750 500 45350 0 ~ 0.13 12.86 15.60 2.56 ⅞ x 6½ 27.4
250 273.0 35 204.77 0~3.2 327 396 65 --- 10.4
12 12.750 400 51040 0 ~ 0.13 14.86 17.80 2.56 ⅞ x 6½ 26.0
300 323.9 28 230.59 0~3.2 377 452 65 --- 11.8
8.516 600 34150 0 ~ 0.13 10.39 13.35 2.50 ¾ x 4¾ 16.3
200 JIS 2
216.3 42 154.25 0~3.2 264 339 64 M20 x 120 7.4
10.528 500 43500 0 ~ 0.13 12.63 15.63 2.56 ⅞ x 6½ 23.1
250 JIS 2
267.4 35 196.45 0~3.2 321 397 65 --- 10.5
12.539 400 49360 0 ~ 0.13 14.65 17.80 2.56 ⅞ x 6½ 27.4
300 JIS 2
318.5 28 222.97 0~3.2 372 452 65 --- 12.4
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displacement † Weight
Pressure (CWP)* Load (CWP) A B C No. Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
14 14.000 250 38460 0 ~ 0.13 16.06 20.00 2.95 ⅞ x 5½ 35.3
350 355.6 17 168.75 0~3.2 408 508 75 --- 16.0
16 16.000 250 50240 0 ~ 0.13 18.39 22.05 2.95 ⅞ x 5½ 30.5
400 406.4 17 220.41 0~3.2 467 660 75 --- 17.9
18 18.000 250 63580 0 ~ 0.13 20.68 24.29 3.11 ⅞ x 5½ 40.1
450 457.2 17 278.95 0~3.2 525 617 79 --- 22.3
20 20.000 250 78500 0 ~ 0.13 22.93 27.99 3.00 1 x 5½ 57.8
500 508.0 17 344.39 0~3.2 582 711 76 --- 26.2
24 24.000 250 113040 0 ~ 0.13 27.05 30.55 3.06 1 x 5½ 70.8
600 609.6 17 495.92 0~3.2 687 776 78 --- 32.1
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displacement † Weight
Pressure (CWP)* Load (CWP) A B C No. Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 1000 4420 0 ~ 0.14 3.50 5.71 1.92 3.4
2 ⅝ x 2¾
50 60.3 69 19.98 0 ~ 3.6 90 145 49 1.6
2½ 2.875 1000 6480 0 ~ 0.14 4.02 6.61 1.92 3.8
2 ⅝ x 2¾
65 73.0 69 29.28 0 ~ 3.6 102 168 49 1.7
3 3.500 1000 9610 0 ~ 0.14 4.86 7.40 1.92 4.8
2 ⅝ x 2¾
80 88.9 69 43.43 0 ~ 3.6 123 188 49 2.2
4 4.500 1000 15890 0 ~ 0.25 6.09 8.74 2.10 8.4
2 ¾ x 4¾
100 114.3 69 71.79 0 ~ 6.4 155 222 53 3.8
6 6.625 1000 34450 0 ~ 0.25 8.58 11.61 2.25 17.6
2 ⅞ x 5⅛
150 168.3 69 155.65 0 ~ 6.4 218 295 57 8.0
8 8.625 800 46710 0 ~ 0.25 10.83 14.33 2.75 24.0
2 1 x 5½
200 219.1 55 207.26 0 ~ 6.4 275 364 70 10.9
10 10.750 800 72570 0 ~ 0.25 13.15 16.70 2.95 31.2
2 1 x 5½
250 273.0 55 321.78 0 ~ 6.4 334 424 75 14.2
12 12.750 800 102080 0 ~ 0.25 15.35 18.90 2.95 36.7
2 1 x 5½
300 323.9 55 452.95 0 ~ 6.4 390 480 75 16.7
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
Sizes 2” through 4” require a bolt torque of Sizes 6” through 12” are designed to make
60 – 70 Lbs-Ft (80 – 95 Nm). Normally you a metal-to-metal contact when properly
can see some gaps between the bolt pads. installed.
Bolt pad gaps should be equal on both sides
of the coupling.
Model 7705 can even accommodate an
arced or curved piping layout. See Typical
Applications - Flexible Couplings on page
Nominal Pipe Max. Working Max. Axial Angular Movement ‡† Dimensions Bolts
Size O. D. Pressure End Displacement † Degree Per Per Weight
(CWP)** Load (CWP) Coupling Pipe A B C No. Size
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm Kgs
¾* 1.050 1000 865 0.0625 0.71 2.13 3.74 1.81 ⅜ x 2⅛ 1.3
3° – 23’ 2
20 26.7 69 3.79 1.6 58 54 95 46 M10x55 0.6
1 1.315 1000 1360 0.0625 0.58 2.40 4.02 1.81 ⅜ x 2⅛ 1.7
2° – 45’ 2
25 33.4 69 6.15 1.6 48 61 102 46 M10x55 0.8
1¼ 1.660 1000 2160 0.0625 0.45 2.76 4.45 1.81 ½x3 2.1
2° – 10’ 2
32 42.2 69 9.64 1.6 38 70 113 46 M12x75 1.0
1½ 1.900 1000 2830 0.0625 0.40 3.00 4.57 1.81 ½ x 2⅜ 2.1
1° – 54’ 2
40 48.3 69 12.64 1.6 33 76 116 46 M12x60 1.0
2 2.375 1000 4430 0.0625 0.31 3.50 5.35 1.81 ½x3 2.6
1° – 31’ 2
50 60.3 69 19.69 1.6 26 90 136 46 M12x75 1.2
2½ 2.875 1000 6490 0.0625 0.26 4.00 5.98 1.85 ½x3 2.9
1° – 15’ 2
65 73.0 69 28.86 1.6 22 102 152 47 M12x75 1.3
3.000 1000 7065 0.0625 0.25 4.06 6.02 1.85 ½x3 2.9
76.1 mm 1° – 12’ 2
76.1 69 31.37 1.6 21 103 153 47 M12x75 1.3
3 3.500 1000 9620 0.0625 0.21 4.88 6.34 1.85 ½x3 3.3
1° – 02’ 2
80 88.9 69 42.81 1.6 18 124 161 47 M12x75 1.5
4 4.500 1000 15900 0.1250 0.33 6.18 8.03 2.05 ⅝ x 3½ 4.6
1° – 36’ 2
100 114.3 69 70.76 3.2 27 157 204 52 M16x90 2.1
5.500 1000 23750 0.1250 0.27 7.32 9.41 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 6.8
139.7 mm 1° – 18’ 2
139.7 69 105.71 3.2 23 186 239 53 M16x90 3.1
5 5.563 1000 24295 0.1250 0.27 7.32 9.65 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 7.2
1° – 18’ 2
125 141.3 69 108.14 3.2 22 186 245 53 M16x90 3.3
6.500 1000 33170 0.1250 0.23 8.11 10.24 2.09 ¾ x 4¾ 7.9
165.1 mm 1° – 07’ 2
165.1 69 147.64 3.2 19 211 260 53 M20x120 3.6
6 6.625 1000 34455 0.1250 0.22 8.24 10.75 2.09 ¾ x 4¾ 8.1
1° – 05’ 2
150 168.3 69 153.42 3.2 19 214 273 53 M20x120 3.7
8 8.625 800 46720 0.1250 0.18 10.86 13.23 2.44 ¾ x 4¾ 14.5
0° – 50’ 2
200 219.1 55 207.26 3.2 15 276 336 62 M20x120 6.6
10 10.750 800 72575 0.1250 0.14 13.50 16.10 2.56 ⅞ x 6½ 23.3
0° – 40’ 2
250 273.0 55 321.78 3.2 11 343 409 65 --- 10.6
12 12.750 800 102090 0.1250 0.12 15.35 18.50 2.60 ⅞ x 6½ 26.4
0° – 34’ 2
300 323.9 55 452.95 3.2 10 390 470 66 --- 12.0
8.516 800 45545 0.1250 0.18 10.86 13.03 2.36 ¾ x 4¾ 13.9
200 JIS 0° – 51’ 2
216.3 55 202.00 3.2 15 276 331 60 M20x120 6.3
10.528 800 69610 0.1250 0.14 13.27 15.87 2.60 ⅞ x 6½ 22.4
250 JIS 0° – 41’ 2
267.4 55 308.71 3.2 12 337 403 66 --- 10.2
12.539 800 98740 0.1250 0.12 15.31 18.11 2.60 ⅞ x 6½ 25.5
300 JIS 0° – 35’ 2
318.5 55 437.98 3.2 10 389 460 66 --- 11.6
** Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
‡ Deflection or angular movement is the maximum value that a coupling allows under no internal pressure.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Angular Movement**† Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displace- Degree Per Per Size Weight
Pressure (CWP)* Load (CWP) ment † Coupling Pipe A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm Kgs
1½ x 1¼ 1.900 x 1.660 500 1410 0 ~ 0.065 0.20 2.83 4.65 1.81 ⅜ x 2⅛ 1.8
1° - 54’
40 x 32 48.3 x 42.2 35 6.23 0 ~ 1.6 17 72 118 46 M10 x 55 0.8
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 500 2210 0 ~ 0.065 0.16 3.35 4.80 1.89 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.0
1° - 31’
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 35 9.70 0 ~ 1.6 13 85 122 48 M10 x 55 0.9
2½ x 2 2.875 x 2.375 500 3240 0 ~ 0.065 0.13 3.78 5.67 1.89 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
1° - 15’
65 x 50 73.0 x 60.3 35 14.22 0 ~ 1.6 11 96 144 48 M10 x 55 1.2
3.000 x 2.375 500 3530 0 ~ 0.065 0.13 4.02 5.67 1.89 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
76.1 mm x 50 1° - 12’
76.1 x 60.3 35 15.46 0 ~ 1.6 11 102 144 48 M10 x 55 1.2
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 50 4800 0 ~ 0.065 0.11 4.57 6.61 1.89 ½x3 3.3
1° - 02’
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 35 21.09 0 ~ 1.6 9 116 168 48 M12 x 75 1.5
3 x 2½ 3.500 x 2.875 500 4800 0 ~ 0.065 0.11 4.57 6.61 1.89 ½x3 3.7
1° - 02’
80 x 65 88.9 x 73.0 35 21.09 0 ~ 1.6 9 116 168 48 M12 x 75 1.7
3.500 x 3.000 500 4800 0 ~ 0.065 0.11 4.57 6.61 1.89 ½x3 3.7
80 x 76.1 mm 1° - 02’
88.9 x 76.1 35 21.09 0 ~ 1.6 9 116 168 48 M12 x 75 1.7
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 500 7940 0 ~ 0.095 0.13 5.75 7.80 1.93 ½x3 5.3
1° - 12’
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 35 34.87 0 ~ 2.4 11 146 198 49 M12 x 75 2.4
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 500 7940 0 ~ 0.095 0.13 5.75 7.80 1.93 ½x3 5.7
1° - 12’
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 35 34.87 0 ~ 2.4 11 146 198 49 M12 x 75 2.6
4.500 x 3.000 500 7940 0 ~ 0.095 0.13 5.75 7.80 1.93 ½x3 5.7
100 x 76.1 mm 1° - 12’
114.3 x 76.1 35 34.87 0 ~ 2.4 11 146 198 49 M12 x 75 2.6
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 500 7940 0 ~ 0.095 0.13 5.75 7.80 2.01 ½x3 5.3
1° - 12’
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 35 34.87 0 ~ 2.4 11 146 198 51 M12 x 75 2.4
5.500 x 4.500 400 9490 0 ~ 0.125 0.14 6.30 9.45 2.01 ⅝ x 3½ 8.4
139.7 mm x 100 1° - 18’
139.7 x 114.3 28 42.90 0 ~ 3.2 12 160 240 51 M16 x 90 3.8
5x4 5.563 x 4.500 400 9710 0 ~ 0.125 0.14 6.30 9.84 2.01 ⅝ x 3½ 7.9
1° - 18’
125 x 100 141.3 x 114.3 28 43.88 0 ~ 3.2 12 160 242 51 M16 x 90 3.6
6.500 x 3.500 400 13260 0 ~ 0.125 0.12 7.95 10.63 2.05 ⅝ x 3½ 10.1
165.1 mm x 80 1° - 07’
165.1 x 88.9 28 59.91 0 ~ 3.2 10 202 270 52 M16 x 90 4.6
6x3 6.625 x 3.500 400 13780 0 ~ 0.125 0.12 8.19 10.63 2.05 ⅝ x 3½ 10.1
1° - 06’
150 x 80 168.3 x 88.9 28 62.26 0 ~ 3.2 10 208 270 52 M16 x 90 4.6
6.500 x 4.500 400 13260 0 ~ 0.125 0.12 7.95 10.67 2.05 ⅝ x 3½ 9.9
165.1 mm x 100 1° - 07’
165.1 x 114.3 28 59.91 0 ~ 3.2 10 202 271 52 M16 x 90 4.5
6x4 6.625 x 4.500 400 13780 0 ~ 0.125 0.12 8.19 10.63 2.05 ⅝ x 3½ 9.9
1° - 06’
150 x 100 168.3 x114.3 28 62.26 0 ~ 3.2 10 208 270 52 M16 x 90 4.5
8x6 8.625 x 6.625 400 23350 0 ~ 0.125 0.09 10.24 13.11 2.09 ¾ x 4¾ 14.3
0° - 50’
200 x 150 219.1 x 168.3 28 105.51 0 ~ 3.2 8 260 333 53 M20 x 120 6.5
8.625 x 6.500 400 23350 0 ~ 0.125 0.09 10.24 13.11 2.20 ¾ x 4¾ 14.3
200 x 165.1 mm 0° - 50’
219.1 x 165.1 28 105.51 0 ~ 3.2 8 260 333 56 M20 x 120 6.5
* Working Pressure is based on roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
** Deflection or angular movement is the maximum value that a coupling allows under no internal pressure.
Split pin
Expansion Pipe
Lever handles are factory assembled tight
for safety. The use of an expansion pipe will
aid the easy opening and closing. Expansion
pipes are available upon request.
The Model C-7 Outlet Coupling combines inHg or 254 mmHg, which may occur when
the features of a coupling and a reducing the system is drained.
outlet. The C-7 facilitates an easy
reducing branch outlet without the need
of a mechanical tee or reducing tee and
Grooved outlet
couplings. The C-7 is available with grooved,
male threaded or female threaded outlets.
This fitting is recommended for fire sprinkler
and other pipelines of moderate pressure.
The C-7 Outlet Coupling can be used for dry
pipe systems or vacuum services up to 10 C
Threaded outlet
Max. Max.
Nominal Size Dimensions
Working Axial End Bolt
Run Outlet Pressure Displacement Load Size Weight
Pipe FPT Gr / MPT (CWP)‡ (CWP) T** A B C
in in in PSI in Lbs in in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Bar mm kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
½ --- 500 0.81~0.88 2.06 --- 4.50 2.75 2.6
15 --- 35 20~22 52 --- 114.3 70.0 1.2
1½ ¾ --- 500 0.81~0.88 1050 2.06 --- 4.50 2.75 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
40 20 --- 20 20~22 4.7 52 --- 114.3 70.0 M10 x 55 1.2
1 --- 500 0.81~0.88 1.94 --- 4.50 2.75 2.9
25 --- 35 20~22 49 --- 114.3 70.0 1.3
½ --- 500 0.81~0.88 2.32 --- 5.00 2.75 3.1
15 --- 35 20~22 59 --- 127.0 70.0 1.4
2 ¾ --- 500 0.81~0.88 2180 2.32 --- 5.00 2.75 ⅜ x 2⅛ 3.1
50 20 --- 35 20~22 9.7 59 --- 127.0 70.0 M10 X 55 1.4
1 1 500 0.81~0.88 2.20 3.50 5.00 2.75 3.3
25 33.4 35 20~22 56 89.0 127.0 70.0 1.5
½ --- 500 1.25~1.50 2.20 --- 6.33 3.25 4.8
15 --- 35 32~38 56 --- 161.0 83.0 2.2
¾ --- 500 1.25~1.50 2.56 --- 6.33 3.25 4.6
20 --- 35 32~38 65 --- 161.0 83.0 2.1
2½ 1 --- 500 1.25~1.50 3200 2.44 --- 6.33 3.25 ½ x 2⅜ 4.4
65 25 --- 35 32~38 14.2 62 --- 161.0 83.0 M12 X 60 2.0
1¼ 1¼ 500 1.25~1.50 2.36 3.70 6.33 3.25 5.1
32 42.2 35 32~38 60 94.0 161.0 83.0 2.3
--- 1½ 500 1.25~1.50 --- 3.70 6.33 3.25 5.9
--- 48.3 35 32~38 --- 94.0 161.0 83.0 2.4
¾ --- 500 1.25~1.50 2.83 --- 6.87 3.25 5.9
20 --- 35 32~38 72 --- 175.0 83.0 2.7
1 1 500 1.25~1.50 2.75 4.00 6.87 3.25 6.2
3 25 33.4 35 32~38 4750 70 102.0 175.0 83.0 ½x3 2.8
80 1¼* 1¼* 500 1.25~1.50 21.0 2.75 4.00 6.87 3.25 M12 X 75 6.2
32 42.2 35 32~38 70 102.0 175.0 83.0 2.8
1½ 1½ 500 1.25~1.50 2.75 4.00 6.87 3.25 6.4
40 48.3 35 32~38 70 102.0 175.0 83.0 2.9
¾ --- 500 1.63~1.81 3.70 --- 8.31 3.66 9.2
20 --- 35 41~46 94 --- 211.0 93.0 4.2
4 1 1 500 1.63~1.81 3.58 4.88 8.31 3.66 9.5
100 25 33.4 35 41~46 7840 91 124.0 211.0 93.0 ⅝ x 3½ 4.3
1½ 1½ 500 1.63~1.81 34.9 3.31 4.88 8.31 3.66 M16 X 90 9.5
40 48.3 35 41~46 84 124.0 211.0 93.0 4.3
2 2 500 1.63~1.81 3.50 4.88 8.31 3.66 9.9
50 60.3 35 41~46 89 124.0 211.0 93.0 4.5
¾ --- 400 1.63~1.81 4.76 --- 10.86 3.70 13.2
20 --- 28 41~46 121 --- 276.0 94.0 6.0
1 --- 400 1.63~1.81 4.76 --- 10.86 3.70 13.2
25 --- 28 41~46 121 --- 276.0 94.0 ⅝ x 3½ 6.0
6 1½ 1½ 400 1.63~1.81 14000 4.76 6.06 10.86 3.70 M16 X 90 13.6
150 40 48.3 28 41~46 62.3 121 154.0 276.0 94.0 6.2
2 2 400 1.63~1.81 4.40 6.06 10.86 3.70 14.3
50 60.3 28 41~46 111 154.0 276.0 94.0 6.5
--- 2½* 400 1.63~1.81 --- 6.00 11.04 4.09 ¾ x 4¾ 18.7
--- 76.1 28 41~46 --- 152.5 280.5 104.0 M20 x 120 8.5
FPT: Female threaded outlet Gr: Grooved outlet MPT: Male threaded outlet.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
** T: Center of run pipe to end of outlet pipe (dimensions approximate). Female threaded outlet only.
‡ Working pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Pipe Pipe
Nominal Pipe Max. Max. Axial Angular Movement**† Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Working End Displace- Degree Per Per Size Weight
Pressure (CWP)* Load (CWP) ment † Coupling Pipe A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm Kgs
2.875 x 3.000 500 2110 0 ~ 0.065 0.13 4.02 5.43 1.89 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
2½ x 76.1 mm 1° - 12’
73.0 x 76.1 35 9.09 0 ~ 1.6 11 102 138 48 M10 x 55 1.2
6.625 x 6.500 400 9940 0 ~ 0.125 0.12 7.87 10.63 2.09 ⅝ x 3½ 7.7
6 x 165.1 mm 0° - 33’
168.3 x 165.1 28 42.80 0 ~ 3.2 10 200 270 53 M16 x 90 3.5
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾" - 3½"; 25% for 4" and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
**Deflection or angular movement is the maximum value that a coupling allows under no internal pressure.
EP Gasket
Pipe O.D. A B C d t
Nominal Tolerance Gasket Seat Groove Width Groove Dia. Groove Min. Allowed
Size Basic + - Basic Tol. ± Basic Tol. +0.010 / +0.25 Basic Tol. +0 / +0 Depth (ref.) Wall Thickness
in in in in in in in in in in in in
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
2 2.375 +0.024 -0.024 0.562 ±0.010 0.255 -0.005 2.250 -0.015 0.063 0.154
50 60.3 +0.61 -0.61 14.27 ±0.25 6.48 -0.13 57.15 -0.38 1.60 3.91
2½ 2.875 +0.029 -0.029 0.562 ±0.010 0.255 -0.005 2.720 -0.018 0.078 0.188
65 73.0 +0.74 -0.74 14.27 ±0.25 6.48 -0.13 69.09 -0.46 1.98 4.78
3 3.500 +0.035 -0.031 0.562 ±0.010 0.255 -0.005 3.344 -0.018 0.078 0.188
80 88.9 +0.89 -0.79 14.27 ±0.25 6.48 -0.13 84.94 -0.46 1.98 4.78
4 4.500 +0.045 -0.031 0.605 ±0.015 0.305 -0.005 4.334 -0.020 0.083 0.203
100 114.3 +1.14 -0.79 15.37 ±0.38 7.75 -0.13 110.08 -0.51 2.11 5.16
6 6.625 +0.063 -0.031 0.605 ±0.015 0.305 -0.005 6.455 -0.022 0.085 0.219
150 168.3 +1.60 -0.79 15.37 ±0.38 7.75 -0.13 163.96 -0.56 2.16 5.56
8 8.625 +0.063 -0.031 0.714 ±0.015 0.400 -0.010 8.441 -0.025 0.092 0.238
200 219.1 +1.60 -0.79 18.14 ±0.38 10.16 -0.25 214.40 -0.64 2.34 6.05
10 10.750 +0.063 -0.031 0.714 ±0.015 0.400 -0.010 10.562 -0.027 0.094 0.250
250 273.0 +1.60 -0.79 18.14 ±0.38 10.16 -0.25 268.28 -0.69 2.39 6.35
12 12.750 +0.063 -0.031 0.714 ±0.015 0.400 -0.010 12.531 -0.030 0.109 0.279
300 323.9 +1.60 -0.79 18.14 ±0.38 10.16 -0.25 318.29 -0.76 2.77 7.09
1. Models 7041 and 7043 flange adapters 2. The Models 7041 and 7043 flange 5. Bolt tightening sequence: Like a regular
require a hard flat face for effective sealing. adapter has small triangular teeth inside flange joint, it is important to make flange
When the mating surface is not adequate the key shoulder to prevent the pipe from faces contact parallel. Tighten nuts
as with the serrated faces of some valves rotating. The teeth should be ground off alternately in the sequence of diagonally
or rubber-faced wafer valves, a sandwich when mating to a rubber-lined flange. opposite pairs as shown below until the
plate (Model 49,) must be used. flange faces meet and make a metal-to-
metal contact.
3. Models 7041 and 7043 flange adapters
8 5
7043 flange adapter against a butterfly valve Hinged
6 11
Sandwich Regular
Plate Flange Gasket Butterfly Valve
are supplied with two independent D
segments and a draw kit. Tooth
Max. Max.
Dimensions Sealing Surface Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
A B C D E No. Size
(CWP)** (CWP)
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 300 1330 6.00 4.75 0.75 2.38 3.07 4.0
4 ⅝
50 60.3 20 5.71 152 121 19 60 78 1.8
2½ 2.875 300 1950 7.00 5.50 0.87 2.88 3.54 5.1
4 ⅝
65 73.0 20 8.37 178 140 22 73 90 2.3
3 3.500 300 2880 7.52 6.00 0.94 3.50 4.17 6.2
4 ⅝
80 88.9 20 12.41 191 152 24 89 106 2.8
4 4.500 300 4770 9.00 7.50 0.94 4.50 5.20 8.3
8 ⅝
100 114.3 20 20.51 229 191 24 114 132 3.8
5 5.563 300 7290 10.00 8.50 1.00 5.56 6.26 10.3
8 ¾
125 141.3 20 31.35 254 216 25 141 159 4.7
6 6.625 300 10340 11.00 9.50 1.00 6.63 7.32 11.1
8 ¾
150 168.3 20 44.47 279 241 25 168 186 5.0
8 8.625 300 17520 13.50 11.75 1.14 8.63 9.29 17.2
8 ¾
200 219.1 20 75.37 343 298 29 219 236 7.8
10 10.750 300 27210 16.00 14.25 1.18 10.75 11.61 25.7
12 ⅞
250 273.0 20 117.01 406 362 30 273 295 11.7
12 12.750 300 38280 19.02 17.00 1.25 12.75 13.62 37.6
12 ⅞
300 323.9 20 164.71 483 432 32 324 346 17.1
14 (7041N) 14.000 300 46160 21.00 18.75 1.42 14.00 15.08 61.7
12 1
350 355.6 20 198.5 533 476 36 356 383 28.0
16 (7041N) 16.000 300 60290 23.50 21.25 1.42 16.00 16.97 77.1
16 1
400 406.4 20 259.3 597 540 36 406 431 35.0
18 (7041N) 18.000 300 76300 25.00 22.75 1.56 18.00 19.13 86.0
16 1⅛
450 457.2 20 328.2 635 578 40 457 486 39.0
20 (7041N) 20.000 300 94200 27.50 25.00 1.73 20.00 21.14 109.1
20 1⅛
500 508.0 20 405.2 699 635 44 508 537 49.5
24 (7041N) 24.000 300 135650 32.00 29.50 1.89 24.00 25.00 157.6
20 1¼
600 609.6 20 583.4 813 749 48 610 635 71.5
** Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
49 Sandwich Plate Nominal Size
mm mm mm
2 3.74 2.13
50 95 54
The Model 7041 and 7043 flange adapters Material: Mild-steel, electro-zinc plated. 2½ 4.65 2.64
require a hard flat surface for effective Stainless steel, type 304 or 316 is available 65 118 67
3 5.12 3.19
gasket sealing. A sandwich plate is required on request. 80 130 81
4 6.22 4.13
and should always be used when the mating 100 158 105
5 7.40 5.00
surface is not adequate as with the serrated 125 188 128
faces of some valves or the rubber-faced 6 8.50 6.10
150 216 155
or rubber-lined flange adapters of a wafer 8 10.67 8.07
200 271 205
valve. 10 12.83 10.15
250 326 258
E D 12 15.00 12.00
300 381 305
14 17.40 13.46
350 442 342
16 19.92 15.43
400 506 392
18 21.26 17.44
450 540 443
20 23.50 19.45
Sandwich plate 500 597 494
24 27.87 23.46
600 708 596
provides an easy and fast installation. 2” D
through 12” flange adapters are supplied Tooth
hinged as a single assembly, while 14” - 24”
(7041N) are supplied with two independent
2"~12"(Hinged) 7041N 14"~24"
segments and a draw kit. (Supplied with a draw kit)
Max. Max.
Dimensions Sealing Surface Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
A B C D E No. Size
(CWP)* (CWP)
in in PSI Lbs Lbs
mm mm mm mm mm mm
mm mm Bar kN Kgs
2 2.375 300 1000 5.1
165 125 22 60 78 4 M16
50 60.3 20 4.6 2.3
3.000 300 1590 5.7
76.1 mm 185 145 22 76 92 4 M16
76.1 20 7.3 2.6
3 3.500 300 2165 7.1
200 160 24 89 106 8 M16
80 88.9 20 9.9 3.2
4 4.500 300 3580 7.5
220 180 24 114 132 8 M16
100 114.3 20 16.4 3.4
5.500 30 5340 9.8
139.7 mm 250 210 25 140 159 8 M16
139.7 20 24.5 4.4
6.500 300 7460 11.3
165.1 mm 285 240 24 165 182 8 M20
165.1 20 34.2 5.1
6 6.625 300 7750 10.1
285 240 24 168 182 8 M20
150 168.3 20 35.6 4.6
8 8.625 300 13140 17.2
340 295 29 219 236 12 M20
200 219.1 20 60.3 7.8
10 10.750 300 20410 25.2
405 355 30 273 295 12 M24
250 273.0 20 93.6 11.4
12 12.750 300 28710 30.2
460 410 32 324 346 12 M24
300 323.9 20 131.8 13.7
14 (7041N) 14.000 300 46160 48.7
520 470 36 356 383 16 M24
350 355.6 20 198.5 22.1
16 (7041N) 16.000 300 60290 59.7
580 525 38 406 431 16 M27
400 406.4 20 259.3 27.1
18 (7041N) 18.000 300 76300 71.6
640 585 40 457 486 20 M27
450 457.2 20 328.2 32.5
20 (7041N) 20.000 300 94200 103.4
715 650 43 508 537 20 M30
500 508.0 20 405.2 47.0
24 (7041N) 24.000 300 135650 160.6
840 770 48 610 635 20 M33
600 609.6 20 583.4 73.0
Note: 2" - 6" flange drilling to PN10 / PN16 and 8" and above to PN16. See below for required bolt torque.
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Required bolt torque flange adapters. Use a torque wrench so adapters are sealed with elastic (rubber)
The tables show standard torque that all the nuts are tightened equally with gaskets, which require much lower torques
values for proper assembly of Shurjoint the same torque value. Shurjoint flange than those that utilize metallic gaskets.
Required Torque for Model 7041 Flange Required Torque for Model 7041 Required Torque for Model 7043
Adapters (ANSI Class 125 / 150, BS 10-E) Flange Adapters (PN 10/16) Flange Adapters (ANSI Class 300)
Nominal Bolt Required Torque Nominal Bolt Required Torque Nominal Bolt Required Torque
Size Size Size Size Size Size
inch inch No. Lbs-Ft Nm inch inch No. Lbs-Ft Nm inch inch No. Lbs-Ft Nm
2 ⅝ 4 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 50 M16 4 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 2 ⅝ 8 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190
2½ ⅝ 4 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 65 M16 4 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 2½ ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339
3 ⅝ 4 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 80 M16 8 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 3 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339
4 ⅝ 8 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 100 M16 8 110 ~ 140 149 ~ 190 4 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339
5 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 125 M20 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 5 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339
6 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 150 M20 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 6 ¾ 12 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339
8 ¾ 8 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 200 M20 12 220 ~ 250 298 ~ 339 8 ⅞ 12 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542
10 ⅞ 12 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542 250 M24 12 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542 10 1 16 360 ~ 520 488 ~ 705
12 ⅞ 12 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542 300 M24 12 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542 12 1⅛ 16 450 ~ 725 610 ~ 982
14 1 12 360 ~ 520 488 ~ 705 350 M24 16 320 ~ 400 434 ~ 542
16 1 16 360 ~ 520 488 ~ 705 400 M27 16 360 ~ 520 488 ~ 705
18 1⅛ 16 450 ~ 725 610 ~ 982 450 M27 20 360 ~ 520 488 ~ 705
20 1⅛ 20 450 ~ 725 610 ~ 982 500 M30 20 450 ~ 725 610 ~ 982
24 1¼ 20 620 ~ 1000 841 ~ 1356 600 M33 20 620 ~ 1000 841 ~ 1356
provides an easy and fast installation. D
2” through 12” flange adapters are supplied Tooth
hinged as a single assembly, while 14” - 24”
(7041N) are supplied with two independent 2½"~12"(Hinged) 7041N 14"~24"
segments and a draw kit. (Supplied with a draw kit)
Max. Max.
Dimensions Sealing Surface Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
A B C D E No. Size
(CWP)** (CWP)
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm in Kgs
76.1 mm 76.1 20 6.36 165 127 22 76 92 4 ⅝ 2.5
80 88.9 20 8.69 184 146 24 89 106 4 ⅝ 2.8
100 114.3 20 14.36 216 178 24 114 132 8 ⅝ 3.4
139.7 mm 139.7 20 21.45 254 210 24 140 170 8 ⅝ 4.5
165.1 mm 165.1 20 29.96 279 235 24 165 182 8 ¾ 5.0
200 219.1 20 52.76 343 292 29 219 236 8 ¾ 8.4
250 273.0 20 81.91 405 356 30 273 295 12 ¾ 10.8
300* 323.9 20 115.30 457 406 32 324 359 12 ⅞ 12.0
350 (7041N) 355.6 20 198.53 527 470 32 356 383 12 ⅞ 20.8
400 (7041N) 406.4 20 259.30 578 521 32 406 431 12 ⅞ 21.0
450 (7041N) 457.2 20 328.18 641 584 36 457 486 16 ⅞ 28.9
500 (7041N) 508.0 20 405.16 705 641 38 508 537 16 ⅞ 38.1
600 (7041N) 609.6 20 583.43 826 756 42 610 635 16 1⅛ 54.6
See page 33 for required bolt torque.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
** Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
7043 Flange Adapter - ANSI Class 300
The Shurjoint Model 7043 flange adapter C
allows for direct connection of a grooved
system to ANSI Class 300 flanged
components. 2" through 8" Model 7043
Max. Max.
Dimensions Sealing Surface Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
A B C D E No. Size
(CWP)* (CWP)
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 750 3320 6.50 5.00 0.94 2.38 3.07 5.3
8 ⅝
50 60.3 52 14.84 165 127 24 60 78 2.4
2½ 2.875 750 4860 7.50 5.88 1.06 2.88 3.54 7.9
8 ¾
65 73.0 52 21.75 191 149 27 73 90 3.6
3 3.500 750 7210 8.25 6.63 1.19 3.50 4.17 10.0
8 ¾
80 88.9 52 32.26 210 168 30 89 106 4.6
4 4.500 750 11920 10.00 7.95 1.31 4.50 5.20 17.3
8 ¾
100 114.3 52 53.33 254 202 33 114 132 7.8
5 5.563 750 18220 11.00 9.25 1.44 5.56 5.55 21.3
8 ¾
125 141.3 52 81.50 279 235 37 141 141 9.7
6 6.625 750 25840 12.50 10.63 1.50 6.63 7.32 26.9
12 ¾
150 168.3 52 115.62 318 270 38 168 186 12.2
8 8.625 750 43790 15.00 13.00 1.61 8.63 9.29 36.2
12 ⅞
200 219.1 52 195.96 381 330 41 219 236 16.4
10 10.750 750 68030 17.68 15.25 1.89 10.75 11.61 56.9
16 1
250 273.0 52 304.23 449 387 48 273 295 25.8
12 12.750 750 95700 20.50 17.75 1.93 12.75 13.62 77.7
16 1⅛
300 323.9 52 428.25 521 451 49 324 346 35.2
See page 33 for required bolt torque.
* Working Pressure is based on roll grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Bolt hole
Nominal Bolt Bolt Hole
Size X Y Z Size Dia. No. D L Weight
in in in in in in Lbs
in in
mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
10 15.98 14.25 1.18 10.75 7.99 48.4
⅞ 1 12
250 406.0 362.0 30.0 273.0 203.0 22.0
12 19.00 17.00 1.25 12.75 7.99 61.6
⅞ 1 12
300 483.0 432.0 32.0 323.9 203.0 28.0
14 21.00 18.75 1.38 14.00 5.00 108.9
1 1⅛ 12
350 533.0 476.3 35.0 355.6 127.0 49.5
16 23.50 21.25 1.46 16.00 5.00 110.0
1 1⅛ 16
400 597.0 539.7 37.0 406.4 127.0 50.0
18 25.00 22.75 1.57 18.00 5.50 137.5
1⅛ 1¼ 16
450 635.0 577.8 40.0 457.2 140.0 62.5
20 27.50 25.00 1.69 20.00 5.71 158.4
1⅛ 1¼ 20
500 699.0 635.0 43.0 508.0 145.0 72.0
24 32.00 29.50 1.89 24.00 6.00 218.9
1¼ 1⅜ 20
600 813.6 749.3 48.0 609.6 152.0 99.5
including ANSI Class 125/150, PN10, PN16,
and JIS 10K.
7181 Universal Reducing Flange Adapter
The Model 7181 Universal Reducing Flange Z
Adapter provides a rigid transition between
a flanged piping system and a one or two-
size reduced grooved system without the
Bolt Pad Hole Size: The hole sizes are dictated by
the branch size of the mechanical tee. Refer
Lower Housing
to product data chart.
a grade E moulded gasket and heat-treated
carbon steel track bolts and nuts. UL/FM
working pressure of Model 7721 rated to
300 psi (20 Bar).
Nominal Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size Pressure +3.2, -0 / +0.13, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)* T‡ A B C D
in PSI in in in in in in in Lbs
mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2x½ 300 1.50 1.97 2.50 1.57 5.04 2.87 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.4
50 x 15 20 38 50 64 40 128 73 M10 x 55 1.1
2x¾ 300 1.50 1.97 2.50 1.57 5.04 2.87 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.4
50 x 20 20 38 50 64 40 128 73 M10 x 55 1.1
2x1 300 1.50 2.00 2.68 1.57 5.04 2.87 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
50 x 25 20 38 51 68 40 128 73 M10 x 55 1.2
2 x 1¼ 300 1.75 2.08 2.80 1.57 5.04 3.22 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.9
50 x 32 20 45 53 71 40 128 82 M10 x 55 1.3
2 x 1½ 300 1.75 2.08 2.80 1.57 5.04 3.22 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.9
50 x 40 20 45 53 71 40 128 82 M10 x 55 1.3
2½ x ½ 300 1.50 2.25 2.80 1.89 5.75 2.87 ½x3 3.1
65 x 15 20 38 57 71 48 146 73 M12 x 75 1.4
2½ x ¾ 300 1.50 2.32 2.88 1.89 5.75 2.87 ½x3 3.1
65 x 20 20 38 59 73 48 146 73 M12 x 75 1.4
2½ x 1 300 1.50 2.28 2.95 1.89 5.75 2.87 ½x3 3.3
65 x 25 20 38 58 75 48 146 73 M12 x 75 1.5
2½ x 1¼ 300 2.00 2.40 3.11 1.89 5.75 3.22 ½x3 3.5
65 x 32 20 51 61 79 48 146 82 M12 x 75 1.6
2½ x 1½ 300 2.00 2.40 3.11 1.89 5.75 3.22 ½x3 3.5
65 x 40 20 51 61 79 48 146 82 M12 x 75 1.6
3x½ 300 1.50 2.47 3.19 2.20 6.39 2.63 ½x3 3.5
80 x 15 20 38 63 81 56 160 67 M12 x 75 1.6
3x¾ 300 1.50 2.44 3.19 2.20 6.39 2.63 ½x3 3.5
80 x 20 20 38 62 81 56 160 67 M12 x 75 1.6
3x1 300 1.50 2.50 3.19 2.20 6.39 2.63 ½x3 3.7
80 x 25 20 38 64 81 56 160 67 M12 x 75 1.7
3 x 1¼ 300 2.00 2.80 3.50 2.20 6.39 3.46 ½x3 4.2
80 x 32 20 51 71 89 56 160 88 M12 x 75 1.9
3 x 1½ 300 2.00 2.80 3.50 2.20 6.39 3.46 ½x3 4.4
80 x 40 20 51 71 89 56 160 88 M12 x 75 2.0
3x2 300 2.50 2.83 3.58 2.20 6.39 3.98 ½x3 5.1
80 x 50 20 64 72 91 56 160 101 M12 x 75 2.3
4x½ 300 1.50 3.00 3.70 2.83 7.48 2.63 ½x3 4.2
100 x 15 20 38 76 94 72 190 67 M12 x 75 1.9
4x¾ 300 1.50 2.95 3.70 2.83 7.48 2.63 ½x3 4.2
100 x 20 20 38 75 94 72 190 67 M12 x 75 1.9
4x1 300 1.50 3.03 3.70 2.83 7.48 2.63 ½x3 4.4
100 x 25 20 38 77 94 72 190 67 M12 x 75 2.0
4 x 1¼ 300 2.00 3.19 3.89 2.83 7.48 3.35 ½x3 4.8
100 x 32 20 51 81 99 72 190 85 M12 x 75 2.2
4 x 1½ 300 2.00 3.19 3.89 2.83 7.48 3.35 ½x3 5.1
100 x 40 20 51 81 99 72 190 85 M12 x 75 2.3
4x2 300 2.50 3.38 4.13 2.83 7.48 3.98 ½x3 5.9
100 x 50 20 64 86 105 72 190 101 M12 x 75 2.7
4 x 2½ 300 2.75 3.23 4.37 2.83 7.48 4.40 ½x3 7.3
100 x 65 20 70 82 111 72 190 112 M12 x 75 3.3
4x3 300 3.50 3.23 4.40 2.83 7.48 5.35 ⅝ x 3½ 12.3
100 x 80 20 89 82 112 72 190 136 M16 x 90 5.6
5x2 300 2.50 4.13 4.88 3.39 9.29 4.00 ⅝ x 3½ 9.2
125 x 50 20 64 105 124 86 236 102 M16 x 90 4.2
5 x 2½ 300 2.75 3.89 5.00 3.39 9.29 4.65 ⅝ x 3½ 9.9
125 x 65 20 70 99 127 86 236 118 M16 x 90 4.5
Continued on next page.
Nominal Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size Pressure +3.2, -0 / +0.13, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)* T‡ A B C D
in PSI in in in in in in in Lbs
mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
6x½ 300 2.00 4.48 5.03 3.86 10.07 3.50 ⅝ x 55/16 9.7
150 x 15 20 51 114 128 98 256 89 M16 x 135 4.4
6x1 300 2.00 4.33 5.00 3.86 10.07 3.50 ⅝ x 55/16 9.7
150 x 25 20 51 110 127 98 256 89 M16 x 135 4.4
6 x 1¼ 300 2.00 4.29 5.00 3.86 10.07 3.66 ⅝ x 55/16 9.7
150 x 32 20 51 109 127 98 256 93 M16 x 135 4.4
6 x 1½ 300 2.00 4.29 5.00 3.86 10.07 3.66 ⅝ x 55/16 9.7
150 x 40 20 51 109 127 98 256 93 M16 x 135 4.4
6x2 300 2.50 4.45 5.29 3.86 10.07 3.98 ⅝ x 55/16 10.6
150 x 50 20 64 113 132 98 256 101 M16 x 135 4.8
6 x 2½ 300 2.75 4.37 5.50 3.86 10.07 4.65 ⅝ x 55/16 11.9
150 x 65 20 70 111 140 98 256 118 M16 x 135 5.4
6x3 300 3.50 4.33 5.50 3.86 10.07 5.39 ⅝ x 55/16 13.2
150 x 80 20 89 110 140 98 256 137 M16 x 135 6.0
6x4 300 4.50 4.21 5.50 3.86 10.07 6.46 ⅝ x 55/16 14.5
150 x 100 20 114 107 140 98 256 164 M16 x 135 6.6
8x½ 300 2.75 5.31 5.82 4.72 12.87 4.40 ¾ x 4¾ 12.5
200 x 15 20 70 135 148 120 327 112 M20 x 120 5.7
8x1 300 2.75 5.31 5.98 4.72 12.87 4.40 ¾ x 4¾ 12.5
200 x 25 20 70 135 152 120 327 112 M20 x 120 5.7
8 x 1¼ 300 2.75 5.31 5.98 4.72 12.87 3.98 ¾ x 4¾ 12.5
200 x 32 20 70 135 152 120 327 101 M20 x 120 5.7
8 x 1½ 300 2.75 5.31 5.98 4.72 12.87 3.98 ¾ x 4¾ 12.5
200 x 40 20 70 135 152 120 327 101 M20 x 120 5.7
8x2 300 2.75 5.31 6.54 4.72 12.87 3.98 ¾ x 4¾ 13.6
200 x 50 20 70 135 166 120 327 101 M20 x 120 6.2
8 x 2½ 300 2.75 5.39 6.54 4.72 12.87 4.09 ¾ x 4¾ 13.9
200 x 65 20 70 137 166 120 327 104 M20 x 120 6.3
8x3 300 3.50 5.35 6.54 4.72 12.87 5.04 ¾ x 4¾ 15.6
200 x 80 20 89 136 166 120 327 128 M20 x 120 7.1
8x4 300 4.50 5.24 6.54 4.72 12.87 6.46 ¾ x 4¾ 17.6
200 x 100 20 114 133 166 120 327 164 M20 x 120 8.0
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole diameters.
‡ T: Take-Out (Center of run to end of pipe to be engaged.)
* Working pressure is based on standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +3.2, -0 / +0.13, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** T‡ A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2x½ 2.375 x 0.840 300 1.50 1.97 2.50 1.50 4.56 3.19 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.18
50 x 15 60.3 x 21.3 20 38 50 63.5 38.1 115.9 81 M10 x 55 0.99
2x¾ 2.375 x 1.050 300 1.50 1.97 2.50 1.50 4.56 3.19 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.22
50 x 20 60.3 x 26.7 20 38 50 63.5 38.1 115.9 81 M10 x 55 1.01
2x1 2.375 x 1.315 300 1.50 1.85 2.50 1.50 4.56 3.19 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.40
50 x 25 60.3 x 33.4 20 38 47 63.5 38.1 115.9 81 M10 x 55 1.09
2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 1.660 300 [1.75] 2.05 2.87 1.50 4.56 3.31 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.77
50 x 32 60.3 x 42.2 20 [45] 52 73.0 38.1 115.9 84 M10 x 55 1.26
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 300 [1.75] 2.08 3.00 1.50 4.56 3.31 ⅜ x 2⅛ 3.01
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 20 [45] 52 76.2 38.1 115.9 84 M10 x 55 1.37
2½ x ½ 2.875 x 0.840 300 1.50 2.20 2.75 1.75 5.56 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.60
65 x 15 73.0 x 21.3 20 38 56 69.9 44.5 141.3 81 M12 x 60 1.20
2½ x ¾ 2.875 x 1.050 300 1.50 2.20 2.75 1.75 5.56 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.70
65 x 20 73.0 x 26.7 20 38 56 69.9 44.5 141.3 81 M12 x 60 1.20
2½ x 1 2.875 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.09 2.75 1.75 5.56 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.86
65 x 25 73.0 x 33.4 20 38 53 69.9 44.5 141.3 81 M12 x 60 1.30
2½ x 1¼ 2.875 x 1.660 300 2.00 2.28 3.00 1.75 5.56 3.70 ⅛ x 2⅜ 3.21
65 x 32 73.0 x 42.2 20 51 58 76.2 44.5 141.3 94 M12 x 60 1.46
2½ x 1½ 2.875 x 1.900 300 2.00 2.28 3.00 1.75 5.56 3.70 ⅛ x 2⅜ 3.43
65 x 40 73.0 x 48.3 20 51 58 76.2 44.5 141.3 94 M12 x 60 1.56
3.000 x 0.840 300 1.50 2.20 2.75 1.81 5.69 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.64
76.1 mm x 15
76.1 x 21.3 20 38 56 69.9 46.1 144.5 81 M12 x 60 1.20
3.000 x 1.050 300 1.50 2.20 2.75 1.81 5.69 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.64
76.1 mm x 20
76.1 x 26.7 20 38 56 69.9 46.1 144.5 81 M12 x 60 1.20
3.000 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.09 2.75 1.81 5.69 3.19 ⅛ x 2⅜ 2.86
76.1 mm x 25
76.1 x 33.4 20 38 53 69.9 46.1 144.5 81 M12 x 60 1.30
3.000 x 1.660 300 2.00 2.28 3.00 1.81 5.69 3.70 ⅛ x 2⅜ 3.21
76.1 mm x 32
76.1 x 42.2 20 51 58 76.2 46.1 144.5 94 M12 x 60 1.46
3.000 x 1.900 300 2.00 2.28 3.00 1.81 5.69 3.70 ⅛ x 2⅜ 3.43
76.1 mm x 40
76.1 x 48.3 20 51 58 76.2 46.1 144.5 94 M12 x 60 1.56
3x½ 3.500 x 0.840 300 1.50 2.36 3.06 2.09 6.19 3.19 ½x3 3.17
80 x 15 88.9 x 21.3 20 38 60 77.8 53.2 157.2 81 M12 x 75 1.44
3x¾ 3.500 x 1.050 300 1.50 2.32 3.06 2.09 6.19 3.19 ½x3 3.21
80 x 20 88.9 x 26.7 20 38 59 77.8 53.2 157.2 81 M12 x 75 1.46
3x1 3.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.40 3.06 2.09 6.19 3.19 ½x3 3.37
80 x 25 88.9 x 33.4 20 38 61 77.8 53.2 157.2 81 M12 x 75 1.53
3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 2.56 3.25 2.09 6.19 3.70 ½x3 3.98
80 x 32 88.9 x 42.2 20 51 65 82.6 53.2 157.2 94 M12 x 75 1.81
3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 2.80 3.50 2.09 6.19 3.70 ½x3 4.14
80 x 40 88.9 x 48.3 20 51 71 88.9 53.2 157.2 94 M12 x 75 1.88
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 2.76 3.50 2.09 6.19 4.25 ½x3 4.55
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 20 64 70 88.9 53.2 157.2 108 M12 x 75 2.07
4x½ 3.500 x 0.840 300 1.50 2.83 3.69 2.63 7.19 3.13 ½x3 3.59
100 x 15 114.3 x 21.3 20 38 72 93.7 66.7 182.6 79.4 M12 x 75 1.63
4x¾ 4.500 x 1.050 300 1.50 2.79 3.69 2.63 7.19 3.13 ½x3 3.61
100 x 20 114.3 x 26.7 20 38 71 93.7 66.7 182.6 79.4 M12 x 75 1.64
4x1 4.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.87 3.69 2.63 7.19 3.13 ½x3 3.74
100 x 25 114.3 x 33.4 20 38 73 93.7 66.7 182.6 79.4 M12 x 75 1.70
4 x 1¼ 4.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.07 3.63 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 4.18
100 x 32 114.3 x 42.2 20 51 78 92.1 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 1.90
4 x 1½ 4.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.31 3.63 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 4.49
100 x 40 114.3 x 48.3 20 51 84 92.1 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 2.04
Continued on next page.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +3.2, -0 / +0.13, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** T‡ A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 3.27 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 5.00
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 20 64 83 101.6 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 2.27
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 300 2.75 2.87 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.44 ½x3 5.43
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 20 70 73 101.6 66.7 182.6 112.7 M12 x 75 2.47
4.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 2.87 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.44 ½x3 5.65
100 x 76.1 mm
114.3 x 76.1 20 70 73 101.6 66.7 182.6 112.7 M12 x 75 2.57
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 3.31 4.13 2.63 7.19 5.06 ½x3 6.41
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 20 89 84 104.8 66.7 182.6 128.6 M12 x 75 2.91
5.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 3.27 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.38
139.7 mm x 50*
139.7 x 60.3 20 64 83 120.7 81.0 223.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.90
139.7 mm 5.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 3.67 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.57 ⅝ x 3½ 7.40
x 76.1 mm* 139.7 x 76.1 20 70 93 120.7 81.0 223.8 115.9 M16 x 90 3.40
5.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 3.82 4.75 3.19 8.81 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 8.41
139.7 mm x 80*
139.7 x 88.9 20 89 97 127.0 81.0 223.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.82
5x2 5.563 x 2.375 300 2.50 3.27 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.38
125 x 50 141.3 x 60.3 20 64 83 120.7 81.0 223.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.90
5 x 2½ 5.563 x 2.875 300 2.75 3.67 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 7.46
125 x 65 141.3 x 73.0 20 70 93 120.7 81.0 223.8 112.7 M16 x 90 3.39
5x3 5.563 x 3.500 300 3.50 3.82 4.75 3.19 8.81 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 8.40
125 x 80 141.3 x 88.9 20 89 97 127.0 81.0 223.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.82
6.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 4.41 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 5.57
165.1 mm x 32
165.1 x 42.2 20 51 112 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.53
6.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 4.41 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.60
165.1 mm x 40
165.1 x 48.3 20 51 112 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 3.00
6.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.37 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.97
165.1 mm x 50
165.1 x 60.3 20 64 111 130.2 94.5 250.8 106.4 M16 x 90 3.17
6.500 x 2.875 300 2.75 3.98 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 7.88
165.1 mm x 65
165.1 x 73.0 20 70 101 130.2 94.5 250.8 112.7 M16 x 90 3.58
165.1 mm 6.500 x 2.875 300 2.75 3.98 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.56 ⅝ x 3½ 8.25
x 76.1 mm 165.1 x 76.1 20 70 101 130.2 94.5 250.8 115.9 M16 x 90 3.75
6.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 4.33 5.50 3.72 9.87 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 9.09
165.1 mm x 80
165.1 x 88.9 20 89 110 139.7 94.5 250.8 131.8 M16 x 90 4.13
6.500 x 4.500 300 4.50 4.45 5.75 3.72 9.87 6.25 ⅝ x 3½ 10.50
165.1 mm x 100
165.1 x 114.3 20 114 113 146.1 94.5 250.8 158.8 M16 x 90 4.77
6 x 1¼ 6.625 x 1.660 300 2.00 4.41 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.41
150 x 32 168.3 x 42.2 20 51 112 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.91
6 x 1½ 6.625 x 1.900 300 2.00 4.41 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.58
150 x 40 168.3 x 48.3 20 51 112 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.99
6x2 6.625 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.37 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 7.00
150 x 50 168.3 x 60.3 20 64 111 130.2 94.5 250.8 106.4 M16 x 90 3.18
6 x 2½ 6.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 3.98 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 7.88
150 x 65 168.3 x 73.0 20 70 101 130.2 94.5 250.8 112.7 M16 x 90 3.58
6.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 3.98 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.56 ⅝ x 3½ 9.02
150 x 76.1 mm
168.3 x 76.1 20 70 101 130.2 94.5 250.8 115.9 M16 x 90 3.58
6x3 6.625 x 3.500 300 3.50 4.33 5.50 3.72 9.87 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 9.02
150 x 80 168.3 x 88.9 20 89 110 139.7 94.5 250.8 131.8 M16 x 90 4.10
6x4 6.625 x 4.500 300 4.50 4.45 5.75 3.72 9.87 6.25 ⅝ x 3½ 10.47
150 x 100 168.3 x 114.3 20 114 113 146.1 94.5 250.8 158.8 M16 x 90 4.76
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole diameters.
‡ T: Take-Out (Center of run to end of pipe to be engaged.)
[ ] Important: Make special note of the hole saw size and maximum diameter allowed on these sizes, deviation could lead to joint failure.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
**Working pressure is based on standard wall carbon steel pipe.
are painted orange or red, or as an option
can be supplied hot dipped zinc galvanized or
epoxy coated. Maximum working pressure:
300 psi (20 Bar). Gaskets are interchangeable
between Models 7721 & 7722.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +0.13, -0 / +3.2, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 x 1* 2.375 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.68 1.57 5.04 2.87 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.2
50 x 25 60.3 x 33.4 20 38 68 40 128 73 M10 x 55 1.0
2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 1.660 300 1.75 2.80 1.57 5.04 3.22 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.2
50 x 32 60.3 x 42.2 20 45 71 40 128 82 M10 x 55 1.0
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 300 1.75 2.80 1.57 5.04 3.22 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.6
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 20 45 71 40 128 82 M10 x 55 1.2
2½ x 1* 2.875/3.000 x1.315 300 1.50 2.95 1.89 5.75 2.87 ½x3 4.0
65 x 25 73.0/76.1 x 33.4 20 38 75 48 146 73 M12 x 75 1.8
2½ x 1¼ 2.875/3.000 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.11 1.89 5.75 3.22 ½x3 3.7
65 x 32 73.0/76.1 x 42.2 20 51 79 48 146 82 M12 x 75 1.7
2½ x 1½ 2.875/3.000 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.11 1.89 5.75 3.22 ½x3 4.2
65 x 40 73.0/76.1 x 48.3 20 51 79 48 146 82 M12 x 75 1.9
3x1 3.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.30 2.20 6.30 2.91 ½x3 3.7
80 x 25 88.9 x 33.4 20 38 84 56 160 74 M12 x 75 1.7
3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.50 2.20 6.30 3.46 ½x3 4.0
80 x 32 88.9 x 42.2 20 51 89 56 160 88 M12 x 75 1.8
3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.50 2.20 6.30 3.46 ½x3 4.2
80 x 40 88.9 x 48.3 20 51 89 56 160 88 M12 x 75 1.9
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 3.58 2.20 6.30 3.98 ½x3 4.8
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 20 64 91 56 160 101 M12 x 75 2.2
4x1 4.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.89 2.83 7.48 2.63 ½x3 4.4
100 x 25 114.3 x 33.4 20 38 94 72 190 67 M12 x 75 2.0
4 x 1¼ 4.500 x 1,660 300 2.00 3.89 2.83 7.48 3.35 ½x3 4.6
100 x 32 114.3 x 42.2 20 51 99 72 190 85 M12 x 75 2.1
4 x 1½ 4.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.89 2.83 7.48 3.35 ½x3 4.8
100 x 40 114.3 x 48.3 20 51 99 72 190 85 M12 x 75 2.2
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.13 2.83 7.48 3.98 ½x3 5.9
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 20 64 105 72 190 101 M12 x 75 2.7
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 300 2.75 4.37 2.83 7.48 4.40 ½x3 6.6
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 20 70 111 72 190 112 M12 x 75 3.0
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 4.37 2.83 7.48 4.40 ½x3 6.6
100 x 65 114.3 x 76.1 20 70 111 72 190 112 M12 x 75 3.0
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 4.40 2.83 7.48 5.35 ⅝ x 3½ 11.4
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 20 89 112 72 190 136 M16 x 90 5.2
5x2 5.500/5.563 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.88 3.39 9.29 4.00 ⅝ x 3½ 9.2
125 x 50 139.7/141.3 x 60.3 20 64 124 86 236 102 M16 x 90 4.2
5 x 2½ 5.563 x 2.875 300 2.75 5.00 3.39 9.29 4.65 ⅝ x 3½ 9.5
125 x 65 141.3 x 73.0 20 70 127 86 236 118 M16 x 90 4.2
5 x 2½ 5.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 5.00 3.39 9.29 4.65 ⅝ x 3½ 9.5
125 x 65 139.7 x 76.1 20 70 127 86 236 118 M16 x 90 4.3
6 x 1¼ 6.500/6.625 x 1.660 300 2.00 5.00 3.86 10.08 3.66 ⅝ x 55/16 9.2
150 x 32 165.1/168.3 x 42.2 20 51 127 98 256 93 M16 x 135 4.2
6 x 1½ 6.500/6.625 x 1.900 300 2.00 5.00 3.86 10.08 3.66 ⅝ x 55/16 9.5
150 x 40 165.1/168.3 x 48.3 20 51 127 98 256 93 M16 x 135 4.3
6x2 6.500/6.625 x 2.375 300 2.50 5.20 3.86 10.08 3.98 ⅝ x 55/16 10.6
150 x 50 165.1/168.3 x 60.3 20 64 132 98 256 101 M16 x 135 4.8
6 x 2½ 6.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 5.50 3.86 10.08 4.65 ⅝ x 55/16 12.1
150 x 65 168.3 x 73.0 20 70 140 98 256 118 M16 x 135 5.5
6 x 2½ 6.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 5.50 3.86 10.08 4.65 ⅝ x 55/16 12.1
150 x 65 165.1 x 76.1 20 70 140 98 256 118 M16 x 135 5.5
6x3 6.500/6.625 x 3.500 300 3.50 5.50 3.86 10.08 5.39 ⅝ x 55/16 12.3
150 x 80 165.1/168.3 x 88.9 20 89 140 98 256 137 M16 x 135 5.6
Continued on next page.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +0.13, -0 / +3.2, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
6x4 6.500/6.625 x 4.500 300 4.50 5.50 3.86 10.08 6.46 ⅝ x 55/16 15.4
150 x 100 165.1/168.3 x 114.3 20 114 140 98 256 164 M16 x 135 7.0
8x2 8.625 x 2.375 300 2.75 6.54 4.72 12.87 3.89 ¾ x 4¾ 12.8
200 x 50 219.1 x 60.3 20 70 166 120 327 104 M20 x 120 5.8
8 x 2½ 8.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 6.54 4.72 12.87 4.09 ¾ x 4¾ 13.2
200 x 65 219.1 x 73.0 20 70 166 120 327 104 M20 x 120 6.0
8 x 2½ 8.625 x 3.000 300 2.75 6.54 4.72 12.87 4.09 ¾ x 4¾ 13.2
200 x 65 219.1 x 76.1 20 70 166 120 327 104 M20 x 120 6.0
8x3 8.625 x 3.500 300 3.50 6.54 4.72 12.87 5.04 ¾ x 4¾ 15.8
200 x 80 219.1 x 88.9 20 89 166 120 327 128 M20 x 120 7.2
8x4 8.625 x 4.500 300 4.50 6.54 4.72 12.87 6.46 ¾ x 4¾ 16.5
200 x 100 219.1 x 114.3 20 114 166 120 327 164 M20 x 120 7.5
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole diameters.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
**Working pressure is based on roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +0.13, -0 / +3.2, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2x1 2.375 x 1.315 300 1.50 2.87 1.50 4.57 3.19 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.27
50 x 25 60.3 x 33.4 20 38 73.0 38.1 115.9 81.0 M10 x 55 1.03
2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 1.660 300 [1.75] 3.00 1.50 4.57 3.31 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.44
50 x 32 60.3 x 42.2 20 [45] 76.2 38.1 115.9 84.0 M10 x 55 1.11
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 300 [1.75] 3.00 1.50 4.57 3.31 ⅜ x 2⅛ 2.60
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 20 [45] 76.2 38.1 115.9 84.0 M10 x 55 1.18
2½ x 1 2.875 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.13 1.75 5.56 3.19 ½ x 2⅜ 2.71
65 x 25 73.0 x 33.4 20 38 79.4 44.5 141.3 81.0 M12 x 60 1.23
2½ x 1¼ 2.875 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.25 1.75 5.56 3.70 ½ x 2⅜ 3.06
65 x 32 73.0 x 42.2 20 51 82.6 44.5 141.3 94.0 M12 x 60 1.39
2.5 x 1½ 2.875 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.25 1.75 5.56 3.70 ½ x 2⅜ 3.12
65 x 40 73.0 x 48.3 20 51 82.6 44.5 141.3 94.0 M12 x 60 1.42
3.000 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.13 1.81 5.69 3.19 ½ x 2⅜ 2.71
76.1 mm x 25
76.1 x 33.4 20 38 79.4 46.1 144.5 81.0 M12 x 60 1.23
3.000 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.25 1.81 5.69 3.70 ½ x 2⅜ 3.06
76.1 mm x 32
76.1 x 42.2 20 51 82.6 46.1 144.5 94.0 M12 x 60 1.39
3.000 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.25 1.81 5.69 3.70 ½ x 2⅜ 3.12
76.1 mm x 40
76.1 x 48.3 20 51 82.6 46.1 144.5 94.0 M12 x 60 1.42
3x1 3.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.37 2.09 6.19 3.19 ½x3 3.19
80 x 25 88.9 x 33.4 20 38 85.7 53.2 157.2 81.0 M12 x 75 1.45
3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 3.56 2.09 6.19 3.70 ½x3 3.70
80 x 32 88.9 x 42.2 20 51 90.5 53.2 157.2 94.0 M12 x 75 1.68
3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.56 2.09 6.19 3.70 ½x3 3.74
80 x 40 88.9 x 48.3 20 51 90.5 53.2 157.2 94.0 M12 x 75 1.70
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 3.56 2.09 6.19 4.25 ½x3 4.03
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 20 64 90.5 53.2 157.2 108.0 M12 x 75 1.83
4x1 4.500 x 1.315 300 1.50 3.69 2.63 7.19 3.13 ½x3 3.63
100 x 25 114.3 x 33.4 20 38 93.7 66.7 182.6 79.4 M12 x 75 1.65
4 x 1¼ 4.500 x 1,660 300 2.00 3.63 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 3.96
100 x 32 114.3 x 42.2 20 51 92.1 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 1.80
4 x 1½ 4.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 3.63 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 3.98
100 x 40 114.3 x 48.3 20 51 92.1 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 1.81
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.00 ½x3 4.25
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 20 64 101.6 66.7 182.6 101.6 M12 x 75 1.93
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 300 2.75 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.44 ½x3 5.85
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 20 70 101.6 66.7 182.6 112.7 M12 x 75 2.66
4.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 4.00 2.63 7.19 4.44 ½x3 4.78
100 x 76.1 mm
114.3 x 76.1 20 70 101.6 66.7 182.6 112.7 M12 x 75 2.17
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 4.13 2.63 7.19 5.06 ½x3 5.30
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 20 89 104.8 66.7 182.6 128.6 M12 x 75 2.41
5.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 5.79
139.7 mm x 50*
139.7 x 60.3 20 64 120.7 81.0 223.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.63
139.7 mm 5.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 6.50
x 76.1 mm* 139.7 x 76.1 20 70 120.7 81.0 223.8 112.7 M16 x 90 2.95-
5.500 x 3.500 300 2.75 4.63 3.19 8.81 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.78
139.7 mm x 80*
139.7 x 88.9 20 70 117.5 81.0 223.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.08
5x2 5.563 x2.375 300 2.50 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 5.79
125 x 50 141.3 x 60.3 20 64 120.7 81.0 223.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.63
5 x 2½ 5.563x 2.875 300 2.75 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 6.34
125 x 65 141.3 x 73.0 20 70 120.7 81.0 223.8 112.7 M16 x 90 2.88
5.563x 3.000 300 2.75 4.75 3.19 8.81 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 6.49
125 x 76.1 mm
141.3 x 76.1 20 70 120.7 81.0 223.8 112.7 M16 x 90 2.95
Continued on next page.
Nominal Pipe Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure +0.13, -0 / +3.2, -0 Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)** A B C D
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
5x3 5.563 x 3.500 300 2.75 4.63 3.19 8.81 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.78
125 x 80 141.3 x 88.9 20 70 117.5 81.0 223.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.08
6.500 x 1.660 300 2.00 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.03
165.1 mm x 32
165.1 x 42.2 20 51 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.74
6.500 x 1.900 300 2.00 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.12
165.1 mm x 40
165.1 x 48.3 20 51 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.78
6.500 x 2.375 300 2.50 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.40
165.1 mm x 50
165.1 x 60.3 20 64 130.2 94.5 250.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.91
6 x 2½ 6.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 7.08
150 x 65 168.3 x 73.0 20 70 130.2 94.5 250.8 112.7 M16 x 90 3.22
165.1 mm 6.500 x 3.000 300 2.75 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.56 ⅝ x 3½ 7.44
x 76.1 mm 165.1 x 76.1 20 70 130.2 94.5 250.8 115.9 M16 x 90 3.38
6.500 x 3.500 300 3.50 5.13 3.72 9.87 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 8.01
165.1 mm x 80
165.1 x 88.9 20 89 130.2 94.5 250.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.64
6.500 x 4.500 300 4.50 5.40 3.72 9.87 6.25 ⅝ x 3½ 8.91
165.1 mm x 100
165.1 x 114.3 20 114 137.1 94.5 250.8 158.8 M16 x 90 4.05
6 x 1¼ 6.625 x 1.660 300 2.00 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.05
150 x 32 168.3 x 42.2 20 51 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.75
6 x 1½ 6.625 x 1.900 300 2.00 5.13 3.72 9.87 3.63 ⅝ x 3½ 6.12
150 x 40 168.3 x 48.3 20 51 130.2 94.5 250.8 92.1 M16 x 90 2.78
6x2 6.625 x 2.375 300 2.50 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.19 ⅝ x 3½ 6.42
150 x 50 168.3 x 60.3 20 64 130.2 94.5 250.8 106.4 M16 x 90 2.92
6 x 2½ 6.625 x 2.875 300 2.75 5.13 3.72 9.87 4.44 ⅝ x 3½ 7.08
150 x 65 168.3 x 73.0 20 70 130.2 94.5 250.8 112.7 M16 x 90 3.22
6x3 6.625 x 3.500 300 3.50 5.13 3.72 9.87 5.19 ⅝ x 3½ 8.10
150 x 80 168.3 x 88.9 20 89 130.2 94.5 250.8 131.8 M16 x 90 3.68
6x4 6.625 x 4.500 300 4.50 5.40 3.72 9.87 6.25 ⅝ x 3½ 8.91
150 x 100 168.3 x 114.3 20 114 137.1 94.5 250.8 158.8 M16 x 90 4.05
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole diameters.
[ ] Important: Make special note of the hole saw size and maximum diameter allowed on these sizes, deviation could lead to joint failure.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
**Working pressure is based on grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
at the desired outlet location.
Nominal Working Hole Dia. LJ Take-Out, Bolt Bolt
Size Pressure +3.2, -0 / +0.13, -0 Tۆ Size Torque Weight
Run x Branch (CWP) A B C D
in PSI in in in in in Lbs-Ft Lbs
mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Nm Kgs
1¼ x ½ 300 1.18 1.97 3.50 2.20 1.73 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
32 x 15 20 30 50.0 89.0 56.0 44.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
1¼ x ¾ 300 1.18 1.97 3.50 2.20 1.73 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
32 x 20 20 30 50.0 89.0 56.0 44.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
1¼ x 1 300 1.18 2.13 3.50 2.20 1.85 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
32 x 25 20 30 54.0 89.0 56.0 47.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
1½ x ½ 300 1.18 2.09 3.50 2.24 1.81 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
40 x 15 20 30 53.0 89.0 57.0 46.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
1½ x ¾ 300 1.18 2.09 3.50 2.24 1.81 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
40 x 20 20 30 53.0 89.0 57.0 46.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
1½ x 1 300 1.18 2.28 3.50 2.24 1.93 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
40 x 25 20 30 58.0 89.0 57.0 49.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2x½ 300 1.18 2.36 3.82 2.24 2.09 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
50 x 15 20 30 60.0 97.0 57.0 53.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2x¾ 300 1.18 2.36 3.82 2.24 2.09 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
50 x 20 20 30 60.0 97.0 57.0 53.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2x1 300 1.18 2.52 3.82 2.24 2.20 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
50 x 25 20 30 64.0 97.0 57.0 56.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2½ x ½ 300 1.18 2.60 4.37 2.24 2.28 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
65 x 15 20 30 66.0 111.0 57.0 58.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2½ x ¾ 300 1.18 2.60 4.37 2.24 2.28 ⅜Ø 15-22 0.9
65 x 20 20 30 66.0 111.0 57.0 58.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.4
2½ x 1 300 1.18 2.76 4.37 2.24 2.40 ⅜Ø 15-22 1.1
65 x 25 20 30 70.0 111.0 57.0 61.0 U-Bolt 20-30 0.5
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole saw diameters.
ۆT: Take-out (Center of run to end of pipe to be engaged)
* Working Pressure is based on standard wall carbon steel pipe.
Hole Cutting
The method of pipe preparation Hole Sizes for 723 Saddle-let
requires the cutting or drilling of a specified Hole Dimensions Surface
hole size on the centerline of the pipe. Saddle- Let Hole Saw Max dia. Preparation
Branch Size Size Allowed “A”
Always use the correct hole saw size as in in in in
shown in the table and never use a torch mm mm mm mm
½, ¾, 1 13/16 1¼ 3½
for cutting a hole. After the hole has been 15, 20, 25 30 32 89
cut all rough edges must be removed and
the area within ⅝” (16 mm) of the hole A
should be inspected to ensure a clean
smooth surface, free of any indentations or
projections that could affect proper gasket
⅝" ( 16 mm )
The following tables show maximum working pressures (CWP) couplings can be used in conjunction with stainless steel pipe in non-
of Shurjoint ductile iron couplings and flange adapters used on corrosive environment as the flow media does not come in direct
both carbon steel and stainless steel pipes. Shurjoint ductile iron contact with the coupling housings but rather only the gasket.
Model Z05 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model Z05 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
1¼ 600 600 500 400 250 1¼ 600 600 450 300 250
32 42 42 35 28 17 32 42 42 31 20 17
1½ 600 600 500 400 250 1½ 600 600 450 300 250
40 42 42 35 28 17 40 42 42 31 20 17
2 600 600 500 400 250 2 600 600 450 300 250
50 42 42 35 28 17 50 42 42 31 20 17
2½ 600 600 500 400 250 2½ 600 600 450 300 250
65 42 42 35 28 17 65 42 42 31 20 17
3 600 600 500 400 250 3 600 600 450 300 250
80 42 42 35 28 17 80 42 42 31 20 17
4 600 600 500 400 200 4 600 600 450 300 200
100 42 42 35 28 14 100 42 42 31 20 14
5 450 450 350 300 175 5 450 450 300 200
125 31 31 24 20 12 125 31 31 20 14
6 450 450 350 300 175 6 450 450 300 125
150 31 31 24 20 12 150 31 31 20 9 NR
8 450 450 350 300 150 8 450 450 300 100
200 31 31 24 20 10 200 31 31 20 7 NR
Model K-9 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model K-9 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
1¼ 600 600 500 400 300 1¼ 600 600 450 300 250
32 42 42 35 28 20 32 42 42 31 20 17
1½ 600 600 500 400 300 1½ 600 600 450 300 250
40 42 42 35 28 20 40 42 42 31 20 17
2 600 600 500 400 300 2 600 600 450 300 250
50 42 42 35 28 20 50 42 42 31 20 17
2½ 600 600 500 400 300 2½ 600 600 450 300 250
65 42 42 35 28 20 65 42 42 31 20 17
3 600 600 500 400 300 3 600 600 450 300 250
80 42 42 35 28 20 80 42 42 31 20 17
4 600 600 500 400 300 4 600 600 450 300 200
100 42 42 35 28 20 100 42 42 31 20 14
5 450 450 450 350 250 5 450 450 300 200
125 31 31 31 24 17 125 31 31 20 14
6 450 450 450 350 250 6 450 450 300 125
150 31 31 31 24 17 150 31 31 20 9
8 450 450 300 250 200 8 450 450 300 100
200 31 31 20 17 14 200 31 31 20 7
8 (K-9H) 450 450 300 250 200 8 (K-9H) 450 450 300 100
200 31 31 20 17 14 200 31 31 20 7
Model 7771 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model 7771 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
1½ 750 750 750 600 400 1½ 750 750 700 500 300
40 52 52 52 42 28 40 52 52 48 35 20
2 750 750 750 600 400 2 750 750 700 500 300
50 52 52 52 42 28 50 52 52 48 35 20
2½ 750 750 750 600 400 2½ 750 750 700 500 300
65 52 52 52 42 28 65 52 52 48 35 20
3 750 750 750 600 400 3 750 750 700 500 300
80 52 52 52 42 28 80 52 52 48 35 20
4 750 750 750 600 400 4 750 750 700 400 250
100 52 52 52 42 28 100 52 52 48 28 17
5 750 750 750 500 350 5 750 750 600 300
125 52 52 52 35 24 125 52 52 42 20 NR
6 700 700 700 400 300 6 700 700 500 200
150 48 48 48 28 20 150 48 48 35 14 NR
8 600 600 600 350 250 8 600 600 400 150
200 42 42 42 24 17 200 42 42 28 10 NR
10 500 500 500 300 200 10 500 500 300 100
250 35 35 35 20 14 NR
250 35 35 20 7
12 400 400 400 250 150 12 400 400 250 100
300 28 28 28 17 10 300 28 28 17 7 NR
Model XH-1000 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model XH-1000 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
2 1000 1000 1000 750 2 1000 1000 750 500
50 69 69 69 52 50 69 69 52 35
2½ 1000 1000 1000 600 2½ 1000 1000 750 500
65 69 69 69 42 NR 65 69 69 52 35 NR
3 1000 1000 1000 600 3 1000 1000 750 500
80 69 69 69 42 NR 80 69 69 52 35 NR
4 1000 1000 1000 600 4 1000 1000 750 400
100 69 69 69 42 100 69 69 52 28
6 1000 1000 1000 450 6 1000 1000 500 200
150 69 69 69 31 NR 150 69 69 35 14 NR
8 800 800 800 300 8 800 800 400 125
200 55 55 55 20 NR 200 55 55 28 9
10 800 800 800 300 10 800 800 400 125
250 55 55 55 20 NR 250 55 55 28 9 NR
12 800 800 800 200 12 800 800 400 125
300 55 55 55 14 NR 300 55 55 28 9 NR
Model 7705 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model 7705 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
1 600 600 500 400 300 1 600 600 450 300 250
25 42 42 35 28 20 25 42 42 31 20 17
1¼ 600 600 500 400 300 1¼ 600 600 450 300 250
32 42 42 35 28 20 32 42 42 31 20 17
1½ 600 600 500 400 300 1½ 600 600 450 300 250
40 42 42 35 28 20 40 42 42 31 20 17
2 600 600 500 400 300 2 600 600 450 300 250
50 42 42 35 28 20 50 42 42 31 20 17
2½ 600 600 500 400 300 2½ 600 600 450 300 250
65 42 42 35 28 20 65 42 42 31 20 17
3 600 600 500 400 300 3 600 600 450 300 250
80 42 42 35 28 20 80 42 42 31 20 17
4 600 600 500 400 300 4 600 600 450 300 200
100 42 42 35 28 20 100 42 42 31 20 14
5 450 450 450 350 250 5 450 450 300 200
125 31 31 31 24 17 125 31 31 20 14 NR
6 450 450 450 350 250 6 450 450 300 125
150 31 31 31 24 17 NR
150 31 31 20 9
8 450 450 300 250 200 8 450 450 300 100
200 31 31 20 17 14 200 31 31 20 7 NR
10 350 350 300 200 175 10 350 350 200
250 24 24 20 14 12 250 24 24 14 NR NR
12 350 350 300 200 175 12 350 350 200
300 24 24 20 14 12 NR NR
300 24 24 14
Model 7707 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model 7707 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
¾ 1000 1000 1000* / 750 750* / 600 500 ¾ 750 750 700 450 325
20 69 69 69* / 52 52* / 42 35 20 52 52 48 31 22
1 1000 1000 1000* / 750 750* / 600 500 1 750 750 700 450 325
25 69 69 69* / 52 52* / 42 35 25 52 52 48 31 22
1¼ 1000 1000 1000* / 750 750* / 600 500 1¼ 750 750 700 450 325
32 69 69 69* / 52 52* / 42 35 32 52 52 48 31 22
1½ 1000 1000 1000* / 750 750* / 600 500 1½ 750 750 700 450 325
40 69 69 69* / 52 52* / 42 35 40 52 52 48 31 22
2 1000 1000 1000* / 750 750* / 600 500 2 750 750 700 450 325
50 69 69 69* / 52 52* / 42 35 50 52 52 48 31 22
2½ 1000 1000 1000* / 750 600 500 2½ 750 750 700 450 325
65 69 69 69* / 52 42 35 65 52 52 48 31 22
3 1000 1000 1000* / 750 600 500 3 750 750 700 450 325
80 69 69 69* / 52 42 35 80 52 52 48 31 22
4 1000 1000 1000* / 750 600 400 4 750 750 700 400 250
100 69 69 69* / 52 42 28 100 52 52 48 28 17
5 1000 1000 1000* / 750 500 350 5 750 750 600 300
125 69 69 69* / 52 35 24 125 52 52 42 20 NR
6 1000 1000 1000* / 700 450 300 6 750 750 500 200
150 69 69 69* / 48 31 20 NR
150 52 52 35 14
8 800 800 800* / 600 350 250 8 600 600 450 150
200 55 55 55* / 42 24 17 NR
200 42 42 31 10
10 800 800 800* / 550 300 200 10 600 600 400 125
250 55 55 55* / 38 20 14 250 42 42 28 9 NR
12 800 800 800* / 500 300 200 12 600 600 400 125
300 55 55 55* / 35 20 14 300 42 42 28 9 NR
Note: * Maximum line pressure, including surge, to which a joint should be subjected.
Model C-7 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model C-7 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
1½ x * 500 500 500 350 300 1½ x * 500 500 350 300 250
40 x * 35 35 35 24 20 40 x * 35 35 24 20 17
2x* 500 500 500 350 300 2x* 500 500 350 300 250
50 x * 35 35 35 24 20 50 x * 35 35 24 20 17
2½ x * 500 500 500 350 300 2½ x * 500 500 350 300 250
65 x * 35 35 35 24 20 65 x * 35 35 24 20 17
3x* 500 500 500 350 300 3x* 500 500 350 300 250
80 x * 35 35 35 24 20 80 x * 35 35 24 20 17
4x* 500 500 500 350 300 4x* 500 500 350 300 250
100 x * 35 35 35 24 20 100 x * 35 35 24 20 17
6x* 400 400 400 350 300 6x* 400 400 300 300 250
150 x * 28 28 28 24 20 150 x * 28 28 20 20 17
* = all branch sizes, threaded and grooved * = all branch sizes, threaded and grooved
Model 7043 on Carbon Steel Pipe Model 7043 on Stainless Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size XS STD STD Sch. 10 Sch. 7 Size Sch. 80S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar Bar
2 750 750 750 500 2 400 400 400
50 52 52 52 35 50 28 28 28
2½ 750 750 750 500 2½ 400 400 400
65 52 52 52 35 NR 65 28 28 28 NR NR
3 750 750 750 500 3 400 400 400
80 52 52 52 35 NR 80 28 28 28 NR NR
4 750 750 750 500 4 300 300 300
100 52 52 52 35 NR 100 20 20 20 NR NR
5 750 750 750 450 5 300 300 250
125 52 52 52 31 NR 125 20 20 17 NR NR
6 750 750 750 450 6 300 300 200
150 52 52 52 31 150 20 20 14
8 750 750 750 300 8 250 250 150
200 52 52 52 20 200 17 17 10
10 750 750 750 300 10 250 250 150
250 52 52 52 20 NR 250 17 17 10 NR NR
12 750 750 750 250 12 250 250 150
300 52 52 52 17 NR 300 17 17 10 NR NR
Hydrostatic shell test: 1125 psi (77 Bar) per ANSI B16.5
Model 7707N on Carbon Steel Pipe Model Z07N on Carbon Steel Pipe
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
(0.500”) (0.375”) (0.312”) (0.500”) (0.375”) (0.312”)
in psi psi psi in psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar
14 300 300 250 14 350 350
350 20 20 17 NR
350 24 24
16 300 300 250 16 350 350
400 20 20 17 400 NR 24 24
18 300 300 250 18 350 350
450 20 20 17 450 NR 24 24
20 300 300 250 20 350 350
500 20 20 17 500 NR 24 24
22 300 300 250 24 350 225
550 20 20 17 NR
600 24 16
24 300 300 250
600 20 20 17
7110 7111 7112 7113
Nominal Pipe #7110 90˚ Elbow #7111 45˚ Elbow #7112 22½˚ Elbow #7113 11¼˚ Elbow
Size O. D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
1 1.315 2.25 0.7 1.75 0.5 --- --- 1.38 0.4
25 33.4 57 0.3 45 0.2 --- --- 35 0.2
1¼ 1.660 2.75 1.1 1.75 0.7 1.75 0.7 1.38 0.7
32 42.2 70 0.5 45 0.3 45 0.3 35 0.3
1½ 1.900 2.75 1.3 1.75 0.9 1.75 1.1 1.38 0.7
40 48.3 70 0.6 45 0.4 45 0.5 35 0.3
2 2.375 3.25 2.0 2.00 1.5 1.88 1.6 1.38 1.0
50 60.3 83 0.9 51 0.7 48 0.7 35 0.4
2½ 2.875 3.75 2.6 2.25 2.1 2.01 2.6 1.50* 1.6
65 73.0 95 1.2 57 0.9 51 1.2 38 0.7
3.000 3.75 3.1 2.25 2.1 2.01 2.5 1.50 1.7
76.1 mm
76.1 95 1.4 57 0.9 51 1.1 38 0.8
3 3.500 4.25 4.3 2.50 2.9 2.25 3.1 1.50 1.8
80 88.9 108 2.0 64 1.3 57 1.4 38 0.8
4.000 4.50 5.5 --- --- --- --- --- ---
101.6 mm
101.6 114 2.5 --- --- --- --- --- ---
4.250 5.00 5.5 3.00 4.4 --- --- --- ---
108.0 mm
108.0 127 2.5 76 2.0 --- --- --- ---
4 4.500 5.00 6.9 3.00 4.4 2.88 4.4 1.75 2.2
100 114.3 127 3.1 76 2.0 73 2.0 45 1.0
5.250 5.50 9.0 3.25 5.9 --- --- --- ---
133.0 mm
133.0 140 4.1 83 2.7 --- --- --- ---
5.500 5.50 9.5 3.25 6.4 2.88* 6.5 2.00 4.5
139.7 mm
139.7 140 4.3 83 2.9 73 2.9 51 2.0
5 5.563 5.50 11.0 3.25 6.6 2.88 6.8 2.00 4.5
125 141.3 140 5.0 83 3.0 73 3.1 51 2.1
6.250 6.50 13.2 3.50 8.4 --- --- --- ---
159.0 mm
159.0 165 6.0 89 3.8 --- --- --- ---
6.500 6.50 12.5 3.50 8.9 3.12 10.7 2.00 5.5
165.1 mm
165.1 165 5.7 89 4.0 79 4.9 51 2.5
6 6.625 6.50 12.8 3.50 8.9 3.12 9.3 2.00 5.5
150 168.3 165 5.8 89 4.0 79 4.2 51 2.5
8 8.625 7.75 28.7 4.25 19.0 3.88 17.8 2.00 10.1
200 219.1 197 13.0 108 8.6 98 8.1 51 4.6
10 10.750 9.00 53.1 4.75 34.2 4.38 39.0 2.13 22.1
250 273.0 229 24.1 121 15.5 111 17.7 54 10.0
12 12.750 10.00 81.0 5.25 49.5 4.88 43.0 2.25 27.3
300 323.9 254 36.7 133 22.5 124 19.5 57 12.4
8.516 7.75 27.2 4.25 18.5 3.88 13.9 2.00* 9.3
200 JIS
216.3 197 12.4 108 8.4 98 6.3 51 4.2
10.528 9.00 52.8 4.75 34.2 4.38* 22.5 2.13* 22.1
250 JIS
267.4 229 24.0 121 15.5 111 10.2 54 10.0
12.539 10.00 77.0 5.25 49.5 4.88* 33.7 2.25* 27.3
300 JIS
318.5 254 35.0 133 22.5 124 15.3 57 12.4
14 14.000 11.00 77.5 6.00 48.4 --- --- --- ---
350 355.6 280 35.2 152 22.0 --- --- --- ---
16 16.000 12.00 94.6 7.25 96.8 --- --- --- ---
400 406.4 305 43.0 184 44.0 --- --- --- ---
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
7121 7121 (Male Threaded)
Nominal Pipe Standard Threaded Br. Nominal Pipe Standard Threaded Br.
Size O.D. C-E C-E Weight Size O. D. C-E C-E Weight
in in in in Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm Kgs mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 x 2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 2.375 x 1.660 3.25 --- 2.6 5x5x2 5.563 x 5.563 x 2.375 5.50 5.50* 12.4
50 x 50 x 32 60.3 x 60.3 x 42.2 83 --- 1.2 125 x 125 x 50 141.3 x 141.3 x 60.3 140 140 5.6
2 x 2 x 1½ 2.375 x 2.375 x 1.900 3.25 3.25* 2.6 5 x 5 x 2½ 5.563 x 5.563 x 2.875 5.50 5.50* 12.8
50 x 50 x 40 60.3 x 60.3 x 48.3 83 83 1.2 125 x 125 x 65 141.3 x 141.3 x 73.0 140 140 5.8
2½ x 2½ x 1 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.315 3.75 3.75 3.7 5x5x3 5.563 x 5.563 x 3.500 5.50 5.50* 12.6
65 x 65 x 25 73.0 x 73.0 x 33.4 95 95 1.7 125 x 125 x 80 141.3 x 141.3 x 88.9 140 140 5.7
2½ x 2½ x 1¼ 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.660 3.75 3.75 3.7 5x5x4 5.563 x 5.563 x 4.500 5.50 5.50* 13.6
65 x 65 x 32 73.0 x 73.0 x 42.2 95 95 1.7 125 x 125 x 100 141.3 x 141.3 x 114.3 140 140 6.2
2½ x 2½ x 1½ 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.900 3.75 3.75 4.0 165.1 mm x 165.1 mm 6.500 x 6.500 x 2.375 6.50 6.50* 17.6
65 x 65 x 40 73.0 x 73.0 x 48.3 95 95 1.8 x 50 165.1 x 165.1 x 60.3 165 165 8.0
2½ x 2½ x 2 2.875 x 2.875 x 2.375 3.75 3.75 4.4 165.1 mm x 165.1 mm 6.500 x 6.500 x 3.000 6.50 6.50* 18.7
65 x 65 x 50 73.0 x 73.0 x 60.3 95 95 2.0 x 76.1 mm 165.1 x 165.1 x 76.1 165 165 8.5
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.315 3.75 3.75 3.7 165.1 mm x 165.1 mm 6.500 x 6.500 x 3.500 6.50 6.50* 20.2
x 25 76.1 x 76.1 x 33.4 95 95 1.7 x 80 165.1 x 165.1 x 88.9 165 165 9.2
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.660 3.75 3.75 4.4 165.1 mm x 165.1 mm 6.500 x 6.500 x 4.500 6.50 6.50* 19.4
x 32 76.1 x 76.1 x 42.2 95 95 2.0 x 100 165.1 x 165.1 x 114.3 165 165 8.8
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.900 3.75 3.75 4.2 6x6x2 6.625 x 6.625 x 2.375 6.50 6.50 17.6
x 40 76.1 x 76.1 x 48.3 95 95 1.9 150 x 150 x 50 168.3 x 168.3 x 60.3 165 165 8.0
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 2.375 3.75 3.75* 4.4 6 x 6 x 2½ 6.625 x 6.625 x 2.875 6.50 6.50* 18.7
x 50 76.1 x 76.1 x 60.3 95 95 2.0 150 x 150 x 65 168.3 x 168.3 x 73.0 165 165 8.5
3x3x1 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.315 4.25 4.25* 5.5 6x6x3 6.625 x 6.625 x 3.500 6.50 6.50 20.2
80 x 80 x 25 88.9 x 88.9 x 33.4 108 108 2.5 150 x 150 x 80 168.3 x 168.3 x 88.9 165 165 9.2
3 x 3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.660 4.25 4.25* 5.2 6x6x4 6.625 x 6.625 x 4.500 6.50 6.50* 19.4
80 x 80 x 32 88.9 x 88.9 x 42.2 108 108 2.4 150 x 150 x 100 168.3 x 168.3 x 114.3 165 165 8.8
3 x 3 x 1½ 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.900 4.25 4.25 5.2 8x8x2 8.625 x 8.625 x 2.375 7.75 7.75 32.5
80 x 80 x 40 88.9 x 88.9 x 48.3 108 108 2.4 200 x 200 x 50 219.1 x 219.1 x 60.3 197 197 14.8
3x3x2 3.500 x 3.500 x 2.375 4.25 4.25 6.2 8x8x3 8.625 x 8.625 x 3.500 7.75 7.75 34.2
80 x 80 x 50 88.9 x 88.9 x 60.3 108 108 2.8 200 x 200 x 80 219.1 x 219.1 x 88.9 197 197 15.5
3 x 3 x 2½ 3.500 x 3.500 x 2.875 4.25 4.25 6.2 8x8x4 8.625 x 8.625 x 4.500 7.75 7.75 44.0
80 x 80 x 65 88.9 x 88.9 x 73.0 108 108 2.8 200 x 200 x 100 219.1 x 219.1 x 114.3 197 197 20.0
80 x 80 3.500 x 3.500 x 3.000 4.25 4.25* 6.2 8x8x6 8.625 x 8.625 x 6.625 7.75 --- 46.2
x 76.1 mm 88.9 x 88.9 x 76.1 108 108 2.8 200 x 200 x 150 219.1 x 219.1 x 168.3 197 --- 21.0
4x4x1 4.500 x 4.500 x 1.315 5.00 5.00 8.9 10 x 10 x 4 10.750 x 10.750 x 4.500 9.00 9.00* 62.8
100 x 100 x 25 114.3 x 114.3 x 33.4 127 127 4.0 250 x 250 x 100 273.0 x 273.0 x 114.3 229 229 28.5
4 x 4 x 1½ 4.500 x 4.500 x 1.900 5.00 5.00 9.3 10 x 10 x 6 10.750 x 10.750 x 6.625 9.00 --- 66.0
100 x 100 x 40 114.3 x 114.3 x 48.3 127 127 4.2 250 x 250 x 150 273.0 x 273.0 x 168.3 229 --- 30.0
4x4x2 4.500 x 4.500 x 2.375 5.00 5.00 8.8 10 x 10 x 8 10.750 x 10.750 x 8.625 9.00 --- 69.3
100 x 100 x 50 114.3 x 114.3 x 60.3 127 127 4.0 250 x 250 x 200 273.0 x 273.0 x 219.1 229 --- 31.5
4 x 4 x 2½ 4.500 x 4.500 x 2.875 5.00 5.00 9.5 12 x 12 x 3 12.750 x 12.750 x 3.500 10.00 10.00* 88.1
100 x 100 x 65 114.3 x 114.3 x 73.0 127 127 4.3 300 x 300 x 80 323.9 x 323.9 x 88.9 254 254 40.0
100 x 100 4.500 x 4.500 x 3.000 5.00 5.00* 9.5 12 x 12 x 4 12.750 x 12.750 x 4.500 10.00 10.00* 90.4
x 76.1 mm 114.3 x 114.3 x 76.1 127 127 4.3 300 x 300 x 100 323.9 x 323.9 x 114.3 254 254 41.0
4x4x3 4.500 x 4.500 x 3.500 5.00 5.00 9.4 12 x 12 x 6 12.750 x 12.750 x 6.625 10.00 --- 83.6
100 x 100 x 80 114.3 x 114.3 x 88.9 127 127 4.3 300 x 300 x 150 323.9 x 323.9 x 168.3 254 --- 38.0
139.7 mm x 139.7 mm 5.500 x 5.500 x 2.375 5.50 5.50* 12.4 12 x 12 x 8 12.750 x 12.750 x 8.625 10.00 --- 83.6
x 50 139.7 x 139.7 x 60.3 140 140 5.6 300 x 300 x 200 323.9 x 323.9 x 219.1 254 --- 38.0
139.7 mm x 139.7 mm 5.500 x 5.500 x 2.875 5.50 5.50* 12.8 12 x 12 x 10 12.750 x 12.750 x 10.750 10.00 --- 88.0
x 65 139.7 x 139.7 x 73.0 140 140 5.8 300 x 300 x 250 323.9 x 323.9 x 273.0 254 --- 40.0
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
7121 (Female Threaded)
Nominal Pipe Female Threaded Branch Nominal Pipe Female Threaded Branch
Size O.D. C-E Weight Size O.D. C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm mm mm Kgs
2 x 2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 2.375 x 1.660 3.25 2.9 3 x 3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.660 4.25 5.1
50 x 50 x 32 60.3 x 60.3 x 42.2 83 1.3 80 x 80 x 32 88.9 x 88.9 x 42.2 108 2.3
2 x 2 x 1½ 2.375 x 2.375 x 1.900 3.25 4.0 3 x 3 x 1½ 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.900 4.25 6.0
50 x 50 x 40 60.3 x 60.3 x 48.3 83 1.8 80 x 80 x 40 88.9 x 88.9 x 48.3 108 2.7
2½ x 2½ x 1 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.315 3.75 4.0 3x3x2 3.500 x 3.500 x 2.375 4.25 6.2
65 x 65 x 25 73.0 x 73.0 x 33.4 95 1.8 80 x 80 x 50 88.9 x 88.9 x 60.3 108 2.8
2½ x 2½ x 1¼ 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.660 3.75 3.7 3 x 3 x 2½ 3.500 x 3.500 x 2.875 4.25 7.3
65 x 65 x 32 73.0 x 73.0 x 42.2 95 1.7 80 x 80 x 65 88.9 x 88.9 x 73.0 108 3.3
2½ x 2½ x 1½ 2.875 x 2.875 x 1.900 3.75 4.4 4 x 4 x 1½ 4.500 x 4.500 x 1.900 5.00 9.3
65 x 65 x 40 73.0 x 73.0 x 48.3 95 2.0 100 x 100 x 40 114.3 x 114.3 x 48.3 127 4.2
2½ x 2½ x 2 2.875 x 2.875 x 2.375 3.75 4.6 4x4x2 4.500 x 4.500 x 2.375 5.00 9.3
65 x 65 x 50 73.0 x 73.0 x 60.3 95 2.1 100 x 100 x 50 114.3 x 114.3 x 60.3 127 4.2
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.315 3.75 4.4 4 x 4 x 2½* 4.500 x 4.500 x 2.875 5.00 10.8
x 25 76.1 x 76.1 x 33.4 95 2.0 100 x 100 x 65 114.3 x 114.3 x 73.0 127 4.9
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.660 3.75 4.4 4.500 x 4.500 x 3.000 5.00 9.9
100 x 100 x 76.1 mm
x 32 76.1 x 76.1 x 42.2 95 2.0 114.3 x 114.3 x 76.1 127 4.5
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 1.900 3.75 4.0 139.7 mm x 139.7 mm 5.500 x 5.500 x 2.375 5.50 11.9
x 40 76.1 x 76.1 x 48.3 95 1.8 x 50 139.7 x 139.7 x 60.3 140 5.4
76.1 mm x 76.1 mm 3.000 x 3.000 x 2.375 3.75 4.9 5x5x2 5.563 x 5.563 x 2.375 5.50 12.3
x 50 76.1 x 76.1 x 60.3 95 2.2 125 x 125 x 50 141.3 x 141.3 x 60.3 140 5.6
3x3x½ 3.500 x 3.500 x 0.840 4.25 5.1 165.1 mm x 165.1 mm 6.500 x 6.500 x 2.375 6.50 17.6
80 x 80 x 15 88.9 x 88.9 x 21.3 108 2.3 x 50 165.1 x 165.1 x 60.3 165 8.0
3x3x¾ 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.050 4.25 5.1 6x6x2 6.625 x 6.625 x 2.375 6.50 20.5
80 x 80 x 20 88.9 x 88.9 x 26.7 108 2.3 150 x 150 x 50 168.3 x 168.3 x 60.3 165 9.3
3x3x1 3.500 x 3.500 x 1.315 4.25 5.1 6 x 6 x 2½ 6.625 x 6.625 x 2.875 6.50 15.7
80 x 80 x 25 88.9 x 88.9 x 33.4 108 2.3 150 x 150 x 65 168.3 x 168.3 x 73.0 165 7.1
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
7150 7151
Nominal Pipe #7150 Conc. Reducer #7151 Ecc. Reducer Nominal Pipe #7150 Conc. Reducer #7151 Ecc. Reducer
Size O.D. E-E Weight E-E Weight Size O.D. E-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in in in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs
1¼ x 1 1.660 x 1.315 2.50 0.4 --- --- 6x2 6.625 x 2.375 4.00 4.2 4.00 4.4
32 x 25 42.2 x 33.4 64 0.2 --- --- 150 x 50 168.3 x 60.3 102 1.9 102 2.0
1½ x 1 1.900 x 1.315 2.50 0.5 --- --- 6 x 2½ 6.625 x 2.875 4.00 4.4 --- ---
40 x 25 48.3 x 33.4 64 0.2 --- --- 150 x 65 168.3 x 73.0 102 2.0 --- ---
1½ x 1¼ 1.900 x 1.660 2.50 0.6 --- --- 6x3 6.625 x 3.500 4.00 4.4 4.00 7.8
40 x 32 48.3 x 42.2 64 0.3 --- --- 150 x 80 168.3 x 88.9 102 2.0 102 3.5
2x1 2.375 x 1.315 2.50* 0.9 --- --- 6x4 6.625 x 4.500 4.00 4.6 4.00 5.8
50 x 25 60.3 x 33.4 64 0.4 --- --- 150 x 100 168.3 x 114.3 102 2.1 102 2.7
2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 1.660 2.50 0.7 --- --- 6x5 6.625 x 5.563 4.00 5.5 4.00 9.9
50 x 32 60.3 x 42.2 64 0.3 --- --- 150 x 125 168.3 x 141.3 102 2.5 102 4.5
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 2.50 0.8 --- --- 165.1 mm 6.500 x 2.375 4.00 4.2 4.00 4.4
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 64 0.4 --- --- x 50 165.1 x 60.3 102 1.9 102 2.0
2½ x 2 2.875 x 2.375 2.50 1.1 3.50 1.4 165.1 mm 6.500 x 3.000 4.00 4.2 --- ---
65 x 50 73.0 x 60.3 64 0.5 89 0.7 x 76.1 mm 165.3 x 76.1 102 1.9 --- ---
76.1 mm 3.000 x 2.375 2.50 1.1 3.50 1.6 165.1 mm 6.500 x 3.500 4.00 4.4 4.00 7.7
x 50 76.1 x 60.3 64 0.5 89 0.7 x 80 165.1 x 88.9 102 2.0 102 3.5
3x1 3.500 x 1.315 2.50 1.3 --- --- 165.1 mm 6.500 x 4.500 4.00 4.6 4.00 5.8
80 x 25 88.9 x 33.4 64 0.6 --- --- x 100 165.1 x 114.3 102 2.1 102 2.7
3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 1.660 2.50 1.3 --- --- 165.1 mm 6.500 x 5.500 4.00 5.5 4.00 9.9
80 x 32 88.9 x 42.2 64 0.6 --- --- x 139.7 mm 165.1 x 139.7 102 2.5 102 4.5
3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 2.50 1.3 --- --- 8x3 8.625 x 3.500 5.00 9.5 --- ---
80 x 40 88.9 x 48.3 64 0.6 --- --- 200 x 80 219.1 x 88.9 127 4.3 --- ---
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 2.50 1.3 3.50 2.2 8x4 8.625 x 4.500 5.00 11.2 5.00 14.6
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 64 0.6 89 1.0 200 x 100 219.1 x 114.3 127 5.1 127 6.6
3 x 2½ 3.500 x 2.875 2.50 1.3 3.50 2.2 8x6 8.625 x 6.625 5.00 11.4 5.00 12.0
80 x 65 88.9 x 73.0 64 0.6 89 1.0 200 x 150 219.1 x 168.3 127 5.2 127 5.5
80 3.500 x 3.000 2.50 1.3 3.50 2.2 10 x 4 10.750 x 4.500 6.00 19.8 6.00 26.4
x 76.1 mm 88.9 x 76.1 64 0.6 89 1.0 250 x 100 273.0 x 114.3 152 9.0 152 12.0
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 3.00 2.0 4.00 2.8 10 x 6 10.750 x6.625 6.00 19.8 6.00 25.3
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 76 0.9 102 1.3 250 x 150 273.0 x 168.3 152 9.0 152 11.5
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 3.00 2.2 4.00 3.3 10 x 8 10.750 x 8.625 6.00 20.9 7.00 26.8
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 76 1.0 102 1.5 250 x 200 273.0 x 219.1 152 9.5 178 12.2
100 4.500 x 3.000 3.00 2.3 4.00 3.3 12 x 6 12.750 x 6.625 7.00 30.9 7.00 39.7
x 76.1 mm 114.3 x 76.1 76 1.0 102 1.5 300 x 150 323.9 x 168.3 178 14.0 178 18.0
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 3.00 2.2 4.00 2.9 12 x 8 12.750 x 8.625 7.00 30.9 7.00 40.8
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 76 1.0 102 1.3 300 x 200 323.9 x 219.1 178 14.0 178 18.5
5x4 5.563 x 4.500 3.50 3.6 4.00 6.2 12 x 10 12.750 x 10.750 7.00 30.1 7.00 44.1
125 x 100 141.3 x 114.3 89 1.6 102 2.8 300 x 250 323.9 x 273.0 178 13.7 178 20.0
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Cap in
10 10.750 3.00 12.1
250 273.0 76.1 5.5
The Shurjoint Model 7160H end caps
12 12.750 3.00 16.3
are cast of ductile iron and are designed 300 323.9 76.1 7.4
14 14.000 4.00 26.4
to withstand pressure evenly over the
350 355.6 102.0 12.0
entire spherical surface. The Model 7160H 16 16.000 4.00 32.0
400 406.4 102.0 14.5
End Cap is designed for use on 10” - 24”
18 18.000 5.00 39.2
mechanical piping applications. 450 457.2 127.0 17.8
20 20.000 6.00 53.9
500 508.0 152.0 24.5
24 24.000 6.00 75.9
600 609.6 152.0 34.5
28* 28.000 10.50 125.1
7160H 700 711.2 266.6 56.8
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Nominal Pipe #7110LR 1.5D LR 90˚ Elbow #7111LR 1.5D LR 45˚ Elbow #7137 True-Y
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C - LE C - SE Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 4.38 2.4 2.75 1.8 3.25 2.75 2.5
50 60.3 111 1.1 70 0.8 83 70 1.1
2½ 2.875 5.00 4.0 3.00 3.1 3.75 3.00 3.8
65 73.0 127 1.8 76 1.4 95 76 1.7
3.000 5.00 4.0 3.00 3.2 3.75 3.00 4.0
76.1 mm
76.1 127 1.8 76 1.5 95 76 1.8
3 3.500 5.88 5.8 3.38 4.0 4.25 3.25 5.5
80 88.9 149 2.6 86 1.8 108 83 2.5
4 4.500 7.50 10.3 4.00 7.7 5.00 3.75 10.4
100 114.3 191 4.7 102 3.5 127 95 4.7
5.500 9.50 18.1 5.00 10.1 5.50 4.00 15.0
139.7 mm
139.7 241 8.2 127 4.6 140 102 6.8
5 5.563 9.50 18.1 5.00 10.1 5.50 4.00 11.6
125 141.3 241 8.2 127 4.6 140 102 5.3
6.500 10.75 25.3 5.50 18.0 6.50 4.50 19.6
165.1 mm
165.1 273 11.5 140 8.2 165 114 8.9
6 6.625 10.75 25.3 5.50 18.0 6.50 4.50 19.6
150 168.3 273 11.5 140 8.2 165 114 8.9
8 8.625 14.25 50.7 7.25 35.3 7.75 6.00 34.3
200 219.1 362 23.0 184 16.0 197 152 15.6
10 10.750 17.25 73.0 8.50 78.6 9.00* 6.50 56.2
250 273.0 438 42.2 216 36.1 229 165 25.5
12 12.750 20.50 157.6 10.00 73.9 10.00* 7.00 79.4
300 323.9 521 71.5 254 33.5 254 178 36.0
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Shurjoint short radius fittings, while Nominal Pipe Pipe #901 SR 90˚ Elbow #903 SR Straight Tee
primarily designed for fire protection Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs
applications, can also be used for general mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs
service requirements. 2 2.375 2.75 1.5 2.75 2.2
50 60.3 70 0.7 70 1.0
2½ 2.875 3.00 2.0 3.00 2.9
65 73.0 76 0.9 76 1.3
3.000 3.00 2.5 3.00 2.9
76.1 mm
76.1 76 1.1 76 1.3
3 3.500 3.38 3.1 3.38 4.4
80 88.9 86 1.4 86 2.0
4 4.500 4.00 4.9 4.00 7.9
100 114.3 102 2.2 102 3.6
5.500 4.88* 7.9 4.88* 11.1
139.7 mm
139.7 124 3.6 124 5.1
5 5.563 4.88* 7.9 4.88* 10.1
125 141.3 124 3.6 124 4.6
6.500 5.50 12.9 5.50 16.5
165.1 mm
165.1 140 5.9 140 7.5
6 6.625 5.50 12.9 5.50 17.2
150 168.3 140 5.9 140 7.8
8 8.625 6.94 23.4 6.94 36.3
200 219.1 176 10.6 176 16.5
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
7110DR Drain
The Shurjoint Model 7110DR is a grooved-
D 1” NPT
end ductile iron cast elbow with an
Nominal Pipe Pipe Dimensions
integral 1" NPT or BSP drain. The 7110DR Size O.D. C-E D E Weight
is designed for use in fire protection and in in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
general service applications. 2 2.375 3.27 2.25 1.57 2.2
50 60.3 83 57 40 1.0
2½ 2.875 3.75 2.75 1.57 2.8
65 73.0 95 70 40 1.3
3.000 3.75 2.75 1.57 2.8
76.1 95 70 40 1.3
3 3.500 4.25 2.75 1.93 4.6
80 88.9 108 70 49 2.1
4 4.500 5.00 2.75 2.48 6.6
100 114.3 127 70 63 3.0
6.500 6.50 2.75 3.54 13.4
165.1 165 70 90 6.1
6 6.625 6.50 2.75 3.54 13.4
150 168.3 165 70 90 6.1
8 8.625 7.76 3.27 4.49 25.6
Model 200 219.1 197 83 114 11.6
Nominal Pipe Pipe Dimensions
Size O.D. C - ER C - EB Weight
in in in in Lbs
Fire Protection Applications
mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 x 2 x 2½ 2.375 x 2.375 x 2.875 3.74 3.27 4.03
50 x 50 x 65 60.3 x 60.3 x 73.0 95 83 1.83
7125 Bullhead Tee 2x2x3 2.375 x 2.375 x 3.500 4.25 3.74 4.34
50 x 50 x 80 60.3 x 60.3 x 88.9 108 95 1.97
Waterflow Indicator 2x2x4 2.375 x 2.375 x 4.500 5.00 4.02 7.05
50 x 50 x 100 60.3 x 60.3 x 114.3 127 102 3.20
RCV Riser Check Valve With 2½ x 2½ x 3 2.875 x 2.875 x 3.500 4.25 3.75 5.62
65 x 65 x 80 73.0x 73.0 x 88.9 108 95 2.55
Trim Kit
2½ x 2½ x 4 2.875 x 2.875 x 4.500 5.00 4.00 7.32
65 x 65 x 100 73.0 x 73.0 x 114.3 127 102 3.32
SJ-300F Butterfly Valve
3x3x4 3.500 x 3.500 x 4.500 5.00 4.00 7.94
80 x 80 x 100 88.9 x 88.9 x 114.3 127 102 3.60
7707/7705 Flexible Couplings 4x4x6 4.500 x 4.500 x 6.625 6.50 5.00 14.99
100x 100 x 150 114.3 x 114.3 x 168.3 165 127 6.80
Z07/7771 Rigid Couplings 5x5x8 5.563 x 5.563 x 8.625 7.75 5.50 31.00
125 x 125 x 200 141.3 x 141.3 x 219.1 197 140 14.00
6x6x8 6.625 x 6.625 x 8.625 7.75 6.50 29.12
150 x 150 x 200 168.3 x 168.3 x 219.1 197 165 13.21
2½ x 1 1.900 1.813
65 x 25 48.3 46.0
Model Model
55 Adapter Nipple 56 Hose Nipple
The Shurjoint Model 56 hose nipple allows
for a direct connection with rubber or plastic
The Shurjoint Model 55 is an integral cast
adapter that allows for a direct transition
Material: Ductile iron ASTM A536 Gr. 65-45-
from a grooved system to a male threaded
12 and or ASTM A395 Gr. 65-45-15.
system or component. For other sizes see
page 69, Models 69 through 59 nipples.
Nominal Pipe
L Size O.D. E-E Weight
in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs
1 1.315 3.3 0.4
25 33.4 83 0.2
1¼* 1.660 3.6 0.7
32 42.2 92 0.3
1½ 1.900 4.0 0.7
40 48.3 102 0.3
2 2.375 4.6 1.2
NPT or BSP 50 60.3 117 0.6
2½ 2.875 5.5 2.2
65 73.0 140 1.0
Nominal Size Pipe
3 3.500 6.0 3.3
Grooved x Threaded O.D. L Weight
80 88.9 152 1.5
in / mm in / mm in / mm Lbs / Kgs
4 4.500 7.25 5.5
1½ x 1½M 1.900 2.50 0.77
100 114.3 184 2.5
40 x 40M 48.3 63.5 0.35
5* 5.563 9.75 8.1
2 x 2M 2.375 2.50 0.90
125 141.3 248 3.7
50 x 50M 60.3 63.5 0.40
6 6.625 11.0 14.5
150 168.3 279 6.6
8 8.625 12.5 24.2
200 219.1 318 11.0
10* 10.750 14.0 29.0
250 273.0 356 13.2
12* 12.750 16.0 46.0
300 323.9 406 20.9
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
57 58 59
Gr. x Gr. Gr. x Bev. Gr. x Th
850 Sprinkler Hub 3 Outlets
Size A B Weight
in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs
( ): Number of outlets
851 Reducing Sprinkler Hub Size A B Weight
3 Outlets in
1½ x 1 (4) 2.38 1.80 1.76
40 x 25 (4) 60 46 0.8
2 x 1 (4) 2.38 2.02 2.20
50 x 25 (4) 60 51 1.00
2½ x 1 (4) 2.38 2.25 2.64
65 x 25 (4) 60 57 1.20
( ): Number of outlets
Size A B Weight
in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs
2 x 1½ x 1 (3) 2.38 2.02 2.20
50 x 40 x 25 (3) 60 51 1.00
2½ x 1½ x 1 (3) 2.38 2.25 2.65
65 x 40 x 25 (3) 60 57 1.20
2½ x 2 x 1 (3) 2.38 2.25 2.86
65 x 50 x 25 (3) 60 60 1.30
( ): Number of outlets
Elbow Threaded
3" Grooved
The Shurjoint Model 7114 Hydrant Elbow
is designed for use on fire protection 1” NPT
designed for use on fire protection systems.
The 7122 tee offers both a 2½" BSP
threaded and a 3" grooved outlet. The boss Boss
can be factory tapped to 1" BSP on request. C-E
Nominal Pipe W110LR 90° L/R Elbows W111LR 45° L/R Elbows W120 Tee W160 Cap
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
10 10.750 15.000 78.0 6.25 39.0 --- --- --- ---
250 273.0 381.0 35.4 158.8 17.7 --- --- --- ---
12 12.750 18.000 114.6 7.50 57.3 --- --- --- ---
300 323.9 457.2 52.0 190.5 26.0 --- --- --- ---
14 14.000 21.00 149.4 8.75 74.8 11.00 110.2 6.50 35.0
350 355.6 533.4 67.9 222.3 34.0 279.4 50.0 165.0 15.9
16 16.000 24.00 195.8 10.00 98.1 12.00 145.4 7.00 44.0
400 406.4 609.6 89.0 254.0 44.6 304.8 66.1 178.0 20.0
18 18.000 27.00 248.6 11.25 124.3 13.50 169.8 8.00 56.1
450 457.2 685.8 113.0 285.5 56.5 342.9 77.0 203.0 25.5
20 20.000 30.00 308.0 12.50 154.0 15.00 209.4 9.00 70.0
500 508.0 762.0 140.0 317.5 70.0 381.0 95.0 229.0 31.8
22 22.000 33.00 371.8 13.50 187.0 16.50 277.2 10.00 85.4
550 558.8 838.2 169.0 342.9 85.0 419.1 126.0 254.0 38.8
24 24.000 36.00 444.4 15.00 222.2 17.00 267.9 10.50 99.2
600 609.6 914.4 202.0 381.0 101.0 431.8 121.5 267.0 45.1
Nominal Pipe W121 Reducing Tee Nominal Pipe W121 Reducing Tee
Size O.D. C-E C-B Weight Size O.D. C-E C-B Weight
in in in in Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm Kgs mm mm mm mm Kgs
14 x 6 14.000 x 6.625 11.0 9.37 99.0 20 x 6 20.000 x 6.625 15.0 12.36 196.9
350 x 150 355.6 x 168.3 279.0 238.0 45.0 500 x 150 508.0 x 168.3 381.0 314.0 89.5
14 x 8 14.000 x 8.625 11.0 9.76 101.0 20 x 8 20.000 x 8.625 15.0 12.76 198.0
350 x 200 355.6 x 219.1 279.0 248.0 46.0 500 x 200 508.0 x 219.1 381.0 324.0 90.0
14 x 10 14.000 x 10.750 11.0 10.12 104.0 20 x 10 18.000 x 10.750 15.0 13.11 200.0
350 x 250 355.6 x 273.0 279.0 257.0 47.0 500 x 250 508.0 x 273.0 381.0 333.0 90.9
14 x 12 14.000 x 12.750 11.0 10.63 106.0 20 x 12 20.000 x 12.750 15.0 13.62 202.4
350 x 300 355.6 x 323.9 279.0 270.0 48.0 500 x 300 508.0 x 323.9 381.0 346.0 92.0
16 x 6 16.000 x 6.625 12.0 10.40 125.8 20 x 14 20.000 x 14.000 15.0 14.02 204.4
400 x 150 406.4 x 168.3 305.0 264.0 57.2 500 x 350 508.0 x 355.6 381.0 356.0 92.9
16 x 8 16.000 x 8.625 12.0 10.75 127.2 20 x 16 20.000 x 16.000 15.0 14.02 204.6
400 x 200 406.4 x 219.1 305.0 273.0 57.8 500 x 400 508.0 x 406.4 381.0 356.0 93.6
16 x 10 16.000 x 10.750 12.0 11.14 129.6 20 x 18 20.000 x18.000 15.0 14.50 207.9
400 x 250 406.4 x 273.0 305.0 283.0 58.9 500 x 450 508.0 x 457.2 381.0 368.0 94.5
16 x 12 16.000 x 12.750 12.0 11.61 132.2 24 x 6 20.000 x 6.625 17.0 14.38 268.4
400 x 300 406.4 x 323.9 305.0 295.0 60.1 600 x 150 609.6 x 168.3 432.0 365.0 122.0
16 x 14 16.000 x 14.000 12.0 12.00 134.4 24 x 8 20.000 x 8.625 17.0 14.76 270.6
400 x 350 406.4 x 355.6 305.0 305.0 61.1 600 x 200 609.6 x 219.1 432.0 375.0 123.0
18 x 6 18.000 x 6.625 13.5 11.38 159.7 24 x 10 24.000 x 10.750 17.0 15.12 271.0
450 x 150 457.2 x 168.3 343.0 289.0 72.6 600 x 250 609.6 x 273.0 432.0 384.0 123.2
18 x 8 18.000 x 8.625 13.5 11.75 160.6 24 x 12 24.000 x 12.750 17.0 15.63 273.2
450 x 200 457.2 x 219.1 343.0 298.0 73.0 600 x 300 609.6 x 323.9 432.0 397.0 124.2
18 x 10 18.000 x 10.750 13.5 12.13 162.8 24 x 14 24.000x14.000 17.0 16.00 275.0
450 x 250 457.2 x 273.0 343.0 308.0 74.0 600 x 350 609.6 x 355.6 432.0 406.0 125.0
18 x 12 18.000 x 12.750 13.5 12.64 165.2 24 x 16 24.000 x 16.000 17.0 16.00 275.0
450 x 300 457.2 x 323.9 343.0 321.0 75.1 600 x 400 609.6 x 406.4 432.0 406.0 125.0
18 x 14 18.000 x 14.000 13.5 13.00 167.2 24 x 18 24.000x18.000 17.0 16.50 279.6
450 x 350 457.2 x 355.6 343.0 330.0 76.0 600 x 450 609.6 x 457.2 432.0 419.0 127.1
18 x 16 18.000 x 16.000 13.5 13.00 167.9 24 x 20 24.000 x 20.000 17.0 17.00 281.6
450 x 400 457.2 x 406.4 343.0 330.0 76.3 600 x 500 609.6 x 508.0 432.0 432.0 128.0
W150 W151
W135 Cross
W137 True-Y
Material: Fabricated with ASTM A234 Gr.
WPB, standard weight (0.375” or 9.5 mm), C-E LE
or segmentally welded carbon steel of the
same or equivalent grade.
C-LE and C-SE dimensions: manufacturer’s
W135 W137
1. Long radius 90° elbows 3D, 5D, and 2. End Preparation: Roll-grooved to AWWA ASTM A53, Grade B. Other materials also
6D in sizes up to and including 4” are C606-04 and or ISO/FDIS 6182-12. For available on request.
provided with 4” (102 mm) long tangents, dimensional tolerances of cast fittings, 4. C to E tolerances: 2” through 6”
sizes 5” to 10” are provided with 1D refer to ISO/FDIS 6182-12 Table 3. ±⅛” (3.2 mm); 8” through 16” ±¼” (6.4
long tangents and sizes 12” to 24” • Plain-end, beveled end or cut-grooved mm); 18” through 24” ±⅜” (9.5 mm).
are provided with 12” (305 mm) long ends are also available upon request. 5. All weights are approximate, based on
tangents. 3. Material: Standard wall steel pipe to calculated weight of pipe.
Wrought 3D Elbows
Nominal Pipe L90-3D 90° Elbow L60-3D 60° Elbow L45-3D 45° Elbow L30-3D 30° Elbow L22-3D 22½° Elbow L11-3D 11¼° Elbow
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
2 2.375 10.0 5.5 7.50 4.3 6.50 3.7 5.75 3.4 5.25 3.2 4.50 2.8
50 60.3 254 2.5 191 2.0 165 1.7 146 1.5 133 1.5 114 1.3
2½ 2.875 11.5 9.9 8.25 7.7 7.25 6.7 6.00 5.8 5.50 5.3 4.75 4.6
65 73.0 292 4.5 210 3.5 184 3.0 152 2.6 140 2.4 121 2.1
3 3.500 13.0 14.6 9.25 11.0 7.75 10.1 6.50 8.0 5.75 7.3 5.00 6.2
80 88.9 330 6.6 235 5.0 197 4.6 165 3.6 146 3.3 127 2.8
3½ 4.000 14.5 18.6 10.00 14.4 8.50 12.0 6.75 10.2 6.00 9.2 5.00 7.6
90 101.6 368 8.4 254 6.5 216 5.6 171 4.6 152 4.2 127 3.4
4 4.500 16.0 22.4 11.00 18.5 9.00 14.7 7.25 12.8 6.50 11.4 5.25 9.3
100 114.3 406 10.2 279 8.4 229 7.0 184 5.8 165 5.2 133 4.2
5 5.563 20.0 40.5 13.75 31.3 11.25 26.9 9.00 21.8 8.00 19.4 6.50 15.8
125 141.3 508 18.4 349 14.2 286 12.2 229 9.9 203 8.8 165 7.2
6 6.625 24.0 60.7 16.50 48.8 13.50 39.7 10.75 33.9 9.50 30.1 7.75 24.6
150 168.3 610 27.5 419 22.1 343 18.0 273 15.4 241 13.7 197 11.2
8 8.625 32.0 132.3 22.00 97.9 18.00 86.0 14.50 68.0 12.75 60.5 10.50 49.3
200 219.1 813 60.0 559 44.4 457 39.0 368 30.8 324 27.4 267 22.4
10 10.750 40.0 211.6 27.25 173.4 22.50 136.7 18.00 120.5 16.00 107.2 13.00 87.3
250 273.0 1016 96.0 692 78.7 572 62.0 457 54.7 406 48.6 330 39.6
12 12.750 48.0 319.7 32.75 254.8 27.00 205.0 21.75 177.0 19.25 157.5 15.50 128.3
300 323.9 1219 145.0 832 115.6 686 93.0 552 80.3 489 71.4 394 58.2
14 14.000 54.0 390.2 38.25 327.3 31.50 227.3 25.25 227.3 22.50 202.3 18.25 164.8
350 355.6 1372 177.0 972 148.5 800 103.1 641 103.1 572 91.8 464 74.8
16 16.000 60.0 546.8 43.75 429.0 36.00 350.5 29.00 297.9 25.25 265.2 20.75 216.0
400 406.4 1524 248.0 1111 194.6 914 159.0 737 135.1 648 120.3 527 98
18 18.000 66.0 639.2 49.25 544.4 40.25 461.3 32.50 378.1 28.75 336.5 23.35 274.1
450 457.2 1676 290.6 1251 246.9 1029 209.2 826 171.5 730 152.6 593 124.3
20 20.000 72.0 778.6 54.75 673.5 45.00 568.8 36.00 467.8 32.00 416.3 26.00 339.2
500 508.0 1829 353.15 1391 305.5 1143 258.0 914 212.2 813 188.8 660 153.9
24 24.000 84.0 1442.5 65.50 1297.5 53.75 1099.6 43.25 903.5 38.25 804.5 31.00 655.1
600 609.6 2134 654.3 1664 588.5 1365 498.8 1099 409.8 972 364.9 787 297.2
28 28.000 95.0 1897.5 70.00 1714.5 62.00 1486.6 47.00 1150.7 45.00 1109.3 35.00 868.6
700 711.2 2413 860.7 1778 777.7 1575 674.3 1194 522.0 1143 503.2 889 394.0
* For 24” & 28”: Made by XS (12.7 mm) carbon steel pipe to ASTM A53.
Nominal Pipe L90-5D 90° Elbow L60-5D 60° Elbow L45-5D 45° Elbow L30-5D 30° Elbow L22-5D 22½° Elbow L11-5D 11¼° Elbow
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
2 2.375 14.00 7.2 9.75 5.6 8.25 4.8 6.75 4.0 6.00 3.6 5.00 3.0
50 60.3 356 3.3 248 2.5 210 2.2 171 1.8 152 1.6 127 1.4
2½ 2.875 16.50 13.3 11.25 10.2 9.25 8.6 7.50 7.0 6.50 6.2 5.25 5.0
65 73.0 419 6.1 286 4.6 235 3.9 191 3.2 165 2.8 133 2.3
3 3.500 19.00 19.9 12.75 15.0 10.25 12.5 8.00 10.0 7.00 8.8 5.50 6.9
80 88.9 483 9.0 324 6.8 260 5.7 203 4.5 178 4.0 140 3.1
3½ 4.000 21.50 26.9 12.25 20.0 11.25 16.5 8.75 13.0 7.50 11.3 5.75 8.7
90 101.6 546 12.2 311 9.1 286 7.5 222 5.9 191 5.1 146 3.9
4 4.500 24.00 35.4 15.50 26.0 12.50 21.3 9.50 16.6 8.00 14.3 6.00 10.7
100 114.3 610 16.1 394 11.8 318 9.7 241 7.5 203 6.5 152 4.9
5 5.563 30.00 59.9 19.50 44.1 15.50 36.1 11.75 28.1 10.00 24.1 7.50 18.2
125 141.3 762 27.2 495 20.0 394 16.4 298 12.7 254 10.9 191 8.3
6 6.625 36.00 93.3 23.25 68.6 18.50 56.2 14.00 43.8 12.00 37.6 9.00 28.3
150 168.3 914 42.4 591 31.1 470 25.5 356 19.9 305 17.1 229 12.8
8 8.625 48.00 187.4 31.00 137.7 24.50 112.8 18.75 87.9 16.00 75.4 12.00 56.8
200 219.1 1219 85.2 787 62.5 622 51.2 476 39.9 406 34.2 305 25.8
10 10.750 60.00 332.0 39.00 244.1 30.75 199.9 23.50 155.8 20.00 133.7 15.00 100.6
250 273.1 1524 150.9 991 110.7 781 90.7 597 70.7 508 60.6 381 45.6
12 12.750 72.00 488.0 46.75 358.6 37.00 293.7 28.00 228.9 24.00 196.4 18.00 147.8
300 323.9 1829 221.8 1187 162.7 940 133.2 711 103.8 610 89.1 457 67.0
14 14.000 82.00 608.5 54.50 460.7 43.00 377.3 32.75 294.0 28.00 252.3 21.00 189.8
350 355.6 2083 276.6 1384 209 1092 171.1 832 133.4 711 114.4 533 86.1
16 16.000 92.00 779.7 62.25 603.8 49.25 494.5 37.50 385.3 32.00 330.7 24.00 248.8
400 406.4 2337 354.4 1581 273.9 1251 224.3 953 174.8 813 150 610 112.9
18 18.000 102.00 971.4 70.00 766.2 55.25 627.6 42.25 489.0 36.00 419.7 27.00 315.7
450 457.2 2591 441.5 1778 347.5 1403 284.7 1073 221.8 914 190.4 686 143.2
20 20.000 112.00 1184.9 77.75 947.9 61.50 776.4 46.75 605.0 40.00 519.2 30.00 390.6
500 508.0 2845 538.6 1975 430.0 1562 352.2 1187 274.4 1016 235.5 762 177.2
24 24.000 132.00 1674.9 93.25 1369.3 73.75 1121.6 56.25 873.9 48.00 750.1 35.75 564.3
600 609.6 3353 761.3 2369 621.1 1873 508.7 1429 396.4 1219 340.2 908 256.0
Nominal Pipe L90-6D 90° Elbow L60-6D 60° Elbow L45-6D 45° Elbow L30-6D 30° Elbow L22-6D 22½° Elbow L11-6D 11¼° Elbow
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
2 2.375 16.00 8.2 11.00 6.3 9.00 5.3 7.25 4.3 6.50 3.9 5.25 3.2
50 60.3 406 3.7 279 2.9 229 2.4 184 2.0 165 1.8 133 1.5
2½ 2.875 19.00 15.2 12.75 11.4 10.25 9.5 8.00 7.7 7.00 6.7 5.50 5.3
65 73.0 483 6.9 324 5.2 260 4.3 203 3.5 178 3.0 140 2.4
3 3.500 22.00 22.9 14.50 17.0 11.50 14 8.75 11.0 7.50 9.5 5.75 7.3
80 88.9 559 10.4 368 7.7 292 6.4 222 5.0 191 4.3 146 3.3
3½ 4.000 25.00 31.1 16.25 22.8 12.75 18.6 9.75 14.4 8.25 12.3 6.00 9.2
90 101.6 635 14.1 413 10.3 324 8.4 248 6.5 210 5.6 152 4.2
4 4.500 28.00 41.0 18.00 29.8 14.00 24.1 10.50 18.5 8.75 15.7 6.50 11.4
100 114.3 711 18.6 457 13.5 356 10.9 267 8.4 222 7.1 165 5.2
5 5.563 35.00 69.5 22.25 50.5 17.50 40.9 13.00 31.3 11.00 26.5 8.00 19.4
125 141.3 889 31.6 565 22.9 445 18.6 330 14.2 279 12.0 203 8.8
6 6.625 42.00 108.2 26.75 78.6 21.00 63.7 15.75 48.8 13.25 41.3 9.50 30.1
150 168.3 1067 49.2 679 35.7 533 28.9 400 22.1 337 18.7 241 13.7
8 8.625 56.00 217.2 35.75 157.7 28.00 127.8 21.00 97.9 17.50 82.9 12.75 60.5
200 219.1 1422 98.7 908 71.5 711 58.0 533 44.4 445 37.6 324 27.4
10 10.750 70.00 384.9 44.75 279.4 35.00 226.4 26.00 173.4 22.00 146.9 16.00 107.2
250 273.1 1778 174.9 1137 126.7 889 102.7 660 78.7 559 66.6 406 48.6
12 12.750 84.00 565.8 53.50 410.5 41.75 332.7 31.25 254.8 26.25 215.9 19.00 157.5
300 323.9 2134 257.2 1359 186.2 1060 150.9 794 115.6 667 97.9 483 71.4
14 14.000 96.00 708.4 62.50 527.3 48.75 427.3 36.50 327.3 30.75 277.3 22.25 202.3
350 355.6 2438 322.0 1588 239.2 1238 193.8 927 148.5 781 125.8 565 91.8
16 16.000 108.00 910.6 71.50 691.1 55.75 560.1 41.75 429.0 35.25 363.5 25.50 265.2
400 406.4 2743 413.9 1816 313.5 1416 254.1 1060 194.6 895 164.9 648 120.3
18 18.000 120.00 1137.4 80.50 877.1 62.75 710.7 47.00 544.4 39.50 461.3 28.75 336.5
450 457.2 3048 517.0 2045 397.8 1594 322.4 1194 246.9 1003 209.2 730 152.6
20 20.000 132.00 1390.4 89.25 1085.1 69.75 879.3 52.25 673.5 44.00 570.7 31.75 416.3
500 508.0 3353 632.0 2267 492.2 1772 398.8 1327 305.5 1118 258.9 806 188.8
24 24.000 156.00 1972.1 107.25 1567.5 83.75 1270.3 62.50 973.0 52.34 824.4 38.25 601.4
600 609.6 3962 896.4 2724 711 2127 576.2 1588 441.3 1329 373.9 972 272.8
10EP 11EP
20EP 35EP
Nominal Pipe #10EP 90° Elbows #11EP 45° Elbows #20EP Tee #35EP Cross
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
2 2.375 3.25 2.5 2.00 1.8 3.25 4.2 3.25* 3.9
50 60.3 83 1.1 51 0.8 83 1.9 83 1.8
2½ 2.875 3.75 5.0 2.25* 2.9 3.75* 7.9 3.75* 6.6
65 73.0 95 2.3 57 1.3 95 3.6 95 3.0
3 3.500 4.25 6.0 2.50* 4.3 4.25* 16.0 4.25* 14.2
80 88.9 108 2.7 64 1.9 108 7.3 108 6.4
4 4.500 5.00 10.3 3.00* 8.5 5.00* 23.5 5.00* 15.8
100 114.3 127 4.7 76 3.9 127 10.7 127 7.2
6 6.625 6.50 27.2 3.50* 16.5 6.50* 27.0 6.50* 46.0
150 168.3 165 12.3 89 7.5 165 12.2 165 20.9
For “EP” cut-grooves, see page 30.
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
The Shurjoint Model SS-5 is an angle-pad bolt you can make a fast and easy "swing-
design stainless steel coupling for use with over” installation. The SS-5 couplings are
Sch. 5S, Sch. 10S or Sch. 40S stainless comprised of two identical CF8 (304) or
steel pipe where a rigid connection is CF8M (316) housing segments, EPDM
desired. The angle-pad design allows the gaskets and stainless steel track bolts and
coupling housings to slide along the bolt heavy duty nuts.
pads when tightened. The result is an offset The Shurjoint Model SS-5 is available with
clamping action which provides a rigid joint a standard “C” shaped or GapSeal gasket
which resists so called ‘snaking’ of a long in a variety of grades to meet your specific
straight run. With the removal of only one service requirements.
Nominal Pipe Working Max End Axial Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Size Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
1¼ 1.660 600 1298 0-0.06 2.68 4.13 1.75 1.5
⅜ x 2⅛
32 42.2 42 5.77 0-1.6 68 105 45 0.7
1½ 1.900 600 1700 0-0.06 2.91 4.25 1.81 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
40 48.3 42 7.56 0-1.6 74 108 46 0.8
2 2.375 600 2657 0-0.06 3.39 4.92 1.81 2.0
⅜ x 2⅛
50 60.3 42 11.82 0-1.6 86 125 46 0.9
2½ 2.875 600 3893 0-0.06 3.94 5.43 1.81 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
65 73.0 42 17.32 0-1.6 100 138 46 0.8
3.000 600 4239 0-0.06 3.94 5.63 1.81 2.2
76.1 mm ⅜ x 2⅛
76.1 42 18.86 0-1.6 100 143 46 1.0
3 3.500 600 5770 0-0.06 4.41 6.30 1.81 2.6
⅜ x 2⅛
80 88.9 42 25.67 0-1.6 112 160 46 1.2
4 4.500 600 9538 0-0.13 5.63 8.15 2.00 4.6
100 114.3 42 42.43 0-3.2 143 207 51 2.1
5.500 600 14248 0-0.13 6.77 9.09 2.00 6.2
139.7 mm ½x3
139.7 42 63.38 0-3.2 172 231 51 2.8
5 5.563 600 14576 0-0.13 6.73 9.29 2.00 5.9
125 141.3 42 64.84 0-3.2 171 236 51 2.7
6.500 600 19900 0-0.13 7.68 10.04 2.09 6.8
165.1 mm ½x3
165.1 42 88.52 0-3.2 195 255 53 3.1
6 6.625 600 20672 0-0.13 7.91 10.08 2.00 6.8
150 168.3 42 91.96 0-3.2 201 256 51 3.1
8 8.625 600 35038 0-0.13 10.39 13.11 2.44 14.1
⅝ x 3½
200 219.1 42 155.86 0-3.2 264 333 62 6.4
8.516 600 34158 0-0.13 10.12 13.62 2.44 ¾ x 4¾ 13.2
200 JIS
216.3 42 151.95 0-3.2 257 346 62 6.0
* The working pressure shown is based on roll-grooved Sch. 40S pipe. For other pipe schedules, see page 101.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums;
for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
16"~18" 20"~24"
Max. Max.
Dimensions Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Torque Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs-Ft Lbs
No. in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Nm Kgs
10 10.750 600 54430 0-0.13 12.52 15.98 2.56 105 - 175 23.1
2 ⅞ x 6½
250 273.0 42 239.87 0-3.2 318 406 65 145 - 235 10.5
12 12.750 600 76567 0-0.13 14.72 17.78 2.56 105 - 175 23.3
2 ⅞ x 6½
300 323.9 42 337.66 0-3.2 374 452 65 145 - 235 11.5
10.528 600 52205 0-0.13 12.44 16.73 2.52 105 - 175 18.7
250 JIS 2 ⅞ x 6½
267.4 42 230.13 0-3.2 316 425 64 145 - 235 8.5
12.539 600 74054 0-0.13 14.57 18.31 2.52 105 - 175 21.6
300 JIS 2 ⅞ x 6½
318.5 42 326.49 0-3.2 370 465 64 145 - 235 9.8
14 14.000 400 61544 0-0.13 15.63 19.69 2.95 105 - 175 33.0
2 ⅞ x 6½
350 355.6 28 277.94 0-3.2 397 500 75 145 - 235 15.0
16 16.000 400 80384 0-0.13 18.15 21.10 2.95 50 - 75 42.7
6 ⅝ x 3½
400 406.4 28 363.02 0-3.2 461 536 75 68 - 100 19.4
18 18.000 350 89019 0-0.13 20.24 23.11 2.95 50 - 75 55.0
6 ⅝ x 3½
450 457.2 24 393.82 0-3.2 514 587 75 68 - 100 25.0
20 20.000 350 109900 0-0.13 22.48 26.34 3.11 65 - 150 72.8
8 ¾ x 4¾
500 508.0 24 486.19 0-3.2 571 669 79 85 - 200 33.1
22 22.000 300 113982 0-0.13 24.49 28.35 3.11 65 - 150 72.6
8 ¾ x 4¾
550 558.8 20 490.24 0-3.2 622 720 79 85 - 200 33.0
24 24.000 300 135648 0-0.13 26.47 30.35 3.11 65 - 150 76.3
8 ¾ x 4¾
600 609.6 20 583.43 0-3.2 673 771 79 85 - 200 34.7
* The working pressure shown is based on roll-grooved Sch. 40S pipe. For other pipe schedules, see page 101.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel
pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for design
and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/
DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
Max. Max.
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Deflection Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Degree † Size Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
(°) in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
1 1.315 500 679 0 - 0.06 2.19 3.45 1.73 1.1
2° - 45’ 5/16 x1½
25 33.4 35 3.02 0 - 1.6 55.7 87.5 44.0 0.5
1¼ 1.660 500 1082 0 - 0.06 2.54 3.85 1.73 1.1
2° - 10’ 5/16 x1½
32 42.2 35 4.81 0 - 1.6 64.6 97.8 44.0 0.5
1½ 1.900 500 1417 0 - 0.06 2.79 4.14 1.73 1.1
1° - 54’ 5/16 x1½
40 48.3 35 6.30 0 - 1.6 70.8 105.1 44.0 0.5
2 2.375 500 2214 0 - 0.06 3.28 4.88 1.73 1.5
1° - 31’ ⅜ x 2⅛
50 60.3 35 9.85 0 - 1.6 83.0 124.0 44.0 0.7
2½ 2.875 500 3244 0 - 0.06 3.79 5.51 1.73 1.8
1° - 15’ ⅜ x 2⅛
65 73.0 35 14.43 0 - 1.6 96.2 139.9 44.0 0.8
3.000 500 3533 0 - 0.06 3.91 5.71 1.73 1.8
76.1 mm 1° - 12’ ⅜ x 2⅛
76.1 35 15.71 0 - 1.6 99.0 145.0 44.0 0.8
3 3.500 500 4808 0 - 0.06 4.39 6.18 1.73 2.2
1° - 02’ ⅜ x 2⅛
80 88.9 35 21.39 0 - 1.6 111.0 157.0 44.0 1.0
4 4.500 325 5166 0 - 0.13 5.62 7.87 1.97 3.7
1° - 36’ ½x3
100 114.3 22 22.98 0 - 3.2 143.0 200.0 50.0 1.7
5.500 200 4749 0 - 0.13 6.73 9.09 1.97 4.8
139.7 mm 1° - 18’ ½x3
139.7 14 21.13 0 - 3.2 171.0 231.0 50.0 2.2
5 5.563 200 4859 0 - 0.13 6.72 8.90 1.97 4.8
1° - 18’ ½x3
125 141.3 14 21.61 0 - 3.2 170.8 226.1 50.0 2.2
6.500 200 6633 0 - 0.13 7.67 9.96 2.09 5.9
165.1 mm 1° - 07’ ½x3
165.1 14 29.51 0 - 3.2 194.0 253.0 53.0 2.7
6 6.625 200 6891 0 - 0.13 7.80 9.96 2.09 6.4
1° - 05’ ½x3
150 168.3 14 30.65 0 - 3.2 198.0 253.1 53.0 2.9
8 8.625 200 11386 0 - 0.13 10.04 13.27 2.44 14.1
0° - 50’ ⅝ x 3½
200 219.1 14 50.65 0 - 3.2 255.0 337.0 62.0 6.4
8.516 200 11679 0 - 0.13 10.00 13.62 2.40 11.3
200 JIS 0° - 51’ ⅝ x 3½
216.3 14 51.95 0 - 3.2 251.0 346.0 60.0 5.1
* The working pressure shown is based on roll-grooved Sch. 40S pipe. For other pipe schedules and cut-grooved pipe, see page 102.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums;
for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
stainless steel 316, Duplex CD3MN (2205), prevent galling during repetitive use.
Max. Max.
Dimensions Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Deflection
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Degree † Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
(°) No in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
¾ 1.050 750 1212 0 - 0.06 2.20 3.75 1.81 1.5
3° - 23’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
20 26.7 52 5.39 0 - 1.6 56.0 95.0 46.0 0.7
1 1.315 750 1900 0 - 0.06 2.45 3.91 1.81 1.8
2° -45’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
25 33.4 52 8.45 0 - 1.6 63.0 99.0 46.0 0.8
1¼ 1.660 750 3028 0 - 0.06 2.82 4.37 1.81 2.0
2° -10’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
32 42.2 52 13.47 0 - 1.6 72.0 111.0 46.0 0.9
1½ 1.900 750 3967 0 - 0.06 3.06 4.82 1.81 2.2
1° -54’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
40 48.3 52 17.65 0 - 1.6 78.0 123.0 46.0 1.0
2 2.375 750 6199 0 - 0.06 3.46 5.28 1.85 2.6
1° -31’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
50 60.3 52 27.58 0 - 1.6 88.0 134.0 47.0 1.2
2½ 2.875 750 9084 0 - 0.06 6.02 4.06 1.85 2.9
1° -15’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
65 73.0 52 40.41 0 - 1.6 153.0 103.0 47.0 1.3
3 3.500 750 13463 0 - 0.06 4.71 6.74 1.85 4.0
1° -02’ 2 ½x3
80 88.9 52 59.89 0 - 1.6 120.0 171.0 47.0 1.8
4 4.500 750 22255 0 - 0.13 5.98 7.90 2.03 5.3
1° -36’ 2 ½x3
100 114.3 52 99.00 0 - 3.2 152.0 201.0 52.0 2.4
5 5.563 750 24293 0 - 0.13 7.13 9.80 2.09 7.7
1° -18’ 2 ⅝ x 3½
125 141.3 52 108.07 0 - 3.2 181.0 249.0 53.0 3.5
6 6.625 300 34454 0 - 0.13 8.19 10.85 2.09 8.8
1° -05’ 2 ⅝ x 3½
150 168.3 20 153.27 0 - 3.2 208.0 276.0 53.0 4.0
8 8.625 300 58397 0 - 0.13 10.53 13.43 2.44 15.0
0° -50’ 2 ¾ x 4¾
200 219.1 20 259.77 0 - 3.2 267.0 341.0 62.0 6.8
8.516 300 56930 0 - 0.13 10.39 13.31 2.44 14.3
200 JIS 0° -51’ 2 ¾ x 4¾
216.3 20 253.25 0 - 3.2 264.0 338.0 62.0 6.5
Working pressure ratings are based upon generally accepted pressure piping design standards and testing in accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1 pressure vessel test methods.
* The working pressure shown is based on cut-grooved Sch. 40S or 80S pipe. For other pipe schedules and roll-grooved pipe, see page 102.
† Axial Displacement and deflection figures are for roll grooved standard weight stainless steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums; for design and
installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
Max. Max.
Dimensions Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Deflection
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Degree † Weight
(CWP)** (CWP) A B C Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
(°) No in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
¾* 1.050 1200 1040 0 - 0.06 2.09 3.70 1.81 0.99
3° - 23’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
20 26.7 83 4.62 0 - 1.6 53 94 46 0.45
1 1.315 1200 1630 0 - 0.06 2.36 3.90 1.81 1.21
2° - 45’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
25 33.4 83 7.25 0 - 1.6 60 99 46 0.55
1¼ 1.660 1200 2595 0 - 0.06 2.76 4.17 1.81 1.39
2° - 10’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
32 42.2 83 11.55 0 - 1.6 70 106 46 0.63
1½ 1.900 1200 3400 0 - 0.06 2.99 4.45 1.81 1.54
1° - 54’ 2 ⅜ x 2⅛
40 48.3 83 15.13 0 - 1.6 76 113 46 0.70
2 2.375 1200 5315 0 - 0.06 3.50 5.31 1.85 2.29
1° - 31’ 2 ½x3
50 60.3 83 23.64 0 - 1.6 89 135 47 1.04
3.000 1200 8470 0 - 0.06 4.01 6.04 1.91 3.04
76.1 mm 1° - 15’ 2 ½x3
76.1 83 38.19 0 - 1.6 102 153 49 1.38
3 3.500 1200 11540 0 - 0.06 4.69 6.61 1.85 3.41
1° - 02’ 2 ½x3
80 88.9 83 51.33 0 - 1.6 119 168 49 1.55
4 4.500 1200 19075 0 - 0.13 5.79 7.80 2.03 4.69
1° - 36’ 2 ⅝ x 3½
100 114.3 83 84.86 0 - 3.2 147 198 52 2.13
Working pressure ratings are based upon generally accepted pressure piping design standards and testing in accordance with ASME Section VIII Division 1 pressure vessel test methods.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
** The working pressure shown is based on cut-grooved Sch. 40S or 80S pipe only. Burst test pressures are minimum 2 times the maximum working pressures.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums;
for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
The Shurjoint Fast-fitTM gasket has been accordance with NSF/ANSI 61 and NSF/
designed and engineered for easier and ANSI 372 for potable water (Cold Water
faster installations. The pipe-end friendly +86°F / 30°C and Hot Water +180°F /
design eliminates struggling to stretch the +82°C).
gasket over the pipe ends and the Fast-fitTM
gasket also features Shurjoint’s Gap-Seal Always use the factory supplied Shurjoint
technology, which seals the gap between Fast-fitTM gasket. Performance standards do
Fast-FitTM Gasket:
the pipe ends and eliminates stagnant not support the use of a standard gasket in
Easy installation
water pockets within the gasket cavity. the SS-1200 coupling. with a single hand
The Fast-fit TM gasket is UL classified in
Split Pin
Nominal Pipe Working Max End Axial Deflection
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displacement † Degree † Weight
(CWP)** (CWP) A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
1½* 1.900 300 1700 0 – 0.06 2.95 4.65 1.85 2.2
3º - 48'
40 48.3 20 7.56 0 – 1.6 75 118 47 1.0
2 2.375 300 2657 0 – 0.06 3.39 4.76 1.89 2.4
3º - 31'
50 60.3 20 11.82 0 – 1.6 86 121 48 1.1
2½* 2.875 300 3893 0 – 0.06 3.62 5.91 1.89 3.1
2º - 30'
65 73.0 20 17.32 0 – 1.6 92 150 48 1.4
3.000 300 4239 0 – 0.06 3.62 5.91 1.89 3.1
76.1 mm* 2º - 24'
76.1 20 18.86 0 – 1.6 92 150 48 1.4
3 3.500 300 5770 0 – 0.06 4.69 6.42 1.89 4.0
2º - 24'
80 88.9 20 25.67 0 – 1.6 119 163 48 1.8
4 4.500 300 9538 0 – 0.13 6.50 8.07 2.05 5.9
3º - 12'
100 114.3 20 42.43 0 – 3.2 165 205 52 2.7
5.500 200 9500 0 – 0.13 7.44 9.96 2.05 10.8
139.7 mm* 2º - 37'
139.7 14 42.25 0 – 3.2 189 253 52 4.9
5 5.563 200 9717 0 – 0.13 7.44 9.96 2.05 10.8
2º - 36'
125 141.3 14 43.23 0 – 3.2 189 253 52 4.9
6.500 200 13267 0 – 0.13 8.39 10.94 2.05 12.8
165.1 mm* 2º - 14'
165.1 14 59.01 0 – 3.2 213 278 52 5.8
6 6.625 200 13782 0 – 0.13 8.50 11.06 2.05 12.8
2º - 10'
150 168.3 14 61.31 0 – 3.2 216 281 52 5.8
** The working pressure shown is based on roll-grooved Sch. 40S pipe. For other pipe schedules and cut-grooved pipe, see page 102.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (deflection) figures are for roll grooved standard steel pipe. Values for cut grooved pipe will be double that of roll grooved. These values are maximums;
for design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by: 50% for ¾"/DN20 - 3½"/DN90; 25% for 4"/DN100 and larger to compensate for jobsite conditions.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Expansion Pipe
Lever handles are factory assembled tight
for safety. The use of an expansion pipe will
aid the easy opening and closing. Expansion
pipes are available upon request.
Nominal Pipe SS-10 90° Elbow SS-11 45° Elbow SS-20 Tee SS-60 Cap
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
1 1.315 2.25 0.7 1.75 0.4 2.25 0.9 0.94 0.2
25 33.4 57 0.3 45 0.2 57 0.4 24 0.1
1¼ 1.660 2.75 0.9 1.75 0.7 2.75 1.5 0.94 0.2
32 42.2 70 0.4 45 0.3 70 0.7 24 0.1
1½ 1.900 2.75 0.9 1.75 0.9 2.75 1.8 0.94 0.4
40 48.3 70 0.4 45 0.4 70 0.8 24 0.2
2 2.375 3.25 1.3 2.00 1.1 3.25 2.4 0.94 0.4
50 60.3 83 0.6 51 0.5 83 1.1 24 0.2
2½ 2.875 3.75 3.1 2.25 2.2 3.75 5.5 1.75 0.9
65 73.0 95 1.4 57 1.0 95 2.5 45 0.4
3.000 3.75 3.5 2.25 2.2 3.75 5.5 1.75 0.9
76.1 mm
76.1 95 1.6 57 1.0 95 2.5 45 0.4
3 3.500 4.25 2.9 2.50 2.2 4.25 4.6 2.00 1.5
80 88.9 108 1.3 64 1.0 108 2.1 51 0.7
4 4.500 5.00 4.8 3.00 3.5 5.00 7.5 2.00 2.0
100 114.3 127 2.2 76 1.6 127 3.4 51 0.9
5.500 5.50 8.6 3.25 6.2 5.50 12.3 2.38 3.5
139.7 mm
139.7 140 3.9 83 2.8 140 5.6 60 1.6
5 5.563 5.50 8.6 3.25 6.4 5.50 12.8 2.38 3.3
125 141.3 140 3.9 83 2.9 140 5.8 60 1.5
6.500 6.50 13.6 3.50 9.0 6.50 19.8 3.00 5.7
165.1 mm
165.1 165 6.2 89 4.1 165 9.0 76 2.6
6 6.625 6.50 14.3 3.50 9.2 6.50 21.3 3.00 5.3
150 168.3 165 6.5 89 4.2 165 9.7 76 2.4
8 8.625 7.75 23.5 4.25 15.6 7.75 41.4 3.50 11.4
200 219.1 197 10.7 108 7.1 197 18.8 90 5.2
10 10.750 9.00* 41.8 4.75* 37.0 9.00* 46.4 5.00 22.4
250 273.0 229 19.0 121 16.8 229 21.1 127 10.2
12 12.750 10.00* 83.6 5.25* 43.1 10.00* 94.6 5.71 32.3
300 323.9 254 38.0 133 19.6 254 43.0 145 14.7
8.516 7.75 24.6 4.25 15.6 7.75 30.4 3.50 9.2
200 JIS
216.3 197 11.2 108 7.1 197 13.8 90 4.2
10.528 9.37* 63.8 4.75* 37.0 9.00* 43.6 5.00 19.6
250 JIS
267.4 238 29.0 121 16.8 229 19.8 127 8.9
12.539 12.20* 47.7 5.25* 43.1 10.00* 59.6 5.71 29.7
300 JIS
318.5 310 21.7 133 19.6 254 27.1 145 13.5
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
SS-21 SS-50
Nominal Pipe SS-21 Reducing Tee SS-50 Concentric Reducer Nominal Pipe SS-21 Reducing Tee SS-50 Concentric Reducer
Size O.D. C-E C-B Weight E-E Weight Size O.D. C-E C-B Weight E-E Weight
in in in in Lbs in Lbs in in in in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs
1¼ x 1 1.660 x 1.315 2.76 2.76 1.2 2.50 0.5 139.7 mm x 100 5.500 x 4.500 5.50 5.50 11.2 3.50 3.5
30 x 25 42.2 x 33.4 70 70 0.6 64 0.2 125 x 100 139.7 x 114.3 140 140 5.1 89 1.6
1½ x 1 1.900 x 1.315 3.25 3.25 1.3 2.50 0.6 5x4 5.563 x 4.500 5.50 5.50 11.2 3.50 3.5
40 x 25 48.3 x 33.4 83 83 0.6 64 0.3 125 x 100 141.3 x 114.3 140 140 5.1 89 1.6
1½ x 1¼ 1.900 x 1.660 3.25 3.25 1.3 2.50 0.7 165.1 mm 6.500 x 3.500 6.50 6.50 15.6 4.00 5.1
40 x 32 48.3 x 42.2 83 83 0.6 64 0.3 x 80 165.1 x 88.9 165 165 7.1 102 2.3
2x1 2.375 x 1.315 3.25 3.25 1.5 2.50 0.8 165.1 mm 6.500 x 4.500 6.50 6.50 19.4 4.00 5.1
50 x 25 60.3 x 33.4 83 83 0.7 64 0.3 x 100 165.1 x 114.3 165 165 8.8 102 2.3
2 x 1¼ 2.375 x 1.660 3.25 3.25 1.8 2.50 0.7 165.1 mm 6.500 x 5.500 6.50 6.50 19.4 4.00 5.7
50 x 32 60.3 x 42.2 83 83 0.8 64 0.7 x 139.7 mm 165.1 x 139.7 165 165 8.8 102 2.6
2 x 1½ 2.375 x 1.900 3.25 3.25 1.8 2.50 0.7 6x3 6.625 x 3.500 6.50 6.50 15.6 4.00 5.1
50 x 40 60.3 x 48.3 83 83 0.8 64 0.3 150 x 80 168.3 x 88.9 165 165 7.1 102 2.3
2½ x 1 2.875 x 1.315 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 0.9 6x4 6.625 x 4.500 6.50 6.50 19.4 4.00 5.1
65 x 25 73.0 x 33.4 95 95 0.9 64 0.4 150 x 100 168.3 x 114.3 165 165 8.8 102 2.3
2½ x 1¼ 2.875 x 1.660 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 1.1 6x5 6.625 x 5.563 6.50 6.50 19.4 4.00 5.7
65 x 32 73.0 x 42.2 95 95 0.9 64 0.5 150 x 125 168.3 x 141.3 165 165 8.8 102 2.6
2½ x 1½ 2.875 x 1.900 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 1.2 8x4 8.625 x 4.500 7.76 7.76 35.4 5.00 9.5
65 x 40 73.0 x 48.3 95 95 0.9 64 0.5 200 x 100 219.1 x 114.3 197 197 16.1 127 4.3
2½ x 2 2.875 x 2.375 3.74 3.74 4.1 2.50 1.1 8x5 8.625 x 5.563 7.76 7.76 28.6 5.00 11.9
65 x 50 73.0 x 60.3 95 95 1.9 64 0.5 200 x 125 219.1x 141.3 197 197 13.0 127 5.4
3.000 x 1.315 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 0.9 8x6 8.625 x 6.625 7.76 7.76 54.1 5.00 9.5
76.1 mm x 25
76.1 x 33.4 95 95 0.9 64 0.4 200 x 150 219.1 x 168.3 197 197 24.6 127 4.3
3.000 x 1.660 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 1.1 10 x 6 10.750 x 6.625 9.02 9.02 59.2 6.00 18.3
76.1 mm x 32
76.1 x 42.2 95 95 0.9 64 0.5 250 x 150 273.0 x 168.3 229 229 26.9 152 8.3
3.000 x 1.900 3.74 3.74 2.0 2.50 1.2 10 x 8 10.750 x 8.625 9.02 9.02 60.1 6.00 19.1
76.1 mm x 40
76.1 x 48.3 95 95 0.9 64 0.5 250 x 200 273.0 x 219.1 229 229 27.3 152 8.7
3.000 x 2.375 3.00 3.00 3.3 2.50 1.1 12 x 8 12.750 x 8.625 10.00* 10.00 56.1 7.00 49.5
76.1 mm x 50
76.1 x 60.3 76 76 1.5 64 0.5 300 x 200 323.9 x 219.1 254 254 25.5 178 22.0
3 x 1¼ 3.500 x 1.660 4.25 4.25 3.5 2.50 1.1 12 x 10 12.750 x 10.750 10.00* 10.00 57.2 7.00 23.1
80 x 32 88.9 x 42.2 108 108 1.6 64 0.5 300 x 250 323.9 x 273.0 254 254 26.0 178 11.3
3 x 1½ 3.500 x 1.900 4.25 4.25 2.9 2.50 1.5 8.516 x 4.500 7.76 7.76 35.4 5.00 9.5
200 JIS x 100
80 x 40 88.9 x 48.3 108 108 1.3 64 0.6 216.3 x 114.3 197 197 16.1 127 4.3
3x2 3.500 x 2.375 4.25 4.25 4.6 2.50 1.3 8.516 x 5.500 7.76 7.76 28.6 5.00 11.9
200 JIS x 125
80 x 50 88.9 x 60.3 108 108 2.1 64 0.6 216.3 x 139.7 197 197 13.0 127 5.4
3 x 2½ 3.500 x 2.875 4.25 4.25 6.0 2.50 2.2 200 JIS x 8.516 x 6.500 7.76 7.76 54.1 5.00 9.5
80 x 65 88.9 x 73.0 108 108 2.7 64 1.0 165.1 mm 216.3 x 165.1 197 197 24.6 127 4.3
3.500 x 3.000 4.25 4.25 4.6 2.50 2.2 250 JIS 10.528 x 6.500 9.02 9.02 59.2 6.00 18.3
80 x 76.1 mm
88.9 x 76.1 108 108 2.1 64 1.0 x 165.1 mm 267.4 x 165.1 229 229 26.9 152 8.3
4x2 4.500 x 2.375 5.00 5.00 7.3 4.00 2.2 250 JIS 10.528 x 8.516 9.02 9.02 60.1 6.00 19.1
100 x 50 114.3 x 60.3 127 127 3.3 102 1.0 x 200 JIS 267.4 x 216.3 229 229 27.3 152 8.7
4 x 2½ 4.500 x 2.875 5.00 5.00 8.8 4.00 3.1 300 JIS 12.539 x 8.516 10.00* 10.00 56.1 7.00 49.5
100 x 65 114.3 x 73.0 127 127 4.0 102 1.4 x 200 JIS 318.5 x 216.3 254 254 25.5 178 22.0
4.500 x 3.000 5.00 5.00 9.0 4.00 3.1 300 JIS 12.539 x 10.528 10.00* 10.00 57.2 7.00 23.1
100 x 76.1 mm
114.3 x 76.1 127 127 4.1 102 1.4 x 250 JIS 318.5 x 267.4 254 254 26.0 178 11.3
4x3 4.500 x 3.500 5.00 5.00 7.0 4.00 2.0
100 x 80 114.3 x 88.9 127 127 3.2 102 0.9
*Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
female threaded
female threaded
SS-21F SS-50F
cast in Gr. CF8 (304) or CF8M (316). Integral
closure tabs located on the flange O.D. help
facilitate alignment and assembly.
Max. Max.
Dimensions Sealing Surface Bolt
Nominal Pipe Working Pressure End Load Weight
Size O.D. (CWP)* (CWP) A B C D E Size
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in Lbs
No. in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 300 1330 6.00 4.75 0.75 2.28 3.07 4.6
4 ⅝x3
50 60.3 20 5.71 152 121 19 58 78 2.1
2½ 2.875 300 1950 7.00 5.50 0.87 2.72 3.54 6.0
4 ⅝x3
65 73.0 20 8.37 178 140 22 69 90 2.7
3 3.500 300 2880 7.52 6.00 0.94 3.35 4.17 6.8
4 ⅝x3
80 88.9 20 12.41 191 152 24 85 106 3.1
4 4.500 300 4770 9.00 7.50 0.94 4.33 5.20 9.9
8 ⅝x3
100 114.3 20 20.51 229 191 24 110 132 4.5
6 6.625 300 10340 11.00 9.50 1.00 6.46 7.32 12.9
8 ¾ x 3½
150 168.3 20 44.47 279 241 25 164 186 5.8
8 8.625 300 17520 13.50 11.75 1.14 8.46 9.29 20.2
8 ¾ x 3½
200 219.1 20 75.37 343 298 29 215 236 9.2
* The working pressure shown is based on roll-grooved Sch. 40S pipe.
SS-80 Stainless Steel Universal Flange Adapter Z
component. The SS-80 can mate to ANSI
125/150, PN 10/16, BS-10E or JIS 10K, and is
available standard in CF8 (304) or CF8M (316). L
Nominal Working Hole Dia. LJ Bolt
Size Pressure +0.063, -0 / Size Weight
Run x Branch (CWP)* +1.6, -0 A B C D Tۆ
in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Lbs
1¼ x ½ 300 1.18 1.60 1.02 3.44 1.93 1.06 5/
16 x 1½
32 x 15 20 30 41 26 87 49 27 0.3
1¼ x ¾ 300 1.18 1.70 1.02 3.44 1.93 1.14 5/
16 x 1½
32 x 20 20 30 44 26 87 49 29 0.3
1¼ x 1 300 1.18 2.00 1.02 3.44 1.93 1.34 5/
16 x 1½
32 x 25 20 30 51 26 87 49 34 0.4
1½ x ½ 300 1.18 1.70 1.13 3.54 1.93 1.18 5/
16 x 1½
40 x 15 20 30 44 29 90 49 30 0.3
1½ x ¾ 300 1.18 1.81 1.13 3.54 1.93 1.22 5/
16 x 1½
40 x 20 20 30 46 29 90 49 31 0.3
1½ x 1 300 1.18 2.09 1.13 3.54 1.93 1.42 5/
16 x 1½
40 x 25 20 30 53 29 90 49 36 0.4
2x½ 300 1.18 2.00 1.42 4.28 2.00 1.46 5/
16 x 1½
50 x 15 20 30 51 36 109 51 37 0.5
2x¾ 300 1.18 2.09 1.42 4.28 2.00 1.10 5/
16 x 1½
50 x 20 20 30 53 36 109 51 28 0.5
2x1 300 1.18 2.37 1.42 4.28 2.00 1.69 5/
16 x 1½
50 x 25 20 30 60 36 109 51 43 0.6
* Working pressure is based on standard wall stainless steel pipe.
LJ Hole diameters listed are suggested hole diameters.
ۆT: Take-out (Center of run to end of pipe to be engaged)
Nominal Pipe Working Drain Plug
Size O.D. Pressure Size Weight
(CWP)* A B C
in in PSI in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm Kgs
2½ 2.875 300 10.75 7.83 4.80 ½ 16.7
65 73.0 20 273 199 122 15 7.6
3 3.500 300 11.75 8.70 5.08 ½ 18.9
80 88.9 20 299 221 129 15 8.6
4 4.500 300 14.25 10.59 6.61 1 21.1
100 114.3 20 362 269 168 25 9.6
6 6.625 300 18.50 14.05 8.62 1 85.8
150 168.3 20 470 357 219 25 39.0
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall stainless steel pipe.
1½" - 3" L
Nominal Pipe Working Operating
Size O.D. Pressure Torqueۆ Weight^
(CWP)* L H W d
in in PSI Lbs-in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar Nm mm mm mm mm Kgs
1½ 1.900 600 62 5.50 3.70 7.60 1.50 6.6
40 48.3 42 7 140 94 193 38 3.0
2 2.375 600 150 6.15 4.13 7.60 1.97 8.8
50 60.3 42 17 156 105 193 50 4.0
2½ 2.875 600 186 7.09 4.33 9.84 2.56 15.4
65 73.0 42 21 180 110 250 65 7.0
3.000 600 186 7.09 4.33 9.84 2.56 15.4
76.1 mm
76.1 42 21 180 110 250 65 7.0
3 3.500 600 248 8.42 6.00 9.84 3.07 20.7
80 88.9 42 28 214 152 250 78 9.4
4 4.500 600 398 9.45 6.57 11.42 3.94 55.0
100 114.3 42 45 240 167 290 100 25.0
* Working pressure is for connection with cut- or roll-grooved schedule Sch. 40S pipe.
ۆFor the first opening or closing of the valve when the valve is not continuously operated, an additional torque of 2.0 – 2.5 times the listed operating torque is normally required.
^ The weight includes the lever handle.
SJ-600W Ball Valve W
2“- 8”
2“- 8”
Nominal Pipe Working Operating
Size O.D. Pressure Torque Weightۆ
(CWP)** A B C D E
in in PSI in in in in in Lbs-in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Nm Kgs
2 2.375 300 3.19 2.520 2.480 4.17 7.56 78 5.0
50 60.3 20 81 64 63 106 192 8.80 2.3
2½ 2.875 300 3.81 3.150 2.677 4.28 7.56 84 7.0
65 73.0 20 97 80 68 111 192 9.50 3.2
3.000 300 3.81 3.150 2.677 4.28 7.56 84 7.0
76.1 mm*
76.1 20 97 80 68 111 192 9.50 3.2
3 3.500 300 3.81 3.622 2.992 4.97 7.56 95 6.6
80 88.9 20 97 92 76 126 192 10.7 3.5
4 4.500 300 4.56 4.646 3.504 5.33 9.92 200 11.0
100 114.3 20 116 118 89 135 252 22.6 5.0
6.500 300 5.81 6.772 4.488 6.62 9.92 310 20.2
165.1 mm*
165.1 20 148 172 114 168 252 34.9 9.2
6 6.625 300 5.81 6.772 4.488 7.25 13.46 310 20.2
150 168.3 20 148 172 114 184 342 34.9 9.2
8.516 300 5.24 8.740 5.512 8.20 13.46 400 26.8
200 JIS*
216.3 20 133 222 140 208 342 45.1 12.2
8 8.625 300 5.24 8.740 5.512 8.20 13.46 400 26.8
200 219.1 20 133 222 140 208 342 45.1 12.2
ۆThe weight includes the lever handle.
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
** Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall stainless steel pipe.
The following tables show maximum cold working pressures (CWP) Model SS-7X Rigid Coupling
of Shurjoint stainless steel couplings used on stainless steel pipes. Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
In general it is more difficult to achieve defined groove corners on Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi
stainless steel pipe than on carbon steel pipe. Always select the mm Bar Bar Bar Bar
10 600 600 300 200
correct roll set for the pipe being grooved and process grooves as 250 42 42 20 14
12 600 600 300 200
defined as possible. Contact your roll-groove tool manufacturer for 300 42 42 20 14
recommendations. 14 400 400 300 200
350 28 28 20 14
16 400 400 300 200
400 28 28 20 14
18 350 350 300 200
450 24 24 20 14
20 350 350 300 200
500 24 24 20 14
22 300 300 300 200
550 20 20 20 14
24 300 300 300 200
600 20 20 20 14
Model SS-8X Heavy Duty Flexible Coupling Model SS-28 Hinged Lever Coupling
Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved Nom. Cut-Grooved Roll-Grooved
Size Size
Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S Sch. 40S Sch. 40S Sch. 10S Sch. 5S
in psi psi psi psi in psi psi psi psi
mm Bar Bar Bar Bar mm Bar Bar Bar Bar
¾ 750 750 500 200 1½ 300 300 300 200
20 52 52 35 14 40 20 20 20 14
1 750 750 500 200 2 300 300 300 200
25 52 52 35 14 50 20 20 20 14
1¼ 750 750 500 200 2½ 300 300 300 200
32 52 52 35 14 65 20 20 20 14
1½ 750 750 500 200 3 300 300 300 200
40 52 52 35 14 80 20 20 20 14
2 750 750 500 200 4 300 300 300 200
50 52 52 35 14 100 20 20 20 14
2½ 750 750 500 200 5 200 200 200 125
65 52 52 35 14 125 14 14 14 9
3 750 750 500 200 6 200 200 200 125
80 52 52 35 14 150 14 14 14 9
4 750 750 300 200
100 52 52 20 14
5 750 300 300 200
125 52 20 20 14
6 300 300 300 200
150 20 20 20 14
8 300 300 300 200
200 20 20 20 14
Dual-Seal C
w / lever handle
Nominal Pipe Working Operating
Size O.D. Pressure Torque Weightۆ
(CWP)* A B C D E
in in PSI in in in in in Lbs-in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Nm Kgs
2 2.375 300 3.19 2.52 2.48 4.17 7.56 80 6.8
50 60.3 20 81 64 63 106 192 9 3.1
2½ 2.875 300 3.82 3.11 2.68 4.37 7.56 120 8.2
65 73.0 20 97 79 68 111 192 14 3.7
3.000 300 3.82 3.11 2.68 4.37 7.56 120 8.4
76.1 mm
76.1 20 97 79 68 111 192 14 3.8
3 3.500 300 3.82 3.62 2.99 4.96 7.56 160 9.0
80 88.9 20 97 92 76 126 192 18 4.1
4 4.500 300 4.57 4.65 3.50 5.32 10.24 450 11.4
100 114.3 20 116 118 89 135 260 51 5.2
5.500 300 5.83 5.71 4.02 6.61 10.24 700 16.9
139.7 mm
139.7 20 148 145 102 168 260 79 7.7
5 5.563 300 5.83 5.71 4.02 6.61 10.24 700 16.9
125 141.3 20 148 145 102 168 260 79 7.7
6.500 300 5.83 6.77 4.49 7.24 10.24 900 20.2
165.1 mm
165.1 20 148 172 114 184 260 102 9.2
6 6.625 300 5.83 6.77 4.49 7.24 10.24 900 20.2
150 168.3 20 148 172 114 184 260 102 9.2
8.516 300 5.24 8.74 5.51 8.19 10.24 1200 26.8
200 JIS
216.3 20 133 222 140 208 260 136 12.2
8 8.625 300 5.24 8.74 5.51 8.19 10.24 1200 26.8
200 219.1 20 133 222 140 208 260 136 12.2
10 10.750 300 6.25 10.86 6.69 9.25 14.02 1800 48.4
250 273.0 20 159 276 170 235 356 204 22.0
12 12.750 300 6.53 12.87 8.07 10.24 14.02 2500 73.7
300 323.9 20 165 327 205 260 356 282 33.5
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
ۆThe weight includes the lever handle.
Notes: The torque values are based on liquid applications. For dry or non-lubricating applications add a 25% service factor to the above values.
w / worm gear
Nominal Pipe Working
Size O.D. Pressure Weightۆ
(CWP)* A B C D E F
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 300 3.19 2.52 2.48 4.17 6.00 6.00 13.6
50 60.3 20 81 64 63 106 152 152 6.2
2½ 2.875 300 3.82 3.11 2.68 4.37 6.00 6.00 14.3
65 73.0 20 97 79 68 111 152 152 6.5
3.000 300 3.82 3.11 2.68 4.37 6.00 6.00 14.3
76.1 mm
76.1 20 97 79 68 111 152 152 6.5
3 3.500 300 3.82 3.62 2.99 4.96 6.00 6.00 16.0
80 88.9 20 97 92 76 126 152 152 7.3
4 4.500 300 4.57 4.65 3.50 5.32 6.00 6.00 19.1
100 114.3 20 116 118 89 135 152 152 8.7
5.500 300 5.83 5.71 4.02 6.61 6.00 6.00 21.8
139.7 mm
139.7 20 148 145 102 168 152 152 9.9
5 5.563 300 5.83 5.71 4.02 6.61 6.00 6.00 21.8
125 141.3 20 148 145 102 168 152 152 9.9
6.500 300 5.83 6.77 4.49 7.24 6.00 6.00 25.0
165.1 mm
165.1 20 148 172 114 184 152 152 11.4
6 6.625 300 5.83 6.77 4.49 7.24 6.00 6.00 25.3
150 168.3 20 148 172 114 184 152 152 11.5
8.516 300 5.24 8.74 5.51 8.19 6.00 6.00 31.9
200 JIS
216.3 20 133 222 140 208 152 152 14.5
8 8.625 300 5.24 8.74 5.51 8.19 6.00 6.00 32.0
200 219.1 20 133 222 140 208 152 152 14.5
10 10.750 300 6.25 10.86 6.69 9.25 8.00 8.00 59.4
250 273.0 20 159 276 170 235 203 203 27.0
12 12.750 300 6.53 12.87 8.07 10.24 8.00 8.00 73.7
300 323.9 20 165 327 205 260 203 203 33.5
14 14.000 300 7.00 14.37 8.82 10.86 9.50 12.00 130.0
350 355.6 20 178 365 224 276 242 306 59.0
16 16.000 300 7.00 16.38 9.76 11.89 9.50 12.00 147.4
400 406.4 20 178 416 248 302 242 306 67.0
18 18.000 300 8.00 18.50 11.14 13.78 9.50 12.00 189.2
450 457.2 20 203 470 283 350 242 306 86.0
20 20.000 300 8.50 20.75 12.36 15.08 11.50 16.00 292.6
500 508.0 20 216 527 314 383 290 412 133.0
22 22.000 300 9.25 22.75 13.48 16.81 11.50 16.00 324.1
550 559.0 20 235 578 343 427 290 412 147.0
24 24.000 300 10.00 24.76 14.49 17.83 11.50 16.00 352.0
600 609.6 20 254 629 368 453 290 412 160.0
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
ۆThe weight includes the worm gear operator.
Dual Seal
Nominal Pipe Working Operating
Size O.D. Pressure Torqueۆ Weight
(CWP)* L H W d
in in PSI Lbs-in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar Nm mm mm mm mm Kgs
1½ 1.900 1000 62 5.12 3.39 7.00 1.25 3.9
40 48.3 69 7 130 86 178 32 1.8
2 2.375 1000 150 5.50 3.75 7.00 1.50 6.4
50 60.3 69 17 140 95 178 38 2.9
2½ 2.875 1000 186 6.25 5.20 10.43 2.00 9.7
65 73.0 69 21 159 132 265 50 4.4
3.000 1000 186 6.25 5.20 10.43 2.00 9.7
76.1 mm
76.1 69 21 159 132 265 50 4.4
3 3.500 1000 248 6.56 5.63 10.43 2.50 17.2
80 88.9 69 28 167 143 265 63 7.8
4 4.500 800 398 9.45 3.70 10.43 3.50 32.3
100 114.3 56 45 240 94 265 90 14.7
6.500 800 531 10.15 8.70 23.60 4.92 90.2
165.1 mm
165.1 56 60 258 221 600 125 41.1
6 6.625 800 531 10.15 8.70 23.60 4.92 90.2
150 168.3 56 60 258 221 600 125 41.1
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
ۆFor the first opening or closing of the valve when the valve is not continuously operated, an additional torque of 2.0 – 2.5 times the listed operating torque is normally required.
Nominal Pipe Max. Working Dimensions
Size O.D. Pressure (CWP)* K H W Weight
in in PSI in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm Kgs
1½ 1.900 1000 5.98 4.88 5.98 15
40 48.3 69 152 124 152 7
2 2.375 1000 5.98 5.38 5.98 18
50 60.3 69 152 137 152 8
2½ 2.875 1000 5.98 5.68 5.98 22
65 73.0 69 152 145 152 10
3.000 1000 5.98 5.68 5.98 22
76.1 mm
76.1 69 152 145 152 10
3 3.500 1000 5.98 7.16 8.00 168
80 88.9 69 152 182 203 14
4 4.500 800 5.98 8.00 8.00 73
100 114.3 56 152 203 203 33
6.500 800 12.00 10.89 9.53 123
165.1 mm
165.1 56 305 277 242 56
6 6.625 800 12.00 10.89 9.53 123
150 168.3 56 305 277 242 56
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
SJ-530 Three Port Ball Valve
The Shurjoint Model SJ-530 is a grooved- blowout proof design to MSS SP-72 and
end three-port ball valve designed to divert API Standard 608. The valve body and trim
media from bottom inlet to either of the materials are in compliance with NACE
two outlets ports. The valve port is a MR-01-75 requirements.
regular port size and the stem features a
Nominal Pipe Working
Size O.D. Pressure Weight
(CWP)* A B C D E F
in in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2½ 2.875 300 7.48 4.50 3.75 2.50 4.00 1¼” 11.0
65 73.0 20 190 114 95 64 102 NPT 5.0
3.000 300 7.48 4.50 3.75 2.50 4.00 1¼” 10.8
76.1 mm
76.1 20 190 114 95 64 102 BSP 4.9
3 3.500 300 7.00 4.50 3.75 2.50 4.00 1¼” 10.8
80 88.9 20 178 114 95 64 102 NPT 4.9
4 4.500 300 8.50 5.75 4.60 3.15 5.00 2” 18.3
100 114.3 20 216 146 117 80 127 NPT 8.3
5.500 300 13.00 8.58 7.00 4.50 7.64 2” 51.7
139.7 mm
139.7 20 330 218 178 114 194 BSP 23.5
5 5.563 300 13.00 8.58 7.00 4.50 7.64 2” 51.7
125 141.3 20 330 218 178 114 194 NPT 23.5
6.500 300 12.00 8.25 7.00 4.50 7.00 2” 51.7
165.1 mm
165.1 20 305 210 178 114 178 BSP 23.5
6 6.625 300 12.00 8.25 7.05 4.50 7.00 2” 51.7
150 168.3 20 305 210 178 114 178 NPT 23.5
8 8.625 300 14.37 10.47 8.54 5.50 10.00 2” 99.7
200 219.1 20 365 266 217 140 254 NPT 45.3
10 10.750 300 20.00 14.37 10.75 7.25 10.00 2” 217.8
250 273.0 20 508 365 273 184 254 NPT 99.0
12 12.750 300 24.00 15.51 12.87 8.54 12.00 2” 342.3
300 323.9 20 610 394 327 217 305 NPT 155.6
8.516 300 14.37 10.47 8.54 5.50 10.00 2” 99.7
200 JIS
216.3 20 365 266 217 140 254 BSP 45.3
10.528 300 20.00 14.37 10.75 7.25 10.00 2” 216.7
250 JIS
267.4 20 508 365 273 184 254 BSP 98.5
12.539 300 24.00 15.51 12.87 8.54 12.00 2” 342.3
300 JIS
318.5 20 610 394 327 217 305 BSP 155.6
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
body with an EPDM or Nitrile (NBR) resilient
seat molded to the body and type 304
stainless steel discs loaded with type 313 C
stainless steel springs. Size: 2½"~12"
Nominal Pipe Working
Size O.D. Pressure Weight
(CWP)* A B C
in in PSI in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm Kgs
2½ 2.875 300 4.92 4.33 2.87 5.0
65 73.0 20 125 110 73 2.3
3 3.500 300 5.31 4.92 3.50 5.5
80 88.9 20 135 125 89 2.5
4 4.500 300 5.39 5.98 4.50 8.4
100 114.3 20 137 152 114 3.8
6 6.625 300 6.00 8.03 6.62 11.7
150 168.3 20 152 204 168 7.6
8 8.625 300 6.73 10.08 8.62 27.3
200 219.1 20 171 256 219 12.4
10 10.750 300 7.80 12.09 10.75 45.5
250 273.0 20 198 307 273 20.7
12 12.750 300 8.19 14.25 12.75 62.2
300 323.9 20 208 362 324 28.3
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
㷍 Dimensions are subject to change.
Nominal Pipe Working
Size O.D. Pressure Weight
(CWP)* A B C
in in PSI in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 1000 9.00 4.88 5.90 14.5
50 60.3 69 229 124 150 6.6
2½ 2.875 1000 9.25 5.50 7.00 22.9
65 73.0 69 235 140 178 10.4
3 3.500 600 10.75 5.75 7.40 26.8
80 88.9 42 273 146 188 12.2
4 4.500 600 12.00 7.63 8.74 38.1
100 114.3 42 305 194 222 17.3
* Pressure ratings are based on cut-grooved sch. 40 or thicker pipe connected with Shurjoint XH-70EP extra heavy rigid couplings.
L min.
L max.
Nominal Pipe Working Max.
Size O.D. Pressure Movement Weight
(CWP)* A B L (min.) L (max.)
iin in PSI in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 300 3 3.78 5.67 12.00 15.00 13.9
50 60.3 20 76 96 144 304 381 6.3
2½ 2.875 300 3 4.57 6.61 12.00 15.00 19.1
65 73.0 20 76 116 168 304 381 8.7
3.000 300 3 4.57 6.61 12.00 15.00 18.7
76.1 mm
76.1 20 76 116 168 304 381 8.5
3 3.500 300 3 5.76 7.80 12.00 15.00 27.1
80 88.9 20 76 146 198 304 381 12.3
4 4.500 300 3 6.30 9.84 14.13 17.13 40.5
100 114.3 20 76 160 250 359 435 18.4
6.500 300 3 10.25 13.15 16.00 19.00 92.0
165.1 mm
165.1 20 76 260 334 406 482 41.8
6 6.625 300 3 10.25 13.15 16.00 19.00 94.2
150 168.3 20 76 260 334 406 482 42.8
* Working pressure is based on roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
L min.
L max.
L - (ref.) §
Nominal Pipe Couplings Working Max.
Size O.D. (Standard Units †) Pressure Movement Min. Max. Weight
(CWP)* (Compressed) (Expanded)
in in Model No. PSI in in in Lbs
mm mm No. Bar mm mm mm Kgs
1½ 1.900 7705 or 7707 350 2.91 28.25 31.18 24.2
40 48.3 10 24 74 718 792 11.0
2 2.375 7705 or 7707 350 3.11 28.25 31.38 27.0
50 60.3 10 24 79 718 797 12.2
2½ 2.875 7705 or 7707 350 3.11 28.25 31.38 36.0
65 73.0 10 24 79 718 797 16.3
3.000 7705 or 7707 350 3.11 28.25 31.38 36.0
76.1 mm
76.1 10 24 79 718 797 16.3
3 3.500 7705 or 7707 350 3.11 28.25 31.38 46.0
80 88.9 10 24 79 718 797 20.9
4 4.500 7705 or 7707 350 2.09 26.50 28.58 36.5
100 114.3 7 24 53 673 726 16.6
5.250 7705 or 7707 350 2.09 26.50 28.58 72.0
133.0 mm
133.0 7 24 53 673 726 32.7
6.500 7705 or 7707 350 2.09 26.26 28.35 58.1
165.1 mm
165.1 7 24 53 667 720 26.4
6 6.625 7705 or 7707 350 2.09 26.26 28.35 91.1
150 168.3 7 24 53 667 720 41.4
8 8.625 7705 or 7707 350 1.93 28.50 30.43 159.7
200 219.1 7 24 49 724 773 72.6
10 10.750 7705 or 7707 350 3.46 33.03 36.46 257.2
250 273.0 7 24 88 839 926 116.9
12 12.750 7705 or 7707 350 3.19 33.31 36.46 373.0
300 323.9 7 24 81 846 926 169.3
* Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
† For Performance Data refer to Data Sheet C-01 for Model 7705 and Data Sheet C-02 for Model 7707.
Note: Available with greater or less movement by adding or eliminating couplings and nipple units.
§ L – (ref.) Length dimensions may vary slightly due to tolerances.
725G 725G 725G 725G
Nipple 7041 7150
7041 7180
725G + 7041 725G + 7180 725G + Nipple + 7041 725G + 7150 + 7041
For Flanged Connection With a Universal Flange Extension Reduction
Plug, H
Max. Dimensions
Nominal Pipe Working H
Size O.D. Pressure A B C (Drain Plug) Weight
in in PSI in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 750 6.54 4.72 4.92 ½ 6.6
50 60.3 52 166 120 125 15 3.0
2½ 2.875 750 7.50 5.19 5.59 ½ 8.8
65 73.0 52 191 132 142 15 4.0
3 3.500 750 8.50 5.74 6.45 ½ 13.2
80 88.9 52 216 146 164 15 6.0
4 4.500 750 10.00 6.49 7.48 1 17.7
100 114.3 52 254 165 190 25 8.0
5** 5.563 750 11.00 7.48 8.58 1 28.6
125 141.3 52 279 190 218 25 13.0
6 6.625 700 13.00 8.34 10.23 1 44.0
150 168.3 48 330 212 260 25 20.0
8 8.625 600 15.50 9.96 12.60 1½ 77.0
200 219.1 42 394 253 320 40 35.0
10 10.750 500 18.00 11.18 14.96 1½ 114.6
250 273.0 35 457 284 380 40 52.0
12 12.750 400 20.00 12.16 16.92 1½ 160.3
300 323.9 28 508 309 430 40 72.7
14 14.000 250 22.00 17.75 21.25 1½ 186.3
350 355.6 17 559 451 540 40 84.5
* 1) Working pressure is based on connection with roll- or cut-grooved standard wall carbon steel pipe.
2) Working pressure is maximum based on Shurjoint Model Z07 access coupling and will be governed by couplings used for installation and related system components. Maximum differential pressure from
inlet to outlet must not exceed 10 psi (0.69 Bar).
3) Working pressure is dependent upon the Shurjoint coupling used to join Model 728 to the piping system.
** Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
BH-22C Brass Swing Check Valve
Grooved-end, Spring Loaded Clapper
choice for fire protection and Rating @150°F / @65°C Saturated Steam
Class 300 600 psi / 42 Bar 300 psi (20 Bar)
other general application services. *Proof test pressure: 1.5 times the working pressure, non-shock
cold water.
*Max. Temperature: 450°F (ASME Boiler Code)
Pressure-Temperature Rating
Companion Flanges (ANSI B16.42) Pressure-Temperature Rating
Nom. Working Pressure (W.O.G.) Working Pressure Nom. Working Pressure (W.O.G.) Working Pressure
Rating @150°F / @65°C Saturated Steam Rating @150°F / @65°C Saturated Steam
Class 150 250 psi / 17 Bar 150 psi (10 Bar) Class 300 600 psi / 42 Bar 300 psi (20 Bar)
*Proof test pressure: 1.5 times the working pressure, non-shock *Proof test pressure: 1.5 times the working pressure, non-shock
cold water. cold water.
*Burst test pressure: Minimum 3 times the working pressure.
E 50 75 11 19
2½ 3.59 0.48 0.92
65 91 12 23
Pipe Box Pipe Box
Size O.D. A Weight Q'ty Size O.D. A Weight Q'ty
in in in Lbs in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs Pcs mm mm mm Kgs Pcs
½ 0.840 1.12 0.25 ½ 0.840 0.88 0.22
15 21.3 28 0.1 240 15 21.3 22 0.1 250
¾ 1.050 1.31 0.35 ¾ 1.050 0.98 0.33
20 26.7 33 0.2 120 20 26.7 25 0.1 150
1 1.315 1.50 0.57 1 1.315 1.12 0.55
70 90
25 33.4 38 0.3 25 33.4 28 0.2
1¼ 1.660 1.75 0.97 1¼ 1.660 1.29 0.84
32 42.2 44 0.4 40 32 42.2 33 0.4 50
1½ 1.900 1.94 1.17 1½ 1.900 1.43 0.92
40 48.3 49 0.5 30 40 48.3 36 0.4 35
2 2.375 2.25 1.83 2 2.375 1.68 1.63
20 18
50 60.3 57 0.8 50 60.3 43 0.7
2½ 2.875 2.70 3.34 2½ 2.875 1.95 2.42
65 73.0 69 1.5 10 65 73.0 50 1.1 12
Model Model
812 Reducing 90˚ Elbow 814 Tee
Box Box
Size A B C Weight Q'ty Size A B C Weight Q'ty
in in in in Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm Kgs Pcs mm mm mm mm Kgs Pcs
¾ ¾ ½ 1.20 1.20 1.22 0.46 1 2 2.25 2.02 2.25 2.13
20 20 15 30 30 31 0.2 95 25 50 57 51 57 1.0 15
½ 1 1.50 1.36 1.50 0.71 1¼ 2 2.25 2.10 2.25 2.22
15 25 38 35 38 0.3 55 32 50 57 53 57 1.0 15
½ 1.26 1.20 1.36 0.59 ½ 1.49 1.41 1.88 1.52
15 32 30 35 0.3 80 15 38 36 48 0.7 30
¾ ¾ 1.37 1.31 1.45 0.66 ¾ 1.60 1.52 1.97 1.47
1 20 20 35 33 37 0.3 65 20 41 39 50 0.7 25
25 1 1.50 1.45 1.50 0.77 1½ 1 1.73 1.65 2.02 1.63
55 20
25 38 37 38 0.3 40 25 44 42 51 0.7
½ 1.26 1.26 1.36 0.64 1½ 2.02 1.94 2.16 2.09
1 15 32 32 35 0.3 65 2 40 51 49 55 0.9
25 ¾ 1.37 1.37 1.45 0.75 50 2 2.25 2.16 2.25 2.33
60 15
20 35 35 37 0.3 50 57 55 57 1.1
½ 1.34 1.26 1.53 0.79 ½ 1.49 1.49 1.88 1.56
15 34 32 39 0.4 50 15 38 38 48 0.7 20
¾ 1.45 1.37 1.62 0.88 ¾ 1.60 1.60 1.97 1.61
1 20 37 35 41 0.4 50 20 41 41 50 0.7 20
25 1 1.58 1.50 1.67 1.01 2 1 1.73 1.73 2.02 1.80
25 40 38 42 0.2 45 50 25 44 44 51 0.8 20
1¼ 1¼ 1.75 1.67 1.75 1.25 1¼ 1.90 1.90 2.10 2.09
32 32 44 42 44 0.6 40 32 48 48 53 0.9
½ 1.34 1.34 1.53 0.84 1½ 2.02 2.02 2.16 2.24
15 34 34 39 0.4 45 40 51 51 55 1.0
1¼ ¾ 1.45 1.45 1.62 0.99 2½ 2 ¾ 1.74 1.60 2.32 2.35
45 15
32 20 37 37 41 0.4 65 50 20 44 41 59 1.1
1 1.58 1.58 1.67 1.12
25 40 40 42 0.5 40 *Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
½ 1.44 1.31 1.69 0.92
15 37 33 43 0.4
¾ 1.50 1.37 1.75 1.01
815 Bullhead Tee
20 38 35 44 0.5 40
1 1 1.65 1.50 1.80 1.19
25 25 42 38 46 0.5 30
1¼* 1.82 1.67 1.88 1.54
32 46 42 48 0.7
1½ 1.94 1.80 1.94 1.54
40 49 46 49 0.7 30
½ 1.41 1.34 1.66 1.08
1½ 15 36 34 42 0.5 40
817 Cross / Reducing Cross
831 Long Street 90˚ Elbow
Pipe Box
Size O.D. A Weight Q'ty
in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs Pcs
½ 0.840 0.89 0.14
15 21.3 23 0.1
¾ 1.050 1.00 0.20
300 Pipe Box
20 26.7 25 0.1
Size O.D. A B Weight Q'ty
1 1.315 1.18 0.33
180 in in in in Lbs
25 33.4 30 0.1 Pcs
1¼ 1.660 1.32 0.46 mm mm mm mm Kgs
110 1 x ½M 1.315 x 0.840 1.50 3.00 0.66
32 42.2 34 0.2 80
1½ 1.900 1.38 0.57 25 x 15M 33.4 x 21.3 38 76 0.3
40 48.3 35 0.3 80 1 x 1M 1.315 x 1.315 1.50 3.00 0.81
2 2.375 1.48 0.88 25 x 25M 33.4 x 33.4 38 76 0.4
50 60.3 38 0.4 45
2½ 2.875 1.77 1.54
65 73.0 45 0.7 25 Model
Pipe Box
Size O.D. A Weight Q'ty
in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs Pcs
½ 0.840 1.81 0.46
15 21.3 46 0.2 110
¾ 1.050 1.99 0.64
20 26.7 51 0.3 80
1 1.315 2.17 1.01
25 33.4 55 0.5 50
1¼ 1.660 2.52 1.45
32 42.2 64 0.7 35
1½ 1.900 2.64 1.85
40 48.3 67 0.8
2 2.375 3.15 2.86
50 60.3 80 1.3 18
841 Companion Flange
The Model 841 is a traditional companion flange used for transition
from a flanged to a threaded piping system.
Nominal Pipe Pipe Diameter Thickness Diameter Length Bolt Circle Bolt Bolt
Size O. D. of flange “A” of flange “B” of hub “C” of hub “D” dia. “E” No. Size Weight
in in in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
1 1.315 4.25 0.56 1.94 0.69 3.12 ½ x 2.25 1.54
25 33.4 108 14 49 18 79 --- 0.7
1¼ 1.660 4.62 0.62 2.31 0.81 3.50 ½ x 2.50 1.94
32 42.2 117 16 59 21 89 --- 0.9
1½ 1.900 5.00 0.69 2.56 0.88 3.88 ½ x 2.50 2.29
40 48.3 127 18 65 22 99 --- 1.0
2 2.375 6.00 0.75 3.06 1.00 4.75 ⅝ x 2.75 4.18
50 60.3 152 19 78 25 121 --- 1.9
2½ 2.875 7.00 0.88 3.56 1.12 5.50 ⅝ x 3.00 5.83
65 73.0 178 22 90 28 140 --- 2.6
3 3.500 7.50 0.94 4.25 1.19 6.00 ⅝ x 3.25 6.60
80 88.9 191 24 108 30 152 --- 3.0
4 4.500 9.00 0.94 5.31 1.31 7.50 ⅝ x 3.25 11.75
100 114.3 229 24 135 33 191 --- 5.3
6 6.625 11.00 1.00 7.56 1.56 9.50 ¾ x 3.50 16.50
150 168.3 279 25 192 40 241 --- 7.5
8 8.625 13.50 1.12 9.69 1.75 11.75 ¾ x 3.75 25.98
200 219.1 343 28 246 44 298 --- 11.8
B20 B24
Model Rod Size Dimensions Pipe Max. Recom. Load Weight Per
No. A B C D E Size Top Bottom 100 pcs.
in in in in in in Lbs Lbs Lbs
mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs Kgs Kgs
⅜ ¾ 0.49 1 ⅜ ¾–4 500 250 35.7
M10 19.1 12.5 25.4 9.5 20 - 100 227 114 16.2
½ ¾ 0.49 1 ⅜ 5, 6, 8 950 750 35.7
M12 19.1 12.5 25.4 9.5 125, 150, 200 432 340 16.2
⅜ 1⅛ 0.49 1 7/
16 ¾–4 500 250 43.2
M10 28.6 12.5 25.4 11.1 20 - 100 227 114 19.6
½ 1⅛ 0.49 1 7/16 5, 6, 8 950 750 43.2
M12 28.6 12.5 25.4 11.1 125, 150, 200 432 340 19.6
Fitting ¼
1¼ - 8
0.09 0.04
1¼ – 1½ 0.15 0.07
½ 1½ - 2 1.13 1.00 0.81 0.50 11/16 13/16 0.15 0.07
The Shurjoint Model 71 Female Threaded 15 2 – 2½ 28.6 25.4 20.6 12.7 17.5 20.6 0.13 0.06
2½ – 8 0.11 0.05
Outlet Fittings are designed to provide a 1¼ – 1½ 0.22 0.10
threaded outlet at any desired location along ¾ 1½ - 2 1.37 1.00 1.06 0.50 ⅞ 1 0.20 0.09
20 2 – 2½ 34.9 25.4 26.9 12.7 22.2 25.4 0.20 0.09
the header. Made of highly weldable SAE 2½ – 8 0.18 0.08
J403 forged steel the Model 71 is designed 1¼ – 1½ 0.24 0.11
1½ - 2 0.24 0.11
for single pass welding. The Model 71 1 2 – 2½ 1.57 1.13 1.25 0.50 1⅛ 1¼ 0.24 0.11
features a counter bore and a 1.6 mm land 25 2½ – 3 40.0 28.6 31.8 12.7 28.6 31.8 0.24 0.11
3–4 0.24 0.11
around the full circumference of the mouth, 5–8 0.22 0.10
which helps ensure full penetration welds 1½ - 2 0.42 0.19
2 – 2½ 0.42 0.19
and minimize the likelihood of any burn 1¼ 1.91 1.25 1.61 0.50 1⅜ 1½
2½ - 3 0.42 0.19
32 48.5 31.8 41.0 12.7 34.9 38.1
through or distortion that might be caused 3-4 0.40 0.18
5-8 0.40 0.18
by excessive heat. The Model 71 is UL / 2 0.53 0.24
cUL listed and FM approved for services up 1½ 2½ 2.16 1.25 1.85 0.88 1⅝ 1¾ 0.53 0.24
40 3-4 55.0 31.8 47.0 22.2 41.3 44.5 0.48 0.22
to 300 psi (20 Bar). 5–8 0.48 0.22
2½ 0.88 0.40
3 0.86 0.39
A 2 4 2.64 1.50 2.30 0.88 2⅛ 2¼ 0.86 0.39
50 5 67.0 38.1 58.6 22.2 54.0 57.2 0.86 0.39
6 0.84 0.38
8 0.84 0.38
3 1.06 0.48
2½ 4 0.84 0.38
3.11 1.76 2.76 1.13 2½ 2⅝
D 65 5 0.84 0.38
79.0 44.5 70.1 28.6 63.5 66.7
(73.0 O.D.) 6 0.99 0.45
8 1.08 0.49
4 1.76 0.80
A A 3 5 3.86 2.10 3.43 1.50 3⅛ 3¼ 1.70 0.77
80 6 98.0 53.3 87.0 38.1 79.4 82.6 1.70 0.77
8 1.70 0.77
5 3.08 1.40
6 2.90 1.32
100 125.2 60.3 113.3 50.8 104.8 108.0
8 2.90 1.32
M The precision machined mouth is designed to fit the first listed header size perfectly, and allows only a small gap along the longitudinal
C centerline of the second listed header size.
Each outlet size shown in the following the header pipe, which is one size smaller
table fits the same header pipe size. Special than the regular hole size.
attention is required to the hole size (D) in
Outlet Header Outlet Outlet Counter- Make- Hole Saw Max. Hole
Size Size O.D. Length bore Up Dia. (Ref.) Dia. (Ref.) Weight
Range A B C M D D
in in in in in in in
in Lbs Kgs
A mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
1¼ 1.91 1.25 1.44 0.50 1¼ 1⅜
1¼ 0.42 0.19
32 48.5 31.8 36.5 12.7 31.8 34.9
1½ 2.06 1.25 1.67 0.88 1½ 1⅝
1½ 0.46 0.21
B 40 55.0 31.8 42.5 22.2 38.1 41.3
2 2.64 1.50 2.15 0.88 2 2⅛
2 0.75 0.34
50 67.0 38.1 54.5 22.2 50.8 54.0
2½ 3.11 1.75 2.57 1.13 2⅜ 2½
D 2½ 1.08 0.49
65 (73.0 O.D.) 79.0 44.5 65.2 28.6 63.5 63.5
C 3 3.86 2.10 3.19 1.50 3 3⅛
3 1.76 0.80
8 98.0 53.3 81.0 38.1 76.1 79.4
4 4.93 2.37 4.21 2.00 4 4⅛
4 3.08 1.40
100 125.2 63.3 107.0 50.8 101.6 104.8
Welding Outlet
in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 3.000 0.625 0.312 2.250 0.88
Model 72C Cut Grooved Outlet Fittings are 4
50 60.3 76.2 15.88 7.95 57.15 0.40
designed to provide a cut grooved outlet at
any desired location along the header. Made 8
of standard wall (Sch.40) pipe, the Model
2½ 2.875 3.000 0.625 0.312 2.722 1.10
72C is recommended for use with Sch. 40 5
65 73.0 76.2 15.88 7.95 69.09 0.50
header pipes. The weld end is provided with
a 1.6 mm land around the full circumference 3
to assure a one-pass full penetration weld. 3
3.500 3000 0.625 0.312 3.346 2.00
80 88.9 76.2 15.88 7.95 84.94 0.91
The 72C fittings are recommended for 6
services up to 300 psi (20 Bar). 4
4 5 4.500 4.000 0.625 0.375 4.337 3.80
100 6 114.3 101.6 15.88 9.53 110.08 1.73
6 6 6.625 4.000 0.625 0.375 6.460 7.00
150 8 168.3 101.6 15.88 9.53 163.96 3.18
8 8 8.625 4.000 0.750 0.438 8.440 9.50
200 10 219.1 101.6 19.05 11.13 214.40 4.32
G Outlet Run Dimensions
Welding Outlet
1½ 2½ 1.900 3.000 0.625 0.281 1.775 0.40
40 3 48.3 76.2 15.88 7.14 45.09 0.18
Model 72R Roll Grooved Outlet Fittings are 5-8
designed to provide a roll grooved outlet 2
at any desired location along the header. 3
2 2.375 3.000 0.625 0.344 2.250 0.64
Made of Sch. 10 pipe, the 72R R-Let is 50 60.3 76.2 15.88 8.74 57.15 0.29
recommended for use with light wall pipes 6
to minimize the likelihood of burn-through
and or distortion of the header pipe. The 3
2½ 4 2.875 3.000 0.625 0.344 27.20 1.12
72R fittings are recommended for services
65 5 73.0 76.2 15.88 8.74 69.09 0.51
up to 300 psi (20 Bar). 6
4 3.000 3.000 0.625 0.344 2.845 1.12
76.1 mm
5 76.1 76.2 15.88 8.74 72.26 0.51
L 3
G 4
3 3.500 3.000 0.625 0.344 3.440 1.23
B 5
80 88.9 76.2 15.88 8.74 84.94 0.56
W 8
45°±1.5° 4 5 4.500 4.500 0.625 0.344 4.314 2.07
100 6 114.3 114.3 15.88 8.74 110.08 0.94
1.6mm land 8
Shurjoint ring joint, shouldered and plain end on pipe becomes more difficult as the pipe O.D.
couplings are non-grooved mechanical pipe joining and or wall thickness increases. Roll grooving pipe
components and excellent alternatives where pipe larger than 14” (350 mm) requires proper tools and
is difficult to groove or when grooving is not the equipment. Pipe having a wall thickness greater than
preferred method. The processing of a roll groove 0.375” (9.5 mm) may not be practical to roll groove.
Ring Joint Coupling The Shurjoint ring joint coupling provides Weld Ring
a much more secure joint than a comparable roll-grooved system,
simply because the contact area of the rings is much greater than
Housing Segment
that of the roll-groove profile. In addition, the welded rings are able
to withstand 2 - 3 times the shearing forces of roll grooves. High
pressure couplings up to 3770 psi (260 Bar) are available.
Factory Supplied
Weld Rings #R-88 Ring Joint Coupling
Steel Jaws
Plain-End Coupling The Shurjoint plain-end coupling securely
grips the pipe with its built-in case hardened jaws incorporated within
heavy duty housing segments and heavy duty bolts and nuts. The
Shurjoint Model 79 Wildcat coupling is designed to join plain-end Housing
or beveled-end carbon steel pipe without roll-grooving, welding or Segment
threading. The Model 79 plain-end coupling can be used for mining, Bolt & Nut
process piping, manifold piping, and oil field services.
Max. Internal Service Max. Internal Service Pressure of Carbon Steel Pipe, ASTM A53 Gr. B Unit: psi
Pressures of Carbon Steel Nom. Size XS STD LW
Pipe ASTM A53 Gr. B in / mm 0.5" 0.375"* 0.25" / 0.312"^
8 / 200 1586 1006 777
When designing a piping system you
10 / 250 1262 913 621
must select pipe with the appropriate wall 12 / 300 1058 788 522
14 / 350 962 717 475
thickness to correspond with the intended
16 / 400 839 625 415
working pressure of the system. The 18 / 450 744 555 368
20 / 500 668 499 331
table lists design working pressure by the
24 / 600 555 415 275
pipe wall schedule, XS, STD and LW, of 26 / 650 512 382 318
28 / 700 475 355 295
representative ASTM A53 Gr. B carbon
30 / 750 443 331 275
steel pipe calculated in accordance with the 32 / 800 415 310 258
36 / 900 368 275 229
formula stipulated in ASME B31.1 Power 38 / 950 349 261 217
Piping 104.1. 40 / 1000 331 248 206
42 / 1050 315 236 187
44 / 1100 301 225
2SE (tm-A)
P = 48 / 1200 275 206
Do - 2y (tm - A) 52 / 1300 254 190
54 / 1350 245 183
Where: 56 / 1400 236 177
P = Maximum internal service pressure (psi) 60 / 1500 220 165
SE = Allowable stress (psi) 66 / 1650 200 150
(ASTM A53 Gr. B = 15,000 psi) 68 / 1700 194 145
tm = Minimum pipe wall thickness (inch) 72 / 1800 183 137
(87.5% of nominal wall thickness) 84 / 2100 157 118
96 / 2400 137 103
Do = Outside diameter of pipe (inch)
y = A coefficient (For ferritic steels 600°F Except *8": 0.322", ^ 8” ~ 24”: 0.25”, 26” ~ 42”: 0.312”
or below = 0.4)
A = Additional thickness (inch) (A = 0)
Size: 12"
O.D. A
Ring Clamp
8”~ 12”
Rings both
sides fully welded*
Max. Max. Angular
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Movement / Dimensions Bolts Sealing Ring No.
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displace- Deflection † Surface Size of Weight
(CWP)# (CWP)# ment † Clamps‡
E Per Cplg Per Pipe A B C No. Size L R
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
8 8.625 400 23350 0-0.340 0.45 10.08 13.00 3.11 ¾ x 4¾ 0.91 ¼ 16.8
2.14 2 3
200 219.1 28 105.51 0-8.7 37 256 330 79 M20x120 23 6.0 7.6
10 10.750 400 36280 0-0.340 0.41 12.29 15.20 3.25 ¾ x 4¾ 0.91 ¼ 22.2
1.95 2 3
250 273.0 28 163.81 0-8.7 34 312 386 83 M20 x 120 23 6.0 10.1
12 12.750 400 51040 0-0.190 0.17 14.72 17.90 3.39 ⅞ x 6½ 1.02 ₅/₁₆ 30.8
0.82 2 3
300 323.9 28 230.59 0-4.8 14 374 455 86 --- 26 8.0 14.0
8.516 400 22770 0-0.340 0.31 9.96 12.87 3.11 --- 0.91 ¼ 17.6
200 JIS 1.50 2 3
216.3 28 102.83 0-8.7 26 253 327 79 M20 x 120 23 6.0 8.0
10.528 400 34800 0-0.340 0.31 12.05 14.96 3.25 --- 0.91 ¼ 22.0
250 JIS 1.50 2 3
267.4 28 157.16 0-8.7 26 306 380 83 M20 x 120 23 6.0 10.0
12.539 400 49360 0-0.190 0.31 14.53 17.72 3.39 --- 1.02 ₅/₁₆ 32.6
300 JIS 1.50 2 3
318.5 28 222.97 0-4.8 26 369 450 86 M20 x 120 26 8.0 14.8
1) Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Other sizes are available on request.
* Working Pressure is based on rings both sides fully welded standard wall carbon steel pipe.
# Working Pressure and End Load are the total from all internal and external loads based on the applicable pipe wall thickness.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (Deflection) figures shown are the maximum nominal range of movement at each R-88 coupling joint when rings are welded in the standard position. For
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by 25%.
‡ The number of ring clamps listed is the minimum required to correctly position the weld ring around the circumference of the pipe end.
Size: 24"
Ring Clamp
14”~ 26”
Rings both
sides fully welded*
Max. Max. Angular
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Movement / Dimensions Bolts Sealing Ring No.
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displace- Deflection † Surface Size of Weight
(CWP)# (CWP)# ment † Clamps‡
E Per Cplg Per Pipe A B C No. Size L R
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
14 14.000 400 61540 0-0.250 0.25 15.93 19.40 3.65 ⅞ x 5½ 1.02 ₅/₁₆ 38.3
1.20 2 4
350 355.6 28 277.94 0-6.4 21 405 493 93 --- 26 8.0 17.4
16 16.000 400 80380 0-0.250 0.19 17.92 21.52 3.65 ⅞ x 5½ 1.02 ₅/₁₆ 35.0
0.90 2 4
400 406.4 28 363.02 0-6.4 16 455 547 93 --- 26 8.0 15.9
18 18.000 400 101730 0-0.375 0.25 20.37 24.17 4.23 1 x 5½ 1.18 ₅/₁₆ 50.6
1.20 2 4
450 457.2 28 459.45 0-9.5 21 517 614 107 --- 30 8.0㱾 23.0
20 20.000 400 125600 0-0.375 0.23 22.46 25.99 4.35 1 x 5½ 1.18 ⅜ 68.7
1.08 2 4
500 508.0 28 567.22 0-9.5 19 570 660 110 --- 30 9.5 31.2
24 24.000 400 180860 0-0.375 0.17 27.17 30.00 4.84 ⅞ x 6½ 1.18 ½ 104.7
0.80 4 4
600 609.6 28 816.80 0-9.5 14 690 762 123 --- 30 12.7 47.5
26 26.000 300 159190 0-0.500 0.22 29.58 32.78 6.69 1 x 8⅞ 1.97 ½ 173.5
1.06 4 4
650 660.4 20 684.72 0-12.7 18 751 832 170 --- 50 12.7 78.7
1) Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Other sizes are available on request.
* Working Pressure is based on rings both sides fully welded standard wall carbon steel pipe.
# Working Pressure and End Load are the total from all internal and external loads based on the applicable pipe wall thickness.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (Deflection) figures shown are the maximum nominal range of movement at each R-88 coupling joint when rings are welded in the standard position. For
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by 25%.
‡ The number of ring clamps listed is the minimum required to correctly position the weld ring around the circumference of the pipe end.
Size: 48"
Rings both
sides fully welded*
Max. Max. Angular
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Movement / Dimensions Bolts Sealing Ring No.
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displace- Deflection † Surface Size of Weight
(CWP)# (CWP)# ment † Clamps‡
E Per Cplg Per Pipe A B C No. Size L R
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in in Lbs
Deg.(°) in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
28** 28.0 300 184630 0-0.500 0.19 31.75 35.47 6.69 2.00 ½ 222.2
0.90 12 ⅞x4 4
700 711.2 20 794.11 0-12.7 16 806 901 170 50 12.7 101.0
30 30.0 300 211950 0-0.500 0.18 33.75 37.60 6.69 2.00 ½ 218.9
0.86 12 1 x 3½ 4
750 762.0 20 911.61 0-12.7 15 857 955 170 50 12.7 99.5
32 32.0 300 241150 0-0.500 0.18 35.75 39.45 6.69 2.00 ½ 225.4
0.84 12 1 x 3½ 4
800 812.8 20 1037.21 0-12.7 15 908 1002 170 50 12.7 102.2
34** 34.0 300 272230 0-0.500 0.18 37.75 41.50 7.87 2.00 ½ 253.0
0.84 12 1 x 3½ 4
850 863.4 20 1170.37 0-12.7 15 959 1054 200 50 12.7 115.0
36 36.0 300 305200 0-0.500 0.16 39.75 43.50 7.87 2.00 ½ 246.0
0.76 12 1 x 3½ 4
900 914.4 20 1312.72 0-12.7 13 1010 1103 200 50 12.7 111.6
38** 38.0 232 262980 0-0.500 0.16 41.75 45.50 7.87 2.00 ½ 275.0
0.76 12 1 x 3½ 4
950 965.2 16 1170.10 0-12.7 13 1060 1156 200 50 12.7 125.0
40 40.0 232 291390 0-0.625 0.17 44.69 48.39 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 310.2
0.80 16 1 x 3½ 6
1000 1016.0 16 1296.51 0-15.9 14 1135 1229 200 60 15.9 141.0
42** 42.0 232 321250 0-0.625 0.18 46.70 50.71 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 326.9
0.86 16 1¼ x 5 6
1050 1066.8 16 1429.41 0-15.9 15 1186 1288 200 60 15.9 148.6
44** 44.0 232 352580 0-0.625 0.17 48.66 52.64 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 343.2
0.80 16 1¼ x 5 6
1100 1117.6 16 1568.78 0-15.9 14 1236 1337 200 60 15.9 156.0
48 48.0 232 419600 0-0.625 0.15 52.68 55.91 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 466.7
0.70 16 1 x 3½ 6
1200 1219.2 16 1866.98 0-15.9 12 1338 1420 200 60 15.9 211.8
Continued on next page.
Ring Clamp
Rings both
sides fully welded*
Max. Max. Angular
Nominal Pipe Working End Axial Movement / Dimensions Bolts Sealing Ring No.
Size O.D. Pressure Load Displace- Deflection † Surface Size of Weight
(CWP)# (CWP)# ment † Clamps‡
E Per Cplg Per Pipe A B C No. Size L R
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in in in Lbs
Deg.(°) in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
52** 52.0 175 371460 0-0.625 --- 61.25 60.67 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 453.2
--- 16 1¼ x 5 6
1300 1320.8 12 1643.33 0-15.9 --- 1555 1541 200 60 15.9 206.0
54** 54.0 175 400580 0-0.625 --- 63.25 62.52 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 472.1
--- 16 1¼ x 5 6
1350 1371.6 12 1772.17 0-15.9 --- 1607 1588 200 60 15.9 214.6
56** 56.0 175 430800 0-0.625 --- 65.38 64.69 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 488.2
--- 16 1¼ x 5 6
1400 1422.4 12 1905.87 0-15.9 --- 1660 1643 200 60 15.9 222.0
60** 60.0 175 494550 0-0.625 --- 69.38 68.82 7.87 2.37 ⅝ 537.2
--- 16 1¼ x 5 6
1500 1524.0 12 2187.87 0-15.9 --- 1762 1748 200 60 15.9 244.2
66** 66.0 125 427430 0-0.750 --- 76.00 75.75 8.00 2.37 ¾ 612.5
--- 16 1½ x 5 8
1650 1676.4 9 1897.24 0-19.1 --- 1932 1924 216 60 19.1 278.4
68 68.0 125 453730 0-0.750 --- 78.50 78.03 8.00 2.37 ¾ 785.4
--- 16 1½ x 5 8
1700 1727.2 9 2013.97 0-19.1 --- 1994 1982 216 60 19.1 357.0
72 72.0 125 508680 0-0.750 --- 82.50 82.28 8.00 2.37 ¾ 737.7
--- 16 1½ x 6⅞ 8
1800 1828.8 9 2257.88 0-19.1 --- 2095 2090 216 60 19.1 335.3
84** 84.0 100 553890 0-0.750 --- 94.75 93.81 8.00 2.37 ¾ 780.3
--- 16 1½ x 5 8
2100 2133.6 7 2501.46 0-19.1 --- 2406 2383 216 60 19.1 354.7
96** 96.0 100 723450 0-0.750 --- 106.75 106.54 8.00 2.37 ¾ 823.2
--- 16 1½ x 5 8
2400 2438.4 7 3267.21 0-19.1 --- 2711 2706 216 60 19.1 374.2
Dimensions are subject to change without notice. Other sizes are available on request.
* Working Pressure is based on rings both sides fully welded standard wall carbon steel pipe.
# Working Pressure and End Load are the total from all internal and external loads based on the applicable pipe wall thickness.
† Allowable Axial Displacement and Angular Movement (Deflection) figures shown are the maximum nominal range of movement at each R-88 coupling joint when rings are welded in the standard position. For
design and installation purposes these figures should be reduced by 25%.
‡ The number of ring clamps listed is the minimum required to correctly position the weld ring around the circumference of the pipe end.
** Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Pipe O.D.
Nominal Pipe Max. Working Max. End Dimensions Bolt / Nut 㷍 Pipe-end Preparation
Size O.D. Pressure Load Deflection Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C No. Size R L E (max)
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in in Lbs
in Deg.
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
8 8.625 1000 58390 11.10 14.65 3.86 0.472 - 0.500 1 0.13 39.8
2 1 x 5½ 0° – 18'
200 219.1 69 263.79 282 372 98 12.0 - 12.7 25 3.2 18.1
10** 10.750 1000 90710 13.32 16.93 4.25 0.472 - 0.500 1 0.13 57.2
2 1 x 6½ 0° – 38'
250 273 69 409.54 340 430 108 12.0 - 12.7 25 3.2 26.0
12** 12.750 1000 127610 16.33 20.07 4.17 0.472 - 0.500 1 0.13 72.6
2 1 x 6½ 0° – 32'
300 323.9 69 576.49 415 510 106 12.0 - 12.7 25 3.2 33.0
* Working pressure is based on standard wall carbon steel pipe. Burst test pressures are minimum 2 times the maximum working pressures.
㷍 Bolt & nut are UNC threaded. **Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
RX-3000 3000 PSI Ring Joint Coupling
The Shurjoint Model RX-3000 coupling is iron heavy-wall housings, rubber gasket depending on the pipe used.
a high pressure ring joint coupling for use (EPDM or Nitrile) and four heat-treated Two steel weld rings are factory supplied
with Sch. 80, 120 and heavier wall carbon track bolts and nuts which provide a fully with the coupling. Steel rings must always
steel pipe. restrained joint and a maximum working be fully welded on both sides.
The coupling is comprised of two ductile pressure up to 3,000 psi (210 Bar)
Pipe O.D.
Nominal Pipe Max. Working Max. End Dimensions Bolt / Nut 㷍 Pipe-end Preparation
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C No. Size R L E (max)
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
8 8.625 3000 175180 11.81 15.51 5.83 0.472 ~ 0.500 1.22 ⅛ 78.92
2 1⅛ x 5⅛
200 219.1 207 791.36 300 394 148 12.0 ~ 12.7 31 3 35.87
10 10.748 3000 272040 14.96 18.93 5.98 0.625 ~ 0.629 1.22 ⅛ 116.36
4 1¼ x 6½
250 273.0 207 1228.61 380 481 152 15.9 ~ 16.0 31 3 52.78
12** 12.752 3000 382950 18.50 22.48 6.81 0.625 ~ 0.629 1.22 ⅛ 212.27
4 1½ x 6¼
300 323.9 207 1729.46 470 572 173 15.9 ~ 16.0 31 3 96.24
* Working pressure is based on API 5L X65 line pipe. Burst test pressures are minimum 2 times the maximum working pressures.
㷍 Bolt & nut are UNC threaded. **Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
Nominal Pipe Max. Working Max. End Dimensions Bolt / Nut 㷍 Pipe-end Preparation
Size O.D. Pressure Load Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) A B C No. Size R L E (max)
in in PSI Lbs in in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
6 6.625 3770 129890 10.24 12.64 5.87 0.472 1.22 0.20 61.2
4 ⅞ x 6½
150 168.3 260 578.11 260 321 149 12 31 5 27.7
8 8.625 3770 220150 12.95 16.30 6.89 0.625 1.50 0.20 110.0
4 1¼ x 6½
200 219.1 260 979.78 329 414 175 16 38 5 49.9
10 10.750 3770 342000 15.90 19.84 7.72 0.750 1.50 0.20 174.5
4 1½ x 6⅞
250 273.0 260 1521.14 404 504 196 19 38 5 79.2
12 12.750 3770 481090 19.00 23.10 8.63 0.875 1.50 0.24 247.1
4 1½ x 6⅞
300 323.9 260 2141.24 482 587 219 22 38 6 112.3
* Working pressure is based on API 5L X65 line pipe. Burst test pressures are minimum 2 times the maximum working pressures.
㷍 Bolt & nut are UNC threaded.
Nominal Pipe RJ-10 90° Elbow RJ-11 45° Elbow RJ-20 Tee RJ-60 Cap
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
8 8.625 7.75 28.6 4.25 20.9 7.75 46.2 3.00 12.1
200 219.1 197 13.0 108 9.5 197 21.0 76 5.5
10 10.750 9.00 55.0 4.75 39.6 9.00 72.6 3.00 13.2
250 273.0 229 25.0 121 18.0 229 33.0 76 6.0
12 12.750 10.00 77.0 5.25 50.6 10.00 103.4 3.00 17.6
300 323.9 254 35.0 133 23.0 254 47.0 76 8.0
8.516 7.75 28.6 4.25 20.9 7.75 46.2 3.00 12.1
200 JIS
216.3 197 13.0 108 9.5 197 21.0 76 5.5
10.528 9.00 55.0 4.75 39.6 9.00 72.6 3.00 13.2
250 JIS
267.4 229 25.0 121 18.0 229 33.0 76 6.0
12.539 10.00 77.0 5.25 50.6 10.00 103.4 3.00 17.6
300 JIS
318.5 254 35.0 133 23.0 254 47.0 76 8.0
14 14.000 11.00 81.4 6.00 52.8 11.00 118.8 4.00 26.4
350 355.6 280 37.0 152 24.0 280 54.0 102 12.0
16 16.000 12.00 99.0 7.25 101.2 12.00 154.0 4.00 33.0
400 406.4 305 45.0 184 46.0 305 70.0 102 15.0
18 18.000 27.00 209.0 11.25 105.6 15.50 268.0 5.00 46.2
450 457.2 686 95.0 286 48.0 394 122.0 127 21.0
20 20.000 30.00 203.6 12.50 110.0 17.25 337.0 6.00 57.2
500 508.0 762 138.0 318 50.0 438 153.0 152 26.0
24 24.000 36.00 485.0 15.00 176.0 20.00 466.0 6.00 77.0
600 609.6 914 220.0 381 80.0 508 212.0 152 35.0
26 26.000 39.00 521.0 16.00 262.0 22.50 766.0 10.50 110.0
650 660.4 991 237.0 406 119.0 572 348.0 267 50.0
28 28.000 42.00 605.0 17.25 304.0 23.50 862.0 10.50 123.0
700 711.2 1067 275.0 438 138.0 597 392.0 267 56.0
30 30.000 45.00 695.0 18.50 348.0 25.00 992.0 10.50 136.0
750 76.20 1143 316.0 480 158.0 635 451.0 267 62.0
32 32.000 48.00 792.0 19.75 396.0 26.50 1135.0 10.50 248.6
800 812.8 1219 360.0 502 180.0 673 516.0 267 113.0
34 34.000 51.00 895.0 21.00 449.0 28.00 1285.0 10.50 165.0
850 863.4 1295 407.0 533 204.0 711 584.0 267 75.0
36 36.000 54.00 1005.0 22.25 504.0 30.00 1445.0 10.50 334.4
900 914.4 1372 457.0 565 229.0 762 657.0 267 152.0
40 40.000 60.00 1241.0 24.88 620.0 33.00 1790.0 12.00 224.0
1000 1016.0 1524 564.0 632 282.0 838 814.0 305 102.0
42 42.000 63.00 1368.0 26.00 684.0 35.00 1841.0 12.00 242.0
1050 1066.8 1600 622.0 660 311.0 889 837.0 305 110.0
44 44.000 66.00 1503.0 27.39 752.0 36.00 2075.0 13.50 277.0
1100 1117.6 1676 683.0 696 342.0 914 943.0 343 126.0
48 48.000 72.00 1790.0 29.88 895.0 40.00 2488.0 13.50 315.0
1200 1219.2 1829 814.0 759 407.0 1016 1131.0 343 143.0
• C-E of RJ-10 and RJ-11 18” and larger sizes and E-E of RJ-60 26” and larger sizes conform to ANSI B16.9. All other sizes are to manufacturer's standard.
RJ-51 Eccentric Reducer E-E E-E
Nominal Pipe RJ-21 Reducing Tee RJ-50 Conc. Reducer RJ-51 Ecc. Reducer
Size O.D. C-E C-B Weight E-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
14 x 12 14.000 x 12.750 11.00 10.62 145.0 8.00 51.0 13.00 51.0
350 x 300 355.6 x 323.9 279 270 66.0 203* 23.0 330 23.0
16 x12 16.000 x 12.750 12.00 11.62 172.0 9.00* 64.0 9.00* 64.0
400 x 300 406.4 x 323.9 305 295 78.0 229 29.0 229 29.0
16 x 14 16.000 x 14.000 12.00 12.00 176.0 9.00* 64.0 9.00* 64.0
400 x 350 406.4 x 355.6 305 305 80.0 229 29.0 229 29.0
18 x 12 18.000 x 12.750 13.50 12.62 246.0 9.50* 72.6 15.00 78.0
450 x 300 457.2 x 323.9 343 321 112.0 241 33.0 381 35.0
18 x 14 18.000 x 14.000 13.50 13.00 253.0 15.00 79.0 15.00 79.0
450 x 350 457.2 x 355.6 343 330 115.0 381 36.0 381 36.0
18 x 16 18.000 x 16.000 13.50 13.00 264.0 15.00 79.0 15.00 79.0
450 x 400 457.2 x 406.4 343 330 120.0 381 36.0 381 36.0
20 x 12 20.000 x 12.750 15.00 13.62 297.0 10.00* 95.0 20.00 95.0
500 x 300 508.0 x 323.9 381 346 135.0 254 43.0 508 43.0
20 x 14 20.000 x 14.000 15.00 14.00 304.0 20.00 99.0 20.00 99.0
500 x 350 508.0 x 355.6 381 356 138.0 508 45.0 508 45.0
20 x 16 20.000 x 16.000 15.00 14.00 317.0 20.00 101.0 20.00 101.0
500 x 400 508.0 x 406.4 381 356 144.0 508 46.0 508 46.0
20 x 18 20.000 x 18.000 15.00 14.50 328.0 20.00 128.0 20.00 128.0
500 x 450 508.0 x 457.2 381 368 149.0 508 58.0 508 58.0
24 x 12 24.000 x 12.750 17.00 15.62 396.0 12.00* 154.0 20.00 154.0
600 x 300 609.6 x 323.9 432 397 180.0 305 70.0 508 70.0
24 x 14 24.000 x 14.000 17.00 16.00 407.0 20.00 154.0 20.00 154.0
600 x 350 609.6 x 355.6 432 406 185.0 508 70.0 508 70.0
24 x 16 24.000 x 16.000 17.00 16.00 418.0 12.00* 154.0 20.00 154.0
600 x 400 609.6 x 406.4 432 406 190.0 305 70.0 508 70.0
24 x 18 24.000 x 18.000 17.00 16.50 433.0 20.00 154.0 20.00 154.0
600 x 450 609.6 x 457.2 432 419 197.0 508 70.0 508 70.0
24 x 20 24.000 x 20.000 17.00 17.00 444.0 12.00* 156.0 20.00 156.0
600 x 500 609.6 x 508.0 432 432 202.0 305 71.0 508 71.0
C-E: Mfr's standard. E-E marked (*): Mfr's standard (made of ductile iron). All other E-E: ANSI B16.9.
Bolt Hole
RJ-70 Flange Adapter
Shoulder Dimensions
( Type A Weld-on Rings )
Nominal Pipe Working Pipe Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure End Deflection Size Weight
(CWP)* A B C Separation
in in PSI in in in in Lbs
Deg. (°) in
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.375 600 3.90 5.47 1.81 0.13 2.4
2° 43' ⅜" x 2⅛"
50 60.3 40 99.0 139.0 46.0 3.2 1.1
3 3.500 600 5.08 6.61 1.81 0.13 3.3
1° 53' ½" x 3"
80 88.9 40 129.0 168.0 46.0 3.2 1.5
4 4.500 600 6.26 7.87 1.97 0.13 4.9
1° 29' ½" x 3"
100 114.3 40 159.0 200.0 50.0 3.2 2.2
6.500 600 8.39 10.50 1.97 0.13 7.7
165.1 mm 1° 2' ⅝" x 3½"
165.1 40 213.0 267.0 50.0 3.2 3.5
6* 6.625 600 8.62 11.00 1.97 0.13 8.4
1° 1' ⅝" x 3½"
150 168.3 40 219.0 279.0 50.0 3.2 3.8
8 8.625 600 10.75 13.19 2.36 0.13 13.0
0° 47' ¾" x 4¾"
200 219.1 40 273.0 335.0 60.0 3.2 5.9
10* 10.750 300 13.20 15.62 2.56 0.13 19.8
0° 47' ¾" x 4¾"
250 273.0 20 335.4 396.8 65.0 3.2 9.0
12* 12.750 300 15.19 17.72 2.56 0.13 22.9
0° 47' ¾" x 4¾"
300 323.9 20 385.8 450.1 65.0 3.2 10.4
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
SD-28A Shouldered Toggle Coupling
The Shurjoint Model SD-28A coupling is accidental opening of the couplings. The
designed to connect shouldered-end pipe housing segments are made of
with Type A rings for services where ductile iron to ASTM A536 Gr.
frequent assembly and disassembly is 65-45-12 and or A395 Gr. 65-45-
desired or required. The housing segments 15 and are normally supplied in
are hinged with a lever handle for easy hot-dip galvanized. The standard A
installation. The use of a split pin prevents rubber gasket is Grade T Nitrile.
Nominal Pipe Working Pipe
Size O.D. Pressure End Deflection Weight
(CWP)** A B C Separation
in in PSI in in in in Lbs
Deg. (°)
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm Kgs
2* 2.375 400 39.32 4.43 1.93 0.125 2.8
2º - 43'
50 60.3 28 86.5 112.5 49 3.2 1.3
3* 3.500 400 4.96 6.46 1.93 0.125 4.4
1º - 53'
80 88.9 28 126.0 164.0 49 3.2 2.0
4 4.500 400 6.30 8.43 2.05 0.125 6.6
1º - 29'
100 114.3 28 160.0 214.0 52 3.2 3.0
6* 6.500 400 8.43 11.14 2.05 0.125 6.5
1º - 2'
150 165.1 28 214.0 283.0 52 3.2 4.3
6 6.625 400 8.54 11.10 2.05 0. 125 9.9
1º - 1'
150 168.3 28 217.0 282.0 52 3.2 4.5
8* 8.625 400 10.95 14.17 2.36 0.125 18.3
0º - 47'
200 219.1 28 278.0 360.0 60 3.2 8.3
* Non-standard/stock items may require longer lead time.
** Working pressure is based on standard wall carbon steel pipe.
The Wildcat couplings can be used for a with a hardness less than HB 150, not
variety of applications including mining, recommended for plastic, HDPE, cast iron or
process piping, manifold piping and oilfield other brittle pipe. Housing
services. The Wildcat couplings feature Gaskets are available either in Grade Segment
case-hardened jaws* within the housings E EPDM for water services of -29°F to +
and large diameter heat treated track bolts 230°F (-34°C to + 110°C) or Grade T Nitrile Bolt / Nut
that when tightened securely grip the pipe for oil services -20°F to +180°F (-29°C to
surface. As with grooved couplings, a +82°C).
C-shaped rubber gasket effectively seals the Steel Pipe 2" – 16"
(Hardness HB 150 max.)
pipe ends (* For sizes larger than 14” (350 mm) ,
* Working pressure is for plain-end standard wall steel pipe with hardness less than HB150.
How to install
Marking: Use a marker and Install Gasket: Place a gasket Mount Housings: Place the Tighten Nuts: Tighten nuts
measuring tape to place over the pipe ends and center housings over the gasket, alternately and equally until the
“Gasket Centering Marks” and the gasket in between the first ensure the gasket stays bolt pads meet and make metal-
“Coupling Centering Marks” set gasket centering marks. centered between the first set to-metal contact. Repeated
on each pipe end per the The pipe ends should always be marks made on the pipe ends alternate tightening will reduce
installation instructions. butted against each other. and the housings are properly tightening torque considerably.
centered between the second Tighten nuts by another one
set coupling center marks. Also quarter to one half turn to make
make sure that housing tongue sure the bolts and nuts are snug
and groove (T&G) mate correctly. and secure.
Refer to the Shurjoint installation instruction manual for complete instructions. Shurjoint HDPE couplings are not intended for use on PVC, PP
or other materials. Do not use standard soap based lubricant on HDPE pipe. Shurjoint recommends the use of a silicone based lubricant with
the HDPE series. In order to avoid injuries from the sharp machined teeth, wear gloves when handling.
* Shurjoint recommends the use of a silicone based lubricant for the HDPE series.
H312 - IPS Size / ANSI Class 125/150
Nominal Pipe Dimensions Draw Bolt / Nut Flange Bolt / Nut *
Size O.D. A B C No. Size No. Size Weight
in in in in in Lbs
in in
mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
3 3.500 7.75 8.86 3.10 10.6
2 ⅝ x 2⅛ 4 ⅝
80 88.9 197 225 79 4.8
4 4.500 9.00 10.25 3.10 15.0
2 ⅝ x 2⅛ 8 ⅝
100 114.3 229 260 79 6.8
6 6.625 11.00 12.25 3.75 21.5
2 ⅝ x 2⅛ 8 ¾
150 168.3 279 311 95 9.8
8 8.625 13.50 14.75 3.42 28.8
2 ¾ x 2⅜ 8 ¾
200 219.1 343 375 87 13.1
10 10.750 16.00 21.00 4.25 42.9
4 ¾ x 2⅜ 12 ⅞
250 273.0 406 533 108 19.5
12 12.750 19.02 24.00 4.25 51.5
4 ¾ x 2⅜ 12 ⅞
300 323.9 483 610 108 23.4
* Shurjoint recommends the use of a silicone based lubricant for use with the HDPE series.
* Flange bolts and nuts are to be supplied by installer.
Roll Set
Standard Roll Groove for As copper tubing is thinner than carbon steel pipe, always use
U.S. Standard Copper a roll set specifically designed for use on copper tubing.
Tubing Pipe O.D. be of uniform depth around the entire pipe circumference.
Maximum allowable tolerances from square cut ends is Groove Depth
0.03" for 2" thru 3"; 0.045" for 4" thru 6"; and 0.060" for The “d” is for reference use only. The groove dimension
sizes 8”. shall be determined by the groove diameter “C”.
B Gasket Seating Surface Minimum Wall Thickness
The gasket seating surface shall be free from deep scores, The DWV pipe (ASTM B-306) is minimum wall thickness
O.D. C F marks, or ridges that would prevent a positive seal. that may be roll grooved.
Groove Width Flare Diameter
Groove width is to be measured between vertical flanks of The pipe end that may flare when the groove is rolled shall
d the groove side walls. be within this limit when measured at the extreme end of
Groove Diameter the pipe.
The “C” diameters are average values. The groove must
Max. Working Max. Pipe Dimensions
Nominal Pipe Pressure End Load End Bolt Weight
Size O.D. (CWP)* (CWP) Separation A B C Size
in in PSI in in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.125 300 1060 0.06 3.17 4.63 1.89 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
50 54.0 20 4.58 1.5 81 118 48 0.8
2½ 2.625 300 1620 0.06 3.66 5.28 1.89 2.0
⅜ x 2⅛
65 66.7 20 6.98 1.5 93 134 48 0.9
3 3.125 300 2290 0.06 4.21 6.06 1.89 2.8
80 79.4 20 9.90 1.5 107 154 48 1.3
4 4.125 300 4000 0.06 5.20 7.28 1.89 3.5
100 104.8 20 17.24 1.5 132 185 48 1.6
5 5.125 300 6180 0.06 6.26 8.66 1.89 4.6
⅝ x 3½
125 130.2 20 26.61 1.5 159 220 48 2.2
6 6.125 300 8830 0.06 7.24 9.76 1.89 5.5
⅝ x 3½
150 155.6 20 38.01 1.5 184 248 48 2.5
* Working pressure is for connection with roll-grooved Type K copper tubing.
Notes / Options: Couplings with rubber gaskets are likely to function as an insulator. Where electrical continuity is required, the Shurjoint Model 96 Continuity Clip will restore electrical continuity to the system.
The continuity clip satisfies IEE Wiring Regulations.
BS EN 1057
Nominal Pipe Pipe End Dimensions Bolt
Size O.D. Separation A B C Size Weight
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
50 54.0 1.5 81 118 48 M10 x 55 0.8
65 66.7 1.5 93 134 48 M10 x 55 0.9
80 76.1 1.5 104 136 48 M10 x 55 1.3
100 108.0 3.2 138 176 48 M12 x 75 1.6
125 133.0 3.2 165 220 48 M16 x 90 2.2
150 159.0 3.2 190 248 48 M16 x 90 2.5
specially designed rubber gasket prevents
the smaller pipe from telescoping into the
larger pipe during vertical installation.
Max. Max.
Deflection Dimensions
Nominal Pipe Working End Pipe Bolt
Size O.D. Pressure Load End Deg. Per Size Weight
(CWP)* (CWP) Separation Coupling Pipe A B C
in in PSI Lbs in in / ft in in in Lbs
(°) in
mm mm Bar kN mm mm / m mm mm mm Kgs
2½ x 2 2.625 x 2.215 300 1622 0.06 0.29 3.70 5.55 1.77 2.9
1° – 22' ½x3
65 x 50 66.7 x 54.0 20 6.98 1.6 24.0 94 141 45 1.3
3x2 3.125 x 2.125 300 2300 0.06 0.24 4.21 5.98 1.77 3.3
1° – 09' ½x3
80 x 50 79.4 x 54.0 20 9.89 1.6 20.0 107 152 45 1.5
3 x 2½ 3.125 x 2.625 300 2300 0.06 0.24 4.21 5.98 1.77 3.0
1° – 09' ½x3
80 x 65 79.4 x 66.7 20 9.89 1.6 20.0 107 152 45 1.4
4 x 2½ 4.125 x 2.625 300 4007 0.06 0.18 5.20 7.20 1.77 4.2
0° – 53' ½x3
100 x 65 104.8 x 66.7 20 17.23 1.6 15.0 132 183 45 1.9
4x3 4.125 x 3.125 300 4007 0.06 0.18 5.20 7.20 1.77 4.0
0° – 53' ½x3
100 x 80 104.8 x 79.4 20 17.23 1.6 15.0 132 183 45 1.8
5x4 5.125 x 4.125 300 6186 0.06 0.15 6.30 8.82 1.77 5.5
0° – 42' ⅝ x 3½
125 x 100 130.2 x 104.8 20 26.60 1.6 12.0 160 224 45 2.5
6x4 6.125 x 4.125 300 8835 0.06 0.13 7.28 9.88 1.77 7.3
0° – 36' ⅝ x 3½
150 x 100 155.6 x 104.8 20 37.99 1.6 10.3 185 251 45 3.3
* Working pressure is for connection with roll-grooved Type K copper tubing.
Notes / Options: Couplings with rubber gaskets are likely to function as an insulator. Where electrical continuity is required, the Shurjoint Model 96 Continuity Clip will restore electrical continuity to the system.
The continuity clip satisfies IEE Wiring Regulations.
96 Continuity Clip
Couplings with rubber gaskets are likely to
function as an insulator. Where electrical
continuity is required, the Shurjoint
continuity clip will restore electrical
continuity to the system. The electrical
continuity clip satisfies IEE Wiring
Regulations. Material: Bronze (Copper is
available upon request).
(20 Bar).
C341 Flange Adapter for Copper Tubing (CTS)
The Shurjoint Model C341 Flange Adapter
allows for the direct connection of grooved- A C
C10 90º Elbow
C11 45º Elbow
C20 Tee
C60 Cap
Nominal Pipe C10 90° Elbow C11 45° Elbow C20 Tee C60 Cap
Size O.D. C-E Weight C-E Weight C-E Weight E-E Weight
in in in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs in Lbs
mm mm mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs mm Kgs
2 2.125 2.91 1.5 2.19 1.7 2.44 1.8 0.96 0.6
50 54.0 74 0.7 56 0.8 62 0.8 24 0.3
2½ 2.625 3.31 2.0 2.31 2.1 3.20 2.9 0.96 0.9
65 66.7 84 0.9 59 1.0 81 1.3 24 0.4
3 3.125 3.81 2.6 2.59 3.2 3.50 3.7 0.96 1.2
80 79.4 97 1.2 66 1.4 89 1.7 24 0.6
4 4.125 4.75 5.5 3.19 5.5 4.25 7.3 0.96 2.1
100 104.8 121 2.5 81 2.5 108 3.3 24 1.0
5 5.125 5.94 11.5 3.25 7.9 5.94 17.2 0.96 3.5
125 130.2 151 5.2 83 3.6 151 7.8 24 1.6
6 6.125 6.94 16.5 3.63 10.2 6.94 26.2 0.96 4.4
150 155.6 176 7.5 92 4.6 176 11.9 24 2.0
80 x 80 x 20 62 64 19 1.3
3x3x1 2.54 2.60 0.91 2.9
80 x 80 x 25 65 66 23 1.3
3 x 3 x 1¼ 2.63 2.72 0.97 3.1
C26 80 x 80 x 32 67 69 25 1.4
3 x 3 x 1½ 2.85 2.84 1.09 3.3
80 x 80 x 40 72 72 28 1.5
3x3x2 3.11 3.09 1.34 3.7
80 x 80 x 50 79 78 34 1.7
4x4x¾ 3.00 3.00 0.75 4.8
100 x 100 x 20 76 76 19 2.2
4x4x1 3.10 3.16 0.91 5.1
100 x 100 x 25 79 80 23 2.3
4 x 4 x 1¼ 3.25 3.22 0.97 5.5
100 x 100 x 32 83 82 25 2.5
4 x 4 x 1½ 3.35 3.34 1.09 5.6
100 x 100 x 40 85 85 28 2.5
4x4x2 3.62 3.59 1.34 5.9
100 x 100 x 50 92 91 34 2.7
C55 Transition Adapter (IPS X CTS)
The Shurjoint Model C55 Transition Adapter
provides a direct transition between male
threaded-end steel pipe (IPS) and grooved- NPT
end copper tubing. The C55 is UL classified
to NSF/ANSI 61 and NSF/ANSI 372 for use in
potable water systems.
(IPS) (CTS) ¼" NPT
C55T C305 C55T
DE30-GG Dielectric Transition Fitting (IPS X CTS)
The Model DE30-GG Dielectric Transition
Fitting provides a direct transition between
grooved-end steel pipe (IPS) and grooved-end
Ductile Iron Body
copper tubing (CTS). The internal PP lining
Virgin PP Lining
effectively eliminates galvanic local cell and
stray current problems.
Max. Working Hole Dia. Dimensions
Nominal Pressure +0.063, -0 / Bolt Weight
CTS X NPT (CWP)* +1.6, -0 A B C D T** Size
in PSI in in in in in in Lbs
mm Bar mm mm mm mm mm mm Kgs
2½ x ½ 200 1.18 2.56 1.61 4.65 1.89 2.09 1.5
⅜ x 2⅛
65 x 15 14 30 65 41 118 48 53 0.7
2½ x ¾ 200 1.18 2.56 1.61 4.65 2.01 2.05 1.5
⅜ x 2⅛
65 x 20 14 30 65 41 118 51 52 0.7
2½x 1 200 1.18 2.56 1.61 4.65 1.89 1.93 1.5
⅜ x 2⅛
65 x 25 14 30 65 41 118 48 49 0.7
2½ x 1¼ 200 1.77 2.68 1.61 4.65 2.64 2.15 2.2
⅜ x 2⅛
65 x 32 14 45 68 41 118 67 55 1.0
3x¾ 200 1.18 2.80 1.89 5.16 2.01 2.28 1.5
⅜ x 2⅛
80 x 20 14 30 71 48 131 51 58 0.7
3x1 200 1.18 2.80 1.89 5.16 1.89 2.20 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
80 x 25 14 30 71 48 131 48 56 0.8
3 x 1¼ 200 1.77 2.95 1.89 5.16 2.64 2.59 2.2
⅜ x 2⅛
80 x 32 14 45 75 48 131 67 66 1.0
4x¾ 200 1.18 3.35 2.36 6.22 2.01 2.80 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
100 x 20 14 30 85 60 158 51 71 0.8
4x1 200 1.18 3.35 2.36 6.22 1.89 3.11 1.8
⅜ x 2⅛
100 x 25 14 30 85 60 158 48 79 0.8
4 x 1¼ 200 1.77 3.35 2.36 6.22 2.64 3.11 1.9
⅜ x 2⅛
100 x 32 14 45 85 60 158 67 79 0.9
* Working pressure is for connection with Type K copper tubing.
**T: Center of run to engaged pipe end (approx.).
Max. Dimensions
Nominal Pipe Working Pressure
Size O.D. (CWP)* A B C D Weight
in in PSI in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar mm mm mm mm Kgs
2 2.125 300 3.19 5.31 2.45 10.0 5.9
50 54 20 81 135 57 254 2.7
2½ 2.625 300 3.78 5.87 2.87 10.0 7.3
65 66.7 20 96 149 73 254 3.3
3 3.125 300 3.78 6.42 3.27 10.0 7.7
80 79.4 20 96 163 83 254 3.5
4 4.125 300 4.65 8.19 4.29 10.0 11.0
100 104.8 20 118 208 109 254 5.0
5 5.125 300 5.28 9.80 5.36 10.0 16.9
125 130.2 20 134 249 136 254 7.7
6 6.125 300 5.28 10.79 6.42 10.0 16.9
150 155.6 20 134 274 163 254 7.7
*Working pressure is for connection with roll-grooved Type K copper tubing.
** Please note that 2”, 2½”, and 3” Model C341 Flanges cannot be used for making direct connections to Model SJ-C300 Butterfly Valves due to bolt pad interference with the valve.
Gasket Seating Surface (A):
The same coupling can be used either as a rigid joint or a flexible joint depending on the groove. Gasket seat “A Rigid” is for
rigid joints and Gasket seat “A Flex.” for flexible joints.
A B The gasket seating surface shall be free from deep scores, marks, or ridges that could prevent a positive seal.
Groove Diameter (C):
The “C” diameters are average values. The groove must be of uniform depth around the entire pipe circumference.
C Radius (R):
The groove must be cut with a radius ‘R’ at the corners of the groove to reduce stress concentration.
Minimum Wall Thickness (T):
“T” is the minimum allowable wall thickness that may be cut-grooved; tolerances are to conform to ANSI/AWWA C151/
up to 500 psi (35 Bar) depending on the size.
AWWA D.I. Pipe Max. Working Max. End Axial Bolt Dimensions
Nominal Size Pipe O.D. Pressure (CWP)* Load Displacement † No. Size A B C Weight
in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
3 3.96 500 6200 0~0.09 5.33 7.36 2.40 5.5
2 ½x3
80 100.6 35 27.59 0~2.4 136 187 61 2.5
4 4.80 500 9000 0~0.09 6.96 8.33 2.32 7.3
2 ⅝ x 3½
100 121.9 35 40.50 0~2.4 157 212 59 3.3
6 6.90 400 14950 0~0.09 9.37 10.75 2.44 9.7
2 ⅝ x 3½
150 175.3 28 66.26 0~2.4 211 273 62 4.4
8 9.05 400 25600 0~0.16 12.07 13.94 2.64 18.7
2 ¾ x 4¾
200 229.9 28 113.92 0~4.0 272 354 67 8.5
10 11.10 350 33850 0~0.16 14.50 16.06 2.95 24.2
2 ¾ x 4¾
250 281.9 24 150.63 0~4.0 326 408 75 11.0
12 13.20 350 47900 0~0.16 16.89 18.19 2.95 30.8
2 ⅞ x 6½
300 335.3 24 211.50 0~4.0 380 462 75 14.0
* Pressure ratings listed are based on radius cut-grooved Thickness Class 53 or higher pipe.
Red Gasket
Nominal Pipe O.D. Max. Working Max. End Axial Bolt Dimensions
Size IPS Steel AWWA Ductile Iron Pressure (CWP)* Load Displacement Size A B C Weight
in in in PSI Lbs in in in in Lbs
mm mm mm Bar kN mm mm mm mm Kgs
3 3.500 3.96 500 4810 0.03 5.31 7.28 2.13 4.8
½ x 2¾
80 88.9 100.6 35 21.41 1 135 185 54 2.2
4 4.500 4.80 500 7950 0.03 6.22 8.54 2.19 6.4
⅝ x 3½
100 114.3 121.9 35 35.38 1 158 217 56 2.9
6 6.625 6.90 400 13780 0.03 8.23 10.75 2.19 8.6
⅝ x 3½
150 168.3 175.3 28 61.32 1 209 273 56 3.9
8 8.625 9.05 400 23370 0.03 10.79 13.66 2.52 16.7
¾ x 4¾
200 219.1 229.9 28 103.99 1 274 347 64 7.6
10 10.750 11.10 350 33850 0.03 13.03 16.10 2.76 24.9
⅞ x 6½
250 273.0 281.9 24 155.96 1 331 409 70 11.3
12 12.750 13.20 350 47870 0.03 15.00 18.35 2.76 28.6
⅞ x 6½
300 323.9 335.3 24 220.64 1 381 466 70 13.0
* Pressure ratings listed are based on radius cut-grooved Thickness Class 53 or higher pipe.
A512 Flange Adapter
The Shurjoint Model A512 Flange Adapter
provides for the direct connection between A C
AWWA ductile iron radius pipe grooves
and flanged components. The two part
flange features integral closure tabs to aid
C-E A25 Reducing Tee A50 Conc. Reducer A10R Reducing Elbow
and leak-tight joint. It is essential that the grooves are Thicker than 0.375” (9.5mm)
Full engagement
37½° or 30°
Heavy wall pipe
When you attempt to roll-groove pipe thicker than .375”/9.5mm,
the metal may deform and heap up on both sides of the groove
rather than radially deforming and protruding on the inside of the
pipe. The extra heaped metal could lead to joint failure. In such a Spiral pipe with
a grooved nipple
case, you should grind off any such extra metal to achieve a flat and
Figure 1 - Roll grooved-end dimensional reference points for Table 1
Dimensions in millimeters
1. Pipe O.D.: Maximum allowable tolerances from square cut ends is 0.03" for sizes up to 3½"; 0.045" for 4" thru 6"; and 0.060" for sizes 8" and above.
2. The gasket seating surface "A" shall be free from deep scores, marks, or ridges that would prevent a positive seal.
3. The "C" dimensions are average values. The groove must be of uniform depth around the entire circumference. Use a Shurjoint groove gage or rule to check the groove diameter.
4. The "t" is the minimum allowable wall thickness that may be roll-grooved.
5. The "d" is for reference use only. The groove depth shall be determined by the groove diameter "C".
6. Flare Diameter: The pipe end that may flare when the groove is rolled shall be within this limit when measured at the extreme end of the pipe.
A d
F C O.D.
* The tolerance for the JIS & KS pipe has a little difference.
1. Pipe O.D.: Maximum allowable tolerances from square cut ends is 0.03" for sizes up to 3½"; 0.045" for 4" thru 6"; and 0.060" for sizes 8" and above.
2. The gasket seating surface "A" shall be free from deep scores, marks, or ridges that would prevent a positive seal.
3. The "C" dimensions are average values. The groove must be of uniform depth around the entire circumference. Use a Shurjoint groove gage or rule to check the groove diameter.
4. The "t" is the minimum allowable wall thickness that may be roll-grooved.
5. The "d" is for reference use only. The groove depth shall be determined by the groove diameter "C".
6. Flare Diameter: The pipe end that may flare when the groove is rolled shall be within this limit when measured at the extreme end of the pipe.
O.D. C F
Nominal A B C d t F Max.
Pipe O.D.
Size ±0.03 ±0.03 +0, -0.063 Groove Depth Min Allowed
Basic Tolerance ±0.8 ±0.8 +0, -1.6 (ref) Wali Flare Dia.
in in in in in in in in in in
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
26 26.0 +0.093 -0.031 1.75 0.625 25.5 0.25 0.25 26.2
650 660.4 +2.36 -0.79 44.5 15.9 647.7 6.4 6.4 665.5
28 28.0 +0.093 -0.031 1.75 0.625 27.5 0.25 0.25 28.2
700 711.2 +2.36 -0.79 44.5 15.9 698.5 6.4 6.4 716.3
30 30.0 +0.093 -0.031 1.75 0.625 29.5 0.25 0.25 30.2
750 762.0 +2.36 -0.79 44.5 15.9 749.3 6.4 6.4 767.1
32 32.0 +0.093 -0.031 1.75 0.625 31.5 0.25 0.25 32.2
800 812.8 +2.36 -0.79 44.5 15.9 800.1 6.4 6.4 817.9
36 36.0 +0.093 -0.031 1.75 0.625 35.5 0.25 0.25 36.2
900 914.4 +2.36 -0.79 44.5 15.9 901.7 6.4 6.4 919.5
40 40.0 +0.093 -0.031 2.00 0.625 39.5 0.25 0.25 40.4
1000 1016.0 +2.36 -0.79 50.8 15.9 1003.3 6.4 6.4 1026.2
42 42.0 +0.093 -0.031 2.00 0.625 41.5 0.25 0.25 42.2
1050 1066.8 +2.36 -0.79 50.8 15.9 1054.1 6.4 6.4 1071.9
1. Square cut: Max. allowable tolerances from square cut are 0.060" (1.6 mm).
2. The gasket seating surface "A" shall be free from deep scores, marks, or ridges that would prevent a positive seal.
3. The "C" dimensions are average values. The groove must be of uniform depth around the entire circumference. Use a Shurjoint groove or rule to check the groove diameter.
4. The "t" is the minimum allowable wall thickness that may be roll-grooved.
5. The "d" is for reference use only. The groove depth shall be determined by the groove diameter "C".
6. Flare Diameter: The pipe end that may flare when the groove is rolled shall be within this limit when measured at the extreme end of the pipe.
Nominal A B C t d
Pipe O.D.
Size ±0.031 ±0.031 +0.000 Min. Groove Depth
Basic Tolerance ±0.79 ±0.79 +0.00 Wall (ref.)
in in in in in in in in in
mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm mm
¾ 1.050 +0.010 -0.010 0.625 0.313 0.938-0.015 0.113 0.056
20 26.7 +0.25 -0.25 15.88 7.95 23.83-0.38 2.87 1.42
1 1.315 +0.013 -0.013 0.625 0.313 1.190-0.015 0.133 0.063
25 33.4 +0.33 -0.33 15.88 7.95 30.23-0.38 3.38 1.60
1¼ 1.660 +0.016 -0.016 0.625 0.313 1.535-0.015 0.140 0.063
32 42.2 +0.41 -0.41 15.88 7.95 38.99-0.38 3.56 1.60
1½ 1.900 +0.019 -0.019 0.625 0.313 1.775-0.015 0.145 0.063
40 48.3 +0.48 -0.48 15.88 7.95 45.09-0.38 3.68 1.60
2 2.375 +0.024 -0.024 0.625 0.313 2.250-0.015 0.154 0.063
50 60.3 +0.61 -0.61 15.88 7.95 57.15-0.38 3.91 1.60
2½ 2.875 +0.029 -0.029 0.625 0.313 2.720-0.018 0.188 0.078
65 73.0 +0.74 -0.74 15.88 7.95 69.09-0.46 4.78 1.98
3.000 +0.030 -0.030 0.625 0.313 2.845-0.018 0.188 0.078
76.1 mm
76.1 +0.76 -0.76 15.88 7.95 72.26-0.46 4.78 1.98
3 3.500 +0.035 -0.031 0.625 0.313 3.344-0.018 0.188 0.078
80 88.9 +0.89 -0.79 15.88 7.95 84.94-0.46 4.78 1.98
4.000 +0.040 -0.031 0.625 0.313 3.834-0.020 0.188 0.078
101.6 mm
101.6 +1.02 -0.79 15.88 7.95 97.38-0.51 4.78 1.98
4.000 +0.040 -0.031 0.625 0.313 3.834-0.020 0.188 0.078
101.6 mm
101.6 +1.02 -0.79 15.88 7.95 97.38-0.51 4.78 1.98
4 4.250 +0.043 -0.031 0.625 0.375 4.084-0.020 0.203 0.083
100 108.0 +1.04 -0.79 15.88 9.53 103.73-0.51 5.16 2.11
4 4.500 +0.045 -0.031 0.625 0.375 4.334-0.020 0.203 0.083
100 114.3 +1.14 -0.79 15.88 9.53 110.08-0.51 5.16 2.11
5.250 +0.053 -0.031 0.625 0.375 5.084-0.020 0.203 0.076
133.0 mm
133.0 +1.70 -0.79 15.88 9.53 129.13-0.51 5.16 1.93
5.500 +0.056 -0.031 0.625 0.375 5.334-0.020 0.203 0.083
139.7 mm
139.7 +1.42 -0.79 15.88 9.53 135.48-0.51 5.16 2.11
5 5.563 +0.056 -0.031 0.625 0.375 5.395-0.022 0.203 0.083
125 141.3 +1.42 -0.79 15.88 9.53 137.03-0.56 5.16 2.11
6.250 +0.063 -0.031 0.625 0.375 6.080-0.030 0.219 0.087
159.0 mm
159.0 +1.60 -0.79 15.88 9.53 154.43-0.76 5.56 2.20
165.1 mm 6.500 +0.065 -0.031 0.625 0.375 6.335-0.022 0.203 0.085
165.1 +1.57 -0.79 15.88 9.53 160.90-0.56 5.16 2.16
6 6.625 +0.063 -0.031 0.625 0.375 6.455-0.022 0.219 0.085
150 168.3 +1.60 -0.79 15.88 9.53 163.96-0.56 5.56 2.16
8 8.625 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.438 8.441-0.025 0.238 0.092
200 219.1 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 11.13 214.40-0.64 6.05 2.34
10 10.750 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.500 10.562-0.027 0.250 0.094
250 273.0 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 12.70 268.27-0.69 6.35 2.39
12 12.750 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.500 12.531-0.030 0.279 0.109
300 323.9 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 12.70 318.29-0.76 7.09 2.77
8.516 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.438 8.331-0.025 0.238 0.092
200 JIS
216.3 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 11.13 211.60-0.64 6.05 2.34
10.528 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.500 10.339-0.027 0.250 0.094
250 JIS
267.4 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 12.70 262.60-0.69 6.35 2.39
12.539 +0.063 -0.031 0.750 0.500 12.319-0.030 0.279 0.109
300 JIS
318.5 +1.60 -0.79 19.05 12.70 312.90-0.76 7.09 2.77
14 14.000 +0.063 -0.031 0.938 0.500 13.781-0.030 0.281 0.109
350 355.6 +1.60 -0.79 23.83 12.70 350.04-0.76 7.14 2.77
16 16.000 +0.063 -0.031 0.938 0.500 15.781-0.030 0.312 0.109
400 406.4 +1.60 -0.79 23.83 12.70 400.84-0.76 7.92 2.77
18 18.000 +0.063 -0.031 1.000 0.500 17.781-0.030 0.312 0.109
450 457.2 +1.60 -0.79 25.40 12.70 451.64-0.76 7.92 2.77
20 20.000 +0.063 -0.031 1.000 0.500 19.781-0.030 0.312 0.109
500 508.0 +1.60 -0.79 25.40 12.70 502.44-0.76 7.92 2.77
22 22.000 +0.063 -0.031 1.000 0.563 21.656-0.030 0.375 0.172
550 558.8 +1.60 -0.79 25.40 14.30 550.06-0.76 9.53 4.37
24 24.000 +0.063 -0.031 1.000 0.563 23.656-0.030 0.375 0.172
600 609.6 +1.60 -0.79 25.40 14.30 600.86-0.76 9.53 4.37
1. Pipe OD: Maximum allowable tolerances from square of ends is 0.03” for sizes up to 3½”; 0.045” for 4” thru 6”, and 0.060” for sizes 8” and above.
2. Gasket Seating Surface: The gasket seating surface shall be free from deep scores, marks, or ridges that would prevent a positive seal.
3. Groove Width: Groove width is to be measured between vertical flanks of the groove side walls.
4. Groove Diameter: The “C” diameters are average values. The groove must be of uniform depth around the entire pipe circumference.
5. Minimum Wall Thickness: The “t” is the minimum allowable wall thickness that may be cut-grooved.
6. Groove Depth: The “d” is for reference use only. The groove dimension shall be determined by the groove diameter “C”.
α = H × 1/150
2. Adjustment of misalignment
When a straight run has need for a slight adjustment of alignment on α
the jobsite as shown in the diagram, you can accomplish this with
the use of two flexible couplings. The following table shows the
θ L
deflection value (θ) of the Shurjoint 7705 flexible couplings.
δ δ = L sin θ
Hanger location θ
α = H x 1/150 = 4000 x 1/150 = 27 mm
If we use a 200 mm (8”) 7707 coupling for each floor, the maximum
deflection (β) that each coupling can accommodate will be;
Amount of deflection (δ)
Nominal Deflection Distance between couplings (L) mm
Hanger location
• Pipe size: 100 mm (4”)
L • Max. pipe end separation (E) : 3.2 mm
• Pipe length (L) : 5500 mm
• Temperature difference (ΔT) : 40° C (+5° C to +45° C)
6. Curved layout
• α= 1.2 x 10-5 / ° C
With Shurjoint flexible couplings you can design a slowly curved
layout for a system along a curved tunnel, winding road or curved
μ = α x L x ΔT = 1.2 x 10-5 / ° C x 5500 mm x 40° C = 2.64 mm
safety factor.
Supports For straight runs, you can use both flexible and rigid couplings.
When rigid couplings are used, the same hanger spacing as other
piping methods can be applied. You can refer to the hanger spacing
Shurjoint grooved couplings are designed to hold axial thrusts 4–5
standards of ANSI B31.1 Power Piping Code, B31.9 Building Services
times their rated working pressure, though the strength against
Piping Code, NFPA 13 Sprinkler Systems, or Mechanical Equipment
bending movements is less than that of steel pipe. The joint may
Construction Guide (Japan). See the table below.
be damaged when a bending movement greater than the allowed
deflection occurs. System designers should provide anchors (main
and intermediate) and pipe guides with proper spacing to protect the
Suggested Max. Span between Supports
system from unexpected large bending movements. (steel pipe)
These illustrations are examples only, and are not intended to be Nominal Water Service Gas or Air Service
used for all installations as conditions and requirements vary from job Pipe Size (feet / meters) (feet / meters)
hanger types and sizes per NFPA 13. 3 / 80 12 / 3.7 16 / 4.9 15 / 4.6 6.6 / 2.0 15 / 4.6 19 / 5.8 15 / 4.6
4 / 100 14 / 4.3 18 / 5.5 15 / 4.6 6.6 / 2.0 17 / 5.2 21 / 6.4 15 / 4.6
5 / 125 16 / 4.9 20 / 6.1 15 / 4.6 6.6 / 2.0 20 / 6.1 24 / 7.3 15 / 4.6
6 / 150 17 / 5.2 21 / 6.4 15 / 4.6 10 / 3.0 21 / 6.4 26 / 7.9 15 / 4.6
8 / 200 19 / 5.8 23 / 7.0 15 / 4.6 10 / 3.0 24 / 7.3 29 / 8.8 15 / 4.6
D U-Hook sizes
dimension 10 / 250 19 / 5.8 25 / 7.6 15 / 4.6 10 / 3.0 24 / 7.3 33 / 10.1 15 / 4.6
Pipe size D dimension
in in / mm 12 / 300 23 / 7.0 26 / 7.9 15 / 4.6 10 / 3.0 30 / 9.1 36 / 11.0 15 / 4.6
5/16 14 / 350 23 / 7.0 26 / 7.9 15 / 4.6 30 / 9.1 37 / 11.3 15 / 4.6
~2 (7.9)
16 / 400 27 / 8.2 26 / 7.9 15 / 4.6 35 / 10.7 40 / 12.2 15 / 4.6
2½ ~ 6 ⅜ (9.5)
18 / 450 27 / 8.2 27 / 8.2 15 / 4.6 35 / 10.7 43 / 13.1 15 / 4.6
8 ½ (12.7)
20 / 500 30 / 9.1 27 / 8.2 15 / 4.6 39 / 11.9 46 / 14.0 15 / 4.6
Wraparound 24 / 600 32 / 9.8 26 / 7.9 15 / 4.6 42 / 12.8 50 / 15.2 15 / 4.6
1) ANSI B31.1 Power Piping Code
2) ANSI B31.9 Building Services Piping Code
3) NFPA 13 Sprinkler systems
4) Ministry of Land & Transportation of Japan: Mechanical Equipment Construction Guide
Rod sizes
Hanger locations on straight runs where flexible
Pipe size D dimension couplings are used
in in / mm
When flexible couplings are used on straight runs, location of
~4 ⅜ (9.5)
hangers shall be designed as close to each coupling as possible, or
5~8 ½ (12.7)
10 ~ 12 ⅝ (15.9)
within a distance of less than 1/6 the span.
Adjustable swivel
Ring - rod tight
to pipe
m Ov
m 0m er
0m 30 60
x.50 x. 0m
ma ma m
Up to 1"
m Ov
0m m er
x. 80 0m 60
ma 30 0m
m ax. m
Curved pipe runs Short riser (or short drop) Branch line
Typical designs of hangers and sway braces for the movement of the piping. Hangers and their components shall be
pipe runs ferrous. The maximum distance between hangers shall not exceed
Pipe runs shall be adequately suspended by rod hangers or steel that specified in the table of previous page.
Hanger rod
Band hanger
A rod hanger for a single pipe run A trapeze hanger suspended from ceiling
Hanger rod
Riser clamp
15 F
14 F
13 F
Anchor ( )
90° Elbow
w /Base Support
Resilient Isolator
Sway brace ( ) Sway brace ( )
Compound Grade Color Code General Service Recommendations Maximum Temp. Range
Good for cold & hot water up to +230°F (+110°C). Also good for services for
water with acid, water with chlorine, deionized water, seawater and waste
EPDM E Green Stripe water, dilute acids, oil-free air and many chemicals. -30°F (-34°C) to +230°F (+110°C)
Not recommended for petroleum oils, mineral oils, solvents and aromatic
Double Green Specially compounded for cold +86°F (+30°C) and hot +180°F (+82°C) potable
EPDM E-pw ≤+180°F (+82°C)
Stripe water services. The compound is UL classified per NSF/ANSI 61 & NSF/ANSI 372.
Good for oily and greasy food products and processing, as well as
White Nitrile A White Gasket pharmaceutical and cosmetics manufacturing. Compounded from FDA +20°F (-7°C) to +180°F (+82°C)
approved ingredients (CFR Title 21 Part 177.2600).
Good for dry, hot air without hydrocarbons and some high temperature
Silicone L Red Gasket -30°F (-34°C) to +350°F (+177°C)
chemical services. May also be used for fire protection dry systems.
Neoprene V Yellow Stripe Good for hot lubricating oils and certain chemicals. -30°F (-34°C) to +180°F (+82°C)
Good for aromatic fuels at low temperatures and also for ambient
Epichloro-hydrin M2 White Stripe -40°F (-40°C) to +160°F (+71°C)
temperature water.
Compound Grade Color Code General Service Recommendations Maximum Temp. Range
Specially compounded for use with AWWA ductile iron pipe and used for
Nitrile S Red Stripe -20°F (-29°C) to +180°F (+82°C)
petroleum products, mineral oils, vegetable oils and air with oil vapors.
Good for water services, mild dilute acids, oil-free air and many
Haloganated Butyl M Brown Stripe chemicals. The compound is UL classified per NSF/ANSI 61 & NSF/ANSI -20°F (-29°C) to +200°F (+93°C)
372.(AWWA ductile iron pipe use)
Please note that EPDM grade "EH" gaskets can be used for all applications and services that EPDM grade "E" gaskets are suitable for.
Gaskets should never be exposed to temperatures outside their Failure to select the proper gasket and compound may result in joint leakage or
ratings. EPDM gaskets for water services are not compatible for failure resulting in personal injury and/or property damage. For more details and
steam services. support, please contact Shurjoint.
Proper gasket selection is essential for the optimum 2. Vacuum service: Shurjoint standard gaskets are designed
performance of Shurjoint grooved couplings, flange to seal well under vacuum conditions up to 10 inHg (absolute)/
adapters and mechanical tees. 254 mmHg (absolute) which may occur when a system is drained.
For continuous services greater than 10 inHg (absolute)/254 mmHg
1. Gasket styles: Shurjoint grooved couplings utilize several (absolute), the use of GapSeal gaskets or EP (End Protection)
different gasket styles, standard, GapSeal, EP (End Protection) and gaskets in combination with rigid style couplings is recommended.
FF (Fast Fit). GapSeal gaskets are compatible with standard gaskets Contact Shurjoint for specific recommendations.
and they are interchangeable with each other. Other special styles
are not compatible with standard or GapSeal gaskets. Always use 3. Dry pipe and freezer services: Shurjoint recommends
the correct gasket style for the coupling model you selected. the use of GapSeal Grade "E" gaskets for dry pipe fire protection
systems and freezer applications. The GapSeal gasket closes off
the gap between the pipes or gasket cavity. This will prevent any
remaining liquid from entering the cavities and freezing when the
temperature drops. Rigid couplings are preferred for dry pipe,
freezer and vacuum applications. Reducing couplings are not
recommended for these applications.
Reducing NOTE: Do not use the Shurjoint standard Lubricant for dry pipe
and freezer systems, instead use a petroleum free silicone based
Reducing 4. NSF/ANSI 61 Standard: NSF/ANSI 61 classified gaskets
(2" x 1½", 2½" x 2", 3" x 2½")
are good for potable water services. The classification categories
are ‘cold’ which is limited to +86°F (+30°C) (or maximum ambient
End Protection distribution temperatures of unheated water) maximum and ‘hot’
which is limited to +180°F (+82°C) (or scalding temperatures of hot
domestic water).
Outlet Coupling
5. NSF/ANSI 372 Standard: Maximum Lead
Content (formerly Annex G): Product complies with NSF/
ANSI 372 and conforms with lead content requirements for "lead
depending on the approval body and pipe 14 37217 27450 Thinwall, Lightwall
16 48597 35843 8 or larger Rolled 0.188 in. (4.8 mm) wall
size. The minimum working pressure (CWP)
(FM Class 1920 -2007, Table 3.2.2)
shall be 175 psi (12.3 Bar) in accordance
with NFPA 13. Approval testing of a Force, F40 Capped
Test Joint End
coupling is conducted on all different pipe Pipe
Up to 6” / 150 X5 X4 X4 X4
8” – 12” / 200 -300 X4 X4 X4 X4
Flexible Coupling NFPA 13 defines
14” and above X3 X4 NA NA a flexible coupling as “a listed coupling
Contact Shurjoint for other approvals.
or fitting that allows axial displacement,
rotation, and at least 1 degree of angular
Test Joint End movement of the pipe without inducing
harm on the pipe. For pipe diameters of 8 in.
and larger, the angular movement shall be
Capped Minimum Overall permitted to be less than 1 degree but not
End Length 2 ft (610 mm)
less than 0.5 degrees.” (NFPA 13 - 2007
Bending Moment Tests The For sprinkler systems, NFPA 13 specifies
required bending moment per UL and FM the use of flexible couplings to protect the
is calculated based on twice the weight of system against damage from earthquakes
water filled pipe over twice the maximum and lists some specific examples of how
distance between pipe supports as and where they should be used. Designers
specified in NFPA 13. and installers should design their fire
protection systems in compliance with this
Lhs = 15 ft Lhs = 15 ft
standard. See Typical Applications – Flexible
Water Filled Couplings on Page 191.
Schedule 40 Steel
Sprinkler Pipe
pressure of 175 psi (1205 kPa) and are suitable for aboveground
• For pressure ratings for special pipes, DIN and JIS pipe sizes, and large diameter
sizes 14” – 24”, contact Shurjoint for details.
4. Grooves should be processed according to ANSI/AWWA C606 • Models K-9 and 7771 rigid couplings are also available. For pressure ratings, contact
(latest edition) Grooved and Shouldered Joints. Shurjoint for details.
Size Wall 7705 K-9 7707 7771 Z05 Z07 7041 7043 7706
¾ 0.113 - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 x 1½ 300 300
1 0.133 300 300 - - 500 - - - - - - 500 - - - - 2½ x 2 300 300
1¼ 0.140 300 300 300 300 500 - - - 350 350 500 500 - - - - 3x2 300 300
1½ 0.145 300 300 300 300 - 500 - 500 350 350 500 500 - - - - 3 x 2½ 300 300
2 0.154 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 4x2 300 300
2½ 0.203 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 4 x 2½ 300 300
3 0.216 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 4x3 300 300
4 0.237 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 6x3 300 300
5 0.258 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 6x4 300 300
6 0.280 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 8x6 300 300
8 0.322 300 300 300 300 500 500 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 - - -
10 0.375 175^ 250 - - 300 500 175 200 - - 350 350 175 175 300 300 - - -
12 0.375 175* 250 - - 300 300 175 300 - - 350 350 175*. 175 300 300 - - -
^0.188" wall, *0.330 wall
Unit: psi
Size Wall 7705 K-9 7707 7771 Z05 Z07 7041 7043 7706
¾ 0.083 - - - - 500 - - - - - - - - - - - 2 x 1½ 300 300
1 0.109 300 300 - - 500 - - - - - - 500 - - - - 2½ x 2 300 300
1¼ 0.109 300 300 300 300 500 - - - 350 350 500 500 - - - - 76.1 x 2 300 300
1½ 1.109 300 300 300 300 - - - 500 350 350 500 500 - - - - 3x2 300 300
2 0.110 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 3 x 2½ 300 300
2½ 0.120 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 3 x 76.1 300 300
76.1 0.142 300 300 300 - 500 500 - 300 300 - - - 175 - - - 4x2 300 300
3 0.120 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 4 x 2½ 300 300
4 0.120 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 500 500 175 300 300 300 4 x 76.1 300 300
5 0.134 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 4x3 300 300
139.7 0.197 300 300 300 - 500 500 - 300 - - - - 175 - - - 6x3 300 300
6 0.134 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 165.1 x 3 - 300
165.1 0.197 300 300 300 - 500 500 - 300 - - - - 175 - - - 6x4 300 300
8 0.188 300 300 300 300 450 450 300 300 350 350 400 400 175 300 300 300 165.1 x 4 300 300
10 0.188 175 175 - - 300 450 175 200 NA NA 350 350 175 175 300 300 8x6 300 300
12 0.250 175* 175 - - 300 300 175 300 NA NA 350 350 175* 175 300 300 8 x 165.1 - 300
* 0.330 wall
Unit: psi
Size Sch. 10S SS-7 SS-8 SS-41 SS-723 Model Size Range UL FM
in Wall (in) UL FM UL FM UL FM Size (in) UL FM SS-10 90 Elbow 1" thru 8" 300 300
1 0.109 300 300 300 300 - - 1¼ x ½ 300 300 SS-11 45 Elbow 1" thru 8" 300 300
1¼ 0.109 300 300 300 300 - - 1¼ x ¾ 300 300 SS-20 Tee 1" thru 6" 300 300
1½ 0.109 300 300 300 300 - - 1¼ x 1 300 300 SS-21 Tee 3"x2½" thru 4"x2½" 300 300
2 0.109 300 300 300 300 175 300 1½ x ½ 300 300 SS-21F Tee 3"x2", 4"x2" 300 300
2½ 0.120 300 300 300 300 175 300 1½ x ¾ 300 300 SS-50 Conc. Reducer 3"x2½" thru 4"x2½" 300 300
3 0.120 300 300 300 300 175 300 1½ x 1 300 300 SS-50F Conc. Reducer 2½"x2" thru 4"x2" 300 300
4 0.120 300 300 300 300 175 300 2x½ 300 300 SS-60 Cap 1" thru 8" 300 300
5 0.134 300 300 300 300 - - 2x¾ 300 300 SS-80 Flange Adapter 2" thru 8" 300 300
6 0.134 300 300 250 300 175 300 2x1 300 300
8 0.148 300 300 - 300 - -
Model Z05 Rigid Coupling Model Z07 Rigid Coupling Model 7705 Flexible Coupling
Nom. Pipe Pressure Min. Nom. Pipe Pressure Min. Nom. Pipe Pressure Min.
Size O.D. Ratings Wall Size O.D. Ratings Wall Size O.D. Ratings Wall
in in PSI Roll (mm) in in PSI Roll (mm) in in PSI Roll (mm)
mm mm Bar Cut (mm) mm mm Bar Cut (mm) mm mm Bar Cut (mm)
1¼ 1.660 350 1.7 1¼ 1.660 500 1.7 1¼ 1.660 300 1.7
32 42.2 24 3.6 32 42.2 35 3.6 32 42.2 20 3.6
1½ 1.900 350 1.7 1½ 1.900 500 1.7 1½ 1.900 300 1.7
40 48.3 24 3.7 40 48.3 35 3.7 40 48.3 20 3.7
2 2.375 350 1.7 2 2.375 500 1.7 2 2.375 300 1.7
50 60.3 24 3.9 50 60.3 35 3.9 50 60.3 20 3.9
2½ 2.875 350 2.1 2½ 2.875 500 2.1 2½ 2.875 300 2.1
65 73.0 24 4.8 65 73.0 35 4.8 65 73.0 20 4.8
3 3.500 350 2.1 3 3.500 500 2.1 3 3.500 300 2.1
80 88.9 24 4.8 80 88.9 35 4.8 80 88.9 20 4.8
4 4.500 350 2.1 4 4.500 500 2.1 4 4.500 300 2.1
100 114.3 24 5.2 100 114.3 35 5.2 100 114.3 20 5.2
5 5.563 350 2.8 5 5.563 400 2.8 5 5.563 300 2.8
125 141.3 24 5.2 125 141.3 28 5.2 125 141.3 20 5.2
6 6.625 350 2.8 6 6.625 400 2.8 6 6.625 300 2.8
150 168.3 24 5.6 150 168.3 28 5.6 150 168.3 20 5.6
8 8.625 350 2.8 8 8.625 400 2.8 8 8.625 300 2.8
200 219.1 24 6.1 200 219.1 28 6.1 200 219.1 20 6.1
10 10.750 350 3.4 10 10.750 175 3.4
250 273.0 24 6.4 250 273.0 12 6.4
12 12.750 350 4.0 12 12.750 175 4.0
300 323.9 24 7.1 300 323.9 12 7.1
Note to Detail A: The four-way brace should be attached above the upper flexible coupling re quired for the riser and
preferably to the roof structure if suitable. The brace should not be attached directly to a plywood or metal deck.
Ceiling/floor assembly
Flexible elbow
≤ 24 in. (610 mm) Flexible coupling
Flexible coupling
If dimension is
less than 3 ft (0.9 m), ≤ 24 in. (610 mm)
flexible fitting is not
Ceiling/floor assembly
Ceiling/floor assembly
Flexible coupling
≤ 12 in. (305 mm)
Ceiling/floor assembly
FIGURE A. Flexible Coupling on Main Riser and Branch Line Riser.
2 ells
sprinkler 4 in. (102 mm) 4 in. (102 mm)
2 ells Normal main
position 2 ells
8 in. 8 in. and nipple E Normal
(203 mm) (203 mm) 8 in. (203 mm)
position 8 in. (203 mm)
Coupling movement
Fire sprinkler
main Ell
A B position
Grooved nipple E
2 elbow lengths
8½ in. for 3 in. pipe
7½ in. for 2½ in. pipe
Grooved elbow typ. for 6
Actual View
6. Earthquake protection for sprinkler piping 7. Typical Location of Bracing on a Looped System
40 ft 40 ft
(12 m) (12 m)
Longitudinal brace
No bracing
Lateral brace
D C C Longitudinal brace
Building 1 (two-way) Four-way brace