GW Preston Ridge-Planetary Empires: Campaign Arbitration

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GW Preston Ridge- Planetary Empires

This will be a six (6) week campaign running from October 3rd until November 21st, 2011.

The goals of this campaign are to:

• HAVE FUN! We play these games to have fun, so let’s remember this goal always.

• Promote team building and camaraderie.

• Increase Warhammer 40K rules knowledge.

• Refer to the first bullet point!!!


This campaign will be run by an Arbitration team. There is one Campaign Arbiter and two Rules Arbiters.

The Campaign Arbiter’s job will be to ensure that the Campaign runs smoothly. Any problems stemming
from other players between teams should first be addressed to a team’s representative who will then
bring the matter to the other team’s representative. If the matter still cannot be resolved, then the
Campaign Arbiter will resolve the issue fairly. The Campaign Arbiter will have final say in the matter.

Your CAMPAIGN ARBITER is Charles Wood

The Rules Arbiters’ job will be to ensure that individual games run smoothly. Any problems stemming
from rules questions should first be addressed to a team’s representative who might be able to provide
an answer or might bring the matter up to a Rules Arbiter. The Rules Arbiter may suggest a swift
resolution (i.e. roll a d6) to keep the game running, but will probably bring the matter before the other
Arbiters for an official ruling to be used in future games. Any rules decided in this way will be added on
the notice board to inform all other players of the decision. Rules Arbiters should not also be a team’s
primary representative.

Your RULES ARBITERS are Adam Wagoner and Sid Blevins.

Arbiters are allowed to play in the Campaign.


Rules Arbiters will be utilizing the following resources for arbitration:

 Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook, 5th Edition – ISBN 978-1-84154-878-3

 Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook FAQ, FEB2010 – Online, GW website
 Planetstrike FAQ, OCT2009 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Chaos Space Marines FAQ, MAY2008 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Eldar FAQ, MAY2008 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Black Templars FAQ, AUG2006 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Tau Empire FAQ, AUG2006 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Daemonhunters FAQ, AUG2004 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Dark Eldar FAQ, AUG2004 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Necrons FAQ, AUG2004 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Witch Hunters FAQ, AUG2004 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Dark Angels FAQ, OCT2008 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Space Marines FAQ, NOV2009 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Imperial Guard FAQ, 2009 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Space Wolves FAQ, JAN2010 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Orks FAQ, FEB2010 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Chaos Daemons FAQ, MAR2010 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Tyranids FAQ, 2010 – Online, GW website
 Codex: Blood Angels FAQ, 2010 – Online, GW website
 INATFAQ v4.0 – Online, Dakkadakka website
 INAT Appendix v1.0 – Online, Dakkadakka website

The resources will have precedence in the following order:

 Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook FAQ

 Codex FAQ

The Warhammer 40,000 Rulebook and appropriate Codex will be referenced to gain a basis ruling. The
FAQs will be used to determine a final ruling. Any situation not covered by these resources will be dealt
with on an individual basis and then posted for all players to see.

Participation in the campaign will cost $5.00. This money will be 100% recycled into the GW Preston
Ridge community. Monies will be collected by the Campaign Arbiter starting on October 3rd. Monies can
be submitted any time before the campaign ends. This means you can play in the campaign without
paying on October 3rd, but you must pay before the campaign ends. Failure to pay might exclude you
from future community events. Discuss your situation with the Campaign Arbiter if payment might be a
problem. Any player may participate in the campaign.

The statuses of the Codices are:

5th Edition Blood Angels LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-960-6

5th Edition Tyranids LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-951-4
5th Edition Space Wolves LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-010-8
5th Edition Imperial Guard LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-923-1
5th Edition Space Marines LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-894-4
4th Edition Chaos Daemons LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-8791
4th Edition Orks LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-852-4
4th Edition Chaos Space Marines LEGAL ISBN 978-1-84154-842-5
4th Edition Dark Angels LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-807-3
4th Edition Eldar LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-791-3
4th Edition Tau Empire LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-712-3
4th Edition Black Templars LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-685-2
3rd Edition Witch Hunters NEEDS APPROVAL ISBN 1-84154-485-X
Online Edition Witch Hunters LEGAL -----
3rd Edition Dark Eldar (revised) LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-307-1
3rd Edition Daemon Hunters NEEDS APPROVAL ISBN 1-84154-361-6
Online Edition Daemon Hunters LEGAL -----
3rd Edition Necrons LEGAL ISBN 1-84154-190-7
Imperial Armour/Forge World NEEDS APPROVAL
Custom/Made-up NOT LEGAL

Units from any source other than the above Codices must be approved by the Campaign Arbiter before
they can be used in the campaign.

To participate, sign your name on the sign-up sheet and indicate which Warhammer 40K army you will
play. You must play this army throughout the campaign. Also indicate your current experience level,
your play frequency, a contact number and a contact e-mail address. Indicate whether or not you can
receive text messages on your number.


Please indicate your play level as you think you are from Beginner, Novice and Expert.

• Beginner – A player who has only had a couple of months to a year experience playing
Warhammer 40K. This player is still learning the basics and may need guidance from time to

• Novice – A player who has some experience playing Warhammer 40K. The basics are known as is
the Codex they are playing from, but there may be rules questions that come up from time-to-

• Expert – A player who has been playing Warhammer 40K for a while. They are well familiar with
most rules in the rulebook and are also familiar with at least two different Codex. Rules
questions will come up rarely.


Please indicate the minimum amount of games you think you could fit into a Campaign Round (week).

The options are:

• 1 game per week, minimum

• 2 games per week, minimum

• 3+ games per week


Campaign setup will be on Sunday, January 2nd, 2010 at 12PM sharp and last until 2PM. During this time,
players will be introduced to their teams.


Players will be organized into equal teams of players (or as close as possible) by the Campaign Arbiter.

There will be four (4) initial teams. At the Arbiter’s discretion, players may be pulled from their original
teams and be moved to other teams. This may include a team’s primary or secondary representative
upon which a replacement should be decided on by the team.

Teams will need to do the following:

Have everyone introduce themselves to each other; announce which army they will be playing and their
experience level.

Take suggestions for a team name, then vote on which name they will be known by.

Select a primary and a secondary team representative. The primary representative should be the person
with the most experience playing Warhammer 40K


Each team will be given a spaceport tile and one of each building. Each team will then randomly choose
4 tiles. Each tile will be placed together in a specific pattern which will be shown during setup. Once a
team’s initial area has been built, each team will randomly draw one tile and the Campaign Arbiter will
arrange the map together. Here are the team flag colors:

 Team 1 – Enchanted Blue * Team 5 – Blazing Orange

 Team 2 – Goblin Green * Team 6 – Warlock Purple
 Team 3 – Blood Red * Team 7 – Skull White
 Team 4 – Sunburst Yellow * Team 8 – Chaos Black


Each player’s army should be as WYSIWYG as possible. Proxy models are allowed but:

 Opponent should be informed what is being proxy.

 Should have the same dimensions as the vehicle it is being proxy for. (I.e. a Rhino cannot proxy
for a Land Raider or a Land Speeder, etc.)
 Should have a similar weapon model to help convey the difference (I.e. a tactical squad has a
model with a plasmagun; this plasma gun could be proxy for a flamer or meltagun, but not a
Heavy Flamer or a Multimelta.

Games will be played in a series of rounds. Each round will last a week starting on Sunday at 2PM until
Saturday at 9PM.

Any number of games may be played against any number of opponents during a round. Games against
your own teammates or against opponents that are not signed up for the campaign are not counted.
The more games that are played allows for more chances your team has of capturing opponent’s tiles.

Players (or teams) can decide how many points they wish to play with the following caveats:

• Beginners should play from 500-1000 points. Building and Strategem specials will not be used.
These will be standard games of Warhammer 40K. (Beginner games do not have the same
advantage the Novice and Expert players do. It would take 2 Beginner games won to count as a
single win for the purposes of end-phase tile acquisition rolls, rounded down. In addition,
beginner games have a -2 penalty to their roll).

• Novice players should play from 500-1500 points. They will use building specials only. The only
other restriction is that BONUS points can only be taken from their own codex and not from a
teammate’s codex. Otherwise, these will be standard games of Warhammer 40K. Novice games
will have a -1 penalty to their acquisition roll.

• Expert players do not have limits or restrictions. They must use building specials. The have the
option of using the stratagem specials. If one player chooses not to use the stratagem specials
then neither player will be able to use ANY stratagem specials. Otherwise, these will be standard
games of Warhammer 40K.

Players of different skill levels can play a game against each other. When doing so, use the restrictions
for the lowest skill level. For example, if an Expert is playing a Beginner, both players should restrict
themselves to the Beginner’s restriction (i.e. a 500-1000 army and no specials will be used). In addition,
only the standard Warhammer 40K rulebook scenarios will be used.

Remember, if playing a player whose skill level is not as strong as your own, it is encouraged to help the
player understand the game more than to beat them mercilessly. For example, say you have all your
army in reserve. Your opponent has the first turn and during that turn they pop smoke. Since all your
army comes in on the bottom of turn 2, it makes no sense to pop smoke on the top of turn one. You
should politely remind him of that fact.

Players should divulge their army list to their opponent for the purposes of fair play. Players can ask to
be moved up or down in experience level, but it will be up to the Arbitration team to authorize the

At the beginning of every week, building special point totals will be calculated and posted.

• DEPLOYMENT DICE – When rolling to determine which player will deploy first, you may add the
value specified to your die roll.

• USR DICE – Roll the indicated amount of dice. If any single die rolls a 4 or higher, then any ONE
friendly unit may be assigned a universal special rule (check with a Rules Arbiter to determine if
the USR is allowed to be assigned the USR. Certain combinations may be restricted).

• BONUS POINTS – Bonus points may be used in two (2) ways:

• Use the bonus points to add units from YOUR CODEX equal to or less than the amount
of bonus points awarded.

• Use the bonus points to add units from ONE OF YOUR TEAMMATES CODEXES ONLY,
equal to or less than the amount of bonus points awarded (check with a Rules Arbiter to
determine if the USR is allowed to be assigned the USR. Certain combinations may be

• EXTRA POINTS – Use the bonus points to add units from YOUR CODEX equal to or less than the
amount of bonus points awarded.

Players will submit their results at the end of each game played.

Expert-level players will have the option of rolling on the Strategem table to add a randomness aspect to
their games. Roll a d66 and refer to the Strategem table. To roll a d66, roll two d6 one after the other,
counting the roll of the first die as ‘tens’ and the second die as ‘ones’. So, if you roll 2 on the first die and
5 on the second, your result on your d66 roll is 25. If you are playing a multi-player game, then each
team involved is allowed to roll once (i.e. one roll per side, not one roll per player). Each entry has a
name, whether it's a major or minor stratagem, what requirements it needs in order to be used, and
what effect it has.


The entries you are allowed to select are limited by the territory you or your opponent controls. This is
noted on the entry itself. For example, you can't make a Planetstrike unless you control a spaceport. As
long as the requirements on the entry are met, then the effects noted on the entry will apply for the
battle. If the requirements on the entry cannot be met, then the player will not be able to make use of a
stratagem in this battle.

Major and Minor Stratagems

Entries are noted as being either 'major stratagems' or 'minor stratagems'. After checking the
requirements of the entry and ignoring any that can't be used, check to see if either of the entries is a
major stratagem:

 If both entries are minor stratagems, then the effects noted on both entries will be used.
 If one entry is a major stratagem and the other not, then only the major strategy entry will be
used, and the other entry will be discarded (even if its requirements had been met).
 If both entries are major stratagems, then roll-off to see whose entry is used - the winner
applies the effect of their stratagem, and the other strategy entry is ignored.


Any entries that remain in play will allow the player that chose them to make use of the special effect
noted on the entry. These special effects take precedence over the core game rules and any rules found
in a Codex.


11 Major CITYFIGHT Your opponent’s If you wish, you may fight the battle using the
team controls city Cityfight scenario from the Cities of Death
or ruins tile. expansion. This battle will be an Alpha or
Gamma level only. If the player that played this
card wins the battle, they capture one of their
opponent's hive city or ruins tiles without
having to roll on the conquest table.
12 Major PLANETSTRIKE Your team must If you wish, you may fight the battle using the
control a Planetstrike scenario from the Planetstrike
spaceport. expansion. You will be the attacked, and the
opponent will be the defender.
13 Major APOCALYPTIC BATTLE Must be a multi- If you wish, you may fight the battle using the
player battle; Apocalypse scenario from the Apocalypse
2 players per side expansion. Each player must field a 1500
Apocalypse army.
14 Major SPEARHEAD Your team must If you wish, you may fight the battle using the
control a Spearhead scenario from the Spearhead
manufactorum. expansion.
15 Major BATTLE MISSION Your team must If you wish, you may fight the battle using a
control a bastion. mission from the Battle Missions expansion
using the THEMED method. Dark Angels, Blood
Angels, Black Templar and Space Wolves use
the Space Marines missions. Daemon Hunters
and Witch Hunters use Imperial Guard
21 Minor VITAL MISSION Your team must You may choose the mission to be played
control a bastion. instead of rolling randomly. If the opponent
picks the same stratagem, then roll-off to see
who gets to choose the mission.
22 Minor CHOSEN GROUND Your team must You may choose the deployment type for the
control a bastion. mission instead of rolling randomly. If the
opponent picks the same strategem, then roll-
off to see who gets to choose the deployment
23 Minor AMBUSH Your team must You will setup second and will Seize the
control a power Initiative on a roll of 4+.
24 Minor REINFORCEMENTS Your team must Pick one of the Troops units in your army list.
control a An identical unit starts in reserve, but will not
manufactorum. be available to enter play until Turn 3 (i.e. don't
roll to see if it arrives before Turn 3, and ignore
any special rules that say it may be deployed
earlier than this). If you do not have enough
models to field this unit, then this unit is lost.
25 Minor CAREFUL PLANNING Your team must You may bring up to half of your reserves
control a bastion. (rounding up) into play on the first game turn.
If special rules allow you to bring in reserves on
turn 1, then these are in addition to those
allowed by this strategem.
26 Minor ENERGY FIELD Your team must All of your units receive a 5+ cover save during
control a shield the enemy's first Shooting phase.
31 Minor HOLD AT ALL COSTS Your team must All of the units in your army (that have a
control a bastion. Leadership value) have the Stubborn universal
special rule.
32 Minor HOME GROUND Your team must All the units in your army have the Move
control a power Through Cover universal special rule.
33 Minor DISRUPTOR FIELD Your team must Roll a d6 whenever enemy units arrive from
control a shield reserve. On a roll of 1-3, the enemy player
generator. deploys them as normal. On a roll of 4+, you
deploy them instead (adhering to the normal
rules for deployment).
34 Minor SPECIAL COMBAT WEAPONS Your team must All the units in your army have the Preferred
control a Enemy universal special rule.
35 Minor SPECIAL AMMUNITION Your team must All of the units in your army have the Tank
control a Hunter universal special rule.
36 Minor NIGHT FIGHT Your team must If you wish, you may declare that the Night
control a bastion. Fighting mission special rule applies throughout
this battle. If you decide to make the mission a
night fight, you may not change your mind
once the battle is underway.
41 Minor INTERDICTION Your team must The enemy makes the reserve roll at a -1
control a penalty.
42 Minor DISPLACER FIELD Your team must Pick one table edge. Outflanking enemy units
control a shield that appear on this edge are displaced and
generator. instead appear in the opponent's next turn
from his own table edge.
43 Minor SURPRISE ATTACK Your team must Enemy units may not use the Infiltrate or Scout
control a power universal special rules that apply to
station. deployment. They may still Outflank.
44 Minor FORCED MARCH Your team must After deployment (including Infiltrators and
control a power Scout), all units other than Infiltrators and
station. Scouts may move d6".
45 Minor BATTLE FATE Your team must Once during the game you may change the roll
control a bastion. of a single d6 rolled by either player, from the
score rolled to the score of your choice. The
dice may not be re-rolled - the number you
choose must be used.
46 Minor BOOBY-TRAP Your team must Roll a d6 at the start of each of your turns. If
control a the roll is equal to or less than the turn
manufactorum. number, one enemy vehicle of your choice
takes a penetrating hit (no modifiers allowed)
51 Minor HATRED Your team must At the start of battle, you can decide whether
control a bastion. all the units in your army, or all the units in the
enemy army, or all of the units in both armies
have the Rage and Furious Charge universal
special rules. You must choose one of the three
52 Minor CAPTURE AND SECURE Your team must At the start of the battle nominate a point
control a bastion. anywhere on the table. All of your units that
are within 6" of this point have the Fearless
and Counter-attack universal special rules
53 Minor SENSOR ARRAY Your team must Nominate a point anywhere on the table at the
control a power start of each of your Shooting phases. All
station. attacks made on a target within 6" of this point
count their Ballistic skill as being one point
higher than normal.
54 Minor PSYCHIC RELAY Your team must At the start of battle, nominate a point
control a power anywhere on the table. All psykers in your army
station. that are within 18" of this point will
automatically pass all Psychic tests.
55 Minor HOLOGRAM Your team must You will always setup first. As you do so,
control a shield secretly write down three units. After
generator. deployment is complete (including Infiltrators
and Scouts), you may redeploy the units you
wrote down to anywhere in your deployment
area, or to reserve.
56 Minor VIRUS BOMB Your team must After deployment but before first turn,
control a nominate a point anywhere on the table. All
spaceport. enemy units within 12" on this point suffer a
number of wounds equal to 2d6 minus the
unit's Toughness value, with no armour or
cover saves allowed. Vehicle units are not
61 Minor VORTEX GRENADE Your team must Secretly record which of your Independent
control a Characters has the vortex grenade. They may
manufactorum, throw the grenade instead of shooting. The
power station, grenade counts as an Ordnance weapon with a
shield generator range of 6" and uses the small blast marker.
and bastion. Any models and removable terrain features
under the final position of the template are
removed from the table (no save of any kind
are allowed). At the start of each player turn,
the vortex tears through the fabric of reality
and reappears 2d6" away in a random
direction. If you roll a double for the distance,
the vortex is removed from the game.
62 Minor ENERGY SHIELD RELAY POINT Your team must At the start of the battle, nominate a point
control a shield anywhere in your deployment zone. All friendly
generator. models within 12" of this point increase their
invulnerable saves by 1. If they don't have such
a save, then they receive an invulnerable save
of 6+.

When your team has completed a game, notify an arbiter with your team name, who played and what
the result was. The following is a list of the results for the most common scenarios:


RULEBOOK SEIZE GROUND Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
RULEBOOK CAPTURE AND CONTROL Hold 1 objective; enemy none Hold both objectives
RULEBOOK ANNIHILATION Have 1-2 more KP Have 3+ more KP
APOCALYPSE APOCALYPSE Hold 1-2 objectives more Hold 3+ objectives more
PLANETSTRIKE PLANETSTRIKE Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
CITIES OF DEATH FIRESWEEP Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
CITIES OF DEATH DOMINATION Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
CITIES OF DEATH URBAN ASSAULT Hold 1 objective; enemy none Hold both objectives
BATTLE MISSIONS PILLAGE Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS SCORCHED EARTH Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS NIGHT FIGHT Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS INVASION Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS FIGHT TO THE DEATH N/A All enemy units destroyed
BATTLE MISSIONS DAWN RAID Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS SLAVE RAID Have 1-2 more prisoners Have 3+ more prisoners
BATTLE MISSIONS FLANK ATTACK Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS MOBILE DEFENCE Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS PREPARED ASSAULT Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS TRENCH WARFARE Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS AMBUSH Have 1-2 more KP Have 3+ more KP
BATTLE MISSIONS RECONNAISSANCE IN Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS IMPLACABLE ADVANCE Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS BLITZKRIEG Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS WAAAGH! Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS CUT & RUN Have 1-2 more KP Have 3+ more KP
BATTLE MISSIONS VANGUARD Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS FIGHTING WITHDRAWA Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS FIRST CONTACT Hold 1-2 objectives more Hold 3+ objectives more
BATTLE MISSIONS WAVE ASSAULT Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
SPEARHEAD BREAKTHROUGH 1-2 units more 3+ units more
SPEARHEAD LIGHTNING WAR Hold 1 objective more Hold 2+ objectives more
SPEARHEAD VITAL GROUND Hold only Vital or 2+ minor more Hold Vital and 1+ minor
with no opponent Vital more

End phase will be conducted every Sunday starting at 12PM sharp and continuing until 2PM, at the
Campaign Arbiters discretion.

Teams that do not have a representative present at this phase will forfeit their chance to roll. Each win
scored by each team allows that team a chance to roll to take an opponent team’s tile. The team with
the most wins will be allowed to roll first and then each team in order of number of tiles from highest to
lowest. If two or more teams tie, then a roll-off will determine which will go first. This means that it is
entirely possible to have recently acquired tiles to be immediately reacquired by their original team. Any
team can attempt to take any opponent’s team tile anywhere on the campaign map(s). If a team has at
least 3 wins, the team may ‘turn in’ 3 rolls to take tiles to instead roll 2d6 on the chance of adding
another building. This must be the first ‘action’ they perform. This can be done a maximum of two times
during end phase.

 On a 2-10, construction is delayed until next end phase. No building is added. Bonus added if
attempted next week. (BONUS: Replace ‘On a 2-10’ with ‘On a 3-9 or 11’)
 On an 11, a random building may be added any one of that team’s tiles that does not already
have a building. Roll on the following table: (BONUS: Replace ‘On an 11’ with ‘On a 10’)
1) Construction is delayed. No building is added. Bonus added if attempted next week.
2) Add a Power Station.
3) Add a Shield Generator.
4) Add a Manufactorum.
5) Add a Command Bastion.
6) Roll another d6. If that die is also a 6, choose which building OR replace one of their tiles
(with no building on it) with a Spaceport tile. Otherwise construction is delayed. No
building is added. Bonus added if attempted next week
 On a 12, the team may choose a specific building to deploy OR replace one of their tiles (with no
building on it) with a Spaceport tile OR they may try to upgrade their Spaceport to a Hive City.
To upgrade, roll another d6. If that die is also a 6, then the spaceport has successfully upgraded
to a Hive City. Otherwise construction is delayed. No building is added. Bonus added if
attempted next week. (BONUS: Replace ‘On a 12’ with ‘On a 2 or 12’)

If a team has decided to try to add a building and still has rolls to attempt to acquire tiles leftover, then
these rolls will be at the continued penalty. (I.e. Normally, 5 rolls would be at the following penalties: 0
for the 1st, -1 for the 2nd, -2 for the 3rd, -3 for the 4th, -5 for the 5th. Trying to add a building uses 3 rolls,
regardless. The first roll would then be at a -3.)

November 21st marks the end of the campaign.

At this time, all teams will have their controlled tiles tallied up.

The team that has the most tiles controlled will be declared the winning team.

In the case of a tie, all team members (even between the tied teams) will participate in a game of
Powder Monkeys with only two rules:

 6s kill 1s
 3s explode

Last man standing’s team will be declared the winner. In the event that there is no winner, then Powder
Monkey will be played again with only 3 dice each between the last two players until a winner is
T1B 21 T2B

T1B 14 T2S

T1B T1B 17 T2B

T1S 6 T2B
22 10 5 T2B

18 1 9
15 2 4 13
11 3 20
T4B 7 12 24
T4B 8 T3S

T4B 19 T3B T3B

T4S 16 T3B
T4B 23 T3B
DEPLOYMENT 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

USR DICE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

BONUS 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

EXTRA 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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