Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Studies Conducted Amongst Medical Students of India
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Studies Conducted Amongst Medical Students of India
Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) Studies Conducted Amongst Medical Students of India
Original Research Article
Department of Community Medicine, North Delhi Municipal Corporation Medical College and Hindu Rao Hospital,
New Delhi, India
Dr. Sandeep Sachdeva,
E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: © the author(s), publisher and licensee Medip Academy. This is an open-access article distributed under
the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution Non-Commercial License, which permits unrestricted non-commercial
use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.
Background: Assessment of published original “KAP” based research studies conducted amongst Indian medical
undergraduate students.
Methods: A systematic evaluation was undertaken using keywords “KAP” or “knowledge” or “awareness” or
“attitude” or “practices” and “MBBS students” or “medical students” or “health students” or “undergraduate student”
or “university students” and “India” through search engines, PUBMED and Google scholar under certain criteria.
Results: Highest, “KAP” based articles amongst MBBS students published during one-year period were related to
Pharmacovigilance (15.6%) followed by organ/blood donation (11.7%) and self-medication (9.8%), tobacco (5.8%),
and basic life support (5.8%) etc; 48 (94.1%) article was one-time cross-sectional descriptive studies while 03 (5.8%)
had intervention based research design. Average no. of authors per article was 3.5 (±1.3); Medical student was co-
author in 04 (7.8%) research papers. Corresponding author was largely dominated by faculties from pre and para-
clinical departments with highest from pharmacology (29.4%) and community medicine (27.4%). The studies covered
an average sample size of 225.8 MBBS students (45-648, range) per research article. Avg. no. of references
used/article was 18.6 (±7.4); Out of all the references used in research articles, only 60.2% were of recent-10 year
time frame (2007-2016) origin while the rest were from older time-frame and only 36.1% of all the references were of
Indian origin.
Conclusions: Probably, first of its kind systemic synthesis undertaken in the country concludes that diverse topics of
“KAP” research have been conducted by the teaching faculties on MBBS students in India and this study provides the
over-view of the same.
Keywords: Knowledge, Attitude, Practices, Audit, Communication, Publication, Medical education, MBBS,
Undergraduate student, Research design, Cross-sectional study, Teaching faculty
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | September 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 9 Page 3913
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2005 to 2014.3 However, multiple sustained interjections covered, number of authors, department details of
by government of India especially with the establishment corresponding author, medical student as co-author,
of department of research in the year 2007 have resulted number of pages per article (pdf), number of tables and
in pan-country catalyzing effect on research. graphs depicted in the result section, total number of
references, recent (2007-16) references, Indian
Medical research is mandatory at post-graduate level and (authors/studies or website or government) references,
Medical Council of India in its amendments has and journal references used. However, on detail scrutiny,
suggested increasing exposure of theoretical and 09 articles were excluded since they were either carried
experiential project based research at undergraduate level. out on paramedical subject like nurse, pharmacy or dental
It is widely acknowledged that promoting research or non-medical college students or post-graduate resident
aptitude among undergraduate students will help them or clinician; and lastly when only abstract was available
become more inquisitive and analytical in their approach without complete research article in public domain.
and in turn lead to adoption of deeper learning capacity. 4,5
Data management was undertaken using SPSS ver. 20
Education is a powerful tool that can bring a (IBM, New York, USA) by calculating descriptive
developmental change in the life of individual, group of statistics. Related research domains were clubbed yet
people and society at large. For this to happen, learning unique titles have been listed separately.
must encompass the cognitive, affective and psychomotor
domains. Knowledge refers to understanding of a given RESULTS
topic by a group of people. Attitude refers to their
feelings towards the subject as well as any pre-conceived Out of 51 suitable original research articles, 12 (23.5%)
ideas that they may have towards it while practice refers were published in PUBMED indexed journals. With
to the ways in which they demonstrate their knowledge regard to thematic research domain, highest, “KAP”
and attitude through their actions. articles were related to Pharmacovigilance, 08 (15.6%)
followed by those related to organ/blood donation- 06
Understanding these background factors enable in (11.7%), self-medication (9.8%), tobacco (5.8%), and
tailoring the health and communication program to basic life support (5.8%) etc. The “KAP” research
address the needs of community, students, or other domain of published original articles upon Indian medical
stakeholders more appropriately.6-18 With this insight an undergraduate student is shown in Table 1.
evaluation of published original “Knowledge, Attitude
and Practices” (KAP) research studies conducted upon It was observed that 48 (94.1%) article were one-time
Indian medical undergraduate student was undertaken. cross-sectional descriptive studies while 03 (5.8%) had
intervention (pre-post) based research design. Average
METHODS number of authors per article was 3.5 (±1.3) and it was
also found out that in 26 (50.9%) research articles there
A systematic evaluation was undertaken using keywords were atleast four co-authors; in majority of articles only
“KAP” or “knowledge” or “awareness” or “attitude” or one-department (58.8%) and single institution (68.6%)
“practices” and “medical students” or “health students” was involved in publication. Medical student was co-
or “university students” or “MBBS students” and “India” author in 04 (7.8%) research papers. Corresponding
through search engines, PUBMED, and Google scholar. author in these research publications was largely
The search engines with selected keywords were dominated by faculties from pre and para-clinical
reviewed avoiding any duplication of articles between departments. Highest was pharmacology (29.4%), and
two data source and excluding unrelated items. Inclusion community medicine (27.4%). Details are shown in Table
criterion included original “KAP” research studies carried 2.
amongst medical (MBBS) undergraduate students of
India including medical intern. Considering feasibility, Some of the research document characteristic is shown in
time frame of published original research article was Table 3. The studies covered an average sample size of
restricted to one-year only i.e. 2017. This analysis did not 225.8 MBBS students (45-648, range) per research
include manuscripts such as personal view point, article. With regard to usage and mention of statistical
editorial, commentaries or case reports etc. The authors software in the articles, maximum had used- SPSS (23,
were able to identify 60 original research articles using 45.1%) followed by Excel (11, 21.6%) and Epi-info (05,
above mentioned search strategy during April 2018. 9.8%) and Graph-pad (05, 9.8%) etc. Avg. no. of
references used/article was 18.6 (±7.4). Out of all the
All the listed original research articles were downloaded references used in research articles, only 60.2% were of
and reviewed in detail and following characteristics of recent (2007-2016) origin while the rest were from older
manuscript was captured using checklist: thematic time-frame and only 36.1% of all the references were of
research domain, research design, methods of data Indian origin. Average number of standard pages (pdf)
collection, sample size of MBBS students actually per article document was 5.4 (±1.4).
International Journal of Community Medicine and Public Health | September 2018 | Vol 5 | Issue 9 Page 3914
Sachdeva S et al. Int J Community Med Public Health. 2018 Sep;5(9):3913-3918
Table 1: Thematic research domain of knowledge, attitude and practice survey conducted amongst medical
students enrolled in medical colleges of India, 2017.
Table 2: Author wise details of KAP research (N=51) conducted amongst MBBS students, India, 2017.
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international study on summer research program amongst various medical colleges and this study provides the over-
undergraduate reported 30% research articles being co- view of the same. This analysis may aid scholars to
authored by medical students.28 In another study, authors explore newer avenues of „KAP” research in future or
reviewed 25152 publications in the Medline-indexed similar study with longer time-frame along with trend
journals affiliated to world‟s top 10 universities and analysis. Each research domain/topic could be further
found out that 2537 (10.1%) articles contained atleast one evaluated by undertaking systemic review and
undergraduate medical student as co-author.29 A study synthesized to infer, capture and describe the snap-shot
(n=346) in a Sri Lanka medical university found that status of research domain amongst MBBS students. A
57.6% students had shared their research finding in some suggestion for young scholars while building article
scientific conference whereas only 1.73% had published write-up is to undertake review of literature utilizing
in indexed journal as author.30 While another study recent, updated and authentic references.
(n=515) from British medical college found out that
13.9% student had submitted research article as co-author Funding: No funding sources
and 17.0% had submitted their finding for scientific Conflict of interest: None declared
meeting.31 Our study did not cover the entire gamut of Ethical approval: The study was approved by the
publications reflecting the status of medical student as Institutional Ethics Committee
author but evidently increasing trend of medical students
as co-author would be witnessed in research articles REFERENCES
being generated in India too in near future!
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