Numerical Simulation of Combustion Behavior in Stoker-Type Incineration System
Numerical Simulation of Combustion Behavior in Stoker-Type Incineration System
Numerical Simulation of Combustion Behavior in Stoker-Type Incineration System
Originally published in JFE GIHO No. 32 (Aug. 2013), p. 61–66 *2
Senior Researcher,
Thermal & Combustion Engineering Gr.,
Research Center of Engineering Innovation
Technology Headquarters,
JFE Engineering
Senior Researcher, *3
Chief Principal,
Thermal & Combustion Engineering Gr., Environmental Solutions Sector,
Research Center of Engineering Innovation JFE Engineering
Technology Headquarters,
JFE Engineering
Numerical Simulation of Combustion Behavior in Stoker-type Incineration System
Fig. 1 Two way gas flow incinerator pyrolysis gas evolved from the waste layer to collide,
and also forms a counterflow field. Because the counter-
flow diffusion flame stabilizes easily in the low flow
velocity region of this counterflow field, the effect of
radiant heating expands from this flame to the waste
layer. As a result, pyrolysis of the waste is accelerated
and an extremely stable combustion field is formed. This
makes it possible to realize stable combustion with a
low excess air ratio, which had been difficult to achieve
in conventional stoker-type incinerators.
Photo 1 was taken from the downstream side of the
incinerator in an actual JFE Hyper 21 Stoker System
during stable operation. A stable flame, including a lumi-
Fig. 2 F
lame stabilization image in cross section at combustion nous flame directly above the waste layer, can be seen,
beginning area
and the counterflow field shown in Fig. 2 has formed.
carbons such as CH4, C2H4, etc.3). Although DRM198) both cases, and in particular, the calculation time was
considers virtually all the chemical species which are reduced to about 1/4 when using the Yetter mechanism 9).
thought to be components of pyrolysis gas from waste, Thus, this study confirmed that a large reduction in the
because the reaction mechanism was originally prepared calculation load is possible by adopting the Yetter mech-
for use with CH4, it is necessary to determine the com- anism 9).
bustion characteristics when calculated with a pyrolysis Figure 4 shows a comparison of the temperature dis-
gas composition having high concentrations of CO and tribution and maximum flame temperature. As the calcu-
H2. On the other hand, CH4, C2H4, etc. can not be con-
sidered because Yetter’s mechanism9) is a reaction Table 1 Calculation conditions
mechanism for use with CO/H2. Therefore, it is neces-
Case Case A Case B Case C Case D
sary to set and perform calculations using a simulated
Reaction model GRI1.2 7) DRM19 8) DRM19 8) Yetter 9)
pyrolysis gas in which the flammable components are
Number of species 32 21 21 13
limited to CO and H2.
Number of elementary reactions 177 84 84 35
perature of the pyrolysis gas was 1 000°C, and that of Velocity (m/s) 1.0 1.0 1.0 1.0
the oxidizing agent was 250°C, which is the same as in Temperature (°C) 250 250 250 250
sis gas composition3) which was obtained experimentally Mass CO2 0.09 0.09 0.09 0.09
fraction H2O 0.08 0.08 0.08 0.08
was used, and in Case C and Case D, the simulated
N2 0.67 0.67 0.67 0.67
pyrolysis gas composition was used. Here, the simulated
pyrolysis gas composition was determined so that the
enthalpy of formation and the atomic numbers of C and Table 2 Comparison of calculation time
H were the same as those of the experimentally-obtained Reaction model CPU time/Iteration 40 000 Iteration
pyrolysis gas. 7)
GRI 1.2 1.77 s 19 h
Table 2 shows the calculation time when using the 8)
DRM 19 0.81 s 9h
respective combustion reaction mechanisms. In compar-
Yetter 9) 0.45 s 5h
ison with GRI1.27), the calculation time is shortened in
CPU: Xeon5355 (2.66 GHz)×2
Fluent: Parallel×4
Fig. 4 C
omparison of temperature distributions and maximum
Fig. 3 Two-dimensional domain of calculation flame temperature
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