Using Excel To Import Into Anki - Google Dokumentumok
Using Excel To Import Into Anki - Google Dokumentumok
Using Excel To Import Into Anki - Google Dokumentumok
The Problem/Challenge:
In order to op mally handle mul ple languages, Anki encodes in UTF-8. However, Microso Excel
encodes files as (UTF-16). This process will walk you through being able to make/edit files in Excel and
then ge ng that file into a format that can be imported into Anki.
● Microso Excel
● Notepad (it is a standard installa on with Windows. NOTE: Not Wordpad)
● (If you are modifying an exis ng Anki deck, then you need….) Your Anki deck in a *.txt file.
There are some situa ons where you may want to use Excel to modify an exis ng deck. To do this you
must first export your deck as a .txt file. You do this by:
To open it in Excel.
Some mes you might have an exis ng spreadsheet, full of data, that you want to turn into Anki
flashcards. OR you might want to create new material, but for whatever reason, you might feel you can
create the data more quickly in a spreadsheet.
● Remember that each column will be mapped to a “field” to your Anki Note type. So make sure
that each column has the same type of data in it.
o For example, the first column might be a column for an English Word. The second
column might be for the same word in a second language. You could also have
addi onal columns for sample sentences, links for audio files, etc.
● I find it easiest if I have already designed the Note Type in Anki. In that Note Type, I will set up
the fields that I want. Then when I import from the text file, I have a Note Type that I can import
into. I can easily map the columns to the fields.
● When you are done edi ng and want to import into Anki, then read the next sec on.
When your file is ready, and you want to import it into Anki, you have to carefully do these steps.
Important: If you are including html in your import, there are some other steps that you need to do to
make sure your data is imported properly, but that is different than an “UTF-8” issue. Informa on about
this and other things can be found at: h p:// ng. I recommend
that you read that sec on before impor ng even simple files.