A Big Picture E-Book
A Big Picture E-Book
A Big Picture E-Book
How do you get what you want? It's so easy to think and dream, but
how do you translate those dreams to reality? Why do some people get
what they want easily, and others have such a hard time?
Basics of Manifestation
enough. Many times, these actions center around getting enough
money. But this energy stream is very limited, because the supply of
money is limited. Tapping into this limited energy stream naturally
focuses the creative process into avenues of scarcity and lack. If you
have a big goal, you may also have to involve others in helping you to
obtain it. This can be a lot of fun, but a lot of times you look at all of
the work involved and just say "to hell with it. It's going to take too
much time, money and effort."
But there is another way, a more effective way, and a way that will
be joyful throughout.
What you want to do is tap into the powerful energy of creation
itself. This is the same energy that keeps the planet orbiting and
rotating, keeps the atmosphere in a perfect balance of oxygen, nitrogen
and carbon dioxide, that keeps everything in the universe in balance.
These forces are practically infinite, and compared to them, the pitiful
amount of energy needed to manifest anything in the earth plane is not
even worth mentioning! When you embark on the creative process, be
certain that the energy of creation is there in abundance to allow any
manifestation you can possibly desire. The only limitations are your own
–– your own limiting thoughts and beliefs.
“Who do you think you are anyway ––- God? Only God has the
power to create!” Well, that’s just not true. Consciousness IS God–
force. Consciousness is the creative principle. Because humans are
hidden in ‘bubbles of biology,’ this very important fact is often
overlooked. The advantage to knowing that consciousness is a non–
physical creative principle is that it places you at source–point! And it
just happens to be the truth. When you understand yourself in this way,
you experience the joy and the wonder of knowing who you really are.
Tapping into the creative energy of the universe makes you feel
How do you tap into this creative energy? By creative visualization.
By becoming clear on exactly what it is you want, by imagining yourself
already having it or living it, by feeling what it would be like to have it.
You feel inspired, the universe will immediately start lining you up with
the people and resources you need, and your actions will naturally
proceed along the path of least resistance. (See " The Basic Laws of the
Universe ")
People resist this concept because it is so simple, and sounds "airy-
fairy", but it is the only way anything ever comes to you. Many people
think that the only reason anything manifests is through hard work, but
nothing could be further from the truth. Your advertising department
can spend oodles of money on a new promotion, but if the message is
not aligned to the goal, all your work will result in little improvement.
If you’re not aligned to the goal, almost all of all of that hard work
was wasted effort. That is why it was hard. 'Hard work' is simply the
way many align their vibration toward the goal! All of that sweating and
struggling is slowly aligning your thoughts, beliefs and feelings toward
what is wanted. That's doing it the hard way. Better to work smart,
instead of working hard. Spend a little more time clarifying your vision
and less time in action cycles, and see what happens.
The point is, you can align your energy without working hard at all.
Sun Tzu said: "For to win one hundred victories in one hundred
battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is
the acme of skill". ... The Grand Duke said: 'He who excels at resolving
difficulties does so before they arise.'" (1)
Although these war analogies may seem inappropriate to some, I
use them to point out that the idea of creative manifestation has been
known and applied for thousands of years.
Step One is figuring out what you want.
Step Two is aligning yourself to that. This is vital! An aspiring young
actress wrote to me about the Law of Attraction. She says she wants so
badly to land a movie role, but when she auditions, she always falls
short. Her mindset is one of hope, but not belief!
How can you tell when you’ve accomplished steps one and two?
When you feel inspired!
A properly aligned state of being gets you fired up, and eager to get
into action. If you think you are clear on what you want but you don’t
feel an inner joy, then you need to go back to the drawing board.
Alignment to the goal begins your creative process, and hooks you up
with the creative energy of the universe. Before the engine will start,
the carburetor needs to be primed. Creative visualization is the primer
that jump–starts your creative process.
“Well, that’s entirely naïve,” you say. “You can dream things up in
your head, but that’s not how it goes down in the real world.” Well,
such an attitude already demonstrates a resistance to the goal. With a
set of beliefs like that, you are doomed to failure! You must establish a
properly oriented state of being, aligned to a clear, creative vision
before success is possible. That vision paves the road ahead of you,
allowing the Law of Attraction to match you up with the people and
resources you need to accomplish the goal. Then the actions you take
are all joyful (no matter how hard you’re working) and you proceed
along the path of least resistance.
The Belief in Scarcity
The belief that hard work is the only way to attain something usually
comes from some old belief system which says "I can only be worthy of
having something if I work for it,” or, “It wouldn't be fair for to become
prosperous when so many are lacking." But these sorts of beliefs are
just self–defeating, and self–limiting. Creative energy is in infinite
supply, and you may safely and harmlessly become prosperous without
depriving anyone else. What’s the alternative? More and more lack. You
cannot create abundance for all by staying poor yourself!
“Oh that’s ridiculous!” you say. “The earth has limited resources,
and there’s only so much to go around.” Well, that has been the
dominant paradigm on our planet for millennia. However, mankind has
manifested economies of scarcity because of the consciousness of lack,
not the other way around. The consciousness of mankind is a perfect
vibrational match to scarcity and our economies, based upon the use of
inefficient, scarce and polluting fossil fuels, reflect this vibration.
The universal law of 'like attracts like' is so powerful that our fossil
fuel economies could be transformed into economies based on clean
energy technologies that are waiting in the wings. But so many people
are into bashing oil companies and fighting against pollution that the
vibration of clean and abundant energy is not a match to the present
consciousness on planet earth. However, it doesn't have to be that way!
As Jesus said, 'Ask and ye shall receive.' The only catch to this is
that when you ask, you must do so from a belief in well–being, not
The Belief in Hard Work
The most inefficient workers are always those who are working the
hardest. The best workers are the ones who get their tasks done
effortlessly. Those who work effortlessly are those who have completely
aligned themselves to the task at hand. They know exactly what to do
and when to do it and there is no question about it. They are 'in the
zone', and their effort is joyful. The ones who are sweating, on the
contrary, are in a state of disconnect from their tasks. They are
disconnected from themselves as well. That is why they struggle so
much. All of their effort LOOKS good, but is inefficient. Their energies
are not aligned to the task they are attempting.
It's like using a gigantic fire hose to move a rock off your driveway.
The neighbors are fascinated with the big fire truck and the flashing
lights and the water gushing about. It makes really good entertainment,
but all that was necessary was to pick up the rock and give it a toss.
Nothing can manifests for you unless you are ALREADY a vibrational
match to it. That's just the way the universe works. The universe,
through the powerful and infallible Law of Vibration and the Law of 'like
attracts like', matches people up with congruent people, resources,
and situations. So any manifestation is just a by-product of the
alignment of energy within yourself to your goal. I inadvertently
became involved, some time ago, in a dispute between Stan Tenen and
Dan Winter. Stan is a genius and is head of the Meru Foundation. Dan is
a brilliant (and some might say, eccentric) genius. Both of these guys
have diametrically opposite personalities, but share one common and
very strong interest in geometry. Both of them have wasted (in my
opinion) years of their lives and financial resources fighting each other.
It’s really sad to me, because both these guys have so much to offer to
the world. But that’s the way the Law of Attraction works. Your
vibrational orientation will match you up, infallibly, with those who are
the most closely aligned to you.
Why do people work so hard to get what they want? Well, it’s the
manifestation that’s most important, obviously. Or is it?
It's the alignment of energy within you that is the true reward, not
the manifestation. This may seem like an absurd statement, because it
feels so great to have the manifestation. I'm not saying it wouldn't be
better to actually be driving that new Ferrari instead of imagining it.
Our young actress would certainly prefer to be acting the part instead of
dreaming about it! However, you can't get the Ferrari, or land the part,
unless you are completely aligned to it. You get what you get by being a
vibrational match to it, for better or for worse.
If you honestly look over your life to find out how you manifested
something you wanted (or didn't want), you will inevitably find, if you
look closely enough, that you were already aligned, vibrationally, before
it manifested. You can look at all of the Ferrari’s in the showroom you
like. You can even test drive one. But you can’t drive one home unless
there is a precise vibrational alignment to Ferrari’s. That is why the
aligning of your energy is so important!
Moreover, once you have consciously applied the law of 'like attracts
like' deliberately to get something you want, you know you can do it
over and over. Now you can manifest at will, and stop depending upon
"luck" and hard work.
As much as 95% of the work in manifestation is aligning your
vibration to the goal. The other 5% can be action cycles. Ever wonder
how some people can seemingly just step in to a good situation? I’m
reminded of one of my favorite actresses, Kate Winslet. The Internet
Movie Database tells us that her first big break came at age 17, when
she was cast as an obsessive adolescent in Heavenly Creatures (1994).
The film didn’t do that well but received critical acclaim. Still a relative
unknown, Winslet attended a cattle call audition the next year for Ang
Lee's Sense and Sensibility (1995). She made an immediate impression
on the film's star, Emma Thompson, and beat out more than a hundred
other hopefuls for the part of Marianne Dashwood. That movie was the
springboard to an amazingly successful career. Of course Kate worked
at her craft for many years prior to the audition (she did her first
professional gig at age 11, a cereal commercial, and over the next few
years she appeared on stage regularly and landed a few bit parts in
sitcoms), but there are a lot of struggling actors out there waiting
tables. Why was Kate so successful? “Oh, she’s just so talented.” Well,
yeah, of course she is. But WHY is she so talented? More than likely it’s
because she loves what she does. Because she throws herself into
every role. Because she’s not afraid to let her light shine. Because she’s
BEING the person she wants to be. When you’re lined up like that,
doors open for you and the ‘work’ you’re doing is sheer joy! This is the
origin of 'synchronicity.' It’s magical, but it is also precise and logical.
The universe matches vibration. And it never misses.
Have just KNOWN something good was coming? That is the
alignment of energy I'm talking about. It can be done deliberately.
The Prize
Some might object to a reliance on beingness as opposed to action,
because the difficulties aren't apparent to you when you are just
imagining it. Everything just goes hunk-dory when you dream it up, but
that's not often how it goes down in the 'real world.'
However, if you work with this process for a while, you will discover
that a beingness aligned energetically to your goal will, when action is
taken, always lead to effective action. 'Work smart, not hard", as one
of my teachers used to say. If you aren’t getting results, stop what
you are doing, go back and find more clarity in your vision. If there is
complete clarity and alignment of energy to your goal, you will be led
inexorably to the most efficient actions necessary for manifestation. It
is inevitable! And need I say that when your energy is fully aligned to
your desire or goal, that you feel great? If you aren’t having fun,
you're not yet completely aligned, and you’re probably working too
The Value of Action
What actions should you take? Well, your actions will be different
depending upon the goal in mind. However, you should always follow
this rule whenever possible: Act only when you feel inspired. If you act
only when you feel inspired to do so, your success is guaranteed. Why?
Because when you’re inspired and passionate, you are powerfully
connected to the creative energy of the universe. Have you ever been in
the presence of an inspired and passionate person? Were you not able
to feel his or her intent? Didn’t that person make you want to hop on
that bandwagon? The reason why inspirational speakers are so effective
is because their vibration is so powerful it entrains the thoughts and
emotions of those around them. Such people find it a lot easier to
recruit the people and resources needed to accomplish their goals.
“Yes, but those kinds of people are special,” you say. “Ordinary
people aren’t capable of that kind of passion.” Wrong! Inspirational
people are just like you and me! The only difference is that they have a
clearly defined goal and have lined up with that goal. It’s a goal that
gets them out of bed in the morning and fires them up throughout the
day. Anyone can do that! All you have to do is figure out what you
really want in life, and start somewhere, however small, along that path
Our aspiring young actress may start by going to a local play; just
soaking up the atmosphere. Perhaps she’ll go backstage after the
performance and talk to the cast members, asking questions about
where to audition. She might go to the library and read one of her
favorite plays, take it home and pretend she’s on stage, saying her
lines. Even if she can only spend 15 minutes a day at her passion, it will
be the funnest 15 minutes of the day. She’ll begin to look forward to
doing something connected with it each day, and she’ll begin to find
more and more time to do things related to it. Like a snowball rolling
downhill, she’ll start very small, but quickly pick up momentum. The
more you are aligned with your goal, the stronger will be your intent
and your joy. It’s contagious, in a good way.
If you’ve never experienced this kind of joy, more than likely it’s
because you have never taken the time to go through steps one and
two above. If you’re like me, you might have told yourself, “Oh what’s
the use! There are too many people better than me at everything I
want to do.” Well, that’s a recipe for failure! What you have to
understand is that when you begin to travel the path of your passion,
you begin to find your voice. And when you discover that unique voice
within you, others will respond! They’ll respond because we’re all
connected to each other through the universal field of consciousness. In
other words, when you find yourself, you are able to communicate
effectively to others.
Having said that, sometimes taking action before you’re lined up can
help jar you into better creating, but this is usually a sign that
afterwards you still need to do some more work clarifying your
visualization. Sometimes just getting off your butt and into a little
action can be a good thing, even if it is ineffective action! It can help to
break up old energy patterns. But remember that the universe will
always answer your vibration, so if your energy is not lined up with your
goal, you’ll encounter roadblocks. This is the most frustrating part about
the creative process, because we THINK we’re aligned, but what we get
is not a match to our intention.
By examining what did manifest, it is possible to identify old beliefs
and feelings and further clarify our visualization.
Don't give up! Continue the process of aligning your energy and
when it feels better, go into action again and observe the results. When
your energy is fully a vibrational match to your desire, you will feel it.
You will KNOW it. You’ll feel exited and alive and certain of your own
Usually, any action taken out of a sense that "it has to be done" is a
sign that you have not aligned your energy clearly enough to your goal.
Under these conditions, you will struggle to a slight or great degree.
Here's an example: I decided to raise my prices in my contracting work
last summer. But I didn't really believe that the market could support
it. So every time I bid a job at the new price, I never got it. Funny how
that works. Because my energy was not lined up, I continued to attract
the clients that were only willing to pay me at the old rates. It was only
after I went back and removed some of my old beliefs about my self
worth and about money that I was able to bid these jobs comfortably.
new one, even though if felt so good to leave my old apartment
building. The tendency for all living beings is to desire more and more.
This is not greed, it is the desire for more and more life force energy,
more and more of the energy that makes you feel great. We all want to
feel great all of the time, right? People who are greedy are grabbing for
more and more, but they don't understand that the prize is a state of
being. They’re reaching for objects to supply happiness, and that is
Desire is life force, so the more desire there is, the more alive you
feel, unless you are resisting, for some reason, then it feels crummy.
That's why some teachers promote the extinguishing of desire. But it's
not desire that's the problem, it's the beliefs that contradict desire,
blocking the flow of life force energy.
Life force energy, or prana, or chi, is God–force, the creative energy
of the universe. Tapping into this energy is sheer joy. It is in infinite
supply, so take all you need!
having a great time with the work. That is how the creative process
should feel. If you’re complaining a lot, step back and look at why
you’re doing what you’re doing. It may shock you.
The journey is the reward, and the manifestation is just the reason
for the journey! Because there will always be another journey, and
another manifestation. The process is ongoing, eternal. It never gets
done, that's what eternal means –– continuous creation. So have fun
creating, and receive everything you desire!
(1) From "The Art of War" by Sun Tzu, Samuel Griffiths translation,
Chapter III, (3) & (4)
happiness. The Path to Personal Power is a modern look at
powerful universal principles that have been known and applied
by successful and knowledgeable people down through the
Universal principles operate 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
365 days a year. They don’t take time off! Everyone, no matter
what their station in life, is affected by these laws. If you are
aware of them, you can use them to your advantage. Otherwise,
you are fumbling around in life not knowing where you are
It’s like using a computer program. If you’re familiar with the
menu’s you can actually get useful work done, but if you’re not,
you waste an awful lot of time.
Like a computer, the universe has an operating system. Once
you understand that operating system, life becomes de–
mystified. Living becomes easier and more joyful, and personal
self–confidence grows.
To find out more, Click Here
Manifestation and Delusion
Law of Vibration and the Law of ‘Like Attracts Like’ at work. It is
necessary, of course, first to apply the Law of Free Will, and decide
upon what it is you want.
your new vehicle. You’ll begin to think of fun ways to get into action.
This process is so powerful that it can even result in a life change. Why
is that? Because the goal (new car) is almost irrelevant. The goal could
be anything at all that gets your juices flowing. Once you feel the power
of creative energy, or source energy, or life force energy (there are
many names for it) it can literally change your life in an instant.
Being just requires a little imagination, and the ability to pretend.
The distance one travels to fulfillment of one’s desires is more of a
feeling than a moving of matter and energy from one place to the other.
Activities that proceed from a state of being not aligned to the goal are
relatively worthless. Therefore, it is more important to (delusionally,
some might say) work with being than with doing. This concept only
makes sense when you recognize the paramount importance of
consciousness in the creative process, and understand that
consciousness exists independent of physical structure. When you work
to establish a state of being, you proceed along a path that aligns you
with the creative energy that directs and maintains the entire universe.
A feeling is just a vibration; the thing (or situation) you want is also
a mix of vibrations. When you line yourself up vibrationally with the
desired thing, you begin to attract into your experience things like it.
The only way you can prevent this from happening is to insert
vibrations into the mix that aren’t a match to what you want. If you like
Mozart piano concertos, for example, you don’t want to add rock and
roll notes and rhythms into the mix!
The Law of ‘like attracts like’ can be demonstrated. Throw a party
and invite all sorts of people. Put on some classical music and see what
happens. A little later on, play some jazz, and then some rock. Put on a
rap. You’ll notice the most astonishing mixes of people moving in and
out of the room, and lot of different conduct. The people who like
classical might arrive with a few drinks in their hands and start an
intellectual conversation. When the jazz is on, some will move out of
the room and others move in. People might begin to tap their feet and
swing to the music; and the topics of conversation will be different.
When the rock is on, another set will come in, and so on. Like attracts
like. Just as music is a vibration within the air, so are the thoughts and
feelings you have. In the vibrational universe model, these are sent out
through the universal medium, and are just as real as the molecules of
air that produce sound waves.
In order to manifest, you must already BE that what you want. It’s
as simple as that! If you want to change the manifestations you bring
into your life, you can’t pay too much attention to conditions that are
not congruent with what is wanted.
This idea is precisely backwards from what we have been taught. If
you tried to explain it to a friend of yours, he might say, “When I HAVE
my new car I’ll BE someone with a new car, you dolt.” This is
backwards. Being comes before having; in fact, it is the prerequisite for
If you want something different than what you already have, then
you must ignore anything about the present reality that is not
congruent with your vision. This applies especially to artists –– who
understand this idea very well –– but also to life. Life itself is a creative
process, regardless of the (sometimes mundane) nature of the desire.
Cars, money, etc., as well as relationships, are all manifestations and
are all subsumed within your personal creative process. Therefore, as
one who creates his or her life you must, in some sense, become
The current reality is not as important as it’s cracked up to be. It’s
just a snapshot of the things you have brought into your life in previous
moments of NOW. The NOW moment is always new, always fresh, and
always an opportunity to create something different; and you do that by
choosing to resonate to what you want, not what you already have.
Once you are living your ideal life then of course, by all means revel
completely in the present reality; but until then, you must begin to
resonate differently.
There are many ways to do this, and one of the most powerful is to
simply appreciate what you already have that is in agreement with the
vibration of the desired thing.
For example, a person who wants a bigger house on wooded land
might appreciate the house she has, and the trees that already exist on
her property. This process finds the vibrations of the desired thing in
the present reality, and emphasizes them; and at the same time,
deactivates the unwanted vibrations. You’ll find that you are never
completely removed from the things you want. If you have been
wanting something for any length of time at all, there will be a slight bit
of them already present! Now all you have to do is begin to find them
amongst the current reality.
In other words, even a poor person has some money. Now all that is
required is to emphasize the vibration of more money. A poor person is
poor because he or she has merely been resonating more to lack of
money than to a lot of money. A person who wants a new car probably
already has a car, even if it’s an old junker. Someone who wants a
better relationship may already have one, even if it’s not ideal.
On earth, most people have forgotten how to pretend, mainly because
they have been “educated” out of it, and see no purpose in it. But if you
can look at pretending as simply a vibrational process, then the whole
thing becomes clear, powerful, and purposeful. The process of
manifestation begins with a change in vibrational orientation and
emphasis, and that merely requires placing the attention in different
areas and on different things. But this shouldn’t be hard, because the
things you want are fun things! Otherwise you wouldn’t want them.
If you find that the thing you want makes you feel rotten, then you
have to back off and try again. Somehow, you have got crosswise into
the stream, and the flow of your desire is hitting you broadside, causing
discomfort. More often than not, it isn’t your desire that’s out of
position, but your considerations about it. If you want a more loving
relationship but are certain that it’s not possible, then focus on
relationships at this time isn’t doing you any good. So try something
else that you can feel good about. Remember, manifestation is a
vibrational distance, not a distance in time and space, or money. When
you raise your tone, you become a better vibrational match to ALL of
your desires, no matter what they are.
Does that make sense? If we look at the problem intellectually, it
doesn’t. Jill, for example, loves her brother very much but can’t seem to
find the right guy. “How can I find my lover by thinking about my
brother?” she asks. Well, look at the problem vibrationally. There are
lots of things that make you feel good, and lots of things that don’t.
Your consciousness isn’t sectioned off, however, like a hotel. There isn’t
a “relationship” room and a “money” room and a “job” room. There is
only your focus on these subjects that raises or lowers your vibration as
a whole. So feeling loving about “brother” is a nice step forward to
straightening out your vibe on “lover.” You can apply this idea to any
it anymore, or if you do, your efforts may be unimaginative. This is a
problem experienced by artists of all kinds. I know of a woman who
majored in art at university, a very creative painter, but by the time she
graduated, she wanted nothing to do with painting at all. It’s a shame,
really, to watch her creative process: she has the desire to paint, but
before she can even start, she voices a ton of criticisms of her
technique, she gets upset, can’t decide what to paint, and throws down
her brushes. The same idea applies to children. I’ve known people who
were forced to learn piano as a child, and now want nothing to do with
it. Of course, there are always people who will say, “I’m so glad my
mom made me take piano as a kid,” but when I ask them, “Do you
play?” the response usually is, “not anymore. I just fart around,” or
something like that. There’s certainly nothing wrong with messing about
on the piano (I do it all the time) but one wonders what would have
happened if the child would have been allowed to come to the
instrument on his own. Perhaps the world would have another Bill
Evans, or Kenny Kirkland!
instance? Or a relationship? Now one must understand and apply the
laws of the universe in order to be successful.
Money is just an energy, and it vibrationally lines up with some of
the things in this world (like new cars), and it doesn’t line up with a lot
of other things (like good health).
Even if you don’t have money, you can still fulfill your desires. The
first and most important step is to line up your vibrational signal with
what you want, and keep it there. That will lead you onto a path of
manifestation that is never exactly predictable. (Although you may be
very clear about exactly what you want and how you’re going to get it,
this is a universe of free will. It isn’t possible to control the actions of
others). A needed employee for a business venture, for example, may
show up off the street looking for a restroom. Or you may get some
needed capital after meeting someone at a party who knows a venture
capitalist with some extra cash. I knew a guy once who got a job as a
salesman, and along with the job, came his brand-new car. It wasn’t
quite what the gentleman wanted, for he was on the road all day. This
is an example of the old saying, “Be careful what you ask for, you might
get it!”
It is very confusing trying to figure out how to run your life by
observing others. What others say, and their true vibrational
orientation, may be completely different! And so it appears that the
laws are inconsistent or random, for, unless you have attained a state
of Unity Consciousness, it is not possible to know completely the
thoughts and intentions of another.
Most people will find that an application of universal principles to
their lives will result in a gradual change for the better. The biggest
mistake is to compare your progress with those who are doing better,
or who have manifested more quickly. One can never tell how long
someone else has been working on lining up their energy toward
something. Success for another may have been the fulfillment of years
of vibrational work, even though it appears instantaneous to an
The point is, don’t criticize your progress, or compare it unfavorably
with another’s. Every time you take your eyes off the prize in this way,
you create counter–intention and pollute your vibration. The Law of
Vibration and the Law of ‘Like Attracts Like’ never cease to be
operational. The laws of the universe, in other words, don’t go on
Let’s face it, there are lots of successful people out there who have
never heard of the Law of Attraction and could probably care
less. Nevertheless, if you could get them to tell you their life story in
intimate detail, you’d see the operation of universal principles weaving
their way into the fabric of their experiences.
Manifestation and Delusion
Let’s see what the dictionary says about delusion: “a false belief or
opinion.” In the synonym study it says, “delusion implies belief in
something that is contrary to fact or reality, resulting from deception,
misconception, or a mental disorder (to have delusions of grandeur).”
[Webster’s New World Dictionary, College Edition, 1962].
The idea is that if you hold true to something in your mind and heart
that isn’t real, you’re a fruitcake. For example, if you’ve been insulted
by your micromanaging boss for no reason, your co-workers might
encourage you to retaliate. If you remain charitable towards him, you
may be criticized. If you buy a computer and it doesn’t work right, your
friend might call it “a piece of junk.” If you cheerfully refuse to
acknowledge this reality, your friend might think you’re a few French
fries short of a happy meal.
I’m not talking about calling white black, for that is truly delusional.
That which already is, IS, and it’s foolish to deny it! However, there is a
disturbing tendency on planet earth to ignore the importance of Being.
Being, or consciousness, is the engine of every creative process.
I point out the computer example because it happened to me. After
I bought my new motherboard and graphics card a few years ago, the
computer wouldn’t boot up. I got angry, called up the store complaining
my head off, thinking that I’d have to take my purchases back, when
the guy said, “Make sure your graphics card is seated very firmly in its
socket.” Well, after that the thing worked like a charm. The point is,
sometimes the "reality" of a situation in not what it appears to be, and
just a slight shift of focus can change it.
The person who was criticized by her boss might realize that she
had made an error the previous day, and had gotten upset that morning
as her child balked at going to school, making her late for work. There
are a myriad of reasons we use to explain why things happen to us, but
the truth is, that the world acts as a mirror to our own thoughts and
Having said that, there really is sometimes a fine line between
deliberate creation and delusion. The key to understanding where
deliberate creation ends off and delusional dishonesty begins, is the
guiding rudder of your emotions. Where are you on the emotional tone
scale? The guy who claims to be abundant and can’t pay his rent at the
end of the month had better get some new thoughts! We live in a well
ordered universe, however, and the universal laws guarantee that as
soon as you reach a better vibe not only will you feel better, but the
conditions of your life will begin improve. Now all you have to do is
delusionally focus on the reality you want, and ignore the stuff that irks
you! The more conscious you become, the easier it is to be aware of
what you’re feeling. What you’re feeling is paramount, for it tells you
the status of your vibration and how much resistant thought you’re
placing in your own way. Your feelings stem from your thoughts, your
beliefs, your attitudes, which is to say, the choices you make and how
you decide to BE. When you’re down and out you can’t expect to leap to
joy real fast (unless you’ve practiced!) so you’re going to spend some
time in the nether regions of emotion. But as long as you’re moving
upward, then you’re OK. A thorough knowledge of the scale of
emotion/vibration is vital, and I urge you to take a look at the essay
called “Emotions” on the website, where I’ve posted a copy of it.
Those of us who know about the Law of Vibration and the Law of
Attraction understand that it’s not possible for your boss to criticize you
for no reason, or for a computer you buy to be a piece of junk for no
reason. We understand that we are always at source–point in every
area of our lives. We take responsibility for the things that occur in our
lives, and we don’t whine and complain when things don’t go right. We
regard apparent setbacks as learning opportunities, because that’s what
they are. They’re an opportunity to learn a little bit more about
ourselves and our vibrational orientation, and to use the power of
thought to get a better attitude.
“Never assign to malice that which can adequately be explained by
stupidity.” Maybe that’s true.
It is truly delusional to continually resonate to unwanted things. If
there is a big icy patch before you on the sidewalk, do you try to
negotiate it, or go around it? If you take your canoe to the river, do you
paddle furiously upstream, or park your car downstream and take a nice
leisurely ride?
Well, I guess it all depends on the kind of person you are, but
mostly we are taught to brave the ice and row upstream, because it is
better to overcome obstacles and transcend challenges than it is to be a
wuss. “Challenge builds character,” we are told, but really, all it does is
get you used to uncomfortable vibrations, so you don’t notice them
anymore. It shuts down your awareness of your emotional control
center, which tells you at all times how close you are to your desires
and your goals. Your emotions are your rudder, keeping you in the
middle of the stream, and not stranded on some sandbar or entangled
in tree roots, or dashed against the rocks. A pleasant emotion tells you
that you are resonating to the things you want, and a negative emotion
tells you the opposite. On earth we are told to shut up and get to work,
to climb that mountain and tote that barge. The boss gives us a medal
and a pat on the back, and we are allowed to enjoy ourselves for a little
while. Then, we are supposed to get ready for the next obstacle! That
sort of a life is 99% misery, interspersed with a few moments of joy. It
is the life of a drone.
I’m not trying to tell anyone how to live, but for me, I’d rather live a
joyful life rather than one filled with obstacles to be overcome. Feeling
good is feeling powerful, and if you don’t believe me, then the next time
you’re miserable, ask yourself how powerful you are.
It’s only after you surmount the challenge and are successful that
you feel powerful; the rest of the time you’re probably anxious, or
worried, or uncomfortable in some way. And if you’re not, then it’s not
really an obstacle, is it? It’s just another way to enjoy yourself.
If you want to have success, first decide exactly what it is you
want, then keep yourself resonating to it, and ignore anything in the
real world that doesn’t match up. Find things to appreciate about the
current environment, and act only when you feel inspired to do so. An
outside observer may consider you delusional, but so what? It is your
own vibrational orientation that dictates success or failure for you.
The more excited you are about your undertaking, the easier your
creative process will be. Even if you begin completely ignorant, you can
overcome all perceived barriers. That excited, eager feeling is your best
guarantor of ultimate success.
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