Green Marketing in IEEE FORMAT
Green Marketing in IEEE FORMAT
Green Marketing in IEEE FORMAT
I. INTRODUCTION wants the major difference among simple marketing and green
Green marketing has emerged as one of the most popular marketing is that the wants customer’s wants are satisfy in
thought in last few decades, the big reason behind this is the such a manner that it do not create any kind of harmful effect
concern of consumers regarding environmental issues. In on environment
simple layman language the term “Green marketing” meaning III. Evolution of Green Marketing
to manufacturing and selling product or services which are
Green marketing is evolved over the time. There are three
both customer and environmental friendly. It was late 1980s
phases in its evolution process.
and early 1990s when the concept of Green marketing came
into existence. As far the today scenario is seen the Green
1. First phase is “Ecological” green Marketing. In this green marketing also focuses on production of sustainable and
phase of marketing a solution is searched for various socially responsible goods and services which are both user
environmental problems that environment is facing in and environment friendly.
2. Second phase is “Environmental” green Green marketing concept give the companies motivation as
marketing; in this phase main concern area was the well as new direction in the process of developing new and
development of clean technology which ultimately innovative products and services which are environment
leads to designing of advanced and new products friendly, as inputs used in this technology is organic and
which successfully resolve the problem of nontoxic. As result of which they get access over new markets
environment related issues like industrial waste and which ultimately lead to several fold increase in their profit
toxic waste. and sustainability, moreover such companies got an edge over
3. Third and last phase was “Sustainable” green their competitor companies which are not in support of
marketing. It came into existence in the late 1990’s following the concept of environment safety.
and early 2000 Some of the major advantages of green marketing are
IV. OBJECTIVES: listed below:
1. To highlight the various reason for using the concept 1. It guaranty sustainable and long-term growth of company
of green marketing. with ensure profit.
2. To study the various benefit that Green marketing 2. It helps in saving money in the long run, even though
causes. preliminary cost is more.
3. To describe various business practices that 3. It helps the companies to advertise their products and
industrialist must adopt for sound environment. services keeping the environment as base aspects. As all this
To briefly describe all different challenges in path of green ultimately help company in acquiring new markets segment
and enjoying competitive advantage over other companies.
V. METHODOLOGY 4. Most importantly employees also have sense of proud and
Data is descriptive in nature and is collect through secondary
responsibility for working in an environment responsible
sources such as magazines, Books, and Internet.
VI. WHY GREEN MARKETING? 5. It automatically fulfils the corporate social responsibility.
Nowadays population is increasing on a large scale due to
which demands for resources is also increasing with the same BUSINESS PRACTICES
speed, so the optimum utilization of resources become In order to follow the concept of Green marketing a
necessary for the producers and no scope is left regarding company need to develop an Environmental Management
wasting the resources. So green marketing came as permanent System as it help organization to decrease its harmful
solution to all this problems. Moreover nowadays behavior of impacts on environmental and increase its operating
customers is changing around the globe as most of them are efficiency.
very concern about the protection and fortification of If company want to implement the green marketing
environment, as various evidences in this regard can be seen. concept then it become necessary for them to understand
All these factors work as major force behind the popularity and strictly follow Environmental related rules and
and successfully promotion of green marketing and secondly regulations
One of the major concern areas in Green Marketing is water Advertisement that deals with the association of
conservation product service and bio physical environment.
Company also need to make strategy in order to explore Advertisement that endorse eco- friendly standard of
more green commuting Options living by highlighting a product or any service.
One of the most important change that companies has to Advertisement those are capable enough to show the
make in their working procedure is to shrink greenhouse effect existing image of environmental accountability.
without treating them properly. In order to sell green products it becomes necessary to make
While adopting the policy of green marketing companies these products easily available for the consumers therefore it
need to learn about the effect of Climate Change on business become necessary for companies to choose such a place for
their products which is easily approachable for consumers. As
Lastly companies needed to commit itself to use only
this could be a profitable idea for business
environmental friendly inputs and make green products which
Strategies for Green Marketing
are not harmful to environment.
Marketing Strategies for green marketing include:
IX. GREEN MARKETING MIX 1. Doing Marketing Audit.
Different company follows different policies in regard to
2. Develop a marketing plan and strategies with regard
marketing mix. Some follow 4 P’s concepts and some work on
to 4 P’s
the basis of 7 P‘s of marketing mix. As far as the policy of
3. Implementing framed marketing strategies
green marketing is concern 4P’s of market mix are taken
4. Planning and evaluating result
under consideration but a question that always arises among
X. Challenges Ahead:
the marketers during the implementation of green marketing
1. As renewable and recyclable material is used as input
is, how to use it in a pioneering way?
in manufacturing of Green products and it these raw
materials are costly
The objectives of green marketing in using FIRST “P” of
2. Technology used in producing environment friendly
market mix is to plan those products which can lead to
products is unique and very advance and in inventing
reduction of resource consumption and pollution in order to
such machines requires a huge investment in R & D
make optimum utilisation of resources.
3. main focus in green marketing is to make
environment free from toxin waste and for this
The key factor of green marketing mix is price. In majority
various toxin treatment technology is introduce but
many consumers will be ready to pay add on value of the
such technology is very costly for companies to buy
product if they found that product is giving any additional
and maintain
facility or satisfaction to them. Such changes in the price may
4. Other major challenge for companies who wish to
be made only if there is enhanced in product performance,
follow the concept of green marketing is lack of
function, fabrication, visual appearance or taste. All these
awareness among people about green products and
factors must be taken under consideration while charging a
their uses.
premium price for a product
5. Next major hurdle in path of green marketing is that
the green products are comparatively expensive in
Three types of green advertisement are done as listed below:
nature and most of the consumers do not want to pay and environment simultaneously at right price which
extra charges for such products. they can afford easily.
III. When a company promises to consumer to offer them
In such a fast growing world green marketing still holds a very goods which are healthy and environment friendly
congested place in marketing because many business scholars then the social image of company is automatically
still consider it as an “unconventional way of marketing” that improved. But along with this when a company
does not lattice properly with customary axioms of marketing. ensure giving highly valuable product in term of
To avoid such myths initiation of new good marketing health and environment friendly at an affordable
principles are required that could make eco-friendly product price then it acquire major section of market which
popular among consumers. Various green products have ensure its long life term in market
I. TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL GREEN MARKETING take care of both i.e. health of their customers and
When the issue of protection of health and environment safety environment in which they are working in. Green Marketing
comes consumers will always try to choose the correct way to make it essential for companies to fulfill their social
protect the same, as a result to this green movement is responsibility toward environment by simply saving world
catching fire all around the globe and evidence to this is the from toxin pollution that they release in environment without
level at which advertisements are made in order to promote any treatment. It’s not wrong to say that Green marketing is an
various green products from various renowned national appropriate example of clever marketing because in this type
brands. Before a company makes its mind to enter into policy of marketing not only customer is convinces but later on
green marketing, they need to takes three essential steps: indirectly consumer also get involves in marketing his
I. company need to prove their claims of green product product. Recycling of paper, metals, plastics, etc., in a safe
as Today’s shoppers are willing to dig deeper to get and cause no harm to environment in any manner that why it
the real facts raging the product by doing various has become much more popular and adopted at universal
examination, getting consumer feedback, reviews, level. Nowadays it has become the general norm to use energy
testimonials and recommendations, as well as efficient lamps and other electrical goods in order to save
certification seals, labels and ingredient lists. All the energy and money too. In these entire program marketers
marketing efforts, from the website to sales tools, played very important role to make the consumers understand
public relations placements and social networking, the advantage of green products over non-green ones. In green
must accurate and appropriate to provide verification marketing, customers are ready to some extra bucks in order to
of the green claims. maintain their environment clean and green. Green marketing
II. Doing right pricing though customers are ready to program is highly in practice in developing countries. But still
pay extra price for green product, as price play a vital Green marketing is in its preliminary stage and a lot of
role in customer’s purchase decisions. Consumers research is needed to be done in this field, in order to explore
want right quality products which is good for them its potential fully.
[1]. Chopra,S Lakshmi (2007), "Turning Over a New Leaf", Indian
Management, Vol-64, April-2007