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Public Economics Lectures

Part 1: Introduction

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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What is Public Economics?

Public economics focuses on answering two types of questions

1 How do government policies a¤ect the economy?

2 How should policies be designed to maximize welfare?

Three motivations for studying these questions:

1 Practical Relevance

2 Academic Interest

3 Methodology

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Motivation 1: Practical Relevance

Interest in improving economic welfare ! interest in public economics

Almost every economic intervention occurs through government

policy (i.e. involves public economics) via two channels:

Price intervention: taxes, welfare, social insurance, public goods

Regulation: min wages, FDA regulations (25% of products consumed),

zoning, labor laws, min education laws, environment

Government directly employs one sixth of U.S. workforce

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Motivation 1: Practical Relevance

Stakes are extremely large because of broad scope of policies

Ex. Tax reforms immediately a¤ect millions

Contentious debate on the appropriate role of government in society

Romney: replacing Medicare with decentralized private insurance will

improve health outcomes and reduce costs

Obama: Romney’s proposal will worsen health outcomes and raise costs

Only one of these views can be correct

Injecting science into these debates has great practical value

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Motivation 2: Academic Interest

Public economics is typically the end point for many other sub…elds

Macro, development, labor, and corporate …nance questions often

ultimately motivated by a public economics question

Ex 1: Macro studies on costs of business cycles and intertemporal

models of household behavior

Ex 2: Labor studies on employment e¤ects of the minimum wage

Natural to combine public …nance with another …eld

Understanding public …nance can help ensure that you work on

relevant topics

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Motivation 3: Methodology

Public economics is at the frontier of a methodological transformation

in applied microeconomics

Data-driven approach to answering important policy questions

Combines a broad set of skills: applied theory, applied econometrics,

simulation methods

Useful skill set for many applied …elds in economics

Topics in the course re‡ect a broad set of methodological themes

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Theme 1: Connecting Theory to Data

Modern public economics tightly integrates theory with empirical

evidence to derive quantitative predictions about policy

What is the optimal income tax rate?

What is the optimal unemployment bene…t level?

Traditional approach: theoretical models and numerical simulations

Theory often makes weak predictions: optimal tax rate between 0 and

Numerical simulations rely on strong assumptions

Recent work derives robust formulas that can be implemented using

well-identi…ed empirical estimates
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Theme 2: Quasi-Experimental Empirical Methods
Research in public economics exploits a variety of quasi-experimental
research designs to identify parameters of interest

Event studies, regression discontinuity, synthetic control

Good way to learn practical lessons in applied econometrics

What is “identi…cation by functional form” and why is it undesirable?

Is the LATE or ATE of greater interest in your problem?

When is propensity score reweighting credible?

When do weak instrument problems arise and how can they be …xed?

Emphasis on non-parametric graphical techniques rather than

parametric regression models
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Anscombe (1973): Dataset 1

β=0.5 (0.12)
Earnings ($1000)
5 0 10

0 5 10 15 20
Years of Schooling

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Anscombe (1973): Dataset 2

β=0.5 (0.12)
Earnings ($1000)
5 0 10

0 5 10 15 20
Years of Schooling

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Anscombe (1973): Dataset 3

β=0.5 (0.12)
Earnings ($1000)
5 0 10

0 5 10 15 20
Years of Schooling

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Anscombe (1973): Dataset 4

β=0.5 (0.12)
Earnings ($1000)
5 0 10

0 5 10 15 20
Years of Schooling

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Theme 3: “Big Data”

Compelling implementation of quasi-experimental methods requires a

lot of data

Recent availability of very large datasets has transformed research in

applied microeconomics

Scanner data on consumer purchases

Tax and social security records

School district databases

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Use of Pre-Existing Survey Data in Publications in Leading Journals, 1980-2010
Micro-data Based Articles using Survey Data (%)





1980 1990 2000 2010

Note: “Pre-existing survey”datasets refer to micro surveys such as the CPS or SIPP and do not
include surveys designed by researchers for their study. Sample excludes studies whose primary
data source is from developing countries.

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Use of Administrative Data in Publications in Leading Journals, 1980-2010
Micro-data Based Articles using Admin. Data (%)





1980 1990 2000 2010

Note: “Administrative”datasets refer to any dataset that was collected without directly surveying
individuals (e.g., scanner data, stock prices, school district records, social security records).
Sample excludes studies whose primary data source is from developing countries.

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United States Tax Data
7 billion tax records covering full pop. from 1996 to today

Includes a rich set of information on individuals

Earnings from W-2’s (covers non-…lers)

Employer ID

College attendance

Retirement savings, charitable contributions

Housing and mortgage interest

Geographical location

Birth, death, marriage, children, family structure

Analogous corporate databank contains information for 5 million …rms

per year, linked to workers
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What are the Bene…ts of Administrative Data?

1 Higher quality information: virtually no missing data or attrition

Current Population Survey non-response rate now 31% for income

2 Longitudinal tracking over long periods

Match rates of 95% over 20+ years in studies of long-term impacts of

early childhood education [Chetty et al. 2011, Chetty, Friedman,
Rocko¤ 2012]

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Earnings at Age 28 vs. Teacher Value-Added in Elementary School


Earnings at Age 28

1 SD TVA = $182



-0.2 -0.1 0 0.1 0.2

Teacher Value-Added
Source: Chetty, Friedman, Rockoff 2012

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What are the Bene…ts of Administrative Data?

1 Higher quality information: virtually no missing data or attrition

Current Population Survey non-response rate now 31% for income

2 Longitudinal tracking over long periods

Match rates of 95% over 20+ years in studies of long-term impacts of

early childhood education [Chetty et al. 2011, Chetty, Friedman,
Rocko¤ 2012]

3 Very large sample sizes: 2,000 times the size of the CPS

Can develop new research designs

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Earned Income Tax Credit Schedule for Single Earners with One Child in 2008

This income level maximizes tax refund
EITC Credit Amount ($1000)





$0k $5k $10k $15k $20k $25k $30k $35k

Family Earnings

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U.S. Income Distributions for EITC-Eligible Individuals with Children in 2008


Percent of Tax Filers





$0 $10K $20K $30K $40K

Total Earnings (Real 2010 $)
One child Two children

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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 1996

4.1 – 42.7%
2.8 – 4.1%
2.1 – 2.8%
1.8 – 2.1%
1.5 – 1.8%
1.2 – 1.5%
1.1 – 1.2%
0.9 – 1.1%
0.7 – 0.9%
0 – 0.7%

Source: Chetty, Friedman, Saez 2012

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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 1999

4.1 – 42.7%
2.8 – 4.1%
2.1 – 2.8%
1.8 – 2.1%
1.5 – 1.8%
1.2 – 1.5%
1.1 – 1.2%
0.9 – 1.1%
0.7 – 0.9%
0 – 0.7%

Source: Chetty, Friedman, Saez 2012

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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 2002

4.1 – 42.7%
2.8 – 4.1%
2.1 – 2.8%
1.8 – 2.1%
1.5 – 1.8%
1.2 – 1.5%
1.1 – 1.2%
0.9 – 1.1%
0.7 – 0.9%
0 – 0.7%

Source: Chetty, Friedman, Saez 2012

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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 2005

4.1 – 42.7%
2.8 – 4.1%
2.1 – 2.8%
1.8 – 2.1%
1.5 – 1.8%
1.2 – 1.5%
1.1 – 1.2%
0.9 – 1.1%
0.7 – 0.9%
0 – 0.7%

Source: Chetty, Friedman, Saez 2012

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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 2008

4.1 – 42.7%
2.8 – 4.1%
2.1 – 2.8%
1.8 – 2.1%
1.5 – 1.8%
1.2 – 1.5%
1.1 – 1.2%
0.9 – 1.1%
0.7 – 0.9%
0 – 0.7%

Source: Chetty, Friedman, Saez 2012

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Theme 4: Behavioral Models

Recent work in public economics draws on insights from psychology

and economics literature

Strong evidence that individuals fail to optimize

Raises new policy questions

Suggests new policy instruments

E.g. information, social incentives

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Correlation Between Response to EITC and EITC Filer Density by ZIP Code
Fraction Self-Emp Reporting Income that Maxes Refund






R2 = 0.6

-2 0 2 4 6
log (Number of EITC Filers Per Square Mile)

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Background Facts: Size and Growth of Government

Government expenditures = 1/3 GDP in the U.S.

Higher than 50% of GDP in some European countries

Decentralization is a key feature of U.S. govt

One third of spending (10% of GDP) is done at state-local level (e.g.


Two thirds (20% of GDP) is federal

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Federal Government Revenue and Expenditure 1930-2009

Revenue and spending (% of GDP)


1930 1940 1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010


Revenue Expenditure
Source: Office of Management and Budget, Historical Tables, FY 2011

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Total Government Spending by Country, 1970-2007

Percent of GDP



United States

1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005

Source: OECD Economic Outlook (2009)

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Federal Revenues (% of total revenue)

Other 4.2% Excise

Income Income
44% Payroll 45.4% Payroll
15.9% 37.5%

23.2% Corporate

1960 2008

Source: Office of Management and Budget, historical tables, government receipts by source

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State/Local Revenues (% of total revenue)

Income Tax
Federal Grants
Property Income Tax
Tax 15.7% 14.3%
Tax Federal
Other Grants
38.2% Sales Tax
17.7% 19.1%

Sales Tax

1960 2007

Source: U.S. Census Bureau, 2007 Summary of State & Local Government

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Federal Spending (% of total spending)

Education, welfare, housing 4% Education, welfare, housing 9.7%

Other 11.2%

Social 12.4%
Security Security
13.5% 19.5% Health
Health, 2.9% 23.1%
UI and Net Interest Net
Disability 8.3%
8.9% 12.3%
UI and Disability, 6.3%

1960 2001
Source: Office of Management and Budget, historical tables, government outlays by function

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International Tax Revenue by Type of Tax (2001, % of Total)

Mexico Norway OECD Average

Payroll Payroll Payroll

24.3% Consumption 20.5% Consumption 26.7%
31.3% 32.6%
2.2% Individual
Consumption Income
73.5% Individual
Corporate 24.2% Income
Wealth, 2.2% Income 21.7% Wealth, 5.5% 26%

Corporate Income, 9.3%

Source: OECD 2002

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Government Intervention in the Economy

Organizing framework: “When is government intervention necessary

in a market economy?”

Market …rst, govt. second approach

Why? Private market outcome is e¢ cient under broad set of conditions

(1st Welfare Thm)

Course can be split into two parts:

1 How can govt. improve e¢ ciency when private market is ine¢ cient?

2 What can govt. do if private market outcome is undesirable due to

redistributional concerns?

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E¢ cient Private Market Allocation of Goods


s Consumption

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First Role for Government: Improve E¢ ciency


s Consumption

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Second Role for Government: Improve Distribution


s Consumption

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First Welfare Theorem

Private market provides a Pareto e¢ cient outcome under three


1 No externalities

2 Perfect information

3 Perfect competition

Theorem tells us when the government should intervene

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Failure 1: Externalities

Markets may be incomplete due to lack of prices (e.g. pollution)

Achieving e¢ cient Coasian solution requires an organization to

coordinate individuals – that is, a government

This is why govt. funds public goods (highways, education, defense)

Questions: What public goods to provide and how to correct


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Failure 2: Asymmetric Information and Incomplete Markets

When some agents have more information than others, markets fail

Ex. 1: Adverse selection in health insurance

Healthy people drop out of private market ! unraveling

Mandated coverage could make everyone better o¤

Ex. 2: capital markets (credit constraints) and subsidies for education

Ex. 3: Markets for intergenerational goods

Future generations’interests may not be fully re‡ected in market


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Failure 3: Imperfect Competition

When markets are not competitive, there is role for govt. regulation

Ex: natural monopolies such as electricity and telephones

This topic is traditionally left to courses on industrial organization

and is not covered in this course

But taking the methodological approach of public economics to

problems traditionally analyzed in IO is a very promising area

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Individual Failures

If agents do not optimize, government intervention (e.g. by forcing

saving via social security) may be desirable

This is an “individual” failure rather than a market failure

Conceptual challenge: how to avoid paternalism critique

Why does govt. know better what’s desirable for you (e.g. wearing a
seatbelt, not smoking, saving more)

Di¢ cult but central issues for optimal policy design

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Redistributional Concerns

Even when the private market outcome is e¢ cient, may not have
good distributional properties

E¢ cient markets generally seem to deliver very large rewards to small

set of people (top incomes)

Government can redistribute income through tax and transfer system

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Why Limit Government Intervention?

One solution to these issues would be for the government to oversee

all production and allocation in the economy (socialism).

Serious problems with this solution

1 Information: how does government aggregate preferences and

technology to choose optimal production and allocation?

2 Government policies distort incentives (behavioral responses in private


In practice, there are sharp tradeo¤s between costs and bene…ts of

government intervention

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Equity-E¢ ciency Tradeo¤


s Consumption

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Three Types of Questions in Public Economics

1 Positive analysis: What are the observed e¤ects of government

programs and interventions?

2 Normative analysis: What should the government do if we can choose

optimal policy?

3 Public choice/Political economy

Develops theories to explain why the government behaves the way it

does and identify optimal policy given political economy concerns

Criticism of normative analysis: fails to take political constraints into


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Course Outline

1 Tax Incidence and E¢ ciency

2 Optimal Taxation

3 Income Taxation and Labor Supply

4 Corporate Taxation

5 Social Insurance

6 Public Goods and Externalities

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Public Economics Lectures
Part 2: Incidence of Taxation

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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1 De…nition and Introduction

2 Partial Equilibrium Incidence

3 Partial Equilibrium Incidence with Salience E¤ects

4 Partial Equilibrium Incidence: Empirical Applications

5 General Equilibrium Incidence

6 Capitalization

7 Mandated Bene…ts

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References on Tax Incidence

Kotliko¤ and Summers (1987) handbook chapter

Atkinson and Stiglitz text chapters 6 and 7

Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Tax incidence is the study of the e¤ects of tax policies on prices and
the distribution of utilities

What happens to market prices when a tax is introduced or changed?

Increase tax on cigarettes by $1 per pack

Introduction of Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC)

Food stamps program

E¤ect on price ! distributional e¤ects on smokers, pro…ts of

producers, shareholders, farmers, ...

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Economic vs. Statutory Incidence

Equivalent when prices are constant but not in general

Consider the following argument:

Government should tax capital income b/c it is concentrated at the

high end of the income distribution

Neglects general equilibrium price e¤ects

Tax might be shifted onto workers

If capital taxes ! less savings and capital ‡ight, then capital stock
may decline, driving return to capital up and wages down

Some argue that capital taxes are paid by workers and therefore
increase income inequality (Hassett and Mathur 2009)
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Tax incidence is an example of positive analysis

Typically the …rst step in policy evaluation

An input into thinking about policies that maximize social welfare

Theory is informative about signs and comparative statics but is

inconclusive about magnitudes

Incidence of cigarette tax: elasticity of demand w.r.t. price is crucial

Labor vs. capital taxation: mobility of labor, capital are critical

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Ideally, we would characterize the e¤ect of a tax change on utility

levels of all agents in the economy

Useful simpli…cation in practice: aggregate economic agents into a

few groups

Incidence analyzed at a number of levels:

1 Producer vs. consumer (tax on cigarettes)

2 Source of income (labor vs. capital)
3 Income level (rich vs. poor)
4 Region or country (local property taxes)
5 Across generations (social security reform)

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Partial Equilibrium Incidence: Key Assumptions

1 Two good economy

Only one relative price ! partial and general equilibrium are same

Can be viewed as an approx. of incidence in a multi-good model if

the market being taxed is “small”
there are no close substitutes/complements in the utility fn

2 Tax revenue is not spent on the taxed good

Tax revenue is used to buy untaxed good or thrown away

3 Perfect competition among producers

Relaxed in some studies of monopolistic or oligopolistic markets

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Partial Equilibrium Model: Setup

Two goods: x and y

Government levies an excise tax on good x

Excise or speci…c tax: levied on a quantity (e.g. gallon, pack, ton)

Ad-valorem tax: fraction of prices (e.g. sales tax)

Let p denote the pretax price of x and q = p + t denote the tax

inclusive price of x

Good y , the numeraire, is untaxed

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Partial Equilibrium Model: Demand

Consumer has wealth Z and has utility u (x, y )

∂D q ∂ log D
Let εD = ∂q D (q ) = ∂ log q denote the price elasticity of demand

Elasticity: % change in quantity when price changes by 1%

Widely used concept because elasticities are unit free

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Partial Equilibrium Model: Supply

Price-taking …rms

Use c (S ) units of the numeraire y to produce S units of x

Cost of production is increasing and convex:

c 0 (S ) > 0 and c 00 (S ) 0

Pro…t at pretax price p and level of supply S is pS c (S )

With perfect optimization, the supply function for good x is implicitly

de…ned by the marginal condition p = c 0 (S (p ))

∂S p
Let εS = ∂p S (p ) denote the price elasticity of supply

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Partial Equilibrium Model: Equilibrium

Equilibrium condition

Q = S (p ) = D (p + t )

de…nes an equation p (t )

Goal: characterize dt , the e¤ect of a tax increase on price

First consider some graphical examples to build intuition, then

analytically derive formula

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Tax Levied on Consumers


Burden = $4.50 A
Burden = $3.00 D

$15.0 B

D+t D

1250 1500 Quantity

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Tax Levied on Producers


$7.50 S


Burden = $4.50 A
Burden = $3.00 D

1250 1500 Quantity

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Perfectly Inelastic Demand

Price D S+t




1500 Quantity

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Perfectly Elastic Demand

Price S+t


$22.5 D


1500 Quantity

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Formula for Tax Incidence

Implicitly di¤erentiate equilibrium condition

D (p + t ) = S (p )

to obtain:
dp ∂D 1
dt ∂p ( ∂S
∂p )
dp εD
) =
dt εS εD
Incidence on consumers:
dq dp εS
= 1+ =
dt dt εS εD

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Formula for Tax Incidence

1 –excess supply of E
P1 1 created by imposition of tax
dp = E/Ý /S
? /D
Þ 2 2 –re-equilibriation of market
P2 through producer price cut
/D /S /D
ö dp/dt = /p
/Ý /p
? /p



E = dt × /p
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Tax Incidence with Salience E¤ects

Central assumption of neoclassical model: taxes are equivalent to

prices ( dx dx
dt = dp )

In practice, are people fully aware of marginal tax rates?

Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009) test this assumption and generalize
theory to allow for salience e¤ects

Part 1: Test whether “salience” (visibility of tax-inclusive price)

a¤ects behavioral responses to commodity taxation

Does e¤ect of a tax on demand depend on whether it is included in

posted price?

Part 2: Develop formulas for incidence and e¢ ciency costs of

taxation that permit salience e¤ects and other optimization errors
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Chetty et al.: Empirical Framework

Economy with two goods, x and y

Prices: Normalize the price of y to 1 and let p denote the (…xed)

pretax price of x.

Taxes: y untaxed, x subject to an ad valorem sales tax τ (not

included in posted price)

Tax-inclusive price of x is q = (1 + τ )p

Let demand for good x be denoted by x (p, τ )

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Chetty et al.: Empirical Framework
If agents optimize fully, demand should only depend on the total
tax-inclusive price: x (p, τ ) = x ((1 + τ )p, 0)

Full optimization implies price elasticity equals gross-of-tax elasticity:

∂ log x ∂ log x
εx ,p = εx ,1 +τS
∂ log p ∂ log(1 + τ )
To test this hypothesis, log-linearize demand fn. x (p, τ ) to obtain
estimating equation:

log x (p, τ ) = α + β log p + θβ log(1 + τ )

θ measures degree to which agents under-react to the tax:

∂ log x ∂ log x εx ,1 +τ
θ= / =
∂ log(1 + τ ) ∂ log p εx ,p
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Chetty et al.: Two Empirical Strategies
Two strategies to estimate θ:

1 Manipulate tax salience: make sales tax as visible as pre-tax price

E¤ect of intervention on demand:

v = log x ((1 + τ )p, 0) log x (p, τ )

Compare to e¤ect of equivalent price increase to estimate θ:

(1 θ ) =
εx ,p log(1 + τ )

2 Manipulate tax rate: compare εx ,p and εx ,1 +τ

θ = εx ,1 +τ /εx ,p
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Chetty et al.: Strategy 1

Experiment manipulating salience of sales tax implemented at a

supermarket that belongs to a major grocery chain

30% of products sold in store are subject to sales tax

Posted tax-inclusive prices on shelf for subset of products subject to

sales tax (7.375% in this city)

Data: Scanner data on price and weekly quantity sold by product

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Documenting Salience Mechanism

Concern with posting tax inclusive prices: may have in‡uenced

behavior through various channels besides salience

Common problem in …eld experiments termed “Hawthorne e¤ects”

Di¢ cult to rule out all mechanisms, but helpful to present evidence
that mechanism of interest is very powerful

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Evaluation of Tags: Classroom Survey

Mean Median SD
Original Price Tags:
Correct tax-inclusive price w/in $0.25 0.18 0.00 0.39

Experimental Price Tags:

Correct tax-inclusive price w/in $0.25 0.75 1.00 0.43

T-test for equality of means: p < 0.001


Students were asked to choose two items from image.

Asked to report “Total bill due at the register for these two items.”

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Chetty et al.: Research Design

Quasi-experimental di¤erence-in-di¤erences

Treatment group:

Products: Cosmetics, Deodorants, and Hair Care Accessories

Store: One large store in Northern California

Time period: 3 weeks (February 22, 2006 – March 15, 2006)

Control groups:

Products: Other prods. in same aisle (toothpaste, skin care, shave)

Stores: Two nearby stores similar in demographic characteristics

Time period: Calendar year 2005 and …rst 6 weeks of 2006

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Effect of Posting Tax-Inclusive Prices: Mean Quantity Sold
Period Control Categories Treated Categories Difference

Baseline 26.48 25.17 -1.31

(0.22) (0.37) (0.43)

Experiment 27.32 23.87 -3.45

(0.87) (1.02) (0.64)

Difference 0.84 -1.30 DDTS = -2.14

over time (0.75) (0.92) (0.64)

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Effect of Posting Tax-Inclusive Prices: Mean Quantity Sold
Period Control Categories Treated Categories Difference

Baseline 26.48 25.17 -1.31

(0.22) (0.37) (0.43)

Experiment 27.32 23.87 -3.45

(0.87) (1.02) (0.64)

Difference 0.84 -1.30 DDTS = -2.14

over time (0.75) (0.92) (0.64)

Period Control Categories Treated Categories Difference

Baseline 30.57 27.94 -2.63

(0.24) (0.30) (0.32)

Experiment 30.76 28.19 -2.57

(0.72) (1.06) (1.09)

Difference 0.19 0.25 DDCS = 0.06

over time (0.64) (0.92) (0.90)

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Effect of Posting Tax-Inclusive Prices: Mean Quantity Sold
Period Control Categories Treated Categories Difference

Baseline 26.48 25.17 -1.31

(0.22) (0.37) (0.43)

Experiment 27.32 23.87 -3.45

(0.87) (1.02) (0.64)

Difference 0.84 -1.30 DDTS = -2.14

over time (0.75) (0.92) (0.64)

Period Control Categories Treated Categories Difference

Baseline 30.57 27.94 -2.63

(0.24) (0.30) (0.32)

Experiment 30.76 28.19 -2.57

(0.72) (1.06) (1.09)

Difference 0.19 0.25 DDCS = 0.06

over time (0.64) (0.92) (0.90)

DDD Estimate -2.20

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Statistical Signi…cance and Permutation Tests

Standard error computations always require speci…c assumptions

about error structure

Ex: allow for correlation in purchases across products within a

store-week-category cell

Standard parametric approach is to cluster standard errors by


But appropriate level of clustering is often unclear

Should we also allow for correlation across stores or categories?

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Non-Parametric Permutation Tests

Useful technique for inference with correlated errors: permutation

(Fisher’s exact) test

Pretend intervention occurred in each of the other cells (store, week,

category) of the sample and recompute DDD estimate

Calculate where actual treatment e¤ect lies in empirical CDF of

placebo treatment e¤ects

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Non-Parametric Permutation Tests

Key assumption underlying permutation test: treatment is truly


Probability of treatment cannot vary across cells

True by construction in experiment

But may not hold in settings where policy changes are endogenous

Ex: unemployment bene…ts increased during recessionary periods

Nevertheless, often a useful benchmark

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Chetty et al.: Strategy 2

Compare e¤ects of price changes and tax changes

Alcohol subject to two state-level taxes in the U.S.:

Excise tax: included in price

Sales tax: added at register, not shown in posted price

Exploiting state-level changes in these two taxes, estimate θ

Addresses concern that experiment may have induced a Hawthorne


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Change in Log Per Capita Beer Consumption Per Capita Beer Consumption and State Beer Excise Taxes

-.02 -.015 -.01 -.005 0 .005 .01 .015 .02

Change in Log(1+Beer Excise Rate)

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Change in Log Per Capita Beer Consumption Per Capita Beer Consumption and State Sales Taxes

-.02 -.015 -.01 -.005 0 .005 .01 .015 .02

Change in Log(1+Sales Tax Rate)

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Effect of Excise and Sales Taxes on Beer Consumption

Dependent Variable: ∆Log(per capita beer consumption)

Baseline Bus Cyc, 3-Year Diffs Food Exempt

Alc Regs.
(1) (2) (3) (4)
ΔLog(1+Excise Tax Rate) -0.87 -0.89 -1.11 -0.91
(0.17)*** (0.17)*** (0.46)** (0.22)***

ΔLog(1+Sales Tax Rate) -0.20 -0.02 -0.00 -0.14

(0.30) (0.30) (0.32) (0.30)

Business Cycle Controls x x x

Alcohol Regulation Controls x x x

Year Fixed Effects x x x x

F-Test for Equality of Coeffs. 0.05 0.01 0.05 0.04

Sample Size 1,607 1,487 1,389 937

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Tax Incidence with Salience E¤ects

Let fx (p, t, Z ), y (p, t, Z )g denote empirically observed demands

Place no structure on these demand functions except for feasibility:

(p + t )x (p, t, Z ) + y (p, t, Z ) = Z

Demand functions taken as empirically estimated objects rather than

optimized demand from utility maximization

Supply side model same as above

Market clearing price p satis…es

D (p, t, Z ) = S (p )

where D (p, t, z ) = x (p, t, z ) is market demand for x.

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Tax Incidence with Salience E¤ects
price p
DÝp|t S = 0Þ

DÝp|t S Þ S ( p)

1 –excess supply of E
p0 1
created by imposition of tax
/S /D
dp = E/Ý /p
? /p
Þ 2
p1 2 –re-equilibriation of market
/D /S /D
ö dp/dt = S
/t S
/Ý /p
? /p
Þ through pre-tax price cut

E = tS /D//t S

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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Tax Incidence with Salience E¤ects: Formula

Incidence on producers of increasing t is

dp ∂D/∂t εD
= = θ
dt ∂S /∂p ∂D/∂p εS εD

1 Incidence on producers attenuated by θ

2 No tax neutrality: taxes on producers have greater incidence on

producers than non-salient taxes levied on consumers

Intuition: Producers need to cut pretax price less when consumers are
less responsive to tax

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Tax Incidence: Empirical Applications

1 [Evans, Ringel, and Stech 1999]: Cigarette excise taxes

2 [Hastings and Washington 2010]: Food stamps

3 [Rothstein 2010]: Earned Income Tax Credit

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Evaluating Empirical Studies

Consider ideal experimental design …rst

Then formulate a feasible design and analyze its ‡aws relative to ideal

Frontier for empirical papers: tradeo¤ between quality of research

design and importance/novelty

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Developing Empirical Research Designs

All of the empirical studies we will consider here start by formulating

clear research designs

Why develop an explicit design rather than simply use all available
variation in tax rates?

Consider estimating e¤ect of a treatment (e.g., tax) T on outcome y

yi = α + βTi + εi

Treatment is assigned based on a “selection” model

Ti = αT + βT Xi + η i

Treatment may be non-random: cov (Xi , εi ) 6= 0, cov (η i , εi ) 6= 0

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Developing Empirical Research Designs
Traditional approach to accounting for confounding factors or
selection: control for observables Xi when estimating treatment e¤ect
yi = α + βTi + γXi + εi
Can be done using OLS regression, matching, propensity-score
reweighting, etc.

Problem with these approaches: don’t know source of variation in Ti

Must be some reason that one person got treated and another did not
even if they are perfectly matched on observables (e.g., twins)

η i must be correlated with Ti to have variation in Ti jXi

But that same unobserved factor could also a¤ect outcome: no way to
know if cov (η i , εi ) = 0

Cannot be sure that estimate of treatment e¤ect β is consistent

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Developing Empirical Research Designs

A “research design” is a source of variation in η i that is credibly

unrelated to εi

Ex: a reform that a¤ects people above age 65 but not below

People at age 64 and 65 likely to have similar outcomes !

cov (η i , εi ) = 0

General lesson: “controlling” for confounding factors using regression

or reweighting will rarely give you convincing estimates

However, reweighting can be a useful technique to obtain better

control groups when paired with a quasi-experimental research design

More on this below (Dinardo, Fortin, Lemieux 1996)

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech (1999)

Question: How do cigarette tax increases a¤ect prices?

Do they take money from cigarette companies or smokers?

Partial equilibrium is a plausible approximation for cigarettes, so use

that framework here

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Cigarette Taxation: Background

Cigarettes taxed at both federal and state levels in U.S.

Total revenue of about $35 billion per year, similar to estate taxation

Federal tax increased from $0.39 to $1.01 per pack in 2009

Variation among states: from 30 cents per pack in VA to $4.35 in NY

in 2012

Controversial commodity due to health and paternalism concerns

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech (1999)

Since 1975, more than 200 state tax changes ! natural experiments
to investigate tax incidence

Exploit these state-level changes in excise tax rates using simple

di¤-in-di¤ research designs

Idea: Suppose federal govt. implements a tax change. Compare

cigarette prices before and after the change

D = [PA1 PA0 ]

Identi…cation assumption: absent the tax change, there would have

been no change in cigarette price

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But what if price ‡uctuates because of climatic conditions or trends in


!First di¤erence (and time series) estimate biased

Can relax ID assumption using di¤-in-di¤

DD = [PA1 PA0 ] [ PB 1 PB 0 ]

State A: experienced a tax change (treatment)

State B: does not experience any tax change (control)

Identifying assumption for DD: “parallel trends:” absent the policy

change, P1 P0 would have been the same for A and B

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Parallel Trends Assumption

Can use placebo DD to test parallel trends assumption

Analogous to permutation test: pretend reform occurred at other

points and replicate estimate

If DD in other periods is not zero, then DDt =1 likely biased

Useful to plot long time series of outcomes for treatment and control

Pattern should be parallel lines, with sharp change just after reform

Rest of U.S. a good control for MI in example above but not AZ

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Triple Di¤erence

Some studies use a “triple di¤erence” (DDD)

Chetty, Looney, Kroft (2009): experiment using treatment/control

products, treatment/control stores


DDTS : di¤erence of treat., cntrl products in treat. store

DDCS : di¤erence of treat., cntrl. products in cntrl. store

DDD is mainly useful as a robustness check:

DDCS 6= 0, unconvincing that DDD removes all bias

DDCS = 0, then DD = DDD but DD has smaller s.e.

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Fixed E¤ects

ERS have data for 50 states, 30 years, and many tax changes

Want to pool all this data to obtain single incidence estimate

Fixed e¤ects generalize DD with S > 2 periods and J > 2 groups

Suppose that group j in year t experiences policy T of intensity Tjt

Want to identify e¤ect of T on price P. OLS regression:

Pjt = α + βTjt + ejt

With no …xed e¤ects, the estimate of β is biased if treatment Tjt is

correlated with ejt

Ex: states with higher taxes may have more anti-tobacco campaigns
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Fixed E¤ects

Include time and state dummies to solve this problem:

Pjt = α + γt + δj + βTjt + ejt

Fixed e¤ect regression is equivalent to partial regression

P̂jt = βT̂jt + ejt

where P̂jt = Pjt Pj bjt is de…ned analogously

Pt and T

Identi…cation obtained from within-state variation over time

Note: common changes that apply to all groups (e.g. fed tax change)
captured by time dummy; not a source of variation that identi…es β

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Fixed E¤ects vs. Di¤erence-in-Di¤erence

Advantage relative to DD: more precise estimates by pooling several


Disadvantage: …xed e¤ects is a black-box regression, more di¢ cult to

check trends non-parametrically as with a single change

Combine with graphical, non-parametric evidence around certain policy


Also useful to scatter residuals P̂jt vs. T̂jt

Same parallel trends identi…cation assumption as DD

Potential violation: policy reforms may respond to trends in outcomes

Ex: tobacco prices falling ! state decides to raise tax rate

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech (1999)

Implement a …xed e¤ects model for prices

Regress price on state+year …xed e¤ects, covariates, and tax rate (in

Also estimate demand elasticities using …xed e¤ects estimator

Regress log quantity consumed on state/year …xed e¤ects, covariates,

and real tax rate (in cents)

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech: Incidence Results

100% pass through implies supply elasticity of εS = ∞ at state level

Theory suggests that pass through would be lower at national level

Important to understand how the variation you are using determines

what parameter you are identifying

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech: Demand Elasticity

Demand model estimate implies that: εD = 0.42

! 10% increase in price induces a 4.2% reduction in consumption

How to compute price elasticity of demand when using variation

arising from tax changes?

Tax passed 1-1 onto consumers, so we can substitute ∆P = ∆T here

Then compute εD from β̂ = (∆Q/Q )/∆T from regression coe¢ cient

of log demand on cigarette tax:

P ∆Q
εD = = β̂/P
Q ∆T
with P (price) and Q (quantity) are sample means
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IV Estimation of Price Elasticities
How to estimate price elasticity of demand when tax and prices do
not move together 1-1?

Instrument for prices using taxes

First stage, taking note of F-stat:

Pjt = α0 + γt0 + δj0 + βTjt + ejt
Second stage:
bjt + ejt
Qjt = α + γt + δj + λP
Reduced form, using Tjt as an instrument for Pjt :
Qjt = α + γt + δj + µTjt + ejt
2SLS regression coe¤. is ratio of redued-form to …rst-stage coe¤.:
λ̂ = µ̂/ β̂
2SLS rescales reduced-form to account for ∆P/∆T 6= 1
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Evans, Ringel, and Stech: Long Run Elasticity

DD before and after one year captures short term response: e¤ect of
current price Pjt on current consumption Qjt

F.E. also captures short term responses

What if full response takes more than one period? Especially

important considering nature of cigarette use

F.E. estimate biased. One solution: include lags (Tj ,t 1 , Tj ,t 2 , ...).

Are identi…cation assumptions still valid here? Tradeo¤ between LR

and validity of identi…cation assumptions

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Evans, Ringel, and Stech: Distributional Incidence

Use individual data to see who smokes by education group and

income level

Spending per capita decreases with the income level

Tax is regressive on an absolute level (not only that share of taxes

relative to income goes down)

Conclusion: Taxes levied on cigarette companies lead to poor paying

more for same goods, with no impact on companies!

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Cigarette Tax Incidence: Other Considerations
1 Lifetime vs. current incidence (Poterba 1989)

Finds cigarette, gasoline and alcohol taxation are less regressive (in
statutory terms) from a lifetime perspective
High corr. between income and cons share in cross-section; weaker
corr. with permanent income.

2 Behavioral models (Gruber and Koszegi 2004)

If agents have self control problems, incidence conc. on poor is

bene…cial to the extent that they smoke less

3 Intensive vs. extensive margin: Adda and Cornaglia (2006)

Use data on cotinine (biomarker) levels in lungs to measure inhalation

Higher taxes lead to fewer cigarettes smoked but no e¤ect on cotinine
in lungs, implying longer inhalation of each cigarette
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Hastings and Washington 2010

Question: How does food stamps subsidy a¤ect grocery store pricing?

Food stamps typically arrive at the same time for a large group of
people, e.g. …rst of the month

Use this variation to study:

1 Whether demand changes at beginning of month (violating PIH)

2 How much of the food stamp bene…t is taken by …rms by increased

prices rather than consumers (intended recipients)

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Hastings and Washington: Data

Scanner data from several grocery stores in Nevada

Data from stores in high-poverty areas (>15% food stamp recipients)

and in low-poverty areas (<3%)

Club card data on whether each individual used food stamps

Data from other states where food stamps are staggered across
month used as a control

Research design: use variation across stores, individuals, and time of

month to measure pricing responses

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Hastings and Washington: Results

Demand increases by 30% in 1st week, prices by about 3%

Very compelling because of multiple dimensions of tests:

cross-individual, cross-store, cross-category, and cross-state

Interesting theoretical implication: subsidies in markets where

low-income recipients are pooled with others have better
distributional e¤ects

May favor food stamps as a way to transfer money to low incomes

relative to a subsidy such as the EITC

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Rothstein 2010

How does EITC a¤ect wages?

EITC payments subsidize work and transfer money to low income

working individuals ($50 bil/year)

This subsidy could be taken by employers by shifting wage

Ex: inelastic demand for low-skilled labor and elastic supply ! wage
rate adjusts 1-1 with EITC

Policy question: are we actually transferring money to low incomes

through this program or are we just helping business owners?

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Rothstein: Model

Rothstein considers a model of the labor market with three types of


1 Employers
2 EITC-eligible workers
3 EITC-ineligible workers

Extends standard partial eq incidence model to allow for di¤erentiated

labor supply and di¤erent tax rates across demographic groups

Heterogeneity both complicates the analysis and permits identi…cation

Identi…cation strategy: compare wage changes across groups who

were a¤ected di¤erently by expansions of EITC program from 1992-94

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Rothstein: Empirical Strategy

Two main challenges to identi…cation:

1 EITC 1992-1994 expansion when nation coming out of recession
! Compare to other workers (EITC ineligible, slightly higher incomes)
2 Violation of common trends assumption: technical change, more
demand for low-skilled workers in 1990s.
! Compare to trends in pre-period (essentially a DDD strategy)

Two dependent variables of interest:

1 [Prices] Measure how wages change for a worker of given skill
2 [Quantities] Measure how demand and supply for workers of each skill
type change because of EITC

Basic concept: use two moments – wage and quantity changes to

back out slopes of supply and demand curves

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Rothstein: Empirical Strategy

Ideal test: measure how wage of a given individual changes when

EITC is introduced relative to a similar but ineligible individual

Problem: data is CPS repeated cross-sections. Cannot track “same


Moreover, wage rigidities may prevent cuts for existing employees.

Solution: reweighting procedure to track “same skill” worker over

time (DiNardo, Fortin, and Lemieux 1996)

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DFL Reweighting

Generalizes propensity score reweighting

Used to examine changes in distributions semi-parametrically,

conditioning on observables

Example: suppose wages are a function purely of height

When EITC is expanded, average observed height of workers falls

because less-skilled (shorter) people enter the labor force

We want to identify how wage distribution changes for people of

given height

Solution: hold “…xed” height semi-parametrically by reweighting the

distribution of wages ex-post to match heights ex-ante.
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DFL Reweighting

Example: 100 short, 100 tall pre-reform and 200 short, 100 tall

Then put 2/3 weight on tall and 1/3 on short when calculating wage
distribution after reform

Compare reweighted post-reform distribution to pre-reform

distribution to assess e¤ect of expansion on wages

Key assumption for causal interpretation of changes: selection on


Here it is height; more generally, experience, age, demographics, etc.

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Rothstein: Results

Basic DFL comparisons yield perverse result: groups that bene…ted

from EITC and started working more had more wage growth

Potential explanation: demand curve shifted di¤erentially – higher

demand for low skilled workers in 1990s.

To deal with this, repeats same analysis for 1989-1992 (no EITC
expansion) and takes di¤erences

Changes sign back to expected, but imprecisely estimated

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Rothstein: Results

Ultimately uses quantity estimates and incidence formula to back out

predicted changes

Wage elasticity estimates: 0.7 for labor supply, 0.3 for labor demand

Implications using formulas from model:

EITC-eligible workers gain $0.70 per $1 EITC expansion

Employers gain about $0.70

EITC-ineligible low-skilled workers lose about $0.40

On net, achieve only $0.30 of redistribution toward low income

individuals for every $1 of EITC

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Rothstein: Caveats

1 Identi…cation heavily complicated by recession, trends (SBTC); no

clean control group

2 Data limitations: no panel data; problems in measurement – no

annual income, cannot measure MTR

3 Short run vs. long run e¤ects; important due to evidence of nominal
wage rigidities.

4 Pure extensive-margin analysis. Intensive margin would go the other

way b/c EITC is not a marginal subsidy to wage for a very large
fraction of the population.

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General Equilibrium Analysis

Now move beyond two-good partial equilibrium model to analyze

impacts on all prices

Typical goal: trace out full incidence of taxes back to original owners
of factors

Partial equilibrium: “producer” vs. consumer

General equilibrium: capital owners vs. labor vs. landlords, etc.

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General Equilibrium Analysis

Two types of GE models:

1 Static: many sectors or many factors of production

Workhorse analytical model: Harberger (1962): 2 sector and 2 factors

of production

Computational General Equilibrium: many sectors, many factors of

production model

2 Dynamic

Characterize impacts over time or across generations

Asset price e¤ects: capitalization

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Harberger 1962 Two Sector Model

1 Fixed total supply of labor L and capital K (short-run, closed


2 Constant returns to scale in both production sectors

3 Full employment of L and K

4 Firms are perfectly competitive

Implicit assumption: no adjustment costs for capital and labor

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Harberger Model: Setup
Production in sectors 1 (bikes) and 2 (cars):
X1 = F1 (K1 , L1 ) = L1 f (k1 )
X2 = F2 (K2 , L2 ) = L2 f (k2 )
with full employment conditions K1 + K2 = K and L1 + L2 = L

Factors w and L fully mobile ! in eq., returns must be equal:

w = p1 F1L = p2 F2L
r = p1 F1K = p2 F2K
Demand functions for goods 1 and 2:
X1 = X1 (p1 /p2 ) and X2 = X2 (p1 /p2 )
Note: all consumers identical so redistribution of incomes via tax
system does not a¤ect demand via a feedback e¤ect

System of ten eq’ns and ten unknowns: Ki , Li , pi , Xi , w , r

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Harberger Model: E¤ect of Tax Increase
Introduce small tax d τ on rental of capital in sector 2 (K2 )

All eqns the same as above except r = (1 d τ )p2 F2K

Linearize the 10 eq’ns around initial equilibrium to compute the e¤ect

of d τ on all 10 variables (dw , dr , dL1 , ...)

Labor income = wL with L …xed, rK = capital income with K …xed

Therefore change in prices dw /d τ and dr /d τ describes how tax is

shifted from capital to labor

Changes in prices dp1 /d τ, dp2 /d τ describe how tax is shifted from

sector 2 to sector 1

Kotliko¤ and Summers (Section 2.2) state linearized equations as a

fn. of substitution elasticities
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Harberger Model: Main E¤ects

1. Substitution e¤ects: capital bears incidence

Tax on K2 shifts production in Sector 2 away from K so aggregate

demand for K goes down

Because total K is …xed, r falls ! K bears some of the burden

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Harberger Model: Main E¤ects
2. Output e¤ects: capital may not bear incidence

Tax on K2 implies that sector 2 output becomes more expensive

relative to sector one

Therefore demand shifts toward sector 1

Case 1: K1 /L1 < K2 /L2 (1: bikes, 2: cars)

Sector 1 is less capital intensive so aggregate demand for K goes down

Output e¤ect reinforces subst e¤ect: K bears the burden of the tax

Case 2: K1 /L1 > K2 /L2 (1: cars, 2: bikes)

Sector 1 is more capital intensive, aggregate demand for K increases

Subst. and output e¤ects have opposite signs; labor may bear some or
all the tax
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Harberger Model: Main E¤ects

3. Substitution + Output = Overshifting e¤ects

Case 1: K1 /L1 < K2 /L2

Can get overshifting of tax, dr < d τ and dw > 0

Capital bears more than 100% of the burden if output e¤ect su¢ ciently

Taxing capital in sector 2 raises prices of cars ! more demand for

bikes, less demand for cars

With very elastic demand (two goods are highly substitutable), demand
for labor rises sharply and demand for capital falls sharply

Capital loses more than direct tax e¤ect and labor suppliers gain

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Harberger Model: Main E¤ects
3. Substitution + Output = Overshifting e¤ects

Case 2 : K1 /L1 > K2 /L2

Possible that capital is made better o¤ by capital tax

Labor forced to bear more than 100% of incidence of capital tax in

sector 2

Ex. Consider tax on capital in bike sector: demand for bikes falls,
demand for cars rises

Capital in greater demand than it was before ! price of labor falls

substantially, capital owners actually gain

Bottom line: taxed factor may bear less than 0 or more than 100% of
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Harberger Two Sector Model

Theory not very informative: model mainly used to illustrate negative

result that “anything goes”

More interest now in developing methods to identify what actually


Original application by Harberger: sectors = housing and corporations

Capital in these sectors taxed di¤erently because of corporate income

tax and many tax subsidies to housing

Ex: Deductions for mortgage interest about $80 bn total

Harberger made assumptions about elasticities and calculated

incidence of corporate tax given potential to substitute into housing
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Computable General Equilibrium Models

Harberger analyzed two sectors; subsequent literature expanded

analysis to multiple sectors

Analytical methods infeasible in multi-sector models

Instead, use numerical simulations to investigate tax incidence e¤ects

after specifying full model

Pioneered by Shoven and Whalley (1972). See Kotliko¤ and

Summers section 2.3 for a review

Produced a voluminous body of research in PF, trade, and

development economics

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CGE Models: General Structure

N intermediate production sectors

M …nal consumption goods

J groups of consumers who consume products and supply labor

Each industry has di¤erent substitution elasticities for capital and


Each consumer group has Cobb-Douglas utility over M consumption

goods with di¤erent parameters

Specify all these parameters (calibrated to match some elasticities)

and then simulate e¤ects of tax changes

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Criticism of CGE Models

Findings very sensitive to structural assumptions

Ex: assumption of perfect competition

Key behavioral elasticities and functional form assumptions

Modern econometric methods conceptually not suitable for GE


The whole point is “spillover e¤ects” (contamination)

Need a new empirical paradigm to deal with these problems

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Open Economy Application

Key assumption in Harberger model: both labor and capital perfectly

mobile across sectors

Now apply framework to analyze capital taxation in open economies,

where capital is more likely to be mobile than labor

See Kotliko¤ and Summers section 3.1 for a good exposition

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Open Economy Application: Framework

One good, two-factor, two-sector model

Sector 1 : small open economy where L1 is …xed and K1 mobile

Sector 2 : rest of the world L2 …xed and K2 mobile

Total capital stock K = K1 + K2 is …xed

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Open Economy Application: Framework

Small country introduces tax on capital income (K1 )

After-tax returns must be equal:

r = F2K = (1 τ )F1K

Capital ‡ows from 1 to 2 until returns are equalized; if 2 is large

relative to 1, no e¤ect on r

Wage rate w1 = F1L (K1 , L1 ) dec. when K1 dec. b/c L1 is …xed

Return of capitalists in small country is unchanged; workers in home

country bear the burden of the tax

Taxing capital is bad for workers!

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Open Economy Application: Empirics

Mobility of K drives the previous result

Empirical question: is K actually mobile across countries?

Two strategies:

1 Test based on prices and equilibrium relationships [Macro-…nance]

2 Look at mobility directly [Feldstein and Horioka 1980]

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Strategy One: Macro-Finance approach

Test based on prices and equilibrium relationships

Check whether net returns r are equal across countries

General …nding - covered interest parity: obligations that are

protected against ‡uctuations in in‡ation and exchange rates have the
same returns across countries

Di¢ culties in generalization: many assets yield di¤erent returns,

unexpected in‡ation, changes in currency exchange rates

Need models with uncertainty, risk aversion to deal with other assets

Di¢ cult to implement this test for risky assets

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Feldstein and Horioka 1980

Second strategy: look at capital mobility directly

Feldstein and Horioka use data on OECD countries from 1960-74

Closed economy: S = I ; open economy: S I =X M

Motivates regression:

I /GDP = α + βS /GDP + ...

Find β = 0.89 (0.07)

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Feldstein and Horioka 1980

In closed economy, β = 1

But do not know what β should be in an open economy

β may be close to 1 in open economy if

1 Policy objectives involving S I (trade de…cit balance)

2 Summing over all countries: S̄ = Ī as imports and exports cancel out

3 Data problem: S constructed from I in some countries

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Open Economy Applications: Empirics

Large subsequent literature runs similar regressions and …nds mixed


Generally …nds more ‡ow of capital and increasing over time

General view: cannot extract money from capital in small open


Ex. Europe: tax competition has led to lower capital tax rates

Could explain why state capital taxes are relatively low in the U.S.

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General Equilibrium Incidence in Dynamic Models

Static analysis above assumes that all prices and quantities adjust

In practice, adjustment of capital stock and reallocation of labor takes


Dynamic CGE models incorporate these e¤ects; even more complex

Static model can be viewed as description of steady states

During transition path, measured ‡ow prices (r , w ) will not correspond

to steady state responses

How to measure incidence in dynamic models?

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Capitalization and the Asset Price Approach

Asset prices can be used to infer incidence in dynamic models

(Summers 1983)

Study e¤ect of tax changes on asset prices

Asset prices adjust immediately in e¢ cient markets, incorporating the

full present-value of subsequent changes

E¢ cient asset markets incorporate all e¤ects on factor costs, output

prices, etc.

Limitation: can only be used to characterize incidence of policies on

capital owners

There are no markets for individuals

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Simple Model of Capitalization E¤ects
Firms pay out pro…ts as dividends

Pro…ts determined by revenues net of factor payments:

Dt qt Xt wjt Ljt
V =∑ =∑
1+r 1+r
Change in valuation of …rm ( dV
dt ) re‡ects change in present value of
dt is a su¢ cient statistic that incorporates changes in all prices

Empirical applications typically use “event study” methodology

Examine pattern of asset prices or returns over time, look for break at
time of announcement of policy change

Problem: clean shocks are rare; big reforms do not happen suddenly
and are always expected to some extent
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Capitalization: Empirical Applications

Classic application: Cutler (1988) on e¤ect of Tax Reform Act of

1986 on corporations

Focus on two more recent studies here

1 [Friedman 2008] E¤ect of Medicare Part D on drug companies

2 [Linden and Rocko¤ 2008] E¤ect of a sex o¤ender moving into

neighborhood on home values

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Friedman 2008

Medicare part D passed by Congress in 2003; enacted in 2006

Expanded Medicare coverage to include prescription drugs (provided

coverage for 10 mil additional people)

What is the incidence of Medicare part D? How much of the

expenditure is captured by drug companies through higher pro…ts?

Basic research design: event study

Plot excess (market adjusted) returns for drug companies around FDA
approval of drugs

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Event Study Designs

Event studies are a powerful research design when treatments are

staggered in time across individuals

Use a group of treated individuals as counterfactuals for each other to

account for time series trends

Good for identifying sharp, short-run e¤ects but not longer-term


1 De…ne "event time" as calendar time minus date of treatment for each
treated obs.
2 Plot means/medians, etc. of outcome variable by event time

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Excess Returns Around Drug Approval Date

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Friedman 2008

Test whether excess returns for high Medicare share drugs is higher
after Medicare Part D is passed

Let MMSi denote medicare market share drug class i. Second-stage

estimating equation:

Excessi = α + βMMSi + γPost2003t + λPost2003t MMSi

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Distribution of Excess Returns around Drug Approval:
Pre-Reform (1999-2002)

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Distribution of Excess Returns around Drug Approval:
Post-Reform (2004-2007)

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Friedman: Results

Concludes that drug companies’pro…ts increased by $250 bn in

present value because of Medicare Part D

Rough calibration suggests that drug companies capture about 1/3 of

total surplus from program

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Linden and Rocko¤ 2008

Another common application is to housing market to assess WTP for


Examples: pollution, schools, crime

Rocko¤ and Linden (2008) estimate costs of crime using

capitalization approach

Research design: examine how house prices change when a registered

sex o¤ender moves into a neighborhood

Data: public records on o¤ender’s addresses and property values in

North Carolina

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Linden and Rocko¤: Results

Find house prices decline by about 4% ($5500) when a sex o¤ender is

located within 0.1 mile of the house

Implied cost of a sexual o¤ense given probabilities of a crime: $1.2


This is far above what is used by Dept of Justice

How to interpret evidence: true cost of crime or a behavioral e¤ect?

Why does price fall only within 0.1 mile radius?

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Mandated Bene…ts

We have focused until now on incidence of price interventions (taxes,


Similar incidence/shifting issues arise in analyzing quantity

intervention (regulations)

Leading case: mandated bene…ts – requirement that employers pay

for health care, workers compensation bene…ts, child care, etc.

Mandates are attractive to government because they are “o¤

budget”; may re‡ect salience issues

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Mandated Bene…ts

Tempting to view mandates as additional taxes on …rms and apply

same analysis as above

But mandated bene…ts have di¤erent e¤ects on equilibrium wages

and employment di¤erently than a tax (Summers 1989)

Key di¤erence: mandates are a bene…t for the worker, so e¤ect on

market equilibrium depends on bene…ts workers get from the program

Unlike a tax, may have no distortionary e¤ect on employment and

only an incidence e¤ect (lower wages)

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Mandated Bene…ts: Simple Model

Labor demand (D) and labor supply (S) are functions of the wage, w

Initial equilibrium:
D (w0 ) = S (w0 )
Now, govt mandates employers provide a bene…t with cost t

Workers value the bene…t at αt dollars

Typically 0 < α < 1 but α > 1 possible with market failures

Labor cost is now w + t, e¤ective wage w + αt

New equilibrium:
D (w + t ) = S (w + αt )

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Mandated Benefit

Wage S

w1 A


L1 Labor Supply

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Mandated Benefit

Wage S

w1 A


D2 D1

L1 Labor Supply

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Mandated Benefit

Wage S

w1 A



D2 D1

L1 Labor Supply

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Mandated Bene…ts: Incidence Formula

Analysis for a small t: linear expansion around initial equilibrium

(dw /dt + 1)D 0 = (dw /dt + α)S 0

dw /dt = (D 0 αS 0 )/(S 0 D0)
= 1 + (1 α)
ηS ηD


η D = wD 0 /D < 0
η S = wS 0 /S > 0

If α = 1, dw /dt = 1 and no e¤ect on employment

More generally: 0 < α < 1 equivalent to a tax 1 α with usual

incidence and e¢ ciency e¤ects
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Mandated Bene…ts: Empirical Applications

Focus here on Acemoglu and Angrist (2001) study of Americans with

Disabilities Act

Other applications

1 Gruber and Krueger (1991) on workers compensation mandates

2 Gruber (1994) on mandated maternity bene…ts
3 Kolstad and Kowalski (2012) on health insurance mandates

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Acemoglu and Angrist (2001)

Look at e¤ect of ADA regulations on wages and employment of the


The 1993 Americans with Disabilities Act requires employers to:

Make accommodations for disabled employees

Pay same wages to disabled employees as to non-disabled workers

Cost to accommodate disabled workers: $1000 per person on average

Theory is ambiguous on net employment e¤ect because of wage

discrimination clause

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Mandated Benefit with Minimum Wage

Wage S

w1 A
minimum wage


D2 D1

L1 Labor Supply

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Acemoglu and Angrist 2001

Acemoglu and Angrist estimate the impact of act using data from the
Current Population Survey

Examine employment and wages of disabled workers before and after

the ADA went into e¤ect

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Acemoglu and Angrist: Results
Employment of disabled workers fell after the reform:

About a 1.5-2 week drop in employment for males, roughly a 5-10%

decline in employment

Wages did not change

Results consistent w/ labor demand elasticity of about -1 or -2

Firms with fewer than 25 workers exempt from ADA regulations; no

employment reduction for disabled at these …rms

ADA intended to help those with disabilities but appears to have hurt
many of them because of wage discrimination clause

Underscores importance of considering incidence e¤ects before

implementing policies
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Public Economics Lectures
Part 3: E¢ ciency Cost of Taxation

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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1 Marshallian surplus

2 Path dependence problem and income e¤ects

3 De…nitions of EV, CV, and excess burden with income e¤ects

4 Harberger Approximation

5 Exact Consumer Surplus (Hausman 1981)

6 Empirical Applications

7 Welfare Analysis in Behavioral Models

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Incidence: e¤ect of policies on distribution of economic pie

E¢ ciency or deadweight cost: e¤ect of policies on size of the pie

Focus in e¢ ciency analysis is on quantities, not prices

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Auerbach (1985) handbook chapter

Chetty, Looney, Kroft (AER 2009)

Chetty (Annual Review 2009)

Mas-Colell, Whinston, Green Chapter 3 for background on price

theory concepts

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E¢ ciency Cost: Introduction

Government raises taxes for one of two reasons:

1 To raise revenue to …nance public goods

2 To redistribute income

But to generate $1 of revenue, welfare of those taxed falls by more

than $1 because the tax distorts behavior

How to implement policies that minimize these e¢ ciency costs?

Start with positive analysis of how to measure e¢ ciency cost of a given

tax system

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Marshallian Surplus: Assumptions

Simplest analysis of e¢ ciency costs: Marshallian surplus

Two assumptions:

1 Quasilinear utility: no income e¤ects, money metric

2 Competitive production

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Partial Equilibrium Model: Setup

Two goods: x and y

Consumer has wealth Z , utility u (x ) + y , and solves

max u (x ) + y s.t. (p + τ )x (p + τ, Z ) + y (p + τ, Z ) = Z
x ,y

Firms use c (S ) units of the numeraire y to produce S units of x

Marginal cost of production is increasing and convex:

c 0 (S ) > 0 and c 00 (S ) 0

Firm’s pro…t at pretax price p and level of supply S is

pS c (S )

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Model: Equilibrium

With perfect optimization, supply fn for x is implicitly de…ned by the

marginal condition
p = c 0 (S (p ))
Let η S = p SS denote the price elasticity of supply

Let Q denote equilibrium quantity sold of good x

Q satis…es:
Q ( τ ) = D (p + τ ) = S (p )
Consider e¤ect of introducing a small tax d τ > 0 on Q and surplus

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Excess Burden of Taxation

$30.0 A

1500 Quantity

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Excess Burden of Taxation

Excess Burden

$30.0 A


1350 1500 Quantity

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E¢ ciency Cost: Qualitative Properties

1 Excess burden increases with square of tax rate

2 Excess burden increases with elasticities

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EB Increases with Square of Tax Rate



Q1 Q

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EB Increases with Square of Tax Rate

P S+t1




Q2 Q1 Q

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EB Increases with Square of Tax Rate

P S+t1+t2 S+t1

P3 E

Change in EB


Q3 Q2 Q1 Q

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Comparative Statics

(a) Inelastic Demand (b) Elastic Demand


S+t S+t

P1 P1 A

$t $t C

Q 2 Q1 Q Q2 Q1 Q

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Tax Policy Implications

With many goods, the most e¢ cient way to raise tax revenue is:

1 Tax inelastic goods more (e.g. medical drugs, food)

2 Spread taxes across all goods to keep tax rates relatively low on all
goods (broad tax base)

These are two countervailing forces; balancing them requires

quantitative measurement of excess burden

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Measuring Excess Burden: Marshallian Surplus

How to measure excess burden? Three empirically implementable


1 In terms of supply and demand elasticities

2 In terms of total change in equilibrium quantity caused by tax

3 In terms of change in government revenue

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Method 1: Supply and Demand Elasticities

EB = dQd τ
1 0 ηD
EB = S (p )dpd τ = (1/2)(pS 0 /S )(S /p ) d τ2
2 ηS ηD
1 ηS ηD dτ
EB = pQ ( )2
2 ηS ηD p
Note: second line uses incidence formula dp = ( η ηD )d τ

Tax revenue R = Qd τ

Useful expression is deadweight burden per dollar of tax revenue:

EB 1 ηS ηD d τ
R 2 ηS ηD p
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Method 2: Distortions in Equilibrium Quantity
dQ p 0
De…ne η Q = dτ Q

η Q : e¤ect of a 1% increase in price via a tax change on equilibrium

quantity, taking into account the endogenous price change

This is the coe¢ cient β in a reduced-form regression:

log Q = α + β +ε
Identify β using exogenous variation in τ. Then:
EB = (1/2) d τd τ

dQ p Q
= (1/2) ( )( )d τd τ
dτ Q p

= (1/2)η Q pQ ( )2
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Marginal Excess Burden of Tax Increase
Excess burden of a tax τ is
dQ 2
EB (τ ) = τ (1/2)

Consider EB from raising tax by ∆τ given pre-existing tax τ:
EB (∆τ ) = (1/2) [(τ + ∆τ )2 τ 2 ]

= (1/2) [2τ ∆τ + (∆τ )2 ]

dQ dQ
= τ ∆τ (1/2) (∆τ )2
dτ dτ
First term is …rst-order in ∆τ; second term is second-order ((∆τ )2 )

This is why taxing markets with pre-existing taxes generates larger

marginal EB

EB of ∆τ = 1% is 10 times larger if τ = 10% than if τ = 0.

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First vs. Second-Order Approximations

Computing marginal excess burden by di¤erentiating formula for

excess burden gives:
dEB dQ
∆τ = τ ∆τ
dτ dτ
First derivative of EB (τ ) only includes …rst-order term in Taylor

dEB 1 d 2 EB
EB (τ + ∆τ ) = EB (τ ) + ∆τ + (∆τ )2
dτ 2 d τ2
First-order approximation is accurate when τ large relative to ∆τ

Ex: τ = 20%, ∆τ = 5% implies …rst term accounts for 90% of EB

But introduction of new tax (τ = 0) generates EB only through

second-order term
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Method 3: Leakage in government revenue

To …rst order, marginal excess burden of raising τ is:

∂EB dQ
= τ
∂τ dτ

Observe that tax revenue R (τ ) = Qτ

Mechanical revenue gain: ∂∂τR jQ = Q

Actual revenue gain: ∂∂τR = Q + τ dQ

MEB is the di¤erence between mechanical and actual revenue gain:

∂R dR dQ dQ ∂EB
jQ =Q [Q + τ ]= τ =
∂τ dτ dτ dτ ∂τ
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First vs. Second-Order Approximations

Why does leakage in govt. revenue only capture …rst-order term?

Govt revenue loss: rectangle in Harberger trapezoid, proportional to ∆τ

Consumer and producer surplus loss: triangles in trapezoid

(proportional to ∆τ 2 )

Method 3 is accurate for measuring marginal excess burden given

pre-existing taxes but not introduction of new taxes

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Excess Burden of a Tax Increase: Harberger Trapezoid

P S+τ+∆τ S+τ
Lost cons. S
surplus (2nd order)

Lost govt. revenue
(1st order)
τ A


D Lost producer
surplus (2nd order)

Q2 Q1 Q

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General Model with Income E¤ects

Drop quasilinearity assumption and consider an individual with utility

u (c1 , .., cN ) = u (c )

Individual’s problem:

max u (c ) s.t. q c Z

where q = p + τ denotes vector of tax-inclusive prices and Z is wealth

Labor can be viewed as commodity with price w and consumed in

negative quantity

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Demand Functions and Indirect Utility

Let λ denote multiplier on budget constraint

First order condition in ci :

uci = λqi

These conditions implicitly de…ne:

ci (q, Z ): the Marshallian (“uncompensated”) demand function

v (q, Z ): the indirect utility function

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Measuring Deadweight Loss with Income E¤ects

Question: how much utility is lost because of tax beyond revenue

transferred to government?

Marshallian surplus does not answer this question with income e¤ects

Problem: not derived from utility function or a welfare measure

Creates various problems such as “path dependence” with taxes on

multiple goods

∆CS (τ 0 ! τ̃ ) + ∆CS (τ̃ ! τ 1 ) 6= ∆CS (τ 0 ! τ 1 )

Need units to measure “utility loss”

Introduce expenditure function to translate the utility loss into dollars

(money metric)

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Expenditure Function
Fix utility at U and prices at q
Find bundle that minimizes cost to reach U for q:
e (q, U ) = min q c s.t. u (c ) U
Let µ denote multiplier on utility constraint
First order conditions given by:
qi = µuci
These generate Hicksian (or compensated) demand fns:
ci = hi (q, u )
De…ne individual’s loss from tax increase as
e (q 1 , u ) e (q 0 , u )
Single-valued function ! coherent measure of welfare cost, no path
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Compensating and Equivalent Variation

But where should u be measured?

Consider a price change from q 0 to q 1

Utility at initial price q 0 :

u 0 = v (q 0 , Z )

Utility at new price q 1 :

u 1 = v (q 1 , Z )
Two concepts: compensating (CV ) and equivalent variation (EV ) use
u 0 and u 1 as reference utility levels

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Compensating Variation

Measures utility at initial price level (u 0 )

Amount agent must be compensated in order to be indi¤erent about

tax increase

CV = e (q 1 , u 0 ) e (q 0 , u 0 ) = e (q 1 , u 0 ) Z

How much compensation is needed to reach original utility level at

new prices?

CV is amount of ex-post cost that must be covered by government to

yield same ex-ante utility:

e (q 0 , u 0 ) = e (q 1 , u 0 ) CV

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Equivalent Variation

Measures utility at new price level

Lump sum amount agent willing to pay to avoid tax (at pre-tax prices)

EV = e (q 1 , u 1 ) e (q 0 , u 1 ) = Z e (q 0 , u 1 )

EV is amount extra that can be taken from agent to leave him with
same ex-post utility:

e (q 0 , u 1 ) + EV = e (q 1 , u 1 )

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E¢ ciency Cost with Income E¤ects

Goal: derive empirically implementable formula analogous to

Marshallian EB formula in general model with income e¤ects

Literature typically assumes either

1 Fixed producer prices and income e¤ects

2 Endogenous producer prices and quasilinear utility

With both endogenous prices and income e¤ects, e¢ ciency cost

depends on how pro…ts are returned to consumers

Formulas are very messy and fragile (Auerbach 1985, Section 3.2)

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E¢ ciency Cost Formulas with Income E¤ects

Derive empirically implementable formulas using Hicksian demand

(EV and CV )

Assume p is …xed ! ‡at supply, constant returns to scale

The envelope thm implies that eqi (q, u ) = hi , and so:

Z q1
e (q 1 , u ) e (q 0 , u ) = h (q, u )dq

If only one price is changing, this is the area under the Hicksian
demand curve for that good

Note that optimization implies that

h (q, v (q, Z )) = c (q, Z )

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Compensating vs. Equivalent Variation
h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))



x(p1,Z) x(p0,Z) x

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Compensating vs. Equivalent Variation
h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))




x(p1,Z) x(p0,Z) x

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Compensating vs. Equivalent Variation
h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))




x(p1,Z) x(p0,Z) x

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Marshallian Surplus
h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))


Marshallian Surplus


x(p1,Z) x(p0,Z) x

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EV, CV, and Marshallian Surplus

With one price change:

EV < Marshallian Surplus < CV

But this is not true in general with multiple price changes because
Marshallian Surplus is ill-de…ned

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Excess Burden

Deadweight burden: change in consumer surplus less tax paid

What is lost in excess of taxes paid?

Two measures, corresponding to EV and CV :

EB (u 1 ) = EV (q 1 q 0 )h (q 1 , u 1 ) [Mohring 1971]
EB (u 0 ) = CV (q 1 q 0 )h (q 1 , u 0 ) [Diamond and McFadden 1974]

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h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))
p ~




x(p1,Z) xC(p1,V(p0,Z)) x
~ ~ ~

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h(V(p1,Z)) h(V(p0,Z))
p ~




x(p1,Z) xC(p1,V(p0,Z)) x
~ ~ ~

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Excess Burden

In general, CV and EV measures of EB will di¤er

Marshallian measure overstates excess burden because it includes

income e¤ects

Income e¤ects are not a distortion in transactions

Buying less of a good due to having less income is not an e¢ ciency

loss; no surplus foregone b/c of transactions that do not occur

CV = EV = Marshallian DWL only with quasilinear utility (Chipman

and Moore 1980)

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Implementable Excess Burden Formula

Consider increase in tax τ on good 1 to τ + ∆τ

No other taxes in the system

Recall the expression for EB:

EB (τ ) = [e (p + τ, U ) e (p, U )] τh1 (p + τ, U )

Second-order Taylor expansion:

MEB = EB (τ + ∆τ ) EB (τ )
dEB 1 d 2 EB
' ∆τ + (∆τ )2
dτ 2 d τ2

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Harberger Trapezoid Formula

dEB dh1
= h1 (p + τ, U ) τ h1 (p + τ, U )
dτ dτ
= τ

d 2 EB dh1 d 2 h1
= τ
d τ2 dτ d τ2

Standard practice in literature: assume dd τh21 = 0 (linear Hicksian); not
necessarily well justi…ed b/c it does not vanish as ∆τ ! 0

dh1 1 dh1
) MEB = τ∆τ (∆τ )2
dτ 2 dτ
Formula equals area of “Harberger trapezoid” using Hicksian demands

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Harberger Formula

Without pre-existing tax, obtain “standard” Harberger formula:

1 dh1
EB = (∆τ )2
2 dτ
General lesson: use compensated (substitution) elasticities to
compute EB, not uncompensated elasticities

To implement empirically, estimate Marshallian price elasticity and

income elasticity. Then apply Slutsky eqn:

∂hi ∂ci ∂ci

= + cj
∂qj ∂qj ∂Z
|{z} |{z} | {z }
Hicksian Slope Marshallian Slope Income E¤ect

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Excess Burden with Taxes on Multiple Goods

Previous formulas apply to case with tax on one good

With multiple goods and …xed prices, excess burden of introducing a

tax τ k
1 2 dhk dhi
EB = τ ∑ τi τk
2 k d τ k i 6 =k d τk
Second-order e¤ect in own market, …rst-order e¤ect from other
markets with pre-existing taxes

Complementarity between goods important for excess burden


Ex: with an income tax, minimize total DWL tax by taxing goods
complementary to leisure (Corlett and Hague 1953)

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Goulder and Williams 2003

Show that ignoring cross e¤ects by using one-good formula can be

very misleading

Di¤erentiate multiple-good Harberger formula w.r.t. τ k :

dEB dhk dhi
= τk ∑ τi
d τk d τk i 6 =k d τk

If τ k is small (e.g. gas tax), what matters is purely distortion in other

markets, e.g. labor supply

As τ k ! 0, error in single-market formula approaches ∞

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Goulder and Williams 2003

Basic formula hard to implement because it requires estimates of all

cross-price elasticities

Goulder and Williams make formula empirically implementable by

making 3 assumptions:

1 No income e¤ects

2 Ignore interactions with commodities other than labor (other taxes are

3 Assume good is of “average” substitutability with labor: cross partial

∂τ equals mean cross-partial across consumption goods

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Goulder and Williams Formula
Obtain following formula for marginal excess burden of raising tax on
good k:
dEB τ Q τL L
= k k ηk η sk
d τk pk pk L
τ k , pk , and Qk are the tax, price, and quantity consumed of good k
η k and η L are own-price elasticity of good k and labor
sk = wlP(k1Q Kτ ) is budget share of good k

Only need estimates of own-price elasticities to implement this

Why? Consumption tax and labor income tax have equivalent e¤ects
Price increase in all consumption goods has the same e¤ect on labor
supply as an increase in tax on labor:
(1 + t ) ∑ pk ck = wl

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Goulder and Williams Formula: Intuition

Why do we only need to estimate η L ?

Step 1: consumption tax and labor income tax have equivalent e¤ects

Price increase in all consumption goods has the same e¤ect on labor
supply as an increase in tax on labor:

(1 + t ) ∑ pk ck = wl

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Goulder and Williams Formula: Intuition

Step 2: Rank goods according to complementarity with labor (i.e.

cross-partial ddlτk )

Find good at the mean level of d τk

A tax increase on this good has same e¤ect as an increase in sales tax
t on all consumption goods scaled down by sk

Therefore cross-elasticity of l w.r.t. τ k is equivalent to η L sk

Labor supply elasticity η L su¢ cient to calculate cross-elasticity for

good that has “average” level of substitutability

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Goulder and Williams Results

Calibrate formula using existing elasticity estimates

Result: DWL of taxing goods such as gasoline is underestimated by a

factor of 10 in practice because of income tax

Caveat: is their approach and conclusion valid if there are salience


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Hausman 1981: Exact Consumer Surplus

Harberger formulas: empirically implementable but approximate

Alternative approach: structural estimation of demand model

Start by estimating Marshallian demand functions:

c (q, Z ) = γ + αq + δZ

Then integrate to recover underlying indirect utility function v (q, Z )

Invert to obtain expenditure function e (q, u ) and compute “exact” EB

Parametric approach: Hausman (AER 1981); non-parametric

approach: Hausman and Newey (ECMA 1995)

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Harberger vs. Hausman Approach

Underscores broader di¤erence between structural and

quasi-experimental methodologies

Modern literature focuses on deriving “su¢ cient statistic” formulas

that can be implemented using quasi-experimental techniques

Now develop general distinction between structural and su¢ cient

statistic approaches to welfare analysis in a simple model of taxation

No income e¤ects (quasilinear utility)

Constant returns to production (…xed producer prices)

But permit multiple goods (GE)

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Su¢ cient Statistics vs Structural Methods
N goods: x = (x1 , ..., xN ); prices (p1 , ...pN ); wealth Z

Normalize pN = 1 (xN is numeraire)

Government levies a tax t on good 1

Individual takes t as given and solves

max u (x1 , ..., xN 1 ) + xN s.t. (p1 + t )x1 + ∑ pi xi = Z
i =2

To measure EB of tax, de…ne social welfare as sum of individual’s

utility and tax revenue:
N 1
W (t ) = fmax u (x1 , ..., xN
1) + Z (p1 + t )x1 ∑ pi xi g + tx1
i =2
Goal: measure dt = loss in social surplus caused by tax change
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Primitives Sufficient Stats. Welfare Change
. K 1 ÝtÞ
K 2 ÝtÞ dt

ω=preferences, β = f(ω,t) dW/dt used for

constraints y = β1X1 + β2X2 + ε policy analysis

ω not uniquely β identified using

identified program evaluation

Source: Chetty (2009)

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Su¢ cient Statistics vs Structural Methods
Structural method: estimate N good demand system, recover u

Ex: use Stone-Geary or AIDS to recover preference parameters; then

calculate “exact consumer surplus” as in Hausman (1981)

Alternative: Harberger’s deadweight loss triangle formula

Private sector choices made to maximize term in red (private surplus)

N 1
W (t ) = fmax u (x1 , ..., xN 1 ) + Z
( p 1 + t ) x1 ∑ pi xi g + tx1
i =2

Envelope conditions for (x1 , ..., xN ) allow us to ignore behavioral

responses ( dx i
dt ) in term in red, yielding
dW dx1 dx
= x1 + x1 + t =t 1
dt dt dt
! dt is a “su¢ cient statistic” for calculating dW
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Bene…t of su¤ stat approach particularly evident with heterogeneity
K agents, each with utility uk (x1 , ..., xN 1 ) + xN

Social welfare function under utilitarian criterion:

W (t ) = fmax
∑ [uk (x1k , ..., xNk 1) + Z
k =1
N 1 K
(p1 + t )x1k ∑ pi xik ]g + ∑ tx1k
i =2 k =1
Structural method: estimate demand systems for all agents
Su¢ cient statistic formula is unchanged— still need only slope of
aggregate demand dx dt

dW K K
d ∑K k
k =1 x1 dx1
= ∑ x1k + ∑ x1k + t
k =1 k =1

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Discrete Choice Model
Harberger su¢ cient statistic also works with discrete choice

Agents have value Vk for good 1; can either buy or not buy

Let F (V ) denote distribution of valuations

With 2 goods, utility of agent k is

Vk x1 + Z (p + t )x1
Social welfare:
W (t ) = f max[Vk x1k + Z (p1 + t )x1k ]dF (Vk )g
Vk x1k
+ tx1k dF (Vk )

This problem is not smooth at individual level, so cannot directly

apply envelope thm. as stated
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Discrete Choice Model

Recast as planner’s problem choosing threshold above which agents

are allocated good 1:
( Z

W (t ) = max
_ _ [ Vk (p1 + t )] dF (Vk ) + Z
Z ∞
+t _ dF (Vk )

Again obtain Harberger formula as a fn of slope of aggregate demand

curve dx
dt :

R _∞
dW _ _ d V
dF (Vk )
= 1 F V + 1 F V +t
dt dt
dW dx1
) = t
dt dt

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Economic Intuition for Robustness of Harberger Result

Deadweight loss is fully determined by di¤erence between marginal

willingness to pay for good x1 and its cost (p1 )

Recovering marginal willingness to pay requires an estimate of the

slope of the demand curve because it coincides with marginal utility:

p = u 0 (x (p ))

Slope of demand is therefore su¢ cient to infer e¢ ciency cost of a tax,

without identifying rest of the model

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E¢ ciency Cost: Applications

1 [Income Taxation] Feldstein; Chetty; Gorodnichenko et al.

2 [Housing Subsidy] Poterba

3 [Diesel Fuel Taxation] Marion and Muehlegger

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Feldstein 1995, 1999

Following Harberger, large literature in labor estimated e¤ect of taxes

on hours worked to assess e¢ ciency costs of taxation

Feldstein observed that labor supply involves multiple dimensions, not

just choice of hours: training, e¤ort, occupation

Taxes also induce ine¢ cient avoidance/evasion behavior

Structural approach: account for each of the potential responses to

taxation separately and then aggregate

Feldstein’s alternative: elasticity of taxable income with respect to

taxes is a su¢ cient statistic for calculating deadweight loss

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Feldstein Model: Setup

Government levies linear tax t on reported taxable income

Agent makes N labor supply choices: l1 , ...lN

Each choice li has disutility ψi (li ) and wage wi

Agents can shelter $e of income from taxation by paying cost g (e )

Taxable Income (TI ) is

TI = ∑ wi li e
i =1

Consumption is given by taxed income plus untaxed income:

c = (1 t )TI + e

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Feldstein Taxable Income Formula

Agent’s utility is quasi-linear in consumption:

u (c, e, l ) = c g (e ) ∑ ψi (li )
i =1

Social welfare:
W (t ) = f(1 t )TI + e g (e ) ∑ ψi (li )g + tTI
i =1

Di¤erentiating and applying envelope conditions for li

((1 t )wi = ψi0 (li )) and e (g 0 (e ) = t) implies
dW dTI dTI
= TI + TI + t =t
dt dt dt
Intuition: marginal social cost of reducing earnings through each
margin is equated at optimum ! irrelevant what causes change in TI
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Taxable Income Formula

Simplicity of identi…cation in Feldstein’s formula has led to a large

literature estimating elasticity of taxable income

But since primitives are not estimated, assumptions of model used to

derive formula are never tested

Chetty (2009) questions validity of assumption that g 0 (e ) = t

Costs of some avoidance/evasion behaviors are transfers to other

agents in the economy, not real resource costs

Ex: cost of evasion is potential …ne imposed by government

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Chetty Transfer Cost Model: Setup

Individual chooses e (evasion/shifting) and l (labor supply) to

max u (c, l, e ) = c ψ (l )
s.t. c = y + (1 t )(wl e) + e z (e )

Social welfare is now:

W (t ) = fy + (1 t )(wl e) + e
z (e ) ψ(l )g
+z (e ) + t (wl e)

Di¤erence: z (e ) now appears twice in SWF, with opposite signs

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Excess Burden with Transfer Costs
Let LI = wl be the total (pretax) earned income and TI = wl e
denote taxable income

Exploit the envelope condition for term in curly brackets:

dW dz de d [wl e ]
= (wl e ) + (wl e) + +t
dt de dt dt
dTI dz de
= t+
dt de dt
dLI de dz de
= t t +
dt dt de dt
First-order condition for individual’s choice of e:
t =
dW dLI
) =t (1)
dt dt
Intuition: MPB of raising e by $1 (saving $t) equals MPC
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Chetty (2009) Formula
With both transfer cost z (e ) and resource cost g (e ) of evasion:
dW dLI de
= t g 0 (e )
dt dt dt
= t fµ + (1 µ ) g
dt dt
= fµTI εTI + (1 µ)wl εLI g
1 t

EB depends on weighted average of taxable income (εTI ) and total

earned income elasticities (εLI )

Practical importance: even though reported taxable income is highly

sensitive to tax rates for rich, e¢ ciency cost may not be large!

Most di¢ cult parameter to identify: weight µ, which depends on

marginal resource cost of sheltering, g 0 (e )
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Gorodnichenko, Martinez-Vazquez, and Peter 2009

Estimate εLI and εTI to implement formula that permits transfer costs

Insight: consumption data can be used to infer εLI

Estimate e¤ect of 2001 ‡at tax reform in Russia on gap between

taxable income and consumption, which they interpret as evasion

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Gorodnichenko et al: Results

Taxable income elasticity dt is large, whereas labor income elasticity
dt is not

! Feldstein’s formula overestimates the e¢ ciency costs of taxation

relative to more general measure for “plausible” g 0 (e )

Question: could g 0 (e ) be estimated from consumption data itself?

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Poterba 1992

Estimates e¢ ciency cost of subsidy for housing in the U.S. from

mortgage interest deduction

First need to de…ne “cost” of owning $1 of housing

De…nition: “user cost” – measures opportunity cost of living in home

Could rent the house to someone else at percentage rate

Property Value
With marginal income tax rate τ and nominal interest i, net user cost
taking into account mortgage deduction is

c=r τ i

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Poterba 1992

Poterba …rst calculates changes in user cost over 1980s

Tax reform in 1986 lowered tax rates for high income and raised user
cost of housing sharply

Prior to 1986: very high tax rates on high incomes (60%)

In 1990, only 28%

Nearly tripled the cost of housing

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Poterba 1992

Calculates compensated elasticity using estimates in literature and

Slutsky eqn.

Rosen (1982): εH ,r = 1
Income elasticity: 0.75
Housing share: 0.25
3 1
) Compensated elasticity: 1+ ' 0.8
4 4
Intuition for large elasticity: broker calculates “how much house you
can a¤ord” if they spend 30% of income

Can “a¤ord” more with larger tax subsidy ! tax is e¤ectively salient

Calculates amount of overconsumption of housing and e¢ ciency cost

of housing subsidy
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Poterba: Results

Tax reforms in 1980s reduced DWL from $12K to $2K for each
household earning $250K

Still have relatively large ine¢ ciency from subsidizing mortgages

This is why President Bush’s Tax Panel recommended cap or

elimination of subsidy for homeownership

But hard to implement politically

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Marion and Muehlegger 2008

Study deadweight cost from taxing diesel fuels, focusing on evasion

Diesel fuel used for business purposes (e.g. trucking) is taxed, but
residential purposes (e.g. heating homes) is not

Substantial opportunity to evade tax

1993: government added red dye to residential diesel fuel

Easy to monitor cheating by opening gas tank of a truck

First document e¤ect of dye reform on evasion

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Marion and Muehlegger: Excess Burden Calculations

Use reform to assess deadweight costs of evasion and taxation

Harder to evade ! elasticity of behavior with respect to tax is much

lower after reform

Estimate price and tax elasticities before and after reform

Use cross-state variation in tax rates and price variation from world

Note di¤erent interpretation of di¤erence between price and tax

elasticities in this study relative to tax salience papers

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Price and Tax Elasticities By Year

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Marion and Muehlegger: Results

Elasticities imply that 1% increase in tax rate raised revenue by

0.60% before dye reform vs. 0.71% after reform

Reform reduced deadweight cost of diesel taxation

MDWL = 40 cents per dollar of revenue raised before dye reform

MDWL = 30 cents per dollar after reform

Lesson: Deadweight cost depends not just on preferences but also on

enforcement technology

But again need to think carefully about marginal costs of evasion in

this context: social or transfer?

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Welfare Analysis in Behavioral Models

Formulas derived thus far rely critically on full optimization by agents

in private sector

How to calculate e¢ ciency costs when agents do not optimize


Relates to broader …eld of behavioral welfare economics

Focus on two papers here:

1 Conceptual Issues: Bernheim and Rangel 2009

2 Applied Welfare Analysis: Chetty, Looney, Kroft 2009

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Behavioral Welfare Economics

Abstractly, e¤ect of policies on welfare are calculated in two steps

1 E¤ect of policy on behavior

2 E¤ect of change in behavior on utility

Challenge: identifying (2) when agents do not optimize perfectly

How to measure objective function without tools of revealed


Danger of paternalism

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Behavioral Welfare Economics: Two Approaches

Approach #1: Build a positive model of deviations from rationality

Ex: hyperbolic discounting, bounded rationality, reference dependence

Then calculate optimal policy within such models

Approach #2: Choice-theoretic welfare analysis (Bernheim and

Rangel 2009)

Do not specify a positive model to rationalize behavior

Instead map directly from observed choices to statements about welfare

Analogous to “su¢ cient statistic” approach

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Behavioral Welfare Economics: Two Approaches

Consider three di¤erent medicare plans with di¤erent copays: L, M, H

and corresponding variation in premiums

We have data from two environments:

1 On red paper, H > M > L

2 On blue paper, M > H > L

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Behavioral Welfare Economics: Two Approaches

Approach 1: build a model of why color a¤ects choice and use it to

predict which choice reveals “true” experienced utility

Approach 2: Yields bounds on optimal policy

L cannot be optimal given available data irrespective of positive model

Optimal copay bounded between M and H

Key insight: no theory of choice needed to make statements about


Do not need to understand why color a¤ects choice

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Setup

Derive bounds on welfare based purely on choice data

In standard model, agents choose from a choice set x 2 X

Goal of policy is to identify optimal x

In behavioral models, agents choose from “generalized choice sets”

G = (X , d )

d is an “ancillary condition” – something that a¤ects choice behavior

but (by assumption) does not a¤ect experienced utility

Ex: color of paper, salience, framing, default option

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Choice Sets

Let C (X , d ) denote choice made in a given GCS

Choice inconsistency if C (X , d ) 6= C (X , d 0 )

De…ne revealed preference relation P as xPy if x always chosen over

y for any d

Using P, can identify choice set that maximizes welfare instead of

single point

With continuous choices, e¤ectively obtain bounds on welfare

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Compensating Variation

Consider a change in choice set from X to X 0 X

Compute CV as amount needed to make agent indi¤erent to restriction

of choice set for each d (standard calculation)

Lower bound on CV is minimum over all d’s

Upper bound on CV is maximum over all d’s

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Compensating Variation

Ex: suppose insurance plans are restricted to drop M option

Under red paper condition, CV is 0 – no loss in welfare

Under blue paper condition, calculate price cut $z on H needed to

make agent indi¤erent between M and H.

Bounds on CV: (0, z )

If L option is dropped, bounds collapse to a singleton: CV = 0.

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Re…nements

Problem: looseness of bounds

Bounds tight when ancillary conditions do not lead to vast changes in


That is, bounds tight when behavioral problems are small

In cases where behavioral issues are important, this is not going to be

a very informative approach

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Bernheim and Rangel 2009: Re…nements

Solution: “re…nements” – discard certain d’s as being

“contaminated” for welfare analysis

E.g. a neuroscience experiment shows that decisions made under red

paper condition are more rational

Or assume that choice rational when incentives are more salient

With fewer d’s, get tighter bounds on welfare and policy

Identifying “re…nements” typically requires some insight into positive

theory of behavior

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Applied Welfare Analysis with Salience E¤ects

Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009) section 5

Derive partial-equilibrium formulas for incidence and e¢ ciency costs

Focus here on e¢ ciency cost analysis

Formulas do not rely on a speci…c positive theory, in the spirit of

Bernheim and Rangel (2009)

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Welfare Analysis with Salience E¤ects: Setup

Two goods, x and y ; price of y is 1, pretax price of x is p.

Taxes: y untaxed. Unit sales tax on x at rate t S , which is not

included in the posted price

Tax-inclusive price of x: q = p + t S

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Welfare Analysis with Salience E¤ects: Setup

Representative consumer has wealth Z and utility u (x ) + v (y )

Letfx (p, t S , Z ), y (p, t S , Z )g denote bundle chosen by a

fully-optimizing agent

Let fx (p, t S , Z ), y (p, t S , Z )g denote empirically observed demands

Place no structure on these demand functions except for feasibility:

(p + t S )x (p, t S , Z ) + y (p, t S , Z ) = Z

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Welfare Analysis with Salience E¤ects: Setup

Price-taking …rms use y to produce x with cost fn. c

Firms optimize perfectly. Supply function S (p ) de…ned by:

p = c 0 (S (p ))
∂S p
Let εS = ∂p S (p )
denote the price elasticity of supply

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E¢ ciency Cost with Salience E¤ects

De…ne excess burden using EV concept

Excess burden (EB) of introducing a revenue-generating sales tax t is:

EB (t S ) = Z e (p, 0, V (p, t S , Z )) R (p, t S , Z )

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Preference Recovery Assumptions
A1 Taxes a¤ect utility only through the chosen consumption bundle.
Agent’s indirect utility given tax of t S is
V (p, t S , Z ) = u (x (p, t S , Z )) + v (y (p, t S , Z ))

A2 When tax inclusive prices are fully salient, the agent chooses the same
allocation as a fully-optimizing agent:
x (p, 0, Z ) = x (p, 0, Z ) = arg max u (x ) + v (Z px )

A1 speci…es ancillary condition: tax rate and salience does not enter
utility directly

A2 is a re…nement: behavior when tax is salient reveals true

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E¢ ciency Cost with Salience E¤ects

Two demand curves: price-demand x (p, 0, Z ) and tax-demand

x ( p0 , t S , Z )

Two steps in e¢ ciency calculation:

1 Use price-demand x (p, 0, Z ) to recover utility as in standard model

2 Use tax-demand x (p, t S , Z )to calculate V (p, t S , Z ) and EB

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Excess Burden with No Income E¤ect for Good x ( ∂Z = 0)
p, t S
C x( p,0) = u ' ( x)
xÝp 0 ,t S Þ

p0 + t S G D E

F /x//tS
/x//t S
EB p ? 12 Ýt S Þ 2 /x//p
/x//t S
tS /x//p
p0 A
B I H tS /x
/t S

x1* x1 x0

Source: Chetty, Looney, and Kroft (2009)

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E¢ ciency Cost: No Income E¤ects

Without income e¤ects ( ∂Z = 0), excess burden of introducing a
small tax t is
1 S 2 ∂x /∂t S
EB (t S ) ' (t ) ∂x /∂t S
2 ∂x /∂p
1 S 2 εD
= (θt )
2 p + tS

Inattention reduces excess burden when dx /dZ = 0.

Intuition: tax t S induces behavioral response equivalent to a fully

perceived tax of θt S .

If θ = 0, tax is equivalent to a lump sum tax and EB = 0 because

agent continues to choose …rst-best allocation.

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E¢ ciency Cost with Income E¤ects

Same formula, but all elasticities are now compensated:

1 S 2 ∂x c /∂t S c
EB (t S ) ' (t ) ∂x /∂t S
2 ∂x c /∂p
1 c S 2 εcD
= (θ t )
2 p + tS

Compensated price demand: dx c /dp = dx /dp + xdx /dZ

Compensated tax demand: dx c /dt S = dx /dt S + xdx /dZ

Compensated tax demand does not necessarily satisfy Slutsky

condition dx c /dt S < 0 b/c it is not generated by utility maximization

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E¢ ciency Cost with Income E¤ects

1 S 2 ∂x c /∂t S c
EB (t S ) ' (t ) ∂x /∂t S
2 ∂x c /∂p
1 c S 2 εcD
= (θ t )
2 p + tS

With income e¤ects (dx /dZ > 0), making a tax less salient can raise
deadweight loss.

Tax can generate EB > 0 even if dx /dt S = 0

Example: consumption of food and cars; agent who ignores tax on

cars underconsumes food and has lower welfare.

Intuition: agent does not adjust consumption of x despite change in

net-of-tax income, leading to a positive compensated elasticity.
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Directions for Further Work on Behavioral Welfare Analysis

1 Normative analysis of tax policy

Value of tax simpli…cation

Tax smoothing

2 Use similar approach to welfare analysis in other contexts

Design consumer protection laws and …nancial regulation in a less

paternalistic manner by studying behavior in domains where incentives
are clear

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Public Economics Lectures
Part 4: Optimal Taxation

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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1 Commodity Taxation: Ramsey Rule

2 Capital Income Taxation and Retirement Savings

3 Income Taxation: Mirrlees Model

4 Optimal Transfer Programs

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Optimal Commodity Taxation: Introduction

Combine lessons on incidence and e¢ ciency costs to analyze optimal

design of commodity taxes

What is the best way to design taxes given equity and e¢ ciency

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Overview of Optimal Taxation

From an e¢ ciency perspective, would …nance government purely

through lump-sum taxation

With redistributional concerns, would ideally levy individual-speci…c

lump sum taxes

Tax higher-ability individuals a larger lump sum

Problem: cannot observe individuals’types

Therefore must tax economic outcomes such as income or

consumption, which leads to distortions

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Ramsey vs. Mirrleesian Approaches

Two approaches to optimal taxation

1 Ramsey: restrict attention linear (t x) tax systems

2 Mirrleesian: Non-linear (t (x )) tax systems, with no restrictions on t (x )

Ramsey approach: rule out possibility of lump sum taxes by

assumption and consider linear taxes

Mirrleesian approach: permit lump sum taxes, but model their costs
in a model with heterogeneity in agents’skills

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Four Central Results in Optimal Tax Theory

1 Ramsey (1927): inverse elasticity rule

2 Chamley (1985), Judd (1986): no capital taxation in in…nite horizon

Ramsey models

3 Diamond and Mirrlees (1971): production e¢ ciency

4 Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976): no consumption taxation with optimal

non-linear income taxation

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Ramsey (1927) Tax Problem

Government sets taxes on uses of income in order to accomplish two


1 Raise total revenue of amount E

2 Minimize utility loss for agents in economy

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Ramsey Model: Key Assumptions

1 Lump sum taxation prohibited

2 Cannot tax all commodities (e.g., leisure untaxed)

3 Production prices …xed (and normalized to one):

pi = 1
) qi = 1 + τi

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Ramsey Model: Setup

One individual (no redistributive concerns)

As in e¢ ciency analysis, assume that individual does not internalize

e¤ect of τ i on govt. budget

Captures idea that any one individual accounts for a small frac. of

Individual maximizes utility

u (x1 , .., xN , l )

subject to budget constraint

q1 x1 + .. + qN xN wl + Z

Z = non wage income, w = wage rate

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Ramsey Model: Consumer Behavior

Lagrangian for individual’s maximization problem:

L = u (x1 , .., xN , l ) + α(wl + Z (q1 x1 + .. + qN xN ))

First order condition:

uxi = αqi
Where α = ∂V /∂Z is marginal value of money for the individual

Yields demand functions xi (q, Z ) and indirect utility function V (q, Z )

where q = (w , q1 , .., qN )

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Ramsey Model: Government’s Problem

Government solves either the maximization problem

max V (q, Z )

subject to the revenue requirement

τ x= ∑ τi xi (q, Z ) E
i =1

Or, equivalently, minimize excess burden of the tax system

min EB (q ) = e (q, V (q, Z )) e (p, V (q, Z )) E

subject to the same revenue requirement

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Ramsey Model: Government’s Problem

For maximization problem, Lagrangian for government is:

LG = V (q, Z ) + λ[∑ τ i xi (q, Z ) E]


∂ LG ∂V
) = + λ[ xi + ∑ τ j ∂xj /∂qi ] = 0
∂qi ∂qi |{z}
|{z} |
{z }
Priv. Welfare Behavioral
Loss to Indiv. Response
Using Roy’s identity ( ∂q i
= αxi ):

(λ α)xi + λ ∑ τ j ∂xj /∂qi = 0


Note connection to marginal excess burden formula, where λ = 1 and

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Ramsey Optimal Tax Formula

Optimal tax rates satisfy system of N equations and N unknowns:

∂xj xi
∑ τj ∂qi =
(λ α)

Same formula can be derived using a perturbation argument, which is

more intuitive

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Ramsey Formula: Perturbation Argument
Suppose government increases τ i by d τ i

E¤ect of tax increase on social welfare is sum of e¤ect on government

revenue and private surplus

Marginal e¤ect on government revenue:

dR = xi d τ i + ∑ τ j dxj

Marginal e¤ect on private surplus:

dU = d τi
= αxi d τ i
Optimum characterized by balancing the two marginal e¤ects:
dU + λdR = 0
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Ramsey Formula: Compensated Elasticity Representation

Rewrite in terms of Hicksian elasticities to obtain further intuition

using Slutsky equation:

∂xj /∂qi = ∂hj /∂qi xi ∂xj /∂Z

Substitution into formula above yields:

(λ α)xi + λ ∑ τ j [∂hj /∂qi xi ∂xj /∂Z ] = 0

1 ∂hi θ
xi ∑ τj ∂qj =

where θ = λ α ∂
λ ∂Z (∑j τ j xj )

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Ramsey Formula: Compensated Elasticity Representation

θ is independent of i and measures the value for the government of

introducing a $1 lump sum tax

θ=λ α λ∂(∑ τ j xj )/∂Z


Three e¤ects of introducing a $1 lump sum tax:

1 Direct value for the government of λ

2 Loss in welfare for individual of α

3 Behavioral e¤ect ! loss in tax revenue of ∂(∑j τ j xj )/∂Z

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Intuition for Ramsey Formula: Index of Discouragement

1 ∂hi θ
xi ∑ τj ∂qj =

Suppose revenue requirement E is small so that all taxes are also small

Then tax τ j on good j reduces consumption of good i (holding utility

constant) by approximately
dhi = τ j
Numerator of LHS: total reduction in consumption of good i

Dividing by xi yields % reduction in consumption of each good i =

“index of discouragement” of the tax system on good i

Ramsey tax formula says that the indexes of discouragements must be

equal across goods at the optimum
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Inverse Elasticity Rule

Introducing elasticities, we can write Ramsey formula as:

τj θ
∑ 1 + τj εcij = λ
j =1

Consider special case where εij = 0 if i 6= j

Slutsky matrix is diagonal

Obtain classic inverse elasticity rule:

τi θ 1
1 + τi λ εii

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Ramsey Formula: Limitations

Ramsey solution: tax inelastic goods to minimize e¢ ciency costs

But does not take into account redistributive motives

Necessities likely to be less elastic than luxuries

Therefore, optimal Ramsey tax system is likely regressive

Diamond (1975) extends Ramsey model to take redistributive motives

into account

Basic intuition: replace multiplier λ with average marginal utility for

consumers of that good

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Application of Ramsey Approach to Taxation of Savings

Standard lifecycle model of consumption

max ∑ ut (ct ) s.t. qt ct W

where qt = (1 + τ t )pt
and τ 0 0

Consumption in each period isomorphic to consumption of di¤erent


Can apply standard Ramsey formulas to calculate τ t

Capital income tax is a constant tax θ on interest rate:

qt =
(1 + (1 θ )r )t

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Optimal Capital Income Tax Rate

For any θ > 0, implied tax τ t approaches ∞ as t ! ∞:

qt 1+r
= 1 + τt = ( )t
pt 1 + (1 θ )r
) lim τ t = ∞
t !∞

Ramsey formula implies that optimal τ t cannot be ∞ for any good

Therefore optimal capital income tax rate converges to 0 in long run

(Judd 1985, Chamley 1986)

Best policy is for govt to tax capital until it accumulates su¢ cient
assets to fund public goods and never tax capital again

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Zero Capital Taxation in Ramsey Models

Fairly robust result in pure Ramsey framework (Bernheim 2002)

But not robust to:

Allowing for progressive income taxation (Golosov, Kocherlakota,

Tsyvinski 03)

Allowing for credit market imperfections (Aiyagari 95, Farhi and

Werning 11)

Finitely-lived agents with …nite bequest elasts. (Piketty and Saez 12)

More general issue: are agents this forward-looking when making

savings choices?

Return to this in the context of corrective taxes later in the course

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Optimal Income Taxation: Outline

1 Optimal Static Income Taxation: Mirrlees (1971)

2 Empirical Implementation of Mirrlees Model: Saez (2001)

3 Income and Commodity Taxation: Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976)

[Spring Semester]

4 Optimal Transfer Programs: Saez (2002)

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Key Concepts for Taxes/Transfers
Let T (z ) denote tax liability as a function of earnings z

1 Transfer bene…t with zero earnings T (0) [also called demogrant or

lumpsum grant]

2 Marginal tax rate T 0 (z ): individual keeps 1 T 0 (z ) for an additional

$1 of earnings (relevant for intensive margin labor supply responses)

3 Participation tax rate τ p = [T (z ) T (0)]/z: individual keeps

fraction 1 τ p of earnings when moving from zero earnings to
earnings z:
z T (z ) = T (0) + z [T (z ) T (0)] = T (0) + z (1 τp )
Relevant for extensive margin labor supply responses

4 Break-even earnings point z : point at which T (z ) = 0

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US Tax/Transfer System, single parent with 2 children, 2009

$50,000 $50,000

$40,000 $40,000 Welfare:


Tax credits:
Disposable Earnings

$30,000 $30,000

Earnings after
$20,000 $20,000 taxes

45 Degree Line
$10,000 $10,000

$0 $0









Gross Earnings (with employer payroll taxes)

Source: Saez 2010 AEA Clark Lecture

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Optimal Income Tax with No Behavioral Responses

Utility u (c ) strictly increasing and concave

Same for everybody where c is after tax income

Income is z and is …xed for each individual, c = z T (z ) where

T (z ) is tax on z

Government maximizes Utilitarian objective:

Z ∞
u (z T (z ))h (z )dz
Subject to budget constraint T (z )h (z )dz E (multiplier λ)

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Optimal Income Tax without Behavioral Responses

Lagrangian for this problem is:

L = [u (z T (z )) + λT (z )]h (z )

First order condition:

T (z ) : 0 = ∂L/∂T (z ) = [ u 0 (z T (z )) + λ]h (z )
) u (z T (z )) = λ
) z T (z ) = c constant for all z
) c = z̄ E
where z̄ = zh (z )dz average income

100% marginal tax rate; perfect equalization of after-tax income

Utilitarianism with diminishing marginal utility leads to egalitarianism

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Mirrlees 1971: Incorporating Behavioral Responses

Standard labor supply model: Individual maximizes

u (c, l ) s.t. c = wl T (wl )

where c is consumption, l labor supply, w wage rate, T (.) income tax

Individuals di¤er in ability w distributed with density f (w )

Govt social welfare maximization: Govt maximizes

SWF = G (u (c, l ))f (w )dw )
s.t. resource constraint T (wl )f (w )dw E
and individual FOC w (1 T 0 ) uc + ul = 0

where G (.) is increasing and concave

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Social Welfare Function

Mirrleesian approach: maximize weighted sum of utilities of ex-post


With equal weights G and diminishing marginal utility, we would

equate everyone’s income barring information constraints

But is this what people really want?

Ex: many would argue that it is ok for an entrepreneur to keep the

money he earned if he worked hard to get it

Is maximizing total ex-post utility the right objective function?

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Social Welfare Function

Questions on appropriate social welfare function date to Rawls,

Nozick, Sen, and others

Notions of “equality of opportunity” and “just deserts” rather than

pure consequentalist perspective (Mankiw 2010, Weinzierl 2012)

But no widely applied tractable framework besides Mirrleesian


One recent approach: Saez and Stantcheva’s (2012) “endogenous”

welfare weights G (c, T (wl ))

Fertile area to make a fundamental contribution

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Mirrlees 1971: Results

Optimal income tax trades-o¤ redistribution and e¢ ciency

T (.) < 0 at bottom (transfer)

T (.) > 0 further up (tax) [full integration of taxes/transfers]

Mirrlees formulas are a complex fn. of primitives, with only a few

general results

1 0 T 0 (.) 1. T 0 (.) 0 is non-trivial and rules out EITC [Seade


2 Marginal tax rate T 0 (.) should be zero at the top if skill distribution
bounded [Sadka-Seade]

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Mirrlees: Subsequent Work

Mirrlees model had a profound impact on information economics

Ex. models with asymmetric information in contract theory

But until late 1990s, had little impact on practical tax policy

Recently, Mirrlees model connected to empirical literature

Diamond (1998), Piketty (1997), and Saez (2001)

Su¢ cient statistic formulas in terms of labor supply elasticities instead

of primitives

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Optimal Income Taxation: Su¢ cient Statistic Formulas

1 Revenue-maximizing linear tax (La¤er curve)

2 Top income tax rate (Saez 2001)

3 Full income tax schedule (Saez 2001)

See also section 4 of Chetty (Ann. Rev. 2009)

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Revenue-Maximizing Tax Rate: La¤er Curve
With a constant tax rate τ, reported income z depends on 1 τ
(net-of-tax rate)

Tax Revenue R (τ ) = τ z (1 τ ) is inverse-U shaped:

R (τ = 0) = 0 (no taxes) and R(τ = 1) = 0 (nobody works)

Tax rate τ that maximizes R:

0 = R (τ ) = z τ dz /d (1 τ)
) τ MAX = 1/(1 + ε)
where ε = [(1 τ )/Z ]dz /d (1 τ ) is the uncompensated taxable
income elasticity w.r.t. 1 τ

Strictly ine¢ cient to have τ > τ

Technical note: why write ε as elasticity of z w.r.t. 1 τ instead of τ?

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Optimal Top Income Tax Rate

Now consider constant mtr τ above …xed income threshold z̄

Derive optimal τ using perturbation argument

Assume away income e¤ects εc = εu = ε

Diamond (1998) shows this is a key theoretical simpli…cation

Assume that there are N individuals above z̄

Denote by z m (1 τ ) their average income, which depends on

net-of-tax rate 1 τ

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Optimal Top Income Tax Rate
Three e¤ects of small d τ > 0 reform above z̄

Mechanical increase in tax revenue:

dM = N [z m z̄ ]d τ
Behavioral response:
dz m
dB = Nτdz m = Nτ dτ
d (1 τ )
= N ε̄ z m d τ
1 τ
Welfare e¤ect: money-metric utility loss is dM by envelope theorem:

If govt. values marginal consumption of rich at ḡ 2 (0, 1)

dW = ḡ dM
ḡ depends on curvature of u (c ) and SWF
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Optimal Top Income Tax Rate

dM + dW + dB = Nd τ (1 ḡ )[z m z̄ ] ε̄ zm
1 τ

Optimal τ such that dM + dW + dB = 0 )

τ TOP (1 ḡ )(zm /z̄ 1)

1 τ TOP ε̄ zm /z̄

τ TOP decreases with ḡ [redistributive tastes]

τ TOP decreases with ε̄ [e¢ ciency]

τ TOP increases with zm /z̄ [thickness of top tail]

Note: this is not an explicit formula for top tax rate because zm /z̄ is
a fn. of τ
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Optimal Top Income Tax Rate

In US tax return data, z m /z̄ very stable above z̄ = $200K with

z̄ = 2

Empirically, thickness parameter z m /z̄ unrelated to top tax rate τ

(Saez 1999)

How is this consistent with behavioral responses to taxation

(dz m /d (1 τ ) > 0)?
Increase in τ reduces both z >z̄ zh (z )dz and 1 H (z̄ )
Leaves zm = z >z̄ zh (z )dz /(1 H (z̄ ) constant

High taxes reduce number of people in tail, but could leave thickness of
tail unchanged

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Optimal Top Income Tax Rate

Diamond (1998) shows that with Pareto skill distribution, income

distribution is Pareto with parameter a invariant to τ

a zm
With Pareto distribution (f (z ) = a k a /z 1 +a ), a 1 = z̄ )a=2

1 ḡ
) τ TOP =
1 ḡ + 2ε̄

Ex: ε̄ = 0.5, ḡ = 0.5, a = 2 ) τ TOP = 33%

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Zero Top Rate with Bounded Distribution

Suppose top earner earns z T , and second earner earns z S

Then z m = z T when z̄ > z S ) z m /z̄ ! 1 when z̄ ! z T )

dM = Nd τ [z m z̄ ] ! 0 < dB = Nd τε̄ zm
1 τ

Optimal τ is zero for z̄ close to z T

Sadka-Seade zero top rate result

Result applies literally only to top earner: if z T = 2 z S then

z m /z̄ = 2 when z̄ = z S

Zero at top no longer considered to be of practical relevance

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Connection to Revenue Maximizing Tax Rate

Revenue maximizing top tax rate can be calculated by putting 0

weight on welfare of top incomes

Utilitarian SWF ) ḡ = uc (z m ) ! 0 when z̄ ! ∞

Rawlsian SWF ) ḡ = 0 for any z̄ > min(z )

If ḡ = 0, we obtain τ TOP = τ MAX = 1/(1 + a ε̄)

Example: a = 2 and ε̄ = 0.5 ) τ = 50%

La¤er linear rate is a special case where z̄ = 0

) z m /z̄ = ∞ = a/(a 1) ) a = 1 ) τ MAX = 1/(1 + ε̄)

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Optimal Non-Linear Income Tax

Now consider general problem of setting optimal T (z )

Let H (z ) = CDF of income [population normalized to 1] and h (z ) its

density [endogenous to T (.)]

Let g (z ) = social marginal value of consumption for taxpayers with

income z in terms of public funds

Let G (z ) be the average social marginalRvalue of consumption for

taxpayers with income above z [G (z ) = z g (s )h (s )ds/(1 H (z ))]

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General Non-Linear Income Tax

Consider small reform: increase T 0 by d τ in small band (z, z + dz )

Mechanical revenue e¤ect

dM = dzd τ (1 H (z ))

Mechanical welfare e¤ect

dW = dzd τ (1 H (z ))G (z )

Behavioral e¤ect: substitution e¤ect δz inside small band [z, z + dz ]:

dB = h (z )dz T 0 δz = h (z )dz T 0 d τ ε(z ) z/(1 T 0)

Optimum dM + dW + dB = 0

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General Non-Linear Income Tax

Optimal tax schedule satis…es:

T 0 (z ) 1 1 H (z )
= [1 G (z )]
1 T (z ) ε (z ) zh (z )

T 0 (z ) decreasing in g (z 0 ) for z 0 > z [redistributive tastes]

T 0 (z ) decreasing in ε(z ) [e¢ ciency]

T 0 (z ) decreasing in h (z )/(1 H (z )) [density]

Connection to top tax rate: consider z ! ∞

G (z ) ! ḡ , (1 H (z ))/(zh (z )) ! 1/a

ε(z ) ! ε̄ ) T 0 (z ) = (1 ḡ )/(1 ḡ + a ε̄) = τ TOP

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Negative Marginal Tax Rates Never Optimal
Suppose T 0 < 0 in band [z, z + dz ]

Increase T 0 by d τ > 0 in band [z, z + dz ]

dM + dW > 0 because G (z ) < 1 for any z > 0

Without income e¤ects, G (0) = 1

Value of lump sum grant to all equals value of public good
Concave SWF –> G 0 (z ) < 0

dB > 0 because T 0 (z ) < 0 [smaller e¢ ciency cost]

Therefore T 0 (z ) < 0 cannot be optimal

Marginal subsidies also distort local incentives to work

Better to redistribute using lump sum grant

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Numerical Simulations of Optimal Tax Schedule

Formula above is a condition for optimality but not an explicit

formula for optimal tax schedule

Distribution of incomes H (z ) endogenous to T (.)

Therefore need to use structural approach (speci…cation of primitives)

to calculate optimal T (.)

Saez (2001) speci…es utility function (e.g. constant elasticity):

u (c, l ) = c (l )1 + ε
) l = [(1 T 0 )w ]ε

Calibrate the exogenous skill distribution F (w ) such that actual T (.)

yields empirical H (z )
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Numerical Simulations
Use formula expressed in terms of F (w ) to solve for optimal T (z ):

∞ Z
T 0 (z (w )) 1 1 G 0 (u (s ))
= 1 + 1 f (s )ds,
1 T 0 (z (w )) ε wf (w ) w p
where p = G 0 (u (s ))f (s )ds is marginal value of public funds

Iterative …xed point method to solve for T (z ):

Start with initial MTR schedule T00 and compute incomes z 0 (w ) using
individual FOCs

Get T 0 (0) using govt budget constraint, compute utilities u 0 (w )

Compute p0 = G 0 (u 0 (s ))f (s )ds

Use formula to calculate T10 and iterate until convergence (Brewer,

Saez, Shephard 2009)
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Commodity vs. Income Taxation

Atkinson and Stiglitz (1976) analyze optimal combination of income

and commodity taxes

K consumption goods c = (c1 , .., cK ) with pre-tax price

p = (p1 , .., pK )

Individual h has utility u (c1 , .., cK ) φh (z )

Assumes (1) separability between c and z and (2) homogeneity of

consumption sub-utility u

Main result: commodity taxation is super‡uous

max SWF = max SWF

t,T (.) t =0,T (.)

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Atkinson-Stiglitz: Implications for Capital Taxation

Two period model: wage rate w in period 1, retired in period 2

Let δ = discount rate, ψ(.) disutility of e¤ort, and utility

u ( c2 )
u h ( c1 , c2 , z ) = u ( c1 ) + ψ(z/w )
The budget constraint is

c1 + c2 / ( 1 + ( 1 θ )r ) z T (z )

Capital income tax θ is equivalent to tax on c2

Atkinson-Stiglitz implies that θ = 0 in the presence of an optimal

income tax

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Atkinson-Stiglitz: Implications for Capital Taxation

If low ability people have higher δ then capital income tax tK > 0 is
desirable (Saez 2004)

Violates homogeneous utility assumption

Savings reveal information about type and relax IC constraint

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Chamley-Judd vs. Atkinson-Stiglitz
Chamley-Judd: constrained policy instruments (linear taxes) but

Atkinson-Stiglitz: full set of policy instruments (non linear income

tax) but static

New dynamic public …nance literature: full set of instruments in

dynamic model

In dynamic Mirrlees models, optimal capital tax is not zero (Golosov,

Kocherlekota, and Tsyvinski 2003)

Optimum features a wedge between MRS and MRTS

Intuition: payo¤ to distorting savings decisions relaxes IC constraints in

optimal income tax problem in next period

Does not emerge in Atkinson-Stiglitz because all income is earned in

…rst period
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Optimal Transfer Programs

Several types of transfer programs are used in practice, each justi…ed

by a di¤erent theory and set of assumptions

Option 1: Negative Income Tax: TANF (Mirrlees 1971)

Bene…ts: no one omitted; low admin costs; no stigma

Costs: e¢ ciency loss from less work

Option 2: Work-for-welfare: EITC (Saez 2002)

Bene…ts: more incentive to work; low admin costs

Costs: e¢ ciency loss in phaseout range, no coverage of non-workers

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Optimal Transfer Programs

Option 3: Categorical anti-poverty programs: assistance for blind

(Akerlof 1978)

Bene…ts: tagging relaxes incentive constraint by tying tax rate to

immutable qualities

Costs: not always feasible and limited coverage

Option 4: In-kind transfers: food stamps, public housing (Nichols

and Zeckhauser 1982)

Bene…ts: E¢ ciency gains from relaxing IC for high-types via ordeals

Costs: Paternalism (spend on the right things), ine¢ cient ordeal cost

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Optimal Transfers: Mirrlees Model

Mirrlees model predicts that optimal transfer at bottom takes the

form of a Negative Income Tax

Lump sum grant T (0) for those with no earnings

High MTRs T 0 (z ) at the bottom to phase-out the lump sum grant


NIT optimal because it targets transfers to the most needy

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Optimal Transfers: Participation Responses and EITC

Mirrlees result predicated on assumption that all individuals are at an

interior optimum in choice of labor supply

Rules out extensive-margin responses

But empirical literature shows that participation labor supply responses

are important, especially for low incomes

Diamond (1980), Saez (2002), Laroque (2005) incorporate such

extensive labor supply responses into optimal income tax model

Generate extensive margin by introducing …xed job packages (cannot

smoothly choose earnings)

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Saez 2002: Participation Model

Model with discrete earnings outcomes: w0 = 0 < w1 < ... < wI

Tax/transfer Ti when earning wi , ci = wi Ti

Pure participation choice: skill i individual compares ci and c0 when

deciding to work

With participation tax rate τ i , ci c0 = wi (1 τi )

In aggregate, fraction hi of population earns wi , with ∑i hi = 1

Participation elasticity is

ei = ( ci c0 )/hi ∂hi /∂(ci c0 )

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Saez 2002: Participation Model

Social Welfare function is summarized by social marginal welfare

weights at each earnings level gi

No income e¤ects ! ∑i gi hi = 1 = value of public good

Main result: work subsidies with T 0 (z ) < 0 (such as EITC) optimal

Key requirements in general model with intensive+extensive responses

Responses are concentrated primarily along extensive margin

Social marginal welfare weight on low skilled workers > 1 (not true
with Rawlsian SWF)

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Saez 2002: Intuition for EITC
Two types: doctors (wage wh ) and plumbers (wl )

Both can choose whether to work, but doctors cannot become


Transfer to 0 income individuals ! help plumbers but distort doctors’

incentives to work

Transfer to those with income of wl ! still help plumbers, but do not

distort doctors’incentives

Therefore better to have a larger transfer to wl than 0, i.e. have a

subsidy for work = EITC

In pure ext margin model, transfer T1 only distorts behavior of type 1

Higher types don’t move down

But transfer T0 distorts behavior of all types on extensive margin

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Saez 2002: Optimal Tax Formula

Small tax cut dTi < 0 ) dci = dTi > 0. Three e¤ects:

1 Fiscal E¤ect: loss of tax revenue dM = hi dci

2 Welfare E¤ect: each worker in job i gains dTi so welfare gain

dW = hi gi dci
No …rst order welfare loss for switchers

3 Behavioral E¤ect: dhi = ei hi dci /(ci c0 )

!Tax loss: dB = (Ti T0 )dhi = ei hi dTi (Ti T0 ) / ( c i c0 )

FOC: dM + dB + dW = 0 )
τi Ti T0 1
= = (1 gi )
1 τi ci c0 ei
g1 > 1 ) T1 T0 < 0 ) work subsidy
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Saez 2002: General Model

Model can be extended to allow both intensive and extensive


Allow higher types to switch to lower jobs

General formula for optimal tax is a fn of both intensive and extensive

margin elasticity

Can be calibrated using empirical estimates of these elasticities

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Tagging: Akerlof 1978

We have assumed that T (z ) depends only on earnings z

In reality, govt can observe many other characteristics X also

correlated with ability and set T (z, X )

Ex: gender, race, age, disability, family structure, height,...

Two major results:

1 If characteristic X is immutable then redistribution across the X

groups will be complete [until average social marginal welfare weights
are equated across X groups]

2 If characteristic X can be manipulated but X correlated with ability

then taxes will depend on both X and z

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Mankiw and Weinzierl 2009

Tagging with Immutable Characteristics

Consider a binary immutable tag: Tall vs. Short

1 inch = 2% higher earnings on average (Postlewaite et al. 2004)

Average social marginal welfare weights ḡ T < ḡ S because tall earn


Lump sum transfer from Tall to Short is desirable

Optimal transfer should be up to the point where ḡ T = ḡ S

Calibrations show that average tall person (> 6ft) should pay $4500
more in tax
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Problems with Tagging

Height taxes seem implausible, challenging validity of tagging model

What is the model missing?

1 Horizontal Equity concerns impose constraints on feasible policies:

Two people earning same amount but of di¤erent height should be

treated the same way

2 Height does not cause high earnings

In practice, tags used only when causally related to ability to earn

[disability status] or welfare [family structure, # kids, medical expenses]

Lesson: Mirrlees analysis [T (z )] may be most sensible even in an

environment with immutable tags
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Nichols and Zeckhauser 1982: In-Kind Redistribution

In …rst-best full information model, no reason for in-kind transfers

In-kind transfer is tradeable at market price ! in-kind equivalent to


In-kind transfer non-tradeable ! in-kind inferior to cash

Nichols and Zeckhauser: potential rationale for in-kind transfers

emerges in Mirrlees-type model with informational constraints

With heterogeneity in preferences, may be able to relax IC constraints

using in-kind transfers

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Nichols and Zeckhauser: Simple Illustration

Consider a soup kitchen as an in-kind transfer policy

Let S = soup and W = wait in minutes

Two agents: poor (P) and rich (R)

Utility functions are increasing in S and decreasing in W :

Up = 2S .5W
Ur = S 1W

R has higher disutility from waiting and lower utility from soup

Social welfare
SWF = Up + Ur

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Soup Kitchen without Wait: Cash Transfer

With a total of $100 in soup to give away and no wait times, the soup
will be split between the two agents

Both get some utility from soup, so both will claim it

Assume that they split it equally, resulting in

Up = 100
Ur = 50
SWF = 150

Equivalent to a cash-transfer program that pays each agent $50

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Soup Kitchen with Wait Times: In-Kind Transfer

Now suppose we impose wait time of 51 minutes

R leaves - not worth it to him for $50 in food - gets Up = 0

P gets utility of 200 25.5 = 174.5

Social welfare with in-kind transfer (wait time) greater than cash
transfer (no wait time)

Targeting gains outweighing e¢ ciency losses from ordeal

Scope for such targeting depends upon degree of heterogeneity in


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Income Taxation as Insurance (Varian 1980)

Important assumption in Mirrlees model: no ex-post uncertainty

Once skill type is revealed, agent controls income perfectly

In practice, there is considerable ex-post uncertainty in incomes (e.g.

unemployment shocks)

In this case, a progressive tax system could provide insurance

Do not want 100% insurance for moral hazard reasons

But some insurance desirable if individuals are risk averse

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Varian: Taxation as Insurance

Income z = e + e where e is e¤ort and e is a random noise

Government observes only z and sets a tax schedule based on z

Individual utility
U = Eu (z T (z )) e
Chooses e = e to maximize this utility

E¤ort e low if tax schedule very redistributive

Government chooses T (.) to maximize indirect utility: trade-o¤

insurance vs incentives

Optimal tax system depends on parameters similar to those in

Mirrlees model
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Varian Model: Private Insurance
Varian model has received less attention than Mirrlees model

One reason: government is not better than private market in

providing such insurance

In adverse selection (e.g. Mirrlees) models, only government can

improve redistributive outcomes once skills are revealed to agents

Agents cannot write contracts behind veil of ignorance

In pure moral hazard model with ex-post information revelation,

private markets should in principle reach optimum themselves

In practice, …rms o¤er wage contracts that provide some insurance

against bad luck

Ex: tenure system in universities, severance payments

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Public Economics Lectures
Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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1 Labor Supply Elasticity Estimation: Overview

2 Non-linear budget set methods

3 Summary of elasticity estimates in static models

4 Intertemporal Labor Supply Models

5 Elasticity of Taxable Income

6 Micro vs Macro Elasticities

7 Implications for Preference Parameters

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Surveys in labor economics:

Pencavel (1986) Handbook of Labor Economics vol 1

Heckman and Killingsworth (1986) Handbook of Labor Econ vol 1

Blundell and MaCurdy (1999) Handbook of Labor Economics vol 3

Surveys in public economics:

Hausman (1985) Handbook of Public Economics vol 1

Mo¢ tt (2003) Handbook of Public Economics vol 4

Saez, Slemrod, and Giertz (JEL 2011)

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Theoretical Issues in Estimation

Labor supply elasticity is a parameter of fundamental importance for

income tax policy

log l
Optimal tax rate depends inversely on εc = ∂∂log w U =U , the
compensated wage elasticity of labor supply

First discuss econometric issues that arise in estimating these (and

other) elasticities

Use a simple labor supply model to organize the empirical issues

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Baseline Labor-Leisure Choice Model: Key Assumptions

1 One period

2 Intensive-margin, one dimensional choice

3 No frictions or adjustment costs

4 Linear tax system

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Static Model: Setup

Let c denote consumption and l hours worked

Normalize price of c to one

1 +1/ε
Agent has utility u (c, l ) = c a l1+1/ε

Agent earns wage w per hour worked and has y in non-labor income

With tax rate τ on labor income, individual solves

max u (c, l ) s.t. c = (1 τ )wl + y

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Labor Supply Behavior

First order condition

(1 τ )w = al 1/ε
Yields labor supply function

log l = α + ε log(1 τ )w

Here y does not matter because u is quasilinear

Log-linearization of …rst order condition for general utility u (c, l )

would yield a labor supply fn of the form:

log l = α + ε log(1 τ )w ηy

Can recover εc from ε and η using Slutsky equation

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Problems with OLS Estimation of Labor Supply Equation

1 Econometric issues
Unobserved heterogeneity [tax instruments]

Measurement error in wages and division bias [tax instruments]

Selection into labor force [panel data]

2 Extensive vs. intensive margin responses [participation models]

3 Non-hours responses [taxable income]

4 Progressive taxes [non-linear budget set methods]

5 Frictions [macro comparisons, bounds]

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Econometric Problem 1: Unobserved Heterogeneity

Early studies estimated elasticity using cross-sectional variation in

wage rates

Problem: unobserved heterogeneity

Those with high wages also have a high propensity to work

Cross-sectional correlation between w and h likely to yield an upward

biased estimate of ε

Solution: use taxes as instruments for (1 τ )w

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Econometric Problem 2: Measurement Error/Division Bias

Wage w is typically not observed; backed out from dividing earnings

by reported hours

When hours are measured with noise, this can lead to “division bias”

Let l denote true hours, l observed hours

Compute w = l where e is earnings

) log l = log l + µ
) log w = log e log l = log e log l µ = log w µ

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Measurement Error and Division Bias
Mis-measurement of hours causes a spurious link between hours and

Estimate a regression of the following form:

log l = β1 + β2 log w + υ

cov (log l, log w ) cov (log l + µ, log w µ)
β2 = =
var (log w ) var (log w ) + var (µ)

Problem: Eb
β2 6= ε because orthogonality restriction for OLS violated

Ex. workers with high mis-reported hours also have low imputed
wages, biasing elasticity estimate downward

Solution: tax instruments again

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Econometric Problem 3: Selection into Labor Force

Consider model with …xed costs of working, where some individuals

choose not to work

Wages are unobserved for non-labor force participants

Thus, OLS regression on workers only includes observations with

li > 0

This can bias OLS estimates: low wage earners must have very high
unobserved propensity to work to …nd it worthwhile

In cross-sections, requires a parametric selection correction (e.g.

Heckman 1979)

Non-parametric approach: use panel data to estimate within-person

intensive-margin changes
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Extensive vs. Intensive Margin

Related issue: want to characterize e¤ect of taxes on labor force

participation decision

With …xed costs of work, individuals may jump from non-participation

to part time or full time work (non-convex budget set)

Can be handled using a discrete choice model:

P = φ(α + ε log(1 τ) ηy )

where P 2 f0, 1g is an indicator for whether the individual works

Function φ typically speci…ed as probit or linear prob model

Note: here it is critical to have tax variation; regression cannot be run

with wage variation
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Non-Hours Responses

Traditional literature focused purely on hours of work and labor force


Problem: income taxes distort many margins beyond hours of work

More important responses may be on those margins

Hours very hard to measure (most ppl report 40 hours per week)

Two solutions in modern literature:

Focus on taxable income (wl) as a broader measure of labor supply

(Feldstein 1995)

Focus on subgroups of workers for whom hours are better measured,

e.g. taxi drivers
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Progressive Taxes and Labor Supply

OLS regression speci…cation is derived from model with a single linear

tax rate

In practice, income tax systems are non-linear

Consider e¤ect of US income tax code on budget sets

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Source: Congressional Budget O¢ ce 2005

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Example 1: Progressive Income Tax

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Example 2: EITC

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Example 3: Social Security Payroll Tax Cap

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Example 4: Negative Income Tax

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Progressive Taxes and Labor Supply

Non-linear budget set creates two problems:

1 Model mis-speci…cation: OLS regression no longer recovers structural

elasticity parameter ε of interest

Two reasons: (1) underestimate response because people pile up at

kink and (2) mis-estimate income e¤ects

2 Econometric bias: τ i depends on income wi li and hence on li

Tastes for work are positively correlated with τ i ! downward bias in

OLS regression of hours worked on net-of-tax rates

Solution to problem #2: only use reform-based variation in tax rates

But problem #1 requires fundamentally di¤erent estimation method

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Optimization Frictions

Standard methods assume that agents can costlessly adjust hours of


In practice, most hours changes occur with job switches (Altonji and
Paxson 1992)

And many individuals may be inattentive to change in tax rates

Implies that long-run impacts of policies may not be identi…ed from

short run variation

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Optimization Frictions and Identi…cation

Chetty (2012) formalizes how frictions a¤ect identi…cation of


Agents can choose any xt that generates a utility loss less than
exogenous threshold δ:

U (xi ) U (xi ) < δpxi

A given price p produces a choice set X (p, δ) instead of a single

point x (p )

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Construction of Choice Set

Np t x D Ýp t Þ


Utility u( xt )






X Ý p t , NÞ
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Source: Chetty 2009

Demand (xt)

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Identification with Optimization Frictions


log demand (log xt)






0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

log(pA) log(pB)

Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Identification with Optimization Frictions


log demand (log xt)






0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

log(pA) log(pB)

Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Identification with Optimization Frictions


log demand (log xt)






0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

log(pA) log(pB)

Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Identification with Optimization Frictions


log demand (log xt)






0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

log(pA) log(pB)

Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Optimization Frictions and Identi…cation

Identi…cation problem: Multiple observed elasticities bε can be

generated by a model with a given structural elasticity when δ > 0

Conversely, multiple structural elasticities consistent with observed bε

Note that this is not a …nite-sample problem; does not disappear as

sample size approaches ∞

One focus of current research: how to deal with such frictions and
recover ε?

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Estimating Elasticities Using Variation in Tax Rates

Now discuss literature estimating intensive-margin elasticities using

variation in tax rates for identi…cation

Begin by analyzing how to estimate elasticities with progressive taxes

in models without frictions

First discuss traditional NLBS estimation using maximum likelihood


Then discuss recent literature on bunching estimators

Then discuss most recent work on frictions and bunching estimators

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Non-Linear Budget Set Methods

Traditional approach to estimating elasticities with non-linear budget

sets pioneered by Hausman (1981)

Assume an uncompensated labor supply equation:

li = α + βwi (1 τ i ) + γyi + υi

Error term υi is normally distributed with variance σ2

Observed variables: wi , τ i , yi , and li

Technique: (1) construct likelihood function given observed labor

supply choices on NLBS, (2) …nd parameters (α, β, γ) that maximize

Important insight: need to use “virtual incomes” in lieu of actual

unearned income with NLBS
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Non-Linear Budget Set Estimation: Virtual Incomes



-L L2 l* L1

S ource: Haus man 1985

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NLBS Likelihood Function
Consider a two-bracket tax system
Individual can locate on …rst bracket, on second bracket, or at the
kink lK
Likelihood = probability that we see individual i at labor supply li
given a parameter vector
Decompose likelihood into three components
Component 1: individual i on …rst bracket: 0 < li < lK
li = α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 + υi
Error υi = li (α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 ). Likelihood:
Li = φ((li (α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 )/σ)
Component 2: individual i on second bracket: lK < li . Likelihood:
Li = φ((li (α + βwi (1 τ 2 ) + γy 2 )/σ)
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Likelihood Function: Located at the Kink

Now consider individual i located at the kink point

If tax rate is τ 1 and virtual income y 1 individual wants to work l > lK

If tax is τ 2 and virtual income y 2 individual wants to work l < lK

These inequalities imply:

α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 + υi > lK > α + βwi (1 τ 2 ) + γy 2 + υi

lK (α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 ) < υi < lK (α + βwi (1 τ 2 ) + γy 2 )

Contribution to likelihood is probability that error lies in this range:

Li = Φ[(lK (α + βwi (1 τ 2 ) + γy 2 ))/σ]

Φ[(lK (α + βwi (1 τ 1 ) + γy 1 ))/σ]

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Maximum Likelihood Estimation

Log likelihood function is ` = ∑i log Li

Final step is solving

max `(α, β, γ, σ)
In practice, likelihood function much more complicated because of
more kinks, non-convexities, and covariates

But basic technique remains the same

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Hausman (1981) Application

Hausman applies method to 1975 PSID cross-section

Finds signi…cant compensated elasticities and large income e¤ects

Elasticities larger for women than for men

Shortcomings of this implementation

1 Sensitivity to functional form choices

2 No tax reforms, so does not solve fundamental econometric problem

that tastes for work may be correlated with w

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NLBS and Bunching at Kinks

Subsequent studies obtain di¤erent estimates (MaCurdy, Green, and

Paarsh 1990, Blomquist 1995)

Several studies …nd negative compensated wage elasticity estimates

Debate: impose requirement that compensated elasticity is positive or

conclude that data rejects model?

Fundamental source of problem: labor supply model predicts that

individuals should bunch at the kink points of the tax schedule

But we observe very little bunching at kinks, so model is rejected by

the data

Interest in NLBS models diminished despite their conceptual

advantages over OLS methods
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Saez 2010: Bunching at Kinks

Saez observes that only non-parametric source of identi…cation for

elasticity in a cross-section is amount of bunching at kinks

Intuition: discontinuous reduction in wage rate at kink yields source of

non-parametric identi…cation

All other cross-sectional tax variation is contaminated by smooth

heterogeneity in tastes

Derives an estimator for the compensated taxable income elasticity

using amount of bunching at kinks
dz /z excess mass at kink
εc = =
dt/(1 t ) % change in NTR

Currently a popular approach (esp. when adapted to account for

frictions) because it yields highly credible estimates
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Saez 2010: Bunching at Kinks

Saez implements this method using individual tax return micro data
(IRS public use …les) from 1960 to 2004

Advantage of dataset over PSID: very little measurement error

Finds sharp bunching around …rst kink point of the EITC for

Later shown to be largely due to reporting e¤ects

However, no bunching observed at any kink for wage earners

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Earnings Density and the EITC: Wage Earners vs. Self-Employed

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Earnings Density and the EITC: Wage Earners vs. Self-Employed

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Friedberg 2000: Social Security Earnings Test

Uses CPS data on labor supply of retirees receiving Social Security


Studies bunching based on responses to Social Security earnings test

Earnings test: phaseout of SS bene…ts above an exempt amount

Phaseout rate varies by age group - 50%, 33%, 0 (lower for older

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Friedberg: Estimates

Estimates elasticities using Hausman method, …nds relatively large

compensated and uncompensated elasticities

Haider and Loughran (2008) replicate these results in admin. data

over mroe years

Find that degree of bunching and implied elasticities are 3 times larger
in data with less msmt error

Ironically, lost social security bene…ts are considered delayed

retirement with an actuarial adjustment of future bene…ts

!So the one kink where we do …nd real bunching is actually not real!

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Why not more bunching at kinks?

1 Small structural elasticity

2 Noise in income generation process

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Why not more bunching at kinks?

1 Small structural elasticity

2 Noise in income generation process

3 Price misperceptions and salience e¤ects

Liebman and Zeckhauser (2009): “Schmeduling”

Ito (2012): empirical evidence that average price matters more than
marginal price

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Ito (2012)

Ito (2012) presents evidence that individuals pay more attention to

average prices than marginal prices

Paper can be interpreted as estimating price-perception function

e(p + τ )

Studies electricity consumption in Orange County, CA with two

sources of price variation

Kinks in rate structure generate variation in marginal price

Spatial discontinuity coupled with sharp price increase in 2000 by one

utility changes average price

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Consumption Density and Price Schedule in 2007: Bunching Around Kink Points

Source: Ito 2012

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A Spatial Discontinuity in Electric Utility Service Areas in Orange County, California

Source: Ito 2012

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Changes in Consumption from July 1999 to July 2000,
by Distance from the Utility Border

Source: Ito 2012

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Changes in Consumption from August 1999 to August 2000,
by Distance from the Utility Border

Source: Ito 2012

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Why not more bunching at kinks?

1 Small structural elasticity

2 Noise in income generation process

3 Price misperceptions and salience e¤ects

4 Optimization frictions and rigidities in job o¤ers

Chetty, Friedman, Olsen, Pistaferri (2011)

Chetty, Friedman, Saez (2012)

Kleven and Waseem (2012)

Gelber, Jones, and Sacks (2012)

Bastani and Selin (2012)

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Chetty, Friedman, Olsen, Pistaferri: Model

Firms post jobs with di¤erent hours o¤ers

Workers draw from this distribution and must pay search cost to

Firm cater to aggregate worker preferences: posted distribution …ts

aggregate tastes

Therefore not all workers locate at optimal hours

Bunching at kink and observed responses to tax reforms attenuated

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Chetty et al. 2011: Testable Predictions

Model generates two key predictions:

1 [Size] Larger tax changes generate larger observed elasticities

Large tax changes are more likely to induce workers to search for a
di¤erent job

2 [Scope] Tax changes that apply to a larger group of workers generate

larger observed elasticities

Firms tailor jobs to preferences of common workers

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15000 20000

(sum) cnt
.38 .36


220000 240000 260000 280000 300000 320000

NTR (sum) cnt

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Income Distribution for Wage Earners Around Top Tax Cutoff


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Income Distribution for Wage Earners Around Top Tax Cutoff


Excess mass = BÝAbÞ


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Income Distribution for Wage Earners Around Top Tax Cutoff

Excess mass (b) = 0.81
Standard error = 0.05

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Married Women vs. Single Men


Frequency (married women)

Frequency (single men)


Married Women
Excess mass (b)= 1.79
Standard error = 0.10

Single Men
Excess mass (b) = 0.25

Standard error = 0.04


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)
Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Teachers vs. Military

Excess mass (b)= 3.54

Standard error = 0.25

Frequency (military)
Frequency (teachers)



Excess mass (b) = -0.12
Standard error = 0.21

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Taxable Income Distributions in 1994

4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000

Frequency (married women)

Frequency (all wage earners)

Married Women
Excess Mass (b) = 1.03
Standard error = 0.14

All Wage Earners
Excess Mass (b) = 0.61
Standard error = 0.08

210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 65 / 220

Frequency (married women)
Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.25
s.e. = 0.16

b = 0.41

s.e. = 0.08


210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 66 / 220

Frequency (married women)
Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.55

s.e. = 0.17

b = 0.66
s.e. = 0.09


210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 67 / 220


Frequency (married women)

Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.26
s.e. = 0.19


b = 0.58
s.e. = 0.01


210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 68 / 220

Frequency (married women)
Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.71
s.e. = 0.18


b = 0.78
s.e. = 0.09


210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 69 / 220

Frequency (married women)
Frequency (all wage earners)


b = 1.49
s.e. = 0.16

b = 0.62

s.e. = 0.08


210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 70 / 220


Frequency (married women)

Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.50
s.e. = 0.21


b = 0.72

s.e. = 0.09

210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300

Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 71 / 220


Frequency (married women)

Frequency (all wage earners)

b = 1.44
s.e. = 0.20

b = 0.55

s.e. = 0.10

210 220 230 240 250 260 270 280 290 300
Taxable Income (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Married Women: Taxable Income Distribution at Middle Tax Cutoff


Excess mass (b) = 0.06

Standard error = 0.03

Predicted excess mass = 0.35

Standard error = 0.02

-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Taxable Income Relative to Middle Bracket Cutoff

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Observed Elasticity vs. Size of Tax Change
All Wage Earners

Observed Elasticities



0 5% 10% 15% 20% 25% 30%

Log Change in Net-of-Tax Rate

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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All Teachers


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Wage Earnings Relative to Statutory Kink (1000s DKR)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Wage Earnings Distribution: Teachers with Deductions > DKr 20,000

This group
starts paying

top tax here


-50 -40 -30 -20 -10 0 10 20 30 40 50

Wage Earnings Relative to Statutory Kink (1000s DKR)

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(a) Electricians,
Electricians (3114),2000
2000 (b) Salesmen, 1996




-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100
Wage Wage Earnings
Earnings Relative
Relative to Topto Top Bracket
Bracket Cutoff Cutoff
(1000s DKr) Wage Wage Earnings
Earnings Relative
Relative to Topto Top Bracket
Bracket Cutoff Cutoff
(1000s DKr)

(c) Nurses and Midwifes, 2001 (d) Tellers and Clerks, 1998





-100 -50 0 50 100 -100 -50 0 50 100

Wage Wage Earnings
Earnings Relative
Relative to Topto Top Bracket
Bracket Cutoff Cutoff
(1000s DKr) Wage Earnings Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 77 / 220
Modes of Occupation-Level Wage Earnings Distributions


-100 -50 0 50 100

Modes of Wage Earnings Distributions Relative to Top Bracket Cutoff (1000s DKr)

Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Chetty et al. 2011: Lessons

Frictions and coordinated …rm responses play a crucial role behavioral

responses to taxation

NLBS models may …t data better if these factors are incorporated

Standard methods of estimating elasticities that ignore these factors

likely to underestimate elasticities

Limitation: does not yield an estimate of structural elasticity ε or

actual impact of tax system on earnings distribn.

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 79 / 220
Chetty, Friedman, Saez (2012)

Identi…es impacts of EITC on earnings distribution given existence of


Use areas with no knowledge about the EITC schedule as a

counterfactual for earnings distribution in absence of EITC

Results suggest that earlier Danish study may have signi…cantly

understated impact of tax system on earnings distribution

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Income Distribution For Single Wage Earners with One Child
Is the EITC having
an effect on this
3.5 distribution? 4k

Percent of Wage-Earners


EITC Amount ($)



0 0k
$0 $5K $10K $25K $20K $25K $30K $35K
W-2 Wage Earnings

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 81 / 220
Empirical Analysis: Two Parts

First, develop a proxy for local knowledge about EITC schedule based
on income manipulation by self-employed individuals

Self-employment income is self-reported ! easy to manipulate

Audit data reveal very high misreporting rates of SE income

Second, compare W-2 wage earnings distributions across areas to

uncover impacts of EITC of “real” earnings behavior

Wage earnings are directly reported to IRS by employers ! virtually no

scope for misreporting

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Outline of Empirical Analysis

Step 1: Document variation across neighborhoods in sharp bunching

among self-employed

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Earnings Distribution in Texas


Percent of Filers





-$10K $0 $10K $20K

Income Relative to 1st Kink
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Earnings Distribution in Kansas


Percent of Filers





-$10K $0 $10K $20K

Income Relative to 1st Kink
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Fraction of Tax Filers Who Report SE Income that Maximizes EITC Refund
in 2008

4.1 –42.7%
2.8 –4.1%
2.1 –2.8%
1.8 –2.1%
1.5 –1.8%
1.2 –1.5%
1.1 –1.2%
0.9 –1.1%
0.7 –0.9%
0 –0.7%

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Outline of Empirical Analysis

Step 1: Document variation across neighborhoods in sharp bunching

among self-employed

Step 2: Establish that variation in sharp bunching across

neighborhoods is driven by di¤erences in knowledge about EITC

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 87 / 220
Movers: Neighborhood Changes

Consider individuals who move across neighborhoods to isolate causal

impacts of neighborhoods on elasticities

54 million observations in panel data on cross-zip movers

Analyze how changes in neighborhood sharp bunching a¤ect movers’


Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 88 / 220
Event Study of Sharp Bunching Around Moves

5% Effect of Moving to
10th Decile = 1.93
Sharp Bunching for Movers

Effect of Moving to
1st Decile = -0.41




-4 -2 0 2 4
Event Year
Movers to Lowest Movers to Middle Movers to Highest
Bunching Decile Bunching Decile Bunching Decile
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Learning and Memory

Knowledge model predicts asymmetric impact of moving:

Moving to a higher-bunching neighborhood should raise EITC refund

Moving to a lower-bunching should not a¤ect EITC refund

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Change in EITC Refunds vs. Change in Sharp Bunching for Movers

Change in EITC Refund ($)


β= 59.7

β= 6.0
p-value for diff. in slopes: p < 0.0001

-1% -0.5% 0% 0.5% 1%

Change in ZIP-3 Sharp Bunching

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Agglomeration: Sharp Bunching vs. EITC Filer Density by ZIP Code


Sharp Bunching




R2 = 0.6

-2 0 2 4 6
log (Number of EITC Filers Per Square Mile)
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 92 / 220
Outline of Empirical Analysis

Step 1: Document variation across neighborhoods in sharp bunching

among self-employed

Step 2: Establish that variation in sharp bunching across

neighborhoods is driven by di¤erences in knowledge about EITC

Step 3: Compare wage earnings distributions across low- and

high-knowledge neighborhoods to uncover impacts of EITC on

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 93 / 220
Income Distribution For Single Wage Earners with One Child

Is the EITC having

an effect on this
3.5 4k

Percent of Wage-Earners


EITC Amount ($)




0 0k

$0 $5K $10K $25K $20K $25K $30K $35K

W-2 Wage Earnings

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 94 / 220
Income Distribution For Single Wage Earners with One Child
High vs. Low Bunching Areas

3.5 4k

Percent of Wage-Earners


EITC Amount ($)




0 0k

$0 $5K $10K $25K $20K $25K $30K $35K

W-2 Wage Earnings
Lowest Bunching Decile Highest Bunching Decile
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 95 / 220
Outline of Empirical Analysis

Step 1: Document variation across neighborhoods in sharp bunching

among self-employed

Step 2: Establish that variation in sharp bunching across

neighborhoods is driven by di¤erences in knowledge about EITC

Step 3: Compare wage earnings distributions across low- and

high-knowledge neighborhoods to uncover impacts of EITC on

Step 4: Compare impacts of changes in EITC subsidies on earnings

across low vs. high knowledge nbhds. to account for omitted variables

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Child Birth Research Design

Individuals without children are essentially ineligible for the EITC

Birth of a child therefore generates sharp variation in marginal


Birth a¤ects labor supply directly, but cross-neighborhood

comparisons provide good counterfactuals

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Earnings Distribution in the Year Before First Child Birth for Wage Earners

Percent of Individuals




$0 $10K $20K $30K $40K

Wage Earnings
Lowest Sharp Middle Sharp Highest Sharp
Bunching Decile Bunching Decile Bunching Decile
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 98 / 220
Earnings Distribution in the Year of First Child Birth for Wage Earners

Percent of Individuals




$0 $10K $20K $30K $40K

Wage Earnings
Lowest Sharp Middle Sharp Highest Sharp
Bunching Decile Bunching Decile Bunching Decile
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Simulated EITC Credit Amount for Wage Earners Around First Child Birth

Simulated One-Child EITC Amount ($)

ß = 85.4



-4 -2 0 2 4
Age of Child
Lowest Sharp Middle Sharp Highest Sharp
Bunching Decile Bunching Decile Bunching Decile
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Change in Simulated One-Child EITC Refund ($) Changes in Simulated EITC around Births for Wage Earners


β= 26.5


0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
ZIP-3 Self-Employed Sharp Bunching
0 to 1 Child

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Change in Simulated One-Child EITC Refund ($) Changes in Simulated EITC around Births for Wage Earners


β= 26.5

β= -0.13


0% 2% 4% 6% 8%
ZIP-3 Self-Employed Sharp Bunching
0 to 1 Child 2 to 3 Children

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Composition of Wage Earnings Responses

Where is the increase in EITC refunds coming from?

By studying distributional shifts, we estimate that:

73% comes from increase in earnings in phase-in region

27% from reduction in earnings in phase-out region

Use neighborhoods with no self-emp. sharp bunching as

counterfactual to characterize causal impacts of EITC on earnings

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 103 / 220
Impact of EITC on Income Distribution

Percent of EITC-Eligible Households Below Threshold

50% of 100% of 150% of 200% of

Poverty Line Poverty Line Poverty Line Poverty Line

13.7% 31.9% 54.3% 77.3%

Behavioral 9.4% 22.0% 42.1% 71.1%

EITC, with
Avg. Behavioral 8.2% 21.0% 42.0% 71.3%

EITC with Top

Decile Behavioral 6.2% 19.6% 42.0% 71.7%

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Elasticity Estimates Based on Change in EITC Refunds Around Birth of First Child

Mean Phase-in Phase-out Extensive

Elasticity Elasticity Elasticity Elasticity

A. Wage Earnings

Elasticity in U.S. 2000-2005 0.10 0.14 0.06 0.10

(0.008) (0.011) (0.006) (0.009)

Elasticity in top decile ZIP-3's 0.46 0.58 0.30 0.59

(0.017) (0.021) (0.021) (0.033)

B. Total Earnings

Elasticity in U.S. 2000-2005 0.22 0.34 0.08 0.18

(0.013) (0.020) (0.004) (0.012)

Elasticity in top decile ZIP-3's 0.95 1.32 0.34 1.05

(0.026) (0.036) (0.012) (0.039)

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Traditional Labor Supply Elasticity Estimates

Return to simple model with linear tax

Large literature in labor economics estimates e¤ects of taxes and

wages on hours worked and participation

Now discuss some estimates from this older literature

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 106 / 220
Negative Income Tax

Best way to resolve identi…cation problems: exogenously increase the

marginal tax rate

NIT experiment conducted in 1960s/70s in Denver, Seattle, and other


First major social experiment in U.S.

Provided lump-sum welfare grants G combined with a steep phaseout

rate τ (50%-70%)

Analysis by Rees (1974), Ashenfelter and Plant (1990), and others

Several groups, with randomization within each; approx. N = 75

households in each group
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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 108 / 220
NIT Experiments: Ashenfelter and Plant 1990

Present non-parametric evidence of labor supply e¤ects

Compare implied bene…t payments to treated vs control households

Di¤erence in bene…t payments aggregates hours and participation


This is the relevant parameter for expenditure calculations and

potentially for welfare analysis (revenue method of calculating DWL)

But does not decompose estimates into income and substitution


Hard to identify the elasticities relevant to predict labor supply e¤ects

of other programs
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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 110 / 220
NIT Experiments: Findings

Signi…cant labor supply response but small overall

Implied earnings elasticity for males around 0.1

Implied earnings elasticity for women around 0.5

Response of women is concentrated along the extensive margin

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Problems with Experimental Design
Estimates from NIT not considered very credible today for two reasons:

1 Self reported earnings

Treatments had …nancial incentives to under-report earnings.

Reported earnings not well correlated with actual payments
!Lesson: need to match with administrative records

2 Selective attrition

After initial year, data was collected based on voluntary income reports
by families to qualify for the grant

Those in less generous groups/far above breakeven point had much less
incentive to report

Consequently attrition rates were much higher in these groups

!No longer a random sample of treatment + controls

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Tax Reform Variation
Modern studies use tax changes as natural experiments

Representative example: Eissa (1995)

Uses the Tax Reform Act of 1986 to identify the e¤ect of MTRs on
labor force participation and hours of married women

TRA 1986 cut top income MTR from 50% to 28% from 1986 to 1988

But did not signi…cantly change tax rates for the middle class

Substantially increased incentives to work of wives of high income

husbands relative wives of middle income husbands

DD strategy: compare women in top 1% households (treatment) with

women in 90th percentile and 75th percentile (controls)

Data: CPS, 1983-85 and 1989-91

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Eissa 1995: Results

Participation elasticity around 0.4 but large standard errors

Hours elasticity of 0.6

Total elasticity (unconditional hours) is 0.4 + 0.6 = 1

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Eissa 1995: Caveats

Does the common trends assumption hold?

Potential story biasing the result:

Trend toward “power couples” and thus DD might not be due to taxes
In the 1980s, professionals had non-working spouses
In the 1990s, professionals married to professionals
While for middle class, always married to working middle class wives

Problem: starting from very di¤erent levels for T and C groups

Liebman and Saez (2006) show that Eissa’s results are not robust
using admin data (SSA matched to SIPP)

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Bianchi, Gudmundsson, and Zoega 2001

Use 1987 “no tax year” in Iceland as a natural experiment

In 1987-88, Iceland switched to a withholding-based tax system

Workers paid taxes on 1986 income in 1987; paid taxes on 1988

income in 1988; 1987 earnings never taxed

Data: individual tax returns matched with data on weeks worked from
insurance database

Random sample of 9,274 individuals who …led income tax-returns in


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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 121 / 220
Bianchi, Gudmundsson, and Zoega 2001

Large, salient change: ∆ log(1 MTR ) 49%, much bigger than

most studies

Note that elasticities reported in paper are w.r.t. average tax rates:

∑(L87 LA )/LA
εL,T /E =
∑ T86 /E86
∑ 87 EA )/EA
( E
εE ,T /E =
∑ T86 /E86
Estimates imply earnings elasticity w.r.t. marginal tax rate of roughly
0.37 (Chetty 2012)

Is this a Frisch or Hicksian elasticity?

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Responses to Low-Income Transfer Programs
Particular interest in treatment of low incomes in a progressive tax
system: are they responsive to incentives?
Recent literature has focused on welfare reform in mid-1990’s
Reform modi…ed AFDC cash welfare program to provide more
incentives to work by
1 Requiring recipients to go to job training
2 Limiting the duration for which families able to receive welfare
3 Reducing phase out to 66 cents of bene…ts per $1 earnings instead of
100% cli¤

Variation across states because Fed govt. gave block grants with
EITC also expanded during this period: general shift from welfare to
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 123 / 220
Monthly Welfare Case Loads: 1963-2000

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Welfare Reform: Two Empirical Questions

1 Incentives: did welfare reform actually increase labor supply

Test whether EITC expansions and changes in welfare policies a¤ect

labor supply

2 Bene…ts: did removing many people from transfer system reduce their

How did consumption change?

Focus on single mothers, who were most impacted by reform

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 125 / 220
Meyer and Rosenbaum 2001

Study the …rst question: impact of welfare reforms and EITC on labor

Document dramatic (6 pp, 10%) increase in LFP for single women

with children around EITC expansion

No change for women without children

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Employment Rates for Single Women with and without Children

Employment Rate


1984 1986 1988 1990 1992 1994 1996


Children No Children
Source: Meyer and Rosenbaum 2001

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Meyer and Rosenbaum 2001
Problem: EITC expansion took place at same time as welfare reform

Try to disentangle e¤ects of welfare waivers, changes in AFDC and

state taxes, etc. using state-level variation

Fit a regression model with following policy variables at state level

(interacted with # of kids, etc.):


AFDC bene…ts




Child Care
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 129 / 220
Meyer and Rosenbaum 2001

From 1984-1996, the extra increase in single mom’s relative to single

women without kids is explained by:

1 EITC expansion (60%)

2 Welfare max bene…t reduction (AFDC and food stamps) (25%)

3 Medicaid if work (-10%) (insigni…cant and wrong sign)

4 Welfare waivers (time limits) 15%

5 Child care and training: 15%

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 130 / 220
Meyer and Sullivan 2004

Examine the consumption patterns of single mothers and their

families from 1984–2000 using CEX data

Question: did single mothers’consumption fall because they lost

welfare bene…ts and were forced to work?

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Total Consumption: Single Mothers 1984-2000

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Relative Consumption: single women with/without children

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Meyer and Sullivan: Results

Material conditions of single mothers did not decline in recent years,

either in absolute terms or relative to single childless women or
married mothers

In most cases, evidence suggests that the material conditions of single

mothers have improved slightly

Question: is this because economy was booming in 1990s?

Is workfare approach more problematic in current economy?

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 134 / 220
Changing Elasticities: Blau and Kahn 2007

Identify elasticities from 1980-2000 using “grouping instrument”

1 De…ne cells (year/age/gender/education) and compute mean wages

2 Instrument for actual wage with mean wage

Identify purely from group-level variation, which is less contaminated

by individual endogenous choice

Result: total hours elasticity (including int + ext margin) shrank from
0.4 in 1980 to 0.2 today

Interpretation: elasticities shrink as women become more attached to

the labor force

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Summary of Static Labor Supply Literature

1 Small elasticities for prime-age males

Probably institutional restrictions, need for one income, etc. prevent a

short-run response

2 Larger responses for workers who are less attached to labor force

Married women, low incomes, retirees

3 Responses driven by extensive margin in short-run

Ext margin (participation) elasticity around 0.2

Int margin (hours) elasticity close 0

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Intertemporal Models and the MaCurdy Critique

What parameter do reduced-form regressions of labor supply on

wages or taxes identify?

MaCurdy critique: reduced-form studies did not identify any

parameter of interest in a dynamic model

Instead, estimate a mix of income e¤ects, intertemporal substitution

e¤ects, and compensated wage elasticities

MaCurdy (1981) develops a tractable method (two stage budgeting)

to identify preference parameters in a life-cycle model of labor supply

See Chetty (2006) for a simple exposition of two-stage budgeting

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Life Cycle Model of Labor Supply

With time-separable utility, agents maximize

U= ∑ β t u ( ct , lt )
t =0

First order conditions

lt : βt ult + λwt /(1 + r )t = 0

ct : βt uct + λ/(1 + r )t = 0

Combining yields: ul (lt ) = wt uc

Intratemporal f.o.c. same as in static model

Intertemporal f.o.c.: uct /uct +1 = β(1 + r )

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Dynamic Life Cycle Model: Policy Rules
λ = uc0 is the marginal utility of initial consumption

The two …rst order conditions imply that

lt = l (wt , λ/( β(1 + r ))t )
ct = c (wt , λ/( β(1 + r ))t )
Current labor and consumption choice depends on current wt

All other wage rates and initial wealth enter only through the budget
constraint multiplier λ (MaCurdy 1981)

Easy to see for separable utility:

u (c, l ) = u (c ) v (l )
) v (lt ) = λwt /[ β(1 + r )]t
) lt = v 0 1 (λwt /[ β(1 + r )]t )
Su¢ ciency of λ greatly simpli…es solution to ITLS model
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 139 / 220
Dynamic Life Cycle Model: Frisch Elasticity

Frisch intertemporal labor supply elasticity de…ned as:

wt ∂l
δ=( ) jλ
lt ∂wt
Experiment: change wage rate in one period only, holding all other
wages, and consumption pro…le constant

Can show that δ > 0: work more today to take advantage of

temporarily higher wage

In separable case:

lt = v 0 1 (λwt /[ β(1 + r )]t )

∂l λ
) jλ = >0
∂wt β(1 + r )t v 00 (lt )

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Dynamic Life Cycle Model: Three Types of Wage Changes

1 Evolutionary wage change: movements along pro…le

2 Parametric change: temporary tax cut

3 Pro…le shift: changing the wage rate in all periods

Equivalent to a permanent parametric change

Implicitly the elasticity that static studies estimate with unanticipated

tax changes

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Frisch vs. Compensated vs. Uncompensated Elasticities

Frisch elasticity Compensated static elasticity

Compensated static elasticity Uncompensated static elasticity

Compensated static elasticity: changing wages in all periods but

keeping utility constant

Uncompensated static elasticity: changing wages in each period with

no compensation

First inequality is due to inter-temporal substitution:

When wage increases only in 1 period, substitute labor from other

periods toward this period

When it increases in all periods, do not have this motive

Second inequality is due to income e¤ects (as in static model)

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Frisch vs. Compensated vs. Uncompensated Elasticities

Frisch elasticity Compensated static elasticity

Compensated static elasticity Uncompensated static elasticity

Without income e¤ects, all three elasticities are equal

Otherwise inequalities are strict

Di¤erence in elasticities related to anticipated vs. unanticipated


Frisch elasticity is of central interest for calibration of macro business

cycle models

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Frisch Elasticities Implied by Hicksian Elasticity of 0.33

d [wli ,t ] 2 Ai ,t
εF = ε + ρ ( )
dYi ,t wli ,t

Income Effect: -d[wl*]/dY

0.00 0.11 0.22 0.33 0.44 0.55 0.66 0.35
0.00 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.33 0.50
0.20 0.33 0.34 0.35 0.36 0.38 0.41 0.44 0.55
0.40 0.33 0.34 0.36 0.39 0.43 0.49 0.55 0.60
EIS 0.60 0.33 0.34 0.37 0.42 0.48 0.56 0.66 0.65

(ρ) 0.80 0.33 0.35 0.38 0.44 0.53 0.64 0.77 0.70
1.00 0.33 0.35 0.39 0.47 0.58 0.71 0.88 0.75
1.20 0.33 0.35 0.41 0.50 0.63 0.79 0.99 0.79
1.40 0.33 0.35 0.42 0.53 0.67 0.87 1.10 0.84
Source: Chetty 2011

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Structural Estimates: MaCurdy 1983 and Pencavel 2002

MaCurdy (1983)
Structural estimate using panel data for men and within-person wage
Find both Frisch and compensated wage elasticity of around 0.15
But wage variation is not exogenous

Pencavel (2002)
Instruments with trade balance interacted with schooling and age
Frisch elasticity: 0.2
Uncompensated wage elasticity: 0-0.2

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Card (1991) Critique of ITLS models

Critiques value of ITLS model

Fails to explain most variation in hours over lifecycle

Sheds little light on pro…le-shift elasticities that we care about

Di¢ cult to identify key parameters

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Blundell, Duncan, and Meghir 1998

Use quasi-experimental variation coupled with ITLS model to identify

Frisch elasticity

Group individuals by birth cohort (decade) interacted with education

(e.g. high school or more)

Tax reforms in the UK in 1980s a¤ected groups very di¤erently

Key innovation over pure reduced-form studies: use consumption data

as a control for permanent income

Yields a structurally interpretable (λ constant) elasticity estimate

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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 149 / 220
Blundell, Duncan, and Meghir: Results

Compensated wage elasticities: 0.15-0.3, depending on number of kids

Virtually no income e¤ects

Identi…cation assumption is common trends across cohort/ed groups

Reforms in 80s went in opposite directions at di¤erent times

!Secular trends cannot explain everything

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Manoli and Weber 2011

Use variation in retirement bene…ts as a function of job tenure in

Austria to estimate intertemp subst. elasticity

Administrative panel for full population of Austria, 1980-2005

Question: how much do people delay retirement in order to get higher

(anticipated) bene…ts?

Rough estimate of intertemp subst. elasticity on extensive margin of

0.2 at annual level

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Lump-Sum Severance Payments at Retirement

Fraction of Last Year's Salary

0 5 10 15 20 25 30
Years of Tenure at Retirement
Source: Manoli and Weber 2009

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Distribution of Tenure at Retirement
Quarterly Frequency
Number of Individuals

10 15 20 25
Years of Tenure at Retirement
Source: Manoli and Weber 2009

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Taxable Income Elasticities

Modern public …nance literature focuses on taxable income elasticities

instead of hours/participation elasticities

Two main reasons

1 Convenient su¢ cient statistic for all distortions created by income tax
system (Feldstein 1999)

2 Data availability: taxable income is precisely measured in tax return


Good overview of this literature: Saez et al. 2010 (JEL)

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US Income Taxation: Trends

The biggest changes in MTRs are at the top

1 [Kennedy tax cuts]: 91% to 70% in ’63-65

2 [Reagan I, ERTA 81]: 70% to 50% in ’81-82

3 [Reagan II, TRA 86]: 50% to 28% in ’86-88

4 [Bush I tax increase]: 28% to 31% in ’91

5 [Clinton tax increase]: 31% to 39.6% in ’93

6 [Bush Tax cuts]: 39.6% to 35% in ’01-03

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Feldstein 1995

Feldstein (1995) estimates the e¤ect of TRA86 on taxable income for

top earners

Constructs three income groups based on income in 1985

Looks at how incomes and MTR evolve from 1985 to 1988 for
individuals in each group using panel

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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 157 / 220
Feldstein: Results

Feldstein obtains very high elasticities (above 1) for top earners

Implication: we were on the wrong side of the La¤er curve for the rich

Cutting tax rates would raise revenue

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Feldstein: Econometric Criticisms

DD can give very biased results when elasticity di¤er by groups

Suppose that the middle class has a zero elasticity so that

∆ log(z M ) = 0

Suppose high income individuals have an elasticity of e so that

∆ log(z H ) = e∆ log(1 τH )

Suppose tax change for high is twice as large:

∆ log(1 τ M ) = 10% and ∆ log(1 τ H ) = 20%

e 20% 0
Estimated elasticity ê = 20% 10% = 2e

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Feldstein: Econometric Criticisms

Sample size: results driven by very few observations (Slemrod 1996)

Auten-Carroll (1999) replicate results on larger Treasury dataset

Find a smaller elasticity: 0.65

Di¤erent trends across income groups (Goolsbee 1998)

Triple di¤erence that nets out di¤erential prior trends yields elasticity
<0.4 for top earners

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Slemrod: Shifting vs. “Real” Responses

Slemrod (1996) studies “anatomy” of the behavioral response

underlying change in taxable income

Shows that large part of increase is driven by shift between C corp

income to S corp income

Looks like a supply side story but government is actually losing revenue
at the corporate tax level

Shifting across tax bases not taken into account in Feldstein e¢ ciency
cost calculations

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Wages S-Corp. Partner. Sole P. Dividends Interest Other











The Top 1% Income Share and Composition, 1960-2000

Source: Saez 2004

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Goolsbee: Intertemporal Shifting

Goolsbee (2000) hypothesizes that top earners’ability to retime

income drives much of observed responses

Analogous to identi…cation of Frisch elasticity instead of compensated


Regression speci…cation:

TLI = α + β1 log(1 taxt ) + β2 log(1 taxt +1 )

Long run e¤ect is β1 + β2

Uses ExecuComp data to study e¤ects of the 1993 Clinton tax

increase on executive pay

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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 164 / 220
Goolsbee 2000

Most a¤ected groups (income>$250K) had a surge in income in 1992

(when reform was announced) relative to 1991 followed by a sharp
drop in 1993

Simple DD estimate would …nd a large e¤ect here, but it would be

picking up pure re-timing

Concludes that long run e¤ect is 20x smaller than substitution e¤ect

E¤ects driven almost entirely by retiming exercise of options

Long run elasticity <0.4 and likely close to 0

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Gruber and Saez 2002
First study to examine taxable income responses for general
population, not just top earners
Use data from 1979-1991 on all tax changes available rather than a
single reform
Simulated instruments methodology

Step 1: Simulate tax rates based on period t income and characteristics

MTRtP+3 = ft +3 (yt , Xt )
MTRt +3 = ft +3 (yt +3 , Xt +3 )
Step 2 […rst stage]: Regress log(1 MTRt +3 ) log(1 MTRt ) on
log(1 MTRtP+3 ) log(1 MTRt )
Step 3 [second stage]: Regress ∆ log TI on predicted value from …rst

Isolates changes in laws (ft ) as the only source of variation in tax rates
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Gruber and Saez: Results

Find an elasticity of roughly 0.1-0.4 with splines

But this is very fragile (Giertz 2008)

Sensitive to exclusion of low incomes (min income threshold)

Sensitive to controls for mean reversion

Subsequent studies …nd smaller elasticities using data from other


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Evidence from Danish Tax Reforms
Observed Earnings Responses to Small Tax Reforms
% Residual Change in Wage Earnings

-4 -2 0 2 4 6
% Residual Change in Net-of-Tax Wage Rate ∆log(1-t)
Source: Chetty et al. 2009

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Imbens et al. 2001: Income E¤ects

Estimate income e¤ects using lottery winnings

Survey responses matched with administrative data on earnings from

Social Security Administration

Divide sample into three subgroups:

1 Losers [N = 259]: “season ticket holders” who won $100-$5K

2 Winners [N = 237]: anyone who won prizes of $22K to $9.7 mil

3 Big Winners [N = 43]: winners of prizes >$2 mil total ($100K/yr)

Estimate marginal propensity to earn out of unearned income of

d [wl ]/dy = 0.1

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Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 171 / 220
Taxable Income Literature: Summary

Large responses for the rich, mostly intertemporal substitution and


Responses among lower incomes small in short run

Pattern con…rmed in many settings (e.g. Kopczuk 2009 - Polish ‡at

tax reform)

But many methdological problems remain to be resolved

Econometric issues: mean reversion, appropriate counterfactuals

Which elasticity is being identi…ed?

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Macro Evidence

Macroeconomists estimate/calibrate elasticities by examining

long-term trends/cross-country comparisons

Identi…cation more tenuous but estimates perhaps more relevant to

long-run policy questions of interest

Use aggregate hours data and aggregate measures of taxes (average

tax rates)

But highly in‡uential in calibration of macroeconomic models

Macro models require high elasticities to …t both business cycle and

cross-country data

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Prescott 2004

Uses data on hours worked by country in 1970 and 1995 for 7 OECD

Technique to identify elasticity: calibration

Rough logic: posit a utility function u (c, l; ε)

Hicksian elasticity of ε = 0.8 best matches cross-country evidence

Note that this is analogous to a regression without controls for other

variables abstracting from GE e¤ects

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Aggregate Hours vs. Net-of-Tax Rates Across Countries (Prescott Data)

εPrescott=0.7 Japan 1970-74
Log Hours Worked Per Adult

Japan 1993-96
UK 1993-96
France 1970-74
UK 1970-74
Canada 1993-96 US 1993-96
Canada 1970-74

Germany 1993-96 Italy 1970-74

France 1993-96
Italy 1993-96

-1 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2

Log (1-Tax Rate)

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Business Cycle Fluctuations in Employment Rates in the U.S.
Log Deviation of Employment from HP Filtered Trend







1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Employment Employment - Men (25-54)

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Reconciling Micro and Macro Estimates

Recent interest in reconciling micro and macro elasticity estimates

Three potential explanations

1 Statistical Bias: regulations, culture di¤ers in countries with higher tax

rates [Alesina, Glaeser, Sacerdote 2005]

2 Extensive vs. Intensive margin: “Indivisible Labor” [Rogerson 1988;

Rogerson and Wallenius 2008]

L = Nh
d log L d log N d log h d log h
= + >
d (1 τ ) d (1 τ ) d (1 τ ) d (1 τ )
3 Optimization frictions: short run vs. long run [Chetty 2012]

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Optimization Frictions

Chetty (2012) asks two questions

1 Can frictions quantitatively explain micro-macro puzzle and other

puzzles in labor supply literature?

2 Given frictions, what can we say about the “structural” elasticity?

Structural elasticity controls long run responses (e.g. Europe vs US)

To illustrate potential importance of frictions, …rst calculate utility

loss from ignoring tax changes under neoclassical model with ε = 0.5

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Consider a static demand model; results hold in dynamic model

N individuals with quasilinear utility over two goods:

x 1 1/ε
ui (x, y ) = y + ai
1 1/ε
Agent i’s optimal demand for good x:
ai ε
xi (p ) = (
) log xi (p ) = α ε log p + vi
where vi = αi α denotes i’s deviation from mean demand

Under orthogonality condition Evi jp = 0,

E log x1 E log x0
log p1 log p0
!Observed response to price increase (p0 to p1 ) identi…es ε.
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Optimization Frictions: Examples
Agent pays adjustment cost ki to change consumption

Demand set optimally at initial price p0

Let x (p ) denote observed demand at price p

De…ne observed elasticity estimated from price increase as

E log x1 E log x0
bε =
log p1 log p0
Observed elasticity confounds structural elasticity ε with adjustment
cost distribution:
bε = P (∆ui > ki )ε
e(p )
Behavioral example: price misperception p
E log p
e ( p1 ) E log pe ( p0 )
bε = ε
log p1 log p0
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Optimization Frictions

Restrict size of frictions by requiring that utility loss is less than

exogenous threshold δ:

U (xi ) U (xi ) < δpxi

This restriction generates a class of models around nominal model

Includes adjustment cost models, inattention, etc.

A δ class of models maps price to a choice set X (p, δ) instead of a

single point x (p )

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Construction of Choice Set

Np t x D Ýp t Þ


Utility u( xt )






X Ý p t , NÞ
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22

Source: Chetty 2009

Demand (xt)

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Identification with Optimization Frictions


log demand (log xt)






0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8

log(pA) log(pB)

Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Bounds and Partial Identi…cation

Chetty (2012) derives bounds on ε given estimates of ε̂

Approach is closely related to modern econometrics literature on

partial identi…cation

Also called “set identi…cation” or “moment inequalities” in IO

Pioneered by Manski (1993)

See Tamer (2010 Annual Review) for a good summary

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Partial Identi…cation

Main concept: avoid making strong assumptions about data

generating process

Instead, derive non-parametric bounds on parameters under

worst-case scenarios

Classic example: missing data with a binary outcome

Traditionally, assume data is missing at random
But easy to derive bounds by assuming missing data is all either 0 or 1

Chetty (2012) applies similar logic to handle model uncertainty rather

than missing data

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Calculation of Bounds on Structural Elasticity




log demand (log xt)






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

log(pA) log(pB)
Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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a) Upper Bound on Structural Elasticity




log demand (log xt)






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

log(pA) log(pB)
Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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b) Lower Bound on Structural Elasticity




log demand (log xt)






0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2

log(pA) log(pB)
Source: Chetty 2009 log price (log pt)

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Bounds on Elasticity with Optimization Frictions

For small δ, the range of structural elasticities consistent with an

observed elasticity bε in a δ class of models is approximately

4δ 4δ
[bε + (1 ρ),bε + (1 + ρ)]
(∆ log p )2 (∆ log p )2
1 bε
where ρ = (1 + (∆ log p )2 )1/2

Maps an observed elasticity bε, size of price change ∆ log p, and degree
of optimization frictions δ to bounds on ε.

Bounds shrink with (∆ log p )2

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Extensive Margin Responses

Now consider bounds on extensive margin elasticities

Assume that x 2 f0, 1g and ‡ow utility is

ui (x, y ) = y + bi x

Let F (bi ) denote distribution of tastes for x

Agents optimally buy x if taste bi > p ! θ = 1 F (p )

Let structural extensive elasticity be denoted by

log θ A (pA ) log θ B (pB )

log pA log pB
Let θ = observed participation rate and b
η = observed extensive
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 193 / 220
Bounds on Structural Elasticities: δ = 1%, ∆ log p = 20%


Intensive Margin
3.5 Bounds

Elasticity (ε)




1.0 Extensive Margin


0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1.0

Observed Elasticity ( ε )

Source: Chetty 2011

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Extensive vs. Intensive Margin Bounds

Bounds on extensive margin

p elasticities shrink linearly with δ rather
than in proportion to δ

Intuition: agents are not near optima to begin with on extensive

margin ! …rst-order utility losses from failing to reoptimize

Marginal agent loses bene…t of price cut if he doesn’t enter market

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Application to Taxation and Labor Supply

What can be learned about structural elasticity from existing


Collect estimates from a broad range of studies that estimate

intensive margin Hicksian elasticities

Calculate bounds on the intensive margin structural elasticity with

frictions of δ = 1% of net earnings

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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ = 1% Frictions
å å
se( P ) ∆log(1-τ) εL εU
Study Identification P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

A. Hours Elasticities
1. MaCurdy (1981) Lifecycle wage variation, 1967-1976 0.15 0.15 0.39 0.03 0.80
2. Eissa and Hoynes (1998) U.S. EITC, 1984-1996, Men 0.20 0.07 0.07 0.00 15.29
3. Eissa and Hoynes (1998) U.S. EITC, 1984-1996, Women 0.09 0.07 0.07 0.00 15.07
4. Blundell et al. (1998) U.K. Tax Reforms, 1978-1992 0.14 0.09 0.23 0.01 1.78
5. Ziliak and Kniesner (1999) Lifecycle wage, tax variation 1978-1987 0.15 0.07 0.39 0.03 0.80
Mean observed elasticity 0.15
B. Taxable Income Elasticities
6. Bianchi et al. (2001) Iceland 1987 Zero Tax Year 0.37 0.05 0.49 0.15 0.92
7. Gruber and Saez (2002) U.S. Tax Reforms 1979-1991 0.14 0.14 0.14 0.00 4.42
8. Saez (2004) U.S. Tax Reforms 1960-2000 0.09 0.04 0.15 0.00 3.51
9. Jacob and Ludwig (2008) Chicago Housing Voucher Lottery 0.12 0.03 0.36 0.02 0.84
10. Gelber (2010) Sweden, 1991 Tax Reform, Women 0.49 0.02 0.71 0.28 0.86
11. Gelber (2010) Sweden, 1991 Tax Reform, Men 0.25 0.02 0.71 0.12 0.54
12. Saez (2010) U.S., 1st EITC Kink, 1995-2004 0.00 0.02 0.34 0.00 0.70
13. Chetty et al. (2011a) Denmark, Top Kinks, 1994-2001 0.02 0.00 0.30 0.00 0.93
14. Chetty et al. (2011a) Denmark, Middle Kinks, 1994-2001 0.00 0.00 0.11 0.00 6.62
15. Chetty et al. (2011a) Denmark Tax Reforms, 1994-2001 0.00 0.00 0.09 0.00 9.88
Mean observed elasticity 0.15
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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ = 1% Frictions
å å
se( P ) ∆log(1-τ) εL εU
Study Identification P
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)

C. Top Income Elasticities

16. Feldstein (1995) U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 1.04 0.26 0.37 2.89
17. Auten and Carroll (1999) U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 0.57 0.12 0.37 0.21 1.53
18. Goolsbee (1999) U.S. Tax Reform Act of 1986 1.00 0.15 0.37 0.47 2.14
19. Saez (2004) U.S. Tax Reforms 1960-2000 0.50 0.18 0.30 0.14 1.77
20. Kopczuk (2010) Poland, 2002 Tax Reform 1.07 0.22 0.30 0.44 2.58
Mean observed elasticity 0.84
D. Macro/Cross-Sectional
21. Prescott (2004) Cross-country Tax Variation, 1970-96 0.46 0.09 0.42 0.18 1.20
22. Davis and Henrekson (2005) Cross-country Tax Variation, 1995 0.20 0.08 0.58 0.07 0.57
23. Blau and Kahn (2007) U.S. wage variation, 1980-2000 0.31 0.004 1.00 0.19 0.51
Mean observed elasticity 0.32

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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ=1%



MaCurdy (1981)


0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Percentage Change in Net of Tax Rate ∆ log (1 –τ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ=1%

3 Feldstein (1995) No disjoint sets: δ = 1% reconciles all estimates

Goolsbee TRA86

2 Saez (2004)

MaCurdy (1981)
Prescott (2004)

1 Gelber (2010)
Davis and Henrekson Blau and Kahn
(2005) (2007)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Percentage Change in Net of Tax Rate ∆ log (1 –τ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ=1%

3 Feldstein (1995) Unified Bounds Using All Studies: (0.47, 0.51)

Goolsbee TRA86

2 Saez (2004)

MaCurdy (1981)
Prescott (2004)

1 Gelber (2010)
Davis and Henrekson Blau and Kahn
(2005) (2007)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Percentage Change in Net of Tax Rate ∆ log (1 –τ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Bounds on Intensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ=1%

3 Feldstein (1995)

Unified bounds excluding macro+top income: (0.28, 0.54)

Goolsbee TRA86

2 Saez (2004)

MaCurdy (1981)
Prescott (2004)

1 Gelber (2010)
Davis and Henrekson Blau and Kahn
(2005) (2007)

0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Percentage Change in Net of Tax Rate ∆ log (1 –τ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Unified Bounds on Intensive Margin Elasticity vs. Degree of Frictions


Elasticity (ε)





δmin= 0.5% 1% 2% 3% 4% 5%
Optimization Frictions as a Fraction of Net Earnings (δ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Bounds on Extensive-Margin Hicksian Elasticities with δ=1% Frictions

Meyer and Rosenbaum (2004)
Blau and
Kahn (2007)
Extensive Margin Elasticity


Blundell et al. (2011)

Graversen (1998) Prescott (2004)

0.2 Jacob and Ludwig (2008)

Eissa and Hoynes (2004)
Nickell (2003)
Davis and Henrekson (2005)
0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1

Percentage Change in Net of Average Tax Wage ∆ log (1 –τ)

Source: Chetty 2011

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Micro vs. Macro Labor Supply Elasticities

Chetty, Guren, Manoli, and Weber (2012): can frictions explain gap
between micro and macro elasticities?

Collect estimates of intensive and extensive margin elasticities

adjusted for frictions and evaluate macro predictions

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Aggregate Hours vs. Net-of-Tax Rates Across Countries (Prescott Data)

εPrescott=0.7 Japan 1970-74

Log Hours Worked Per Adult

Japan 1993-96
UK 1993-96
France 1970-74
UK 1970-74
Canada 1993-96 US 1993-96
Canada 1970-74

Germany 1993-96 Italy 1970-74

France 1993-96
Italy 1993-96

-1 -.8 -.6 -.4 -.2

Log (1-Tax Rate)
Prescott (2004) Prediction Based on Micro Elasticity

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Table 2: Micro vs. Macro Labor Supply Elasticities

Extensive Intensive Aggregate

Margin Margin Hours

micro 0.25 0.33 0.58

Steady State (Hicksian)
macro 0.17 0.33 0.50

Intertemporal Substitution

à Indivisible labor + frictions reconcile micro and macro steady-state elasticities

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Business Cycle Fluctuations in Employment Rates in the U.S.
Log Deviation of Employment from HP Filtered Trend







1950 1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010

Employment Real Wages × Micro Extensive Frisch

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Table 2: Micro vs. Macro Labor Supply Elasticities

Extensive Intensive Aggregate

Margin Margin Hours

micro 0.25 0.33 0.58

Steady State (Hicksian)
macro 0.17 0.33 0.50

Intertemporal Substitution
micro 0.32 0.54 0.86
macro [2.77] [0.54] 3.31

à Even with indivisible labor, Frisch elasticity of aggregate hours >1 is

inconsistent with micro evidence

à Challenge: matching employment flucs. with extensive Frisch of 0.3

• Search/labor wedge models provide one solution

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Labor Supply Elasticities: Implications for Preferences

Labor supply elasticities central for tax policy because they determine
e¢ ciency costs

But optimal income tax policy also depends on bene…ts of

redistribution (curvature of utility fn.)

u (c ) ψ (l )

Curvature of u (c ): γ = uuccc c determines how much more low

income individuals value $1 relative to higher income individuals

Risk aversion parameter γ also central for social insurance literature

and macro models

Evidence on labor supply elasticities also contains information about

γ (King, Plosser, Rebelo 1988; Basu and Kimball 2002; Chetty 2006)
Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 210 / 220
Chetty 2006
Suppose marginal utility of consumption declines quickly, i.e. γ large

Then as wages rise, individuals should quickly become sated with


Therefore, they should opt to consume much more leisure when

wages rise

But this would imply εl ,w << 0

Ex: if marginal utility of consumption drops to zero, agent reduces

labor supply 1-1 as wage rises

But we know that increases in wages do not cause sharp reductions in

labor supply (εl ,w > 0.1)

Places an upper bound on size of γ

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Formula for Risk Aversion

Let y = unearned inc, w = wage, l = labor supply and u (c, l ) =


At an interior optimum, l must satisfy

wuc (y + wl, l ) = ul (y + wl, l )

Work until point where marginal utility of an additional dollar is o¤set

by marginal disutility of work required to earn that dollar

Comparative statics of this condition implies (if ucl = 0):

wl εl ,y
γ= (1 + )
y εl c ,w

Risk aversion directly related to ratio of income e¤ect to substitution

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Labor Supply and Risk Aversion: Intuition

Assume y = 0. At initial wage w0 , agent works l0 hours

Consider e¤ect of increasing w by 1% to w1

Shifts wuc curve up by 1% (substitution e¤ect)
Shifts wuc curve down by ∂∂ log uc
log w = γ% because γ is elasticity of MU
w.r.t. c (income e¤ect)

Therefore, γ < 1 () εl ,w > 0

If ucl 6= 0, then ul curve shifts when w changes

But the shift is ul relatively small, so change in l can still be used

to get a bound on γ

Public Economics Lectures ()Part 5: Income Taxation and Labor Supply 213 / 220
uc ,ul
Case A: γ < 1 -ul(w0l,l)
w0uc(w0l,l) -ul range with

Case B: γ > 1

lB l0 lA l

Source: Chetty 2006

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Labor Supply Elasticities and Implied Coefficients of Relative Risk Aversion
Income Compensated γ γ
Study Sample Identification Elasticity Wage Elasticity Additive ∆c/c=0.15
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (6) (7)
A. Hours

MaCurdy (1981) Married Men Panel -0.020 0.130 0.46 0.60

Blundell and MaCurdy (1999) Men Various -0.120 0.567 0.63 0.82
MaCurdy, Green, Paarsch (1990) Married Men Cross Section -0.010 0.035 1.47 1.81
Eissa and Hoynes (1998) Married Men, Inc < 30K EITC Expansions -0.030 0.192 0.88 1.08
Married Women, Inc < 30K EITC Expansions -0.040 0.088 0.64 1.34
Friedberg (2000) Older Men (63-71) Soc. Sec. Earnings Test -0.297 0.545 0.93 1.46
Blundell, Duncan, Meghir (1998) Women, UK Tax Reforms -0.185 0.301 0.93 1.66
Average 0.69 0.94

B. Participation

Eissa and Hoynes (1998) Married Men, Inc < 30K EITC Expansions -0.008 0.033 0.44 0.48
Married Women, Inc < 30K EITC Expansions -0.038 0.288 0.15 0.30
Average 0.29 0.39
C. Earned Income

Imbens, Rubin, Sacerdote (2001) Lottery Players in MA Lottery Winnings -0.110

Feldstein (1995) Married, Inc > 30K TRA 1986 1.040 0.32 0.41
Auten and Carroll (1997) Single and Married, Inc>15K TRA 1986 0.660 0.50 0.65
Average 0.41 0.53
D. Macroeconomic/Trend Evidence
Blau and Kahn (2005) Women Cohort Trends -0.278 0.646 0.60 1.29
Davis and Henrekson (2004) Europe/US aggregate stats Cross-Section of countries -0.251 0.432 1.74 2.25
Prescott (2004) Europe/US aggregate stats Cross-Country time series -0.222 0.375 1.78 2.30
Average 1.37 1.95
Overall Average 0.71 0.97
Source: Chetty 2006

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Chetty 2006: Results

Labor supply evidence justi…es use of u (c ) = log c

wl εl ,y
Formula γ = (1 + y ) εl c ,w useful in tax, insurance, and other

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Income Distribution

We have covered evidence on two of the three elements critical for

optimal income taxation

1 Labor supply elasticities

2 Measurement of preferences/social welfare weights
3 Measurement of income distribution

Third piece can be well measured using tax data, even for high
incomes (Piketty and Saez 2004)

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Saez 2004: Long-Run Evidence

Compares top 1% relative to the bottom 99%

Bottom 99% real income increases up to early 1970s and stagnates

since then

Top 1% increases slowly up to the early 1980s and then increases

dramatically up to year 2000.

Corresponds to the decrease in MTRs

Pattern exempli…es general theme of this literature: large responses

for top earners, no response for rest of the population

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Bottom 99% Tax Units
40% $40,000

35% $35,000

30% $30,000
Marginal Tax Rate

25% $25,000

20% $20,000

15% $15,000

10% $10,000

5% Marginal Tax Rate

5% Average Income $5,000

0% $0






Source: Saez 2004

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Top 1% Tax Units
80% $800,000

70% $700,000

60% $600,000
Marginal Tax Rate

50% $500,000

40% $400,000

30% $300,000

20% $200,000

10% Marginal Tax Rate

5% Average Income $100,000

0% $0






Source: Saez 2004

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Public Economics Lectures
Part 6: Social Insurance

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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1 Motivations for Social Insurance

2 Unemployment Insurance

3 Workers’Compensation

4 Disability Insurance

5 Health Insurance

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De…nition of Social Insurance

Transfers based on events such as unemployment, disability, or age

Contrasts with welfare: means-tested transfers

SI is the biggest and most rapidly growing part of government

expenditure today

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Growth of Social Insurance in the U.S.

Health Security Income
0.4% 3.6% Security
National 9.4%
20.7% Social
Other Security
21.6% 20.7%
National Defense
69.4% Other Income
34.8% Security

1953 2008

Source: Office of Management and Budget, historical tables, government outlays by function

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Social Insurance Spending, 1996

% of Central % of Total
Government Government
% of GDP Expenditures Expenditures

Sweden 32.47% 86.60% 49.58%

Germany 28.05% 82.91% 49.44%

Mexico 1.36% 8.82% 6.39%

Columbia 6.61% 43.33% N/A

United Kingdom 17.53% 43.13% 33.77%

United States 12.22% 59.76% 30.02%

Japan 2.50% 19.44% 16%

Czech Republic 11.89% 38.90% 25.75%

Source: Krueger and Meyer 2002

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Unemployment Benefit Systems in Developed Countries

Net replacement rate (%)


0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (months)

Belgium Hungary Spain Sweden USA

Source: OECD Benefits and Wages 2002

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Main Questions in Social Insurance

1 Why have social (as opposed to private, or any) insurance?

2 What type of SI system maximizes social welfare?

Tradeo¤ between two forces:

Bene…ts – reducing risk (‡uctuations in consumption)
Distortion – changes in incentives for workers and …rms –> ine¢ cient
behavior and DWL

Generate new distortions as you …x the problem you set out to solve
–> second-best solution

Identify optimal policy by combining theoretical models of social

insurance with empirical evidence on program e¤ects

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1 Institutional details: see handout posted on course website

2 Expected utility theory: See MWG or other graduate texts

3 Survival analysis: Kiefer (1988 JEL)

4 Surveys: Krueger and Meyer (2002) Handbook chapter

5 Chetty and Finkelstein (2012) Handbook chapter

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Why have social insurance?

Motivation for insurance: reduction in risk for risk-averse individuals

Unemp Ins: risk of involuntary unemployment

Workers’comp and DI: risk of injuries/disabilities
Social Security annuity: risk of living too long

But why is government intervention needed to provide this


Possible sources of market failure here:

1 Informational problems (adverse selection)

2 Individual optimization failures (myopia/improper planning)
3 Macroeconomic shocks

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Adverse Selection as a Motivation for SI

Key paper: Rothschild and Stiglitz (1976); see MWG Ch. 13 for a
good review

More recent “su¢ cient statistic” version that can be connected to

data: Einav, Finkelstein, and Cullen (QJE 2010)

Consider an environment with asymmetric information, e.g.

individuals know risk of losing job but insurer does not

Main result: can lead to market failure where no equilibrium supports

provision of insurance

Government intervention through mandated insurance can increase


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Rothschild-Stiglitz model

Economy with two types, low-risk (L) and high-risk (H)

A fraction f of the individuals are high-risk

Type L has a chance pL of becoming unemployed in a given year

Type H has a chance pH > pL of becoming unemployed.

In good state (state 1), income is E1 for both types; in bad state,
income is E2 < E1 .

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Key Assumptions

1 Static model: individuals arrive in the period either employed or

unemployed; no savings/dynamics.

2 No moral hazard: agents choose insurance contract but make no

choices after signing a contract.

3 Insurance market is perfectly competitive, so …rms earn zero pro…ts

in equilibrium.

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Contracts

An insurance contract is described by a vector α = (α1 , α2 )

Consumption in the two states: (E1 α1 , E2 + α2 )

Type i’s expected utility is

Vi ( α ) = ( 1 p i ) u ( E1 α 1 ) + p i u ( E2 + α 2 )

Any contract that earns non-negative pro…ts is feasible

Zero-pro…t condition ) …rms price insurance s.t.

1 p
α2 = α1
where p is risk rate of those who purchase contract.

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Equilibrium

An equilibrium is de…ned by a set of insurance contracts such that
(1) individuals optimize: both types cannot …nd a better contract than the
ones they chose
(2) …rms optimize: all …rms earn zero pro…ts

Two types of equilibrium:

1 Pooling: both types are o¤ered the same contract α.

2 Separating: high-risk types choose a contract αH while low-risk types

choose a di¤erent contract αL .

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: First Best Solution

In …rst best, insurer can distinguish types (perfect information)

In this case, equilibrium is separating

1 pi
Plugging in α2 = pi α1 , each type solves

1 pi
max(1 pi ) u ( w α1 ) + pi u (w + α1 ).
α1 pi

1 pi
Set MRS12 = pi , i.e. u 0 (c1 ) = u 0 (c2 ), i.e. full insurance

Both types are perfectly insured: earn their expected income

(1 pi )w regardless of the state.
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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Problem

Firms cannot distinguish types in practice, because they cannot

determine true layo¤ risks, illness history, etc.

With contracts above, all the high risk types buy the low risk’s
contract and insurer goes out of business

Hence optimal contracts di¤er when information is asymmetric

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Solution

Result #1: no pooling equilibrium exists

If H and L types are pooled in a contract α,low-risk types lose money

in expectation.

1 p
Zero-pro…t condition requires α2 = p α1 but p > pL .

Low-risk type gets fewer dollars in state 2 than he should if the

insurance were fair for him.

Creates an opportunity for a new insurer to enter and “pick o¤” low
risk types by o¤ering slightly less insurance at a better price: higher
c1 , lower c2

Only low risk types switch, because they value c1 more.

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Solution
Result #2: in a separating eq, Type H obtains full insurance and
Type L is under-insured

Intuition: in any sep. eq., both types are getting actuarially fair
insurance because of the zero-pro…ts condition

For H, no cost to …rm in providing full ins. (worst that can happen is
that L will join the pool, raising pro…ts)

But for L, full ins. would create an incentive for H to buy this
(cheaper) policy, forcing …rm into negative pro…ts

Incentive constraints always bind downward – “no distortion at the

top” result in standard asymmetric info. models

In eq., L gets as much ins as possible without inducing H to deviate

and pretend to be low-risk
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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Gains from Government Mandate

There can be gains from government intervention through mandated


Consider an example where

E1 = 100, E2 = 0
p 1 3
u (c ) = c, pL = , pH = , f = 10%
4 4
In candidate separating eq., type H gets perfect insurance:
EUH = u (100(1 pH )) = 100 =5

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Solution

Type L gets as much ins. as possible without making H want to

deviate at actuarially fair rate for L:
1 3 1 pL L
5= 100 αL1 + α1
4 4 pL

Solving gives αL1 = $3.85, αL2 = $11.55 – nowhere near full insurance
for low risk type.

Note that expected utility for low risk type is

3p 1p
EUL = 100 3.85 + 3 3.85 = 8.2.
4 4

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Solution

Now suppose govt. comes in and mandates pooled insurance at

actuarial rate. Everyone gets an income of
9 3 1 1 7
( + )100 = 100 = 70.
10 4 10 4 10

H bene…ts from this: now pooling with less risky people

But L bene…ts too! Expected utility is 70 > 8.2

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Rothschild-Stiglitz: Second Best Solution

Because there are relatively few high risk types, L types bene…t from
pooling with them and getting full insurance coverage.

Note: pooled contract of 70 could be o¤ered by a private …rm,

destroying separating eq. proposed above

Hence there is actually no equilibrium in this example

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Adverse Selection as a Motivation for SI

More generally, consider an economy in which people di¤er in their

risks of becoming unemployed

Adverse selection can destabilize the market:

Firm provides UI but lowest-risk (tenured people) drop out ) rates

have to rise
But then even moderate-risk types opt out ) rates rise further, more
drop out, ...
Could cause unraveling to the point where virtually no one is insured by
private market
UI program that pools everyone can lead to (ex-ante) welfare

What tool does the govt. have that private sector does not? Ability
to mandate
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Adverse Selection: Empirical Evidence

Empirical evidence shows that adverse selection is a real source of

market failures in practice

Standard test: “positive correlation” property in equilibrium

(Chiappori and Salanie 2000)

Are those who buy more insurance more likely to …le claims?

Could be driven by both moral hazard + AS but not in certain contexts

such as death

Example: Finkelstein and Poterba (2004): adverse selection in U.K.

annuity market.

Annuities = ins. against the risk of living too long.

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Finkelstein and Poterba 2004
Study two types of annuity markets: compulsory vs. voluntary.

Examine two features of annuity contracts

degree of backloading (in‡ation indexing and escalation of payments

over time)
payments to estate in event of death (guarantees and capital

Test for positive correlation in two ways

1 In eq., those who purchase backloaded annuities have lower mortality

2 In eq., those who purchase annuities with payment to estate have
higher mortality rates

Both e¤ects should be stronger in voluntary markets

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Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 28 / 178
Limitations of Positive Correlation Test
1 Does not account for other dimensions of heterogeneity that may
confound the correlation

Literature on “advantageous selection” (e.g., Finkelstein and McGarry


2 Correlation does not clearly map into parameters that control welfare
costs of selection

Einav, Finkelstein, and Cullen (2010) develop “cost curve” tests that
map to measures of welfare costs

3 Only applicable in markets that exist, i.e. those that have not totally

Hendren (2012) uses subjective expectations data to bound welfare

costs in markets that have unraveled
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Individual Optimization Failures as a Motivation for SI

Given adverse selection, expect individuals to “self-insure” against

temp. shocks by building up savings

With such bu¤er stocks, still no need for large social safety nets to
insure against temporary shocks such as unemployment

In practice, individuals appear to be very liquidity constrained when

hit by shocks: median job loser has <$200 in assets

Suggests 1st Welfare thm also does not hold due to individual failures
to optimize

Individuals may misperceive the probability of a layo¤

Firms may not be able to debias people in equilibrium, leading to role

for govt. (Spinnewijn 2009)
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Aggregate Shocks as a Motivation for SI

Private ins. (cross-sectional pooling) relies on idiosyncratic risks so

those who are well o¤ can pay those who are poor

Government is the only entity able to coordinate risk-sharing across

di¤erent groups that are all a¤ected by negative shocks

Inter-generational risk sharing required if everyone is poor at the same


Particularly relevant for UI and maybe social security

Less so for health-related shocks

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Optimal Social Insurance

Now turn to question of optimal design of SI policies

Take as given that market provides no insurance for some reason

In the simple Rothschild-Stiglitz model, perfect insurance is optimal

But this abstracts from moral hazard

Individuals will not work if they have perfect unemp insurance

Must take this distortion into account to …nd optimal level of social

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Unemployment Insurance

Potential bene…ts

1 Smoother path of consumption

2 Better job matches

Potential distortions

1 Less job search, higher unemployment rate

2 Workers’preferences distorted toward unstable jobs

3 Shirking on the job

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Optimal UI: Outline

1 Optimal level of UI bene…ts ignoring …rm responses [Baily-Chetty


Theory applies to all income security programs discussed later

2 Distortions to …rms’layo¤ decisions due to imperfect exp rating

[Feldstein model]

3 Other issues: Post-unemployment outcomes, general equilibrium


Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 34 / 178

Replacement Rate
Common measure of program’s size is its “replacement rate”
net bene…t
net wage
UI reduces agents’e¤ective wage rate from …nding a new job to
w (1 r )

Feldstein (1978): UI makes e¤ective wages very low because of

interaction with tax system:

(0.5 )w
1970: No tax ) r = (1 .18 .05 .07 )w = 72%

Incentives worse for some subgroups: secondary income earner faces

MTR of 50% ) r = 1.3

Today, federal income taxes paid on UI bene…ts, so rep. rate is

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Unemployment Insurance Benefit Schedule in Michigan, 2009

362 400
Weekly Benefits ($)

$0 if highest total quarterly earnings < $2,871 ($220/wk)


0 200 400 600 800 1000

Weekly Wage Earnings in Highest Quarter ($)

Source: Michigan Department of Energy, Labor, and Economic Growth 2009

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Baily-Chetty model

Canonical analysis of optimal level of UI bene…ts: Baily (1978)

Shows that the optimal bene…t level can be expressed as a fn of a

small set of parameters in a static model.

Once viewed as being of limited practical relevance because of strong


Chetty (2006) shows formula actually applies with arbitrary choice

variables and constraints.

Parameters identi…ed by Baily are su¢ cient statistics for welfare

analysis ) robust yet simple guide for optimal policy.

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Baily-Chetty model: Assumptions

1 Fixed wages – no GE e¤ects

2 No distortions to …rm behavior (temporary layo¤s); implicitly assume

perfect experience rating

3 No externalities such as spillovers to search

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Baily-Chetty model: Setup

Static model with two states: high (employed) and low (unemployed)

Let wh denote the individual’s income in the high state and wl < wh
income in the low state

Let A denote wealth, ch consumption in the high state, and cl

consumption in the low state

Agent is initially unemployed. Controls probability of being in the bad

state by exerting search e¤ort e at a cost ψ(e )

Choose units of e so that the probability of being in the high state is

given by p (e ) = e

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Baily-Chetty model: Setup

UI system that pays constant bene…t b to unemployed agents

Bene…ts …nanced by lump sum tax t (b ) in the high state

Govt’s balanced-budget constraint:

e t (b ) = (1 e) b

Let u (c ) denote utility over consumption (strictly concave)

Agent’s expected utility is

eu (A + wh t (b )) + (1 e )u (A + wl + b ) ψ (e )

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First Best Problem

In …rst best, there is no moral hazard problem

To solve for FB, suppose government chooses b and e jointly to

maximize agent’s welfare:

max e (A + wh t ) + (1 e )u (A + wl + b ) ψ (e )
1 e
s.t. t = b

Solution to this problem is u 0 (ce ) = u 0 (cu ) ) full insurance

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Second Best Problem

In second best, cannot eliminate moral hazard problem because e¤ort

is unobserved by govt.

Problem: Agents only consider private marginal costs and bene…ts

when choosing e

Social marginal product of work is wh wl

Private marginal product is wh wl b t

Agents therefore search too little from a social perspective, leading to

e¢ ciency losses

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Second Best Problem

Agents maximize expected utility, taking b and t (b ) as given

max eu (A + wh t ) + (1 e )u (A + wl + b ) ψ (e )

Let indirect expected utility be denoted by V (b, t )

Government’s problem is to maximize agent’s expected utility, taking

into account agent’s behavioral responses:

max V (b, t )
s.t. e (b )t = (1 e (b ))b

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Second Best Problem

Optimal Social Insurance

max V (b, t (b ))
s.t. e (b )t (b ) = (1 e (b ))b
e (b ) = arg max e u (A + wh t ) + (1 e ) u (A + wl + b ) ψ (e )

Formally equivalent to an optimal Ramsey tax problem with

state-contingent taxes

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Two Approaches to Optimal Social Insurance

1 Structural: specify complete models of economic behavior and

estimate the primitives

Identify b as a fn. of discount rates, nature of borrowing constraints,

informal ins. arrangements.

2 Su¢ cient Statistic: derive formulas for b as a fn. of reduced-form


Baily-Chetty formula is one example

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Chetty (2006) Su¢ cient Statistic Formula

At an interior optimum, the optimal bene…t rate must satisfy

dV /db (b ) = 0

To calculate this derivative, write V (b ) as

V (b ) = max eu (A + wh t (b )) + (1 e )u (A + wl + b ) ψ (e )

Since fn has been optimized over e, Envelope Thm. implies:

dV (b ) dt 0
= (1 e ) u 0 ( cl ) eu (ch )
db db
Can ignore ∂b terms because of agent optimization

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Kaplan 2009

Exploiting f.o.c.’s from agent optimization particularly useful in more

complex models

Kaplan (2009): unemployed youth move back in with their parents.

How does this a¤ect optimal UI?

Kaplan takes a structural approach and estimates a dynamic model of

the decision to move back home

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Su¢ cient Statistic Approach to Kaplan 2009

Suppose moving home raises consumption by H and has a cost g (H ):

V (b ) = max eu (A + wh t (b ))
+(1 e )[u (A + wl + b + H ) g (H )] ψ (e )

Variable H drops out, as did e, because of agent optimization

dV (b )
Formula derived for db is una¤ected by ability to move home:

dV (b ) dt 0
= (1 e ) u 0 ( cl ) eu (ch )
db db
where cl is measured in the data as including home consumption (H)

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Chetty (2006) Su¢ cient Statistic Formula

The government’s UI budget constraint implies

dt 1 e
b de 1 e ε
= 2
= (1 + 1 e,b )
db e e db e e
dV (b ) ε
=) = (1 e )fu 0 (cl ) (1 + 1 e,b )u 0 (ch )g
db e
Setting dV (b )/db = 0 yields the optimality condition

u 0 ( cl ) u 0 ( c h ) ε
= 1 e,b
u 0 ( ch ) e

LHS: bene…t of transferring $1 from high to low state

RHS: cost of transferring $1 due to behavioral responses

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Baily-Chetty Formula

u 0 ( cl ) u 0 ( ch ) ε
= 1 e,b
u ( ch ) e

This equation provides an exact formula for the optimal bene…t rate

u 0 (c l ) u 0 (c h )
Implementation requires identi…cation of u 0 (c h )

u 0 (c l ) u 0 (c h )
Three ways to identify u 0 (c h )

1 Baily (1978), Gruber (1997), Chetty (2006): cons-based approach

2 Shimer and Werning (2007): reservation wages

3 Chetty (2008): moral hazard vs liquidity

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Consumption-Based Formula

Write marginal utility gap using a Taylor expansion

u 0 ( cl ) u 0 ( ch ) u 00 (ch )(cl ch )
u 00 (c )c
De…ning coe¢ cient of relative risk aversion γ = u 0 (c )
, we can write

u 0 ( c l ) u 0 ( ch ) u 00 ∆c
ch (1)
u 0 ( ch ) u0 c
= γ
Gap in marginal utilities is a function of curvature of utility (risk
aversion) and consumption drop from high to low states

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Consumption-Based Formula

The optimal unemployment bene…t level b satis…es
∆c ε1 e,b
γ (b )
c e
∆c ch cl
= = consumption drop during unemployment
c ch
u 00 (ch )
γ = ch = coe¢ cient of relative risk aversion
u 0 ( ch )
d log 1 e
ε1 e,b = = elast. of probability of unemp. w.r.t. bene…ts
d log b

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Consumption-Based Formula

∆c ε1 e,b
γ (b )
c e

Intuition for formula: LHS is marginal social bene…t of UI, RHS is

marginal social cost of UI

Extends to model where agent chooses N other behaviors and faces M

other constraints, subject to some regularity conditions (Chetty 2006).

Envelope conditions used above still hold

Empirical work on UI provides estimates of the three key parameters

(γ, ∆c
c , ε).

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Empirical Estimates: Duration Elasticity

Early literature used cross-sectional variation in replacement rates

Problem: comparisons of high and low wage earners confounded by

other factors.

Modern studies use exogenous variation from policy changes (e.g.

Meyer 1990)

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After Benefit Increase

Before Benefit Increase


E1 E2 E3 Previous Earnings

Low Earnings Group High Earnings Group

Source: Krueger and Meyer 2002

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Hazard Models

De…ne hazard rate ht = number that …nd a job at time t divided by

number unemployed at time t

This is an estimate of the probability of …nding a job at time t

conditional on being unemployed for at least t weeks

Standard speci…cation of hazard model: Cox “proportional hazards”

ht = αt exp( βX )

Here αt is the non-parametric “baseline” hazard rate in each period t

and X is a set of covariates

Semi-parametric speci…cation – allow hazards to vary freely across

weeks and only identify coe¢ cients o¤ of variation across spells
Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 56 / 178
Hazard Models

Useful to rewrite expression as:

log ht = log αt + βX

Key assumption: e¤ect of covariates proportional across all weeks

d log ht d log hs
=β= 8t, s
dX dX
If a change in a covariate doubles hazard in week 1, it is forced to
double hazard in week 2 as well

Restrictive but a good starting point; can be relaxed by allowing for

time varying covariates Xt

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Meyer 1990
Meyer includes log UI bene…t level as a covariate:
log ht = log αt + β1 log b + β2 X
In this speci…cation,

d log ht
= β1 = εht ,b
d log b

Note: in exponential survival (constant-hazard) models,

εht ,b = ε1 e,b

Meyer estimates εht ,b = 0.9 using administrative data for UI


Subsequent studies get smaller estimates; consensus: εht ,b = 0.5

(Krueger and Meyer 2002)
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Consumption Smoothing Bene…ts of UI

Gruber (1997) takes the Baily formula to the data by estimating

consumption smoothing response.

Same methodology as Meyer

Uses cross-state and time variation and uses drop in food consumption
as the LHS variable.

Data: PSID food consumption

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Gruber 1997

Gruber estimates
∆c b
= β1 + β2
c w
Finds β1 = 0.24, β2 = 0.28

Without UI, cons drop would be about 24%

Mean drop with current bene…t level (b = 0.5) is about 10%

Implies a 10 pp increase in UI replacement rate causes 2.8 pp

reduction in cons. drop

Suggests that ins. markets are not perfect and UI does play a
consumption smoothing role, but estimates are imprecise

Key area for future work: admin. consumption data

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Consumption Smoothing Bene…ts of UI

What is substituting for/getting crowded out by UI?

Cullen and Gruber (2000) emphasize spousal labor supply

Study wives of unemployed husbands

Examine wives’labor supply as a fn of level of husbands’UI bene…ts

For a $100/wk increase in UI bene…t, wives work 22 hrs less per month

In the absence of UI, wives would work 30% more during the spell than
they do now

Engen and Gruber (1995) document that higher UI bene…ts lower

ex-ante savings, another crowdout channel

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Calibrating the Model

Gruber calibrates Baily’s model using his and Meyer’s estimates:

∆c ε1 e,b
c e
b ε1 e,b
γ ( β1 + β2 ) =
w e
Solving for the optimal replacement rate yields:

b ε /e 1 β1
= 1 e,b ( )
w β2 γ β2

Plugging in ε1 e,b = .43 as in Gruber (1997) and e = .95 (5%

unemployment rate) yields:

b .43/.95 1 ( .24)
= ( )
w .28 γ .28

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Calibrating the Model

Results: w varies considerably with γ

γ 1 2 3 4 5 10
w 0 0.05 0.31 0.45 0.53 0.7

Gruber: introspection and existing evidence suggests γ < 2

Implies optimal bene…t level is much lower than observed

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Measurement of Risk Preferences

Parameter that is most poorly identi…ed: γ

Barseghyan et al. (2012) and Einav et al. (2012) estimate risk

preferences across di¤erent domains

Do individuals who choose more insurance for health also choose more
insurance for long-term disability?

Find positive correlation in risk preferences but substantial

heterogeneity across domains

Suggests that appropriate value of γ is highly context-dependent

Could be due to behavioral factors and framing but also due to

neoclassical factors

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Chetty and Szeidl (2007): Consumption Commitments

Standard expected utility model: one composite consumption good c

Composite commodity assumes that people can cut back on all

consumption goods at all times freely.

E.g. when unemployed, cut consumption of food, housing, cars,

furniture, etc.

In practice, di¢ cult to adjust many elements of consumption in short

run because of …xed adjustment costs

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Homeowners’Consumption around Unemployment Shocks

Food and Housing Growth Rates


-4 -2 0 2 4
Year relative to unemployment

Housing (Home Value) Food

Source: Chetty and Szeidl 2007

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Renters’Consumption around Unemployment Shocks

Food and Housing Growth Rates


-4 -2 0 2 4
Year relative to unemployment

Housing (Rent) Food

Source: Chetty and Szeidl 2007

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Commitments and Risk Aversion

How do commitments a¤ect risk aversion?

Utility over two goods, food and housing:

U (f , h ) = u (f ) + v (h ).

Adjusting h requires payment of a …xed cost k

Agent follows an (S, s ) policy

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Commitments Model: Implications for UI

Commitments amplify risk aversion

Ex: 50% food, 50% housing

Suppose unemployed agent forced to cut expenditure by 10%

Then have to cut food cons by 20%, leading to larger welfare loss

Model of commitments suggests that γ might actually exceed 4 for

unemployment shocks

γ 1 2 3 4 5 10
w 0 0.05 0.31 0.45 0.53 0.7

Problem: γ hard to estimate precisely by context

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Alternative Formulas for Optimal UI

Since γ and ∆cc are hard to identify, recent work has sought
alternative ways of calculating optimal bene…t.

Two approaches

1 Moral hazard vs. liquidity (Chetty 2008)

2 Reservation wage response (Shimer Werning 2007)

Note that any formula is only one representation of optimal bene…t

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Chetty 2008: Moral Hazard vs. Liquidity

Discrete time dynamic search model

Individual lives for T periods

Interest rate and discount rate equal to 0

Individual loses job in period t = 0

Let u (ct ) denote ‡ow utility over cons.

Dynamic budget constraint:

At +1 = At + yt ct

Asset limit: At L

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Chetty 2008: Baseline Assumptions

1 Assets prior to job loss exogenous

2 No heterogeneity

3 Fixed wages: choose only search intensity, not reservation wage

Each of these is relaxed in paper, so model nests search models used

in structural literature (e.g. Wolpin 1987)

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Chetty 2008: Job Search Technology

If unemployed in period t, worker …rst chooses search intensity st

Finds a job that begins immediately in period t with probability st

If job found, consumes cte . Jobs are permanent, pay wage wt τ.

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Chetty 2008: Job Search Technology

If no job found: receives bene…t bt , consumes ctu , enters t + 1


Cost of job search: ψ(st )

cte = ct+1e = …
Period t
st+1 ct+1e

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Chetty 2008: Value Functions

Value function for agent who …nds a job in period t:

Vt (At ) = max u (At At + 1 + w τ ) + Vt + 1 ( At + 1 )

A t +1 L

Value function for agent who does not …nd a job in period t:

Ut (At ) = max u (At At +1 + bt ) + Jt +1 (At +1 )

A t +1 L

where Jt +1 (At +1 ) is value of entering next period unemployed.

Agent chooses st to maximize expected utility

Jt (At ) = max st Vt (At ) + (1 s t ) U t ( At ) ψ(st )


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Chetty 2008: Optimal Search Behavior

First order condition for optimal search intensity:

ψ0 (st ) = Vt (At ) U t ( At )

Intuitively, st is chosen to equate the marginal cost of search e¤ort

with the marginal value of search e¤ort.

E¤ect of bene…ts on durations:

∂st /∂bt = u 0 (ctu )/ψ00 (st )

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Chetty 2008: Moral Hazard vs. Liquidity Decomposition

Bene…t e¤ect can be decomposed into two terms:

∂st /∂At = fu 0 (cte ) u 0 (ctu )g/ψ00 (st ) < 0

∂st /∂wt = u 0 (cte )/ψ00 (st ) > 0
) ∂st /∂bt = ∂st /∂At ∂st /∂wt

∂st /∂At is “liquidity e¤ect”

∂st /∂wt is “moral hazard” or price e¤ect

Liquidity and total bene…t e¤ects smaller for agents with better
consumption smoothing capacity

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Source: Chetty 2008
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Chetty 2008: Formula for Optimal UI

∂st /∂At = fu 0 (cte ) u 0 (ctu )g/ψ00 (st ) 0

∂st /∂wt = u 0 (cte )/ψ00 (st ) > 0
∂st /∂At LIQ u 0 (ctu ) u 0 (cte )
) = =
∂st /∂wt MH u 0 (cte )

Can show that the Baily formula holds in this model:

u 0 (ctu ) u 0 (cte ) ε
0 e = 1 e,b
u ( ct ) e
Combining yields formula that depends solely on duration elasticities:
∂st /∂At ε1 e,b
∂st /∂bt ∂st /∂At e
ε1 e,A ε1 e,b
ε1 e,b Ab ε1 e,A e

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Intuition for Moral Hazard vs. Liquidity Formula

Formula is a “revealed preference” approach to valuing insurance

Infer value of UI to agent by observing what he would do if money

given as a cash-grant without distorted incentives

If agent would not use money to extend duration, infer that only takes
longer because of price subsidy (moral hazard)

But if he uses cash grant to extend duration, indicates that UI

facilitates a choice he would make if markets were complete

Same strategy can be used in valuing other types of insurance

Make inferences from agent’s choices instead of directly computing

costs and bene…ts of the policy

Key assumption: perfect agent optimization

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Moral Hazard vs. Liquidity: Evidence

Two empirical strategies

1 Divide agents into liquidity constrained and unconstrained groups and

estimate e¤ect of bene…ts on durations using changes in UI laws.

2 Look at lump-sum severance payments to estimate liquidity e¤ect.

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Summary Statistics by Wealth Quartile for SIPP Sample

Net Liquid Wealth Quartile

1 2 3 4
(< -$1,115) (-$1,115-$128) ($128-$13,430) (>$13,430)

Median Liq. Wealth $466 $0 $4,273 $53,009

Median Debt $5,659 $0 $353 $835
Median Home Equity $2,510 $0 $11,584 $48,900
Median Annual Wage $17,188 $14,374 $18,573 $23,866

Mean Years of Education 12.21 11.23 12.17 13.12

Mean Age 35.48 35.18 36.64 41.74

Fraction Renters 0.43 0.61 0.35 0.16

Fraction Married 0.64 0.59 0.60 0.63

All monetary variables in real 1990 dollars

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 3a
Effect of UI Benefits on Durations: Lowest Quartile of Net Wealth
1 .8
Fraction Unemployed

Mean rep. rate = .53


Mean rep. rate = .48

.4 .2

Wilcoxon Test for Equality: p = 0.01

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Unemployed

Avg. UI benefit below mean Avg. UI benefit above mean

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 3b
Effect of UI Benefits on Durations: Second Quartile of Net Wealth
1 .8
Fraction Unemployed

Mean rep. rate = .53


Mean rep. rate = .48

.4 .2

Wilcoxon Test for Equality: p = 0.04

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Unemployed

Avg. UI benefit below mean Avg. UI benefit above mean

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 3c
Effect of UI Benefits on Durations: Third Quartile of Net Wealth
1 .8
Fraction Unemployed

Mean rep. rate = .52


Mean rep. rate = .46

.4 .2

Wilcoxon Test for Equality: p = 0.69

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Unemployed

Avg. UI benefit below mean Avg. UI benefit above mean

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 3d
Effect of UI Benefits on Durations: Highest Quartile of Net Wealth
1 .8
Fraction Unemployed

Mean rep. rate = .52


Mean rep. rate = .43


Wilcoxon Test for Equality: p = 0.43


0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Unemployed

Avg. UI benefit below mean Avg. UI benefit above mean

Source: Chetty 2008

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Effect of UI Benefits: Cox Hazard Model Estimates
(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)
Pooled Stratified Stratified with Full Controls
Full cntrls No cntrls Avg WBA Max WBA Ind. WBA
log UI ben -0.527
Q1 x log UI ben -0.721 -0.978 -0.727 -0.642
(0.304) (0.398) (0.302) (0.241)
Q2 x log UI ben -0.699 -0.725 -0.388 -0.765
(0.484) (0.420) (0.303) (0.219)
Q3 x log UI ben -0.368 -0.476 -0.091 -0.561
(0.309) (0.358) (0.370) (0.156)
Q4 x log UI ben 0.234 0.103 0.304 0.016
(0.369) (0.470) (0.339) (0.259)

Q1=Q4 p-val 0.039 0.013 0.001 0.090

Q1+Q2=Q3+Q4 p-val 0.012 0.008 0.002 0.062

Number of Spells 4529 4337 4054 4054 4054

Source: Chetty 2008

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Summary Statistics for Mathematica Data

Pooled No Severance Severance

(0.83) (0.17)

Percent dropouts 14% 15% 6%

Percent college grads 17% 13% 34%

Percent married 58% 56% 68%

Mean age 36.2 35.2 40.6

Median pre-unemp annual wage $20,848 $19,347 $30,693

Median job tenure (years) 1.9 1.5 4.8

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 5
Effect of Severance Pay on Durations
1 .9
Fraction Unemployed
.6 .7 .5.8

0 5 10 15 20
Weeks Unemployed

No Severance Received Severance

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 6a
Effect of Severance Pay on Durations: Below Median Net Wealth
Fraction Unemployed
.6 .4 .8

0 5 10 15 20
Weeks Unemployed

No Severance Received Severance

Source: Chetty 2008

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Figure 6b
Effect of Severance Pay on Durations: Above Median Net Wealth
Fraction Unemployed
.6 .4 .8

0 5 10 15 20
Weeks Unemployed

No Severance Received Severance

Source: Chetty 2008

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Effect of Severance Pay: Cox Hazard Model Estimates

Pooled By Liquid Wealth By Sev. Amt.

Severance Pay -0.233

(Netliq < Median) x Sev Pay -0.457
(Netliq > Median) x Sev Pay -0.088
(Tenure < Median) x Sev Pay -0.143

(Tenure > Median) x Sev Pay -0.340

Equality of coeffs p-val <0.01 0.03
N=2428; all specs. include full controls.

Source: Chetty 2008

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Chetty 2008: Implications for Optimal UI

Plug reduced-form estimates of de/dA and de/db into formula to

calculate dW /db

Welfare gain from raising bene…t level by 10% from current level in
U.S. (50% wage replacement) is $5.9 bil = 0.05% of GDP

Small but positive

In structural models calibrated to match su¢ cient statistics, dW /db

falls rapidly with b

Small dW /db suggests we are currently near optimal bene…t level

Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 95 / 178

Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

Use discontinuities in Austria’s unemployment bene…t system to

estimate liquidity e¤ects

Severance payment is made by …rms out of their own funds

Formula for sev. pay amount for all non-construction workers:

Severance Amt.
(months of pay)

0 36 60
Job Tenure

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Figure 3
Frequency of Layoffs by Job Tenure
Number of Layoffs

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Age by Job Tenure

Mean Age

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Figure 4
Selection on Observables
Mean Predicted Hazard Ratios

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Figure 5a
Mean Nonemployment Duration (days) Effect of Severance Pay on Nonemployment Durations

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Effects of Severance Pay and EB on Durations: Hazard Model Estimates

(1) (2) (3)

Restricted Restricted Full
Sample Sample Sample

Severance pay -0.122 -0.125

(0.019) (0.017)

Extended benefits -0.084 -0.093

(0.018) (0.016)

Sample size 512,767 512,767 650,922

NOTE--All specs are Cox hazard models that include cubic polynomials with
interactions with sevpay and/or extended benefit dummy.

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Shimer and Werning 2007: Reservation-Wage Model

Reservation wage model: probability of …nding job (e) determined by

decision to accept or reject a wage o¤er, not search e¤ort

Wage o¤ers drawn from distribution w F (x )

Agent rejects o¤er if net wage w t is less than outside option b,

implying that probability of …nding a job is e = 1 F (b + t )

Agent’s expected value prior to job search:

W (b ) = (1 F (b + t ))E [u (w t )jw t > b ] + F (b + t )u (b )

Reservation wage prior to job search satis…es

u (w̄0 t ) = W (b )

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Shimer and Werning 2007: Reservation-Wage Formula

Government’s problem is

max W (b ) = max u (w̄0 t ) = max w̄0 t

It follows that
dW d w̄0 dt
db db db
d w̄0 1 e 1
= (1 + ε1 e,b )
db e e

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Shimer and Werning 2007: Reservation-Wage Formula

d w̄ 0
Implement formula using estimates of db reported by Feldstein and
Poterba (1984)

Find gains from raising UI bene…ts 5 times larger than Chetty (2008)

But reservation wage elasticity estimates questionable

Do greater bene…ts ! longer durations ! better outcomes later on?


Ex: evidence from Austrian discontinuity (Card, Chetty, Weber 2007)

Note: all the formulas above take such match quality gains into
account via envelope conditions

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Figure 5a
Mean Nonemployment Duration (days) Effect of Severance Pay on Nonemployment Durations

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Figure 10a
Effect of Severance Pay on Subsequent Wages
Wage Growth

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Figure 10b
Average Monthly Job Ending Hazard in Next Job Effect of Severance Pay on Subsequent Job Duration

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Previous Job Tenure (Months)

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Figure 9a
Effect of Benefit Extension on Nonemployment Durations
Mean Nonemployment Duration (days)

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Months Employed in Past Five Years

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Effect of Extended Benefits on Subsequent Wages

Wage Growth

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Months Worked in Past Five Years

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Effect of Extended Benefits on Subsequent Job Duration
Average Monthly Job Ending Hazard in Next Job

12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60
Months Worked in Past Five Years

Source: Card, Chetty, and Weber 2007

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Spike at Bene…t Exhaustion

Most striking evidence for distortionary e¤ects of social insurance:

“spike” in hazard rate at bene…t exhaustion

Katz and Meyer (1990), Meyer (1990), ...

Traditional measure of hazard: exiting UI system

Preferred measure based on theory: …nding a job

The two could di¤er if workers transit o¤ of UI but are still jobless

Ex. may not go to pick up last unemployment check

Particularly important in European context, where you can remain
registered on UI inde…nitely

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Time Until Benefits Lapse Empirical Hazard

Unemployment Exit Hazard


20 15 10 5 0
Weeks of Eligibility Left
Source: Meyer 1990

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Job Finding vs. Unemployment Exit Hazards: 20 Week UI

.2 .15
Weekly Hazard Rate
.05 .1 0

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Elapsed Since Job Loss

Job Finding Hazards Unemp Exit Hazards

Source: Card, Chetty, Weber 2007b (AER P&P)

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Job Finding vs. Unemployment Exit Hazards: 30 Week UI

.2 .15
Weekly Hazard Rate
.05 .1 0

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Elapsed Since Job Loss

Job Finding Hazards Unemp Exit Hazards

Source: Card, Chetty, Weber 2007b (AER P&P)

Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 114 / 178

Effect of Benefit Expiration on Hazard Rates

Difference in Weekly Hazard UI20-UI30

0 10 20 30 40 50
Weeks Elapsed Since Job Loss

Unemployment Exit Hazards Job Finding Hazards

Source: Card, Chetty, Weber 2007b (AER P&P)

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UI and Firm Behavior

Preceding discussion assumed perfect experience rating of UI

Firms’layo¤ incentives are not distorted

But in practice, UI is not perfectly experience rated

Feldstein (1976, 1978) shows:

Theoretically that imperfect experience rating e¤ect can raise rate of

temporary layo¤s

Empirically that this e¤ect is large in practice

Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 116 / 178

Experience Rating in Washington, 2005

UI Tax Rate (%)

0 2 4 6 8 10
Benefit Ratio (100*UI Benefits Paid/Payroll)

s UI Tax Schedule Perfect Experience Rating
Source: Washington State Joint Legislative Task Force on Unemployment Insurance Benefit Equity 2005

Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 117 / 178

UI and Firm Behavior: Feldstein 1976 model

Firms o¤er workers stochastic contracts, with wage and probability of

temporary layo¤

Two states: high demand and low demand

In equilibrium, competitive …rms will o¤er contract that pays worker

his marginal product in expectation over two states at cheapest cost
to …rm

Firm pro…ts by laying o¤ workers with imperfect exp rating

Layo¤s generate …rst-order gain in pro…ts at a second-order cost from

added risk to worker

In an imperfectly experience-rated economy, …rms choose a positive

rate of layo¤s in low output state
Public Economics Lectures () Part 6: Social Insurance 118 / 178
Feldstein 1978: Empirical Results

First observation: more than half of …rms are above the max rate or
below the min rate

No marginal incentive for these …rms to reduce layo¤s.

Uses cross-state/time variation in UI bene…ts

10% increase in UI bene…ts causes a 7% increase in temp layo¤


E¤ect is twice as large for union members as non-union, suggesting

worker-…rm coordination.

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Topel 1983

Feldstein does not directly show that imperfect exp rating is to blame
for more temp layo¤s b/c not using variation in experience rating itself

Topel (1983) uses state/industry variation in …nancing of UI

Variation in tax rate on …rms from min/max thresholds for exp rating

Finds that imperfect subsidization accounts for 31% of all temp layo¤
unemployment, a very large e¤ect

See Krueger and Meyer (2002) for review of more recent studies,
which …nd similar results but smaller magnitudes

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UI Savings Accounts

Alternative to UI transfer-based system (Feldstein and Altman 2007)

Instead of paying UI tax to government, pay into a UI savings account.

If unemployed, deplete this savings account according to current
bene…t schedule
If savings exhausted, government pays bene…t as in current system
(…nanced using a tax).

Idea: people internalize loss of money from staying unemp longer.

Reduces distortion from UI while providing bene…ts as in current

But modelling this formally is di¢ cult: to internalize incentives at
retirement, people must be forward looking, but then no need to force
them to save.

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Feldstein and Altman 2007

Address feasibility: How many people hit negative balance on UI

account and just go back to old system?

Simulate how UI savings accounts would evolve using actual earnings

histories from PSID.

Calculations imply that only 1/3 of spells will occur with negative
balances, so most people still have good incentives while unemployed.

Total tax payments are less than half what they are in current system.

In their simulation, bene…ts are identical; only question is how costs


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Feldstein and Altman 2007

Calculation of changes in present value of lifetime wealth from switch

to UISA by income quintile:

Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4 Q5
Present Value Gain: -$95 +$22 -$67 +$94 +$468

Net PVG is positive

Without change in behavior, how is the pie larger?

Reason: discounting at 2% but earning 5.5% interest

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Mean takeup rate is very low – a major puzzle in this literature

(Currie 2004)
Why leave money on the table?

Andersen and Meyer (1997) show that after-tax UI replacement rate

a¤ects level of takeup.
So at least some seem to be optimizing at the margin.

Takeup low in many govt. programs. (UI, food stamps, EITC, etc.)

Possible explanations: myopia, stigma, hassle, lack of info.

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Black, Smith, Berger, and Noel 2003

Experiment in KY where some UI claimants were randomly assigned

to receive re-employment services

E.g., assisted job search, employment counseling, job search workshops,

retraining programs

Treatment [N = 1236] required to receive services in order to get UI


Control [N = 745]: exempt from services

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Black, Smith, Berger, and Noel 2003: Results

Treatment group exit UI system earlier, receiving 2.2 fewer weeks of

bene…ts on average

Most signi…cant increase in exits in wks 2-3, when noti…ed of

mandatory services

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General Equilibrium: Acemoglu and Shimer 1999

UI can be e¢ ciency-enhancing in equilibrium.

Standard models focus only on distortionary costs, and assume that

total output always lower when UI is provided.

But this ignores potentially important GE e¤ect: more risky jobs

provided in eq. if workers are insured.

Provision of UI raises availability of risky jobs (e.g. tech jobs) and can
raise e¢ ciency in equilibrium

So if workers are risk averse, tradeo¤ may not be very hard – both
raise output and insure them better.

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Dynamics: Path of UI Bene…ts

Classic reference is Shavell and Weiss (1979), who solved for optimal
path of bene…ts in a 3 period model.

Tradeo¤: upward sloping path ! more moral hazard but more

consumption-smoothing bene…ts.

Recent literature that is very active in this area: “new dynamic public
…nance” – optimal path of unemployment and disability programs.

Hopenhayn and Nicolini (1997) – numerical simulations for case where

govt can control consumption

Shimer and Werning (2008) – with perfect liquidity and CARA utility,
optimal bene…t path is ‡at

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Optimal Insurance in Behavioral Models

We do not have a model consistent with the data that can explain
both savings behavior pre-unemployment and search behavior

Evidence that unemployment is indeed costly and bene…ts can improve

welfare a lot for certain liquidity-constrained groups

Simple rational model cannot rationalize level of savings that people

have when they get unemployed

Interesting direction for future research: optimal SI with behavioral

considerations (see e.g., Spinnewijn 2009)

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Workers Compensation

Insurance against injury at work

Covers both lost wages and medical bene…ts

Rationales for govt. intervention:

Market may fail due to adverse selection

Workers may be unaware of risks on the job

Litigation costs (origin of system in 1920s)

Substantial variation in bene…ts across states for di¤erent injuries

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Maximum Indemnity Benefits in 2003

Type of permanent impairment

State Arm Hand Index finger Leg Foot Temporary Injury
(10 weeks)

California $108,445 $64,056 $4,440 $118,795 $49,256 $6,020

Hawaii 180,960 141,520 26,800 167,040 118,900 5,800
Illinois 301,323 190,838 40,176 276,213 155,684 10,044
Indiana 86,500 62,500 10,400 74,500 50,500 5,880

Michigan 175,657 140,395 24,814 140,395 105,786 6,530

Missouri 78,908 59,521 15,305 70,405 52,719 6,493
New Jersey 154,440 92,365 8,500 147,420 78,200 6,380
New York 124,800 97,600 18,400 115,200 82,000 4,000

Source: Gruber 2007

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Theory of Workers’Compensation

Formally very similar to that of unemployment insurance

If prob of injury cannot be controlled, model same as Baily-Chetty

If prob of injury can be controlled, that distortion must be taken into

account in calculation

Leisure now includes bene…ts of having more time to heal

Similar formal theory, so literature is mostly empirical

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Outline of Empirical Evidence

1 Monday e¤ects and impact on worker behavior

2 Firm side responses

3 E¤ect on equilibrium wage

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Day of the Week E¤ect

Intertemporal distortions, moral hazard e¤ect of workers’comp.

Card & McCall (1994): test if weekend injuries lead to Monday e¤ect.

Look at uninsured workers, who should have bigger Monday e¤ect.

Find no di¤erence in e¤ect between insured and uninsured.

Other explantations:

Gaming system for more days o¤.

Pure reporting e¤ect if pain does not go away.

Suggests that incentives matter a lot.

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E¤ects of Bene…ts on Injuries

Potential incentive e¤ects to look for on worker’s side:

Number of claims of injury

Duration of injuries

Meyer, Viscusi, and Durbin (1995):

Implement DD analysis for workers’comp durations

Find large e¤ects on duration using reforms in MI and KY

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Firm Side Responses

Purchasing insurance leads to imperfect experience rating and moral


Self-insured …rms: stronger incentives to improve safety

Also, have incentive to ensure that workers return to work quickly

Krueger (1990): compares behavior of self-insured …rms with others

Finds self-insured have 10% shorter durations

But could be biased by selection

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E¤ect on Equilibrium Wage

Workers’compensation is a mandated bene…t

When …rms hire, should adjust wage downwards if workers value

bene…t (Summers 1989)

Gruber-Krueger (1991) test this using changes in WC laws

85% of WC cost is shifted to workers, no signi…cant employment e¤ect

Fishback-Kantor (1995) study initial implementation of program

Find 100% shift to workers’wages

Both studies suggest that bene…ts valued close to cost

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Directions for Further Research on WC

Decomposition into liquidity vs. moral hazard e¤ects

Better evidence on …rm side responses

Consumption smoothing bene…ts

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Disability Insurance

See Bound et. al (HLE 1999) for an overview

Insures against long-term shocks that a¤ect individuals at home or


Federal program that is part of social security

Eligible if unable to “engage in substantial gainful activity” b/c of

physical/mental impairment for at least one (expected) year

Main focus of literature is sharp rise in the size of the program

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Source: Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)
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Two Views on the Rise in DI

One perspective: moral hazard from a lenient system that leads to

ine¢ ciency

Another perspective: program is now helping more needy people who

have high disutilities of work

Empirical work attempts to distentangle these two views

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Theory of Disability Insurance

Key additional element relative to UI models is screening and waiting


Less relevant for unemployment because it is easy to identify who has

a job and who does not

Diamond-Sheshinski (1995) build a model that incorporates screening

Characterize optimal properties of solution but do not derive an

empirically implementable formula for optimal screening rule or
bene…t level

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Diamond and Sheshinski 1995

Individuals have di¤erent disutilities of working ψi

To max social welfare, not desirable for those with high ψi to work.

First best: Individual i works i¤

Marginal product > ψi

But govt observes only an imperfect signal of ψi ! sets a higher

threshold for disability

Result: lower bene…t rate if screening mechanism has higher noise to

signal ratio

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Empirical Evidence: Bound-Parsons Debate
Question: Did increase in DI bene…ts cause decline in labor supply?

Well-known debate between Bound & Parsons in 1980’s is of

methodological interest

Parsons (1980)

Uses cross-sectional variation in replacement rates

Data on men aged 45-59 in 1966-69 NLSY

OLS regression:
LFPi = α + βDIrepratei + εi
where DIreprate is calculated using wage in 1966

Finds elasticity of 0.6

Simulations using this elasticity imply that increase in DI can

completely explain decline in elderly labor force participation
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Empirical Evidence: Bound-Parsons Debate

Bound highlights key econometric problem in Parson’s speci…cation

DIreprate variation correlated with wage

Identi…cation assumption: LFP rates equal across wage groups

Parson’s solution: “control” for wage rate

LFPi = α + βDIrepratei + f (wagei ) + εi

Does this resolve the problem?

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Identi…cation by Functional Form

LFPi = α + βDIrepratei + f (wagei ) + εi

This is an example of identi…cation by “functional form”
As f is made increasingly ‡exible, standard error on β goes to in…nity
Problem is that only source of variation is due to wages
To illustrate practice importance, Bound replicates Parson’s regression
on sample that never applied to DI and obtains a similar elasticity
Motivates literature that focuses on quasi-experiments other sources
of non-parametric identi…cation

Key idea of non-parametric identi…cation: with su¢ ciently large

samples, estimate is identi…ed without parametric assumptions on f
Impose functional forms only for computational convenience and
precision in …nite samples
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Empirical Evidence: Bound-Parsons Debate

Bound (1990) proposes a technique to bound e¤ect of DI on LFP rate

Uses data on LFP of rejected applicants as a counterfactual

Idea: if rejected applicants do not work, then surely DI recipients

would not have worked

Rejected applicants’LFP rate is an upper bound for LFP rate of DI

recipients absent DI

Illustrate using better data from Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)

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Source: Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)
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Gruber 2000

Exploits di¤erential law change in Quebec and rest of Canada as a

natural experiment

In 1987, 36% inc. in bene…ts in rest of Canada; in Quebec, no change

Estimates e¤ect of law change on labor force participation of men

aged 45-59

Uses DD method on NLFP rates of men aged 45-59

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Gruber 2000

Implied elasticity of non-employment rate w.r.t. DI bene…t level:


Agrees more with Bound than Parsons

But estimates are imprecise and only capture short-run e¤ects

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Maestas, Mullen, Strand 2012
Maestas, Mullen, and Strand (2012) use random variation in examiner
assignment to identify e¤ects of DI

Disability cases randomly assigned by computer to examiners at state


Substantial discretion generates signi…cant variation across examiners

in allowance rates

Instrument for receipt of DI w/ examiner’s conditional allowance


Another approach: use set of examiner f.e.’s as instruments

Use administrative data on DI decisions and earnings from SSA

1 million observations
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Source: Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)

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Maestas, Mullen, Strand 2012

Estimate causal e¤ects of DI on employment rates using IV regressions

First stage:
DIi = a + φi examineri + νi
Second stage:
yi = α + βDIi + εi
Note that …rst stage coe¤s. φi are average DI allowance rates by

Therefore IV regression is equivalent to examiner-level OLS regression

y e = a + βDI e + εe

Weighting this OLS regression by number of individuals per examiner

will yield identical estimate of β
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Source: Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)

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Maestas, Mullen, Strand 2012

Conclude that DI receipt reduces probability of employment by 28%

for marginal applicants

Important to recognize that this is a LATE for people who are at the
margin of getting DI

Severely disabled individuals would be granted DI by all examiners

and are not captured in this LATE

Hence should be interpreted as an upper bound on ATE

Maestas et al. con…rm this by studying heterogeneity in treatment

e¤ects by disease severity

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Source: Mullen, Maestas, Strand (2012)

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Maestas, Mullen, Strand 2012
Results highlight importance of estimating relevant LATE for policy

If policy question is raising DI bene…t, relevant treatment e¤ect is for

people on margin w.r.t. bene…t change

May not be the same people as those who are on the margin with
respect to examiner decision

This is the advantage of directly studying the policy of interest

Does not require extrapolations from estimated LATE to the

policy-relevant su¢ cient statistic

Also important to note that paper estimates uncompensated


Critical to distinguish moral hazard vs. liquidity for normative purposes

Might still have people with disutility ϕi > wi working when rejected
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Methodological Note: Weak Instruments

Random assignment instrument to judges, classes, etc. now popular

in many applications

Common problem: weak instruments

Arises when each examiner has few cases

Not an issue in Maestas et al. but common e.g. in education with 20

kids per class

In this case, IV estimate of β will be biased toward OLS

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Weak Instruments Problem

Recall examiner-level OLS regression

y e = a + βDI e + εe

Same observation appears on LHS and RHS of this regression

With few individuals, this biases β toward OLS

Extreme case: one individual per examiner equivalent to OLS

If an examiner gets a draw of particularly sick people, they will both

get DI and have low employment rates even if DI has no causal e¤ect

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Weak Instruments Problem

Problem vanishes as number of individuals per examiner grows large

Only remaining variation in DI e is due to examiner e¤ects

Key question: does number of instruments grow at same rate as

sample size?

If sample gets bigger by adding more people per examiner, then

instruments are asymptotically strong

If sample gets bigger by adding more examiners, then instruments and

asymptotically weak

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Weak Instruments: Solutions

How to obtain unbiased estimates with weak instruments?

Traditional recommendation: LIML

Currently preferred alternative: Jackknife IV

Leave out own observation for each i when estimating DI e in …rst stage

Second stage regression becomes

yi = a + bDI j 6=i + εi

Directly …xes own-observation problem and is more robust than LIML

(Kolesar et al. 2012, Kolesar 2012)

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Autor and Duggan 2003

Focus on interaction between DI and UI systems

Observe that DI claims rise in recessions, may reduce measured

unemployment rate

Idea: consider a worker laid o¤ in current recession

Given generosity of DI program, instead of claiming UI and searching

for a job, he applies for DI

One less unemployed person –> unemployment rate lower

But economic situation is the same: one less person working

Test this hypothesis using cross-state variation in employment shocks

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Autor and Duggan 2003: Bartik Shocks

Standard technique to construct state-level employment shocks over a

…ve year window:

Calculate industry shares in a given state in base year

Calculate employment changes over …ve year period by industry using

data on national employment (excluding state in question)

Project changes in each state’s employment using national changes

Ex: if car industry declines over a …ve year period, assign a negative
employment shock to Michigan

Then correlate state employment shocks with DI applications

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Employment Shocks and DI Applications: 1979-1984

E[DI Apps/Pop | X]

-2 UT

Coefficient = -0.094, se = 0.062, t = -1.51
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

E[Change in Employment/Pop | X]
Source: Autor and Duggan 2003

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Employment Shocks and DI Applications: 1984-1989

E[DI Apps/Pop | X]

2 GA
0 OH
-2 UT


Coefficient = -0.262, se = 0.067, t = -3.90
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

E[Change in Employment/Pop | X]
Source: Autor and Duggan 2003

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Employment Shocks and DI Applications: 1989-1994

6 MS

4 AR
E[DI Apps/Pop | X]

-2 CT HI


Coefficient = -0.343, se = 0.130, t = -2.64
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

E[Change in Employment/Pop | X]
Source: Autor and Duggan 2003

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Employment Shocks and DI Applications: 1993-1998

8 MS

4 AL
E[DI Apps/Pop | X]

-2 ND UT


Coefficient = -0.849, se = 0.164 t = -5.18
-8 -6 -4 -2 0 2 4 6 8

E[Change in Employment/Pop | X]
Source: Autor and Duggan 2003

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Autor and Duggan 2003

Unemployment would be 0.65% higher if not for post-‘84 trends in DI


Trace decline in LFP to the rise in DI over the past two decades via:

The 1984 inclusion of mental illness in DI eligibility

Rising wage inequality (combined with the progressivity of system)

Bottom line: DI applications are clearly sensitive to incentives

But evidence is insu¢ cient to make welfare statements

Essential to decompose bene…t e¤ects into income and price elasticities

to make normative judgment

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Public Economics Lectures
Part 7: Public Goods and Externalities

Raj Chetty and Gregory A. Bruich

Harvard University
Fall 2012

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Externalities: Outline

1 De…nition and Basic Model

2 Correcting Externalities

3 Prices vs. Quantities (Weitzman 1974)

4 2nd Best Taxation with Externalities (Sandmo 1975)

5 Empirical Applications

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An externality arises whenever the utility or production possibility of

an agent depends directly on the actions of another agent.

Important distinction between “pecuniary” vs. “non-pecuniary”


Consuming an apple vs. consuming loud music

Not a technological distinction; depends on market in place

Coasian view: can convert all externalities into pecuniary externalities

with appropriate markets, property rights.

Only non-pecuniary externalities justify policy intervention

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Externalities: Main Questions

1 Theoretical: what is the best way to correct externalities and move

closer to the social optimum?

2 Empirical: how to measure the size of externalities?

Key di¤erence: cannot use revealed-preference

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Model of Externalities

Firms produce x cars using c (x ) units of the numeraire y

Generates x units of pollution: P (x ) = x

Consumers have wealth Z and quasilinear utility:

u (x ) + y d P (x )

where d = marginal damage (MD) of pollution

Social welfare is

W = u (x ) + Z c (x ) d x

Let p denote the market price of cars

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Model of Externalities: Equilibrium

Firms max pro…ts:

max px c (x )
Consumers max utility, taking level of pollution as …xed:

max u (x ) + Z px

Demand satis…es
u 0 (x D ) = p
Supply satis…es
c 0 (x S ) = p
PMB equals PMC in equilibrium:

u 0 (x D ) = c 0 (x S )

But this is not Pareto e¢ cient

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Negative Production Externalities: Pollution







0 Q* QM Quantity

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Model of Externalities: Deadweight Loss

Perturbation argument: can increase social welfare by reducing

production by ∆x:

dW = u 0 (x )∆x c 0 (x )∆x d ∆x
= d ∆x > 0 if ∆x < 0

First Welfare Theorem does not hold

Analogous result for consumption externalities

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Negative Consumption Externalities







0 Q* QM Quantity

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Remedies for Externalities

1 Coasian bargaining solution

2 Pigouvian corrective taxation

3 Regulation

4 Permits (cap-and-trade)

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Coasian Solution

Externalities emerge because property rights are not well de…ned.

Establish property rights to create markets for pollution.

Consider example of pollution in a river.

If consumer owns river, in competitive equilibrium, …rms pay d for

every unit of pollution emitted.

Marginal cost of production is now c 0 (x ) + d, leading to 1st best.

Symmetric solution when …rm owns river.

Assignment of property rights a¤ects distribution but not e¢ ciency

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Coasian Solution: Limitations

1 Cost of bargaining
Ex: air pollution – would require millions of agents to coordinate and

To reduce transactions costs, need an association to represent agents

This “association” is the government

2 Asymmetric information: competitive equilibrium can break down

Often hard to identify precise source of damage

E.g. atmospheric pollution very di¤use, marginal damages unclear

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Pigouvian Taxation

Impose tax t = MD (Q )

Restores Pareto e¢ ciency and maximizes social welfare

Practical limitations:

Must know marginal damage function to set t

Di¢ cult to measure the marginal damage in practice

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Pigouvian Tax

Price S=PMC+t





0 Q* Q2 Q1 Quantity

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Quantity-based restriction: reduce pollution to …xed level or face legal


Same outcome as Pigouvian taxation: move people to x2

Disadvantages: no marginal incentives

Allocative ine¢ ciency with heterogeneity in costs of pollution reduction

Dynamic ine¢ ciency: no incentive to innovate

These problems can be solved by cap and trade system

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Permits: Cap-and-Trade

Cap total amount of pollution and auction permits to …rms

Then allow …rms to trade permits to pollute

Hybrid of regulation and Coasian solution: create the market

In eq., …rms with highest MC of reducing pollution will buy permits;

those that can easily reduce pollution will do so

If total number of permits is set to achieve the social optimum, both

allocative and productive e¢ ciency will be achieved

Also have dynamic incentives to innovate because each …rm is bearing

a marginal cost of pollution

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Weitzman 1974: Prices vs. Quantities

Price mechanism (taxes) identical to quantity mechanism (permits) in

simple model above. How to choose?

Weitzman (1974): with uncertainty re. shape of MB and MC curves,

price and quantity no longer equivalent

Now the standard method of choosing between regulation and taxes

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Weitzman 1974: Prices vs. Quantities

Let q denote pollution reduction starting from private market eq.,

where q = 0.

Let B (Q ) denote social bene…ts of pollution reduction

Let C (Q ) denote social costs.

In simple model above:

MB of pollution reduction is constant, B 0 (Q ) = d.

MC given by loss in surplus from producing one less car: u 0 (x ) c 0 (x ).

More generally, MC should be interpreted as cost of reducing pollution

through cheapest method (e.g. cleaner plants)

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Market for Pollution Reduction


Q* Pollution Reduction

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Optimal Policy without Uncertainty

In eq’m, PMB of pollution reduction is 0 ) level of pollution

reduction is Q = 0.

Social optimum:
max B (Q ) C (Q )
First order condition:
C 0 (Q ) = B 0 (Q )
With no uncertainty, can obtain optimum with either quantity or price

Quantity: require amount Q .

Price: set price for pollution reduction of p = C 0 (Q ).

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Optimal Policy with Uncertainty

Now suppose that there is uncertainty about the marginal costs of

reducing pollution.

Cost is now C (Q, θ ) with θ unknown.

Marginal cost lies between MCLB and MCUB , with mean value given
by MCmean .

Objective: maximize expected social welfare:

Eθ [ B (Q ) C (Q , θ )] >? Eθ [B (Q (p )) C (Q (p ), θ )]

Optimal choice depends on B 00 (Q )/C 00 (Q )

Quantity regulation preferred if MB steep relative to MC

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MB steep, Quantity regulation

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MB Steep, Price Regulation

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Quantity Regulation Price Regulation

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Price Band vs. Quantity Band with Steep MB

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MB Flat, Quantity
MB Flat, Price Regulation

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Weitzman: Uncertainty about Bene…ts

Now suppose that there is uncertainty about the marginal bene…ts of

reducing pollution but that the costs are known

Price and quantity policies are again equivalent

For a given p, the government knows the Q that will result exactly
since p = C 0 (Q )

More generally, uncertainty matters only when it is about the

cost/bene…t schedule for the agent who chooses level of pollution

If consumer chooses level of pollution reduction, then only uncertainty

about marginal bene…ts matters

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Optimal Second-Best Taxation with Externalities

In general, cannot restore 1st best b/c externality is one of many

deviations from …rst best.

Most important other deviation: govt also uses distortionary taxes to

…nance public goods and redistribute income.

Sandmo (1975): optimal tax policy with externalities and a revenue


Combination of Ramsey and Pigou problems

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Sandmo 1975: Setup

Denote by d (xN ) the externality cost of consumption of good N

Let w be the wage rate and qi = pi + τ i denote post-tax prices.

Let Z denote non wage income.

Producer prices …xed; all pre tax prices normalized to 1.

Individuals have utility functions of the following form:

u (x1 , .., xN , l ) d (xN )

Utility is maximized subject to:

q1 x1 + .. + qN xN wl + Z

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Sandmo 1975: Setup

Individual maximization program

L = u (x1 , .., xN , l ) + λ(wl + Z (q1 x1 + .. + qN xN ))

Maximization yields indirect utility v (q ).

Government maximization program:

max W (q ) = v (q ) d (q )

s.t. ∑ τi xi R

Analogous to Ramsey tax problem, but here SWF di¤ers from private
sector objective

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Sandmo 1975

Let θ = marginal social welfare gain from $1 of a lump sum tax and
λ = marginal value of relaxing agent’s budget constraint

τ ip = optimal Pigouvian tax rate (when R = 0)

τ ip = 0 for goods 1 to N 1 and τ ip = d 0 (xN ) for good N

τ ir = optimal Ramsey tax rate (when d (xn ) = 0)

Let τ i denote optimal tax rate in Sandmo model

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Sandmo 1975: Additivity Result

Main result: can express optimal tax rate as Ramsey rate plus
Pigouvian correction.

Consider case where Slutsky matrix is diagonal (zero cross-price


Then optimal tax on good i, τ i satis…es

τ i τ ip
= (θ/λ)/ecii
1 + τi
θxic dxic
) τi = / + τ ip
λ dpi
= τ ip + τ ir

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Sandmo 1975: Additivity Result

Useful analytic representation but not an explicit formula for the

optimal tax rate

Ramsey tax will a¤ect level of cons, which a¤ects optimal Pigouvian tax

Conversely, Pigouvian tax will a¤ect optimal Ramsey tax rate

Qualitative lesson: no justi…cation to tax goods that are

complementary to those that produce negative externalities

Just tax fuel, not cars

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Double Dividend Debate

Claim: gas tax has two “dividends”

1 discourages pollution, raising social welfare

2 allows govt. to reduce other distortionary taxes, improving e¢ ciency

True if we are at a corner where revenue req. is below level what is

generated by optimal Pigouvian taxes

More realistic case: already at a Ramsey-tax interior optimum

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Double Dividend Debate
Suppose we discover that production of computers generates negative

Is there a “double dividend” from taxing computers?

No. Already at Ramsey optimum ! no e¢ ciency gain from raising

taxes on PC’s and reducing taxes on other goods

Only get single dividend of improving environment

Obtain double dividend only if taxes on polluting good were initially

too low from a Ramsey perspective.

General lesson: separate externality and optimal second-best tax


Measure externalities and identify optimal corrective taxes without

worrying about other aspects of tax system
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Externalities: Empirical Measurement

Two approaches

Indirect market-based methods

Contingent valuation

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Edlin and Karaca-Mandic 2006

Accident externalities from driving automobiles.

If I drive, I increase probability you will get into an accident !

externality cost imposed on you

How to estimate this externality cost and appropriate Pigouvian tax

on driving?

Examine relationship between tra¢ c density and per-capita insurance

costs and premiums

Look at slope to infer size of externality cost

Identi…cation assumption: variation in tra¢ c density at state level not

correlated with other determinants of premiums (e.g. types of cars,
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Edlin and Karaca-Mandic 2006

Tra¢ c density substantially increases marginal insurer costs

Insurers set premia to cover average costs in market equilibrium

Individual’s marginal cost on other driver’s not internalized

Externality is convex

Increase in tra¢ c density from average driver has external cost of

$2,000 per year in California

Comparable …gure in $10 per year in North Dakota

Suggests that insurance premiums should be doubled in CA to achieve

social optimum

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Brookshire et al. 1982

Infer willingness to pay for clean air using e¤ect of pollution on

property prices (capitalization)

Compare prices of houses in polluted vs non-polluted areas.

Pi = α + Pollutioni + Xi β + ei

Econometric problems

Omitted variables: polluted neighborhoods worse on many dimensions

Deeper problem: sorting

Recover marginal WTP rather than average WTP

People with allergies avoid polluted areas

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Chay and Greenstone 2005

Also study home prices but use Clean Air Act as an exogenous change
in pollution.

Clean Air Act: imposed ceilings on pollution levels by county in mid


High pollution counties experience sharp reductions in pollution levels

relative to low pollution counties

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Chay and Greenstone 2005

Conclusion: 1% increase in pollution ! 0.25% decline in house values

Clean air act increased house values by $45 bil (5%) in treated

Conceptual concern with short-run market-based methods: people

may not be fully aware of changes in pollution

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Glaeser and Luttmer 2003

Without tradeable permits, e¢ ciency costs of regulation can be very

high because of allocation distortions

Study allocation of apartments under rent control

Standard model assumes that with price controls, still have allocative
e¢ ciency

Those who value the apartments most get them

But regulation will generally lead to allocative ine¢ ciency that

generates …rst-order welfare losses

For small price caps, allocation ine¢ ciency dwarfs undersupply

ine¢ ciency

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Glaeser and Luttmer 2003

Quantify welfare losses from misallocation by comparing consumption

patterns in rent-controlled (NYC) and free-market places across
demographic groups.

Predict apartment size using number in family, income, education,

age, etc. using 105 large MSAs

Test if actual apartment allocations in NYC match predictions

Identifying assumption: preferences stable across MSAs

Check: placebo tests using Chicago and Hartford

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Contingent Valuation

For some outcomes, it is impossible to have a market value

Ex: protecting endangered species

Common solution: “contingent valuation” surveys

How much would you be willing to pay to avoid extinction of whales?

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Diamond and Hausman 1994

Describe problems with contingent valuation using surveys

No resource cost to respondents

Lack of consistency in responses

Framing E¤ects: whales then seals vs. seals then whales

WTP to clean one lake = WTP to clean 5 lakes

Diamond and Hausman: let experts decide based on a budget voted

on by individuals for the environment instead of relying on valuation

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Behavioral Economics Applications: Internalities

Sin taxes intended to correct “internalities.”

Internal costs of smoking cigarettes dwarf the external costs.

Suggests that conventional Pigouvian taxation should be small

(relative to actual taxes observed on e.g. cigarettes and alcohol).

Q: Does addictive nature of cigarettes motivate taxation?

A: Highly sensitive to positive model of addiction

Challenge: di¢ cult to determine which model is right empirically

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Becker and Murphy 1988

Show that addictive goods can be modeled in perfectly rational


Dynamic model with habit formation

Current consumption of the addictive good decreases utility in future

periods but increases marginal utility of consumption tomorrow

If discount rate high enough, rationally choose to become addicted

Implication: no reason for special taxes on these goods; set taxes

according to Ramsey rules

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Gruber and Koszegi 2004

Hyperbolic discounting preferences for smokers

U0 = u (c0 ) + β( ∑ γt u (ct )) with β < 1.

t 1
U1 = u (c1 ) + β( ∑ γt u (ct ))
t 2

Planner maximizes U0 with β = 1 (true utility).

Individuals overconsume c: fail to take full account of harm to future


Taxes reduce demand for each self; can partly correct the internality.

Calibration implies corrective tax should be very large.

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Bernheim and Rangel 2004
Model of “cue-triggered” addiction. Two selves:

Cognitive self with rational preferences

Visceral brain triggered by random cues in which addictive good is

consumed at any cost.

Probability of trigger increases with past consumption levels.

Ideal policy: only allow rational consumption, eliminate consumption

in hot mode.

Corrective taxation may not be desirable: only distorts consumption in

rational state, not visceral state.

Better solution: regulated dispensation – must place orders one

period in advance
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O’Donoghue and Rabin 2006

Studies optimal sin taxes in a model with two types of consumers:

rational and those who overconsume (e.g., because of self-control

Can be thought of as a hybrid of Becker and Gruber-Koszegi models

Key result: irrationality among a few consumers leads to substantial

role for corrective taxation/subsides.

For rational individuals, excess burden due to taxation is second-order

(Harberger triangle).

For irrational individuals, welfare gains from correction of internality is

…rst-order (Harberger trapezoid)

Therefore always optimal to have a positive tax; calibrations suggest

fairly large corrective taxes
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Application: Retirement Savings

Many believe that people do not save enough for retirement because
of myopia, self-control problems, etc.

What are the best corrective policies to increase savings?

Price subsidies: 401(k)’s, IRA’s (Du‡o et al. 2006)

Nudges: defaults and automatic enrollment in pension plans (Madrian

and Shea 2001)

Commitment devices (Bernartzi and Thaler 2004; Ashraf, Karlan, and

Yin 2006)

Information provision and …nancial literacy (Lusardi and Mitchell 2011)

Focus on the …rst two here

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Du‡o et al. (2006): Price Subsidies

Du‡o et al. conduct a randomized experiment providing matches for

IRA contributions

Subject pool: H&R Block tax …lers

Main …nding: provision of a non-zero subsidy signi…cantly increase

IRA participation rates

Equivalent government Saver’s Credit program has no impact,

suggesting that salience matters

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Madrian and Shea (2001): Defaults
Madrian and Shea show that defaults have powerful e¤ects on savings
behavior even though they do not change budget set

Clearly violates neoclassical model

Utility consequences of changing retirement savings rate are large

Therefore di¢ cult to explain with optimization costs

Carroll et al. (2009) propose a model with optimization costs and

hyperbolic discounting to explain the pattern

Hyperbolic discounters keep postponing plans to set up retirement

account because cost of delaying by one period is small

Interesting implication: short deadlines may help improve decision

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Chetty et al. (2012): Crowdout in Retirement Savings

Do defaults increase total savings or just lead to shifting of assets

from non-retirement to retirement accounts?

Even inattentive individuals still have to satisfy budget constraint by

cutting consumption or savings in non-retirement accounts

Do price subsidies raise total savings or induce shifting across


Large literature on “crowdout” in retirement savings accounts (Engen,

Gale, Scholz 1996; Poterba, Venti, Wise 1996)

Data in U.S. on wealth outside retirement accounts very limited

Chetty et al. (2012) analyze this question using third-party reported

data on all …nancial wealth for population of Denmark
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Chetty et al. (2012): Price Subsidies

Denmark has two types of pension accounts: capital pensions and

annuity pensions

Reform in 1999 in Denmark lowered subsidy for saving in capital

pensions by 12 cents per DKr

Question 1: how did this a¤ect contributions to capital pensions?

Question 2: how much money was shifted to annuity pensions and to

non-retirement taxable accounts?

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Impact of Capital Pension Subsidy Reduction On Capital Pension Contributions
Total Capital Pension Contribution Rate

Subsidy for Capital

Pension Reduced
1.5 2 2.5 3

1995 2000 2005 2010


25-75K Below Top Tax Cutoff 25-75K Above Top Tax Cutoff
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Impact of 1999 Capital Pension Subsidy Reduction on Distribution of
Capital Pension Contributions for Prior Contributors

Extensive-margin responders account for

100% of reduction in capital pension
Percent of Individuals

-100 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100

Percentage Change in Capital Pension Contributions (Pt –Pt-1)/ Pt-1

1997 to 1998 1998 to 1999

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Difference in Fraction of High Savers Before vs. After Subsidy Change,
Pre-Reform (1996-1998) minus Post-Reform (1999-2001)
Change in % with Taxable Savings Above Mean

Change in Slope at Cutoff = -0.8% (0.1%)


Crowd-Out of Pension Contribution

ΔTaxable Saving / Δ Pension Contrib.:
β = -0.99 (0.19)

-75000 -50000 -25000 0 25000 50000 75000

Income Relative to Top Tax Cutoff (DKr)
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Chetty et al. (2012): Automatic Contributions

Next, study impacts of automatic contributions

Employers make pension contributions on workers behalf


Research design: event study when workers switch …rms

Retirement savings rate can change sharply when workers switch …rms

Do workers o¤set these changes in private savings as neoclassical

model predicts?

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Event Study around Switches to Firm with >3% Increase in Employer Pension
Contrib.: Switchers with Positive Individual Pensions and Savings in
Year Prior to Switch
Contribution or Savings Rate (% of income)

Δ Employer Pensions = 5.65

Δ Total Pensions = 4.86
Δ Total Savings = 4.44

-5 0 5
Year Relative to Firm Switch

Employer Pensions Total Pensions Total Savings

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Changes in Total Savings Rates vs. Changes in Employer Pension Rates
for Firm Switchers, Cond. on Lagged Savings
Percent Change in Total Savings Rate
0 5

Total Savings
Pass-Through Rate: β = 90%


-5 0 5 10
Percent Change in Employer Pension Contributions
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Chetty et al. (2012): Active vs. Passive Savers

Why do automatic contributions have much larger impacts on total

savings than price subsidies?

Hypothesis: active vs. passive choice, as in Carrol et al. (2009)

Analyze heterogeneity of responses to test key predictions of this


1 Price subsidies a¤ect active savers

2 Automatic contributions a¤ect passive savers

3 Active savers save more for retirement to begin with

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Percent Responding to Capital Pension Subsidy Change in 1999
by Frequency of Active Changes in Other Years
% with Sharp Response in 1999

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of Other Years with Change in Individual Pension Contributions
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Pensions Pass-Through of Employer Pension Changes for Firm-Switchers
by Frequency of Active Changes in Other Years
Pass-Through of Emp. Pensions to Total Pensions

0 20 40 60 80 100
Percentage of Other Years with Change in Individual Pension Contributions
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Heterogeneity in Response to Capital Pension Subsidy by Wealth/Income Ratio

% with Sharp Response in 1999

0 .5 1 1.5
Wealth/Income Ratio in 1998

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Heterogeneity in Pass-Through of Employer Pensions by Wealth/Income Ratio
Pass-Through of Employer Pensions to Total Savings
40 60 80 100 120

0 .5 1 1.5 2
Wealth/Income Ratio in Year Prior to Switch

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Chetty et al. (2012): Correcting “Internalities”

Tax subsidies tend to in‡uence the behavior of those who are already

Need to be an active saver to pay attention and respond to subsidies

More general lesson: economic tools (prices) may not be the best way
to change the behavior of non-optimizing agents

Non-traditional tools such as “nudges” may be more e¤ective

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Public Goods: Outline

1 De…nitions and Baseline Model

2 Samuelson Rule

3 Public Goods with Endogenous Private Provision

4 Public Goods with Distortionary Taxation

5 Alternative Instruments

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Public vs. Private Goods

Private goods bene…t one individual h

∑ Xh X

Public goods bene…t several individuals simultaneously

Xh X 8h

Ex: can of coke vs. teaching a class

Pure: can accommodate any number of users.

Impure: subject to congestion

radio vs. roads

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Private Good

Person 1’

Person 2’
s Consumption

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Public Good

Person 1’

Person 2’
s Consumption

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Public vs. Private Goods

Rival vs. non-rival.

Pure are non-rival

Excludable vs. non-excludable.

National Radio: impossible to exclude. Teaching: possible to exclude

Most economic analysis focuses on pure public goods

Public goods ) equilibrium outcome ine¢ cient (large scale

production externalities)

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Public Goods Model: Setup

Economy with H households, indexed by h = 1, .., H

Two goods X and G

X is always private, individual h consumes quantity X h

Denote by X = ∑h X h the total quantity of good X in the economy

Denote by G h consumption of good G by h, with G = ∑h G h

Utility of h is U h = U h (X h , G )

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Public Goods Model: Setup

Social welfare = weighted sum of utilities, βh weight on h

βh 0 and at least one βh > 0

Production possibility F (X , G ) = 0

Assume that U h is increasing in X and G

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First Best if G is Private

To identify Pareto e¢ cient outcomes, solve:

max ∑ βh U h (X h , G h )
s.t. F (∑ X h , ∑ G h ) 0 [λ]
h h

L= ∑ βh U h λF
First order conditions

[X h ] : βh UXh = λFX
[G h ] : βh UGh = λFG

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First Best if G is Private

Taking ratios of FOCs yields

= G

Set of Pareto e¢ cient allocations is set of allocations that satisfy:


Decentralized market equilibrium will implement such an allocation

(1st Welfare Thm).

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First Best if G is a Pure Public Good

To identify Pareto e¢ cient outcomes, now solve:

max ∑ βh U h (X h , G )
s.t. F (∑ X h , ∑ G h ) 0 [λ]
h h


[X h ] : βh UXh = λFX
[G ] : ∑ βh UGh = λFG

Using βh = λFX /UXh from f.o.c. for X h we obtain:

∑[ UGh ] = FX
h X

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Samuelson (1954) Rule

Condition for Pareto e¢ ciency: sum of MRS is equal to MRT:


Intuition: an additional unit of G increases the utility of all

households in the public good case

With G a private good, an additional unit only increases one

individual’s utility

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Decentralized Private Provision is Suboptimal

Private good X and a pure public good G as above

Price of each good is normalized to 1

Each household starts with an endowment Y h of good X .

Individual h contributes G h to public good funding.

Consumption of public good is G = ∑h G h for everyone.

Consumption of the private good is X h = Y h G h for individual h.

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Decentralized Private Provision is Suboptimal

Individual h solves

max U h (X h , G 1 + .. + G h + .. + G H )
s.t. X h + G h = Y h .

Nash equilibrium outcome is UXh = UGh

Samuelson Rule not satis…ed

Pareto improvement if each person invested 1/H more dollars in the

public good:

∆W = UXh (1/H ) + UGh = UGh (1 1/H ) > 0.

Market outcome is ine¢ cient: underprovision of G

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Optimal Second Best Provision of PG’s

Now suppose government provides public good to rectify

under-provision in market equilibrium

Two complications arise

1 Crowdout of private sector provision

Private contributions to charity exceed $250 bn. per year

Key model: Bergstrom, Blume, and Varian (1986)

2 Government cannot …nance PGs through lump sum taxation

Need to modify Samuelson rule to account for distortionary taxation?

Related to Sandmo (1975) analysis of externalities

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Bergstrom, Blume, Varian (1986): Setup

Individual h solves:

max U h (Xh , Gh + G h )
X h ,G h
s.t. Xh + Gh = Yh

FOC is UXh = UGh

Nash equilibrium exists and is unique

G s.t. all individuals optimize given others’behavior

Let G denote private equilibrium outcome

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Bergstrom-Blume-Varian Model: Crowd-out

Now suppose government introduces lump sum taxes t h on each

individual h

Revenue used to …nance expenditure on public good T = ∑ t h

Individual’s optimization problem is now:

max U (X h , Gh + G h + T)
h h h
s.t. X + G = Y th

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Bergstrom-Blume-Varian Model: Crowd-out

Let Zh = Gh + th denote total contribution of individual h.

Can rewrite this as:

max U (X h , Zh + Z h)
h h h
s.t. X + Z = Y

This is isomorphic to original problem ) Z = G

Total public good provision is unchanged!

Each person simply reduces voluntary provision by th

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BBV Model: Key Assumptions
1 No corners: assumed the set of contributors are the same in both

With corners, transfer neutrality breaks down: tax increase T results in

no private contribution from individuals with G h < T , but
contributions increase on net.

2 Ignores direct utility from giving: U (X h , G h , G ).

Andreoni’s (1990) “warm glow” model.

Stigler and Becker (1977) critique: should not simply modify

preferences to explain patterns

3 Ignores prestige/signalling motives

Glazer and Konrad (1996)

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Empirical Evidence on Crowd-Out
Two empirical questions motivated by theory

1 How large is the degree of crowd-out in practice?

2 What are the income and price e¤ects on charitable giving?

Two strands of empirical literature

1 Field evidence (observational studies)

2 Lab experiments

Traditionally, lab experiments have been more in‡uential but recent

…eld studies may change this

Lab experiments may not capture important motives for giving: warm
glow, prestige
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Hungerman 2005

Studies crowdout of church-provided welfare (soup kitchens, etc.) by

government welfare

Uses 1996 Clinton welfare reform act as an instrument for welfare


One aspect of reform: reduced/eliminated welfare for non-citizens

Motivates a di¤-in-di¤ strategy: compare churches in high non-citizen

areas with low non-citizen areas before/after 1996 reform

Estimates imply that total church expenditures in a state go up by 40

cents when welfare spending is cut by $1

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Andreoni and Payne (2003, 2008): Fundraising Mechanism
Government spending crowds-out private donations through two
channels: willingness to donate + fundraising

Use tax return data on arts and social service organizations

Instrument for government spending using changes in state budget

due to federal grants

Key …ndings:

$1000 increase in government grant leads to $250 reduction in private


$1 more of government grant to a charity leads to 56 cents less private


70 percent ($0.40) due to the fundraising channel

Suggests that individuals are relatively passive actors

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Marwell and Ames 1981

Early lab experiments testing free-rider behavior.

Groups of 5 subjects, each given 10 tokens.

Can invest tokens in either an individual or group account.

Individual: 1 token = $1 for me; Group: 1 token = 50 cents for


Nash equilibrium is 100% individual but Pareto e¢ cient outcome is

100% group.

Compute fraction invested in group account under various treatments

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Marwell and Ames 1981

Finding: 40 to 60% of tokens were still invested in the public good.

Experiment run on various groups of high school and college students.

Only one group free-rode a lot: 1st year econ graduate students (20%
donation rate).

“Economists Free Ride, Does Anyone Else?”

Andreoni (1988, 1993) implements experiments with repeated


Shows that contributions to public goods fall over time but remain

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Expanding the Policy Set: Social Prices

Traditional public goods and externalities literature focuses on

economic incentives

Induce public goods provision by changing relative prices of goods

Another potential policy tool: manipulation of social prices

Exploit concerns for perception by peers to encourage pro-social


E.g. have researchers compete on publications and help society in the


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Social Pressure: Existing Evidence

Recent examples from psychology and political science

Cialdini (2003) on energy conservation: telling people how their energy

use compares with averages reduces energy use

Gerber et al. (2008): using social pressure to increase voter turnout

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Social Prices as a Policy Tool: Research in Progress

1 [Perez-Truglia and Cruces 2012] Social incentives in campaign

contributions and political polarization

2 [Chetty, Saez, Sandor 2012] Comparing cash and social incentives to

reduce referee times at JPubE

3 [Chetty, Mobarak, Singhal] Increasing tax revenue in Bangladesh

using social incentives

Theoretical question: optimal social prices and policy design

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Public Economics Lectures () Part 7: Public Goods and Externalities 110 / 111
Figure 2b: Turnaround times, DFL reweighted on pre-experiment turnaround

Percentage of Reports Still Pending 100%


50% 27.3 33.7 44.8 47.8

Control = 4 week: p = 0.00
Control = Social: p = 0.01
4 week = Cash: p = 0.00
0 20 40 60
Days since invitation

Control Social 4 week Cash

Source: Chetty, Saez, Sandor 2010

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