Ship Safety Bulletin: Subject

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TP 3231 E

SHIP SAFETY Bulletin No.: 09/2015

RDIMS No.: 10788583
BULLETIN Date: 2015-10-26

We issue Ship Safety Bulletins for the marine community. Visit our Website at
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Subject: HOW to MEET STCW MANILA 2010 RULES by JANUARY 1, 2017


This bulletin explains the steps Owners, Masters, Officers and Seafarers must take before
January 1, 2017, to comply with the new requirements of the International Convention on
Standards of Training, Certification and Watchkeeping for Seafarers, as amended by the 2010
Manila conference (STCW Manila 2010).


This bulletin applies to Canadian seafarers and to holders of a Canadian STCW Certificate of
Competency (CoC) or endorsement that expire before December 31st, 2016, who:
 work on vessels making Unlimited voyages or Near Coastal, Class 1 (outside of the Great
Lakes) voyages, and who must hold qualification documents that comply with STCW Manila
2010 by January 1, 2017.
 work on vessels making Near Coastal, Class 1 (on the Great Lakes), Near Coastal, Class 2,
or Sheltered Waters voyages who choose to comply with the STCW Manila 2010, although
not required.

* We strongly encourage seafarers to apply now, to avoid a last minute rush that may
occur at the end of 2016


The STCW Manila 2010 came into force on January 1, 2012. A 5-year transition period is nearly
over, which means Canada, as a party to the Convention, must fully comply with its
requirements by January 1st, 2017. Major changes include:

Keywords: Questions concerning this Bulletin should be addressed to:

1. STCW Manila 2010 AMSP Transport Canada

2. Certificate of Proficiency Marine Personnel Standards and Pilotage Marine Safety and Security
3. Refresher training Tower C, Place de Ville
330 Sparks Street, 11th Floor
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0N8
Contact us at: [email protected] or 1-855-859-3123 (Toll Free).

1. Proof of Competency. A testimonial of participation in emergency drills onboard an STCW

vessel will no longer be proof someone has the required level of competency. Seafarers must
now complete an approved refresher training course at a Recognized Institution ashore every
5 years.

This applies in particular to competencies in Marine Emergency Duties (MED) as described

below. If you are:

 Listed on the safe manning document of an STCW vessel, you must demonstrate
competence in STCW Basic Safety Training.
 Assigned to launch a survival craft, you must demonstrate competence in Survival Craft
and Rescue Boats.
 In charge of a fire team, you must demonstrate competence in Advanced Fire Fighting.
 Designated to provide first aid or medical care onboard an STCW vessel, you must
demonstrate competence in First Aid or Medical Care.

2. The new Certificates of Proficiency (CoP) serve as proof a person has specific competencies
that meet STCW Manila 2010 standards. For example, on January 1, 2017, all persons on STCW
vessels who perform MED, must hold a CoP.

To obtain a CoP, you must apply at any Transport Canada Marine Safety and Security (TCMSS)
Examination Center ( and provide a Training Certificate
you earned from a Recognized Institution (see list in TP 10655) in the past 5 years, that relates
to that CoP.

If you completed the Approved Training Courses more than 5 years ago, you must have
completed an Approved Refresher Training Courses within the past 5 years. Other requirements
may apply, as indicated elsewhere in this bulletin.

Certificates of Proficiency (CoP) in MED, First Aid and Medical Care

Annex A of this bulletin gives details about the trainings you must take at a Recognized
Institution and any other requirements that may apply, to be able to apply for a CoP at a TCMSS
Examination Center.

Certificates of Proficiency (CoP) for Tankers

After January 1, 2017, all documents issued to masters, deck officers, engineers and ratings
working on a tanker making an Unlimited voyage or a Near Coastal, Class 1 (outside of the
Great Lakes) voyage, that attest to their proficiency for tanker cargo operations, must comply
with STCW Manila 2010. In Canada, seafarers must replace their current CoC or endorsements
with a corresponding CoP.

Ratings (Tankers)
Before January 1, 2017, Ratings working on STCW vessels must exchange their current CoC or
endorsement at any TCMSS examination center. Ratings will receive a corresponding new CoP,
issued with no expiry date, either:
 Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, or
 Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations.

Masters and Officers (Deck and Engine room - Tankers)

Masters, engineers and deck officers holding a familiarization or specialized CoC or
endorsement for any type of tanker making an STCW voyage, must exchange their CoC or
endorsement, before January 1, 2017, for one of the following Certificates of Proficiency (CoP)
that complies with STCW Manila 2010:
 Basic Training for Oil and Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations,
 Basic Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations,
 Advanced Training for Oil Tanker Cargo Operations,
 Advanced Training for Chemical Tanker Cargo Operations, or
 Advanced Training for Liquefied Gas Tanker Cargo Operations.

Passenger vessels training and qualifications

While there is no immediate change to the qualifications required for personnel on passenger
vessels and ro-ro passenger vessels, the MPR are being amended to reflect STCW Manila 2010
requirements. These amendments should apply starting January 1, 2017.

The main changes will be that the MPR:

 will no longer require personnel to hold the Passenger Safety Management and Specialized
Passenger Safety Management (Ro-Ro Vessels) CoC and endorsement TCMSS currently
 will require personnel earn a training certificate issued by the recognized institution as proof
they are qualified in the topic indicated for service on a passenger vessel. Certain topics will
require refresher training every 5 years.
1. The Passenger Safety Management and Specialized Passenger Safety Management (Ro-
Ro Vessels) CoC and endorsements seafarers currently hold, remain valid until their
expiry date, and can be renewed in compliance with the MPR until December, 31st 2016.
2. Starting January 1, 2017, TCMSS will not issue or renew these CoC or endorsements, but
will require personnel on passenger vessels and Ro-Ro passenger vessels to hold training
certificates as indicated in Annex B.
3. Annex B details required training or refresher training starting January 1, 2017.

4. Recognized institutions giving the Passenger Safety Management or the Specialized

Passenger Safety Management (Ro-Ro Vessels) training remain approved to issue training
certificates indicated in Annex B, as long as they comply with approval conditions.

Availability of refresher training courses

Recognized Institutions and TCMSS are working on establishing and approving refresher
training courses. In fact, many are already available. Seafarers who must take refresher training
should contact a Recognized Institution to register. We strongly encourage seafarers to apply
now, to avoid a last minute rush that may occur at the end of 2016.

Certificates of Competency (CoC) or endorsements expiring on December 31, 2016

Most STCW CoCs or endorsements TCMSS issued in the past months expire on December 31,

 If you hold an STCW CoC or endorsement expiring on December 31, 2016, you may
exchange it for an STCW Manila 2010 CoC or CoP, as applicable, valid for the remaining
time of the initial 5 years period, at any TCMSS Examination Center – at no cost.

 If you want to renew an officer’s CoC for a full 5 year period, you must comply with the
renewal requirements of MPR sections 106 or 107 and pay the renewal fee, to receive an
STCW Manila 2010 CoC valid for 5 years.

 If you want to renew a tanker endorsement for a full 5 year period, you must comply with the
renewal requirements of MPR sections 159, 160 or 165 to 167 as applicable and pay the
renewal fee, to receive an STCW Manila 2010 CoP valid for 5 years.

Certificates of competency issued to ratings without an expiry date

Ratings who hold CoC issued without an expiry date, such as Bridge Watch Rating and Engine
Room Rating, do not have references that meet STCW Manila 2010 standards, and may apply at
any TCMSS Examination Center to get a replacement at no cost.

TCMSS Policy

While waiting for the MPR amendments to come into force, TCMSS has begun to issue CoPs to
seafarers who want to comply with the new STCW Manila 2010 requirements.

While there is no legal requirement to take a refresher training course until these amendments do
come into force, we encourage Canadian seafarers to obtain the STCW Manila 2010
compliant documents well before January 1, 2017 to avoid problems at foreign ports for not

holding the necessary documents.

Sheltered Waters, Near Coastal, Class 2 and Near Coastal, Class 1(on the Great-Lakes)

There is no immediate change for personnel working on domestic vessels making voyages in
Sheltered Waters, in Near Coastal, Class 2 or in Near Coastal, Class 1 (on the Great Lakes).
This means that Officers holding:
 Domestic certificates of competency do not have to take any particular steps.
 STCW certificates, will receive an STCW Manila 2010 certificate when they meet the MPR
renewal requirements.

Certificates of Proficiency in MED will not be required on domestic vessels making voyages in
Sheltered Waters, in Near Coastal, Class 2 or in Near Coastal, Class 1 (on the Great Lakes). For
these vessels, the current training and certification requirements of MPR sections 205 to 210
remain. Holding one of the MPR accepted training certificates issued by a recognized institution
is valid for personnel who:
 form part of the safe manning of the vessel
 are assigned to a survival craft team or a fire team.




Certificate of Required Training certificate Other Validity of CoP

Proficiency (CoP) from a recognized institution in: requirements
STCW Basic STCW Basic Safety or 16 years of age 5 years (Note 1)
Safety STCW Basic Safety Refresher

Survival Craft and Survival Craft and Rescue Boats  18 years of 5 years (Note 1)
Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats or age
Other Than Fast Survival Craft and Rescue Boats  6 months of
Rescue Boats Other Than Fast Rescue Boats experience as
Refresher defined in
section 155 of
the MPR
Advanced Fire Advanced Fire Fighting or 18 years of age 5 years (Note 1)
Fighting Advanced Fire Fighting Refresher

Marine Advanced Marine Advanced First Aid or 18 years of age 5 years (Note 1)
First Aid Marine Advanced First Aid
Marine Medical Marine Medical Care or Marine 18 years of age 5 years (Note 1)
Care Medical Care Refresher

Note 1: The period of validity is 5 years starting from:

 The date of the CoP was issued, if the seafarer completed the related training or refresher
training course less than 6 months before applying for a new CoP, or
 The date on which the seafarer completed the related training or refresher training course
if that date is 6 months or more before applying for a CoP.




STCW Training Applies to whom Refresher Training

Certificate every 5 years
Reg.V/2 Crowd Masters, officers and other personnel Refresher training
par. 4 & management designated on muster lists to assist or
passengers in emergency situations on Provide evidence of
STCW (TP 13024)
board vessels > 500 Gross tonnage, having achieved the
Code A-
carrying more than 12 passengers, required standard of
making a voyage beyond sheltered waters competence within
paragraph 1
the previous five
Reg.V/2 Safety training Personnel providing direct service to Not required
par. 5 & passengers in passenger spaces on board
(TP 13024)
vessels > 500 Gross tonnage, carrying
more than 12 passengers, making a
Code A-
voyage beyond sheltered waters
paragraph 2
Reg.V/2 Crisis Masters, chief engineer officers, chief Refresher training
par. 6 & management mates, second engineer officers and any or
and human person designated on muster lists as Provide evidence of
behavior having responsibility for the safety of having achieved the
Code A-
passengers in emergency situations on required standard of
V/2 (TP 13024)
board vessels > 500 Gross tonnage, competence within
paragraph 3
carrying more than 12 passengers, the previous five
making a voyage beyond sheltered waters years
Reg.V/2 Passenger Masters, chief engineer officers, chief Refresher training
par. 7 & safety, cargo mates, second engineer officers and every or
safety and hull person assigned immediate responsibility Provide evidence of
integrity for embarking and disembarking having achieved the
Code A-
passengers, loading, discharging or required standard of
(TP 13024) securing cargo, or closing hull openings competence within
paragraph 4
on board Ro–Ro vessels > 500 Gross the previous five
tonnage, carrying more than 12 years
passengers, making a voyage beyond
sheltered waters

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