Yale IIP MICU120-160 2011
Yale IIP MICU120-160 2011
Yale IIP MICU120-160 2011
Yale-New Haven Hospital
ICU Insulin Infusion Protocol (IIP) for Adults
The following IIP is intended for use in hyperglycemic adult patients in the ICU, adapted from our earlier protocols, in keeping with the latest glucose guidelines from national organizations. It should
NOT be used in diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) or hyperosmolar hyperglycemic state (HHS), as these patients may require higher initial insulin doses, IV dextrose at some point, and important
adjunctive therapies for their fluid/acid-base/electrolyte/divalent status. (See 'DKA Guidelines' in YNHH Clinical Practice Manual (CPM) for further instructions.) In any patient with BG >500 mg/dL,
the initial orders should also be carefully reviewed with the MD, since a higher initial insulin dose and additional monitoring/therapy may be required. If the patient’s response to the insulin infusion is
at any time unusual or unexpected, or if any situation arises that is not adequately addressed by this protocol, the MD must be contacted for assessment and further orders.
Getting Started
1.) PATIENT SELECTION: Begin IIP in any ICU patient with more than 2 BGs >180 mg/dl who is not expected to rapidly normalize their
glycemic status. Patients who are eating (see #9 below); transferring out of ICU imminently (<24 hrs); or pre-terminal or being considered
for CMO status are generally not appropriate candidates for this IIP.
2.) TARGET BLOOD GLUCOSE (BG) RANGE: .120-160 mg/dL. 3.) ORDERS: MD order required for use in the ICU.
4.) INSULIN INFUSION SOLUTION: Obtain from pharmacy (1 unit Regular Human Insulin / 1 cc 0.9 % NaCl).
5.) PRIMING: Before connecting, flush 20 cc infusion through all tubing. 6.) ADMINISTRATION: Via infusion pump in 0.5 units/hr increments.
7.) BOLUS & INITIAL INFUSION RATE: Divide initial BG level by 100, then round to nearest 0.5 units for bolus AND initial infusion rate.
Examples: 1.) Initial BG = 325 mg/dL: 325 ÷ 100 = 3.25, round ↑ to 3.5: IV bolus 3.5 units + start infusion @ 3.5 units/hr.
2.) Initial BG = 274 mg/dL: 274 ÷ 100 = 2.74, round ↓ to 2.5: IV bolus 2.5 units + start infusion @ 2.5 units/hr.
8.) CAUTION: If enteral/parenteral (TPN, PPN, Tube feeds) nutrition abruptly stopped, reduce infusion rate by 50%.
9.) Patients requiring IV insulin are usually NPO. In the rare patient who is eating, consider giving SQ Aspart PC to ‘cover’ the meal (administer
1 unit /15 grams carbohydrates consumed (usual dose 3-6 units.) In this circumstance don’t increase infusion rate during the first 3 hrs PC.
10.) Patients with T1DM, insulin-requiring T2DM, and those requiring >1 unit/hr should be transitioned to SQ insulin prior to discharge from ICU.
BG Monitoring
While on infusion, use glucose meter to check BG hourly. Once stable (3 consecutive values in target range), may reduce checks to q 2 hr. If stable
for 12-24 hrs, may space checks to q 4 hr. Resume hourly checks until stable again if: any BG out of range; any change in insulin infusion rate; any
significant change in clinical condition; initiation/discontinuation of steroids, pressors, TPN/PPN/tube feeds, dialysis, CVVH, or CAVH. In patients
who are vasoconstricted/hypotensive, capillary BG (i.e., fingersticks) may be inaccurate; venous or arterial blood is preferred in this setting.
Adjusting Infusion Rate
If BG < 50 mg/dL:
.D/C INSULIN INFUSION. & administer 1 amp (25 g) D50 IV; recheck BG q 15 minutes until ≥90 mg/dl.
➡ Then, recheck BG q 1 hr; when ≥140 mg/dL, wait 30 min, restart insulin infusion at 50% of most recent rate
If BG 50-74 mg/dL:
.D/C INSULIN INFUSION. & administer 1/2 Amp (12.5 g) D50 IV; recheck BG q 15 minutes until ≥90 mg/dl.
➡ Then, recheck BG q 1 hr; when ≥140 mg/dL, wait 30 min, then restart infusion at 50% of most recent rate.
If BG 75-99 mg/dL:
.D/C INSULIN INFUSION.. Recheck BG q 15 minutes until BG reaches or remains ≥90 mg/dl.
➡ Then, recheck BG q 1 hr; when ≥140 mg/dL, wait 30 min, then restart infusion at 75% of most recent rate.
If BG ≥ 100 mg/dL:
STEP 2: Determine the RATE OF CHANGE from the prior BG level - identifies a CELL in the table - Then move right for INSTRUCTIONS:
[Note: If the last BG was measured 2 or more hrs before the current BG, calculate the hourly rate of change. Example: If the BG at 2PM was 150 mg/dL
and the BG at 4PM is 120 mg/dL, the total change over 2 hours is -30 mg/dL; however, the hourly change is –30 mg/dL ÷ 2 hours = -15 mg/dL/hr.]
BG ↓ by > 20 mg/dL/hr BG ↓ by > 40 mg/dL/hr BG ↓ by > 60 mg/dL/hr BG ↓ by > 80 mg/dL/hr HOLD x 30 min, then
† ↓ INFUSION by “2Δ”
see below
√BG in 15 min to be sure STEP 3: CHANGES IN INFUSION RATE* (“Δ”)
≥90 mg/dl. Then recheck BG
q 1 hr; when ≥140 mg/dl,
are determined by the current rate:
restart infusion @75% of Current Rate Δ = Rate Change 2Δ = 2X Rate Change
most recent rate.
(Units/hr) (Units/hr) (Units/hr)
< 3.0 0.5 1
3.0 – 6.0 1 2
6.5 – 9.5 1.5 3
10.0 – 14.5 2 4
15 – 19.5 3* 6*
≥ 20* 4* 8* © Yale Diabetes Center &
Yale-New Haven Hospital
(July 2009, revised 8/30/10, 11/18/10, 1/3/11)