Lefm Notes
Lefm Notes
Lefm Notes
Fatigue cracks nucleate and grow when stresses vary and there is some tension in each stress
cycle. In High Cycle Fatigue, we can observe crack initiation, crack growth and catastrophic
failure. In Low Cycle Fatigue, the stresses are very high and the component may fail within
1000 cycles.
The stress-life and the strain-life methods are used respectively for the design and analysis of
High Cycle Fatigue and Low Cycle Fatigue respectively. If crack growth is to be studied,
which occurs in High Cycle Fatigue, then Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) has to
be studied
If in a structure subjected to fatigue loading, if a crack is detected using NDT methods, the
questions to be answered are: Is it safe and for how long to operate the machine ? Is it
possible to monitor the crack growth so that one can discard the component before
catastrophic failure can occur?
Though stress-life or S-N diagrams are used to study High Cycle Fatigue, these S-N diagrams
cannot be used to study the growth of fatigue crack. Because, no attempt is made in fatigue
testing to detect and monitor crack growth. So, in order to get more information on crack
growth, more exhaustive tests are to be performed.
Fracture toughness: When the SIF reaches a particular value, crack growth initiates. This
value is called as critical SIF denoted as KIC. It is also called as fracture toughness of the
material. It is dependent on material, crack mode, processing of the material, temperature,
loading rate, and the state of stress at the crack site.
The most important advance in placing fatigue crack propagation in to a useful engineering
context was the realisation that crack length versus the number of cycles at different stress
levels can be expressed instead by a general plot of (da/dN) versus ΔK
Paris observed that the data from crack growth tests for a given material could be represented
as a single graph if we plot the graph in log-log scale with da/dN along the y axis and ΔK
along the x axis.
The advantage of this plot is that all the crack growth curves for a single material is fitted in
to a single log-log graph.
Obtaining an empirical relationship for the design of crack growth in region II (a linear
relationship is seen in region II between log (da/dN) and log(ΔK)):
log(da/dN) = m(log ΔK)+log(C)
i.e., (da/dN) = C(ΔK)m
For this empirical relationship, m is the slope of the line and C is the y axis intercept, when
the straight line is extended to ΔK = 1 MPa m1/2
The value of m is approximately 3 for steels and 3-4 for aluminium alloys.
Note 2: Paris equation gives an important relation between fracture mechanics and fatigue.
The elastic SIF is applicable to fatigue crack growth, even for low strength high ductile
materials. This is because, K values required to cause fatigue crack growth are very low and
plastic zone sizes at the tip are small enough to permit an LEFM approach.
Region III is the region of accelerated crack growth, also called as catastrophic crack growth.
Here Kmax approaches Kc the fracture toughness of the material.
When K is known for the component under relevant conditions of loading, the fatigue crack
growth life of the component can be obtained by integrating the Paris equation between the
limits of initial crack size and final crack size.
If P = 2,