Fire, Smoke and Control Dampers: Manual - Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Recommendations
Fire, Smoke and Control Dampers: Manual - Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Recommendations
Fire, Smoke and Control Dampers: Manual - Maintenance, Testing and Inspection Recommendations
Underwriters Laboratories (UL/ULC) has developed and maintains ASHRAE and NFPA have developed guidelines and procedures
standards for the testing qualification and appropriate labelling of to Acceptance Testing of Commissioning of HVAC Smoke
Fire Dampers (UL555/ULC S-112) Smoke and Combination Fire/ Control and other Fire Life-Safety Related Systems
Smoke Dampers (UL555S/ULC S-112.1) and Ceiling Radiation
Commissioning a building establishes a point for the beginning of a
Dampers (UL555C). Manufacturers of these dampers who
periodic testing and maintenance program for Fire-Life Safety Related
have complied with these UL requirements offer appropriately
Dampers. If a building has not been appropriately commissioned
tested, qualified, and labelled dampers for installation where
all systems including all dampers must be demonstrated to be
required in HVAC and Engineered Smoke Control Systems.
operating properly before beginning a continuing testing and
Building Codes and several NFPA and ASHRAE standards identify maintenance program. It is also extremely important that proper
where Fire and Smoke Dampers are required to be installed in a operation of all systems and components be documented to
building’s HVAC and/or Smoke Control System. Architects and design establish a point from which to begin any damper testing and
engineers usually incorporate code required dampers in their building maintenance program. ASHRAE and NFPA recommendations
designs but also may incorporate additional requirements depending for appropriate documentation should be followed.
on a building’s specific purpose and intended function. Most building
codes allow architects and engineers to demonstrate that a designed
system will provide all needed fire and life-safety functions even though
it may not include all code mandated features (such as dampers).
• Fusible Link Operated Dampers: Fire Dampers and Ceiling • Non dedicated systems shall be tested at least annually.
Radiation Dampers are usually held in an open position by a Dedicated Systems are Smoke Control Systems that have
fusible link which is designed to melt at a certain temperature,
no function other than providing smoke control, such as a
allowing gravity or springs to close the damper. These dampers
Stairwell Pressurization System. The Previously discussed
then remain closed until reopened manually, requiring a new
fusible link to be installed. Some of these dampers incorporate requirement for every six month (semi annual) cycle testing of
a latch to hold them in the closed position, others do not. all motor operated fire smoke dampers should be part of the
semi annual testing of any Dedicated Smoke Control System.
• Motor Operated Dampers: Smoke Dampers and Combination
Fire-Smoke Dampers are most often motor operated. An Non Dedicated Systems are Smoke Control Systems that utilize
electric or pneumatic actuator is incorporated as part of the part or all of a building’s HVAC system to perform smoke control
damper assembly. This actuator, responding to control signals functions during a fire emergency such as a zoned smoke control
from devices such as a high temperature thermostat, a smoke system. Motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers that are part of any
detector, a buildings Fire Control Command Center, a sprinkler Non Dedicated Smoke Control System must be cycle tested every
water flow switch, or possibly other such devices will position six months. lf these systems are only tested on an annual basis,
the damper open or closed allowing it to execute its appropriate
provisions must also be made to cycle test all associated motorized
function during periods of normal or emergency operation.
fire smoke dampers on a six month or semi annual basis.
All Smoke and Combination Fire/Smoke Dampers equipped Unlike Motor Operated Dampers Fusible Link Operated Dampers
with electric or pneumatic actuators should be cycled open and cannot be cycled open and closed without accessing the
closed periodically. This may occur in normal system operation damper and manually removing and reinstalling the fusible link.
if systems are regularly shut down (i.e. daily or weekly) and if As this is an extremely time consuming process, and because
the motorized fire and smoke dampers are arranged to shut this introduces the possibility the fusible link may be reinstalled
or cycle when their corresponding system is shut down. improperly, actual cycling (open and close) of fusible link
In any event, a procedure should be established to cycle operated dampers is recommended only every fourth year.
all motorized fire and smoke dampers a minimum of NFPA 90A (Standard for the Installation of Air-Conditioning and
once every six months. This will verify that each damper Ventilating Systems)
is operational and prevent the remote possibility that a
damper actuator continuously actuated for long periods of • Recommends: Each damper should be examined every
2 years to ensure that it is not rusted or blocked, giving
time loses its ability to close when signaled to do so.
attention to hinges and other moving parts. lt is recommended
This six months check of all motorized Fire and Smoke Dampers that dampers operate with normal system airflow to ensure
should be accomplished wherever possible by simulating that they close and are not held open by the airstream.
an actual fire emergency. Operation of dampers with remote Care should be exercised to ensure that such tests are
positioning indication can be verified by observing the remote performed safely and do not cause system damage.
position indication. In the absence of any remote damper position • Requires: The following maintenance be performed on
indication, the damper actuator (and damper where appropriate) fusible link operated dampers at least every 4 years
shall be observed, as it is cycled open or closed. As all damper and
1. Fusible links (where applicable) shall be removed.
actuator manufacturers require this periodic testing, appropriate
records should be maintained documenting that each damper 2. All dampers shall be operated to verify that they close fully.
has been cycle tested a minimum of once every six months.
This document contains the most current product information as of this printing.
For the most up-to-date product information, please go to