The New Mercedes Benz Four Cylinder Diesel Engine For Passenger Cars
The New Mercedes Benz Four Cylinder Diesel Engine For Passenger Cars
The New Mercedes Benz Four Cylinder Diesel Engine For Passenger Cars
Gregor Renner
is Manager CR-System
Development at the
Daimler AG in Stuttgart
load on the combustion chamber plate, 2.3 Turbocharging and Air Ducting 2.5 Exhaust Gas Recirculation
the water jacket in the cylinder head has This engine uses two different charging and Cooling
a two-piece design. The Table summarises concepts depending on the engine output. The EGR precooling system, electric EGR
the key data for the OM 651. For engine outputs up to 120 kW in pas- valve (rotary disk valve), EGR-cooler by-
5 Summary
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