Informality As A Stepping Stone A Search Theoretical Assess 2016 Central Ba
Informality As A Stepping Stone A Search Theoretical Assess 2016 Central Ba
Informality As A Stepping Stone A Search Theoretical Assess 2016 Central Ba
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: This paper develops a model of sequential job search to understand the factors determining the effect of
Received 6 August 2016 tax and enforcement policies on the size (i.e., employment share) of informal sector. The focus is on the
Accepted 8 August 2016 role of informal sector as a stepping stone to formal jobs. I argue that the stepping-stone role of informal
Available online 4 October 2016
jobs is an important concept determining how strongly government policies affect the size of informal
sector. I measure the extent of the stepping-stone role with the intensity of skill accumulation in the
JEL codes:
informal sector. If informal jobs help workers acquire skills, gain expertise, and build professional net-
works for boosting the chances to switch to a formal job, then the size of informal sector is less sensitive to
government policy. In this case, the option value of a job in informal sector will be high and a worker with
J64 an informal job will not rush to switch to a formal job when a policy encouraging formal employment is in
effect. If, on the other hand, informal sector does not provide satisfactory training opportunities, then the
Keywords: size of informal sector becomes more sensitive to government policy. Calibrating the model to the Bra-
Informal sector zilian data, I perform numerical exercises confirming that the effect of government policy on the size of
Stepping stone
informal sector is a decreasing function of the intensity of skill acquisition in the informal sector.
Government policy
Job search
© 2016 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open
Human capital access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (
Option value
1. Introduction essential skills that will transition them toward better jobs in the
formal sector.1 Formal jobs are more attractive than informal jobs
Empirical studies on the informal economydespecially the ones not only because they pay better, but they provide better on-the-
on the Latin American countriesdfind that young unskilled job training opportunities that will improve the workers' future
workers tend to work at informal jobs right after the school, since career prospects, and better unemployment insurance and job se-
they see the informal sector as a stepping stone to acquiring curity arrangements against the labor market risks. In this sense,
informal job opportunities are welfare enhancing for the young and
the unskilled in the developing countries.
I thank Raj Chetty, Kerem Cosar, Eckhard Janeba, and the participants of the IZA/ The stepping stone argument may not be equally valid for
World Bank Employment and Development Conference in Bonn for useful com- everyone and for all regions in an informal economy. Wahba (2009)
ments and suggestions. The views expressed here are of my own and do not finds, using Egyptian data, that informal employment may be a
necessarily reflect those of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. All errors are viable stepping-stone to formal jobs for high-educated males, but is
likely a dead end for uneducated and for females. There are also
* Structural Economic Research Department, Central Bank of the Republic of
Turkey, Istiklal Cad. No:10, Ulus, 06100 Ankara, Turkey. regional and industrial differences. For example, if the informal jobs
E-mail address: [email protected]. are heavily concentrated in rural or agriculture-dependent areas
Peer review under responsibility of the Central Bank of the Republic of Turkey. and sub-sectors with less physical capital requirements, then po-
For early papers in the literature, see Fields (1975) and Mazumdar (1976). More tential for advancement for an informal worker is slim, which
recent studies along these lines include Bosch and Maloney (2010), Cunningham
and Salvagno (2011), and Gunther and Launov (2012). This is also closely related
means that the stepping-stone role is not significant. If, on the other
to the idea that younger workers tend to shop around for temporary jobs that will hand, informal jobs are densely located in urban areas or regions
help them build enough skills, experience, and connections until they reach their with capital-intensive sub-sectors, then the returns to start a career
final career paths (Topel and Ward, 1992). Moreover, the informal sector appears to in the informal sector can be much higher. Finally, the composition
play the role of informal job training (Hemmer and Mannel, 1989).
1303-0701/© 2016 Central Bank of The Republic of Turkey. Production and hosting by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license (http://
110 S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117
of informal jobs in rural versus urban areas may vary across The same mechanism works when the degree of enforcement is
countries, which implies that the degree of the stepping-stone role varied, holding the taxes fixed. When the stepping-stone role
may also vary across countries. These facts suggest that the degree motives are strong, 10 percentage points increase in the probability
to which informal jobs can serve as an advancement path to formal of getting caughtdan increase from 30 percent to 40 per-
jobs can exhibit a significant degree of heterogeneity (i) at the in- centdleads to an approximately 9.5 percentage points decline in
dividual level, (ii) at the sector level, and (iii) at the country level. the size of the informal economy. When the stepping-stone role of
The main goal of this paper is to assess the effect of government the informal sector is diminished, however, the decline in the size
policy on the size of the informal sector taking these differences of the informal economy now amounts to almost 23 percentage
into account. points.
I argue that the stepping-stone role of the informal jobs is an There are also implications for the unemployment rate. It is
important concept to understand the link between government well-known that there is a tradeoff between lower informal
policy and the size of the informal economy. Think of a policy employment and higher unemployment rates; that is, policies that
proposal targeting to reduce the size of the informal sector. To be reduce the size of informal employment will likely increase the rate
concrete, let's assume for a moment that the government wants to of unemployment (Boeri and Garibaldi, 2005). The model suggests
reduce the tax burden on formal labor income for the purpose of that government policy generates extra unemployment when the
increasing the relative attractiveness of formal jobs. Leaving the intensity of skill accumulation in the informal sector is low. For the
stepping-stone role aside, a simple theoretical setup will naturally tax exercise, the environment with a low-learning-intensity
predict a certain degree of substitution from informal jobs to formal informal sector generates an additional 1.83 percentage points
jobs in case of a tax cut. If the stepping-stone motives are strong unemployment rate than the environment with a high-learning-
enough (i.e., if an informal job provides vocational training and intensity informal sector does. The difference goes up to 4.42 per-
leads to acquisition of productive skills), then the degree of this centage points for the enforcement exercise.
substitution will be lower because the option value of informal These results communicate two related but distinct messages in
employment is high when informal jobs serve as a stepping-stone terms of policy recommendations:
to formal jobs. A simple comparison of the policy consequences in
these two environments (e.g., with and without the stepping-stone 1. These findings suggest that government policy is potentially less
role of informal jobs) will lead us to the conclusion that the step- effective on the size of informal sector in countries with more
ping stone role of the informal sector reduces policy effectiveness; capital-intensive, skill-intensive, and “urban” informal sectors.
that is, in the tax example, the effect of a tax cut on the size of the Conversely, standard tax and enforcement policies are poten-
informal sector will be much lower when the informal sector is a tially more effective in countries with less capital-intensive and
stepping stone to formal jobs. rural (i.e., agriculture-oriented) informal sectors. In terms of
I develop an equilibrium sequential search model to assess the empirical research based on cross-country comparisons, this
relevance of these ideas both qualitatively and quantitatively. The result means that the explanatory power of cross-country tax
basic theoretical setting is a version of the McCall (1970) search and enforcement differentials on the size of informal sector
model. There are three labor market states; unemployment, depends on the composition and types of jobs in the informal
employment in the informal sector, and employment in the formal sector.
sector. Unemployed workers gradually lose their skills over time, 2. At the individual-level, these results mean the effect of gov-
while employed workers in formal and informal jobs accumulate ernment policy on skilled workers in the informal sector will be
skillsdwhere the rate of skill accumulation is higher at formal jobs. limited. However, government policy will more likely affect
The motivation behind the way I introduce these ideas into a job those who work in informal jobs with low-intensity training
search environment comes from Ljungqvist and Sargent (2008). I opportunities.
measure the extent of the stepping-stone role with the intensity of
skill accumulation in the informal sector. In other words, whether To my knowledge, this is the first paper in the literature
the informal sector serves as a good stepping stone to formal jobs or studying the question how the effectiveness of government policy
not depends on the intensity of skill accumulation in the informal (targeted to reduce the size of the informal sector) depends on the
sector. I vary this intensity to understand the link between gov- stepping-stone role of the informal sector. Specifically, this paper is
ernment policy and the size of the informal sector under different innovative in the sense that it introduces the stepping stone role of
configurations for the importance of the stepping-stone role. This is the informal sector as an intermediary mechanism that determines
the first paper in the literature mentioning the stepping-stone role policy effectiveness. Moreover, this is the first theoretical attempt
of the informal sector to operate as a mechanism determining to explicitly model how informal sector may help workers to get
policy effectiveness. formal jobs and how the existence of this avenue, in turn, affects
Calibrating the model to the Brazilian economy, in which workers' decision to accept formal versus informal job offers. I
policing is moderate (close to being loose) and around 50 percent of incorporate this idea into a version of the McCall search model via
the workers are employed in informal jobs, I perform numerical an explicit law of motion for human capital, which is stochastic and
exercises to assess these ideas quantitatively. The focus is on two state-dependent.3
policy variables: taxes on formal labor income and the degree of This paper is related to a growing body of literature investi-
enforcement (or policing). I vary the intensity of skill acquisition at gating the effect of government policy on the size of the informal
an informal job.2 I find that a 5 percentage points reduction in sector using search-theoretical models.4 Boeri and Garibaldi (2005)
taxesda reduction from 40 to 35 percentdleads to a 6.5 percentage
points decline in the size of the informal sector when the stepping-
stone role of the informal sector is strong, while the size of the
informal sector declines by almost 14 percentage points when the Esteban-Pretel et al. (2011) embed the idea of a “stepping-stone” job into a
search model; but, they do this in their analysis of contingent jobs versus regular
stepping-stone motives are weak.
jobs and they do not model human capital dynamics.
There are also papers focusing on the same question in the RBC and AK growth
model literatures. Ihrig and Moe (2004) is an example to the former literature and
See Section 3 for the details. papers including Loayza (1996) and Sarte (2000) are in the latter.
S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117 111
and Albrecht et al. (2009) examine the effects of government policy opportunities lifting up earnings prospects. And, second, it offers
in models based on the “shadow sorting” idea; that is, workers are unemployment compensation if the worker is laid off; thus, it raises
heterogeneous along the productivity dimension and policy in- the present discounted value of unemployment, when the last job
terventions affect the productivity compositions in the formal and is a formal one.
informal sectors. Different from these papers, the model I develop Following the formulation in Ljungqvist and Sargent (2008), I
does not require heterogeneity to generate sorting of workers into assume that employed and unemployed workers experience sto-
formal and informal sectors; search frictions is the main source of chastic accumulation or deterioration of human capital, respec-
sorting. In this sense, my model is similar to Ulyssea (2010), who tively. The probability of transition from human capital level h to h0
extends the two-sector MortensenePissarides equilibrium search is described by the densities mf ðh; h0 Þ, mi ðh; h0 Þ, and mu ðh; h0 Þ for
model proposed by Acemoglu (2001) to study the potential effects formal employed, informal employed, and unemployed workers,
of government policy on the size of the informal sector in Brazil. respectively. A worker with human capital level h, who is
Other search-theoretic attempts to model informal sector include employed in the formal sector, faces a probability mf ðh; h0 Þ that her
Bosch and Esteban-Pretel (2012), who compare the cyclical prop- human capital level at the beginning of the next period is h0 ,
erties of job finding rates of formal versus informal jobs and Zenou contingent on not being fired. Similarly, a worker with human
(2008), who studies a two-sector search model in which the formal capital level h, who is employed in the informal sector, faces a
sector is subject the search frictions and the informal sector is probability mi ðh; h0 Þ that her human capital level at the beginning
competitive. The distinctive feature of the present paper is that it of the next period is h0 , again contingent on not being fired. An
introduces an explicit law of motion for human capital accumula- unemployed worker with skill level h, on the other hand, faces a
tion into a standard search model to account for the stepping-stone probability mu ðh; h0 Þ that her skill level at the beginning of the next
role of informal jobs. period is h0 . In the event of a layoff, the transition probability is
This paper is also related to the empirical literature on the ml ðh; h0 Þ. After the initial period coinciding with a layoff, the sto-
correlation between government policy (mainly taxes) and the size chastic skill level of an unemployed worker is again governed by
of informal sector. Johnson (1998) and Schneider and Enste the transition probability mu ðh; h0 Þ.
(2000) find that the size of informal economy is positively related In this setting, human capital evaporates after layoffs. The de-
to formal labor income taxes. Friedman et al. (2000) find no sta- gree of this evaporation is governed by the transition probability
tistically significant relationship between taxes and the size of ml ðh; h0 Þ and is the same for layoffs in the formal and informal
informal economy. Johnson et al. (1997) find, on the other hand, a sectors. Human capital depreciates during the spell of unemploy-
negative relationship between taxes and the size of informal ment and the degree of depreciation is governed by the transition
economy for transition economies. Theoretical papers in this probability mu ðh; h0 Þ. The way human capital depreciates is inde-
literature tend to bring political economy and institutions related pendent from the sector previously employed. For employed
explanations to these diverging results. The consensus is that fac- workers, however, human capital appreciates. Formal jobs offer
tors including the degree of corruption, the burden of bureaucracy, better training opportunities on the job than informal jobs do. To
institutions (Aruoba, 2010), and political turnover (Elgin, 2010) are capture this fact, I formulate two different transition probabilities,
the likely determinants of the link between taxes and the size of mf ðh; h0 Þ and mi ðh; h0 Þ, for formal and informal jobs, respectively, the
informal economy. My contribution to this literature is that the former generating a higher stock of human capital in the long run
degree of the stepping-stone role of informal jobs can also be and the latter generating lower. The degree of the stepping-stone
important in determining the magnitude of the correlation be- role of informal jobs is described by mi ðh; h0 Þ.
tween taxes and the size of informal sector. Let yt be the worker's income in period t. We have yt ¼ c if the
The plan of the paper is as follows. Section 2 introduces the worker is unemployed and yt ¼ max{wf, wi} if the worker has
theoretical model and describes the solution strategy. Section 3 decided to work. Note that the unemployment compensation is
presents and discusses the results. Section 4 concludes. available only if the unemployed worker's previous job is a formal-
sector job; otherwise, she receives no compensation during the
2. Model unemployment spell. In other words, for the unemployed worker,
yt ¼ c if her last job was in the formal sector and yt ¼ 0 if she
The basic theoretical framework is a version of the McCall (1970) previously worked in the informal sector. The unemployed worker
search model. Consider an unemployed worker, with human capital devises a strategy to maximize E ∞ t¼0 b yt , where b 2 (0, 1) is a
level h, who engages in sequential job search activity in the formal subjective discount factor.
and informal sectors simultaneously. Each period the worker draws If the worker with skill level h is employed in a formal-sector
two wage offers, wf and wi, from two different wage distributions, job, then a fraction, t 2 (0, 1), of her wage is taxed by the gov-
Gf($) and Gi($), where the subscripts f and i stand for formal and ernment. If she is employed in an informal-sector job, however, her
informal sectors, respectively. The wage distributions have the wage is taxed only if she gets caught [see Ihrig and Moe (2004) for a
properties Gf(0) ¼ Gi(0) ¼ 0 and Gf(Bf) ¼ Gi(Bi) ¼ 1, with Bf < ∞ and similar formulation]. The probability of getting caught while
Bi < ∞. The worker has the option to reject the offers, in which case working at an informal job is r 2 (0, 1), which can be interpreted as
she receives c this period in unemployment compensation and the efficiency of policing in the economy. This means that the un-
waits unemployed until next period when she draws another set of employed worker will receive a net wage payment of (1 t)wfh if
offers from Gf($) and Gi($)di.e., one from each. Alternatively, the she works in the formal sector and (1 rt)wih if she works in the
worker can accept either wf or wi, in which case she receives a wage informal sector.
payment as long as she is employed. Wages are paid per unit of Let Vi(wf, wi, h) be the expected value of E ∞ t¼0 b yt for an un-
human capital. There is a strictly positive firing probability, g 2 (0, employed worker with human capital level h, who has the pair of
1), every period. I assume no recall and no voluntary quit. offers (wf, wi) in hand, who is deciding whether to accept any of the
Employed workers keep shopping for jobs; that is, workers in offers or reject both, who behaves optimally, and who previously
the informal sector are allowed to transition to formal jobs and, worked in the informal sector. Similarly, let Vf(wf, wi, h) describe the
similarly, workers in the formal sector can switch to informal jobs. same value for a worker, who previously worked in the formal
The formal sector is more attractive for two reasons. First, it pro- sector. The value functions Vi(wf, wi, h) and Vf(wf, wi, h) satisfies the
vides better training, therefore, better human capital accumulation Bellman equations
112 S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117
X Similarly, F and I are the steady state fractions of the formal and
Vi wf ; wi ; h ¼ max J wf ; h ; Zðwi ; hÞ; b mu ðh; h0 Þ informal workers, which can be calculated as
I ¼ hiee I ðg þ rε ÞI hiue I hfue I þ hfeje F (2.8)
Vi w0f ; w0i ; h0 dGf w0f dGi w0i
f f
F ¼ hee F gF hiue F hue F þ hieje I; (2.9)
X where the parameter heje is the probability of a job-to-job transi-
Vf wf ; wi ; h ¼ max J wf ; h ; Zðwi ; hÞ; c þ b mu ðh; h0 Þ tion. Again, the superscripts denote the destination sectors. Finally,
h0 the condition ui þ uf þ I þ F ¼ 1 must hold. For clarity, I only
Z Z )
0 describe what Equation (2.6) communicates. It says that the steady
Vf w0f ; w0i ; h0 dGf w0f dGi wi ; state fraction of the unemployed workers, whose previous job was
in the informal sector, consists of the ones who stayed unemployed,
(2.2) plus the ones who were fired from their jobs in the informal sector,
minus the ones who find a formal job, and minus the ones who find
respectively, where J($) denotes the Bellman equation for formal an informal job. The rest of the system can easily be described in a
employment and Z($) denotes the Bellman equation for informal similar logic.
employment. J($) and Z($) can be formulated as
J wf ;h ¼ð1 tÞwf h 3. Calibration, numerical results, and discussion
" Z Z
X The main policy exercise I perform in this paper is to vary the
þb g m[ ðh;h0 Þ Vf w0f ;w0i ;h0 dGf w0f dGi w0i
intensity of human capital accumulation in the informal sector and
Z # then to observe what happens to the correlation between govern-
þð1 gÞ mf ðh;h0 Þ Q wf ;w0i ;h0 dGi w0i ment policy and the size of the informal sector. Next, I calibrate the
h0 model and then provide a detailed discussion of the numerical
human capital level does not change with probability 0.9. In other
Informal=1 and Formal=2
Experiment Intensity Variable Change (pp) Fig. 1. t ¼ 0.40 and r ¼ 0.30 under high-intensity scenario.
5% tax cut High Informal emp. rate 6.46
5% tax cut High Formal emp. rate 5.47
5% tax cut High Unemp. rate 0.99 percentage points tightening in enforcementdfrom 30 percent to
5% tax cut Low Informal emp. rate 14.13 40 percentdon the size of informal sector under the two scenarios.
5% tax cut Low Formal emp. rate 11.31 Results are reported and discussed in the next subsection.
5% tax cut Low Unemp. rate 2.82
10% increase in enforcement High Informal emp. rate 9.59 3.2. Results and discussion
10% increase in enforcement High Formal emp. rate 5.18
10% increase in enforcement High Unemp. rate 4.41
I compare the effects of government policy under two scenarios.
10% increase in enforcement Low Informal emp. rate 23.29 The benchmark case is the steady state solution under the baseline
10% increase in enforcement Low Formal emp. rate 14.46 calibration. The first scenario is the existence of an informal sector in
10% increase in enforcement Low Unemp. rate 8.83
which employed individuals can easily accumulate labor market
114 S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117
Fig. 2. t ¼ 0.35 and r ¼ 0.30 under high-intensity scenario. Fig. 3. t ¼ 0.40 and r ¼ 0.30 under low-intensity scenario.
skills and, in the second scenario, the informal jobs lead to a low- Moreover, the low-intensity case generates 1.83 percentage points
intensity skill accumulation. To simplify the terminology, I rename extra unemployment. Figs. 1 and 2 give the changes in transitions
the first one as the “high-intensity” scenario and the second one as across labor market states at the steady state under the high-
the “low-intensity” scenario. Table 2 summarizes the results. intensity scenario, while Figs. 3 and 4 give those under the low-
The first policy exercise is a 5 percentage points reduction in intensity scenario. This suggests that the correlation between taxes
formal labor income tax ratedfrom 40 percent to 35 percentdunder and the size of the informal sector is larger when the informal sector
two scenarios. In the high-intensity case, tax cut leads to a 6.46 does not contribute much to personal development. This is related to
percentage points decline in the size of informal sector, whereas the job characteristics and the sub-sector of employment. Lack of peer
decline is 14.13 percentage points in the low-intensity case. effects in the workplace, agriculture-related activities, and jobs in
S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117 115
Fig. 4. t ¼ 0.35 and r ¼ 0.30 under low-intensity scenario. Fig. 5. t ¼ 0.40 and r ¼ 0.40 under high-intensity scenario.
less capital-intensive regions may be the reasons for low-intensity while Figs. 3 and 6 give those under the low-intensity scenario.
skill accumulation in the informal sector. Again, the low-intensity case generates 4.42 percentage points extra
The second policy exercise features a 10 percentage points unemployment. Similar to the tax exercise, the correlation between
tightening in policing (or enforcement) against informal jobs. In the action and response is greater in the low-intensity case.
high-intensity case, an increase in enforcement leads to a 9.59 To be concrete, think of a country with a large informal sector.
percentage points decline in the size of informal sector, whereas the Taxes on formal labor income are high and enforcement is loose.
decline is as large as 23.29 percentage points in the low-intensity For some reason (either for fiscal or efficiency concerns), the gov-
case. Figs. 1 and 5 give the changes in transitions across labor mar- ernment thinks that the informal sector is too large and should be
ket states at the steady state under the high-intensity scenario, downsized. There are two policy options: either taxes will be
116 S. Tümen / Central Bank Review 16 (2016) 109e117
4. Concluding remarks
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