Kodály Lesson Plan Template: ST ND RD

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Kodály Lesson Plan Template

Grade: ___4______ _____ Date: ___________

Your Name___________

Opening Song/Greeting Dog and Cat

(What note equals do?)
_Eflat_= do
 Hum tune for children in loos. Have children try and guess the song.
 Sing song in rhythm syllables
 Clap and sing rhythm
 Sing song inside head with solfa
 Rhythm elements: ta, titi, ti tika

Transition: “You Turn I Turn” Sing melodic questions and answers

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Inner Hearing Use melodic cards and place on board

Activity 1
 Clap rhythm echoes from the teachers clapping
 Tonal center do
 Rhythmic elements: syn-co-pa, tika-ti, ti-ti, ta

Transition: “Shoo My Love” (comfortable starting pitch C)

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Internalizing Rhythm Singing in rhythm while dancing
Make syn-co-pa conscious

Activity 2
 Dance: Formation: Partners face each other in a double line.
 1st line of song: Head couple sashays to end of line.
 2nd line of song: All swing partners with right arms and back to place.
 3rd line of song: Same with left arms
 Repeat with new head couple.

Transition: Ba Ba Black Sheep

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Rhythm dictation Flash Cards

Activity 3

 Rhythm dictation
 Use flashcards
 Read them at the same time they are being shown
 Read them a measure a head
 Hand out worksheets
 Write what you hear
 Write the rhythm of the song in the correct order

Transition: “Sweetly the Song Sings”

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Canon Pitch and ear training

Relaxation (Game- Action – Cleanse tonal palate)

 Sweetly the song sings
 Sing melody to children 3X
 Sing all together
 Split into 2 groups
 Depending on level add a 3rd group.
 Sing while standing or walking around the room
 Sing song and lead them back to their desks

Transition: “Go to Joan Glover” G Major D=do

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Canon Solfege and rhythm

Activity 5
 New rhythmic element tom tika
 Halloween (Turn lights off and light up the pumpkin)
 Create movement to the words in groups of 4

Transition: “Hey ho Nobody Home” D= do

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Continue with canon Rhythm ta ti

Concluding Activity
 “Hey Ho, Nobody Home”
 Although this is a canon review, you can still check student’s rhythm and
ability to understand beat.
 You can also use this to come back to rhythm patterns

Transition: Don’t Let the Wind

Pedagogical Purpose Assessment Focus

Syn- co pa
Inner hearing

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