Bba 106 Communication Skills

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The key takeaways from the passage are the different types of communication based on channels and style, as well as formal and informal communication.

As a listener, listening plays a vital role in organizations because it allows managers to understand employee perspectives, reduce grievances, find solutions and innovate through discussion.

The different types of communication networks practiced in organizations are the chain network, circular network, wheel network, and free flow network.



Q1. Depending on the channel used and the style of communication, there can be various
types of communication. Explain the various types of communication based on channels
and style?

Answer: Meaning of Communication: Communication is a process that involves exchange

of information, thoughts, ideas and emotions. Communication is a process that involves a
sender who encodes and sends the message, which is then carried via the communication
channel to the receiver where the receiver decodes the message, processes the information and
sends an appropriate reply, via the same communication channel.

Types of communication based on communication channels

Based on the channels used for communicating, the process of communication can be broadly
classified as verbal communication and nonverbal communication.

1. Verbal communication- Verbal communication is further divided into written and oral
communication. The oral communication refers to the spoken words in the
communication process. Oral communication can either be face-to-face communication
or a conversation over the phone or on the voice chat over the Internet. Spoken
conversations or dialogs are influenced by voice modulation, pitch, volume and even
the speed and clarity of speaking.

2. Non-verbal communication- Non-verbal communication includes the overall body

language of the person who is speaking, which will include the body posture, the hand
gestures, and overall body movements. The facial expressions also play a major role
while communicating since the expressions on a person’s face say a lot about his/her

Types of communication based on style and purpose

Based on the style of communication, there can be two broad categories of communication,
which are formal and informal communication.

1. Formal communication- Formal communication includes all the instances where

communication has to occur in a set formal format. Typically, this can include all sorts
of business communication or corporate communication. The style of communication
in this form is very formal and official. Official conferences, meetings and written
memos and corporate letters are used for communication.

2. Informal communication - Informal communication includes instances of

unrestrained communication between people who share a casual rapport with each
other. Informal communication requires two people to have a similar wavelength, and
hence occurs between friends and family.
Q2.As a listener, why do you think listening plays a vital role in the organization? Co-
relate the importance of the listening process in workplace with probable measures to be
taken to improve it?

Answer: As a listener it plays a vital role in the organization because

Listening - Listening is a process where the listener is able to interpret what the speaker has
just spoken and then sense them. It helps the receiver to recognize the sound pattern and
interpret the message accordingly.

Role of listening in organization:

 Listening carefully helps a manager to know about the thinking process of the staff
members regarding different policies, procedures, rules and regulation being
formulated in the organization.
 Listening helps to reduce the grievance among the employees. At times, it is seen that
employees who have grievance within themselves outburst in front of a patient and
good listener.
 Listening helps to find solutions and innovate new ideas through discussion. This helps
the employees to feel better about themselves, and they take extra care and effort to
solve the problem.
 Through listening, companies try to get new ideas by which they are able to promote a
good organization culture, team work and correct decision making process.

Measure to Improve Listening

Although the reasons for listening breakdowns are numerous, there are many ways to improve
listening skills. They are as follows:
1. To provide indications to the speaker that you are actively involved and paying
attention to the speaker. It is to make the speaker believe that you are interested in
his speech. Therefore, it is necessary to keep eye contact, good gestures or even a
small token of appreciation.
2. Concentrate on what the speaker is saying at the moment. Though we know that
external factors play an important part in the listening process, a person cannot
concentrate until he is willing to hear what the speaker has to say or if he does not
practice concentration.
3. Refrain from formulating any immediate response about the speaker. It is to be seen
that where listening plays an important part in the organization’s communication
process, effective decision has to be taken so that there is no break down in the
dialogue, and each one of them interprets them correctly. It is seen as a challenge
and not as conflict between the speaker and the listener.
4. A listener should try to prepare himself regarding the topic beforehand, so that he
can interact with the speaker directly without any wastage of time. This is only
possible when the listener is willing to ask any question or discussion with the
Q3. Discuss different types of communication network practiced in an organization.


Communication Network: Communication Network refers to a simple form or means of

intersection of lines in all directions where messages are sent with high accuracy, speed and
smoothness. Communication Network is divided into four different types, which help
individuals to work as a team and accomplish the task successfully. The four types are
explained below:

1. Chain Network

2. Circle Network

3. Wheel Network

4. Free flow Network

1. Chain Network: The Chain can readily be seen to represent the hierarchical pattern
that characterizes strictly formal information flow, "from the top down," in military and
some types of business organizations. Here, the message flows directly from the top to
the bottom or from bottom to the top. Hence, the flow of communication follows a
formal channel of distribution from superior to subordinate or vice-versa.

2. Circular Network: In this type of network, the communication is in the form of circle
and the information is passed on from one colleague to the next and so on. The greatest
disadvantage is that it is very time consuming.

3. Wheel Network: The very name suggests that it looks like a wheel with a centre point
and several points, which rotates around it. Here, the centre point is regarded as the
boss / manager through whom communication is passed from one individual to another.

4. Free Flow Network: In this type of network, the communication flows from everyone
to anyone in the organization. Here, there is no restriction and the communication is of
an informal type and unstructured. Thus, there is no restriction in communicating with
the superiors or with the subordinates.

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