Client Update Form
Client Update Form
Client Update Form
Where the question is not applicable to your circumstances, please respond “0”
(where numeric information is requested) or “n/a” (for all others).
Estimates are sufficient where financial information is requested.
Queries/Advice Please call our dedicated support line on +353 1 633 3607
on completion
of this form
Account Number:
Advisory Joint/Individual Account R
Surname Surname
Forename(s) Forename(s)
Nationality Nationality
Provisional retirement date (if known) DD MM YY Provisional retirement date (if known) DD MM YY
Telephone Numbers and Email Address Telephone Numbers and Email Address
Home Home
Mobile Mobile
Office Office
Fax Fax
Email Email
For correspondence purposes, Cantor will use the email address of the first party.
For regulatory reasons and to provide clients with appropriate advice we ask that you complete the following
Please provide best estimates for the financial information requested. Please complete all sections. Where a section is not applicable
to your circumstances please insert "0".
Regular Income
Self Second Party (if joint account)
Regular Commitments
Occupation .
Mortgage on PPR €
Cash Deposits €
Other Investments €
Source of Wealth/Funds
Please indicate your source of wealth (this refers to how you have accumulated your wealth), you may indicate more than one option
Salary/Bonus Inheritance Savings Sale of Shares
Sale of Property Other
Please indicate your source of funds (this refers to the funds being transfered for investment with Cantor), you may indicate more than one option
Maturing Deposit Savings Account Transfer from other investment provider
Proceeds of asset sale Other
Is this typical of your previous portfolio size? Yes No If no, please indicate previous portfolio size €
What is your average anticipated transaction size
Less than €10,000 Between €10,000 and €50,000 Between €50,000 and €250,000
Over €250,000
Is this typical of your previous transaction size Yes No If no, please indicate previous transaction size €
B. Time Horizon
If you have a specific investment time horizon for your account please indicate below
Less than 1 year Between 1 and 5 years Over 5 years
C. Income Requirement
Please state the approximate income requirement, if any, from your investment with Cantor €
D. Which of the following best describes your investment objective
Capital Growth only Mix of Income with Capital Growth Income only
F. Attitude to Risk
(i) Which of the following most accurately describes your investment/risk profile?
Very Cautious Investor
You are risk averse. Your investment preference is to maintain the security of your capital. You acknowledge that this investment
strategy is at the expense of potential capital gain or incremental income.
Cautious Investor
You are prepared to accept low levels of risk for the prospect of slightly higher returns.
Considered Investor
You are looking for a balance of risk and reward. You accept during periods of market risk potential losses may exceed by a
multiple the potential income from investments.
Considered Risk Taker
You are willing to accept higher levels of volatility and fluctuations in the value of your investments for the prospect of higher
returns. You accept that volatility in markets may result in loss in excess of the initial investment amount.
Risk Taker
You are willing to accept high volatility levels and fluctuations in the value of your investments for the prospect of higher returns.
You acknowledge that in light of the unpredictable nature of stock markets your investment may carry an increased risk of
potential loss in excess of the initial amount invested.
(ii) You find it interesting to explore investment opportunities for your money?
Strongly Agree Agree Neither Agree nor Disagree Disagree Strongly Disagree
5. Experience
Basic: Have some knowledge but limited trading history.
Good: Have knowledge and have traded over a number of years.
Extensive: Have knowledge and have traded consistently over the past 5 years.
A. Financial Instruments
Please indicate your investment experience in relation to the following instruments:
Corporate Bonds
Government Bonds
Investment Funds
Structured or
non-quoted investments
Where you have dealt previously has this service been primarily
Execution Only (no broker input) Advisory (broker advises you decide)
Discretionary/managed (broker agrees investment parameters and has discretion to transact)
B. Derivatives
You would consider using derivatives
For hedging - to reduce risk or increase income but not as a tool to increase risk. Yes No
For speculation - understanding that you may lose part or all of your capital so invested. Yes No
Please indicate your investment experience in relation to the following instruments:
Where you have dealt previously has this service been primarily
Execution Only Advisory Discretionary/managed
Relevant Experience
Do you have a professional qualification, work as an investment manager or adviser, or are a member
of a recognised investment association? Yes No
Is there any other reason why we should deem you to be a professional investor
Date Signed Date Signed
7. Consent
Please tick to acknowledge you have read and agreed to the below:
In signing this document you are providing Cantor with your express prior consent: where highlighted on the attached.
To execute trades on your behalf outside a regulated market or multilateral trading facility* in the European Economic Area.
Not to display your unfilled limit orders in a public forum unless you specifically instruct us otherwise.
*Multilateral trading facility (MTF) – is, broad terms, a system that brings together multiple parties (e.g. retail investors or other
investment firms) that are interested in buying and selling financial instruments and enables them to do so. These systems can be
crossing networks or matching engines that are operated by an investment firm or a market operator. Instruments may include
shares , bonds and derivatives. This is done within the MTF operator’s system. E.g. Alternative Investment Market (AIM).
8. Acknowledgement
In signing this document you are confirming that the information provided is complete and accurate. Furthermore you undertake to
advise Cantor should this information change
Client Acceptance
Account No:
Signature Joint Signature (where appropriate)
Date Date
75 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel : +353 1 633 3800. Fax : +353 1 633 3856
email : [email protected] web :
Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd is a member firm of the Irish Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.
MARCH 2016
Advisory Joint/Individual Account R
Broker Confirmation
Signed (broker)
Name (broker)
Time Stamp
Client Email
Signed (broker)
Name (broker)
Client Email
75 St. Stephen’s Green, Dublin 2, Ireland. Tel : +353 1 633 3800. Fax : +353 1 633 3856
email : [email protected] web :
Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd is regulated by the Central Bank of Ireland. Cantor Fitzgerald Ireland Ltd is a member firm of the Irish Stock Exchange and the London Stock Exchange.
MARCH 2016