DTA Guidelines For Antenna Installations - Dec 2017
DTA Guidelines For Antenna Installations - Dec 2017
DTA Guidelines For Antenna Installations - Dec 2017
of Antenna Installations
By Patrick Safarian
December 2017
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018
Antenna Installation DTA Outline
Damage Tolerance Analysis
1. Overview 10. Setting Inspection
2. General Requirements Intervals
3. Specific Tasks 11. Joint Eccentricity
4. Physical Characteristics 12. Crack Growth Analysis
5. General Assumptions 13. Residual Strength
6. Gross Loads
14. Inspections
7. Local Loads and Stresses
15. ICAW
8. Fatigue Evaluations
16. Summary
9. Setting Inspection
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 2
Damage Tolerance Analysis Overview
Damage Tolerance Analysis
Damage tolerance analysis (DTA) is the application of
Fracture Mechanics principles to assess how a structure,
assumed to be cracked, will respond to loads (cyclic and
static) over time and how can it be inspected to assure its
safe operation.
DTA assesses:
How crack(s) will grow over time
How the structural strength is affected by the crack(s)
How to set up inspections to preclude fatigue failure
Fatigue analysis is the proper approach to assess the
structural durability and identify the critical details for
DTA and setting up inspection thresholds
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 3
Damage Tolerance General Requirements
FAR Requirements
FAR 25.1529 requires preparation of Instructions for
Continued Airworthiness (ICA) in Accordance with Part
25 Appendix H
Part 25 Appendix H gives specific requirements for ICA
preparation. Requires inclusion of structural inspection
procedures approved under § 25.571
§ 25.571 requires:
Damage tolerance evaluation
Establishment of inspections or other procedures necessary
to prevent catastrophic failure
Inclusion of appropriate inspections or other procedures in
Airworthiness Limitations Section of the ICA
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 4
Part 26 Requirement and Applicability
CFR Requirements
Despite all the requirements previous repairs and
modifications were not evaluated for DT
New Code of Federal Regulation Part 26.45 and 26.47
mandate the TC and STC holders, respectively, to develop
DT based inspections for alterations and repairs to
alteration in fatigue critical structures for Part 121 and
129 airplanes having:
A maximum type-certificated passenger capacity of 30 or
more OR
A maximum payload capacity of 7,500 pounds or more
This rule is known as Aging Aircraft Safety Rule (AASR)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 5
Part 26 Requirement and Applicability
AASR Requirements
So what are the AASR requirements?
To perform a damage tolerance evaluation on the structure
that could contribute to catastrophic failure due to fatigue.
This includes baselines structures and repairs and alteration
The analysis requirements are similar to requirements of
CFR 25.571 Amendment 24-45, or their TC amendment,
whichever one is greater
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 6
Specific Tasks
The specific tasks:
1. Identify the most critical
detail(s) of the installation
2. Perform crack growth and
residual strength analyses
3. Determine inspection
threshold and intervals
4. Develop an ICAW
Include illustrations
and clearly specify
the inspection detail
areas and direction
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 7
Physical Characteristics
Through the Skin
Skin penetration for
antenna cable
Doubler attached to skin
with mounting provisions
for antenna (e.g. nut plates)
To enhance the durability
of the doubler to skin
attachments it is best to
pick up the stringer fasteners and stabilize the stringers
using connecting intercostals
New fatigue critical details are introduced
Open Holes
Filled Loaded Holes
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 8
General Assumptions
Skin Doubler Installation
Installation located in skin bounded by frames and
stringers (i.e. longerons)
Installation located away from discontinuities (e.g. doors,
windows) and other repairs by at least one frame bay and
2 stringer bays
Biaxial loading due to pressure plus vertical inertia
fuselage bending only (internal shear neglected)
Calculation of the detail stress at the peripheral fasteners
should include the contributions from membrane and
bending stress components due to eccentricity caused by
the doubler
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 9
Airplane Loads
Skin Stresses
Fuselage subjected to:
Internal pressure
Overall bending and shear
associated with gusts,
maneuvers and ground
Loads introduced by gear,
wing and empennage
Calculation of skin stresses Hoop = pR/t
due to pressure away from Longitudinal = pR/2t
discontinuities may conservatively
be given as: where, p = pcabin - po
Ignoring beneficial effects of frames and stringers is
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 10
Airplane Loads
Skin Stresses
Major percentage of hoop stress for majority of fuselage
skin is due to pressure; neglecting other loading may be
Use minimum skin gauge and standard radius
Contribution of fuselage bending to longitudinal stress
may be significant and should NOT be ignored. This is
especially true for installations located on the top and aft
of the wing
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 11
Airplane Loads
Skin Stresses
Avoid installing antennas in fuselage locations where the
primary loading consists of more than the basic pressure
plus overall fuselage bending
Stabilize the skin structure by installing intercostals. This
reduces extra bending stresses in the skin.
In smaller radius fuselage add intercostals between frames
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 12
Airplane Loads
Skin Stresses
Vertical fuselage inertia bending adds to longitudinal skin
stress is assumed to vary as shown:
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 13
Airplane Loads
Skin Stresses: Estimate of 1g, max
Assumed to occur at maximum bending location at top of
fuselage over the wing
Assume zero margin design and conservatively neglect
aerosuction, relief valve setting, Nz > 2.5, etc. unless
specifically known
Based on the above and Nz = 2.5,
FTU, B = 1.5 (PR/2t + 2.5 g)
1g,max = (FTU, B/1.5 - PR/2t)/2.5
P = normal operating pressure at max design altitude, psi
FTU, B = B-basis ultimate tension allowable (ref. MMPDS)
Note: A knockdown factor of 0.88 can be applied to FTU, B (see Development
and Assessment of Simplified Stress Sequences for Fuselage Structures)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 14
Local Loads/Stresses
Doubler Attachment
1) Skin holes used for doubler attachment will get induced
fastener bearing loading in addition to basic stress
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 15
Local Loads/Stresses
Doubler Attachment
First row of fasteners in multi row design will have most
critical combination of bearing and bypass stress
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 16
Local Loads/Stresses
Doubler Attachment
2) In addition to induced fastener bearing, bending stresses
due to eccentricity cause by doubler thickness should be
taken into account (refer to Slides 34-44)
Notice the skin
Doubler bending due to
eccentricity caused
by the doubler.
Skin Max skin stress is
at the faying
surface in the first
row of fasteners.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 17
Fatigue Evaluation
Critical Locations
Identify critical locations using Fatigue Evaluation
High stress concentrations in the structure and
high load transfer points in the joint should be
Fatigue lives be determined
Location for crack growth analysis be determined
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 18
Setting Inspection Threshold
Inspection Threshold
Crack growth scenarios to be considered should be
described and supporting rationale being given:
Fatigue analysis
Consider factors such as:
Installation design, Detail being considered, Inspection
method/procedures to be used for hidden parts
Inspection threshold should be the least of:
¼ of the unfactored fatigue life of the details
Additional factors should be considered when MMPDS data are used
½ the life of rogue flaw size to critical length
Threshold of the SSID or ALI
¾ the design service goal (DSG) of the airplane
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 19
Setting Inspection Threshold
Inspection Threshold
Ref. SACO Damage Tolerance Guidelines
The inspection threshold is calculated as the airplane
total cycles unless:
The doubler picks up new holes in the skin, or
Uses existing holes that are “zero-timed” or “insurance-
cut”, meaning after confirmation of no detectable cracks,
the hole is oversized to a full size.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 20
Setting Inspection Threshold
Initial (Rogue) Flaw Assumptions
0.01” 0.01”
0.005” a11
+ a
0.005” a11 A1
D A1
e AA11==e+D+2(0.010”+ a
e + D + 2(.005 +a 1)1)
End of Stage 1
a1 1++a
0.005” a2 2
+ a11 +
0.005” a22
Grow the
A1= 2×(0.01+a1) + e + D
crack in a center crack
panel to the critical
1 +2)a2)
e A = 3e + D + 2(.005 a
A22=3e+D+2(0.010”+ + 1+
crack length (aCrit) to
End of Stage 2 obtain Ncr
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 23
Setting Inspection Threshold
Inspection Threshold
NThreshold = Ncr /2
Damage Tolerance
Visual Unpainted Surface*: 1.0 or Hole-to-Edge
Guidelines, Table 1
3 to 5x Magnification
Painted Surface None
Without Magnification
Uncovered length of crack
0.75 or Hole-to-Hole or
length, aDet , used in this
Radiography in aluminum (not covered
by a steel member)
analysis must be based
on the NDT procedures
Ultrasonic Shear-Wave Crack at fastener hole using 0.125 Long x .0625 Deep
(Angle Beam) mini probe (0.25 x 0.25
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 26
Setting Inspection Intervals
Detectable crack length is provided in the NDT
procedure manual
Examples of techniques from Boeing NDT procedure
manual. These are called approved specifications:
727 NDT manual Part 6
LFEC: 53-30-00 Figure 5
HFEC: Surface and around fastener 51-00-00 Fig 4 or Fig 23
HFEC: Open Hole 51-00-00 Fig 16 or Fig 11 (only for t > 0.062”,
needs less space than Fig 16)
Recommended Minimum detectable crack lengths (aDet):
HFEC: 0.20” Gen Area, 0.10” + fastener head diameter
MFEC: 0.50” Gen Area, 0.25” @ fastener shank
0.15” @ fastener (727 NDT Part 6 53-30-27 Fig 17)
LFEC: 0.20” C’snk & 0.25” Button-head (0.04 < t < 0.089)
(727 NDT Part 6 53-30-27 Fig 13 refers to 53-30-00 Fig 9)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 27
Setting Inspection Intervals
Crack Growth Scenarios
Determine the minimum detectable crack size (aDet) based on
the inspection technique
Assume a realistic cracking scenario/pattern:
An acceptable way to model MSD is to assume detectable cracks
exist at every equally critical detail growing to failure;
e.g. both sides of each hole in a row of equally critical holes
Detectable crack at every equally critical hole
(Total of 10 in this schematic)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations 1” Patrick Safarian 2018 28
Setting Inspection Intervals
Crack Growth Scenarios
Determine the fatigue loads and develop spectrum
In absence of OEM data use a conservative approach
Using residual strength analysis compute the critical
crack length
Choose the shorter length of the net section yield and
LEFM results
For MSD situations most often the critical crack length is
based on net section yield
If p=8.9 psi, R=128”, pitch=1.2”, D=0.188”, t=0.062”, KA=130 Ksi√in,
FTU=62 Ksi and FTY=42 Ksi show that the critical crack length is 0.24”
Fastener Pitch
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 29
Setting Inspection Intervals
Crack Growth Scenarios
Using LEFM principles grow the cracks from detectable
length to the critical length
Crack interaction effects must be included in this analysis
Cycle by cycle crack growth or simplified equivalent stress
crack growth methods can be employed
Programs available include NASGRO, AFGROW,
FractureResearch, CRACKS9x, user-developed programs, or
combinations of features from the listed programs
Find the most critical cracking scenario(s) using S-N
curves & analyze different crack sequence scenarios
The most critical inspection program should be applied to
ALL fatigue critical details,
e.g. inspect the most critical (outer) row in longitudinal
and circumferential directions of a rectangular doubler
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 30
Setting Inspection Intervals
Cycles & Flights
Equivalent once per flight cycle used:
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 31
Setting Inspection Intervals
Operational Stresses
Vertical fuselage inertia bending adds to longitudinal skin
stress is assumed to vary as shown:
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 32
Setting Inspection Intervals
Operational Stresses
Longitudinal cracks:
Hoop,min = 0
Hoop,max = PR/t Use 1.3 for large transports (e.g., Boeing)
Circumferential cracks: Use 1.5 for small transports (e.g., Gulfstream)
Long,min = 0
Long,max 1.5 g,max = 1.5 1.0g,max + PR/2t
Long,max = 0.4 (FTU, B + PR/2t) (aft of front spar)
Long,max = 0.4 (L/S)FTU, B + (1 - 0.6 L/S) PR/2t (fwd of front spar)
P = normal operating pressure at max design altitude, psi
Use the bending stresses provided in the next few slides
to adjust for the joint eccentricity created due to
installing the antenna doubler
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 33
Setting Inspection Intervals
Operational Stresses (Joint Eccentricity)
Finite element analysis of a 6” tall antenna on fuselage skin
Skin t=0.040” Doubler t=0.056”
Skin is subject to hoop and longitudinal stresses
Fasteners do pick up the adjacent stringers
Model includes skin, stringer, doubler, Note the difference in the skin out of
antenna, 8.6 psi internal pressure and 5 psi plane displacements caused by presence of
side pressure load on the antenna the doubler.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 34
Setting Inspection Intervals
Operational Stresses (Joint Eccentricity)
Max principal stress contour indicates membrane stress of
17.2 Ksi and Max fiber stress of 25.3 Ksi in the skin
R (in.) 0.071 0.080 0.090 0.100 0.125
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 39
Crack Growth Analysis
To account for the combined effects of tensile, bending
and bearing stress components in crack growth analysis
AFGROW software offers the necessary options
Choose the tension and bending stress fraction according
to the skin tensile and bending stresses calculated at the
edge of the doubler, as provided in the previous tables
Calculate the bearing stress due to load transfer through
each critical fastener row
Use AFGROW “help” to properly enter each of the 3
stress components
In cases without capability of applying bending stress,
apply the effect of the eccentricity by adding ½ of the
bending stress value to the by-pass stress - See TC01
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 40
Joint Eccentricity Validation
Correlation with Fracture Surfaces
Figures below shows comparison for the two primary
cracks at the joints with eccentricity and the respective
fracture surfaces.
The MSD growth
model using the
tension, bearing
and bending stress
correlates well with
striation count
data from tear-
down results of an
in-service airplane.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 41
Fatigue Analysis
Handling Combined Tensile & Bending in Fatigue
Method 1: A convenient and simple method to handle the
combination of tensile and bending stresses for fatigue
analysis of joints such as antenna installations is:
For notched details, such as open hole and joint details, the
best approach is to adjust Kt to include the combined effects
of tension and bending. Then use one or the other stress as the
reference stress to determine a fatigue margin.
For instance, if you were analyzing a hole detail with a tension
Ktg of 3.2 and a bending Ktg of 2.2 (from Peterson's textbook or
a similar source), in case Ft=10 Ksi and Fb=5 Ksi (taking the
stresses to be the GAG gross stresses at the hole)
GAG fpeak at the hole = 3.2×10 + 2.2×5 = 43 Ksi
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 43
Fatigue Analysis
Handling Combined Tensile & Bending in Fatigue
Method 2: Empirical prediction method
S-N data available for reference joints
Similarity principle: Similar peak stresses in different joints
give similar fatigue lives
Peak stresses depend on load transfer, by-pass load, and
secondary bending S KS peak t tension
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 45
Residual Strength
Residual Strength Evaluation
Up thru amendment 25-86
Condition (i)
p + paero + limit symmetric maneuver at Vc or,
‘‘ + limit gust up to Vc or,
‘‘ + limit roll maneuver up to Vc or,
‘‘ + limit yaw maneuver up to Vc, whichever is
Condition (ii)
1.1 p + paero, 1g
p = normal operating differential pressure
paero = aerodynamic pressure associated with limit condition being
paero, 1g = aerodynamic pressure for 1g flight
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 46
Residual Strength
Residual Strength Evaluation
Amendment 25-96 and higher
Condition (i) - Same as before except limit symmetric
maneuver at all speeds up To Vc
Condition (ii) -
1.15 (p + paero, 1g)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 47
Residual Strength
Residual Strength Evaluation
Use the following residual stress levels to determine the
critical crack length (acritical)
Longitudinal cracks:
Hoop, Res = (1.1 p + paero)R/t (Up to Amendment 25-86)
Hoop, Res = 1.15 (p + paero)R/t (Amendment 25-96 and higher)
Circumferential cracks:
Long, Res = PR/2t + Nz 1g,MAX (aft of front spar)
Long, Res = PR/2t + Nz(L/S)1g,MAX (fwd of front spar)
p = normal operating pressure at maximum design altitude +
maximum tolerance of the pressure relief valve setting; e.g 0.5 psi
P = p + paero (0.5 – 1.0 psi for most areas of the fuselage)
Nz = maximum design limit load factor (at least 2.5 but not greater that 3.8)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 48
Critical Crack Size
Residual Strength Evaluation
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 49
Crack Growth Rate
Three Regions
Region I – Growth rate decreases
asymptotically with decreasing K.
Below a threshold value of K (i.e.
KTH) there is no growth.
Region II – Growth rate and K
follow a Log-Log linear relationship
and can be reasonably approximated
using the Paris Equation where;
m = Slope of line
C = Intercept of da/dN axis
Region III – Growth rate increases
asymptotically with increasing K.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 50
Walker Equation
Paris Equation Modified
Walker modified the Paris equation so that stress ratio
effects could be approximated
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 51
da/dN vs. K (2024-T3 Sheet)
Walker Constants 1000.000
( KSI-IN1/2)
DELTA K R = .40 TABULAR DATA (Walker Constants C=6.76E-10,
p=3.72, q=.6445)
( KSI-IN1/2)
( KSI-IN1/2)
( KSI-IN1/2)
( KSI-IN1/2) 100.000
( KSI-IN1/2)
K (ksi(in)^1/2)
1.00E-08 1.00E-07 1.00E-06 1.00E-05 1.00E-04 1.00E-03 1.00E-02 1.00E-01 1.00E+00
da/dN (in/cycle)
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 52
Walker Equation Coefficients & Exponents
Walker Constants
TABLE 1. Walker Equation* Coefficients and Exponents for Room Temperature, Laboratory Air Ambient Conditions
7050-T7651 & T7451 Plate L-T & T-L 1.32927 x 10-9 0.57452 3.55242
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 53
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Inspection Intervals
The period to grow a detectable crack to its critical size
is known as the detectable crack growth life (NDet)
Based on the confidence in the crack growth life prediction
(loads, stresses, , material properties, etc.) a suitable
factor, n, between 2 and 4 should be used to determine the
repetitive inspection intervals, NRep. For example:
Use a factor of 4 when there is no airplane full-scale fatigue
test data and there is no airplane loads substantiation
through a flight & ground loads survey.
Use a factor of 3 when there has been an airplane fatigue
test but no loads survey or when there has been an airplane
loads survey but no fatigue test.
In the event that both airplane fatigue testing and a loads
survey has been accomplished, use a factor of 2.
NRep = NDet / n Where n = 2, 3, or 4
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 54
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Instruction for Continuous Airworthiness (ICAW)
For each installation develop an Instruction for
Continued Airworthiness, which contains:
Airplane data
Complete definition of the antenna installation location
Inspection direction
Details to be inspected
Inspection threshold, Nth
Inspection technique, including the call out of the NDI
procedure or the description for the DVI and DET
Repetitive inspection intervals, NRep
Replacement time, if any
Additional information, instructions or limitations
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 55
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes:
1. Confirm that the surrounding structure is corrosion and
damage free per applicable SRM inspection instructions.
2. Maintain a minimum outside trim radius of 0.38 inch and a
minimum inside trim radius of 0.50 inch unless otherwise
approved by engineering.
3. Stop drilling of cracks must be accomplished per SRM.
This typically includes an eddy current inspection to
accurately locate the end of the crack and a minimum stop
drill diameter of 0.25 inch at the end of the crack,
followed by an open hole eddy current inspection, followed
by a minimum 1/16 inch oversize of the stop drill hole.
NOTE: Stop drilling a crack with no further repair action does not
constitute a repair and will not be granted FAA approval except
under extremely limited circumstances.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 56
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes (continued):
4. Perform a surface eddy current inspection of all trimmed
edges and an open hole eddy current inspection of fastener
holes to confirm a crack free condition. Use the
appropriate non-destructive testing (NDT) instruction
manual and procedure.
5. Install repair parts with BMS 5-95 sealant. Apply BMS 5-
95 fillet seal around the edges of the repair.
6. Freeze plugging of holes must be accomplished as
described in the applicable SRM.
NOTE: The SRM only describes the method for
installing freeze plugs. Engineering approval is required
for freeze plug installation at any location.
7. Chamfer or break sharp edges.
8. Maintain a 63 RHR or better surface finish to all reworked
and new surfaces.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 57
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes (continued):
9. Treat all repair parts and all bare aluminum surfaces or
existing structure and apply one coat of primer per
applicable SRM and/or Standard Overhaul Procedures
Manual (SOPM) instructions. Use the appropriate primer
depending upon whether the surface is exposed to the
airstream. In corrosion-prone areas, two coats of primer
should be used. Allow to dry between coats.
10. Do not install new repair fasteners through the skin chem-
milled steps.
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DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes (continued):
11. Observe minimum bend radius listed in the applicable SRM
or other industry reference when forming repair parts
from sheet stock. It is usually advisable to form in either
the annealed or quenched condition and then heat treat.
If the minimum bend radius is exceeded, perform an NDT
inspection (Level 3 dye penetrant inspection or better, or a
surface eddy current inspection) to ensure a crack free
12. Brush or bath cadmium plate corrosion resistant steel
(CRES) parts and prime with two coats of primer per
applicable SRM and/or SOPM instructions. Allow primer to
dry between coats.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 59
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes (continued):
13. Add fillers or tapered shims as required to limit pull-up to
0.010 inch for flat stock repairs, such as skin doublers,
and 0.005 inch at all other locations. Fabricate from
2024-T3 or 7075-T6 clad material.
14. Maintain 2D edge margin and 4-6D center-to-center
spacing for all new fasteners.
NOTE: Larger edge margins may be required at certain locations
such as door cutout corners. Consult with engineering for approval
15. Fill all voids and install all repair parts with corrosion
resistant faying surface sealant per the applicable SRM.
16. Install all fasteners and mating hardware per the
applicable SRM. Replace initial fasteners with same type
repair fastener. Oversize initial fasteners up to 1/32 inch
if required to meet hole size and condition requirements.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 60
DTA of An Antenna Installation
Some useful repair notes (continued):
17. Fastener substitutions are allowed only as specified in the
applicable SRM, or as otherwise defined with engineering
18. If the fastener location includes steel or titanium parts,
install hex drive bolts in close ream holes. If the fastener
location includes only aluminum parts, install in transition fit
holes unless otherwise instructed. Install per the applicable
19. Install all bolts, including hex drive bolts, wet with corrosion
resistant faying surface sealant.
20. For increased corrosion protection, or in corrosion-prone
areas, organic corrosion preventive compound may be applied
per the applicable SRM.
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 61
Antenna Installations
Antenna installations require DTA
Overview of the specific tasks:
1. Identify most critical detail(s) of installation
2. Establish the stress and the spectrum for the analyses
3. Perform crack growth and residual strength analyses
4. Determine inspection threshold and intervals
5. Develop an ICAW
In absence of OEM stress use conservative estimates
Consider Longitudinal and Circumferential stresses
Fastener load transfer and skin bending due to eccentricity
To establish inspection threshold use the least of the
analysis results and OEM established limits
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 62
Antenna Installations
To establish the repetitive inspection intervals
Determine inspection technique and the associate minimum
detectable length
Determine the critical crack length at the critical
Use LEFM grow a detectable crack to the critical length
Use a suitable factor to establish the inspection intervals
Establish an ICAW with all maintenance actions
DTA Guidelines for Antenna Installations Patrick Safarian 2018 63