Zenitel Sound Reception Vss-V2 Installation User Manual v1.4

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Installation & User Manual




About this Document

Document Scope
This document describes system features, models, interfaces and
functions for the VSS-V2 Sound Reception System. It also includes
instructions for installation, commissioning and adjustment, and
provides the end-user with the necessary information to operate the
VSS-V2 system.

Product Information
Item number Type number Description
1021001100 VSS-MP VSS Master Panel - V2
1021001200 VSS-SP VSS Slave Panel - V2
1021002100 VSS-MU VSS Microphone Unit - V2

Publication Log
Rev. Date Author Comments
1.0 12.8.2012 SEN Published
1.1 12.11.2012 SEN Small updates PA mute, mounting of mic. unit
Important text for installation of microphone unit
added, p.11. Updated text system function p.5.
1.2 30.10.2013 SEN
Updated cable connection diagram p.15.
Corr. number of LEDs p.20,23.
Environment temprature for VSS-MU changed
1.3 08.01.2014 SEN
from -30oC to +55oC to -55oC to +55oC
Update with Installation performance test, reverse
1.4 03.10.2016 SEN
LED functon etc...

Related Documentation
For further information, refer to the following documentation:

Doc. number Documentation

A100K11278 Autocad drawing VSS - V2 Master Panel
A100K11279 Autocad drawing VSS - V2 Slave Panel
A100K11277 Autocad drawing VSS - V2 Microphone Unit
A100K11050 VSS - V2 System datasheet

The list below should define all abbreviations used in this document:
Abbreviation Actual meaning
DSP Digital Signal Processor
UTP Upper Threshold Point

2 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

1 Functional Overview.........................................................................5
1.1 System Function .......................................................................5
1.2 System Characteristics..............................................................5
1.3 Reading Distance ......................................................................5
1.4 System Drawing.........................................................................6
1.5 Models.......................................................................................7
1.5.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel.........................................................7
1.5.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel...........................................................7
1.5.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit....................................................8
1.6 Target Groups............................................................................8
2 Interfaces ..........................................................................................9
2.1 Master Panel..............................................................................9
2.1.1 VDR....................................................................................9
2.1.2 Typhoon/foghorn mute........................................................9
2.1.3 Public Address mute...........................................................9
2.1.4 Relay status........................................................................9
2.1.5 Web interface......................................................................9
2.2 Slave Panel / Master Communication........................................9
2.3 Microphone Unit.........................................................................9
3 Functions.........................................................................................10
3.1 Electrical..................................................................................10
3.1.1 Power requirements..........................................................10
3.1.2 Relay outputs....................................................................10
3.2 Mute Input Typhoon/Foghorn...................................................10
3.3 Mute Input Public Address.......................................................10
3.4 Audio Interface.........................................................................10
4 Installation & Configuration Procedures...................................... 11
4.1 General.................................................................................... 11
4.2 Mounting.................................................................................. 11
4.2.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel & VSS-V2 Slave Panel................. 11
4.2.2 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit.................................................. 11
4.2.3 Microphone Cable Precautions........................................12
4.2.4 Compass safety distance..................................................12
4.3 Terminals, Jumper and Potentiometer Configurations.............13
4.3.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel PCB ETC 600-868........................13
4.3.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel PCB ETC 600-529..........................13
4.3.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Amplifier PCB ETC 600-870...........14
4.4 Cable Requirements................................................................14
4.4.1 Grounding.........................................................................14
4.5 Setting Master Panel................................................................14
4.5.1 DIP switch S1...................................................................14
4.5.2 Potentiometers..................................................................14
4.6 Setting Slave Panel..................................................................14
4.6.1 DIP switch S1...................................................................14
4.7 Cable Connection Diagram......................................................15
5 Dimensions & Mounting Details....................................................16
5.1 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit.........................................................16
5.2 VSS-V2 Master Panel..............................................................17
5.3 VSS-V2 Slave Panel................................................................18
6 Startup and Commissioning of System........................................19
6.1 General....................................................................................19
6.2 Mechanical Inspection - Panels...............................................19
6.3 Mechanical Inspection - Microphone Unit................................19
6.4 Cable Inspection......................................................................19
6.5 Start Up Master Panel..............................................................19
6.6 Start Up Slave Panel(s)...........................................................19
6.7 Ship’s Typhoon/Foghorn..........................................................19
6.8 Ship’s Public Address System.................................................19

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 3

7 Installation performance test.........................................................20
7.1 General....................................................................................20
7.2 Test set up................................................................................20
7.3 Check the following..................................................................21
8 Operation Instructions....................................................................22
8.1 Panel Operation.......................................................................22
8.1.1 Speaker............................................................................22
8.1.2 Indicators .........................................................................22
8.1.3 Dimmer.............................................................................22
8.1.4 Volume Control ................................................................22
8.1.5 Squelch ............................................................................23
8.1.6 Override function (audio)..................................................23
8.1.7 Power................................................................................23
8.2 Web Interface...........................................................................23
8.2.1 Open site..........................................................................23
8.2.2 Administrator site..............................................................24
8.2.3 IP Configuration................................................................24
9 Reverse LED function.....................................................................25
9.1 Updated VSS-MP & VSS-SP firmware....................................25
9.2 DIP switch S1...........................................................................25
9.3 Description...............................................................................25
9.3.1 Variant 1 Normal Default setting.......................................26
9.3.2 Variant 2 Double-ended....................................................26
9.3.3 Variant 3 Reverse.............................................................26
10 Troubleshooting..............................................................................27
10.1 All 4 microphone fault indication LEDs are flashing.................27
10.2 Wrong direction estimation......................................................27
10.3 Green status diode is flashing..................................................27
10.4 No background light.................................................................27
10.5 No sound in the speaker during detection...............................27
10.6 No detection.............................................................................27
10.7 Direction indication wrong........................................................28
11 Maintenance....................................................................................29
11.1 General....................................................................................29
11.2 Spare Parts..............................................................................29
12 Technical Data.................................................................................30
12.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel..............................................................30
12.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel................................................................30
12.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit.........................................................30

4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

1 Functional Overview
1.1 System Function
The VINGTOR VSS-V2 Sound Reception System is a navigational aid
system required on ships with enclosed bridges. The system enables
the officer in charge of the navigational watch to hear sound signals and
determine their direction.
The system conforms to SOLAS regulation HSC Code, ISO 14859 and
DNV 845.50 (6/2012) type approval programme.

One weatherproof microphone unit with four directional microphones is

mounted on top of the wheelhouse and connected to the VSS bridge
By use of the microphone unit, the VSS-V2 system will detect the
direction of the incoming horn signal and activate the corresponding
LED at the VSS-V2 front panel. Depending on the signal measured
at two adjacent microphones, additional directions between those
microphones can be measured.

1.2 System Characteristics

• Easy to operate
• Input for remote muting of the amplifier circuit when the vessel’s
own horn is activated
• Noise cancelling with DSP filtering
• Manual dimmer control
• Sector indication by use of 8 LEDs
• Input for four directional microphones
• The microphone unit is weatherproof and for bulkhead mounting
outside, on top of the wheelhouse
• Web interface with two different login types. One for reading
the system status and one for access to settings and system
• Output for voyage data recorder
• Override function to hear the unfiltered sound from the microphone
• Able to connect 4 slave panels

1.3 Reading Distance

According to requirements in IEC 62288, are both master panel and
slave panel readable from a distance of 1 meter.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 5

1.4 System Drawing



All systems will consist of at least a master panel and a microphone

The master panel will indicate the horn signal by turning on the
corresponding LED for direction, and outputting the DSP filtered horn
signal into the speaker.

Connections to master panel

●● Microphone unit
●● VDR
●● Status relay output
●● Typhoon/foghorn mute input
●● Public Address mute input
●● Web site
●● Slave panels

It is possible to connect up to four slave panels to the master panel.

Slave panels will, from the operator’s point of view, operate as
master panel with access to the same keys and functionalities.

6 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

1.5 Models

1.5.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel

Dimensions (W x H x D): 280 x 140 x 120 mm

1.5.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel

Dimensions (W x H x D): 280 x 140 x 53 mm

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 7

1.5.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit
Dimensions (H x W): 660 x 250 mm

Wind Shield

Microphone Unit

Amplifier and Connection box

Support/Fastening plate

1.6 Target Groups

According to requirements, this product is mandatory on all ships with
enclosed bridges.

8 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

2 Interfaces
2.1 Master Panel

2.1.1 VDR
●● Analog audio output to Voyage Data Recorder.
●● Signal is outputting 0dB by default.
●● Signal can be adjusted by potentiometer P1 from 0dB to mute.

2.1.2 Typhoon/foghorn mute

Potential-free input makes the system’s horn detection inactive while the
vessel’s own horn is active.

2.1.3 Public Address mute

There is a potential-free input for muting the VSS microphones when the
Public Address system is active.

2.1.4 Relay status

There is one NC output for system status and one NO output for each
panel direction LED activity. Continuous load current is 170mA.

2.1.5 Web interface

There is an Ethernet connection to access the web interface. Default IP
settings are:
• IP:
• Subnet:
• User: vssadmin
• Pass: vssadmin

2.2 Slave Panel / Master Communication

6-wire interface to slave panel consists of power lines, balanced audio
signal and RS485 communication lines.

2.3 Microphone Unit

10-wire interface to microphone consists of power lines and 2-wire set
for each microphone. Microphone lines have balanced audio signal and
its own keep-alive signal.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 9

3 Functions
3.1 Electrical

3.1.1 Power requirements

The unit shall be powered from 24 VDC +30% / -10%. The master panel
will provide power to the microphone unit and slave panels.

Type Minimum Nominal Maximum Unit

Voltage Supply 21.6 24 31.2 VDC
Current Load - 190 200 mA
- Master & Mic
Current Load - 260 270 mA
1 Slave

3.1.2 Relay outputs

The following outputs are provided:

●● One relay output per direction LED.

-- Activated simultaneously with the diodes on the panel.
-- NC logic.
-- Possibility for power out 24VDC.
●● One system status relay.
-- Normally closed when system is fully operational.

3.2 Mute Input Typhoon/Foghorn

This mute input will be connected to the ship’s typhoon/foghorn in order
to hinder the typhoon/foghorn from being sounded on the speaker and
trigger LEDs.

3.3 Mute Input Public Address

This mute input will disconnect the VSS microphones when public
address messages are broadcasted.

3.4 Audio Interface

This is an external audio interface. It is possible to adjust audio volume
by a potentiometer.

10 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

4 Installation & Configuration Procedures
4.1 General
For proper installation and operation of the VSS-V2 system, we
recommend reading this section thoroughly together with technical and
connection drawings.

LL Zenitel has experienced that certain types of ships have a too high
ambient noise level in the area where the microphone unit is installed.
This means that installing the microphone in such an area will
degrade the performance of the system. Zenitel therefore highly
recommends performing noise measurements before the installation
to make sure the ambient noise level does not exceed 70dB in the
area where the microphone is to be mounted.

LL In order to comply with DNV ship requirements, the procedures in

this section have to be followed strictly.

4.2 Mounting

4.2.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel & VSS-V2 Slave Panel

The panels should be flush or bulkhead mounted in a normal and
ventilated indoor environment with a temperature of maximum +55 ºC.
The Master Panel is normally mounted in the Bridge control panel.
Make sure that there is sufficient space for cables and maintenance.

4.2.2 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit

The effectiveness of the system depends on the microphone installation.
The location of the unit outside the wheelhouse is critical due to the
ship’s velocity, wind and vibrations.
Normally, the microphone unit is mounted outside, on top of the bridge.


Background noise & Feedback

For best performance, the unit must be placed as far away from noise
sources as possible. This allows for the detection of signals from longer

●● Undertake noise measurements before the installation to make sure

the ambient noise level does not exceed 70dB in the area where the
microphone is to be mounted.
●● Mount the Microphone Unit according to Figure 1 Microphone
Mounting Guidance on page 12.
●● Do not mount the microphone where vessels own typhoon will
exceed 100-110dB when activated. This will cause the microphone
unit to temporary malfunction in microphone check signal. This may
cause permanent damages to microphones mounted in unit.
●● Do not mount the microphone too close to regularly opened doors or
windows near the Master panel / Slave panel in order to prevent the
system from oscillating due to acoustic feedback.
●● Mount the microphone in the correct direction - front is marked F.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 11

Direction estimation is based on measurement of phase differences
between microphones. If the unit is placed in such a way that large
portions of the signal can be reflected back towards the unit, this
will influence the phase between the microphones and cause wrong
direction estimation. Optimal performance is obtained when the unit has
a clear path to all directions.

OBJECTS: Distance min. 10m or 2 times

width of objects whatever the longest.
OBJECTS: Do not place Microphone
close to big and reflective objects.

TYPHOON: Do not place Microphone in front of

ships typhoon. Side distance min. 6m




MAST/round objects: Mast diameter

0.2m, Distance 0.5m Mast or round objects

MICROPHONE Recommended

MICROPHONE Not allowed



Size Sheet Rev.

1/1 1.00
Date Drawn by
Jesper Sørensen

Figure 1 Microphone Mounting Guidance

4.2.3 Microphone Cable Precautions

When the microphone bracket is fastened on the bulkhead, let the
cables do a one-turn service-loop before entering the microphone
housing. The loop will ensure that the effect of the vibration shock
absorber is not impaired. This is necessary to reduce ship-borne
vibrations reaching the sensitive microphone elements.

4.2.4 Compass safety distance

All units must be mounted with a distance of 70 cm from the vessel’s
standard compass and steering compass.

12 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

4.3 Terminals, Jumper and Potentiometer
Pluggable screw terminals for cables of max. 2.5 mm2 are utilized.
Refer to connection diagram for more detailed information.

4.3.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel PCB ETC 600-868

• Terminal Block K1 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit

• Terminal Block K2 LED Indicators
• Terminal Block K3 Switch for muting Typhoon/foghorn
• Terminal Block K4 Audio out to Voyage Data Recorder (VDR)
• Terminal Block K5 - K8 VSS-V2 Slave Panels
• Terminal Block K9 24V Power supply
• DIP switch S1/4 Background Light On/Off
DIP switch S1/2: Reverse LED function
• Potentiometer P1 for adjusting VDR volume

4.3.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel PCB ETC 600-529

• Terminal Block K1 Connection to VSS-V2 Master pane

• DIP switch S1/4 Background Light On/Off
DIP switch S1/2: Reverse LED function l

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 13

4.3.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Amplifier PCB ETC 600-870

• Terminal Block K1 Connection to VSS-V2 Master panel

4.4 Cable Requirements

All signal cables have to be approved ship cable of type twisted-pair
with outer braided copper shield.

LL See section 4.7 Cable Connection Diagram for further details.

Terminal block marked “GROUND” is the common ground point for all

4.4.1 Grounding
Proper grounding is essential for reliable operation.
The shields must be interconnected in junction boxes and grounded in a
common point in the central unit only.
Terminal block marked “GROUND” is the common ground point.

4.5 Setting Master Panel

4.5.1 DIP switch S1

S1/4: Dipswitch on / off
S1/2: Reverse LED function
When in reverse mode normal LED indication position will be flipped
180 degrees.

4.5.2 Potentiometers
Potentiometer P1 is for VDR analog audio output. This must be set in
default middle position.

4.6 Setting Slave Panel

4.6.1 DIP switch S1

S1/4: Backlight on / off
S1/2: Reverse LED function

When in reverse mode normal LED indication position will be flipped

180 degrees

14 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

4.7 Cable Connection Diagram

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 15

5 Dimensions & Mounting Details

5.1 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit

●● Dimensions in mm

16 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

5.2 VSS-V2 Master Panel
●● Dimensions in mm

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 17

5.3 VSS-V2 Slave Panel
●● Dimensions in mm

18 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

6 Startup and Commissioning of System
6.1 General
The VSS-V2 units have been fully tested in our test laboratory before
delivery. To ensure that the system operates properly after installation
and configuration, carry out the following procedures before using the

6.2 Mechanical Inspection - Panels

● All equipment is well fastened in the console or wall.
● All cable and cable glands are well tightened and fastened.

6.3 Mechanical Inspection - Microphone Unit

The unit is installed according to procedures described in section 4.2.2.

LL Important!
The microphones shall be installed in such a way that they are
as far away from noise sources on the vessel as is practically
possible, where wind-induced noise from objects (such as wires )
and mechanical vibrations are reasonably reduced.

6.4 Cable Inspection

Make sure that all cables are connected according to section 4.7 Cable
Connection Diagram and check all terminals. Check that:

●● All signal cables are min. 0.75 mm2 approved ship cable of type
twisted-pair with outer braided copper shield
●● All cable shields are connected to the ground terminals
●● Power cable is 0.75 mm2 and connected to terminal block K9 (+ to
terminal 1, - to terminal 2). The shield is grounded on terminal 3.
●● Cable for microphone is arranged according to section
4.2.3 Microphone Cable Precautions

6.5 Start Up Master Panel

Set master panels to on. When the green status / self test LED is
steadily lit, use a horn or similar device that sends out harmonic
signals with a higher SPL than the background noise to activate each
microphone. The master panel shall activate the diode from the correct
direction. At the minimum, check all sides FWD, AFT, STB and PORT.
See section 7 Operating Procedures for all other functions.

6.6 Start Up Slave Panel(s)

Set slave panels to on. Use the same procedure as for the master

6.7 Ship’s Typhoon/Foghorn

Activate the ship’s typhoon/foghorn and check that the system is muted.

6.8 Ship’s Public Address System

Broadcast a PA message and check whether the VSS-V2 microphones
are muted.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 19

7 Installation performance test
7.1 General
The system shall indicate approximate direction of incoming sound
signals to determine at least whether the sound signal being detected
is forward or abaft the beam and from which side it is being detected
from. For the VSS-V2 resolution of direction detection is eight (8). The
system is tested according to ISO 14859:2012 . For a performance test
at installation site as the following test procedure is recommended.

7.2 Test set up

A test signal is needed to make performance test. As test signal, a true
typhoon or whistle can be used, a handheld/mobile aircompressed horn
or even a speaker can be used. This test is to be performed for eight (8)
different angles to verify that all directions are correctly indicated and
that vessels obstacles and reflections have no influence on direction
Note: In full scale testing resolution and physical direction can be difficult
to decide.

Test signal:

●● Test signal source must resemble actual horn signal as much as

possible. For best performances use signals rich in harmonics such
as a square or triangle signal.
●● The fundamental frequency of the signal shall lie within the range 70-
820 Hz.
●● Test signal must be set to generate a minimum sound pressure level,
SPL, of 75dB(A) measured at center of the microphone unit.
●● The test signal shall be a 3 second long test tone. Best testing is with
a minimum signal separation of ten (10) seconds between tests and
different angles.

Move test signal source or the microphone unit (read: vessel) under test
throughtout 360 degrees to reach all LED directions. Distance between
signal source and vessel is not limited as long as above conditions are

20 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

7.3 Check the following
1. Sound signal is being presented in speaker
2. Visual check that direction indication is correct
3. Visual check that direction indication is the duration of the detected
horn signal plus two (2) seconds.


A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 21

8 Operation Instructions
8.1 Panel Operation

8.1.1 Speaker
The internal speaker only outputs detected horn signals. The speaker is
muted on standby.

8.1.2 Indicators
The panel has LED indicators for direction of the received sound signal.
Together it makes a circle of 8 red LEDs. The LED will be ON for the
period of the sound signal + 2 seconds.
System and power LED (green) is lit steadily when the system is
functional with no errors. A fault in the system will make the system
LED flash. If the fault is in one of the microphones, the corresponding
microphone LED will be flashing as well. Faulty flashing frequency for
both LEDs is 200ms toggle.
The system LED indicates active override function by flashing. Override
flashing frequency is 1s toggle.

8.1.3 Dimmer
The panel has dimmer control on the front panel to adjust the light
intensity of the LEDs. It is not possible to turn it completely off. Dimmer
control is via the + and – buttons.

8.1.4 Volume Control

The panel consists of one internal loudspeaker.
There is only a single volume control affecting signals reproduced from
the microphones equally. The volume control can be adjusted and set
to an SPL of an incoming signal at least 10dBA above ambient bridge
noise, which itself is a maximum of 65dBA. Volume is adjusted by
pressing either of the two buttons (up or down) reserved for this.
Speaker level is indicated by the 8 LEDs. When pressing the button,
the level will show in the LEDs and will turn off again when pressing has
stopped. After level adjustment, the system will automatically return to
normal operation mode.
The volume level has eight steps indicating from 1 to 8 LEDs lit, 8 being
maximum volume and 1 the minimum. This can be shown by pressing
the volume buttons. When powering on the system or making an off/on
cycle, the volume will be set at default level.

22 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

Default level is 5 LEDs lit. At this level the output in the internal speaker
will be the same as the sound levels at the outdoor listening post, which
is the sound levels at the microphones. It is marked with the symbol as
shown on the left.

8.1.5 Squelch
The panel has a squelch button (Squelch). By pressing the squelch
button, the level of UTP (Upper Threshold Point) in DSP is adjusted. It
is not possible to listen to noise that is lower than this level. The level
is the same for all panels - hence, adjusting the level on one panel
changes them all. Adjusting the level with the squelch button will be
indicated by direction LEDs.
Adjustment of squelch is carried out according to the specifics of the
noise. If the noise is white, e.g. common wind noise, then the UTP point
will adjust itself so as not to cause false alarms.
If the noise is periodic, e.g. mechanical vibrations, wind howling or
sea gulls, then the algorithm could trigger a false detection, as it is not
possible to differentiate these sounds from the horn sound, which is also
periodic. Short burst periodic sounds will be filtered by the algorithm, but
persistent periodic sounds can be problematic. The squelch button can
raise the UTP point above these noise sources to avoid false detections.

8.1.6 Override function (audio)

The override button (Override) is used to send audio from the
microphone unit directly to the speaker. The speaker will output no
matter if there is horn detection or not and be in listen mode. Override is
individual for each panel. The override button is latching and press/listen
mode is indicated by the system LED 1s toggle. Override will time out
after 15s.

8.1.7 Power
The power button is for powering the panel on or off. Indication for
power ON is via the green LED.

8.2 Web Interface

8.2.1 Open site

●● Microphone status and LED direction.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 23

8.2.2 Administrator site
●● For authorized personnel only, password needed.
-- Normally set up at installation.
●● Settings for signal processing algorithm.

Automatic Gain Control (AGC)

Enabling AGC, the algorithm will adjust the level of the output to be

Ambient noise level (Squelch)

The squelch button can be used to adjust the threshold level for the
detection algorithm. The threshold level is adaptive, which means that
it is calculated automatically based on frame-by-frame data available.
However, threshold offset adjustment is available to the user via the
squelch button, or Ambient Noise Level slider from the webpage.

8.2.3 IP Configuration
●● When setting the IP configuration, default address is
which is the address of the VSS web interface page. This can be
changed to conform to the existing network.

24 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

9 Reverse LED function
9.1 Updated VSS-MP & VSS-SP firmware
The advantage of the firmware is a reverse LED indication mode. In
this mode normal direction of LED indication will be reversed by 180
degrees. Mode is activated by a switch.

9.2 DIP switch S1

S1/4: Dipswitch on / off
S1/2: Reverse LED function
When in reverse mode normal LED indication position will be flipped
180 degrees.

9.3 Description
This firmware is for both panels VSS-MP and VSS-SP. This function
can be useful if panel is mounted in vessels aft direction or vessel is a
double-ended ferry. In a setup one panel can be in normal mode while
the other is set to reverse mode. Mode is changed by dip-switch on
PCBs at installation if function is needed.
A new item, VSS-VESSEL, is registered and is a label which is ordered
separately and is to be mounted at installation if reverse symbol of
vessel is needed.
See next pages examples for use of this item.

Panel is set in reverse mode by activation of PCB dip-switch.

An incoming sound signal is registered at starboard side at the
microphone unit. The panel will make its LED indication at opposite
direction - in this example it will lid port side.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 25

9.3.1 Variant 1 Normal Default setting

9.3.2 Variant 2 Double-ended

Reverse function mode. LED indication reversed. Panel vessel display
normal. This can be useful for double-ended ferries

9.3.3 Variant 3 Reverse

Reverse verse function mode. Vessel sticker added. LED indication
reversed and panel vessel display reversed.
The third variant will require an additional item
1021001011 Rev.1.00 VSS-VESSEL Front panel vessel
label – V

26 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

10 Troubleshooting
10.1 All 4 microphone fault indication LEDs are
●● This can be due to the microphone preamplifier not being powered
●● Make sure that the cables are properly connected.

10.2 Wrong direction estimation

●● Verify that the microphone unit is connected in the correct direction,
with the part marked F in front.
●● Check that the cables from the microphone preamplifier are
connected correctly to master PCB.
●● Cabling MUST be 1 to 1, otherwise the wrong direction will be
●● Verify that the unit is not in close proximity to obstacles that are able
to reflect large portions of the sound back to the microphones.

10.3 Green status diode is flashing

●● The microphone is not responding, the system is in override status or
DSP is not answering.

10.4 No background light

●● Check whether DIP switch S1 / switch 4 is set to ON.

10.5 No sound in the speaker during detection

●● Press the Override button to on and check the sound in the speaker.
-- If there’s still no activity, check the cable from the speaker to the

10.6 No detection
If test signal used is a pure sine tone or a human vocal the system might
not detect it. The system is constantly suppressing wind and mechanical
noises within frequency band of whistles as well as frequencies
outside this band. This includes filters suppressing background noise
from wind, wires and own ships machinery letting only sounds having
characteristics reckoned to be a ships whistle pass through.

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 27

10.7 Direction indication wrong
If there’s still no activity, check the cable from the speaker to the PCB.
If you experience direction problems in full scale testing this may be
due placement of microphone unit and obstacles reflections. A method
to clarify where the problem is located can be done with a close-up
microphone testing. Test set-up as the following:

●● Set up a function generator to generate a square signal with a

frequency between 70-820 Hz. Place loudspeaker as close as
possible to the microphone unit pointing to microphone 1. Increase
level on loudspeaker until a detection occurs. See illustration. This
can be performed with smartphone and application.
●● Create a test signal appearing for 3 seconds intervals throughout 360
degrees around the microphone unit. LED indication must be finished
before new direction is to be tested. Confirm VSS-MP displays
corresponding visual LED indication. If this is confirmed panel and
microphone operates correctly and malfunction has to be found in
placement and surroundings.

28 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

11 Maintenance
11.1 General
IMPORTANT! Care must be taken not to use heavy water jets directly
onto microphone unit VSS-MU when vessel and/or unit is due to a
cleaning. Nor should chemicals be used. This may damage sealings
and/or water protective fabric.
It is recommended to periodically check the system. The system has a
self-test function but it will not check whether the microphone itself is
working properly. To check this, use a horn or similar device that sends
out harmonic signals with higher SPL than the background noise to
activate each microphone to see whether it is detected on the diodes
and monitored in the internal loudspeaker of the master unit. It is also
recommended to visually check all terminal cables and microphone
housing for damages.
Check the microphone unit every 3 months.

11.2 Spare Parts

The microphone housing consists of four microphones and a
preamplifier. The housing is regarded as one spare part. It is designed
to be easily changeable.

Ref. Assembly manual for replacement of microphones

A100K11577 VSS-V2 Microphone Replacement v.1
For microphone unit VSS-MU 2.06 & former
Ref. Assembly manual for replacement of microphones
A100K11577 VSS-V2 Microphone Replacement v.2
For microphone unit VSS-MU from ver.2.07

Item number Type number Description

1021001020 VSS-MPCP VSS Master PCB – V2
1021001030 VSS-SPCB VSS Slave PCB – V2
1021002001 VSS-SPK Microphone sparepart kit VSS-MU
2.06 and former
1021002002 VSS-SPK-207 Microphone sparepart kit VSS-MU
from ver.2.07

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 29

12 Technical Data

12.1 VSS-V2 Master Panel

Dimensions (WxHxD 280 x 140 x 90 mm

Mounting Flush
Housing Brushed aluminum with foil
IP rating IP-22
Operation voltage 24V DC
Audio 70 Hz to 2’100 Hz
Active noise cancellation
Adjustable volume
Squelch to adjust the automatic threshold
LEDs 8
Buttons Power, Override, Squelch, Dimmer, Volume
Operation voltage 24V DC +30% / -10%
Current load Master & Mic Max. 200mA
Including 1 slave panel Max. 270mA

12.2 VSS-V2 Slave Panel

Dimensions (WxHxD) 280 x 140 x 51 mm

Power Internal from the master panel
Mounting Flush
Housing Brushed aluminum with foil
IP rating IP-22
Operation voltage 24V DC
LEDs 8
Buttons Power, Override, Squelch, Dimmer, Volume

12.3 VSS-V2 Microphone Unit

Dimensions (WxHxD) 280 x 140 x 51 mm
Housing Stainless steel
IP rating IP-66 / IP-67
Environment -55oC to +55oC
Directional microphones 4
Power Internal from the master panel

30 VSS-V2 Technical Manual A100K11209 v.1.4

A100K11209 v.1.4 VSS-V2 Technical Manual 31
Zenitel Norway AS

The WEEE Directive does not legislate that Zenitel, as a ‘producer’, shall collect ‘end of life’
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Under the WEEE Regulations, all new electrical goods should now be marked with the
crossed-out wheeled bin symbol shown.
Goods are marked with this symbol to show that they were produced after 13th August
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be recycled.

A100K11209 v.1.4 [email protected]
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