Chapter 2
Chapter 2
Chapter 2
The developments outlined in Chapter 1 are often described as the Old Quantum
Theory. The rules devised were all ad hoc, and the connection between various separate
discoveries, such as the particle nature of radiation, the wave nature of electrons and the
Bohr atom (as well as other rules not discussed in our brief survey) did not rest on any
firm foundation. Quantum mechanics was discovered twice: first, by Werner
Heisenberg in 1925 as matrix mechanics, and then again by Erwin Schrodinger in 1926
as wave mechanics. The two forms were soon found to be identical in content, but wave
mechanics became a more useful tool because the mathematics of waves were familiar
to many physicists. In this chapter we begin our study of quantum mechanics, and we
follow, in spirit, the path laid out by Schrodinger.
just as for a classical light wave. Note that we are still talking about a single photon.
The only real requirements are (1) that the field e(r, t) obeys a linear equation and that
(2) in the classical limit a large collection of photons acts in accordance with Maxwell’s
equa¬tions. The actual formulation of a quantum theory of photons is somewhat
complicated, and we leave the discussion of this to Supplement 18-A.
At this point we turn our attention to electrons. From the time of their discovery,
electrons were described as particles. They appear to travel along trajectories
determined by the electric and magnetic forces acting on them, they have mass, and they
carry energy and momentum. Nevertheless, they have wavelike properties, as first
determined in the diffraction of electron beams by crystals. As demonstrated by the
beautiful two-slit exper-iment of A. Tonomura presented in Chapter 1 (see Fig. 1-9) the
pattern of the hits of elec¬trons on the absorbing screen slowly builds up to a wavelike
interference pattern. This experiment is a realization of the thought experiments we
discussed above in connection with photons. Individual electrons appear to hit the
screen at random. As the number of electrons increases, the expected interference
pattern emerges. Again, the place where a single electron hits cannot be affected by the
fact that other electrons came before it, or will come after it, so that the emergence of
the pattern must lie in the property of each electron. By analogy of our conjectures in
connection with the photon, we may expect that the properties of a single electron are
described by an analog of the one-photon elec¬tric field e(r, r). We thus expect that an
electron will be described by a wave function tra¬ditionally denoted by i//(r, t). In order
to get an electron to interfere with itself we must insist that i//(r, t) obeys a linear
equation. In that case, a sum of two wave functions is also a wave function, so that the
superposition rules apply. Furthermore, we expect that the predictability of where an
electron hits (as if it were a classical particle) will be replaced by a statement, involving
the wave function i//(r, r), about the probability that an electron arrives at r. The rest of
this chapter is devoted to arguments that lead us to the correct form of the linear
equation obeyed by ip(r, t), the Schrodinger equation, the probability for finding an
electron at r at a time t in terms of i//(r, t) and other general properties of the wave
function. Wc shall approach this by constructing waves that might simulate the
properties of particles. The study of wave packets will be helpful in this matter, even
though the idea that there are real waves that act like particles is not correct.
A harmonic wave propagating in the positive x-direction with wave number k has the
k = 2tt/\
and the angular frequency to is related to the period T by
to = 2TTIT
and thus to the frequency v = lIT by
In general co will be related to k in some way. For example, in the case of light
propa¬gating in a vacuum, v = c/A where c is the speed of light. Hence 10 = kc. This
relation¬ship is not true for light in a dispersive medium. There v — c/n\, where n is the
refractive index of the medium, and n is generally a function of the wavelength n =
n(A). We shall determine below the relation between OJ and k for the waves of interest
to us.
Since ipk(x, t) does not depend on y or z, it takes on the same value everywhere on the
y-z plane, and is thus called a plane wave, ipk(x, t) is a plane wave for all possible
values of k, and it is therefore possible to take a superposition of plane waves with
different amplitudes A(k) and B(k). There is nothing in what we have done so far to
require A(k) and B(k) to be real, and, in fact, we shall see that in general we must allow
tp(x, t) to be complex. Let us consider the wave A(k)em~w,) and add such waves for a
variety of values of k.' The superposition is called a wave packet, and it takes the form
if/(x,t) = J dkA(k)em (2-4)
— oo
We begin by considering the wave packet at time t = 0,
ip(x, 0) = J dkA(k)eilLX (2-5)
— oo
and illustrate it by considering a special form, called the gaussian form
A(k) = e~aik-^'2 (2-6)
This function is centered about ku, and it falls off rapidly away from that center. We
shall see that it is the width of the square of this function that is of interest. The square
falls to 1/3 of its peak value when a(k — k0f = l. This means that the width can be taken
to be Ak = 2/Va. The integral in (2-5) can now be done in steps. We first make a change
of variables to q’ = k — ku, and we end up with
iP(x, 0) = e'k"xe~^l2a J dq’ e~aq‘lp-
_ 2lT it-,, V/2a
Aside from the scale factor, which could have been absorbed by slightly modifying
A(k), we end up with a plane-wave factor characterized by the wave number ku and a
modulat¬ing function that acts to localize the packet about x = 0. The width of that
packet, which is also gaussian, is defined in the same way as before: We square the
function and see where it drops off to about 1/3. This provides the width A.v — 2 Va.
We see that there is a reciprocal relation between the width of the function A(k) that
determines the shape of the wave packet, and the width of the wave packet. In fact, the
product of the two widths has the property that Ak Ax = 4 here. The specific value of
the number on the right side is not important. A slightly different definition of the
widths would have given us a different an-
'We do not consider the wave form B(k) exp[—i'(fct — &>/)] because a term
proportional to exp[ioj(] will be seen to be associated with a negative kinetic energy.
and its width in x spreads as a function of time. In the following subsection we see this
in detail for our Gaussian wave packet.
*How Wave Packets Move
As indicated in (2-4), the motion of the wave package can be obtained by integration,
vided we know how w depends on A. Let us assume that A(k) is sharply peaked about
value of A = A0. We may make the approximation
“c--+-■*»>(t L+ 2'*■-■‘KSFL
With this,
(Ax - wt) = (kox - w(k0)t) + (A - Ao) Tx - ~ \~ *o)2(^) J
When this is inserted into (2-4) we get, after changing variables to q = k — ICQ, the
i//(x, t) = J**~«*M J dqA(q + ^)e-^-V)g-^C^*V2 (2-11)
If the last factor in the integrand were absent, as is the case when w = kc for example,
then the integral becomes a function of (x — v^t). If this function peaks at x = 0 at time
t — 0, then it will peak at x = vgt at a later time t. The velocity with which the packet
moves is the group velocity. The second term in the integrand, when it does not vanish,
modifies the am¬plitude A(q + k0) and thus the shape of the wave packet; this is best
seen in terms of our gaussian packet. The integral is worked out just like the one that
leads to (2-7), since the extra term is also gaussian, as the exponent is quadratic in q2.
With the notation.
= /3
We see that in addition to changing x to x-vgt, we change a to a + 2ij8t. We therefore
ip{x, t) -
a + 2i(3t
This is a rather untransparent expression, involving a complex function of x and t, but as
we shall see soon, it’s absolute magnitude has a physical meaning. We therefore
| iffx, t) |2 = ip*(x, t)ifi(x, t)
The pre-factor is easily handled; the phase factor has magnitude 1, and in the second ex-
ponential, the exponent has to be added to its complex conjugate. When all of this is
done, we get
|<K*. t)|2
277 c,(x-v„tj‘
Va2 + 4/3V C a2+^¥
Comparison with the value at t — 0 shows that the width, initially given by 2Va, now
be-comes 2Va + 4/32r/a = 2V/aV l + A0li1ta1. The result is that the wave packet
travel¬ing with speed vg spreads as time increases. When a is large, so that the packet is
broad, the spreading is small. Nevertheless it is there, and this stands in the way of
interpreting the wave packet as describing the particle itself.
At this point we recall that in the case of photons, the intensity, proportional to [e(r, r)]2,
was interpreted as being proportional to the probability of finding a photon in the
of r at the time t. Since we were led to the conclusion that i//(r, r) had to be complex, we
assume that it is |i//(r, f)|2 that is related to the corresponding probability of finding an
electron in the vicinity of r at time t. For simplicity we deal with motion in one
(though the generalization is straightforward) and assert
The probability of finding an electron, described by the wave function ip(x, t), in the
region lying between x and x + dx is given by
P(x, t)dx = | tp(x, t) |2 dx
The probability interpretation is due to Max Bom who, shortly after the discovery of the
Schrodinger equation, studied the scattering of a beam of electrons by a target and was
led to the above form.
With this interpretation of \ip(x, t)p the spreading of the wave packet presents no
problems. AH it implies is that an electron, known to be in a certain region with some
probability distribution, will, with increasing time, have an increasing probability of
being found outside that region.
The appearance of probability in quantum mechanics differs from its appearance in
clas¬sical physics. Here it is not a statement of ignorance about what is “really” going
on, as is the case when we speak of the probability of a coin-toss leading to heads or
tails, but it is a basic limitation on what we can know when the wave function is known.
The mathematical impli¬cations of this interpretation of ip(x, 1) will be discussed at
length in the next chapter.
The probability interpretation aUows us to understand electron interference. As a con-
sequence of the linearity of the equation for ip(x, t), a wave function of the form
4>(x, t) = N(th(x, t) + ip2(x, t)) (2-15)
is a solution, if both ip, and ip2 are solutions. Let ip, be the wave function of the
electron that describes the system with slit 2 closed. This wave function is then
definitely associ¬ated with passage through slit 1. Similarly, if ip2 is the wave function
with slit 1 closed, then the wave function with both slits open will then be the sum of
the wave functions i/q and ip2. Consequently, the probability density of finding an
electron at a point x on the photographic plate behind the slits is proportional to t) +
ip2(x, t)p.
We have
|i/q(x, t) + ip2(x, t)p = |!//,(*, Op + |tp2(x, 0|2 + 2 Re(i//,(*, t)tp%(x, t) (2-16)
and the third term clearly exhibits the interference. This effect requires that there be a
sin¬gle electron source, so that the phase difference of the two wave functions i//, and
tp2 does not vary randomly. If the phase difference varied unpredictably, then the
probability would be determined by
P(x, 0= l</'i(*,0|2+ Wi(x,0\2 (2-17)
Consider a two-slit experiment, in which the wave function at slit 1 acquires an arbitrary
random phase that is to be averaged over, so that the total wave function at the screen is
ip(x, t) = e'^ipiix, t) + tp2(x, t). (Such a situation might arise if there were two
incoherent electron sources, one at each slit). Show that under these circumstances the
interference averages out.
SOLUTION We need to calculate
|Mx, Op = (<?"ViU, 0 + fcfr, 0)(e '-fyf(x, 0 + <P*(x, 0)
= |i//,(x, Op + |ih(x, Op + e^tpiix, t)ip*(x, 0 + e t)ip*(x, t)
= \<p,(x, Op + |ip2(x. Op + 2 cos <p Re (i//|(x, t)\p*(x, t)) + 2 sin <p Im (ip\(x, t)ip*(x,
The angle <p varies randomly from electron to electron, so that in the pattern of dots,
the terms in¬volving this angle average out to zero.
There is a potential difficulty with the probability interpretation. Consider a beam of
elec-trons passing through a screen with a double slit. Suppose we could determine in
way through which slit each given electron passes. If the electrons are far apart, then as
far as any given electron is concerned, we might as well have closed the other slit. If
a detection means were available to us, we could divide all the electrons, arriving at the
screen on which they are detected, into two classes: those that went through slit 1 and
those that went through slit 2. In that case, however, we would get the distribution (2-
We are forced to the conclusion that we get an interference pattern only if the
does not allow us to determine which slit the electrons go through. If we somehow
arrange to find out what the slit of passage was, then the interference pattern disappears
and the probability is just the sum of the individual probabilities. The rule is simple:
If the paths are not determined, add the wave functions and square; if the paths are
determined, square the wave fimetions and add.
If we look at the discussion in Example 2-2, we see that somehow the acquisition of
knowledge in which way the electron went must introduce a random phase into the
nent of the wave function that is being “looked at.” For further discussion see Chapter
We have constructed a wave function that may be used to describe satisfactorily the
ability of finding a freely traveling electron at x, at a time t. We make the connection
physics by first recalling that according to de Broglie k = p/h, and as suggested by the
Planck relation, to = E/ti. Thus the wave packet may be rewritten in the form
iKx, t) = —L= [ dp (2-18)
We now take E(p) = p2/2m for a free particle. We see that the group velocity is
= dto _ dE = If
Vg dk dp rn
which confirms our association of hto with the energy. Here <^>(p)/V2trfi plays the role
played by A(/c) in eq. (2-5).
Now suppose that the particle under consideration is not free, so that instead of
E = p2/2m. we have
E = p2/2m + V(x) (2-19)
If we were to mindlessly insert this into the exponent in eq. (2-18), the wave function
would be changed rather trivially: the new wave function ip(x, t) is just the product of
free particle wave function, and a factor e'V{x)llh. Now this factor is a pure phase
whose absolute square is 1. This would mean that the addition of a potential to the
in the exponent does not change the uniform motion of the wave packet. This is patently
wrong since in a potential, the velocity of a particle changes from place to place What
need to do is to find the equation that ip(x, t) is a solution of, and then modify that equa-
tion to take into account the presence of a potential V(x).
We proceed as follows: If we differentiate with respect to time, we find that
dP e‘^-E,n
J dp fi(p)p2e^
We may combine these two results to get an equation for i/r(jc, t) that is solved by (2-
18). This is
dij/(x, t) _ h1 d2ip{x, t)
1 at ~ 2m
This is the Schrodinger equation for a free particle. Although we started from a solution
of (2-22), the equation takes precedence over the solution. It is easy to see that starting
from the equation, a solution of the form would correspond to a negative kinetic
energy and that A cos(fct — cot) + B s\n(kx — cot) will only be a solution if B — iA.
To the extent that (2-22) is a translation of E = p2/2m, with E being replaced by iti - and
p by
—ih —, we can generalize the energy equation in the presence of a potential V(x),
+ V(x)
to the general Schrodinger equation
di[>(x, t)
lh~d,— =
h2 d2lp(X, t)
2m dx2
+ V(x)</<x, t)
This is the basic equation that we will be working with in much of this book.
Let us return to the free particle case. The most general solution of that equation de-
pends on the form of cj)(p), and we shall now show that this is determined by the initial
condition—that is, by ip(x, 0). In fact, if we set t = 0 in the solution (2-18), we get
and this equation determines <p(p). The solution of (2-23) is also determined by tjr(x,
0). This is in contrast to the familiar wave equation
c)2fix, t) _ 2 rffix, t)
si2 “ dx2
in which both f{x, 0) and (dflx, t)ldt),=0 have to be specified. The difference is a
conse¬quence of the fact that the Schrodinger equation is of first order in t. We shall see
that this is closely related to the probability interpretation of <p(x, t).
*The Relation between c})(p) and fi(x, 0)
The relation between ip(x, 0) and 4>(p) is obtained by noting that (2-23) is a Fourier
inte¬gral and thus can be inverted. Here we make use of the properties of Fourier
integrals out¬lined in Supplement 2-A. []
Let us return to the reciprocal relation obtained in eq. (2-8),
A k Ax > 1/2
Recalling the identification of hk with the momentum, this relation takes the form
Ax Ap a: tU2 (2-27)
This is called the Heisenberg uncertainty relation, or the Heisenberg indeterminacy rela-
tion. It arose in the context of our discussion of the wave packets, but as we now see, it
is a statement about the wave function. We saw that ip(x) cannot describe a particle that
is both well-localized in space and has a sharp momentum. This is in great contrast to
classi¬cal mechanics. What the relation states is that there is a quantitative limitation on
the ac¬curacy with which we can describe a system using our familiar, classical notions
of position and momentum. Position and momentum are said to be complementary
variables. We can illustrate this limitation by a couple of examples.2
Diffraction of a Photon Beam
Consider a beam of photons, passing through a slit of width a (Fig. 2-2). When the beam
is treated as an electromagnetic wave, one can show that the beam is diffracted with an
angular spread of magnitude
Figure 2-2 Diffraction of a beam of photons that pass
through a slit in a screen.
This implies that the momentum of the photon in the y-direction is uncertain to the
extent that
A h_h
This, however corresponds to a spread of the beam of the order of
«~ h/a _ A
Px hiA a
in agreement with the “wave description” of the incoming beam.3
Inability to Localize Bohr Orbits
Quantum mechanics does not allow us to talk about classical orbits of an electron in the
Coulomb field of a proton. Suppose we want to conduct an experiment to study the
location of the electron in an orbit. Let us limit ourselves to circular orbits. We will
want to distin¬guish between an orbit of radius characterized by the quantum number n
and a neighboring orbit. If we use a photon beam to do this, we need a beam of
wavelength such that
A « r,
r„ =
[(« + l)2 - »2]
meca ‘
(where we have again neglected factors of the order of 27T). Such a photon, by particle-
wave duality, will transfer momentum of the order of
h meca
to the electron. This means that the energy transfer to the electron is
A C ~ P ^ ~ PP? m^Ca)2
AE ~ me ~ me >;> n2
which is large enough to kick the electron out of its “orbit.” Again, the attempt to
localize the electron must be accompanied by an uncontrollable momentum transfer to
One more comment: The heading of this section included Relations. We shall see in
Chapter 5 that the uncertainty relation we used above follows formally from the
3In this example, we have worked with orders of magnitude, so that we have ignored
factors of 2-JT in the difference between h and ft.
— 00
we will require that the wave functions tp(x, 0) go to zero rapidly as x -» ±°°, often
faster than any power of*. We shall also require that the wave functions <p(x, t) be
continuous in*.
The Importance of Phases
The emphasis on \tp(x, t)|2 as the physically relevant quantity might lead to the
impres¬sion that the phase of the wave function is of no importance. If we write <// =
Re‘n, then indeed \i]/\2 = R2 independent of 6. However, the linearity of the equation
allows us to add solutions, as in our discussion of the electron interference pattern with
two slits. We see that
\R\ei0' + R^f = R\ + R\ + 2RXR2 COS(0, - 02)
depends on the relative phase. An overall phase in the total wave function can be
ignored, or chosen arbitrarily for convenience.
The Probability Current
The ability to normalize the wave function is only possible if the constant A mentioned
above is a constant, independent of time. We now show that this is the case. We will use
(2-23) and its complex conjugate, with the explicit assumption that the potential energy
V(x) is real. Under these circumstances we have
d<P*(x, t) _ h2 t)
We may use this to calculate
P(x, t)
2m dx2
dtp* dtp
+ V(x)tp*(x, t)
i (h2\(^r .
dx \ lim y dx dx y
If we now define the flux or, equivalently, the probability current by we get
When this is integrated over all space, we find that
00 00
ft j dx P(x, t) = -1 dx j-xj{x, 0 = 0 (2-34)
-00 —00
The last step follows from the fact that for square integrable functions j(x, t) vanishes at
± oo. Incidentally, had we allowed for discontinuities in <//(*, t) we would have been
led to delta functions in the flux, and hence in the probability density, which is
unacceptable in a physically observed quantity. [Eq. (2-34) then implies that A is
These comments are sufficient to proceed with out discussion of the consequences of
the probability interpretation in quantum mechanics.
Given the probability density P(x, /), we can calculate the expectation value of x, x2, or,
for that matter, any function of x. (See Supplement 2-B for a discussion of expectation
values) []. We have
00 CC
(fix)) = J dxfix)P(x, t)= J dx ip*(x, t)fix)ip(x, t) (2-36)
— 00 —00
Given our assumptions about the behavior of tp(x, t) as x —» ±°°, there is no problem
with the convergence of the integral. Note that we inserted fix) between ip*(x, t) and
ip(x, t). Clearly the order in which we put the three functions does not matter when we
integrate. We will soon find that sometimes fix) involves derivatives with respect to x,
and then the order matters. Note that (fix)) depends on time, even if it does not have an
explicit time depen¬dence, because in its definition the wave function tj> may have a
nontrivial time dependence.
The above expression does not tell us how to calculate the average of the momentum, or
a function of the momentum, because we don’t know what to insert between ip* and ip
when calculating (p), for example.
We can calculate
J dp 4>*{p)<p(p) = j dp <p*(p) *— j dx Ip(x)e
— CO — OO — 00
00 00
= —J dx Ip(x) J dp 4>*ip)e~ipxlh
— 00 —OQ
= J dx i[i(x)ip*ix) — 1
This result is known as Parseval's theorem in the mathematical literature. It states that if
function is normalized to 1, so is its Fourier transform.
Next consider
oo oo
dx t!>*(x)eipx,h
= J dp <f>*(p)p<t>(p) (2-48)
This result, together with (2-47), strongly suggests that d>(p) should be interpreted as
the wave function in momentum space, with |</>(p)|2 yielding the probability density
for find¬ing the particle with momentum p.
Lest the reader think that in spite of this symmetry between x- and p-space, p = —ih
(dlfJx) is an operator and x is not, we note that x is, in fact, an operator too. It hap¬pens
to have a simple (multiplicative) form in x-space, but if we want to calculate (f(x)) in
momentum space, then we can show by methods very similar to the ones used earlier
(p)= \ dxrW f
h dipjx)
/ f
(x)= j dp ^j^(p) (2-49)
— co '
and more generally
(f(x))= f dpd>*(p)f(m^U(p) (2-50)
— co '
In other words, the operator x has the representation
x=ih~ (2-51)
in momentum space.
The following example illustrates some computations for a specific wave function
(a) For what value of x does P(x) = |i/'W|2 peak?
(b) Calculate (x) and (x2).
(c) What is the probability that the particle is found between x = 0 and x = 1/a?
(d) Calculate <f>( p) and use this to calculate ( p) and (p2).
(a) The peak in P(x) occurs when dP(x)!dx = 0—that is, when
Consider a particle whose normalized wave function is
ip(x) — laX^ce xe ax
x> 0 x <0
-j- (x2e~2or) = 2x(l - ark’2” = 0
which is at x = 1 la.
6. A beam of electrons is to be fired over a distance of I04 km. If the size of the
initial packet is 10-3 m, what will be its size upon arrival, if its kinetic energy is (a) 13.6
cV; (b) 100 MeV? [Caution: The relation between kinetic energy (K. E.J and
momentum is not always K. E. = p2/2m\]
7. Consider a wave packet for neutrinos, which are massless to a very good
approximation, so that E — pc. Show that such a wave packet does not spread.
8. Consider a wave function of the form
i/r(x) = Ae ^
Calculate the wave function in momentum space 4>(p).
9. Consider the example in Problem 8. Calculate A so that <//(A) is properly
10. Show that the conservation law (2 33) holds when ip(x, t) obeys eq. (2-23), but
only if V(x) is real.
11. Suppose the V(x) is complex. Obtain an expression for
dP{x,t) , d f ——— and — J dx P(x, t)
For absorption of particles the last quantity must be negative (since particles disappear,
the proba¬bility of their being anywhere decreases). What does this tell us about the
imaginary part of V(x)?
12. Consider the distribution of grades in a class of 60 students, given by
Grades 60 55 50 45 40 35 30 25 20 15 10 5
# students 1 279 16 13 36 2 0 10
(a) Plot a histogram of the distribution,
(b) Calculate the class average.
(c) Calculate (Ag)2 = «/> - <g>2).
13. Compare your histogram with a distribution of the form
N(g)= Ce~ls~<g)msf
with C chosen that 2 ?V(g) = 60.
14. Show that a grade distribution of the form
Grades 60 50 10
# students 7 34 19
leads to the same average grade, but that the dispersion Ag is different. What is it?
15. Consider the wave function obtained in the first example, 2A7(sin kx)/x. For
what value of N will it be normalized? [Hint: A useful integral is
16. Consider the wave function
ip(x) = {ml 77)1 ^ exp(—ax?/2)
Calculate (x") for n = 1,2. Can you quickly write down the result for (A:* 15 16 17)?
17. Calculate 4>{p) forthe wave function in problem 16. Calculate (//') for n = 1, 2.
18. Use the definitions (A*)2 = (x7) - (x)1 and (Ap)1 = <p2> - (p)7 with the results
of Problems 16 and 17 to show that ApAx > hH.
19. Make an estimate of the strength of the nuclear potential energy given the
following fact: The "size" of the box that roughly describes the nuclear potential is 10
15 m, and it takes 8 McV to eject a par¬ticle from this potential well.
(a) Use the uncertainty principle to estimate (p2) for a nucleon in the box, and given
the fact that the mass of the nucleon is M - 1.67 X 10 27 kg, estimate the kinetic energy
of the nucleon.
(b) Since the potential that gives rise to the binding must more than compensate tor
this, what is the negative potential energy?
20. Monochromatic light passes through a shutter that opens for a time At = 10”1(1
sec. What is the spread in frequencies caused by the shutter?
21. Nuclei typically of size 10 14 m frequently emit electrons with energies in the
range 1-10 McV. In the early days of nuclear physics, people believed that electrons
"lived” inside the nuclei. Use the uncertainty relation to show that electrons of such
energies could not be contained inside the nucleus. 22
22. Show that eq. (2-49) holds.