Mil Cim Q4
Mil Cim Q4
Mil Cim Q4
Approaches for Learning
Curriculum Guide Effective Assessment Resources/Materials
Classroom Needed
Code Method Activity
Cites studies MIL11/12PM Positive Talking to Picture analysis Compute/laptop
showing proofs of -IVa-1 Teaching with classrooms learners/Conferen Think-Pair-Share Magazines/Newspa
positive and negative media cing per
effects of media, Critical Textbooks
information on Thinking Internet
individual and LCD Projector
Describes the MIL11/12PM Preventive Observation Concept Map Compute/laptop
different examples of -IVa-1 Concept Techniques (Venn Diagram) Magazines
people media and Sketches Textbooks
state reasons for such Critical Internet
categorization Thinking LCD Projector
Categorizes different MIL11/12PM Positive Analysis of Compute/laptop
examples of people -IVa-2 Teaching with classrooms learners’ products Think-Pair-Share Magazines
media and state media Textbooks
reasons for such Inquiry-guided Internet
categorization. Learning LCD Projector
The learner describes MIL11/12TI Effective Tests Pen-paper tests Laptop
the different M-IVb-3 Critical Behaviour Analysis of Concept Maps/ Projector/ LED TV
dimensions of text Thinking Management Learners’ Graphic Manila papers
information and Effective Products Organizers Marker pens
media. Discussion Chalk
Reference books
The learner MIL11/12TI Active Organized lessons Observation Laptop
comprehends how M-IVb-4 Learning Interest Boosting Talking to Multi-media Projector/ LED TV
text information and Inquiry-guided Prepared Physical learners/ presentation Manila papers
media is/are formally learning Environment conferencing Oral Marker pens
and informally Analysis of Presentation Chalk
produced, organized Learners’ Reference books
and disseminated. Products
Evaluates the MIL11/12TI Positive Talking to Reading Books
reliability and M-IVb-5 Active learning classrooms learners/Conferen (Analysis of text) Web
validity of text Critical Good student- cing Pen and paper Visual Aid
information and Thinking teacher Tests test Power point
media and its sources relationship presentation
using selection Reading materials
Produces and MIL11/12TI Good teacher- Observation Performance Power point
evaluates a creative M-IVb-6 Effective student Analysis of Task Computer/Laptop
text-based Discussion relationship learner's product Projects Rubrics
presentation using Cooperative Positive Conferencing Oral CG
design principle and learning classroom Presentation
elements Engaged time
Describes the Positive Analysis of Picture Analysis Rubrics
different dimensions MIL11/12VI Effective Expectations learner's product CG
of visual information M-Ivc-7 Discussion Organized DLP
and media Collaborative/ Lessons Laptop
Cooperative Academic Pictures
Learning Program Metacards
Materials and text Cartolina
Pentel Pen
Comprehends how ML11/12VIM Active Positive Conferencing Activity sheets
visual information -IVc-8 Learning Classroom with learners Think-Pair-Share Laptop/Projector
and media are Inquiry-guided Management Test Skill Video clips
formally and learning performance test
informally produced,
organized and
Evaluates the MIL11/12VI Effective Positive Observation Investigation Related AVP clips
reliability and M-IVc-9 Discussion Classroom Conferencing Oral Projector/Laptop
validity of visual Cooperative Management. Presentation Activity Sheets
information and learning Reading
media and its sources Critical
using selection Thinking
Produces and MIL11/12VI Critical Practical Analysis of Computer with
evaluates a creative M-IVc-10 Thinking strategies learners’ product Models internet
visual-based Teaching with Preventive Artworks Textbooks
presentation using Media Techniques Multimedia
design principle and presentations