Mil Cim Q4

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Subject: MEDIA & INFORMATION LITERACY Grade Level: GRADE11/12 Quarter: 4

Approaches for Learning
Curriculum Guide Effective Assessment Resources/Materials
Classroom Needed
Code Method Activity
Cites studies MIL11/12PM  Positive  Talking to  Picture analysis  Compute/laptop
showing proofs of -IVa-1  Teaching with classrooms learners/Conferen  Think-Pair-Share  Magazines/Newspa
positive and negative media cing per
effects of media,  Critical  Textbooks
information on Thinking  Internet
individual and  LCD Projector
Describes the MIL11/12PM  Preventive  Observation  Concept Map  Compute/laptop
different examples of -IVa-1  Concept Techniques (Venn Diagram)  Magazines
people media and Sketches  Textbooks
state reasons for such  Critical  Internet
categorization Thinking  LCD Projector
Categorizes different MIL11/12PM  Positive  Analysis of  Compute/laptop
examples of people -IVa-2  Teaching with classrooms learners’ products  Think-Pair-Share  Magazines
media and state media  Textbooks
reasons for such  Inquiry-guided  Internet
categorization. Learning  LCD Projector
The learner describes MIL11/12TI  Effective  Tests  Pen-paper tests  Laptop
the different M-IVb-3  Critical Behaviour  Analysis of  Concept Maps/  Projector/ LED TV
dimensions of text Thinking Management Learners’ Graphic  Manila papers
information and  Effective Products Organizers  Marker pens
media. Discussion  Chalk
 Reference books
The learner MIL11/12TI  Active  Organized lessons  Observation  Laptop
comprehends how M-IVb-4 Learning  Interest Boosting  Talking to  Multi-media  Projector/ LED TV
text information and  Inquiry-guided  Prepared Physical learners/ presentation  Manila papers
media is/are formally learning Environment conferencing  Oral  Marker pens
and informally  Analysis of Presentation  Chalk
produced, organized Learners’  Reference books
and disseminated. Products
Evaluates the MIL11/12TI  Positive  Talking to  Reading  Books
reliability and M-IVb-5  Active learning classrooms learners/Conferen (Analysis of text)  Web
validity of text  Critical  Good student- cing  Pen and paper  Visual Aid
information and Thinking teacher  Tests test  Power point
media and its sources relationship presentation
using selection  Reading materials
Produces and MIL11/12TI  Good teacher-  Observation  Performance  Power point
evaluates a creative M-IVb-6  Effective student  Analysis of Task  Computer/Laptop
text-based Discussion relationship learner's product  Projects  Rubrics
presentation using  Cooperative  Positive  Conferencing  Oral  CG
design principle and learning classroom Presentation
elements  Engaged time
Describes the  Positive  Analysis of  Picture Analysis  Rubrics
different dimensions MIL11/12VI  Effective Expectations learner's product  CG
of visual information M-Ivc-7 Discussion  Organized  DLP
and media  Collaborative/ Lessons  Laptop
Cooperative  Academic  Pictures
Learning Program  Metacards
Materials and text  Cartolina
 Pentel Pen
Comprehends how ML11/12VIM  Active  Positive  Conferencing  Activity sheets
visual information -IVc-8 Learning Classroom with learners  Think-Pair-Share  Laptop/Projector
and media are  Inquiry-guided Management  Test  Skill  Video clips
formally and learning performance test
informally produced,
organized and
Evaluates the MIL11/12VI  Effective  Positive  Observation  Investigation  Related AVP clips
reliability and M-IVc-9 Discussion Classroom  Conferencing  Oral  Projector/Laptop
validity of visual  Cooperative Management. Presentation  Activity Sheets
information and learning  Reading
media and its sources  Critical
using selection Thinking
Produces and MIL11/12VI  Critical  Practical  Analysis of  Computer with
evaluates a creative M-IVc-10 Thinking strategies learners’ product  Models internet
visual-based  Teaching with  Preventive  Artworks  Textbooks
presentation using Media Techniques  Multimedia
design principle and presentations

Describes the MIL11/12AI  Teaching with  Preventive  Talking to  LCD Projector

different dimensions M-IVd-11 Media Techniques Learners  Multimedia  Laptop
of audio information  Effective Presentations  Cartolina
and media Discussion  Oral
 Cooperative Presentation

Comprehends how MIL11/12AI  Critical  Positive  Observation  Performance  Cartolina

audio information M-IVd-12 Thinking classrooms  Analysis of Task  Internet
and media is/are  Concept  Preventive learner's product  Oral Connection
formally and Sketches Techniques Presentation  LCD Projector
informally produced,  Reward positive  Concept  Laptop
organized, and behaviors Mapping  Chalkboard
disseminated  Pen
Evaluates the MIL11/12AI  Collaborative  Encouraging  Analysis of  Projector
reliability and M-IVd-13 learning responsibility learner's product  Listening to an  Laptop
validity of audio  Effective  Organized  Conferencing audio  Visual Aids
information and discussion lessons presentation.  Texts
media and its/their  Critical
sources using thinking
selection criteria  Teaching with
Produces and MIL11/12AI  Encouraging  Observation  Projector
evaluates a creative M-IVd-14  Collaborative responsibility  Analysis of  Audio  Laptop
audio based-based learning  Firmness and learners’ Presentation
presentation using  Critical consistency product  Performance
design principle and thinking Task
elements  Teaching with
Describes the MIL11/12AI  Teaching with  Preventive  Conferencing  Oral Presentation  Multimedia devices
different dimensions M-IVef-15 media Techniques  Observation  Multimedia  CDs/DVDs
of motion  Cooperative  Reward [Positive presentation  Internet
information and Learning Reinforcement]  Think-Pair-Share
Comprehends how MIL11/12AI  Systematic  Conferencing  Oral Presentation  Multimedia devices
motion information M-IVef-16  Teaching with Approach  Observation  Multimedia  CDs/DVDs
and media is/are media  Discipline presentation  Internet
formally and  Active  Team-Teaching
informally produced, Learning
organized and  Critical
disseminated. Thinking
Evaluates the MIL11/12IM-  Collaborative  Encouraging  Analysis of  Performance  Multimedia devices
reliability and IVef-17 learning responsibility learner's product Task  CDs/DVDs
validity of motion  Effective  Organized  Conferencing
information and discussion lessons
media and its/their  Critical
source using thinking
selection criteria  Teaching with

Produces and MIL11/12IM-  Bodily  Good teacher-  Observation  Simulation  Laptop

evaluates a creative IVef-18 kinaesthetic student  Motion-based  Projector
motion-based  Teaching with relationship Presentation  Camera
presentation using Media  Culturally
design principle and responsive
elements classroom
Describes the MIL11/12MP  Effective  Positive classroom  Think-Pair-Share  Books
different dimensions IM-IVgh-19 Discussion  Good teacher-  Conferencing  Web
of manipulative  Active learning student  Visual Aids
information and relationship  Power point
media presentation
Comprehends how MIL11/12MP  Verbal-  Preventive  Observation  Oral presentation  Camera
manipulative IM-IVgh-20 linguistic techniques  Conferencing  Periodicals
information and  Values level  Laptop
media is/are formally  Effective
and informally discussion
produced, organized  Critical
and disseminated Thinking

Evaluates the MIL11/12MP  Values level  Preventive  Conferencing  Think-Pair-Share  Periodicals

reliability and IM-IVgh-21  Critical techniques  Multimedia  Laptop
validity of thinking presentation
manipulative  Effective
information and discussion
media and its/their
sources using
selection criteria
Produces and MIL11/12MP  Individualized  Practical  Analysis of  Projects:  Computer with
evaluates a creative IM-IVgh-22 teaching strategies learner's product0 -solve practical internet access
manipulative-based strategies  Preventive problem  Textbooks
presentation using  Teaching with techniques - presentation  Dictionary
design principle and media
Describes the MIL11/12M  Discussion  Cooperative/supp  Analysis of  Concept
different dimension M-IVij-23  Cooperative ortive learners’ maps/graphic  Visual aids
of multimedia learning disciplinary product organizer  Projector, laptop
information and strategy  Observation  Oral or TV for power
media  Organized  Test presentation point presentation
lessons  Quiz
Comprehends how MIL11/12M  Cooperative/supp  Analysis of  Graphic
multimedia M-IVij-24  Cooperative ortive learners’ organizer  Visual aids
information and learning disciplinary product  Oral  Books/Printed
media is/are formally  Critical strategy  Observation presentation materials
and informally Thinking  Firmness and  Projector, laptop
produced, organized  Concept consistency or TV
and disseminated Sketches  Organized
 Preventive
Evaluates the MIL11/12M  Comparisons  Positive  Observation  Oral  Multimedia
reliability and M-IVij-25  Using Classroom  Conferencing Presentation devices
validity of motion evidence (microphones/spea
information and  Deductive and kers)
media and its/their inductive
sources using reasoning
selection criteria
Synthesizes overall MIL11/12M  Creative  Positive  Analysis of  Electronic  Multimedia
knowledge about M-IVij-26 Thinking. Classroom Leaners portfolio or any devices
different information  Collaborative product. form of  Available
and media sources by Learning. multimedia. resources
producing and
evaluating a creative
multimedia from
(living museum,
electronic portfolio,

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