Cambridge Readers List New
Cambridge Readers List New
Cambridge Readers List New
Welcome to Cambridge English Readers!
Our students learn English to also offer more than enjoyment, confronting contemporary
communicate with the world and issues which will stimulate thought, classroom discussion and
want to read in English about the active language use. Issues addressed include personal identity,
world they live in. Cambridge the existence of other worlds, the impact of civil war, deafness,
English Readers are truly cross-cultural comparisons, and the plight of refugees.
international, with stories set not
The contemporary quality of the series is reflected in the fresh,
only in England and the USA, but
lively language used to tell the stories. This is the English of
in countries on every continent:
today and tomorrow: crisp dialogue, modern idioms, and
Japan, Spain, Greece, Oman,
descriptions so convincing that you believe you are there. And
Poland, Argentina, Hungary,
all specially written by experienced authors to be easily
Sweden, Thailand, Ireland, Scotland, Wales, Australia,
accessible to learners of English.
Switzerland, the Caribbean, Brazil, Finland, Holland, France,
Zambia, India and Mozambique. Happy, easy, enjoyable and stimulating reading, wherever you
are in the world!
The series also reflects different varieties of English by
providing titles written in British English and American English
at each level, accompanied by high quality recordings.
Cambridge English Readers stories are highly entertaining and Philip Prowse
motivate students to want to continue reading. And many titles Series Editor
Level chart
Levels Total Pages Council of ALTE 1 Cambridge TOEIC 3 TOEFL 4 IELTS 5
words Europe ESOL 2 (Paper
test only)
Beginner/ 4,000 32 A1
Elementary Breakthrough Breakthrough 0-220 1
Elementary/Lower- 10,000 48 A2
intermediate Waystage 1 KET 220-320 2
Lower- 15,000 64 B1
intermediate Threshold 2 PET 320-430 0-400 3
Intermediate 20,000 80 B1
Threshold 2 PET 430-550 400-450 4
Upper- 25,000 96 B2
intermediate Vantage 3 FCE 550-650 500-550 5
Association of Language Testers in Europe 4
Test of English as a Foreign Language
University of Cambridge ESOL Examinations 5
International English Language Testing System
Test of English for International Communication
High quality
original fiction
Thriller, murder mystery, romance,
comedy, ghost story, science fiction,
human interest, adventure and short
stories: Cambridge English Readers
offer a wide range of genres to satisfy
every taste. The gripping plots and
believable characters will keep
your students turning the pages. 3
Cambridge English Readers
American English
Inspector Logan
Richard MacAndrew
A missing woman and a dead body welcome
Inspector Jenny Logan to her new job with
the Edinburgh police. Logan questions the
husband of the dead woman and a local
doctor about the murder, but can she believe
what they say? Then, a piece of jewellery
Reduced sample page from Parallel (level 1) leads Logan to the killer.
0 521 75080 6 0 521 75081 4
NEW John Doe
Next Door To Love Antoinette Moses
Margaret Johnson A man is found on the street, and taken to
Stella is curious about her attractive new hospital. He appears unable to tell the doctor
London neighbour, Tony. She gradually gets to who he is, or where he comes from, but has he
know Tony – and also his young daughter, really lost his memory? The man is playing a
Daisy. But Stella and Tony’s growing dangerous game, and really knows a lot more
relationship is threatened when Tony’s ex-wife than he is prepared to say. When he leaves the
makes plans to move away with Daisy. How can hospital, he goes to the house of the nurse who
Tony keep Daisy, and how can Stella keep Tony? looked after him, and events take a very sinister
0 521 60562 8 0 521 60563 6
0 521 65619 2 0 521 65618 4
Available August 2004
0 521 79493 5
Help! NEW
Philip Prowse Blood Diamonds
A struggling writer and a computer with a mind Richard MacAndrew
of its own fight for control of the writer’s story Diamonds smuggled from the bloody civil war
and destiny. When Frank Wormold buys a zones of Africa and traded illegally for weapons
computer to help him with his writing, he gets are known as ‘blood diamonds’. London
a lot more help than he wants. The ensuing journalists Harley Kirkpatrick and Annie
battle of wills between himself and the Shepherd sense the scoop of a lifetime when
computer makes Frank realise what the they try to trap a dealer in the diamonds. But
important things in life really are. who is trapping who and are the people
involved what they seem?
0 521 65615 X 0 521 65614 1
0 521 53657 X 0 521 53658 8
0 521 79491 9
Available July 2004
4 Book Cassette Book with audio CD pack ! Adult content: This symbol appears on the back cover of
books with adult content. If in doubt about your choice
American English: Written in American English and spoken contact your local Cambridge University Press office.
with an American accent where recordings are available.
Thriller Human
Don’t Stop Now!
Philip Prowse
A brick smashes the window of a family-run
internet café in central London. A message
comes with it: ‘Don’t Stop Now!’. Matt, a
frequent visitor to the café, offers to help Kate
and her family. But Kate’s father won’t tell Matt
what the message means. What is Kate’s family
secret? And who are the men ready to do
anything to stop Matt finding out?
0 521 60564 4 0 521 60565 2 5
Murder Mystery Science Fiction
0 521 79495 1
Logan’s Choice
Richard MacAndrew A Picture to Remember
When Edinburgh restaurant owner Alex Sarah Scott-Malden
Maclennan is found dead in his bathroom, Cristina, who works in a art gallery in Buenos
Inspector Jenny Logan is called in to Aires, is waiting at the traffic lights on her
investigate. At first his death looks like an motorbike. She notices two men with a gun in
accident but Logan begins to think it could be the car next to her. Seconds later she is hit by a
murder. Does his wife, his brother-in-law or his taxi, and wakes up in hospital with no memory
friend know more about his death than they of the accident or the two men. However, the
will admit? Logan uncovers the truth about men are afraid of what might happen if her
Alex’s business affairs and personal life, and memory returns and plan to make sure it
devises a plan to catch the killer. never does.
0 521 66477 2 0 521 66476 4
0 521 79506 0 0 521 79507 9
0 521 79501 X American English
Within High Fences
Penny Hancock
Nancy is a security guard at a detention centre Jojo’s Story
for asylum seekers and refugees who have
come to Britain to escape persecution in their "At last a reader that encourages
own countries. Nancy thinks she has everything: teenagers and young adults to
a comfortable house, nice furniture, a boyfriend
and a beautiful Rolex watch. Then, she falls in reflect on those issues that make our
love with George, an asylum seeker who has world such a difficult place to live in.
nothing, and her world changes completely.
Too polemic? Too politically
0 521 60560 1 0 521 60561 X
incorrect? Just the sort of thing my
Available August 2004
Argentine students like to discuss!"
Claudia Ferradas Moi, Co-director, T.S.Eliot
Bilingual Studies Centre, Buenos Aires 7
Level 4
Just Good Friends
Penny Hancock Adventure
It’s Stephany and Max’s first holiday together in
Italy and they are staying at the flat of Nothing but the Truth
Stephany’s friend, Carlos. Max is a little jealous George Kershaw
of Carlos and Carlos’ wife is certainly not happy It is the start of a new school year for teenager
to see Stephany. It becomes clear that there is Hu at an international school in the exciting
more between Stephany and Carlos than just city of Bangkok. She has a problem with one of
friendship and the tension rises between the the teachers and does not know what to do.
two couples. As Max discovers more about Through an adventure in a national park, acting
Stephany’s past, he begins to wonder if he in a musical, and the help of friends, Hu finds
really knows her at all. the courage to tell the truth.
0 521 77533 7 0 521 77532 9 0 521 65623 0 0 521 65622 2
! Adult content
Tales of the Supernatural
Frank Brennan Romance
Six stories about a world we cannot explain.
A film star discovers the dangers of dancing
with a stranger. A man comes face-to-face
Staying Together
with his father’s history. An Irish-American Judith Wilson
family cannot escape someone from the past. Ikuko goes to England to study English,
A woman doesn’t listen to warnings about an promising her boyfriend Hiroshi she will return
old tree. An English writer slowly becomes more to Japan to marry him. However, in Birmingham
and more Japanese. And a killer watches Ikuko discovers a whole new world and falls in
himself die in hospital. love with another overseas student. Ikuko’s
journey across the world not only teaches her
0 521 54276 6
about different ways of life but also becomes a
voyage of self discovery.
0 521 79848 5 0 521 79849 3
! Adult content
! Adult content
The Amsterdam Connection
Sue Leather High Life, Low Life
Journalist Kate Jensen is shocked when her Alan Battersby
friend Max is found murdered in Amsterdam. A story of jealousy, estrangement and murder.
She goes there to search for her friend’s killer Private Investigator Nathan Marley is hired by
and starts asking questions at the football club a homeless woman to find her missing son. At
he owned. It soon becomes clear that someone the same time Marley embarks on a strange
doesn’t want her to get any answers and Kate relationship with a rich eccentric widow. The
discovers that football can be a very dangerous poorest and richest of New York are brought
game indeed. together in this thriller from the American
0 521 79502 8 0 521 79503 6 detective series.
! Adult content 0 521 78815 3 0 521 78816 1 9
Human Interest Short Stories
Murder Mystery NEW
NEW A Tangled Web
Emergency Murder Alan Maley
Janet McGiffin Dan Combes is a former MI6 agent living
When the wife of a prominent surgeon dies peacefully in France. After being attacked by a
suddenly in the hospital emergency room of former colleague, he realises his relationship
Mercy Hospital in Milwaukee, USA, Dr Maxine with the British Secret Service has not yet
Cassidy suspects murder. Maxine is determined finished. He believes the attack is linked to his
to find the killer and starts an investigation of roles in Berlin and Central America. But that
her own. However, when someone tries to kill was years ago so why do they want him dead
her, she begins to wonder which of her medical now? Dan returns to England and confronts his
colleagues she can trust. difficult past – a web of lies and deceit that he
knows must end.
0 521 53662 6 American English
0 521 53664 2 ! Adult content
Available June 2004
A Love for Life NEW
Penny Hancock Murder Maker
In Cambridge, Fanella bravely faces the Margaret Johnson
challenge of adopting a child alone after her After being jilted by her lover, Carla is
partner leaves her. Fanella and five-year-old devastated and intends to seek revenge. She
Ellie get off to a rocky start, but Fanella joins a self-help group for people in similar
patiently steers their relationship onto more situations and there she meets three women
solid ground. Meanwhile, her relationship with who have been betrayed or abandoned by their
Rod, Ellie’s teacher and a married man, is a husbands. Carla decides to rehearse her
little more complicated. revenge on these men and starts by buying a
ticket to Cuba.
0 521 79946 5 0 521 79947 3
0 521 53663 4 ! Adult content
Short Stories This Time it’s Personal
Alan Battersby
Crime becomes personal for New York private
Frozen Pizza and other investigator Nathan Marley as he tries to prove
slices of life the innocence of murder suspect José – a
Antoinette Moses member of his assistant Stella’s family. As
A collection of stories that offer eight slices of unidentified bodies are washed up on a beach,
life in England today. The themes covered the search for proof takes him into the heart of
include British eating habits, the media, the New York Russian American community.
inner-city problems, immigration, football Marley must work quickly to save José and find
hooliganism, student life, leisure activities, and the real criminals.
the countryside. Well-observed, lively, and 0 521 79844 2 0 521 79845 0
amusing, these stories provide a fascinating American English
picture of the country at the start of a new
0 521 75078 4 0 521 75079 2
Trumpet Voluntary
Jeremy Harmer
NEW A musician disappears, leaving only a strange
The Way Home e-mail message. Her husband, in a desperate
Sue Leather search to find her, revisits their shared past and
Seven journeys which change lives forever. A has to face up to some unpleasant realities,
New York fashion buyer returns to her English before trying to rebuild his life. His journey of
home. A successful author meets an old friend. discovery takes us across the world to Poland
A reporter travels to an execution. A lorry driver and Rio and deep into the human heart.
gives an escaped prisoner a lift. A taxi driver 0 521 66619 8 0 521 66493 4
picks up ‘Bruce Lee’. A man’s love for a tram
driver leads him to follow her. And four
strangers meet at a motel for the first and
last time. Deadly Harvest
0 521 54362 2 ! Adult content ‘I read it in one sitting. I couldn’t
Available May 2004 stop … it was thrilling!’
Anna-Katrien, student, Belgium 11
Grammar Vocabulary
Grammar in Practice 1 0 521 66576 0
Edited by
õnpractõce 1 õnpractõce 1
Julian Bamford
Richard R.Day
Grammar in Practice 2 0 521 66566 3
Grammar in Practice 3 0 521 54041 0
40 units of 30 units of
Vocabulary in Practice 1 0 521 01080 2
We recommend the self-study
exercises Vocabulary in Practice 2 0 521 01082 9
following books with Cambridge
for Language
with tests with tests
Vocabulary in Practice 3 0 521 75375 9
Roger Gower Glennis Pye
Cambridge English Readers. Series Editor
Penny Ur
Vocabulary in Practice 4 0 521 75376 7
0 521 01651 7 0 521 56829 3 0 521 66576 0 0 521 01080 2
Available June 2004
How to order
Please order through your usual bookseller. International Standard Book
Numbers (ISBNs) should always be quoted when ordering.
For further information contact your local Cambridge University Press
representative, or write to: ELT Marketing, Cambridge University Press,
Shaftesbury Road, Cambridge CB2 2RU, UK. Or email: [email protected]