Network Data Security For The Detection System in The Internet of Things With Deep Learning Approach
Network Data Security For The Detection System in The Internet of Things With Deep Learning Approach
Network Data Security For The Detection System in The Internet of Things With Deep Learning Approach
Comparing the results of all classifiers and their layers
Our studies are very much about the analysis of a new
The optimized results of all the IDS classifiers are
domain that is the Internet of Things with the presentation
compared and it was found that the performance of the
of architecture and neural networks. This research focused
All-Layers IDS classifiers is inferior to the Individual layer
on the processing of IoT elements where processing power
IDS classifiers in terms of training accuracy and training
is low with data size that is not as huge. This inter-
time. The light-weight algorithms, when used in a
disciplinary research is novel in a way that, it has applied
multilayer architecture, perform better which is suitable for
deep learning methods for IoT security. We have proposed
an IoT system. The comparison of the results can be found
light-weight architecture for an Intrusion Detection System
in Table.
(IDS) in an IoT network. Based on TCP/IP layer
architecture and the attack types at each layer, we have
Feature IDS Type Number Training Training
suggested placing IDS classifiers at each layer. This has
Selection of Accuracy Time
reduced the data set size at each classifier and improved
Method features
the performance in terms of accuracy, recall, training time
Random All Layer 12 98.9 50.04
and false alarm rate. We have applied deep learning
Forest IDS secnds
algorithms to classify the data at each IDS classifier. This
Classifier Application 6 98.7 20.54 approach has achieved outstanding results with better
layer IDS secnds results than existing work in the literature. Moreover, we
Transport 6 99.469 18,85 have used the full KDD 99’cup 22% data set for the Page | 211
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