Journal of Power Sources: Massimo Guarnieri, Piergiorgio Alotto, Federico Moro
Journal of Power Sources: Massimo Guarnieri, Piergiorgio Alotto, Federico Moro
Journal of Power Sources: Massimo Guarnieri, Piergiorgio Alotto, Federico Moro
h i g h l i g h t s
a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t
Article history: Thanks to the independent sizing of power and energy, hydrogen-based energy storage is one of the very
Received 12 June 2015 few technologies capable of providing long operational times in addition to the other advantages offered
Received in revised form by electrochemical energy storage, for example scalability, site versatility, and mobile service. The typical
13 July 2015
design consists of an electrolyzer in charge mode and a separate fuel cell in discharge mode. Instead, a
Accepted 22 July 2015
Available online xxx
unitized regenerative fuel cell (URFC) is a single device performing both energy conversions, achieving a
higher compactness and power-to-weight ratio. This paper presents a performance model of a URFC
based on a proton exchange membrane (PEM) electrolyte and working on hydrogen and oxygen, which
Regenerative fuel cell
can provide high energy and power densities (>0.7 W cm2). It provides voltage, power, and efficiency at
Fuel cell varying load conditions as functions of the controlling physical quantities: temperature, pressure, con-
PEMFC model centration, and humidification. The model constitutes a tool for designing the interface and control sub-
Electrolyzer model system as well as for exploring optimized cell/stack designs and operational conditions. To date, only a
Hydrogen energy storage few of such analyses have been carried out and more research is needed in order to explore the true
Performance model potential of URFCs.
© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
1. Introduction factor for the widespread adoption of electric vehicles (EVs). The
commercial success of early models such as the Toyota Prius
Renewable sources like wind and solar present two major (hybrid EV, HEV), Chevrolet Volt/Opel Ampera (plug-in hybrid EV,
drawbacks with respect to conventional fossil- and fissile-power PHEV), Nissan Leaf, and Tesla cars (battery EVs, BEVs) reveals the
plants: they are more expensive and intermittent according to potential of this market.
time and climatic conditions. While the former can be overcome Storage technologies capable of providing the needed perfor-
with the development of advanced devices based on innovative mance for both stationary and mobile applications are expected to
materials and configurations, the latter calls for suitable energy increase dramatically in the near future [2]. Several surveys indi-
storage technologies [1]. Efficient energy storage is also funda- cate that electrochemical energy storage (ECES) technologies for
mental for mobile applications and in the near future it will be a key stationary applications can be the solution of choice for many
storage services with short to long discharge time and kilowatt to
megawatt power [3]. Their advantages include wide scalability due
to intrinsic modularity, site versatility, limited or null environ-
* Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: [email protected] (M. Guarnieri), piergiorgio. mental impact, and ease of operation [4]. In the case of mobile
[email protected] (P. Alotto), [email protected] (F. Moro). applications, no practical alternative to ECES exists. However, some
0378-7753/© 2015 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
24 M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32
major disadvantages must be addressed to take them to full suc- devices, such as supercapacitors or lithium polymer batteries, thus
cess, including cost, discharge duration, round-trip efficiency, life configuring the vehicle as a hybrid FC-BEV. A unitized regenerative
cycles, and calendar life. fuel cell (URFC) is an interesting alternative consisting in a device
Almost all ECES technologies are hampered by a major draw- capable of performing both EL and FC functions.
back: the same device provides power conversion and energy
storage, thus binding together power rating and discharge time.
2. PEM unitized regenerative fuel cells
Two ECES technologies are free of this constraint: redox flow bat-
teries (RFBs) [5] and hydrogen-based energy storage systems
A PEM (proton exchange membrane or polymer electrolyte
(HBESs) [6]. The typical architecture of the latter, forming a
membrane) is a convenient electrolyte technology for both ELs and
regenerative fuel cell (RFC), consists of an electrolyzer (EL) that
FCs, since it allows for low operational temperature, quick start, fast
converts electric energy into hydrogen by water electrolysis, a fuel
response, and high power and energy densities. In fact, PEMELs and
cell (FC) for extracting back electricity from hydrogen, and a tank
PEMFCs essentially use the same reversible core, the membrane
for storing the gas [7]. The tank can be sized according to the energy
electrode assembly (MEA). This is a sandwich structure made of
rating requirements, independently of the power rating. Several
two porous layers (the diffusion layers, DLs, also called gas diffusion
RFC technologies, based on different chemistries, are under devel-
layers, GDLs, 101e102 mm thick), each bearing a thinner electro-
opment. Some chemistries exhibit low power density but high
catalyst layer (CL, 100e101 mm thick, devoted to enhancing the
round-trip efficiency, similarly to RFBs, which makes them attrac-
electrochemical reactions) on the face in contact with the inter-
tive for stationary service, particularly in the case of long-term
posed PEM (101 mm thick). Specific bi-functional electrocatalysts
storage (e.g. seasonal applications) [8]. Other chemistries present
are being developed for PEM-URFC (or UR-PEMFC) [11]. A proper
lower efficiency, but energy densities as high as 1300 Wh kg1
design of the gas flow management, namely with bipolar plates
make them very attractive for electrical vehicles, where they can
(BPs), whose flow channels distribute/draw the fluids to/from the
overcome the range limitations of present batteries [9]. In fact,
DLs, pumps, back-pressure valves, and separators, which split the
mass production of H2-EVs has just started with the Hyundai ix35,
outlet fluids, allows the same MEA to perform both FC and EL
Toyota Mirai FCV, and Honda FCX Clarity. They are also extensively
functions, resulting in a UR-PEMFC (Fig. 1). The simplest architec-
studied for stationary applications: the UE FCH2-JU 2014e2020
ture solution for mobile terrestrial systems consists of breathable
program, with funding of 1.3 GV, is devoted to the development of
cells fed with atmospheric oxygen. Conversely, underwater and
researches on hydrogen technologies for both transport and sta-
space systems store and reuse oxygen, beside hydrogen, requiring
tionary applications. Conventional RFC systems consisting of
higher capital costs, but also resulting in higher efficiency and po-
separated and optimized ELs and FCs are profitable for long term-
wer density [12].
stationary applications [10]. However, this architecture is too
Devices of this kind are already on the market, but their real
cumbersome for electric mobility, where the usual solution for
success can only come after system improvements in terms of
recovering braking energy into electricity resorts to the use of other
costs, durability, and efficiency, which require extensive research
DC bus
icharge<0 management unit idischarge>0
UR-PEMFC supervisor
e e
H2 H2 H O2
Fig. 1. Schematic of a H2eO2 UR-PEMFC system, showing ideally a single cell as a power converter. Three tanks store fluids (H2O, H2, and O2) and energy independently of the R-
PEMFC power rating. O2 storage allows the R-PEMFC to work on pure oxygen, gaining higher power and efficiency at a higher capital cost, but for terrestrial applications, cheaper
breathable devices are usually preferred, which get rid of the O2 tank. The power management unit and system supervisor control the electrical performance and the related fluid-
dynamic parameters (temperature, pressure, flow, hydration).
M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32 25
and development in materials and technology. Such de- 3.1. Electromotive force (reversible voltage)
velopments can greatly benefit from accurate numerical
modeling, simulation, and optimization. The vast literature on According to the Nernst equation, the emf (electromotive force,
PEMFC modeling deals with single sub-components (PEM, DLs, BP and also reversible voltage in the electrochemical taxonomy) can be
flow channels, e.g. Ref. [13]), single cells (e.g. Ref. [14]), stacks written as [30]:
made of several cells put in series through BPs, ancillary sub-
systems, and the whole PEMFC system (e.g. Ref. [15]). Several ar-
E ¼ E0 þ DEs þ DEc (2)
ticles have been published on PEMEL experimental research and
modeling, some examples being given in Refs. [16e22], and on R- where E0 is the emf value at standard temperature and pressure:
PEMFC with separate FC and EL, for example [23]. On the other
hand, very few articles have been published on physical models of
UR-PEMFC dedicated to hydrogenechlorine (H2eCl2) chemistry E0 ¼ 1:229 V at T 0 ¼ 298:15 K; p0 ¼ 100 kPa (3)
[24] and hydrogen-bromine (H2eB2) chemistry [25,26]. The DEs is the entropic variation from standard conditions
literature on modeling of H2eO2 UR-PEMFC is extremely limited
and very few papers presenting unified multiphysics models have
been published to date [27,28]. This paper presents a zero- 1 DT X
dimensional model aimed at analyzing the performance of a UR- DEs ¼ Dbs ðTÞdT ¼ Db
s ðTi Þ (4)
nF nF i
PEMFC in terms of power and round-trip efficiency under T0
different physical conditions (temperature, pressure, flow, hy-
dration). It can be used to compare the potential performance of where F ¼ 96,485 C mol1 is the Faraday constant and, according to
UR-PEMFCs with alternative concepts for both stationary and (1), the number of charge carriers per reaction is n ¼ 2. The sum
mobile applications in order to estimate their competitiveness allows an accurate computation of the integral for large tempera-
and to address the optimal design of ancillary sub-systems, upon ture variations, by using tabulated thermodynamic values of the
which the competitiveness of the system relies [29]. molar reaction entropy Db s ðTi Þ. Since this model aims at exploring
Section 3 describes the multiphysics zero-dimensional model of the variation of performance with temperature, (4) has been
a UR-PEMFC based on a unified system of equations for both preferred to the often-used linearized expression ðDbs =nFÞðT T 0 Þ.
working modes, namely the charge (EL-mode) and discharge (FC- DEc in (2) is the variation from standard conditions related to
mode) operations. It consists of physical-chemical equations which concentration and hence to pressure:
yield the UR-PEMFC polarization curve under different physical
conditions (temperature, gas pressure, and PEM hydration) under
2 ! !0:5 3
the control of the system supervisor. As usual, the polarization RT 4 cH2 cO2 5
DEc ¼ ln (5)
curve expresses a single cell voltage as a function of the cross- nF c0H2 c0O2
sectional current density. The practical system power rating is
attainable by a proper sizing of the cell active cross-section A and of where R ¼ 8.314 J mol1 K1 is the gas constant and cx =c0x is the x-
the number of cells put in series to form a stack. The model does not gas activity (namely, its concentration normalized to standard
include the power management unit, which in real systems adapts conditions). The “surface” concentrations cx at the CLs change in
the cell voltage and current to the dc bus while controlling the operation with respect to the “bulk” (undisturbed) values cx at
electric power flux. The model numerical implementation is pre- which the gases are fed into the flow channels of the BPs, because of
sented in Section 4, while some results are presented and discussed flow-induced gradients. Equation (5) can be rewritten as the sum of
in Section 5. two terms. The first one is the variation from standard conditions in
rest (no-load) conditions, namely for cx ¼ cx :
2 ! !0:5 3
3. Multiphysics model T 4 cH2 cO2
DEco ¼ ln 5 (6)
f c0H2 c0O2
The two half-reactions occurring at the negative and positive
CLs, respectively, of a UR-PEMFC are:
where f ¼ nF/R ¼ 23,210 K V1 has been introduced. The second
charge term of the sum is related to the concentration gradients, which
H2 O ) * 1 O2 þ 2Hþ þ 2e appear in load conditions (cx scx ):
discharge 2
charge " 0:5 #
þ * H2
2H þ 2e ) T cH2 cO2
discharge DEcl ¼ ln (7)
f cH2 cO2
In the charge mode (EL mode), water is split into oxygen, pro-
tons, and electrons at the positive CL (anode). Electrons, which flow By substituting (4) and (6) in (2) the open circuit emf is
in an external circuit, and protons, which flow through the PEM, obtained:
recombine at the negative CL (cathode), forming hydrogen. In the
discharge mode (FC mode), the inverse reactions occur, with the 2 ! !0:5 3
negative CL working as the anode and the positive CL as the cath- 1 T 4 cH2 cO2 5
EOC ¼E þ 0
s ðTÞdT þ ln (8)
ode. The PEM electrolyte segregates the half-reactions, allowing the nF f c0H2 c0O2
flow of protons while forcing the electrons into the external circuit.
In the following, we will use the terms anode and cathode according EOC differs from the open circuit voltage (OCV) because of
to the fuel cell terminology, that is, in discharge condition, when hydrogen crossover (Subsection 3.8). Instead, the load-gradient-
the anode performs the hydrogen oxidation reaction (HOR) and the dependent term (7) is accounted for as concentration losses
cathode the oxygen reduction reaction (ORR). (Subsection 3.6).
26 M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32
vðjÞ ¼ EOC Dva Dvaþ Dvc Dvcþ Dvm (9) 3.4. Exchange current density
Subscripts ae and aþ indicate the activation losses occurring at
the negative and positive CLs respectively, ce and cþ indicate the Since we are interested in evaluating the cell performance at
concentration losses occurring at the negative and positive DLs different temperatures, we take into account the dependence of j0
respectively, and m refers to the ohmic losses in the PEM. on T by means of an Arrhenius-like relation [32]:
Wj 1 1
j0 ¼ j*0 exp (14)
3.3. Activation losses R T* T
Voltage drops Dva and Dvaþ are due to the electrochemical where Wj is the activation barrier of the half-reaction and j*0 is the
kinetics of the half-reactions (1) occurring at the active electro- value of j0 at the temperature T* (with undisturbed concentrations
catalyst sites TPBs (triple phase boundaries), namely the nano- c ¼ c). The values of j0 strongly affect the performance and round-
surfaces which are spread inside the CLs, where PEM and DLs trip efficiency of the device (Subsection 3.9), since at a given jt the
merge and where reactants arrive and products depart. Each acti- higher j0 is, the lower Dva is, according to (13). Equation (14) allows
vation voltage drop is related to the rate of charge density sepa- to assess the effects of operational measures which can increase j0,
ration vtse (proton and electron creation at the anode) and like higher temperatures T and higher concentrations c. But it also
recombination (at the cathode) produced in load condition by the allows to explore the effect of structural measures, such as lowering
electrochemical half-reactions (1) according to the ButlereVolmer Wj (i.e. achieving higher activity by means of efficient catalysts) and
equation (vt represents the partial time derivative): increasing ATPB (by means of highly nanostructured catalyst layers).
The exponential dependence of jt on Dva and the low operating
cRx ax f Dvax =T cPx ð1ax Þf Dvax =T temperature of PEMs make activation losses the main causes of the
vt sex ¼ j0TPB x e e (10)
cRx cPx cell voltage drop at low current densities. Since Dvaþ is typically one
Here subscript x can be either minus (negative CL, where order of magnitude larger than Dva, the positive electrode losses
hydrogen reacts) or plus (positive CL, where oxygen reacts) and is remain the dominant effect in determining the behavior of the UR-
omitted for simplicity in the following, assuming that if the elec- PEMFC in the charge/discharge operation at low current density,
trode is not specified, symbols and equations hold for both of them. close to the OCV condition.
Consequently, in FC mode subscript Rx stands for Re (i.e. H2) and
Rþ (i.e. O2), and in practice Px only for Pþ (i.e. H2O). The ratios c=c
are the reagent (R) and product (P) surface concentrations at TPBs 3.5. Concentration gradients
normalized to the bulk values as in (7). Here again, these ratios
differ from 1 when concentration gradients arise in load conditions. In load operation, convective mass flow in the flow channels of
a is the transfer coefficient of each half-reaction and j0TPB is its the BPs and diffusive mass flow in the DLs sustain the electric
exchange current density, namely the charge rate of the direct and current generation at the CLs. Mass flows create gradients in the
inverse reactions in open circuit conditions, which balance each reagent and product concentrations and pressures, making the
other with zero net charge flow. Since half-reactions occur at the values c and p at the CLs different from the inlet values c and p,
TPB surfaces, the charge separation/combination rate vtse has di- which, in no-load conditions, constitute the bulk undisturbed
mensions [C s1 cm2], like a current density. In general conditions, values. In FC mode, reacting gases at both DLs are mixed with water
the surface continuity equation of each charge yields vapor which, at high current densities, can condensate and two-
V$jTPB þ vt s ¼ vt se , with vts being the rate of charge density accu- phase flows can arise [33]. However, in order to avoid burdening
mulation. Since a steady state condition with no charge accumu- the model of the whole device, single-phase mixed-gas transport
lation (i.e. vts ¼ 0) has been assumed, the surface divergence at the has been assumed in all FC-mode load conditions. Thus, Fick's first
TPBs of the current density vector jTPB (i.e. V$jTPB ¼ jTPB ) yields: law N ¼ eDVc has been used to relate the gas concentration
gradient Vc to the gas molar flow vector N through the medium
vt se ¼ jTPB (11) diffusivity D, and thus to the current density vector:
jLd ¼ p (25)
In fact, each electrode has its own limit, but (23) provides a
smaller value of the limit current density at the positive electrode,
jLdþ, due to the lower diffusivity of oxygen compared to hydrogen.
Thus, jLdþ constitutes the FC-mode cell current density limit.
H2 H+ Conversely, in EL (charge) mode, the limit current density depends
on liquid water feed at the positive electrode and can be deduced
from (22):
n F kw ε r
jLcþ ¼ p (26)
mw M ddl R
Fig. 2. Scheme of fluid mass transport occurring at flow channel and diffusion layer in
However, due to the higher density and faster transport of liquid
the negative electrode, with convective (in BP) and diffusive (in DL) hydrogen flows, water, the limit falls outside practicable current densities, and
respectively in FC-mode operation (in EL-mode flow arrows reverse). therefore it does not appear in the simulation results of Section 5.
28 M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32
go ðTÞ ¼ A0 T 0:5 exp Wm R Tg T (29) persistent crossover effects when cH2 tends to vanish near the limit
current density. In order to estimate it, a model similar to that often
where A0 ¼ 0.048 K0.5 S/cm, Tg ¼ 157 K is the glass transition proposed for water electro-osmotic drag, which increases with
temperature, and Wm ¼ 1.86 kJ mol1 is the activation barrier. The PEM hydration, has been used [41]:
hydration profile along the PEM thickness depends on two major
effects: back-diffusion and electro-osmotic drag [40]. However, a jcre ¼ n z l j (38)
simple linear interpolation between border values lþ and l has
where z is a dimensionless electro-osmotic drag coefficient. The
been assumed in this model, so their average value is used in (25).
resulting equivalent crossover current density depends on
lþ and l are defined by the water activities aw and awþ of the
hydrogen concentration, hydration, and PEM protonic current
reagent gases at the CLs, according to the empirical interpolation
formula [38]:
jcr ¼ n F DmH2 dm cH2 þ n z l j (39)
l¼ 0:043 þ 17:81 aw 39:85 a2w þ 36:0 a3w 0 aw 1
14 þ 1:4ðaw 1Þ 1 aw 3 Crossover hydrogen reaching the positive CL reacts with oxygen,
(30) so that both half-reactions (1) occur here increasing the positive
activation overpotential Dvaþ but without producing electric cur-
Assuming high gas flow rates, water activities aw and awþ (i.e. rent and power conversion. Moreover, since gas molar flows at both
the relative humidity values expressed in absolute terms) at the DLs sustain this reaction of crossover hydrogen, concentration
electrodes have been considered to be actively controlled, namely losses Dvc and Dvcþ at both DLs are also increased. Consequently,
equal to the relative humidity of inlet gases: in computing (13), (16), and (22), the total equivalent current
density jt is considered:
aw ¼ RH=100 ¼ pw =pws ðTÞ (31)
jt ¼ j þ jcr (40)
where pw is the water vapor partial pressure and pws the water
vapor saturation pressure [31]: Crossover hydrogen also produces a loss of stored energy that
reduces round-trip efficiency. Since a concentration gradient
pws ¼ 10ð2:1794þ0:2953T9:1837$10 T 2 þ1:4454$107 T 3 Þ
(32) through the PEM exists in OC conditions (i.e. at no-load j ¼ 0), losses
due to diffusive crossover (36) are identified as the main cause of
The pressures of the inlet mixtures pIx and the water activities
the difference between the OC emf of (8) and the observed OCV,
awx define the gas partial pressures and concentrations at the
namely the cell voltage v(0) of (9) in no-load conditions [42].
negative (H2) and positive (O2) electrodes:
c ¼ ðpI aw pws Þ=R T (34) A major figure of merit of URFCs is the round-trip energy effi-
ciency h, i.e. the net output electrical energy Wch divided by overall
input electrical energy Wdch when the URFC system performs a
complete cycle, being first charged (consuming Wch) and then
3.8. Hydrogen crossover
discharged (delivering Wdch) so as to go back to initial conditions:
A major side-effect that impacts on the device performance and Wdch ðj; T; p; aw Þ
efficiency is fuel crossover, namely hydrogen that migrates through h¼ (41)
Wch ðj; T; p; aw Þ
the PEM towards the positive electrode without reacting at the
negative one. To account for it, an equivalent current density cor- Both energy exchanges depend on the currentevoltage time
responding to the migrating hydrogen mass flow as in (15) has been profile v(j) and on the physical operating conditions (temperature T,
considered: gas pressure p, and water activity aw). The overall input and net
M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32 29
output energies include the energy Wan required to operate ancil- current density as a function of the activation voltage drop, a
laries (air pump, gas compressors, cooling, power management tabulated-dataset approach has been exploited, that allows to
system, system control unit, …): Wch ¼ WFCch þ Wan and obtain the activation losses from the current density by resampling,
Wdch ¼ WFCdch Wan , whereas WFCch;dch are the energies converted i.e. first the code computes the jt(Dva) table from (13) and then
by the fuel cell stack during charge/discharge. obtains the required values Dva(jt) through a polynomial interpo-
In order to derive a simple parametric expression for h, the lation. As already stated, the model is intended as a tool for
charge and discharge phases can be assumed to occur in electrical exploring the potential performance of a storage system based on
steady state conditions and at fixed physical parameters, so as to H2eO2 UR-PEMFC and to address the optimal design of its ancillary
write WFCch;dch ¼ vch;dch Qch;dch , with Q the exchanged electric sub-systems, as usually needed in FC system design [44]. Although
charge. This allows expressing the round-trip energy efficiency as: the model has not been developed for matching existing devices, its
parameters (Table 1) have been identified from the performance of
h ¼ hv hga hst han (42) a test single-cell Nafion PEMFC operated in a test chamber under
tight controlled pressure, humidity, and temperature conditions.
where product terms are ancillary (han), stoichiometric (hst), On the other hand, this cell could only operate in FC-mode, so that
galvanic (hga), and voltage (hv) round-trip efficiency, only FC-mode experimental points could be obtained. The param-
respectively. The ancillary round-trip efficiency eters identification has been carried out by means of a stochastic
han ¼ ð1 Wan =WFCdch Þ=ð1 þ Wan =WFCch Þ largely depends on the optimization procedure [43] that is capable of automatically iden-
design of sub-systems and on the adopted technologies (e.g. gas tifying the model parameters which allow the model performance
storage at high pressure or as solid hydrides), which are out of the to match the experimental data in a proper number of iterations
scope of this work. The second and third terms synthesize the ratio avoiding to fall into local minima. Typically, the search space for
between electric charges reacting during discharge and charge: each parameter ranges from one-tenth of an initial reference value
hga hst ¼ Qdch =Qch . The latter factor, hst, is the reciprocal of the fuel taken from the literature to a tenfold higher value, i.e. on a range
stoichiometric factor (usually labeled with l in the literature, the spanning over two orders of magnitude. If tighter bounds are given,
symbol here used for hydration), which is kept greater than one in the procedure can automatically expand the search space for each
operational conditions to prevent cell starvation. However, a proper parameter according to user preference. Fig. 3 shows the agreement
recovery system of the unburned fuel can ensure hst close to unity. between the model outputs and experimental data in FC-mode. The
The galvanic efficiency hga depends on fuel crossover. According to accuracy in extrapolating the model performance in the EL-mode
the model presented in Subsection 3.8, the crossover equivalent was checked against some experimental working points of a PEM
electric current density is in the order of a few thousandths of the electrolyzed (CINEL® AD-1020 H2 generator) based on a similar
full-load protonic electric current density produced by the MEA, but obtained in less controlled conditions. Nevertheless, nu-
consumed hydrogen. However, being crossover independent of the merical simulations were found to be consistent with such exper-
load and occurring also in OC conditions, its time-integral effect on imental data.
hga can be higher, typically in the order of some percent, depending
on the duty cycle of the system. We are here more interested in the
voltage round-trip efficiency, that can be far from unity since it
Table 1
strongly depends on the electrochemistry of the cell and, conse-
Numerical parameters used in the FC-mode validation.
quently, on the working points along the v(j) curve in both EL and
FC modes. Maintaining the assumption of steady state charge and Parameter Symbol Unit Value
discharge operations, the voltage round-trip efficiency can be Std reversible voltage E 0
V 1.229
expressed as the ratio between discharge and charge voltages Std temperature T0 K 298.15
Std pressure p0 kPa 100
E vdch vdch Neg. exchange current density j0 A cm2 1.13,102
hv ¼ ¼ (43) Pos. exchange current density j0þ A cm2 9.7,105
vch E vch j0 activation barrier Wj J mol1 1951
j0þ activation barrier Wjþ J mol1 2261
and consequently the voltage efficiency depends on the points Neg. transfer coefficient a e 0.52
chosen along the polarization curve for charging and discharging Pos. transfer coefficient aþ e 0.47
Flow-channel hydraulic diameter dfc cm 0.1
(i.e. on j) and on the physical operation conditions (i.e. on T, p, aw).
Sherwood number Sh e 2.69
Due to these features, it affects the overall efficiency much more H2 flow-channel diffusion coefficient D*fcH2 cm2 s1 0.69 (40 C, 1 bar)
than hga, since at high current densities (i.e. at high device exploi- O2 flow-channel diffusion coefficient D*fcO2 cm2 s1 0.11 (40 C, 1 bar)
tation) it is intrinsically far from unity. The model allows investi- Diffusion layer porosity ε e 0.4
gating such dependence on the charge and discharge operating Mean pore diameter f m 3$106
Water molar mass M g mol1 18.0153
points, in order to ensure proper exploitation of both device (capex) Relative permeability parameter m e 2.8
and fuel (running costs). Oxygen pore saturation sO2 e 0.0e0.57
Water density r g m3 1$106
Neg. and Pos. DL thickness ddl mm 200 (100)
4. Numerical implementation Deff cm2 s1 0.18 (40 C, 1 bar)
H2 DL diffusion coefficient H2 *
O2 DL diffusion coefficient eff
DO2 * cm2 s1 0.028 (40 C, 1 bar)
The multi-physical model presented in Section 3 has been Neg. concentration loss coefficient k e 2.61
implemented in a Matlab numerical code in order to simulate the Pos. concentration loss coefficient kþ e 1.47
steady-state performance of a reference UR-PEMFC. The numerical PEM thickness dm mm 150
PEM conductivity parameter B e 8.7172
code avoids introducing approximations in order to obtain
PEM conductivity parameter A0 K0.5S cm1 0.048
consistent analytical expressions for all the input/output relation- PEM glass trans. temperature Tg K 157
ships. The independent variable of the model is the electric current PEM conductivity activation barrier Wm J mol1 1863
density j, that is used to compute the cell voltage terms included in H2 diffusion coefficient in PEM DmH2 cm2 s1 5,104
(9). In order to overcome the difficulties arising from the non- H2 diffusion activation barrier WmH2 J mol1 3517
H2 electro-osmotic drag coefficient z e 1.78,104
invertible ButlereVolmer Equation (13), which expresses the
30 M. Guarnieri et al. / Journal of Power Sources 297 (2015) 23e32
5. Results
The authors wish to thank Prof. Vito Di Noto and Dr. Enrico
Negro for providing the experimental data used to validate the
model. This work was supported by the University of Padua under
the 2011 strategic project MAESTRA, grant STPD11XNRY.
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1914e1924. c, p: values of c and p at the bipolar plate flow channels
e: negative electrode and half-reaction
*: reference value
Nomenclature þ: positive electrode and half-reaction
a: activation losses
abs: absolute
an: ancillary
c: concentration losses
ch: charge mode
BEV: battery electric vehicle cl: on-load concentration losses
BP: bipolar plate co: open-circuit concentration losses
CL: catalyst layer cr: crossover
DL: diffusion layer crd: diffusive crossover
ECES: electrochemical energy storage cre: electro-osmotic crossover
EL: electrolyzer d: diffusion
EV: electric vehicle dch: discharge mode
FC: fuel cell dl: diffusion layer
HBES: hydrogen based e: electro-osmotic
HOR: hydrogen oxidation reaction eff: effective (of diffusion coefficients)
MEA: membrane electrode assembly fc: flow channel
ORR: oxygen reduction reaction FC: fuel cell
PEM: proton exchange membrane g: glass transition
PEMEL: PEM EL ga: galvanic
PEMFC: PEM FC I: inlet
RFB: redox flow battery l: on-load
RFC: regenerative FC L: limit
TPB: triple phase boundaries Lc: limit during charge (EL mode)
UR-PEMFC: unitized regenerative PEMFC Ld: limit during discharge (FC mode)
URFC: unitized regenerative FC m: membrane, proton exchange membrane (PEM)
OC: open circuit (no-load)
Symbols Px, P: product of the x half-reaction
r: relative
Rx, R: reactant of the x half-reaction
A: cell active cross-sectional area (m2) sa: sulfonic acid
a: activity (of water, dimensionless) st: stoichiometric
A0: PEM conductivity parameter (0.048 K0.5 S/cm) TPB: triple phase boundaries (half-reaction sites)
c: concentration (mol m3) v: voltage
d: thickness, diameter (m) w: water
D: diffusion coefficient Wj: activation barrier of the half-reaction kinetics (J/mol)
E: electromotive force e emf - reversible voltage (V) ws: water saturation
E0: emf in standard conditions (V) x: x sub-reaction
F: Faraday constant (96,485 C mol1 )