Inrush Current Calculation PDF
Inrush Current Calculation PDF
Inrush Current Calculation PDF
The presence of remanent magnetism can increase this effect, Transformer 1 Transformer 2
leading to even larger inrush currents.
10.5 kV 66.0 kV 10.5 kV
160 MVA
generators have a rating of 34 MVA and 50 MVA at a voltage Transformer 3 66.0/220.0 kV
of 10.5 kV. The first generator is connected to a 66 kV busbar
10.5 kV
through a 20.0 MVA 10.6/66 kV transformer. It is driven by a
gas turbine. The second generator is connected to the same Transformer 4
34.0 MVA 20.0 MVA
66 kV busbar through a 50 MVA transformer and is also a gas 10.5 kV 10.6/66.0 kV 220.0 kV
turbine unit.
XM RFe -200
0.015 0.035 0.055 0.075 0.095 [s] 0.115
n1 : n2 (f ile SW_20_2.pl4; x-v ar t) c:X0055C-X0051C c:X0055A-X0051A c:X0055B-X0051B
typical value of 500 is used. This value is tuned to get a better 38-2T02: Phase Current C/HV-Side in A
match between simulated and measured curve of the inrush Fig. 4. Simulation of the connection of transformer 2 with ATP (above) and
current during the simulations. Power Factory (below)
To model the remanent magnetism in Power Factory, the
value of the transformer magnetizing flux is set at a In figure 5 the phase currents for the switching of the
predefined value (between 0 and 0.7 p.u.) at the start of a 160 MVA transformer (transformer 4 of system b in figure 1)
simulation. are depicted.
The shape and amplitude of the inrush currents depend The tuning showed that the amount of remanent magnetism
strongly on the instant of connection for both transformers. and the value of the saturated flux were up to a certain extent
The cause of this is the physical mechanism that causes the interchangeable.
occurrence of the inrush current, which makes them
B. Comparison of simulations and measurements
dependent on voltage at connection instant as well as on
remanent magnetism, as described earlier. In figure 6, one of the measurements of the connection to
the 66 kV busbar is shown for transformer 2 and transformer
2000 4. When these figures are compared to figures 4 and 5, it can
[A] be concluded that for transformer 2 both the amplitude and
shape of the measured inrush currents are quite similar to the
1000 simulation results obtained with ATP and Power Factory.
500 200
-500 100
Current [A]
0.008 0.028 0.048 0.068 0.088 [s] 0.108
(f ile SW_160_2.pl4; x-v ar t) c:X0024B-X0001B c:X0024C-X0001C c:X0024A-X0001A
0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1
Time [s]
1000.0 2000
Current [A]
0.00 25.00 50.00 75.00 [ms] 100.
38-1T261: Phase Current A/LV-Side in A
38-1T261: Phase Current B/LV-Side in A -2000
38-1T261: Phase Current C/LV-Side in A 0 0,02 0,04 0,06 0,08 0,1
Time [s]
Fig. 5. Simulation of the connection of transformer 4 with ATP (above) and
Power Factory (below) Fig. 6. Measurements of the connection of transformer 2 (above) and
transformer 4 (below)
Further investigations with ATP on the impact of the
presence of remanent magnetism (which was created by first For transformer 4, the observed discrepancies both with
starting up the simulation with the transformer connected and respect to shape as well as to amplitude are larger, particularly
then disconnecting and again reconnecting it) have shown that in ATP, but to a lesser extent also in Power Factory. It proved
when this was included, the simulation results varied even not feasible to get a better match. Explanations for this
more widely [9]. However, in the rest of this paper, remanent observation could be the that the magnetizing characteristic of
magnetism is not included in the ATP simulations in order to the iron differs more from the assumed characteristic than in
reduce the number of quantities to be varied. case of transformer 2 or that the effect of the simplifications in
The simulations with Power Factory also showed that the the transformers model (e.g. neglecting the third winding of
inrush current is dependent on the instant of connection and transformer 4, which was not present in transformer 2)
on the assumed amount of remanent magnetism. In the Power negatively affect the similarity between simulation results and
Factory model, the instant of connection and the amount of measurements. Further, in some cases the phases had to be
remanent magnetism were tuned together with the value of the exchanged to get a better correspondence. This is, however,
slope of the saturated flux (figure 3) in order to get the best not seen as a major weakness of the model, because in
possible agreement between the simulation results and the practice it does not matter very much which phase exhibits
measurements described in the next section. which behavior, as long as the behavior of each of the phases
in the measurements is reflected in the simulation results as
The maximum resonance overvoltages found in the
V. SIMULATIONS OF RE-ENERGIZING THE GRID simulations, caused by the transformer impedance and the
The high voltage grid in the North of the Netherlands is a cable capacitance, were 1.9 per unit. Similar voltages
220 kV grid. According to the test procedures for re- appeared at the station side of the cable.
energizing the grid, the black-start unit has to energize the Such voltages are not acceptable, particularly not because
220 kV station it is connected to, and the first load station. in the experiment the grid side of the station was in normal
The latter requires energizing of a 220/110 kV transformer. operation, but also not during a black-start. Therefore another
Therefore the model is extended with the 2.1 km cable to the black-start procedure had to be developed.
220 kV station and the 220/110 kV transformer (transformer
5). A simplified single line diagram is shown in figure 7.
Before the first large size transformer is energized, the two
generating units run in parallel as shown in figure 7. The 200.0
66/220 kV transformer is energized together with the 220 kV
66.0/220.0 kV 2.1 km
Transformer 3
Transformer 4 0.000 0.025 0.050 0.075 [s] 0.1
Term38-1T261: Phase Voltage A in kV
10.5 kV Term38-1T261: Phase Voltage B in kV
220.0 kV Term38-1T261: Phase Voltage C in kV
Transformer 5
Delesto B.V. is acknowledged for carrying out the
measurements, providing the equipment data and supporting
the work reported in the paper. Assistance of TenneT bv and
50 Essent Netwerk B.V. was available for the switching
Voltage [kV]