Journal of The IRC April-June-2017 78 Part-1 Pages 1-56 + Cover
Journal of The IRC April-June-2017 78 Part-1 Pages 1-56 + Cover
Journal of The IRC April-June-2017 78 Part-1 Pages 1-56 + Cover
of the
Indian Roads Congress
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Paper No. 662
Ride Quality Programme (IRQP) and Periodical (PR)” in September 2002 (1). Although these
Renewal (PR) do not generally produce guidelines are meant for national highways, other
durable bituminous pavements which result in organizations like state highway agencies, Border
unsatisfactory condition of roads especially Roads Organization, also use similar guidelines
during monsoons. This has resulted in general for other highways across India. Some agencies
dissatisfaction of the motoring public at large with also use other variations of bituminous mixes/
roads in rural and urban India. applications. So there is a significant proliferation
of practices used in the IRQP and PR of bituminous
2. CURRENT PRACTICES pavements across India.
As mentioned earlier in introduction, MORTH Table 1 gives MORTH guidelines for IRQP in
issued “Revised Guidelines for Selection of terms of various unbound and bound pavement
National Highway Stretches for Improving Ride courses/applications depending on the thickness of
Quality Programme (IRQP) and Periodic Renewals existing pavement.
Table 1 Various MORTH Options in Improving Ride Quality Programme (IRQP)
Primarily, six courses/applications are included Table 2 gives MORTH guidelines for PR in terms
in Table 1: Wet Mix Macadam (WMM), of bituminous courses/applications depending on
Bituminous Macadam (BM), Semi Dense daily number of commercial vehicles. Primarily,
Bituminous Concrete (SDBC), Built Up Spray the following courses/applications are included
Grout (BUSG), Mixed Seal Surfacing (MSS), and in this table: Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete
Premix Carpet (PMC). These courses/applications (SDBC), Mixed Seal Surfacing (MSS), and Premix
have been reviewed in the next section of this Carpet (PMC). These are also reviewed in the next
paper. section.
Table 2 MORTH Guidelines for Periodical Renewal (PR)
(MSS), and Built Up Spray Grout (BUSG). and densely graded DBM used instead in all cases?
The fundamental suitability of these mixes/ To answer that question BM and DBM should
applications in flexible pavement has been be compared both from the engineering aspect
examined (2,3). (primary) and economical aspect (secondary). This
3.1 Bituminous Macadam (BM) has been done considering the following factors
Bituminous Macadam (BM) is an open graded,
permeable, and recipe type mix produced without Permeability: It has been acknowledged in many
any quality control on its volumetrics or strength IRC and MORTH publications that BM is a much
(stability). The primary problem with the BM mix is more open mix compared to the densely graded
that being very open graded, it is highly permeable DBM. The MORTH Manual for Construction and
and therefore will trap moisture or water. BM and Supervision of Bituminous Works (4) states on
SDBC were developed several years ago, when page 52, “Because of the open-graded aggregate
conventional hot mix plants were not common. At matrix, the voids content (in the BM) can be as
that time, hot mixing was done in small portable high as 20-25 percent.”
plants or concrete mixers in which much fine Fig. 3 shows the open texture of compacted BM
aggregate could not be used due to limitations of Grading 1. When these specimens were placed
the available heating and mixing equipment. Now, under a water tap, the water readily passed through
good hot mix plants are normally available almost them indicating very high permeability.
all across India.
Figs. 1 and 2 show cross-sections where BM has
been used as a base, binder or Profile Corrective
Course (PCC) with no outlet for water thus creating
a “bath tub” situation within the pavement.
Fig. 1 Flexible Pavement with BM as a So there cannot be any argument about the fact that
Base Course or PCC the BM is a highly permeable mix compared to the
dense graded DBM. It has been said, three things
are important in highway construction – drainage,
drainage, and drainage. No permeable asphalt layer
is desirable within the pavement structure (unless
it is specifically for drainage with proper outlets)
whether it is a PCC, base course, binder course
or whatever. If this fundamental requirement is
disregarded, the potential for premature pavement
distress is increased. A permeable layer always
attracts and traps water, moisture or moisture
Fig. 2 Flexible Pavement with BM as a vapour. Water can come from the top, from the
Base/Binder Course sides, or from the unbound courses underneath
The fundamental question thus boils down to BM (5,6). This leads to stripping of bitumen in the
versus DBM. Should open graded BM be deleted permeable layer as well as in the adjacent layers
overlying or underlying it due to traffic action Rs. 4,796 per cu m. That is a saving of Rs. 558
thereby resulting in premature failure of the road per cu m or about 10 percent, when DBM is used
(Fig. 4). in lieu of BM. That is a lot of savings on a road
project. The preceding cost analyses have clearly
established that DBM is much cheaper than the
BM on equivalency cost basis. This fact should not
be ignored by pavement designers.
Traffic Conditions: According to some highway
engineers, BM is intended for low-traffic roads
only, although it is being used indiscriminately on
national highways and state highways. However,
the fact remains that any layer, which traps water,
should not be used whether it is a low-volume
Fig. 4 Premature Failure of a Road in Eastern India or high-volume road. The concept of perpetual
due to Presence of Water in the BM pavement or long lasting pavements is relevant
even for less traffic roads.
Structural Strength: Many highway agencies
across the world give structural value to a BM type Even the Central Road Research Institute
mix (used for drainage with proper outlets) of 50% (CRRI) has stated in 2008 the following in their
of dense graded DBM type mix. IRC Publications investigational report (7) on premature failure of
37 and 81 on flexible pavement design state that 7 NH-91 in Uttar Pradesh: “For ensuring long term
mm of DBM is equal to 10 mm of BM. In either pavement performance, focus now must shift to
case, the DBM is far superior to the BM in terms the use of dense graded bituminous mixes (such
of structural strength and fatigue life. as DBM and BC) rather than the open graded and
semi dense bituminous mixes (such as BM and
Use as a PCC: It has Been Surmised that BM is a
SDBC)…….Bituminous Macadam is a highly
good material for Profile Corrective Course (PCC)
permeable mix which is prone to rutting and water
because it resists reflection cracking. It does not
induced damage. Bituminous Macadam, though is
appear that this conclusion is based on any research.
widely used at present, but needs to be gradually
No other country is using a permeable, water-
replaced with DBM in the coming years, because
trapping type mix for PCC. Only dense graded
it is not cost effective in the long run and does not
mixes such as DBM or BC are used for transverse
perform better during the design life of a pavement
or longitudinal profile correction in other countries
subjected to heavy traffic. Similarly, the use of
(8) in courses called scratch courses, levelling
Semi-Dense Bituminous Concrete is also needed
courses or wedge courses, which are same as
to be discouraged as it suffers from "pessimism"
India’s PCC.
voids, which have potential to trap water resulting
Cost Considerations: The use of BM is quite often into damage due to moisture. It should be substituted
made on the premise that BM is cheaper than DBM by Bituminous Concrete as it is a better performing
and, therefore, it is suitable for use in developing mix and is also cost effective in the long run.”
country like India. That is simply not correct as
It is evident from the preceding discussion that BM
discussed below.
should not be used at all in flexible pavement.
Comparative cost analysis of BM and DBM has
been done based on the 2013 Basic Schedule of 3.2 Semi Dense Bituminous Concrete (SDBC)
Rates (BSR) of BM and DBM obtained from There is no engineering logic in using a “semi-
the Rajasthan PWD Circle in Jaipur. The cost of dense” mix when only dense, continuously graded
BM Grading 2 in place is Rs 5,354 per cu m and mixes are technically desirable. In most developed
the cost of DBM Grading 2 in place is Rs. 6,851 countries (8) either dense mixes (HMA) are
per cu m. Considering that 100 mm thick BM is provided or the open graded asphalt friction course
equal to 70 mm thick DBM as per IRC guidelines, (OGFC) is provided as wearing course. Semi-dense
the actual cost of DBM in place comes out to be mixes which are neither dense graded nor open
graded, contain the so-called “pessimum” voids used at the present time because it is still in the
when constructed. Terrel and Shute (9) advanced IRC Specification. SDBC should not be used at all
the concept of “pessimum” voids for stripping. in flexible pavement.
Pessimum represents opposite of optimum. The
objective is to stay out of the “pessimum” void
range. A “semi-dense” mix, which has a potential
for having “pessimum” voids in it, is likely to trap
moisture/water and cause stripping. As mentioned
earlier, this also has been acknowledged by the
CRRI while investigating NH-91 in Uttar Pradesh
Unfortunately, the use of SDBC has been
advertently promoted to some extent because only
SDBC Grading 2 has been specified by MORTH
Fig. 5 Shallow Potholes (Scaling) on SDBC on
for a thin layer of 25 mm. However, the fact Highway in South India
remains that thin 25 mm mat cools rapidly after
lay down and it is not possible to compact it to 3.3 Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM)
the desired level. This results in high permeability At the present time the dense bituminous macadam
and reduced life. It should also be noted that BC is (DBM) is specified for use as a base course and/
only 10 percent more expensive than the SDBC as or binder course. Two gradations of the DBM
is evident from the following prices obtained from are specified in Section 505 of 2013 MORTH
the 2013 Schedule of Rates of Rajasthan PWD, specifications: Grading 1 has a NMAS (nominal
Jaipur Circle. maximum aggregate size) of 37.5 mm and Grading
Semi-Dense Bituminous Rs. 7,758 per cu m 2 has a NMAS of 25 mm.
Concrete (SDBC) Grading 2 Table 3 gives the existing MORTH composition
Bituminous Concrete (BC) Rs. 8,553 per cu m of DBM Gradings 1 and 2. The specified
Grading 2 percentage of fine aggregate is the same in both
gradings (28-42 percent), the main difference
Unfortunately across India the extremely undesirable
is just some large size aggregate particles
combination of BM and SDBC continues to be
(25-45 mm size) are contained in Grading 1. Use
used even in heavy rain areas like northeast India.
of large stone mix (NMAS of 37.5 mm or larger)
It is simply unacceptable. Rainwater permeates
has several disadvantages such as segregation
through the semi dense SDBC (or its cracks) and is (Fig. 6) and high permeability (2). These
stored in the underlying BM “bath tub”. The water disadvantages outweigh the “marginal” gain in
or moisture vapor from the BM can cause stripping stability, if any, over a 25 mm NMAS mix. Since
in the BM as well as in the overlying SDBC, Grading 1 is highly permeable, it has to be sealed
quite often also causing debonding (scaling) of or overlaid before rainy season otherwise water
the SDBC from the BM. This scaling results in will penetrate it and damage the underlying WMM
numerous “shallow potholes” on the road as shown course. Experienced Indian highway engineers
in Fig. 5. These shallow potholes are sometimes advise this but the solution is to simply ban the
repaired with premix carpet (PMC) mix which can problematic DBM Grading 1 altogether and use only
perpetuate the problem. the DBM Grading 2. On many national highways
Although MORTH has rightly deleted SDBC in its in India deteriorated DBM Grading 1 in the lower
revised 2013 Specification (10), no circular was lift of the total DBM, which was disintegrated due
issued for the information of highway engineers as to stripping, could not be retrieved intact by coring.
to why it was deleted. Unfortunately, it is being One case is shown in Fig. 7.
Grading 1 2
Nominal Aggregate Size 40 mm 25 mm
Lift Thickness 80-100 mm 50-75 mm
Sieve, mm Percent Passing
45 100
37.5 95-100 100
26.5 63-93 90-100
19 - 71-95
13.2 55-75 56-80
9.5 - -
4.75 38-54 38-54
2.36 28-42 28-42
1.18 - -
0.6 - -
0.3 7-21 7-21
0.15 - -
0.075 2-8 2-8
Bitumen Content, % Min. 4.0 Min. 4.5
Based on the preceding discussion, problematic As discussed earlier, DBM Grading 2 was selected
DBM Grading 1 should not be used in flexible as base course. Now, there is a need to select a
pavement. binder course and two wearing (surface) course.
BC Grading 1 with a NMAS of 19 mm is suitable
3.4 Bituminous Concrete (BC)
for a binder course because by definition it binds
Two gradings of the Bituminous Concrete (BC) the base course (NMAS of 25 mm) and the wearing
have been specified in Section 507 of the MORTH course (NMAS of 13 mm) with an intermediate
Specifications (2013). According to MORTH, BC (transition) NMAS of 19 mm. BC Grading 2
can be used for wearing and profile corrective with a NMAS of 13 mm is suitable for a wearing
courses. Grading 1 has a NMAS of 19 mm and course. Therefore, BC Grading 1 should be
Grading 2 has a NMAS of 13 mm. renamed as a binder course and used as such in the
pavement design in lieu of the upper lift of DBM. suitable for thin asphalt lifts and should be
This conforms to general practice in developed preferred over BC Grading 2. This BC gradation
countries. with a NMAS of 9.5 mm is being used
There is a need to add a new BC gradation with successfully across the US even on interstate
a NMAS of 9.5 mm, which can be used for light (national) highways. Such a gradation was
to medium traffic, and in urban areas to provide proposed in the IRC paper by Kandhal, Sinha and
smooth and highly impermeable and durable Veeraragavan (2). All three BC gradations are
bituminous road surface. BC Grading 3 is also shown in Table 4.
Table 4 Aggregate Grading for Bituminous Concrete (Bc) Gradings 1, 2 And 3
3.5 Premix Carpet (PMC) tin cans. Spreading the surface aggregate (chips)
Before the premix carpet (PMC) is discussed, a by hand was an art learnt through practice, usually
little history is in order. When the first author was by swirling the basket containing aggregate.
serving as highway engineer in the Rajasthan PWD As is usual with surface dressing, chips were
during early 1960s, it was very common to use dislocated and became loose if the treated road
bituminous surface dressing (SD) or chip sealing was opened too soon to traffic or slow speeds were
on most types of roads. Surface dressing was very not maintained just after construction. The finished
effective in water-proofing the WBM roads because road surface was not black and therefore not too
of heavy bitumen application rate followed by chip
appealing to the public.
application. Surface dressing was scheduled once
in 3 or 4 years on all roads. Very potholes dotted the Too overcome these perceived “problems”, the
roads at that time. Traffic volumes were generally Premix Carpet (PMC) was introduced with the
less during that time period. Road construction was IRC publishing its specification for the first time
largely manual and hardly mechanized. Bitumen in 1962. As mentioned earlier, road construction
for surface dressing was applied with perforated was still manual. Single size chips (nominal size
12 mm) were either broken by labourers by hand The undesirable water-trapping characteristic of
or obtained from stone crusher plants (if available the PMC, which causes potholes due to increased
nearby). Hot bitumen was applied as tack coat hydraulic pressure under traffic, is discussed
through perforated tin cans. The mix containing below.
almost single size aggregate (11.2 mm to 13.2 mm)
To keep things in perspective, let’s compare
could easily be coated with about 3-3.5% bitumen
PMC with Open Graded Asphalt Friction Course
either by hand on flat pans placed over wooden
(OGFC), which is used in developed countries
log fire; or small drums rotated by hand; or small
primarily for road safety. Although OGFC is not
portable mixing plants. Under such circumstances
used in India, experience with OGFC is applicable
graded aggregate could not be used.
to PMC used in India in certain aspects. Both are
The mix was taken in hand carts and spread over highly water permeable (porous) mixes and are
tack coated road surface using hand rakes. After placed 20 mm thick. The OGFC is placed on dense
rolling the road surface appeared “shining” black, bituminous concrete (similar to BC Grading 2) to
no loose stone and impressive to public unlike provide a skid resistant wearing surface during
surface dressing. It was realized that the PMC was
rainfall or when the pavement is wet. The rainwater
highly permeable to rainwater due to single size
penetrates the open surface of the OGFC; goes to
aggregate being used in the mix. Therefore, the use
its bottom; then flows within 20 mm thick OGFC
of sand seal coat was warranted to seal the surface
towards the shoulders; and then exits from the
of the open graded mix. Sand was mixed with
exposed edge of the OGFC onto shoulders. Since
about 7% bitumen, applied on the open surface,
there is no rainwater on the surface of OGFC there
and rolled.
is no hydroplaning or skidding of motor vehicles
With the advent of the PMC, surface dressing on its surface. OGFC is highly permeable to water
started to die across India and is almost non- since it has over 18% air voids (12). The OGFC is
existent in many states such as Rajasthan. This durable despite high air voids because it has about
is ironical that surface dressing is still being 6% polymer modified bitumen content, which
used extensively and successfully on low to
provides thick bitumen film around the aggregate
medium-trafficked roads in developed countries
such as US, Australia, New Zealand and South
Africa. Some Indian engineers argue that surface The premix carpet (PMC) on the other hand is
dressing is successful in those countries because substantially more open graded and more porous
the construction (bitumen application and (permeable to water) than the OGFC because
chip spreading) is mechanized there. It is not the former uses very coarse aggregate (nominal
understood as to what is preventing the Indian size of 11.2 to 13.2 mm). Its air void content is
engineers in this day and age to require/mandate estimated to be over 25 percent. Although a sand
bitumen distributors (already available for tack seal coat is provided on the surface of the PMC,
coat work) and mechanized chip spreaders (being it is not completely effective in making the PMC
manufactured in Gujarat) (11). waterproof at the surface. Even if there is a small
The PMC has probably served India well for over patch where the PMC has lost its sand seal, the
50 years especially during the time mechanization surface water on the road can penetrate it at that
was almost not there. However, due to significant spot, flow side wards like in OGFC, and flood
increase in vehicular traffic and PMC’s inherent the entire PMC below the sand seal (Fig. 8). The
water-trapping characteristics its service life has hydraulic pressure induced by traffic in the water
decreased significantly in recent years. Time has trapped within the PMC below the seal coat is
come now to think out of the box and consider likely to cause stripping within the PMC and the
surface dressing in lieu of PMC for low to medium- underlying bituminous course. If the underlying
trafficked roads because it is highly economical course is WMM or WBM, it would get saturated
(as discussed later) as well as highly effective in and lose its strength especially if it contains some
water-proofing the road pavement. plastic material.
rather rapidly during monsoons especially in PMGSY engineers revealed its average life to be
towns and cities where streets usually get flooded. 2 years without significant distress such as
The average life of PMC in Jaipur is about 1-2 ravelling and potholes. This is not acceptable. If
years. Its bitumen content is about 3.5 percent. the PMC is a panacea for low to medium trafficked
roads in India, why this technology cannot be
used in developed countries in this global world?.
However, that would require fundamental,
sound engineering justification which is almost
nonexistent and hard to come by in case of the
Therefore, time has come now to ban the PMC
altogether because its continued use cannot be
justified technically as well as economically
anywhere; be it city streets, low volume roads (such
as PMGSY), or medium to high volume roads.
Obviously, there are cases where PMC with good, For low to medium-trafficked roads where PMC
uniform sand seal coat and/or very dry climate has is used right now, use single or double surface
endured well. However, fundamentally the question treatment. If ‘black” road surface is desirable for
is why to place a highly porous bituminous mix surface dressing to “impress” motoring public as
like PMC in the first place and then try to seal it. well as minimize chip loss, precoated chips can be
There is no available data as to what depth, if any; used. It should be noted all these alternatives are
the estimated 6 mm thick sand seal coat really much cheaper than the PMC as shown in Table 5.
penetrates the 20 mm thick PMC when rolled. Note that the cost of single coat surface dressing is
There are numerous other questions related to only 1/3 of the cost of PMC. It is not understood
PMC which need to be answered: total air voids in as to why it cannot be used on low volume roads
PMC; absolute volume of sand seal coat; unfilled such as PMGSY; that would save India thousands
voids in PMC; depth of sand seal penetration in of crores of rupees every year. Just imagine
PMC; etc. etc. It is surprising to note as to why no how many thousands of additional kilometres of
such research was conducted in India for the last PMGSY roads can be built with the savings. Even
60 years to answer these legitimate questions. On if double surface dressing with precoated chips is
the other hand, hundreds of research papers have used, its cost is only three-fourth (3/4) of the cost
been published across the world in case of surface of PMC.
dressing in terms of its rational design, construction Pandey and his associates have made the following
and performance. How come hardly any research observation recently, “While a wearing course of
has been conducted in India where PMC is surface dressing has been known for its durability
used, especially on its structure, volumetrics, all over the world on low volume roads, the wearing
performance and durability? It appears there is course of premix carpet and seal coat is very
conventional wisdom only that PMC does work common in India though frequent pothole repair
and is “good” for India and therefore there is no and patching well within five years of construction
need for any research on it. are not uncommon. The thick film of bitumen in
No published data on average life of PMC in the surface dressing oxidises slowly and retains
India could be found in the literature either. Some flexibility for a longer period.” (13).
Table 5 Comparison of Costs for PMC and Recommended Alternates (Base Year 2013)
given in Annexure. This is a very conservative US interstate (national) highways with satisfactory
analysis in that the remaining service life, salvage performance.
value, maintenance expenses, and user operating Therefore, there is no need for MSS; rather it
costs were not even considered, which all favour should be deleted from the Indian specifications
BC. Therefore, savings will be much more than and replaced with a more densely graded, more
24.1 percent. More importantly, BC Grading 2 durable BC Grading 3.
provides significant structural strength to the road
pavement for future traffic growth whereas PMC 3.6 Built-up Spray Grout (BUSG)
has almost zero structural strength to offer. Built-up Spray Grout (BUSG) has been
recommended as a base course for flexible
Mixed Seal Surfacing (MSS) The Indian Roads
pavements. It is not a bituminous mix; rather a
Congress adopted the Mixed Seal Surfacing
two-layer composite construction of compacted,
(MSS) specification IRC:SP:78-2008 (17)
almost singe sized crushed aggregates with
probably as an alternate to the PMC; both are
application of hot bitumen after each layer. Single
applied in 20 mm thickness. Since hot mix asphalt
sized key aggregate is then applied at the top.
plants are now widely available across India, it
Obviously, this type of bituminous construction
was considered practical and easy to adopt a hot is highly permeable because the sprayed bitumen
mix which would encompass or incorporate both does not fill the voids in the coarse aggregate
the PMC and the sand seal in one mix rather than adequately. Therefore, this type of construction is
two different applications. This would also reduce considered water trapping. This has been proven
cost of construction. As shown in Table 6, two from the fact that potholes repaired with BUSG
gradations are specified for MSS: one is “closed” technique quite often reappear in a year or two.
gradation (Type A with NMAS of 9.5 mm) and the
other is “open” gradation (Type B with NMAS of Therefore, BUSG should not be used at all in India.
9.5 mm or 12.5 mm). Since the “closed” graded Although BUSG has been rightly deleted from
mix has NMAS of 9.5 mm it can be placed in recently revised 2013 MORTH Specification (10),
20 mm thick course similar to PMC. Both are no circular has been issued by MORTH as to why
recipe type mixes with no mix design requirements it was deleted and whether or not it should be used
by highway agencies.
such as Marshall required for BC.
Table 6 Aggregate Gradings for Mix Seal Surfacing 4. RECOMMENDATIONS FOR
IS Sieve Size, mm Type A Type B PROGRAMME (IRQP)
% Passing % Passing Improving Ride Quality Programme (IRQP) is
by Weight by Weight practiced across India for the implied purpose.
13.2 --- 100 As mentioned earlier, MORTH issued revised
11.2 100 88-100 guidelines for IRQP for national highway stretches
in September 2002 (1). The guidelines are also
5.6 52-88 31-52
used by the state highway agencies for roads other
2.8 14-38 5-25 than national highways with all kinds of variations
0.090 0-5 0-5 as noted from NITs published in newspapers.
Both MSS mixes are not really dense graded Table 7 gives various options for IRQP along
mixes similar to BC Grading 2. The question is: with costs based on 2013 Rajasthan PWD Basic
Schedule of Rates (BSR). The first seven options
why not adopt well designed dense graded BC
are listed in the MORTH circular of September
Grading 3 with NMAS of 9.5 mm proposed earlier
2002. Options 8 and 9 have been used by some
under BC to achieve the same purpose? Gradations
states. Option 10 has been proposed in this paper
of BC Grading 2 and proposed BC Grading 3 are
in lieu of Options 1 through 9 as discussed later.
included in Table 4 for comparison. That would
ensure an almost impermeable and durable Based on the preceding detailed technical
mix, also designed with the Marshall Method. discussion, BM, SDBC, PMC, MSS and BUSG
Grading 3 is even used as a wearing course on should be deleted from the Indian Specifications
(both MORTH and IRC) and therefore should be of bituminous course because that would mean
excluded from Table 7. Use of WMM (see options abandoning its structural contribution (in terms
1, 2, 3, and 4 in Table 7) is not advised if IRQP of tensile strength) to the rehabilitated pavement
is being conducted on an existing road consisting system.
Table 7 Comparison of Costs for Various Options in Improving Ride Quality Programme (IRQP)
should be deleted from the Indian Specifications For medium to heavy trafficked roads, BC Grading
(MORTH and IRC) and therefore should not be 2 listed as Option 9 should be used. Although the
used for PR as well. cost of 25 mm BC Grading 2 (NMAS of 12.5 mm) is
comparable to problematic SDBC, PMC and MSS,
As mentioned earlier, single or double surface
it would be better to use BC Grading 3 (NMAS
dressing with or without precoated chips (Options
of 9.5 mm) to facilitate thin lift paving. However,
5, 6, 7, and 8 in Table 8) should be used for low thin lifts do cool rapidly and it is difficult to obtain
to medium trafficked roads. Surface dressing adequate compaction. Therefore, use of 40 mm BC
would really waterproof the pavement structure Grading 2 should also be considered in terms of
compared to PMC and MSS. It is unbelievable constructability, structural strength, longevity, and
to note that the cost of PMC is about three lower life cycle costs. Budget constraints are used
times the cost of singe surface dressing. Even as excuse quite often to justify use of undesirable
double surface dressing with precoated chips is bituminous mixes/applications.
much cheaper than the PMC. It should be noted MORTH Circular also recommends use of CRMB
that surface dressing is used world wide with or PMB in bituminous mixes used for PR. Whereas
high degree of success. PMC is used only in PMB with elastomers is acceptable and should
India despite its high costs and unacceptable be used; CRMB should not be used as explained
durability. earlier.
Table 8 Comparison of Various Options for Bituminous Periodical Renewal (PR) with Costs
(DBM) Grading 1; Premix Carpet (PMC); and dressing with or without precoated chips should be
Mixed Seal Surfacing (MSS). The Built-Up Spray used for low to medium trafficked roads. Surface
Grout (BUSG) is no different. Their use is simply dressing would really waterproof the pavement
unacceptable and results in poor performing roads structure compared to PMC and MSS. The cost of
in India. No technical paper(s) could be found PMC is about three times the cost of single surface
in the literature justifying the use of these seven dressing. Even double surface dressing with
mixes on technical grounds. The remaining three precoated chips is much cheaper than the PMC. It
are dense graded (and therefore desirable) mixes. should be noted that surface dressing is used world
These are: Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) wide with high success. PMC is used only in India
Grading 2; Bituminous Concrete (BC) Grading 1; despite lack of research on it, its high costs, its
and Bituminous Concrete (BC) Grading 2. generally high permeability, and its unacceptable
Therefore, these seven bituminous mixes should durability.
be deleted from the Indian specifications (both For medium to heavy trafficked roads and city
MORTH and IRC) and their use in new flexible streets, BC Grading 2 should be used. Proposed BC
pavement construction, in Improving Ride Quality Grading 3 (NMAS of 9.5 mm) can be considered
Programme (IRQP), and in Periodical Renewal for thin lift paving. However, thin lifts do cool
(PR) programme should not be permitted. rapidly and it is difficult to obtain adequate
Detailed guidelines have been given in this paper compaction. Therefore, use of 40 mm BC
for selection of acceptable bituminous mixes/ Grading 2 should also be considered in terms of
applications based on durability and economics in constructability, structural strength, longevity, and
case of IRQP and PR. They are given briefly as lower life cycle costs.
follows: The preceding recommendations have the potential
Improving Ride Quality Programme (IRQP). to obtain more durable flexible pavements in rural
Do not use PMC, MSS and SDBC as listed in and urban India regardless of traffic intensity.
MORTH Guidelines Circular dated 26 September
2002. Do not use WMM if the existing road
consists of bituminous course(s). Use 60 mm BC Valuable comments/suggestions given by
Grading 2 in two applications: 20 mm (average) Dr. Mittar Dhir, former Director of Central Road
scratch or leveling course (with a paver) followed Research Institute (CRRI), R.S. Shukla, former
by a 40 mm wearing course. The thickness of the Head, Flexible Pavement Division of CRRI; Prof.
scratch or leveling course can be increased from A.N. Arora, Kautilya College of Engineering,
20 mm to 30 mm if so required. Of all the options Jaipur; Kirori Mal Modi, Paving Contractor; and
given in MORTH guidelines circular this is not Sanjay Garg, MORTH are acknowledged.
only economical but would also result in a highly REFERENCES
strong, durable, and smooth road pavement. In 1. MORTH. Revised Guidelines for Selection
other words, MORTH circular dated 26 September of National Highway Stretches for Improving
Ride Quality Programme (IRQP) and Periodic
2002 should be withdrawn and revised as
Renewals (PR). Circular No. RW/NH-33044
recommended. /10/2000-S&R dated 26 September 2002.
Periodical Renewal. Do not use PMC, MSS and 2. Kandhal, P.S., V.K. Sinha and A. Veeraragavan.
A Critical Review of Bituminous Mixes Used
SDBC as listed in MORTH Guidelines Circular
in India. Journal of the Indian Roads Congress,
dated 26 September 2002. Single or double surface Volume 69-2, July-September 2008.
3. Kandhal, P.S., A. Veeraragavan, and R.K. Jain. 11. Government of Gujarat. Roads and
Guidelines for Long Lasting Bituminous Buildings Department. Surface Dressing: An
Pavements. Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Effective But Inexpensive Maintenance Tech-
Volume 71-3, 2010. nique. Accessed at:
4. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways.
al-Gujarat on 23 June 2014.
Manual for Construction and Supervision of
Flexible Pavement Works. Indian Roads 12. Kandhal, P.S. Design, Construction, and
Congress, New Delhi, November 2001. Maintenance of Open-Graded Asphalt
Friction Courses. National Asphalt
5. Kandhal, P.S. Moisture Susceptibility of
Pavement Association Information Series 115,
HMA Mixes: Identification of Problem and
May 2002.
Recommended Solutions. National Asphalt
Pavement Association, Quality Improvement 13. Saboo, N., M.A. Reddy and B.B. Pandey. Durable
Publication (QIP) No. 119, December 1992. Wearing Course for Bituminous Pavements.
Indian Roads Congress, Indian Highways, May
6. Kandhal, P.S., C.W. Lubold, and F.L. Roberts.
Water Damage to Asphalt Overlays: Case
Histories. Proceedings, Association of Asphalt 14. Indian Roads Congress. Guidelines for the Design
Paving Technologists, Vol. 58, l989. of Flexible Pavements for Low Volume Rural
Roads. IRC:SP:72-2007.
7. Central Road Research Institute. Investigation
of NH-91 in Uttar Pradesh. Indian Roads 15. Indian Roads Congress. Standard Specifications
Congress, Report on Road Research in India, and Code of Practice for Design and Construction
2008. of Surface Dressing. IRC: 110 -2005.
8. Roberts, F.L., P.S. Kandhal, E.R. Brown, D.Y. 16. Indian Roads Congress. Specifications for Dense
Lee, and T.W. Kennedy. Hot Mix Asphalt Graded Bituminous Mixes. IRC:111-2009.
Materials, Mixture Design and Construction. 17. Indian Roads Congress. Specifications for Mixed
NCAT Textbook, NAPA Education Foundation, Seal Surfacing (MSS). IRC:SP:78-2008.
Lanham, Maryland, Second Edition, 1996.
18. Kandhal, P. S. Quality Control Requirements for
9. Terrel, R. L. and J. W. Shute. Summary Report on Using Crumb Rubber Modified Bitumen (CRMB).
Water Sensitivity. SHRP Report SHRP-A/IR-89- Journal of the Indian Roads Congress, Volume
003, November 1989. 67-1, April-June 2006.
10. Ministry of Road Transport & Highways. 19. Kandhal, P.S. and M.P. Dhir. Use of Modified
Specifications for Road and Bridge Works, Binders in India: Current Imperatives. Journal of
Fifth Revision, 2013, Indian Roads Congress, the Indian Roads Congress, Volume 72-3,
New Delhi. October-December 2011.
Life cycle cost analysis (LCCA) of Premix Carpet (PMC) and Bituminous Concrete (BC) Grading
2 Analysis period = 6 years Assumptions:
● Average life of 20 mm PMC with sand seal coat = 3 years (real 2 years)
● Average life of 40 mm BC Grading 2 = 6 years (real 7-8 years)
[This means 20 mm PMC will be required for rehabilitation of the pavement after 3 years.]
● Cost of 20 mm PMC per km lane = 7.88 lacs
● Cost of 40 mm BC Grading 2 per km lane = 12.00 lacs
● Real discount rate = 4%
● Net present value (NPV) = Initial cost + Rehab cost (1/(1+r)n)
● Salvage value considered equal after the 6 years analysis period (although BC would have a
significantly higher structural strength whereas PMC strength is almost zero)
● Remaining service life after analysis period of 6 years considered equal (although BC would
have more service life because it is dense graded)
● No maintenance activity considered during 6 years period (although PMC is likely to require
some activity)
● User operating costs considered equal (although BC would provide a smoother ride and less
operating costs)
Deterministic Approach was used for LCCA, which is easy and is used traditionally. The Net Present
Value (NPV) was calculated for PMC and BC for the 6-year period as follows:
NPV of PMC = 14.89 lacs
NPV of BC Grading 2 = 12.00 lacs
This means, PMC is 24.1% more expensive than BC Grading 2.
If the remaining service life, salvage value, maintenance costs, and user operating costs are considered
(which all are in favour of BC), PMC would be much more expensive than 24.1 percent, which was
calculated with very conservative assumptions listed above.
3.0 m and considering that the wheel path may must be checked for longitudinal cracks caused
be about 0.5 to 0.75 m away from the outer lane by the combined effect of temperature gradient
marking, most of the inner wheel path of heavy and single, tandem and tridem axle loads. A
commercial may fall on the longitudinal joint. survey of lateral placement of wheel path of HCV
Since the outer lane is assigned to Heavy (Fig. 2) was made on the four lane divided concrete
Commercial Vehicles (HCV), percent repetitions road,NH-60, between Balasore and Kharagpur and
of HCV in the outer lane for thickness design can the results, are shown in Fig. 3. It can be seen
be much larger than 25% assigned in IRC:58-2015. that with a single central longitudinal joint 4.0 m
In Fig. 1(c), the width of slab on the shoulder from the median, the wheel paths do not fall on
side is 5.0 m while lane marking is done 1.5 m the longitudinal joints while for the longitudinal
from the shoulder edge and again at 3.5 m from joints at mid slab, repetitions of wheel path are
shoulder marking which exactly come over the large. This paper presents an analysis of stresses
longitudinal joint. If the single longitudinal joint is in wider slabs considering the apprehension of the
4.0 m from the median, the wheel paths are away professionals that stresses in pavements may be
from the longitudinal joints. Wider slabs, however, too high leading premature failure of pavements.
Two longitudinal joints, one is 1.5 m away from the Single longitudinal joint in the middle
left edge and other is in between the two lanes
Fig. 2 Markings on the Existing Concrete Pavement for Wheel Path Survey
Fig. 3 No. of Wheels Coming on to the Slab Throughout the Width of the Slab
Curling in day and night hours: While stresses by The FE modelling of the pavement is shown in
axle loads for wider slabs are not much different Fig. 5.
from 3.5 m wide slabs for edge loading during the
day hours during the curled condition shown in
Fig. 4, the night time curling and stresses due to
tandem and tridem axle loads need to be determined
during the curled condition.
The 3D FE model of the slab was done in ANSYS
15.0, which is used to model the combination of
load and temperature effects on the pavement Fig. 4 Tridem Axle Load Over a Curled Concrete
slabs of dimensions mentioned above dimensions. Pavement during the Night Hours
Results of analysis of a concrete pavement with subgrade CBR = 10 % are given in Table 2. The
250 mm PQC + 150 mm DLC + 150 mm GSB and effective k-value above GSB is 62 MPa/m.
Table 2 Flexural Stresses (MPa) for Different Loadings with Change in Slab Dimension
This study focused on analysing ten type of mixes prepared using the combination of three
aggregate gradation: bituminous concrete (BC), Dense Bituminous Macadam (DBM) and stone
matrix asphalt (SMA) with four binder: two neat binder i.e. VG10, VG30 and two modified
binder i.e. PMB (S) and PMB (E) respectively. This mixes were then subjected to several test like
indirect tensile strength, tensile strength ratio, four point beam bending test, wheel rutting test
etc. at varying conditions to analysis their performance. Outcome from the tests clearly noted
the enhanced performance of mixes with modified binders. Both modified binders were able to
enhance the strength of the mixes significantly. PMB (E) produced more strength in the mixes than
PMB (S) but it showed higher sensitivity to change in strain amplitude. Amongst the mixes, SMA
showed far better fatigue and rutting performance than BC and DBM respectively.
values of the binders are shown in Table 1 and softening point temperature should not be more
Table 2. than 3ºC for the binder under consideration to be
4.2 Dynamic Shear Rheometer storage stability.
Dynamic Shear Rheometer (DSR) was used for 4.4 Preparation of Samples (Marshall Stability
measuring the rheological properties of binders. and Flow Test)
In DSR test a parallel plate geometry was used First the mixing and compaction temperature
to measure the linear viscoelastic properties of of all the mixes were determined using Brook
the binder over a wide range of temperature and field viscometer. The mixing and compacting
loading time. In this study a 25 mm diameter plate temperature corresponded to a viscosity range of
with 1 mm gap was employed over a temperature 170 ± 20 cP and 280 ± 30 cP respectively and the
range of 40ºC to 90ºC in strain control mode to respective values were shown in Table 5. Optimum
determine the rheological properties of binder. binder content of the mixes were determined
Parameters like complex modulus (G*), phase following the asphalt institute MS 2 procedure.
angle (δ), G*/Sin(δ) and G*.Sin(δ) were measured. Three identical samples at each binder content
To determining performance grading of the and five binder contents for all the ten mixes were
binders, the parameter G*/Sin(δ) at 10 rad/sec prepared. A total of 150 Marshall samples were
was determined over a range of temperature. The tested for this purpose. Bitumen range selected
temperature at which it attains a values are 1 KPa was based on MoRTH suggestion. BC and DBM
for unaged binder was designated as the upper limit samples were compacted by applying 75 blows on
of performance grading in accordance with ASTM both faces of the cylindrical specimen while SMA
D6373 respectively. was compacted by applying 50 blows on each
Table 5 Mixing and Compaction
Temperature of Mixes
0.56 MPa was applied on the sample. The loaded Table 7 Test Results of Storage Stability
wheel had a total travel distance of 230 ± 10 mm
Base Binder VG10
with a speed of 42 passes per minute. Each sample
was tested at 60ºC upto10,000 load cycle or Modifier
25 mm rut depth whichever occurred earlier. LVDT Type
was used to continuously measure the vertical Modifier
1 2 3 4 1 3 5 7
content (%)
displacement of the slab specimen per cycle.
in Softening 1.3 1.6 2.6 3.5 0.8 2.2 2.5 3.6
point (ºC)
5.3 Dynamic Shear Rheometer
To determine the performance grading, PG of
binders, DSR test was performed as per ASTM
D6373. The temperature at which G*/Sin(δ) attains
(a) (b) (c)
a value of 1 KPa for unaged binder was considered
Fig. 3(a) Wheel Rut Tester; (b) Sample Before Testing; as the upper limit of PG grade. The PG of the
(c) Sample After Testing
binders is shown in Table 8.
5. Test Results and Discussion Table 8 Performance Grade of Binders
5.1 Temperature Susceptibility Test
A higher PI value indicates less temperature
susceptibility of the binder and vice versa. As seen
from Fig. 4, PI values improves upon modification
of binders. Test results showed that PMB (E) was
the least susceptible binder followed by PMB (S),
while VG10 was the most temperature susceptible
binder of all four binder compared.
WTR = 104 x TRm x ... (8)
WTS = Wheel tracking slope, mm/10,000 cycle;
d5000 = Rut depth after 5000 load cycles, mm; d10000 = Rut
depth after 10,000 load cycles, mm; TR = Mean rate of
increase of track depth, µm/cycle; ri = change in vertical
displacement from the initial value, r0 to the i relevant
reading, mm; n = The total number of readings taken
at 100 load cycle interval for up to 1000 load cycles;
Fig. 12 Rut Depth and WTS of the Mixes
TRm = Mean value of the determined TR, µm/cycle; w
Table 12 Wheel Tracking Test Results of the Mixes = Width of the tyre applying the load, mm; L = load
applied, N; WTR = Wheel tracking rate, µm/cycle.
5.10 Four Point Bending Fatigue Test
A comparative analysis of fatigue life of the mixes was
made and the results obtained from four point bending
beam test is presented in Figs. 13 to 16. All mixes at
200 micro strain exhibited fatigue life higher than 2 x
105 cycles, so the comparison of fatigue life was not
shown. Even at 400 micro strain SMA mixes prepared
using PMB (S) and PMB (E) had a fatigue life higher
than 2 x 105. It was evident that at all strain levels mixes
prepared using polymer modified binders had better
fatigue life than those prepared using conventional
binders. From binder point of view PMB (S) showed
far better fatigue performance especially at higher
In case of BC mix rut resistance of mix prepare strain (≥ 600 μm), followed PMB (E). But as the strain
with PMB (E) was 1.26 times of PMB (S), 2.11 times level increased, the fatigue life of PMB (E) reduced
of VG30 and 2.65 times of VG10. Similarly for DBM drastically, and at about 1000 µm it was almost close to
mix rut resistance of mix prepared using PMB (E) was conventional binders. At lower strain (< 600 μm) VG30
1.17 times of PMB (S), 1.59 times of VG30 and 2.02 showed better performance than VG10 but at higher
times that of VG10. Overall performance of SMA mix strain (> 600 μm) both showed similar performance.
with both modified binder was better than all the other Amongst the mixes, SMA exhibited the best fatigue
mix. Wheel Tracking Slope, WTS was used as an index performance, especially at higher strain (> 600 μm).
to determine rut susceptibility of the asphalt mixtures This may be because of the higher binder content of
while wheel tracking rate, WTR indicated the gradual SMA, a thicker film was produced, thus making it more
deformation of the sample per cycle. Smaller the value of durable to the induced strain. Figs. 17 to 19 shows the
WTS, less susceptible was the mixture. WTS and WTR change in fatigue life with respect to strain. It can be
was calculate using EN 12697-22:2003 procedure for seen that the slope of the curve for mixes prepared
small size devices and the equations used were shown using PMB (E) becomes very steep with increase in
below. As evident from table 5.12, SMA mix prepared strain level indicating high strain susceptibility. At
using PMB (E) was least susceptible and also had the lower strain level (≤ 400 μm) PMB (E) had fatigue life
lowest WTR. In case of BC both PMB (E) and PMB similar to PMB (S). But at higher strain (≥ 800 μm),
(S) showed almost similar WTR. While in case of DBM the fatigue life of PMB (E) was even lower than that
both unmodified binder showed similar WTR. Although of conventional binders in certain cases. The reason
the WTR of SMA with PMB (S) was more than of BC may lie in the modification process itself. In case of
with the same binder, final rut depth clears shows that PMB (E), a crystalline modification was observed
SMA performed almost twice better than BC. resulting in an increases of its stiffness. So it carried
d10000 − d5000 a larger number of load application at lower strain
WTS = ... (6) level but at higher strain (> 600 μm) it was not able
5 flex, resulting in damage, thus causing a decrease in its
Construction of 300 m long bridge on river Deopani (locally known as Eze river) in Eastern
Arunachal Pradesh has been herculean task going by the turbulent history of bridging on this
river gap. As many as half a dozen bridges got washed away at this location and the road leading
to Anini on the Chinese border remained out off, at times for months together. Coupled with the
technical challenges of construction in the bouldery strata on this furious river, the construction
was also riddled with legal hassles due to abandoning of work by previous contractor. The present
paper discusses at length various aspects related to bridge construction and an appropriate case
study for bridge engineers.
Commander 752 BRTF, Pin 930752, C/o 99 APO. E-mail: [email protected]
Chief Engineer (Retd), Border Roads Organisation, Min of Defence, Govt of India.
Director General Border Roads, Seema Sadak Bhawan, Ring Road, Delhi Cantt, Delhi - 110010
Design Highest Flood Level (HFL) 438.5 m (442.5 m observed in Aug 2017)
Scour depth considered in the design 9.10 m for Abutment & 14.38 m for Piers
Shape/Type of well like circular single/double/ Both Abutment Double D and Piers Circular
double D Single
The construction of 300 m long balanced a tough job in this turbulent river noted for flash
cantilever pre-stressed concrete bridge over floods. The bridge superstructure is constructed
Deopani river started in 2004 but the contractor by Delhi based firm M/s Poddar Constructions by
abandoned the work in 2008 due to financial crisis. adopting state of art technology using Cantilever
It may be seen from the General Arrangement Construction Gantry. This bridge is going to be
Drawing (GAD) of the bridge depicting the works opened for traffic by end of September 2017,
executed by the contractor shown in Fig. 3 that almost two months before the scheduled
pier well P1 & P2 remained incomplete. Later completion date. The long awaited completion
on, BRO has to complete the balance foundations of Deopani bridge would provide great relief to
comprising of tedious process of sinking of wells the people of Dibang valley region in Arunachal
& substructure works departmentally which is Pradesh.
3. Project Delays The progress of works was just 36% at the time
Time over run can be stated to be the foremost of cancellation of contract in 2008, with both
concern in this bridge project. After a detailed abutment & Pier well P3 completed by the
contractor. A decision was taken at the highest
feasibility studies & site selection exercise, it was
level in BRO for completing the balance portion
decided to go in for 300 m long bridge based on
of foundation & substructure and there after
hydraulic data. Design & construction contract
concluding a risk & cost contract for superstructure
for construction of this bridge was awarded to work since it involved specialized construction
M/s Banka Infrastructure Corporation Ltd. Since equipment such as cantilever gantry etc. Contract
the same contractor was working on Lohit bridge for superstructure was awarded to M/s Poddar
in the near vicinity i.e., Parasuram Kund, it was Constructions, Delhi for an amount of Rs. 176
expected that project will progress smoothly. On million with date of commencement of work as
the contrary the contracting firm is said to have 13 Nov 2015 & completion period of 2 years.
experienced some financial hardships causing Even the departmental bridge construction
abandonment of work by the contractor. company of Border Roads Organisation took about
7 years for completion of balance foundation for dewatering of wells & limited working season
& substructure which involved sinking of pier to operate in the river bed prolonged the project
wells in hard bouldery strata. The sinking work duration. Such was the condition encountered in
was hampered since it involved removal of huge 11 m diameter Pier well P2 that no sinking was
boulders under the cutting edge which sometimes observed even after dredging the well by more
required even blasting & consequently damaging than 2 m below the cutting edge due to prevalent
the well curb & steining too. The absence of skin friction with no activity on the well for the
adequate number of specialised submersible pumps past 2 years as shown at Figs. 4 & 5.
Innovative technique such as water jetting & depositing of muck including boulders & damages
ponding was employed for sinking the same. to machinery employed midstream owing to flash
It required enormous patience to sink the wells floods. The sinking of these pier wells went on
abandoned by the contractor. Sinking of well for years sometimes with no results as shown at
remained a time consuming activity due to Table 3. Pumping of logistics/construction stores
encountering of large boulders under the cutting required ferry crossing of loaded vehicles across the
edge and added to this, very short working season mighty Brahmaputra which again posed problems
escalated the efforts of work force employed. for the executives in this remote region. At times,
Many a time, all preparatory works for sinking works got delayed due to funding constraints in a
of well goes in vain due to frequent flooding, resource crunch economy like ours.
2014-15 - 0.08
2015-16 - 0.55
2016-17 - 0.54
4. UPWARD REVISION OF FOUNDING nature of aggradation has also been noticed in the
LEVEL OF PIER P1 & P2 nearby river i.e. Iphipani. The founding level of
The area experiences heavy rainfall during Pier P1 was revised in Jul 2011 from 418.900 m
monsoons. The river bed is on foot hills and to 424.00 m. Considering the scouring criteria of
water flows from the hill with landslides causing the Pier P2 as worked out at Table 4, it was found
deposition of muck on river bed. Hence the ground safe to plug the well at RL 424 m thus upward
level of river bed has got aggradation tendency. revision of founding level was carried out in
The lower bed level during the time of hydraulic Jan 2014 from RL 415.9 m to 424 m. The cutting
data collection was 432.03 m, which has further edge of Pier well P2 was at RL 425.30 mat that
aggraded up to 438.39 m during Sep 2013. This point of time.
Hydraulic Details
(a) Design Discharge - 1824 cum/sec
(b) Effective linear water way - L = 4.80 √Q = 4.80√1824 = 205 m
(c) Silt factor - 4
(d) HFL - 438.50 m (As per approved drawing)
The efforts required to sink the Pier well further offering spans up to 400 m can be one of the viable
were increasingly becoming difficult considering options which obviate the requirement of piers
the hard consolidated bouldery strata and very high mid stream. The successful completion of 300 m
rate of seepage. Any further well sinking would long Deopani bridge as shown at Fig. 6 provide
be uneconomical and unnecessary as safe design an uninterrupted all weather road to Dibang Valley
criteria are being met at this level. region of Arunachal Pradesh thus not connecting
the road communication requirement of civil
administration but also strengthening the country’s
Planning, design & construction of major defences at the border.
permanent bridges of such magnitude required
detailed survey during the initial hydraulic stage
itself so that executives are not caught unawares
during the construction stage as often happened in
the past. Despite elaborate preparations, all major
bridges such as Lohit Bridge at Parasuramkund,
Passighat bridge and Akhnoor bridge over
Chenab river near Jammu have taken decades for
completion and Deopani too falls in this category.
Upward revision of founding levels was one of
the sore factors during the execution stage and
the same needs to be deliberated taking into Fig. 6 View of Completed 300 m
Long Deopani Bridge
account the safe design parameters and ground
conditions, thus fine balance is required while Contract management of specialized structures
making judgment. Sinking of wells in bouldery also needs to be evolved owing to bad experiences
strata has become a trademark expertise with at all the major bridges as mentioned above. The
BRO engineers now. Cable stayed bridges situation becomes complex when contractor
abandons the worksite midway and conclusion 2. Kishore Kumar M., “An Overview of Bridging
of a risk & cost contract to complete the balance on National Highway NH-52 in the Upper
Reaches of Brahmaputra”, Indian Highways,
works is not only time consuming but involves Indian Road Congress (IRC), May 2005.
cost escalation. In the case of Deopani bridge, 3. Kishore Kumar M. & Ch Hanumantha Rao.,
the situation was gruelling since Pier well P1 & “Design and Constructional Aspects of
P2 in the river midstream were left incomplete Various Types of Bridges Constructed by BRO
when the contractor abandoned the work. It was in Arunachal Pradesh”, Oonchi Sadaken, Vol XVI,
Nov 2005.
an appropriate decision to complete the balance
4. Kishore Kumar M. & Ch Hanumantha Rao.,
foundation & substructure works departmentally “Economics of Alternative Structural Schemes
and to go for superstructure through contract. of Prestressed Concrete Bridges : Few Case
This has not only saved time but also addressed Studies”, International Journal of Civil &
the requirement of specialized equipment for Structural Engineering, pp 425-439, Vol. I,
No. 3, 2010.
5. Kishore Kumar M., “Construction of Cable
REFERENCES Stayed Bridge on Ravi River in J&K”, Civil Engg
1. “Dibang River”, From Wikipedia, the Free & Construction Review (CE&CR), Vol.28, No.2,
Encyclopedia. Feb 2015, pp 84-88.
Green rating system for highways refers to rating of various components of highways in terms
of their concordance to environmental aspects. Green rating system would help in identifying
the degree of greener interventions to be made or made in a road project. The concept of green
encompasses the mechanism of conserving, enhancing and managing the quality and quantity of
natural resources. Getting green in other words is getting conducive to nature. Green highway is the
one which is designed, constructed and maintained with the ultimate aim of conserving, enhancing
and managing the quality and quantity of natural resources. The degree of greener interventions
however may differ from country to country as technologies required depend highly on their
economic feasibility, technical know how and availability of means to make use of a technology.
Even within a nation, the degree may differ based on site specific conditions for projects in different
climatic and bio-geographic regions. India is gradually moving towards greener interventions in
roads and is yet to adopt a comprehensive and Simultaneous Multi- Approach Solution. In such
a condition it is inevitable to have a system that can identify if a road can be termed greener in
terms of its interventions. This will allow the decision makers to incentivize and sensitize the idea
of greening the highways.
In the event of diversity of components and degree of greener interventions, a simple and
comprehensive procedure for green rating needs to be developed. Till date India does not have
a specific nationally accepted procedure for green rating of highways. This paper attempts to
formulate a procedure to carry out green rating of highways.
many criteria those could have been clubbed into ● Unit of percentage has been used to provide a
lesser numbers. BE2ST is the only one that uses a common and easy base for rating
quantitative approach with predefined targets for ● EC and their weight ages may change on
each criterion. project to project basis but will be same for
Only Green roads amongst all the above highway all the scenarios of a particular project.
ratings system is award based. The main advantage 3. Procedure for green rating
of adopting an award based rating system is that of Highways
it can be used to demonstrate the sustainable
initiatives of an agency to the general public The guideline provides the various stages to be
(Abdul, 2012). adopted for green rating of a roadway/highway
based on comparison of improved scenario to that
Presently there are no universal standards set of existing scenario or conventional interventions
to assess the green aspects of a road based on a
scenario in terms of percentage. The steps are as
common platform applicable/amendable to site
specific condition. The use of standards/targets
would however assure reproduction of identical Step-1 Identify the criteria to qualify for
practices with similar results, so that classifications being assessed as a green or greener highway.
can be made with as little bias as possible. On A comprehensive list of criteria is given in
the other hand it is also realized that applying an Table 2. A project must have all these components
umbrella credit system to all highway projects may partially or fully for being qualified to be assessed
prove counterproductive (Bryce, 2008). for green rating.
Hence, road way projects shall be evaluated Step-2 List the criteria of evaluation and describe
based on its own project specific conditions. This each in a project specific context. A standard list
green rating guideline for highways has been of evaluating criteria is as mentioned in Table 3.
developed with an attempt to overcome the major Inclusion or exclusion of criteria would depend
shortcomings of the present rating systems, on project specific condition. Weight ages may
considering existing environmental legislations in be assigned to each criteria and sub criteria in the
India and overall Indian perspective. pattern given in 3rd column of Table 2. Weight age
Green rating takes account of environment for criteria increases from W1 to Wn in such a way
friendly, innovative techniques, recycling of that W1 + W2 + W3 +….. Wn = 100 or 1. Under each
materials, use of renewable resources etc. that criterion the sub criteria shall also be weighted
are not very much into practice in the present day increasing from W1 - 1 to W1 - n in such a way that
scenario. The system has 15 mandatory Qualifying W1 - 1 + W1 - 2 + W1 - 3 +…..W1 - n = W1.
Criteria (QC) and 8 Evaluating Criteria (EC) with Step-3 Creation of various scenario of a project
33 sub criteria. based on proposed conventional or greener
2. Defining Principles of the interventions when a particular project is to
Green Highways Rating System be rated. Interventions on each criteria shall be
In India represented in the form of percentage share of
The defining principles used for the formulation of improvement upon existing condition or total
GHRSI are as follows: improvement possible. For examples scarified
● Quantitative assessment of each EC bitumen is being used in 25 out of 60 km length of
the road. So the percentage will be 33%.
● Comparison of quantitative value achieved
with that of the ‘existing scenario’ or Step-4 Assign ranks to various criteria based
‘project road improvement with conventional on percentage. Standard list of ranks against
intervention scenario’ of the same project percentage are as given in Table 4. Percentage
road for a particular criteria. Comparison with from 0 to 100 has been assigned ranks from 0 to
standards or targets are not possible as there 7. As percentage share of improvement increases,
is no existing legislation on greener roads rank also increases. Ranks shall be assigned
guidelines for India specifying thresholds parameter wise.
Step-5 Multiply the weight of a criterion to its Where, r his the highest rank i.e. 7.
rank and then sumup to obtain total weighted Step-7 Deriving percentage share of weighted
rank achieved by the particular scenario using rank achieved by a particular scenario (as
formula-1. calculated in step-5) out of the maximum weighted
Total weighted rank of one scenario rank of the project (as calculated in step-6) using
(TWRS) = ... (1) formula 3.
Step-6 Calculation of Maximum total Weighted % of weighted rank = * 100 ... (3)
Ranking for the Project (MWRP) by assigning the
highest value rank to each criteria and multiplying Step-8 Rating a particular scenario as Certified,
them by corresponding weight ages assigned to Silver, Gold or evergreen based on the percentage
them and then summing up using formula No.2. calculated in step-7, as given in Table-5.
Maximum weighted rank of project A flowchart on summary of green rating system is
(MWRP) = ...(2) given in Fig. 1 below.
Table 3 Standard List of Evaluating Criteria (EC) and Weight Ages for Highways