Westinghouse Lighting AH-14 & AH-16 General Purpose Floodlight Spec Sheet 3-72

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Application Data 60-285 Page 1

General Purpose
Westinghouse Floodlights
AH l4and16

AH l4andAH l6 urnnaresale ght
we ght aiunrnu m f oodlights suitable for
arch tectura and decoratve ghting They
are also used for ghting m nor sports areas
and construclion projecls

Fef ectors are spun a uminum A zak f rr shed
afd socket hoLrsing is cast alumin!m. A
heai res stant g ass ens smour]led nan
a urnln!m door frame and gasketed to the
reflector for proper sea afd cush on ng.
The bow s ga vanized steel. exposed hard
lo) |oss )tao d d Ll ..o l"
^dre a n,
porce a g ving long lfe TYPe SO
cord enters rear of socket hous ng thru
walert ght pack n!l gLand

The oplLcal systern is des gned to accom

modate 500 watt PS 40 ncandescent lamp
Io^- lr ad 000^"t PSri2
candescent or 400 watt merc!ry vapor
arnp in the AH 16. Lampsarenot
inc uded; order separately.

How to Specify
FLoodl ght(s) sha I be West nghouse gen-
era purpose f oodl ghts types AH (14)
(l6). (NP. NH). (WP. WH), comp ete with
-oj tg..Lo.o r\e\o.

Flood /ghl shall consjst of A zak a um num

refleclor w th die cast a um nurn receptac e
hous ng. stainless sleel door latches, ga
van zed steel trunn on aITn, (p a n) (splead)
efs. 4' 2 conductor No. I4 SO cable.

Mounting Accessories

l'la to 2" Prpe Clamp Base 1 7 0021,1
21Ar 59 5C02
Feavy Duly Wa Brackel 6713D72G05
Heavy Duly 2' Prpe Erackei 6713D72G04
[]6ll & Poe Bra.ket 895A890G01
2" S rpf 11er 889887

March, 1972

E. D.C /2r 61 /DB

Application Data 60-285 Page 2

General Purpose
AN 14and 16

Ordering lnformation
Type AH - 1 4: 500 Watt lncandescent
Type AH-16 1000 Watt lncandescent or 400 Watt Mercury

45A2319G01 4542319G03
45A23r I G01 45A2319G05
45A23r 9 G02 45A2319G03
45A2319G02 45A2319G05 AH 14 & 16
AH.16 NPO) 45A2319G06 45A2319GO8
AH 16 NHI) 45A23r I G06 45A2319G10

WPO) 45,423r I G07 45A2319G08
AH-16 wHO
WHO 45A2319G07 45A2319G10

OWhe.ul ze.l for 400 Watt Merc!ry. order Style No 810A742r'l0l sockel exrensio. €s accessory for cone.t

Photometric Data
Na(ow Beam (specular) ReUeclor Wide Beam (d rfuse) Rellector

28'x 29" 45 50 49350 12" 5t 40 r 4560

500 Wart nca.descent 65o x 32o 5960 22154 98" i 8to 5920 10420

26' r0130 '13300 25600

AH,]6 N 2A' 118800
I000 watt nc..descent 680 x 37' 11410 43500 1r2'x I03o I3250 1t 424

Photometric Performance
AH T 6WP w th 1000 watt lncandescent amp

6713D72G05 6113D12G44

; 1160214

3 Ho es :/," Da



Distance to Mounl ng He ght 1566113

N zo.t
1'le Dta
B95AB9OGO1 632C927G01
21A1 59 5 G02 889887 J
Westingho!se Elecvic Colporation
Outdoor Lighting Divislon: Cleveland, Ohio 44101

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