Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Waste Management System

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International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169

Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 311

Design and Fabrication of Solar Powered Waste Management System

Ravi S. M. Suma Gurulingaiah Charanthimath

Asst.Professor Asst.Professor
Department of Mechanical Engineering Department of Electronics and Communication
Srinivas Institute of Technology Engineering, Prouda Devaraya Institute of Technology
Mangaluru, Karnataka, INDIA Hospet, Karnataka, INDIA
E-mail: [email protected] E-mail: [email protected]

Abstract— A trash compactor designed for public use is powered by a photovoltaic cell array. This allows the trash compactor to be placed
in locations where no power is available, but with frequent traffic. The compaction feature allows the unit to be emptied less often than a typical
trash container. The trash compactor can include a storage system to store power for compaction cycles. A removable bin allows easy removal
of the compacted trash. The Solar-Powered Waste Management Bin is microcontroller based project that proposes a great improvement of a
simple trash can which emphasizes the use of solar energy. The concept of this project is all about Green Engineering in which the design,
commercialization and use of processes and products are feasible and economical while minimizing the risk to human health and the
environment. In order to achieve the proposed project, RTC will be used.

Keywords— Solar Cell, Fabrication, Waste Bin, Micro Controller.


bins are to be serviced. Overfilled bins result in rubbish falling

I. Introduction out while being tipped. Hazardous rubbish like empty petrol
Waste collection is a part of the process of waste cans can cause fires igniting other trash when the truck
management. It is the transfer of solid waste from the point of compactor is operating. Bins may be locked or stored in secure
use and disposal to the point of treatment or landfill. Waste areas to avoid having non-paying parties placing rubbish in the
collection also includes the curbside collection of recyclable bin.
materials that technically are not waste, as part of a municipal
landfill diversion program. Household waste in economically II. LITERATURE REVIEW
developed countries will generally be left in waste containers Years of extensive research and tons of theories
or recycling bins prior to collection by a waste collector using explaining the facets of implementing solar powered waste
a waste collection vehicle. management system, have been conducted by many
However, in many developing countries, such as researchers trying to derive effective and most efficient ways
Mexico and Egypt, waste left in bins or bags at the side of the to discard and eliminate waste disposals via means of solar
road will not be removed unless residents interact with the energy. Studies are being conducted in heavy volumes to
waste collectors. Mexico City residents must haul their trash to understand applications and limitations of these technique.
a waste collection vehicle which makes frequent stops around It has been reported by Prof. Mrs. Swati Shinde, Harita
each neighborhood. The waste collectors will indicate their Bhosle, Asha Borkar, Amit Kadve, Sneha Pichad in [1] that
readiness by ringing a distinctive bell and possibly shouting. the problem of trash control and disposal reveals itself in many
Residents line up and hand their trash container to the waste facets of our society, from carnivals and city fairs in the
collector. A tip may be expected in some neighborhoods. summer time to overfilling garbage cans in a fast food
Private contracted waste collectors may circulate in the same restaurant. People often attempt to cram their waste into a
neighborhood‟s as many as five times per day, pushing a cart trash receptable already struggling to balance the trash piled
with a waste container, ringing a bell and shouting to on top of it. To solve this problem, an automatic trash
announce their presence. These private contractors are not compactor was introduced, that managed trash levels and
paid a salary and survive only on the tips they receive. Later, notified when the receptacle were required to be emptied all
they meet up with a waste collection vehicle to deposit their by itself. Utilizing a trash compactor instead of a normal
accumulated waste. trashcan increased the amount of trash that can fit inside the
The waste collection vehicle will often take the waste same sized receptacle.
to a transfer station where it will be loaded up into a larger Therefore, the trash needs were collected less
vehicle and sent to either a landfill or alternative waste frequently. To add further convenience, the compactor used to
treatment facility. Waste collection considerations include sense when the container is full and will automatically
type and size of bins, positioning of the bins and how often compact the trash as needed. When the trash can no longer be
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
compacted, it will lock itself and signal that it needs to be fill level to stick up for collection?‟. So, to implement a SWM
emptied. Several considerations were taken into account when system with dynamic scheduling and routing for waste
determining this design including compression ratio of collection, it is very useful and important to get real time data
compaction, force of compaction, ease of use, sanitary about the bin status.
considerations, and aesthetics. Main technical considerations Several researches have been conducted over the last
including a compaction pressure comparable to the 15 psi seen few decades concerning solid waste monitoring and
in automatic trash compactors, as well as a container robust management. But a few of them dealt with real time bin status
enough to handle pressure forces due to compaction. The data with a motive to implement dynamic scheduling and
method chosen as a means of compaction was a hydraulic routing approach for an automatic solid waste management
system, actuated by pressing down on a foot pedal. system. Estimating the bin filling level was done by capturing
The goal of this project was to make a solar trash and processing bin‟s image. The system thus could capture the
basket. As it was intended for commercial use, the price was image when the waste collection vehicle reached in the
an important factor to be considered. To account the same, vicinity of the bin. But the drawback to this system was that
each component that was not expensive as well as efficient the control center used to not get the real time bin status data,
was used. Also, since the trash basket used batteries for power, as it used to depend on the historical data for collection route.
the batteries were required to be safe, efficient and have a long To improvise on the same, a bin was developed by using
lifetime. Having used a standby time when the trash basket several types of sensors like light-emitting diode (LED),
was not in use, batteries did last longer than usual. camera, ultrasonic, pressure etc for early detection of bin
Secondly, to improvise on the understanding of the status. But the system could not respond instantly when wastes
technology and its appropriate application, potential were dumped into the bin. This method thus lacked sufficient
consequences were required to be considered. This project information about measurement techniques of the bin level
utilized several complex parts, which required rigorous testing and its dynamicity and to further improvise on the system, a
to implement successfully. The design combined electrical and system for remote monitoring of materials disassembled from
mechanical parts to accomplish a task that could not be done end of life vehicles was developed. Both solid and liquid
as easily by only using one or the other. materials were placed in containers and fill levels were
It has been reported by Md. Abdulla Al Mamun, measured by using infrared image sensing. The system
Mahammad A. Hannan, Aini Hussain, and Hassan Basri in [2] response was not real time. A system for collecting cardboard
that an intelligent solid waste bin operates to ensure the waste was developed where LED was to measure the container
efficient measurement of its status while consuming minimum level. The system was activated once in an hour to measure the
energy. At present, major cities around the world require fill level and raised an alarm if certain level was exceeded. To
challenging solutions for solid waste management (SWM), as dynamically optimize the collection route in charity sector,
a result of growth in residential areas and the economy. SWM textile banks were developed where the top of the donated
is thus a costly urban service that consumes around 20% to textiles pile inside a bank was measured by installing an
50% of municipality‟s annual budget in developing countries. infrared sensor underside of the roof of each bank. The server
Furthermore, 85% of solid waste management funds are spent got updated data in every 12 hours. This work presented a
on waste collection and transportation. It becomes an concept to integrate several sensing technologies and
excessive wastage of resources when bins are collected that algorithms to design a smart bin as a way to implement an
are partially filled up. In waste collection and carrying automatic, dynamic and real time SWM system.
activities, the operational cost can be reduced, by optimizing It has been reported by Poppy Jane Coleman and Long
the quantity and deployment of collection bins and their Duc Nghiem in [3] that the Solar Powered Compaction
collection rate. Estimating the status with waste level and Garbage Bins were designed to reduce the need to empty
weight of waste inside bins help to optimize collection routes waste receptacles in public areas. The results thereby
and improve collection efficiency. demonstrated how solar powered compaction garbage bins
A SWM system having static scheduling and routing could provide environmental benefits in all scenarios. The bin
to collect waste demands more operating costs, longer hauling could hold more than six times the volume of the average 120
distances and increased labor hours compared to a system with L mobile garbage bin, leading to the elimination of at least
dynamic scheduling and routing attitude. The authors three out of every four collection trips. It is not only reduced
calculated a potential cost savings of 10-20% and transport operating costs, unsightly litter overflows and public
mileage savings of 26% when dynamic scheduling and routing disturbance, but also immensely helped in minimizing
were used. For a truly dynamic and automatic system, it is emissions from waste carrying vehicles, further benefitting the
important to know the current and actual fill level of a bin environment. The solar powered compaction garbage bins are
rather than a prediction relays on historical fill level data, equipped with a solar photovoltaic panel and a small battery.
which arises questions as „when will the bin be at an enough The battery is charged during the day allowing the unit to
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
operate during night time. The bins automatically compact the the solar panel. The accuracy of these methods was validated
waste when the garbage inside reached a certain level. As in sunny climates, where the beam portion of the global
users deposit garbage, it falls into a bin inside the unit. When radiation dominates. In frequently overcast climates, the beam
the level of garbage eventually rises above the top of the inner radiation significantly diminished and the diffuse radiation
bin, the garbage interrupts an electric eye beam, triggering the was prominent. The optimum tilt angles were largely
motor to compact the garbage down into the bin, making room determined by the beam radiation component but in overcast
for additional garbage. The process repeats automatically as conditions, the diffuse component became more significant. In
needed until the machine is ready for collection, typically the absence of measured global radiation data, solar radiation
holding about 700 L of equivalent uncompact garbage. At that models were used to calculate the radiation.
point, a LED light indicator on the front panel goes from green A new methodology to calculate the solar radiation
to yellow, notifying staff that the unit is ready for collection. was proposed which combined hourly observations of cloud
The bins could be colour coded and were used either for non- conditions with monthly sunshine hour‟s data in order to
recycling or recycling waste materials. determine the frequency of clear, partly cloudy and overcast
An excel based cost benefit model was derived and skies. This method provided a more accurate prediction of the
developed to evaluate economic and environmental gains of diffuse radiation under varying sky conditions. The solar
implementing solar powered compaction garbage bins for radiation model is still subsequently used for determining the
waste management in public areas. The volume of data inputs optimum tilt angle by taking into account the frequency and
were carefully optimized and only essential data needed for intensity of the cloud cover. The tilt angle optimized the beam
the model were requested for further research. Requested data radiation on clear days and diffused radiation on overcast
could be categorized into three components: days.
 waste collection In this paper, the researcher also suggested further
 collection vehicles possible future works that addressed the shortcomings
 labor‟s identified in the paper, such as including the average
The cost of waste management consists of amortization of transmittance characteristics of localized cloud cover in order
the collection vehicles, cost of garbage bins and labor costs. to increase the accuracy of the solar radiation model.
This approach significantly simplified the cost calculation of
the solar powered compaction garbage bins for both the III CONSTRUCTIONAL FEATURES
customers as well as the model used in this study. Carbon D C MOTOR
dioxide, nitrogen oxides and particulate matter (PM10)
emission calculation was directly based on the volume of
diesel fuel consumed.
It has been reported by S. Armstrong, W.G. Hurley in [4]
that existing methods and described means of predicting the
solar radiation in a frequently overcast climate and proposed a
method for choosing the optimum tilt angle in such a climate.
The effects of different load profiles on the optimum tilt angle
were also investigated.
Two factors responsible for the amount of radiation
received by a solar panel surface are orientation and tilt angle.
The tilt angle was defined as the angle between the solar panel
surface and the horizontal plane while the orientation of the
solar panel was defined with respect to the horizontal plane
and it is the angle between the line due south and the Fig.1: DC Motor
projection of the solar panel normal to the surface on the In any electric motor, operation is based on simple
horizontal plane. electromagnetism. A current carrying conductor generates a
It has been widely acknowledged that the optimum magnetic field when it is placed in an external magnetic field,
orientation for a solar panel, in the northern hemisphere, is it will experience a force proportional to the current in the
facing due south. For the choice of the optimum tilt angle, conductor and to the strength of the external magnetic field.
however, there have been several widely diverse proposals. The opposite (North and South) polarities attract, while like
The various schemes used to determine this optimum tilt angle polarities (North and North, South and South) repel. The
are separated into two main areas ie calculating the tilt angle internal configuration of a DC motor as shown in Fig.1 is
by latitude angle and maximizing the solar radiation falling on designed to harness the magnetic interaction between a current

IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
carrying conductor and an external magnetic field to generate Here one pole is fully energized at a time (but two
rotational motion. others are "partially" energized). As each brush transitions
Consider the Fig.2 of a simple 2-pole DC electric from one commutator contact to the next, one coil's field will
motor (here red represents a magnet or winding with a "North" rapidly collapse, as the next coil's field will rapidly charge up
polarization, while green represents a magnet or winding with (this occurs within a few microsecond).
a "South" polarization). There is probably no better way to see how an
average DC motor is put together, than by just opening one up.
Unfortunately this is tedious work, as well as requiring the
destruction of a perfectly good motor. The guts of a
disassembled Mabuchi FF-030-PN motor (the same model that
Solarbotics cells) are available for (on 10 lines / cm graph
paper). This is a basic 3 pole DC motor, with 2 brushes and
three commutator contacts. The use of an iron core armature
(as in the Mabuchi, above) is quite common and has a number
of advantages. Thus the iron core provides a strong, rigid
support for the windings, a particularly important
consideration for high torque motors. The core also conducts
heat away from the rotor windings, allowing the motor to be
Fig .2: Sectional View of DC Motor
driven harder than might otherwise be the case. Iron core
Every DC motor has six basic parts; Axle, rotor construction is also relatively inexpensive compared with
(armature), stator, commutator, field magnets and brushes. In other construction types.
most common DC motors, the external magnetic field is But iron core construction also has several
produced by high strength permanent magnets. The stator is disadvantages. The iron armature has a relatively high inertia
the stationary part of the motor which includes the motor which limits motor acceleration. This construction also results
casing, as well as two or more permanent magnet pole pieces. in high winding inductances which limit brush and
The rotor (together with the axle and attached commutator) commutator life.
rotate with respect to the stator. The rotor consists of windings In small motors, an alternative design is often used
(generally on a core), the windings being electrically which features a 'coreless' armature winding. This design
connected to the commutator. The above diagram shows a depends upon the coil wire itself for structural integrity. As a
common motor layout with the rotor inside the stator (field) result, the armature is hollow and the permanent magnet can
magnets. be mounted inside the rotor coil. Coreless DC motors have
The geometry of the brushes, commutator contacts, much lower armature inductance than iron core motors of
and rotor windings are such that when power is applied, the comparable size, extending brush and commutator life.
polarities of the energized winding and the stator magnet(s) The coreless design also allows manufacturers to
are misaligned and the rotor will rotate until it is almost build smaller motors, but due to the lack of iron in their rotors,
aligned with the stator's field magnets. As the rotor reaches coreless motors are somewhat prone to overheating. As a
alignment, the brushes move to the next commutator contacts result, this design is generally used just in small, low powered
and energize the next winding. Given the example of two pole motors. Beamers will most often see coreless DC motors in
motor, the rotation reverses the direction of current through the form of pager motors. Again, disassembling a coreless
the rotor winding, leading to a flip of the rotor's magnetic motor can be instructive in this case. The guts of this
field, driving it to continue rotating. disassembled motor are available (on 10 lines / cm graph
In real life, DC motors will always have more than paper) which is a 3 pole coreless DC motor.
two poles (three is a very common number). In particular, this LEAD SCREW
avoids "dead spots" in the commutator. You can imagine how A lead screw is also known as a power screw or
with our example two pole motor, if the rotor is exactly at the translation screw which is designed to translate radial motion
middle of its rotation (perfectly aligned with the field into linear motion. Common applications are machine slides
magnets), it will get stuck there. Meanwhile, with a two pole (such as in machine tools), vises, presses and jacks. A lead
motor, there is a moment where the commutator shorts out the screw nut and screw mate with rubbing surfaces and
power supply. This would be bad for the power supply, waste consequently they have a relatively high friction and stiction
energy and damage motor components as well. Yet another compared to mechanical parts which mate with rolling
disadvantage of such a simple motor is that it would exhibit a surfaces and bearings. Their efficiency is typically between 25
high amount of torque "ripple" (the amount of torque it could and 70% with higher pitch screws tending to be more efficient.
produce is cyclic with the position of the rotor).
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
A higher performing and more expensive alternative is a ball LIMIT SWITCH
screw. A mechanical limit switch interlocks a mechanical motion or
The high internal friction means that lead screw position with an electrical circuit. A good starting point for
systems are not usually capable of continuous operation at limit switch selection is contact arrangement. The most
high speed, as they will overheat. Due to inherently high common limit switch is the single pole contact block with one
stiction, the typical screw is self-locking (i.e. when stopped, a NO and one NC set of contacts. However, limit switches are
linear force on the nut will not apply a torque to the screw) available with up to four poles. Limit switches are also
and are often used in applications where back driving is available with time delayed contact transfer. This type is
unacceptable, like holding vertical loads or in hand cranked useful in detecting jams that cause the limit switch to remain
machine tools. actuated beyond a predetermined time interval. Other limit
Lead screws are typically used well-greased with an switch contact arrangements include neutral position and two
appropriate nut, it may be run dry with somewhat higher step. Limit switches feature a neutral-position or center off
friction. There is often a choice of nuts and manufacturers will type transfers one set of contacts with movement of the lever
specify screw and nut combinations as a set. The mechanical in one direction. Lever movement in the opposite direction
advantage of a lead screw is determined by the screw pitch transfers the other set of contacts. Limit switches with a two-
and lead. For multi start screws the mechanical advantage is step arrangement, a small movement of the lever transfers one
lower, but the travelling speed is better. Backlash can be set of contacts, and further lever movement in the same
reduced with the use of a second nut to create a static loading direction transfers the other set of contacts. Maintained contact
force known as preload and the nut can be cut along a radius limit switches require a second definite reset motion. These
and preloaded by clamping that cut back together. A lead limit switches are primarily used with reciprocating actuators,
screw will back drive. A lead screw‟s tendency to back drive or where position memory or manual reset is required. Spring
depends on its thread helix angle, coefficient of friction of the return limit switches automatically reset when the actuating
interface of the components (screw/nut) and the included angle force is removed.
of the thread form. In general, a steel acme thread and bronze CENTRIFUGAL LIMIT SWITCHES
nut will back drive when the helix angle of the thread is A centrifugal limit switch is actuated by speed only.
greater than 20°. Simple types of centrifugal limit switches consist of speed
SOLAR PANEL sensing units that mount directly on a rotating shaft and a
 A solar panel is a device that collects and converts solar stationary contact switch assembly. The basic control element
energy into electricity or heat. It is known as photovoltaic is a conical spring steel disc that has centrifugal weights
panels used to generate electricity directly from sunlight. fastened to the outer edge of its circular base. Fingers on the
Solar thermal energy collection systems are used to spring are attached to an insulating spool that rides free of the
generate electricity through a system of mirrors and fluid shaft and actuates the movable switch contact. As the rotating
filled tubes. It is known as energy portal. A solar power sensing unit reaches switching speed, the centrifugal force of
technology uses solar cells or solar photovoltaic arrays to the calibrated weights overcomes spring force, resulting in an
convert light from the sun directly into electricity. instantaneous axial displacement of the spring and the contact
Photovoltaics is the process in which light energy is actuating spool.
converted into electrical power. It is best known as a The contacts switch at one speed as speed increases
method for generating solar power by using solar cells from zero to operating speed, and at a lower speed as rotation
packaged in photovoltaic modules, often electrically slows from operating speed toward zero. The spring
connected in multiples as solar photovoltaic arrays to decreasingly opposes centrifugal force as rotational speed
convert energy from the sun into electricity. The increases from standstill until the snap over point is reached.
photovoltaic solar panel is photons from sunlight knock Then, spring force adds to centrifugal force to axially snap the
electrons into a higher state of energy, creating electricity. spool and actuate the contacts. As rotational speed decreases
 Solar cells produce direct current electricity from light from operating speed, spring force overcomes the centrifugal
which can be used to power equipment or to recharge a force of the weights at a lower speed where snapback begins.
battery. A less common form of the technologies is BATTERY
thermo-photovoltaics, in which the thermal radiation from In this project secondary type of battery is used and it
some hot body other than the sun is utilized. Photovoltaic is rechargeable. A battery is one or more electrochemical cells,
devices are also used to produce electricity in optical which store chemical energy and make it available as electric
wireless power transmission. current. There are two types of batteries, primary (disposable)
and secondary (rechargeable), both of which convert chemical
energy to electrical energy. Primary batteries can only be used
once because they use up their chemicals in an irreversible
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
reaction. Secondary batteries can be recharged because the or EPROM and peripherals and hence the size of the PCB will
chemical reactions they use are reversible and they are be large enough to hold all the required peripherals. But the
recharged by running a charging current through the battery, micro controller has got all these peripheral facilities on a
but in the opposite direction of the discharge current. single chip, therefore development of a similar system with a
Secondary, also called as rechargeable batteries can be micro controller reduces PCB size and cost of the design.
charged and discharged many times before wearing out. After One of the major differences between a micro
wearing out some batteries can be recycled. controller and a microprocessor is that a controller often deals
Batteries have gained popularity as they became with bits, not bytes as in the real world application, for
portable and useful for many purposes. The use of batteries example switch contacts can only be open or close, indicators
has created many environmental concerns such as toxic metal should be light or dark and motors can be either turned on or
pollution. A battery is a device that converts chemical energy off and so forth.
directly to electrical energy and consists of one or more voltaic WASTE BIN
cells. Each voltaic cell consists of two half cells connected in Specifications:
series by a conductive electrolyte. One half cell is the positive Length of the bin = 0.60m
electrode and the other is the negative electrode. The Breadth of the bin = 0.45m
electrodes do not touch each other but are electrically Height of the bin = 0.75m
connected by the electrolyte which can be either solid or Volume of the bin = 0.2025m3
liquid. A battery can be simply modelled as a perfect voltage
source which has its own resistance and resulting voltage
across the load depends on the ratio of the battery's internal
resistance to the resistance of the load.
When the battery is fresh, its internal resistance is
low, hence the voltage across the load is almost equal to that
of the battery's internal voltage source. As the battery runs
down and its internal resistance increases, the voltage drop
across its internal resistance increases, so the voltage at its
terminals decreases and the battery's ability to deliver power to
the load decreases.
In this project the main device is a micro controller. It
is used to control the whole unit of this project. The micro
controller is connected to the control unit. The control unit is
connected with the battery to get the power supply.
Microcontrollers are destined to play an increasingly
important role in revolutionizing various industries and
influencing our day to day life more strongly than one can
imagine. Since its emergence in the early 1980's the
microcontroller has been recognized as a general purpose
building block for intelligent digital systems. Its diverse use
starting from simple children's toys to highly complex
spacecraft. Because of its versatility and many advantages, the
application domain has spread in all conceivable directions
making it ubiquitous. As a consequence, it has generated a
great deal of interest and enthusiasm among students, teachers Fig .3: CAD Model of Waste Bin
and practicing engineers, creating an acute education need for Description:
imparting the knowledge of microcontroller based system This is the main part of the model which is used to
design and development. It identifies the vital features store the waste and to compress the waste materials so as to
responsible for their tremendous impact, the acute educational increase the capacity of the waste bin. The material used is
need created by them and provides a glimpse of the major Mild Steel. The waste bin is of cuboidal shape as shown in
application area. Fig.3. Any type of waste materials ranging from paper waste
ADVANTAGES OF MICROCONTROLLERS to plastic waste can be compressed inside the bin. It has an
If a system is developed with a microprocessor, the opening in the front face for receiving the waste and another
designer has to go for external memory such as RAM, ROM opening in the side face for removing the waste. The top face
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
of the bin has a metallic frame which supports the screw rod The various physical properties concerned are
and motor setup. The piston reciprocates inside the bin. melting point, thermal conductivity, specific heat, coefficient
of thermal expansion, specific gravity, electrical conductivity,
magnetic purpose etc. The various mechanical properties
concerned are strength in tensile, compressive shear, bending,
torsion and buckling load, fatigue resistance, impact
resistance, elastic limit, endurance limit and modulus of
elasticity, hardness, wear resistance and sliding properties.
The various properties concerned from the
manufacturing point of view are,
 Cast ability
 Weld ability
 Surface properties
 Shrinkage
 Deep drawing etc.
Sometimes the demand for lowest possible manufacturing cost
or surface qualities obtainable by the application of suitable
coating substances may demand the use of special materials.
This generally affects the manufacturing process and
ultimately the material. For example, it would never be
desirable to go casting of a less number of components which
Fig.4: CAD Model of Piston
can be fabricated much more economically by welding or
hand forging the steel.
Length of the piston = 0.48 m
Breadth of the piston = 0.40 m
Some materials may be scarce or in short supply, it then
Thickness of the piston = 0.018 m
becomes obligatory for the designer to use some other material
Length of piston rod = 0.74 m
which though may not be a perfect substitute for the material
designed. The delivery of materials and the delivery date of
The rotary motion of the lead screw which is driven
product should also be kept in mind.
by the motor is converted into linear motion of the piston by
using bolt and nut setup. The piston as shown in Fig.4
Sometimes high strength materials have to be
reciprocates inside the bin which compresses the waste inside
selected because the forces involved are high and space
the bin. The material used for piston is mild steel.
limitations are there.


MATERIAL SELECTION FACTORS In this setup, the energy stored from the solar panel is
The various factors which determine the choice of used to supply 12V to the relay driver circuit. The relay circuit
material are discussed below. controls the motor. The voltage is not directly supplied with
PROPERTIES the voltage from battery, rather a 7805 regulator is which
The material selected must possess the necessary allows only 5V to pass through it. Again the signal is filtered
properties for the proposed application. The various for better life of the equipment‟s. The microcontroller and
requirements to be satisfied can be weight, surface finish, RTC (real time clock) works under 5V whereas the relay
rigidity, ability to withstand environmental attack from driver circuit works under 12V as mentioned above. The RTC
chemicals, service life, reliability etc. is used to keep track of the real time even though the circuit is
The following four types of principle properties of materials off. For this purpose a cell is provided in the system. A keypad
decisively affect their selection. is used in the circuit so as to control and direct the piston. An
a] Physical Automatic key is provided so as to allow the piston to
b] Mechanical compress and return to its initial position automatically after a
c] From manufacturing point of view prescribed time interval. This can be set in the system
d] Chemical according to the convenience. The microcontroller uses a 40
pin IC. Thus when the voltage is passed to the relay driver
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
circuit, the instruction is given to the motor. The 30 RPM Pin – Input power, measured in watts (W)
motor rotates. The screw rod connected to the motor rotates I – Current, measured in amperes (A)
and the piston connected to the screw rod gets compressed. V – Applied voltage, measured in volts (V)
When the compression process continues to a particular level Motor speed and torque are the two important parameters
and when the piston setup touches the limit switch, the in any motor. Hence it is very important to consider these
compression stops. In Automatic mode the piston returns to its factors while calculating power of the motor. Output
initial position whereas in the manual mode, the piston stops. mechanical power of the motor could be calculated by using
When the piston initiates compression, the waste particles the following formula Pout = Τ * ω
present in the bin gets compressed and hence increases the Where,
capacity of the bin. Pout – Output power, measured in watts (W)
ADVANTAGES τ – Torque, measured in Newton meters (Nm)
 Enlarge the space for collecting waste ω – Angular speed, measured in radians per second (rad/s).
 Low cost Angular speed of the motor can be found out by
 Easily maintained knowing the rotational speed of the motor in rpm.
 Can be used in waste disposal systems to increase the Ω = N * 2π / 60
capacity Where,
 Prevents the flooding of waste to environment thus ω – Angular speed, measured in radians per second (rad/s);
preventing environmental pollution Rpm – rotational speed in revolutions per minute;
DISADVANTAGES π – Mathematical constant pi (3.14).
 Need control unit 60 – Number of seconds in a minute.
 Expensive compared to ordinary waste bins Efficiency of the motor can be calculated by ratio of
 Economical in densely populated areas where rate of mechanical output power to electrical input power:
waste disposal is high E = Pout / Pin
 Since the system uses solar energy, sunlight is Therefore
necessary for at least 3 hours in a period of 3 days. Pout = Pin * E
After substitution we get
Τ * N * 2π / 60 = I * V * E
Speed N = 30 RPM
Motor torque changes with the speed. At no load
Voltage V = 12 Volt
there will be maximum speed and zero torque. Load adds
Current I = 0.3 A (loading condition)
mechanical resistance. The motor starts to consume more
Current I = 0.06 A (No Load Condition)
current to overcome this resistance and the speed decreases. If
Power P = V x I
the load is increased at some point, the motor stops (this is
= 12x0.3
called stall). When it occurs, the torque is at maximum and it
P = 3.6 WATT
is called stall torque. While it is hard to measure stall torque
1 WATT = 0.00134102 HP
without special tools it can be found out by plotting speed v/s
3.6 WATT = 3.6 X 0.00134102
torque graph. To find the stall torque it is required to take at
P = 0.0048 HP
least two measurements with different loads.
Motor Efficiency = 36%
The formula for calculating torque will be
Good science project does not stop with building a
Τ = (I * V * E *60) / (N * 2π)
motor. It is very important to measure different electrical and
= (0.3x12x0.36x60)/30x2π
mechanical parameters of the motor and calculate unknown
Torque = 0.412 Nm
values using the following helpful formulas. This formula
1Kg-cm = 0.0980665 Nm
could be used in many cases. The resistance of the motor can
1 Nm = (1/.0980665)
be calculated by measuring the consumed current and applied
=10.197 kg-cm
voltage. For any given resistance (in the motors it is basically
(10.197 x .412) = 4.20 kg-cm
the resistance of the coil) this formula explains that the current
Torque (T) = 4.20 kg-cm
can be controlled by applied voltage.
Electrical power of the motor is defined by the following
formula: Pin = I * V
IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310

= 1.2 x 6 x 6 x 275 x 125 x (sin 200)2

= 173.71 KN

Fig.5: Lead screw

Speed of the motor, N = 30 rpm
Pitch of lead screw = 7 mm
The linear velocity of the lead screw = 30 x 7
= 210 mm/min
The angular velocity of the lead screw = 2 N/60
= 0.5253 radian/s
Power of the lead screw, P = 12 W
Torque of the lead screw = P x 60/2 N
= 3.81 Nm
Maximum withstanding capacity = torque/radius of
lead screw
Fig.6: Views and Details of Battery
= 3.81/.00825
= 461.81 N

VOLT = 12 V
WATT = 5 W
5 = 12 X I
I = 5/12
I = 420ma
BAH /CI = 2.7 ah/420ma
= 6.43 hrs.
To find the Current
Watt = 18 w Fig.7: Views and Details of Solar Panel
Volt = 12v
P=VxI Human ways of life have placed pressure on the
18 = 12 x I environment and have caused imbalance in the ecosystem, by
I = 18/12 producing, consuming and wasting of natural resources. Most
= 1.5 A countries evidently have major effects on the environment due
Battery usage with 1.5A to waste generation with economic development since natural
BAH /I resources are used and waste and pollution are produced.
2.7/1.5 = 1.8 hrs. Therefore, the concern towards waste disposal management
WIND LOAD CALCULATIONS FOR SOLAR PANEL has increased as an integral part of sustainable development.
PARAMETERS Thus, a continuing rise in the rate of waste production
V = wind speed, in m/s (6 m/s) is no longer acceptable as hazardous waste affects immensely
Ρ = air density, in 1.2 kg/m3 the health of millions of people and poisons large areas of our
Cp = power Coefficient, 0.4 planet. In many places people live surrounded by garbage and
Θ = inclination of photo voltaic cell take (Θ = 20 0) landfills.
S = the surface area of the photovoltaic panel, m2

IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @
International Journal on Recent and Innovation Trends in Computing and Communication ISSN: 2321-8169
Volume: 6 Issue: 5 302 - 310
Hence as a global cry out for efficient and effective alternative
energy sources, solar powered waste management system
would solve this major problem of waste disposal by deriving
its energy from the sun and harnessing power of technology to
solve an expensive and messy problem how to efficiently
manage the process of collecting solid waste and being able to
discard them, significantly reducing fossil fuel consumption
and greenhouse gas emissions.


One of the main work that can be included to this
project is the addition of GPS (Global Positioning System)
tracking and messaging system which will send a message
when maximum amount of compaction is done and it would
help to reduce the visit to site by 80 percent. The three sides of
the bin can be used for showing electronic advertisements
using LED screens which can fetch the authorities concerned
as a revenue for the bins maintenance. A public message can
also be displaced instead of advertisements for spreading
awareness. It can also be used as a public wifi hotspot for
providing wifi in public places. It will not consumes more
energy since it is solar powered, it may require a panel and
battery which is more efficient than one which is used now.
A sensor can be used instead of real time clock which
senses the amount of waste and does the compression. It will
save the energy of frequent compressions in a place where the
amount of waste falling to the bin is less in less and will be
suited for less populated areas or towns.

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IJRITCC | May 2018, Available @

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