Conformational Structure of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) - Infra-Red, Raman and N.M.R. Spectra
Conformational Structure of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) - Infra-Red, Raman and N.M.R. Spectra
Conformational Structure of Poly (Ethylene Terephthalate) - Infra-Red, Raman and N.M.R. Spectra
J. ,Stokr, B. S c h n e i d e r , D. Dosko6ilovti a n d J. L o v y
Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, CzechoslovakAcademy of Sciences, 1 62 06
Prague 6, Czechoslovakia
a n d P. S e d l t i E e k
Chemopetrol, k.p. Silon, 391 11 Plan~ had Lu~nicL Czechoslovakia
(Received 25 February 1 981; revised 21 September 1981 )
Infra-red and Raman spectra of unoriented samples of poly(ethylene terephthalate) in the crystalline
and amorphous states and in solution were measured. The dissolved polymer was also studied by n.m.r.
spectra. Digital separation of the vibrational spectra of amorphous and crystalline components made
possible the detection of some new bands, the interpretation of which is presented. By comparison with
the vibrational spectra of model compounds combined with analysis of n.m.r, spectra, the
conformational forms present in the amorphous and liquid states of poly(ethylene terephthalate) were
characterized and their populations were determined. Bands in vibrational spectra which are
characteristic of various conformational forms were defined.
18 x 103. The sample for the measurement of n.m.r. rotation about the C,~-CO or about the C O - O C H 3 bond.
spectra was prepared by melt spinning in a laboratory Analysis of infra-red, Raman and n.m.r, spectra of
apparatus; its number-average molecular weight M, was O
16.5 × 103. For the measurement of solution spectra, PET II
was dissolved in a mixture of phenol and 1,1,2,2- model compounds containing the C O - C H 2 q 2 group
tetrachloroethane in the ratio 1:3 v/w.
Infra-red spectra were measured on the infra-red
spectrometer Perkin-Elmer 580 B connected with a (ethyl benzoate 22, diethyl terephthalate 22, ethyleneglycol
multichannel analyser TN-4000 (Tracor Northern). The dibenzoate 23) has shown that in the liquid state all these
powdered sample was measured by the KBr pellet compounds contain both the form with a trans structure
technique. Infra-red spectra of amorphous PET were of this group (t) (Fiyure 1), and the two equienergetic
obtained so that the pellet with the powdered sample was mirror image forms with the CH2-C bond twisted out of
heated to ~ 290°C, quenched in liquid nitrogen, reground the plane of the ester group by rotation about the O
and pressed. The spectrum of dissolved PET was obtained CH2 bond; these forms are designated as 9auche (9)
by digital subtraction of the solvent spectrum. (Figure 1). From analysis of n.m.r, spectra the population
Raman spectra were measured on the spectrometer of the trans form (Pt) and of both 9auche forms (Po) in
Coderg LRDH-800 connected with the computer system ethyl benzoate and in diethyl terephthalate is
TN- 11 (Tracor Northern). Spectra were excited by the line p~= 0.71_+ 0.04, p0=0.29+0.04, and in ethyleneglycol
514.5 nm of the argon laser CR 3 of Coherent Co. Spectra dibenzoate p,=0.83_+0.03, p0=0.17_+0.03. In liquid
were measured in the 90 ° arrangement. The amorphous ethyleneglycol dibenzoate, the ethyleneglycol fragment
sample prepared for the measurement of Raman spectra exists predominantly in the form of the two equienergetic
in the form of a string, was quite transparent. The spectra mirror image 9auche forms designated as G (Figure 1).
of this sample measured at various orientations differed a From n.m.r, analysis the population of both G forms at
little. In order to remove this effect which indicated a room temperature is Pc = 0.915, and the population of the
partial orientation of the sample, the surface of the sample trans form (T) in the liquid state is only p r = 0.085. From
was roughened. After this treatment the spectra measured these data it follows z3 that ethyleneglycol dibenzoate in
in different orientations were identical. However, the solution at room temperature contains predominantly the
resulting spectra were very weak and for obtaining good structure tGt (~63~o), a considerable amount of the
quality spectra, about 30 accumulations were necessary. structure tG9 ( ~ 26%), a small amount of the structure tTt
Samples of medium crystallinity were obtained by heating ( ~ 6~o), and a few per cent of the structures 9G9 and tT9;
the amorphous sample to 180~C for one hour. Spectra of the content of the structure 9T9 is quite negligible.
these samples did not show any effects of orientation, and Using the above introduced symbols, PET in the
good spectra could be obtained after 3 accumulations. In crystalline state has the tTt conformational structure with
accumulating spectra of dissolved PET a programme a mutual trans orientation (TB) of ester groups.
permitting automatic subtraction of the solvent spectrum
N.m.r. spectra
after each scan was used. All Raman spectra discussed in
this paper were once smoothed by a digital three-point The determination of the conformational structure on
binomial filter. the bonds O - C H 2 and C H 2 - C H 2 of PET in solution from
13C n.m.r, spectra were measured with 10~o w/v n.m.r, spectra is more difficult than for the model
solutions of PET in the mixture of phenol with 1,1,2,2- compounds, mainly because of larger line width and
tetrachloroethane-d 2 (1:3 v/w) using the spectrometer consequently poorer resolution, even at elevated
Varian XL-200 at 50 MHz and 70°C. The carbonyl band temperature. However, for the determination of the
was measured with a digital resolution of 0.2 Hz (a) with structure of the ethyleneglycol fragment, use could be
selective decoupling of the aromatic and aliphatic protons made of band intensities in infra-red spectra (as will be
of PET (7H2 = 250 Hz), (b) with noise decoupling of the shown further in detail), from which it followed that
protons, and (c) with gated decoupling yielding the fully amorphous PET contains about 10~o and PET in solution
coupled spectrum and preserving the N O E enhancement. about 7°/o, of the tTt form.
For the determination of the conformational structure
on the O - C H 2 bond of PET we have tried to apply a
Conformational forms of P E T and their symbols
The possible conformational forms of PET are 0 0
expected to be analogous to forms found in the studied H II
model compounds of PET. Measurements of infra-red C C 0 0
and Raman spectra of dimethyl terephthalate 21 and of H.~H CH2.~H
diethyl terephthalate 22 have shown that in the crystalline
state the ester groups of these molecules are always in a
mutual trans orientation T~; in the liquid state, forms with CH2 H 0 H
Table I Interpretation of infra-red and Raman spectra of poly(ethylene terephthalate). The symbol PED stands for 'potential energy
1729 1728 1714 1730 1733 Ag S(90)
1718 1725 1711 1727 1721 Bu S(93)
1684" 1690"
1616 1616 16081" 1616 1616 1616 1615 1606 Ag T(74),~(25)
1560* 1560 1581 1582 1580 1580 -- 1576 Ag T(82),~(13)
1554 * 1556*
1526 1531" 1530 *
1507 1506 15O4 1504 1504 8u ~(54), T(39)
1473 1479" 14751, 1475 1465 Bu ~'(62), ~'(35)
1463 1469" 1462 1452 Ag 4'(58), ~'(44)
1458" 1456 1456 1455 1449
1442" 1443 1443 1445
1419 1418 1395 Ag fl(62), ~'(28)
1412 1412 1412 1412 1414 1410 1407 8u T(46), $(39)
1370" 1374 1374 t 1374 1375
1343 1342 1341 * 1337 1334 Bu /~(55), e'(41 )
1309" 1308 1308 13121, 1310 1316 Ag 4(71)
1293 Bu T(138)
1287 1286* 1288 1288 1288* 1295 1273 Ag T(37), t I (32), ~(18), ~(18)
1281 - 1285 Bg e'(62),/~(48)
1265 1266 1266 1270 1273 1263 1254 Bu q (50), T'(38), 8(23)
1248 1248 1250 1250" ~1, 1271 Au ~'(94)
1178" 1176 11771, 1178 1180 1192 t178 Ag ~(72), T(15)
-- 1174 8g ~(43), ~'(39)
1139 1138"
t126 1122 1125 1126 1126 Bu ~(26), q (26), 4(19), T(12)
1120 1119 1124 1119 1118 Ag tl (38), r(35), 3/(15)
1102 1101" 1102 1109 8u #~(56), T(33)
1097 1103" 1105" 1096 1100 Ag T(31), r(28), t 1(10)
1086 *
1043" 1043 1043
1031 1030"1,
1019 1018 1019 t 1018" 1018 1019 Bu ~Z(37), T(28), ~(27)
998 997* 1000 1002 Ag t2 (80), r (20)
988 991 Au #2(126)
975* - 972 Bg #2(136)
971 975 977 973 971 8u t2(89)
935* 935*
901" 898 900 * t
885* 886 887
875 871 Au ~2(81), M(24),Z(15)
873 875 875 - 868 Bu tz (29), u(23), 8 (14)
- 859 Bg ta2(114)
857* 858 859 861 857 844 Ag T(27),q (15),e(12),T(t l),r(10)
849 842 847* 837 837 Au /3(97)
828 830 8271,
811" -t 810
793 794 ~T 795 795 797 ~ 800 799 Bg Z(48), #3 (48), M(40)
775* 780* 776 * t
727 728 731 t 732 734* 727 723 Au #3 (60), #2 (43)
705* 705 709* 703 703 704 701 693 Ag £(36), 8(22), T'(14)
680 682"1, 683 683 ~1, -- 673 8g Z(86), ~3 (39)
632* 633 636"1, 632 633 633 626 628 Ag (60), ¢(15)
619 617"
- 559 Ag 3`(37), ~(22)
524* 532 530 * t 530*
507 500 510 498* Bu T'(37), e(19)
461" -- 470 Au Z(89), M(79)
437 429* 424* 430* 438 459 Bu u(31), 3`(27), 8(16)
430 411 Au Z(135)
415" 408* -- 373 Ag 3`'(23), ~(21), ~(10)
378 388* 385* 382 384 Bu 3,(29), 3`'(18), 8 (17)
270* 280 270 265 278 282 Ag e(33), ~(28),u(21)
121 119 Bg T3
~ CO
~I °~ I
) "~0~0 ,~
0~00 (5 0 CO
~o0 0 CO t~ ,~
(J Rio
v ~no~o
~ r ~ r~ 0%(")0 co 0 qD
r-- ~) LO
~ 0 ~ I
LO r~ e') GO
U.I O~ 00 to r,-
(J 0 I I
CO CO LO O0 L~ 0
"6 0
.3 .9
~, E
~6 ~0o
.D o.
C3 ~ LO
=~o~o ~ ~
" 0
(o ~ . -
~ o ~
xx x x
>ot-~ t-
,-- 0 1
'~m m u x
analogy with the vibrational spectra of model amorphous states indicates that, similarly as in
compounds, indicate a small amount of the ethyleneglycol dibenzoate, the bands appearing in infra-
conformational form with the plane of the ester group red and Raman spectra of liquid and amorphous samples
twisted out of the plane of the benzene ring. in consequence of the loss of the centre of symmetry on the
Bands of type IV are summarized in Table 4. These ethyleneglycol fragment, are bands characteristic of the
bands have the property that at the wavenumber of a occurrence of G forms. This interpretation is indicated in
conformationally sensitive band in infra-red spectra, a Table 4.
conformationally insensitive band is found in Raman In Table 4 are also included Raman bands at 1018 and
spectra, and vice versa. This indicates that the 1103 cm- 1 which are interpreted as characteristic of the
conformational isomers corresponding to these occurrence of CBisomers, and bands at 385,430, 498, 1250
wavenumbers in the spectra of liquid and amorphous and 1270 cm- 1, which are interpreted as characteristic of
PET differ from the tTt conformational form present in the occurrence of G isomers, even though these bands
the crystalline state by the activity of bands in infra-red have no analogy in vibrational spectra of model
and Raman spectra, while the vibrational interactions, compounds. This classification has been adopted only on
and therefore also the position of the bands, remains the the basis of the vibrational interpretation of these bands
same as in the tTt conformation. (Table 1) and is not unequivocal.
Bands of this type are also observed in vibrational In addition, Table 4 also contains bands for which, even
spectra of model compounds 21-23. In dimethyl on the basis of vibrational interpretation, a decision about
terephthalate and diethyl terephthalate, these bands are their connection with TB-CB isomerism, or occurrence of
sensitive to the mutual cis-trans isomerism of ester groups G forms cannot be made.
(Cs-Ts), due to the presence of the centre of symmetry in
the centre of the benzene ring in TB isomers, and to its CONCLUSIONS
absence in Ca isomers. Type IV bands of PET, with
wavenumbers coinciding with those CB isomers of Bands of infra-red and Raman spectra characteristic of
dimethyl terephthalate and diethyl terephthalate, can also the various conformational forms appearing in
in PET be assigned to CB isomers, and this assignment is amorphous and liquid poly(ethylene terephthalate) (PET)
shown in Table 4. This structural interpretation is in are summarized in Tables 2-4. It was found that most of
agreement with the assignment of these bands to these bands also appear in vibrational spectra of liquid
vibrational modes (Table 1) in which coordinates of C and samples of model compounds (methyl benzoate, dimethyl
H atoms of the benzene ring predominate. All bands of the terephthalate, ethyl benzoate, diethyl terephthalate and
C a isomer are very weak and therefore it is difficult to ethyleneglycol dibenzoate).
make an estimate of the population of this conformer in The relative intensities of conformationally sensitive
amorphous and liquid PET. As the ratio of the intensities and conformationally insensitive bands in vibrational
of bands characteristic of the form Ca to the intensities of spectra of PET indicate that the contents of the tTt form
conformationally insensitive bands in amorphous and in the solution of PET (7~o) is equal within experimental
liquid PET is approximately equal as in DMT and DET, error to the contents of this form in liquid ethyleneglycol
it may be assumed that similarly as in the model dibenzoate; evidently also for the TB-CB conformers
compounds, the population of the T8and CBconformers is differing by mutual orientation of the carbonyl groups on
approximately equal both in liquid and in amorphous the benzene ring, the population of these conformers in
PET. amorphous and liquid PET is similar as in the model
Bands of type IV are also observed in ethyleneglycol compounds (DMT, DET) where the population of these
dibenzoate. In crystalline ethyleneglycol dibenzoate these conformers in the liquid state is comparable. In
bands occur at 1120, 481 and 353 cm -1 in infra-red vibrational spectra of PET in solution, bands of gG and tG
spectra, and at 1099 and 391 cm-1 in Raman spectra. In forms can be identified, similarly as in vibrational spectra
this case the described behaviour of these bands is due to of liquid ethyleneglycol dibenzoate.
the presence of the centre of symmetry in the Analysis of 13C n.m.r, spectra of PET in solution has
ethyleneglycol fragment in the planar structure of the shown that the population of the t conformational forms
crystalline state, and by the loss of this centre of symmetry (Pt =0.74___0.07~o) and g conformational forms is equal,
in the liquid state where practically only nonplanar within experimental error, as in ethyl benzoate. Based on
conformers are present. As the loss of the centre of these results it may be assumed that the population of the
symmetry manifested in infra-red spectra of liquid basic conformational forms of PET in the liquid state is
samples of ethyleneglycoldibenzoate is almost exclusively approximately equal as in the model compounds, with
connected with the occurrence of G conformational forms approximately 63~o of form tGt, 26~o of form tGg, and 7~
(the content of tTg and gTg forms is very small), the of form t Tt. The populations of the other conformational
Raman bands at 1114, 487 and 353 cm- ~and the infra-red forms (gGg, tGg, gTg) are very low.
bands at 1097 and 280 cm -1 in liquid ethyleneglycol The vibrational spectra of amorphous PET indicate
dibenzoate may be described as bands characteristic of that the conformational structure of the amorphous state
the G conformational forms. does not significantly differ from the conformational
In vibrational spectra of PET, those bands of group IV structure of PET in solution.
which are assigned to vibrational modes in which
coordinates of the ethyleneglycol fragment predominate,
should be evidently interpreted as bands sensitive to the
loss of symmetry on the ethyleneglycol fragment. 1 Ward, I. M. Chem. Ind. (london) 1956, p. 905
Consideration of the population of various 2 Grime, D. and Ward, I. M. Trans. Faraday Soc.. 1958, 54, 959
3 Liang, C. Y. and Krimm, S. J. Mol. Spectrosc. 1959, 3, 554
conformational forms of PET in the liquid and 4 Krimm, S. Adv. Polym. Sci. 1960, 2, 51