Mosaic TRD3 G&V U1 2star PDF

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ar Unitt 1

stn’t and h
have to 3 Read the situations.
s T
Then write a sentence for
each one. Use the corrrect form of
o be allowed
d to,
1 Write
W sentences about the signs. should, ou
ught to or (n
not) have to.
1 Shhh … no talking iin the library!
We aren’t allowed too talk in the library.
1 I can stay up late att weekends.
(permis ssion)
I _____ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ .
2 Tim went to school aan hour early yesterday, but
not toda ay. (no obligaation)
2 3 Today, Tim ______ ___________ ___________ ___ .
3 I feel tirred and ill buut I don’t wan
nt to go to bed.
(recomm mendation)
You __ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ .
4 Paul is only helping his sister wiith her schoo ol
project because he’’s kind. (no obligation)
Paul __ ___________ ___________ ___________ ____
5 ______ ___________ ___________ ___________ ___ .
5 Anna is sn’t studying hard. She won’tw pass her
exams. (recommenddation)
Anna ___________
_ ___________ ___________ ___ .

can, could and will b

be able to

4 Look at the table. Wri te sentence

es to say howw
You mustn
n’t smoke. well Petra could, can and will be able to do these
1 _________
__________ ___________
2 _________
__________ ___________
__  = not at
a all;  = nott very well;
3 _________
__________ ___________
__  = quite well;
w  = vvery well
4 _________
__________ ___________
swim cook paint
5 _________
__________ ___________
four years  (1)  (2) 
ould and m
now (3)  (4)  (5) 
2 Complete
C the
e sentences
s with shoulld(n’t) or four years
s (6)  (7)  (8) 
from now
I must get a new passp port. My old one is out off
date and I’’m going to Brazil
B in July. Four ye
ears ago Petrra couldn’t swim at all.
1 You _____ _____ eat so o many swee ets. They 1 ____________________________ __________ _____
aren’t good d for you. 2 ____________________________ __________ _____
2 My mum ssays I ______ ____ tidy my y room. If I 3 ____________________________ __________ _____
don’t, she won’t take me
m shopping.. 4 ____________________________ __________ _____
3 You _____ _____ believve everything g Esther sayss. 5 ____________________________ __________ _____
She doesn n’t always telll the truth. 6 ____________________________ __________ _____
4 You _____ _____ have your
y ID card if you want tto 7 ____________________________ __________ _____
get into tha
at club. 8 ____________________________ __________ _____
5 You _____ _____ be niccer to Tiziano o. He isn’t
feeling verry happy at thhe moment.

ocabulary Unit 1

haviour Noun
N suffix
xes 1

1 Complete
C the
e definitions
s. 4 Make four nouns withh the groups
s of letters.
Something g which is go
ood enough or o satisfactorry Match them to the picctures.
is acceptable. a ach al al ieve ion ment pro rriv sur
1 Someone who does no ot lie, cheat or
o steal is teect viv
h________ ________ . 2
2 Something g which is oftten seen or often
o happenns
is c________________ .
3 Someone who has ma any rules and d makes
people obe ey them is s___________ ______ .
4 Something g which is we y and easyy
ell known to you
to recognizze is f________________ _.
5 Something g which is reaasonable, rigght and 4
accepted bby most peop ple is f_____
___________ _.

sonal qua

2 Match
M the wo
ords to the definitions.
ous ambitious artistic confident
creative curious logical socciable
1 arrival 2 _____
good at ma aking things such as pain
ntings or 3 ______ _____________ 4 _____
drawings a artistic
1 friendly; en
njoys being with
w people __________
E and reactting to cha
2 determined d to be succe
essful or pow
_________ _ 5 Choose th
he correct op
3 wanting too learn or knoow about sommething
A: My exam
e results are a lot bettter than last
_________ _
4 sure that yyou can do so omething weell ________
B: That’s fantastic / dreadful!
5 having lotss of new ideaas ________ __
1 A: My brother’s
b commpany said th hat he won’t have
6 enjoys doing new and exciting things ________ __
a job
b after April.
7 reasonable e and sensibble ________ __
B: Wha at a shame! / How exciting!
2 A: I wennt to the neww burger bar last night.
Extrra vocabu
ulary B: Wha at was it likee? / That sou unds terrible e!
A: It was nice.
3 Complete
C the
e words.
3 A: Granndma’s goingg to come an nd live with uss
Do you fee el at home, here
h in America? after the summerr holidays.
1 Roberta feeels quite hom me______ . She doesn’tt B: Thatt was sad. / Really?
like the we
eather or the food in Englland. 4 A: You’ll never guesss what happ pened last night. I
2 I’m thinking of getting a tat______ of a rose to g
go got back
b home, oopened the frront door and d
on my sho oulder. wentt in but all thee lights were
e off.
3 Zak wantss a car______ _ working with animals. B: Wha at happened d next? / How w do you fee el?
4 Rosa is gooing to sett_____ into her new
n school 5 A: What did you thinnk of the new w ICT suite?
quickly. Sh o new friendss.
he’s already made a lot of B: Thatt’s understaandable. / I really liked itt.
5 Simon and d Julie got married last week. They haad 6 A: Dad says we cann have a swim mming pool in i
a lovely weedding cer__ _____ . the garden
g next ssummer!
6 Achilles waas one of thee most famou us B: How w exciting! / W What a sham me!
war______ _s in Ancientt Greece.


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