School of Education Arts and Sciences
School of Education Arts and Sciences
School of Education Arts and Sciences
On the right side of the rubric, please write the number representing what you think was the performance level of the debate team in question for each criterion below. Then calculate the average for
each team.
Criteria 4 3 2 1 GRADE
1. Organization & Clarity: Completely clear and Mostly clear and Clear in some parts but Unclear and disorganized
orderly presentation orderly in all parts not overall throughout
Main arguments and responses are outlined in
a clear and orderly way.
2. Use of Argument: Very strong and Many good Some decent Few or no real arguments
persuasive arguments arguments given, arguments, but some given, or all arguments given
Reasons are given to support the resolution given throughout with only minor significant problems had significant problems
3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: Excellent cross-exam Good cross-exam and Decent cross-exam Poor cross-exam or rebuttals,
and defense against rebuttals, with only and/or rebuttals, but failure to point out problems in
Identification of weakness in Negative team’s Negative team’s minor slip-ups with some significant Negative team’s position or
arguments and ability to defend itself against objections problems failure to defend itself against
attack. attack.
4. Presentation Style: All style features were Most style features Few style features were Very few style features were
used convincingly were used used convincingly used, none of them
Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision convincingly convincingly
of arguments all contribute to keeping
audience’s attention and persuading them of
the team’s case.
(Divide by 4)
Criteria 4 3 2 1 GRADE
1. Organization & Clarity: Completely clear and Mostly clear and Clear in some parts but Unclear and disorganized
orderly presentation orderly in all parts not overall throughout
Main arguments and responses are outlined in
a clear and orderly way.
2. Use of Argument: Very strong and Many good Some decent Few or no real arguments given,
persuasive arguments arguments given, arguments, but some or all arguments given had
Reasons are given against the resolution given throughout with only minor significant problems significant problems
3. Use of cross-examination and rebuttal: Excellent cross-exam Good cross-exam and Decent cross-exam Poor cross-exam or rebuttal,
and defense against rebuttal, with only and/or rebuttal, but with failure to point out problems in
Identification of weakness in Affirmative Affirmative team’s minor slip-ups some significant Affirmative team’s position or
team’s arguments and ability to defend itself objections problems failure to defend itself against
against attack. attack.
4. Presentation Style: All style features were Most style features Few style features were Very few style features were
used convincingly were used used convincingly used, none of them convincingly
Tone of voice, clarity of expression, precision convincingly
of arguments all contribute to keeping
audience’s attention and persuading them of
the team’s case.
(Divide by 4)